Relates to T72S01 Knowledge & Skills 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18
Last Update: 4/5/14
The lower bound theorem of plastic collapse: proof and example applications; The
reference stress concept: definition and examples; cases with more than one applied
load.; concept of primary and secondary loads and its limitations; elastic follow-up.
dε~Kp Lower
σK σ~ K
σ1 σ2
at all points in the body. In (3) the repeated indices indicate the dot product. From (1),
(2) and (3) it therefore follows that,
∑ P du~ ≤ ∑ P du~ = ∑ λP du~
i i
i i
i i =λ ∑ P du~
i i (4)
moment is M y = 4tσ y r . For a thin shell the section modulus is I = πtr3 and so the
moment at first yield of the outer fibre is given by M yield = Iσ y / r = πtσ y r 2 . Hence,
4 first
My = M yield . The ratio in this case is only 4/π, significantly less than 1.5.
Qu.: What is the collapse load of a Thick Pipe With Internal Pressure?
The equilibrium equation in polar coordinates is,
∂σ r
r + (σ r − σ h ) = 0 (6)
where the subscripts denote the radial and hoop stresses. Assuming the yield stress is
reached everywhere (the limit condition) gives σ h − σ r = σ y assuming Tresca yield
theory (and noting that the radial stress is compressive and the hoop stress tensile).
Hence, Equ.(6) becomes simply,
∂σ r
r =σy (7)
The boundary conditions are that the radial stress is –Py (the collapse pressure) on the
inner radius (r = a) and zero on the outer radius (r = b). Hence, integrating gives,
b b
σy b
dσ r = σ r (b) − σ r (a ) = Py = ∫
dr = σ y log
(Tresca) (8)
which is the usual ‘log’ solution for a thick cylinder. (log is natural).
Note that any stress distribution which respects equilibrium results in this conclusion,
and hence (8) is the maximum lower bound, i.e., in this case we have actually found
the correct (Tresca) solution.
Although we have not derived the Mises solution directly here, this problem is plane
strain – hence we already know that the Mises collapse pressure will simply be a
factor of 2 / 3 larger than (8).
Qu.: Is Py the collapse load or the general yield load?
That depends upon what material property, σy, has been used in its definition. If this is
the 0.2% proof stress, then Py is really the yield load (and, more precisely, the yield
load at the 0.2% level). But if some hardened stress is used, e.g. the flow stress, then
Py might loosely be called the plastic collapse load. In truth it is probably most
accurate to use the UTS here, to get the best estimate of the collapse load. But, for
conservatism, codes like R6 recommend a flow stress defined as the average of the
0.2% proof stress and the UTS. Use of the UTS in an assessment of collapse would
implicitly permit huge distortions prior to the calculated collapse load.
Qu.: What is a ‘Reference Stress’?
The reference stress is defined (e.g., in R6) as,
σ ref = σy (9)
where P is the applied load and Py is the general yield (collapse) load, and σy is the
proof stress used to define Py.
Qu.: Does the reference stress depend on σ y ?
The proof stress, σy, cancels between numerator and denominator in (9), so the
reference stress does not depend upon the material strength at all. It depends only
upon the geometry of the body and the nature and magnitude of the loading.
Very roughly, the reference stress can be thought of as a sort of average of the
equivalent stress over the section which would collapse.
Qu.: What if there are two or more loads acting?
As far as I know neither R6 nor R5 are explicit about the definition of reference stress
when two or more loads are acting. However, I believe the following is implicit.
Suppose there are two loads, P and M, acting. One first finds the factor, λ, by which
both loads must be increased to result in general yielding (collapse). It is important
that both loads are increased in proportion. The reference stress is then defined by
σ ref = σ y / λ (10)
λ = OC/OX
εp P
∆εel = -∆σ/E