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Importance of

Being prepared can reduce fear, anxiety, and losses
that accompany disasters Communities. families, and
individuals should know what to do in the event of a
fire and where to seek shelter during a powerful storm.
They should be ready to evacuate their homes and take
refuge in public shelters and know how to care for their
basic medical needs.

People also can reduce the impact of disasters (flood

proofing, elevating a home or moving a home out of
harm's way, and securing items that could shake loose
in an earthquake) and sometimes avoid the danger
completely TYPHOON
The need to prepare is real;

Disasters disrupt hundreds of thousands of lives every

year. Each disaster has lasting effects, both to people
and property.

If a disaster occurs in your community, local

govemment and disaster-relief organizations will try to
help you, but you need to be ready as well Local
responders may not be able to reach you immediately,
or they may need to focus their efforts elsewhere.

If You should know how to respond to severe weather

or any disaster that could occur in your area-
hurricanes, earthquakes, extreme cold, flooding, or

You should also be ready to be self-sufficient for at

least three days. This may mean providing for your Performance Task in
own shelter, first aid, food water, and sanitation.
Alexander Bandril
What is What to do before,
during, and after
Typhoon? the typhoon? After
1.)Wait for authorities to declare that it is

Before safe to return to your area before

returning home
2.)Keep away from potential hazards -
destroyed structures
-downed trees
1).Pay attention to weather forecasts and
-broken power lines
3.) Make way for rescue and emergency
2.) Keep an eye out for evacuation
wamings and plans in your community.
4.) Exercise extreme caution when
3.) Inspect the condition of your home and
performing home repairs.
make any necessary repairs.
A typhoon is a tropical cyclone in the western Pacific Ocean 5.) Before turning on the power, make sure
4.) Keep your typhoon kit in an easily
or northern Indian Ocean, having sintained winds of at least there are no wet or submerged outlets or
accessible location in case of an
64 knots (74 miles per hour, 33 meters per second): appliances.
typhoons form in waters with surface temperatures of 6.) Look for mosquito breeding sites and
5.) Bring your pets and livestock to the
about 80°F (27°C), intensifying as temperatures rise remove any standing water.
designated animal evacuation area. If
not, keep them in a secure location.
How many storms on average strike the Philippines every
6.) Evacuate immediately if ordered to do

What is the
so by authorities.
-The Philippines gets around 20 tropical cyclones each year.

average death
PUblic storm waring cignal in the Philippines

WINDS: 30-60 kph may be expected in at least 36 hrs


Eight of the top ten deadliest cyclones to


1).Remain calm and confine yourself to hit the Philippines killed between 1,000
WINDS: 61-120 kph may be expected in at least 24 hrs your home or the evacuation center. and 2,000 people. Thelma, the deadliest

2) Turn off the main utility switches for storm on record, killed around 5,100
SIGNAL NO. 3 people in 1991. Authorities fear that up to
water and electricity.

3.) Keep a flashlight or lamp nearby in 10,000 people were killed by Typhoon
WINDS: 121-170 kph may be expected in at least 18 hrs

case of an emergency or power outage. Halyan (also known as Yolanda in the
SIGNAL NO. 4 4) Avoid potential hazards such as glass Philippines), making it the deadliest storm

windows. in Philippine history.
WINDS: 171-220 kph may be expected in at least 12 hrs


WINDS: 220 kph may be expected in atleast 12hrs

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