2020 Megha ITR

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Submitted to: Submitted by:

Assistant Professor Bttm 8th semester

IHTM, MDU 6102


This is to certify that Mr. Paras student of BTTM 4 th year have successfully completed his
INDUSTRIAL TRAINING REPORT at My Value Travel from 1 st JAN 2020 – 20th MARCH
2020, which being is submitted by him is a record of bonafied submitted work carried out by
her under my supervision and guidance. It embodies a work of the candidate himself.

Dr. Shilpi



It is my pleasure to be indebted to various people, who directly or indirectly contributed in

the development of this work, influenced my thinking, behaviour and acts during the course
of internship.

I express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Deepak Agarwal for providing me an opportunity to

undergo my internship at My Value Travels. I am thankful to him for his support,
cooperation and motivation provided to me during the training for constant inspiration,
presence and blessings.

I also extended my sincere appreciation to my teacher Dr. Shilpi for helping me out. Lastly, I
would like to thank the almighty and my parents for their moral support and my friends with
whom I shared my day-to-day experience and received lots of suggestions that improved my
quality of work.

Paras Sharma

 To study about the Domestic Destinations provided to the

 To study about the International Destinations provided to the
 To study in specialization in Indonesia Tourism.
 To study about the Bali Tourism in International Tours.
 To study about the accommodation and special facilities provided
to the Inbound and Outbound Customers.
 To provide better facilities to the Inbound or Outbound as well as
Domestics Customers.

 Concept of Tourism
 Introduction of Tourism
 Scope of Tourism in the World.
 Scope of Tourism: Indian Perspectives.
 Tourism industry
 Advantages of Training
 Travel services and its components
 Company Profile.
 Brief
 My Value Travel
 Functional Areas of company
 Goals and Objectives
 Product & Services.
 International Packages
 Domestic Packages
 My Experience.
 Conclusion.
 Bibliography
In modern scenario, tourism is one of the world’s largest foreign exchange earning industry,
providing employment to millions of people worldwide directly or indirectly. Tourism is
amalgamation of transportation, catering and entertainment services. On the face of it,
tourism as we see it today is considered as a new phenomenon but in real spirit of the world
this concept is as old as early human civilization .The sporadic travel by the nomads in
ancient times as now become the world most flourishing industry namely ‘TOURISM’. In
the times of past, man travelled under the compulsions primarily to satisfy physical or
biological to needs. In later ages, the emergence of various empires led to travel for political
business and religious purposes. Travel on olden times was difficult due to lack of proper
transport facilities, safety, and comfort on route. Time and cost were major constraints. The
development of roadside saris, inns and dharamshalas made way for business travel, political
visit and journey. This development leads to concept of grand tour in 1670. Rail services
were introduced in 1815. And fortunate day come in the history of tourism when ‘World
First Travel Agency’ was introduced by Thomas Cook in 1845 and in 1855 he started
operating tour packages. As this science and technology advances in leaps and bounds
coupled with industrialization, it led to economic and social progress. Progress in Air
transport Industry boosted the tourism at higher levels. The whole world today has become a
global village. The modern systems have broken the barriers of the distances. Modern
industry is the most striking phenomenon of our times. It is concerned with leisure
&pleasure, holiday travel, going and arriving somewhere. It is based upon on desire to make
around of the places of interest like religious, spiritual, and natural, ancient and historical
places of interest.
Pilgrimage centers and all place of curio sing hero in this industry, tourism is the central
Liguria around which structure and frame work of tourism activities revolve. As far as
tourism is concerned, India is a vast tourism attraction being rich in history, culture, art,
music, dance, beaches, wildlife, fairs and festivals and many more. Still it is pity to say that
Indian share to world figures only 0.6% of the total tourist’s movements all over the world.
Small countries like Spain, South Korea, Thailand, Hong Kong and Malaysia are doing far
better in terms of tourist’s receipts.
Tourism industry in India is on a great boom at the moment India has become a major global
tourist destination and Indian tourism industry is exploiting this potential to the hilt.
Travel and tourism industry is the second highest foreign exchange earner for India, and then
in spite of very low percentage of international tourists inflow in India, the state of India
including Rajasthan, Kerala, Goa has capacity to attract tourists of international market
mainly because of their rich history, culture, forts, places, wall paintings etc. government has
given travel & tourism organizations export house status.
According to UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism organizations),
Tourism is defined as the activities of persons identified as visitors. A visitor is someone who
is making a visit to a main destination outside his/her usual environment for less than a year
for any main purpose [including] holidays, leisure and recreation, business, health,
education or other purposes….This scope is much wider than the traditional perception of
tourists, which included only those travelling for leisure.
Tourism suffered as a result of a strong economic slowdown of the late-2000s recession,
between the second half of 2008 and the end of 2009, and the outbreak of the H1N1
influenza virus but slowly recovered. Today, tourism is a major source of income for many
countries, and affects the economy of both the source and host countries, in some cases being
of vital importance. The terms tourism and travel are sometimes used interchangeably. In this
context, travel has a similar definition to tourism, but implies a more purposeful journey. The
terms tourism and tourist are sometimes used pejoratively, to imply a shallow interest in the
cultures or locations visited. By contrast, traveller is often used as a sign of distinction. The
sociology of tourism has studied the cultural values underpinning these distinctions and their
implications for class relations. In 1936, the League of Nations defined a foreign tourist as
"someone traveling abroad for at least twenty-four hours". Its successor, the United Nations,
amended this definition in 1945, by including a maximum stay of six months. In 1941,
Hunziker and Kraft defined tourism as "the sum of the phenomena and relationships arising
from the travel and stay of non-residents, insofar as they do not lead to permanent residence
and are not connected with any earning activity." In 1976, the Tourism Society of England's
definition was: "Tourism is the temporary, short-term movement of people to destinations
outside the places where they normally live and work and their activities during the stay at
each destination. It includes movements for all purposes."

