1. Make a compilation of ART activities suitable for K to 6. ( at least 1 for each grade Level)
2. Compilation must have the actual photo of the art activity, materials and procedure.
Shoe box or any type of box
Colored paper
Sand and pebble stones
First get your shoe box and cut the excess part of the box that not unnecessary.
Second get your colored paper and draw a fish and other designs that will input in the box.
Cut the fish drawing and designs that draw in the colored paper.
Inside the box put some colored paper to have a background to your art.
Glue the fish art and designs to your aquarium.
Put the sands and pebble stones so have it makes look realistic.
After you follow the instruction, you finish your work.
Grade 2
Beads bracelet
Choose what design or signature you want to make in your bead’s bracelet.
Round the nylon in your wrist and estimate how length you cut the nylon.
Make a knot in the end part of your nylon that will be the lock of your bracelet.
Put the beads according to your design that you want to make.
Make a knot in the other side to make it lock.
After all that you make your own bead’s bracelet.
Grade 3
Kite making
You can use paper or plastic to make a kite.
Start to measure how big kite you will make.
Cut the plastic in quadrilateral shape.
Attach the sticks in the plastic with the thread knot the mid part of the kite.
Knot the upper part and lower part.
Put some design in both sides using plastic materials.
Make sure you that the knot you make are attach properly so that it can’t easily to wreck.
Put a thread in your kite so that you can start to use it in the wide place with no electric post.
Grade 4
Paper Mosaic
Bond paper
Colorful paper
Draw a picture but do not shade it or put a lot of details in it.
Get your colored paper cut or shred it will small pieces.
Glue your pieces of paper over the sketch you just made.
Let it dry and wait for few minutes.
After that you made your own paper mosaic.
Grade 5
Bamboo Skewers
Rubber bands
Tissue paper
Streamers (optional)
Use rubber bands to connect the ends of the bamboo sticks one at a time to form a star.
Tie a string at the tip of one of the points to hang the parol once it’s completed.
Cut out a piece of tissue paper slightly larger than your bamboo star.
Draw a thin line of glue along all of the skewers. Place the piece of tissue on top and press gently along the sticks
to adhere the star to the tissue. Wait for the glue to dry.
Once dry, cut the tissue so that it’s just slightly larger than the star. Also cut a line directly into the tissue at the
‘v’ of each point so that you can easily fold the tissue.
Apply a line of glue along the bamboo skewers and fold the tissue paper over so that the bamboo sticks are
contained in the tissue paper.
Carefully cut a section out of the middle of the star, following the shape of the sticks. Leave a small border. Once
again, cut a line into each of the 'v's for easy folding.
Place a line of glue along the wooden sticks in the middle and fold the tissue over the sticks, pressing down to
secure them.
Cut a piece of tissue just larger than the middle section in the color of your choice. Place a line of glue around
the middle sticks on the back and press the tissue down.
Let it dry, then trim the edges as close as possible to the sticks. Glue the remaining edges down along the sticks.
If you would like to add streamers, cut four equal-sized strips. Take two, scrunch the tops together, and glue
them to a point of the star on the back. Do the same with the other bottom point.
Grade 6
Colored Papers
Make two paper circles using any round object, trace a circle on two pieces of paper and cut them out with
scissors. Make sure the two circles are the same approximate size.
Fold the first circle take one of the circles and fold it in half. Then, fold it in half two more times. This will
give you a finished product that looks like a slice of pizza (a long triangle with a rounded top).
Draw lines on the paper following the curve of the top of the paper (the pizza crust), draw alternating lines
on the paper that cross the full length of the paper, but don't quite meet the opposite side.[2] Start on the
left side and draw a slightly curved line that stops shortly before (approximately 1 inch to 1/2 an inch) the
right side. Then, below the line you just drew, start on the right side and draw a slightly curved line that
stops shortly before the left side.
Make a hole and cut off a tiny bit on the point of the triangle, making a hole in the center of the paper.
