PXTP Paper 2019
PXTP Paper 2019
PXTP Paper 2019
Proof assistants often call automated theorem provers to prove subgoals. However, each prover has its
own proof calculus and the proof traces that it produces often lack many details to build a complete
proof. Hence these traces are hard to check and reuse in proof assistants. D EDUKTI is a proof
checker whose proofs can be translated to various proof assistants: Coq, HOL, Lean, Matita, PVS.
We implemented a tool that extracts TPTP subproblems from a TSTP file and reconstructs complete
proofs in D EDUKTI using automated provers able to generate D EDUKTI proofs like ZenonModulo or
ArchSAT. This tool is generic: it assumes nothing about the proof calculus of the prover producing
the trace, and it can use different provers to produce the D EDUKTI proof. We applied our tool on
traces produced by automated theorem provers on the CNF problems of the TPTP library and we
were able to reconstruct a proof for a large proportion of them, significantly increasing the number
of D EDUKTI proofs that could be obtained for those problems.
1 Introduction
In order to discharge more burden from the users of interactive theorem provers, and thus to widen the
use of these tools, it is crucial to automate them more. To achieve this goal, in the process of checking
the validity of formulas, proof assistants could use an external theorem prover to automate their tasks
and obtain a proof of a specific formula. Once a proof is found, the proof assistant applies this proof
on the current goal and tells the user that all is done in background. However, this can work only if
the prover builds a complete proof that is easily checkable by the proof assistant. We distinguish two
families of automated theorem provers: some provers, like ZenonModulo [5] and ArchSAT [3], output
complete proofs but are not very efficient to find a proof; others, like E prover [7] and ZipperPosition [4],
are more powerful but return only proof traces, i.e. proofs with less details.
In this paper we are interested in first-order automated theorem provers which can return TSTP [8]
traces. We will use D EDUKTI [1] as proof checker because D EDUKTI files can be translated to many
other proof assistants (Coq, HOL, Lean Matita, PVS) [10].
We start by presenting the TPTP/TSTP formats with an example. Then, we describe how proofs
and formulas are encoded in D EDUKTI. We then present our solution implemented in a tool named
EKSTRAKTO in two steps: extraction of sub-problems and proof reconstruction. Finally, we conclude
and give some perspectives.
TPTP [8] is a standard library of problems to test automated theorem provers [9]. Each TPTP file rep-
resents a problem in propositional, first-order or higher-order logic. We distinguish the type of formulas
c M. Y. El Haddad & G. Burel & F. Blanqui
Submitted to:
This work is licensed under the
PxTP 2019
Creative Commons Attribution License.
2 EKSTRAKTO , A tool to reconstruct Dedukti proofs from TSTP files
by using one of the keywords: CNF, FOF, TFF and THF, corresponding respectively to mono-sorted
first-order formulas in clausal normal form, general mono-sorted first-order formulas, typed first-order
formulas, and typed higher-order formulas.
In this work, we restrict our attention to CNF formulas since their proofs use logical consequences
only, which is not the case of FOF formulas (e.g. Skolemisation).
Apart from an include instruction, each line in a TPTP file is a declaration of a formula given with
its role, e.g. axiom, hypothesis, definition or conjecture:
cnf(name, role, formula, information).
TSTP [8] is a library of solutions to TPTP problems. In this paper, we call a TSTP file a trace. It
is obtained after running an automated theorem prover on a TPTP problem. The syntax used in a TSTP
file is the same as TPTP except for the content of the information field. This field contains general
information about how the current formula is obtained. Here is the grammar used to describe a source in
the information field:
<source> :== <dag_source> | [ <sources> ] | ...
<dag_source> :== <name> | inference(..., ..., <inference_parents>)
<inference_parents> :== [] | [ <sources> ]
<sources> :== <source> (, <source>)*
For our purpose only 3 cases are of interest as shown in the grammar above:
1) When it is the name of a formula previously declared.
2) When it is a list of several sources:
[s_0, s_1, ..., s_n]
3) When it is an inference:
inference(name, infos, [s_0, s_1, ..., s_n])
The name of the inference refers to the name of the rule used by the prover to prove the current step.
The infos field contains more information about the inference like status, inference name, etc. Note that
each si is a source and therefore can contain sub-inferences.