Tourism is travel for pleasure; also the theory and practice of touring, the business of
attracting, accommodating, and entertaining tourists, and business of operating tours.
Tourism may be international, or within the travelers country. The operating tours. Tourism
organization defines tourism more generally, in terms which go „‟beyond the common
perception of tourism as being limited to holiday activity only‟‟, as people “traveling to and
staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for
leisure, business and other purpose”.

Tourism can be domestic or international, and international tourism has both incoming and
outgoing implication on a country’s balance of payments. Today, tourism is a major source
and host countries, in some cases begging of vital importance.
 Domestic tourism, involving residents of the given country traveling only within
this country.
 Inbound tourism, involving non-residents traveling in the given country.
 Outbound tourism, involving residents traveling in another country.

 Recent developments

 Sustainable Tourism
 Ecotourism
 Medical Tourism
 Adventure Tourism.

It installs feeling of belongingness

Development of better understanding of concept

Generation moral

Knowledge of real life situation

Learn about actual operation of a travel agency

Self Confidence

Develop communication skills

Core knowledge of destination

Leadership Quality

This practical training could be taken as beginning of process of introduction into the ways of
organization and it is the first positive step which could be helpful in future prospects.
Although it is very difficult to reproduce everything learnt during training yet a
comprehensive attempt has been made to description details of working during the
training.Just 20 years ago, the travel agent was paramount for booking both leisure and
business travel, while today’s traveler can book a trip using a phone in a matter of minutes.
This is one sector with challenging and exciting times ahead. To this point we have learned
about the five sectors of tourism: transportation, accommodation, food and beverage,
recreation and entertainment, and travel services. With this foundation in place, let’s delve
deeper into the industry by learning more about how these sectors are promoted to customers.
Training has many benefits for your staff: they acquire new skills, increasing their
contribution to the business and building their self-esteem. The training they do can take
them into other positions within the organization.

The travel services sector is made up of a complex web of relationships between a variety of
suppliers, tourism products, and destination marketing organizations, tour operators, and
travel agents, among many others. Travel services comprise businesses and functions that
assist with planning and reserving components of the visitor experience. Before we move on,
let’s explore the term travel services a little more. For many years, however, the tourism
industry was classified into eight sectors: accommodations, adventure and recreation,
attractions, events and conferences, food and beverage, tourism services, transportation, and
travel trade. Tourism services support industry development and the delivery of guest
experiences, and some of these are missing from the classification. To ensure you have a
complete picture of the tourism industry we will cover both the travel services activities and
some additional tourism services.
First, we’ll review the components of travel services exploring the function of each area and
ways they interact:
1. Travel agencies
2. Online travel agencies (OTAs)
3. Tour operators
4. Destination marketing organizations (DMOs)
5. Other organizations
Following these definitions and descriptions, we’ll take a look at some other support
functions that fall under tourism services.



A travel agency is a business that operates as the intermediary between the travel industry
(supplier) and the traveler (purchaser). Part of the role of the travel agency is to market
prepackaged travel tours and holidays to potential travelers. The agency can further function
as a broker between the traveler and hotels, car rentals, and tour companies (Goeldner&
Ritchie, 2003). Travel agencies can be small and privately owned or part of a larger entity. A
travel agent is the direct point of contact for a traveller who is researching and intending to
purchase packages and experiences through an agency. Travel agents can specialize in
certain types of travel including specific destinations; outdoor adventures; and backpacking,
rail, cruise, cycling, or culinary tours, to name a few. These specializations can help travelers
when they require advice about their trips. Some travel agents operate at a fixed address and
others offer services both online and at a bricks-and-mortar location. Travelers are then able
to have face-to-face conversations with their agents and also reach them by phone or by
email. Travel agents usually have a specialized diploma or certificate in travel agent/travel
Today, travelers have the option of researching and booking everything they need online
without the help of a travel agent. As technology and the internet are increasingly being used
to market destinations, people can now choose to book tours with a particular agency or
agent, or they can be fully independent travelers (FITs), creating their own itineraries. The
modern travel agency first appeared in the second half of the 19th century with its root in
1758 as establishment of Cox & Kings Ltd. A travel agency's main function is to act as an
agent, selling travel products and services on behalf of a supplier. Consequently, unlike other
retail businesses, they do not keep a stock in hand, unless they have pre-booked hotel rooms
and/or cabins on a cruise ship for a group travel event such as a wedding, honeymoon, or a
group event. A package holiday or a ticket is not purchased from a supplier unless a customer
requests that purchase. The holiday or ticket is supplied to the agency at a discount. The
profit is therefore the difference between the advertised price which the customer pays and
the discounted price at which it is supplied to the agent. This is known as the commission.


