vessel design by analysis versus design by rule 1/9
4/8/2017 Pressure vessel design by analysis versus design by rule
Pressure vessels are an integral part of many manufacturing facilities and processing plants, enabling the safe
storage of pressurized liquids and gases. From industrial boilers to gasoline tankers, pressure vessels operate
in a wide array of potentially hazardous environments. However, if not properly designed, constructed and
maintained, pressure vessels can be extremely dangerous.
Historically, numerous fatal accidents have occurred due to ��awed pressure vessels. As such, pressure vessel
design, manufacturing and operation are regulated by engineering authorities like ASME (American Society of
Mechanical Engineers). Industry standards outline critical design parameters such as maximum safe operating
pressure, temperature, safety factor, corrosion allowance, and failure modes.
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But, it wasn’t until the 1800s that the practical use of pressure vessels was demonstrated to store pressurized
steam generated from a boiler. However, a general lack of knowledge on the design, operation and
maintenance of pressure vessels led to a series of fatal accidents, killing dozens of people in some instances. 2/9
4/8/2017 Pressure vessel design by analysis versus design by rule
Such disasters provoked the development of the ⦈�rst standard pressure vessel code in 1911, which was
ultimately published in 1915. This standard, known as Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC), was later
incorporated into the laws of most U.S. states and territories and Canadian provinces. Today, BPVC is widely
utilized all over the globe to design safe pressure vessels for a wide range of industrial applications. The ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code has mandated the use of standard design codes and procedure for developing
pressure vessels exceeding the pressure value of 15 PSI.
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Spherical pressure vessel design is typically stronger than a cylindrical shape with the same wall thickness.
However, spherical pressure vessels are di�cult and costly to manufacture, which makes cylindrical shape
pressure vessels with semi-elliptical heads preferred in many cases.
Typically, pressure vessels are made of steel, but there are some that employ composite materials, such as
carbon ⦈�ber, ceramics and polymers like PET (polyethylene terephthalate). 3/9
4/8/2017 Pressure vessel design by analysis versus design by rule
While ASME Section VIII, Division 1’s designbyrule approach is most
commonly utilized by engineers to size the pressure vessel according to the
application requirements, it is quite a conservative approach. The empirical
relations and other mandatory and nonmandatory design criteria often
result in an expensive pressure vessel design.
Modern pressure vessels include safety features such as relief valves to relieve excessive pressure from the
container and ensure safe operation. And most pressure vessels today are designed with a leak-before-burst
feature, which enables the vessel to relieve pressure by leaking the contained ��uid, rather than by means of an
immediate and potentially explosive fracture.
In cases where leak before burst design is not possible, pressure vessels are required to be designed with more
stringent requirements for fatigue and fracture failure modes.
ASME Boiler Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII (Rules for construction of
pressure vessels)
Most pressure vessels employed in industries today are designed according to the ASME BPVC Section VIII,
which consists of standard codes and rules that a manufacturer is required to follow. More than 60 nations
generally recognize and apply the BPVC for pressure vessel design. BPVC Section VIII is speci⦈�cally meant to
guide mechanical engineers in designing, constructing and maintaining PVs operating at either internal or
external pressure exceeding 15 PSIG. 4/9
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4/8/2017 Pressure vessel design by analysis versus design by rule
Fatigue analysis on pressure vessel as per ASME BPVC Section VIII, Div.2.
(Courtesy of Hi-Tech CADD Services)
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) enables pressure vessel designers to study stresses over the entire geometry and
optimize material usage. Further, FEA is a tool that helps design engineers to size pressure vessels at much
reduced cost and time.
4/8/2017 Pressure vessel design by analysis versus design by rule
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AMIN ALMASI, APRIL 2, 2017 7/9
4/8/2017 Pressure vessel design by analysis versus design by rule
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