Here is an example of a TSTP file obtained after running E prover on the TPTP problem SET001-1:
cnf ( c _0 , axiom ,
( subset ( X 1 , X 2)
| ~ equal _ sets ( X 1 , X 2) ) ) .
cnf ( c _1 , hypothesis ,
( equal _ sets (b , bb ) ) ) .
cnf ( c _2 , axiom ,
( member ( X 1 , X 3)
| ~ member ( X 1 , X 2)
| ~ subset ( X 2 , X 3) ) ) .
cnf ( c _3 , negated _ conjecture ,
( ~ member ( element _ of _b , bb ) ) ) .
cnf ( c _4 , hypothesis ,
M. Y. El Haddad & G. Burel & F. Blanqui 3
( member ( element _ of _b , b ) ) ) .
cnf ( c _5 , hypothesis ,
( subset (b , bb ) ) ,
inference ( spm ,[ status ( thm ) ] ,[ c _0 , c _1]) ) .
cnf ( c _6 , hypothesis ,
( member ( X 1 , bb )
| ~ member ( X 1 , b ) ) ,
inference ( spm ,[ status ( thm ) ] ,[ c _2 , c _5]) ) .
cnf ( c _7 , negated _ conjecture ,
( $ false ) ,
inference ( cn ,[ status ( thm ) ] ,[ inference ( rw ,[ status ( thm ) ] ,
[ inference ( spm ,[ status ( thm ) ] ,[ c _3 , c _6]) ,c _4]) ]) ,
[ proof ]) .
symbol sort : TYPE // Dedukti type for sorts
symbol ι : sort // default sort
Now, for each TSTP file, we generate a Dedukti file defining its signature by declaring a Dedukti
symbol f for each function symbol f of the TSTP file:
symbol element _ of _ b : zen . term ι
symbol subset : zen . term ι ⇒ zen . term ι ⇒ zen . prop
symbol b : zen . term ι
symbol member : zen . term ι ⇒ zen . term ι ⇒ zen . prop
symbol bb : zen . term ι
symbol equal _ sets : zen . term ι ⇒ zen . term ι ⇒ zen . prop
Hence, every formula of first-order logic can be represented in D EDUKTI by using the function ϕ
defined as follows:
ϕ(x) := x
ϕ( f (t1 ,t2 , . . . ,tn )) := f ϕ(t1 ) ϕ(t2 ) . . . ϕ(tn )
ϕ(⊥) := ⊥˙
ϕ(>) := >˙
ϕ(¬A) := ¬ϕ(A)
ϕ(A ∧ B) := ϕ(A) ∧ ˙ ϕ(B)
ϕ(A ∨ B) := ϕ(A) ∨ ˙ ϕ(B)
ϕ(A ⇒ B) := ϕ(A) ⇒ ˙ ϕ(B)
ϕ(∀xA) := ∀˙ ι (λ x, ϕ(A))
ϕ(∃xA) := ∃˙ ι (λ x, ϕ(A))
ϕ(x = y) := ϕ(x) = ˙ ι ϕ(y)
M. Y. El Haddad & G. Burel & F. Blanqui 5
For example,
For every formula A, its proof in D EDUKTI is a term that has the type Proo f (ϕ(A)). One can define
a similar embedding for proofs as the one we presented for first-order formulas, as shown in [1].
4 Architecture
In this section, we explain in details how EKSTRAKTO works. In order to produce a D EDUKTI proof
from a TSTP file, EKSTRAKTO extracts a TPTP problem for each formula declaration containing at least
one inference, and calls ZenonModulo (or any other automated prover producing D EDUKTI proofs, see
discussion below) on each generated problem to get a D EDUKTI proof for this problem. If the external
prover succeeds to find a proof of all the generated problems, then we combine those proofs in another
D EDUKTI file to get a D EDUKTI proof of the whole TSTP file.
P1 S1
P2 S2
Pn Sn
P(name) = {name}
P([s0 , s1 , . . . , sn ]) = P(si )
P(in f erence(name, in f os, [s0 , s1 , . . . , sn ])) = P(si )
Note that if we have an inference t inside another one, say s, we will repeat the process for each
sub-inference and omit s from the set of premises, i.e., if we represent an inference step by a proof tree
we take only the leaves of this tree as premises.
We omit all information that is not needed (status, name, . . . ). In particular we do not consider the
inference name field. Even if it could be used to fine-tune the problem, we prefer to ignore it in order to
remain generic since the names are specific to the prover that produced the trace. Hence, we have:
6 EKSTRAKTO , A tool to reconstruct Dedukti proofs from TSTP files
After getting all the premises used for proving Form(name), say name0 , . . . , namek , we generate the
following TPTP problem:
Note that the generated TPTP problem is a FOF formula. The reason of this choice is to keep the
same formula when we combine the sub-proofs. If we generated a CNF problem, then we would need to
negate the goal and it would be more complex to reconstruct the proof.