Cut the lines and use scissors to cut the paper along the curved lines that you drew. Try to stay closely on
the lines, but don't worry about being too perfect. Just make sure you don't accidentally cut across one line
into the path of another.
Unfold the paper and make sure not to rip any of the delicate strips you just cut, unfold the paper until you
are back to the open circle shape.
Complete the other circle and repeat steps 2-6 on the second circle that you cut out so that you end up
with two identical cut-up circles.
Glue the circles together and use some glue to adhere the two circles to one another only on the outermost
ring. Make sure you do not glue the inner parts of the circles together. Let the glue dry.
Pull the lantern pieces apart. Tie a string in the top (through the hole and the outer ring) and hang the
lantern somewhere to enjoy it.
For Grade 7
Plastic Balloon
Old newspaper
Glue, flour, wallpaper powder/paste
Bowl or large container
Clear an area and gather the materials you'll need to do paper mache.
Tear the newspaper into long strips and the ideal width would be around one inch (2.5 cm) thick, but each
project requires different shapes and sizes. In addition, you will want to go around your project three times, so
tear quite a pile. Don't opt for the scissors -- a torn edge blends better than a cut edge.
Choose your method to make paper mache.
Glue mixture: Pour 2 parts white glue and one part water into a mixing bowl. These quantities can be changed to
suit the size of your project. Or, if you have a stronger bonding glue, 1 part white glue and 1 part water will do
the trick.[3]
Flour mixture: Combine 1 part flour with 1 part water. Easy as pie (But also liable to mold use caution.
for super large and intense projects, you may want to substitute white glue for the water.
Wallpaper powder: Pour 2 parts wallpaper powder and one part water into a mixing bowl. This method is good
if you're thinking seriously long-term -- it can last years.
Blend your choice of mixture. Do this using a paintbrush, a mixing spoon or mixing stick. Blend until it forms a
smooth consistency.
Start to put air to your balloons to be your structure doing your paper mache.
Dip a strip of newspaper into the mixture. You're going to get your fingers messy the messier you get, the better
job you're doing.
Remove any excess mixture and do this by lightly sliding two fingers from the top to the bottom of the strip of
paper. Hold it over the bowl so it drips back into the container.
Lay the strip over the surface or figure and smooth it out, using either your fingers or a paintbrush. Be sure to get
as many of the creases and bumps out as you can. You are aiming to get a very smooth surface for painting and
Repeat laying strips. Do this until the entire surface or figure is covered three times over. This is especially
important if you're removing the base when it's dry -- it needs to be sturdy and hold its own.
Place the object on a covered surface to dry and it will need a day or so to completely dry, depending on the size
of your piece. Leave it untouched until tomorrow, then see if it's ready for painting.
Start coloring. Paint or decorate as desired. Enjoy! (And be sure to tell everyone you did it yourself).
Grade 8
Start to think what the concept you want to use to make your own doodle design.
Draw your ideas and use the ruler to have a better lining.
Make sure your drawing are visible in the paper.
Put some colors using your color pen to have a great work.
Check your work if you miss some details that can help you to have better output.
Grade 9
Choose a theme because theme is one of the most critical aspects of your scrapbook. It’s your scrapbook’s north
Identify the Stories to Tell
Sort Your Photos and Memorabilia
Gather Materials and Supplies
Choosing an Album
Create Scrapbook Pages
Design a Layout
Creative Scrapbook Photo Ideas
Create a Page Title
Decorate With Memorabilia and Embellishments
Assemble Scrapbook Pages
Grade 10
Graphite Drawing Pencils.
Kneaded Eraser.
Art Pencil Sharpener.
Watercolor or Acrylic Paint Set.
Paint Brushes.
Watercolor Paper Pad or Canvas Pad.
Think about what the concept of your artwork will be.
Start to draw some objects and things that can be form to art.
Add some design that may enhance your artwork to be great.
Start to put some color to the drawing and some color effects.
After that check the color combination of your artwork.
At the end you can display your art piece.