Since we are using FOF formulas in sub-problems that are obtained from a CNF trace, we need to
quantify over each free variable to get a closed formula.
In our example, there are 3 steps (colored in blue in the file SET001-1.p above). EKSTRAKTO will
generate the following 3 first-order formulas:
Form(c_0) ⇒ Form(c_1) ⇒ Form(c_5)
c 5.p
fof ( c _5 , conjecture , (
(![ X 1 , X 2] : ( s ( X 1 , X 2) |~ equal _ sets ( X 1 , X 2) ) )
= > (( equal _ sets (b , bb ) )
= > ( subset (b , bb ) ) ) ) ) .
c 6.p
fof ( c _6 , conjecture ,(
(![ X 1 , X 2 , X 3] : ( member ( X 1 , X 3) |~ member ( X 1 , X 2)
|~ subset ( X 2 , X 3) ) )
= > (( subset (b , bb ) )
= > (![ X 1] : ( member ( X 1 , bb ) |~ member ( X 1 , b ) ) ) ) ) ) .
c 7.p
fof ( c _7 , conjecture , (
(~ member ( element _ of _b , bb ) )
= > ((![ X 1] : ( member ( X 1 , bb ) |~ member ( X 1 , b ) ) )
= > (( member ( element _ of _b , b ) )
= > ($ false ) ) ) ) ) .
M. Y. El Haddad & G. Burel & F. Blanqui 7
proof SET001-1.lp
definition proof _ trace
( hyp _ c _0 : zen . Proof (ϕ ( Form ( c _0) ) ) )
( hyp _ c _1 : zen . Proof (ϕ ( Form ( c _1) ) ) )
( hyp _ c _2 : zen . Proof (ϕ ( Form ( c _2) ) ) )
( hyp _ c _3 : zen . Proof (ϕ ( Form ( c _3) ) ) )
( hyp _ c _4 : zen . Proof (ϕ ( Form ( c _4) ) ) )
: zen . Proof ⊥˙
let lemma _ c _5 = c _5. delta hyp _ c _0 hyp _ c _1 in
let lemma _ c _6 = c _6. delta hyp _ c _2 lemma _ c _5 in
let lemma _ c _7 = c _7. delta hyp _ c _3 lemma _ c _6 hyp _ c _4 in
lemma _ c _7
5 Experiments
We run the E prover (version 2.1) on the set of CNF problems of TPTP library v7.2.0 (7922 files) with
2GB of memory space and a timeout of 5 minutes. We obtained 4582 TSTP files. On these TSTP files,
EKSTRAKTO generated 362556 TPTP files. ZenonModulo generated a D EDUKTI proof for 90% of these
files, ArchSAT generated 96% and the union of both produced 97% D EDUKTI proofs:
1 https://github.com/elhaddadyacine/ekstrakto
8 EKSTRAKTO , A tool to reconstruct Dedukti proofs from TSTP files
However, as it suffices that no D EDUKTI proof is found for only one TPTP file for getting no global
proof, EKSTRAKTO can generate a complete proof for only 48% of TSTP files using ZenonModulo, 61%
using ArchSAT and 72% using at least one of them:
Table 2: Percentage of D EDUKTI proofs on the 4582 TSTP files generated by E prover
Prover % TSTP
ZenonModulo 48%
ArchSAT 61%
ZenonModulo ∪ ArchSAT 71%
Consequently, we are now able to produce 2189 D EDUKTI proofs from the TPTP library using E
prover and Zenon Modulo (resp. 2793 using E prover and ArchSAT and 3285 using E prover, Zenon
Modulo and ArchSAT), whereas under the same conditions, Zenon Modulo alone is only able to produce
1026 D EDUKTI proofs (resp. 500 for ArchSAT alone).
Sometimes, ZenonModulo and ArchSAT fail to find a proof even if the sub-problem is simpler than
the main one. This is justified by the fact that the proof calculus used in ZenonModulo and ArchSAT
is based on a different method from the one used in E prover. In fact, some steps that are trivial for a
prover based on resolution or superposition may not be trivial for ZenonModulo or ArchSAT which use
the tableaux method.
iProverModulo is another candidate to prove TSTP steps, but it performs some transformations be-
fore outputting a D EDUKTI proof. Therefore the proof reconstruction is hard in the sense that we need
to justify each transformation made by iProverModulo.
Acknowledgements. The authors thank the anonymous reviewers for their useful comments. This
M. Y. El Haddad & G. Burel & F. Blanqui 9
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