A tour operator packages all or most of the components of an offered trip and then sells
them to the traveler. These packages can also be sold through retail outlets or travel agencies
(CATO, 2014; Goeldner& Ritchie, 2003). Tour operators work closely with hotels,
transportation providers, and attractions in order to purchase large volumes of each
component and package these at a better rate than the traveler could if purchasing
individually. Tour operators generally sell to the leisure market.
Tour operators may be inbound, outbound, or receptive:

Inbound tour operators bring travelers into a country as a group or through individual

tour packages (e.g., a package from China to visit Canada).

Outbound tour operators work within a country to take travelers to other countries (e.g.,

a package from Canada to the United Kingdom).

Receptive tour operators (RTOs) are not travel agents, and they do not operate the tours.

They represent the various products of tourism suppliers to tour operators in other markets in
a business-to-business (B2B) relationship. Receptive tour operators are key to selling
packages to overseas markets (Destination BC, 2014) and creating awareness around
possible product.These include sector organizations, tourism and hospitality human resources
organizations, training providers, educational institutions, government branches and
ministries, economic development and city planning offices, and consultants.


Increasing numbers of FITs are turning to online travel agents (OTAs), companies that
aggregate accommodations and transportation options and allow users to choose one or many
components of their trip based on price or other incentives. Examples of OTAs include
Booking.com, Expedia.ca, Hotwire.com, and Kayak.com. OTAs are gaining popularity with
the travelling public; in 2012, they reported online sales of almost $100 billion (Carey, Kang,
&Zea, 2012) and almost triple that figure, upward of $278 billion, in 2013 (The Economist,
2014).In early 2015 Expedia purchased Travelocity for $280 million, merging two of the
world’s largest travel websites. Expedia became the owner of Hotels.com, Hotwire, Egencia,
and Travelocity brands, facing its major competition from Priceline (Alba, 2015).Although
OTAs can provide lower-cost travel options to travelers and the freedom to plan and reserve
when they choose, they have posed challenges for the tourism industry and travel services
infrastructure. As evidenced by the merger of Expedia and Travelocity, the majority of
popular OTA sites are owned by just a few companies, causing some concern over lack of
competition between brands. Additionally, many OTAs charge accommodation providers
and operators a commission to be listed in their inventory system. Commission-based
services, as applied by Kayak, Expedia, Hotwire, Hotels.com, and others, can have an impact
on smaller operators who cannot afford to pay commissions for multiple online inventories
(Carey, Kang &Zea, 2012). Being excluded from listings can decrease the marketing reach of
the product to potential travelers, which is a challenge when many service providers in the
tourism industry are small or medium-sized businesses with budgets to match. An OTA is a
travel website that specializes in the sale of travel products to consumers. Some agencies sell
a variety of travel products including flights, hotels, car rentals, cruises, activities, and
packages. Other agencies, such as Viator, Get Your Guide, Be My Guest, and others
specialize in the sale of tours and activities. In all cases, the travel agency has an agency
agreement with tour or activity providers to resell their products where the agency takes
payment from the consumer and pays net rates to the provider.



My Value Travels is well-known because of our service in the B2B sector. Based in New
Delhi, India, we provide support to some of the most renowned agents all across India for
numerous packages for Goa, Kerala, Karnataka, Kashmir, North-East India, We also make
specialized provisions for temple tours of South India.

We also deal with various international packages like Mauritius, Dubai, Thailand, Bali,
Malaysia etc.

Established in 2016 in Ghaziabad, India, My Value Travel is a distinguished name in the

tourism industry, majorly because we strictly practice and promote healthy and eco-friendly
tour and travel programs. With such vast experience and industry presence, we boast of
specialization in travel and destination management. With a strong association with some of
the leading ancillary industries, public offices and hotels, our management capacity has seen
tremendous boost, enabling us to offer better services, attractive discounts and lucrative deals
to our clients. We are committed to our clients and are determined to offer excellent services
and sustain our competitive advancements.

My Value Travel.com Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 03 September 2003. It is
classified as Non-govt Company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Delhi. Its
authorized share capital is Rs. 1,000,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 500,000. It is involved
in Supporting and auxiliary transport activities; activities of travel agencies

My Value Travel.com Private Limited's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on 28
September 2019 and as per records from Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), its balance
sheet was last filed on 31 March 2019.

Directors of My Value Travel.com Private Limited are Anita Agarwal, Deepak Agarwal, My
Value Travel.com Private Limited's Corporate Identification Number is (CIN)
U63040DL2003PTC122069 and its registration number is 122069.Its Email address is
accounts@myvaluetravel.com and its registered address is A 201, NARWANA
APARTMENTS 89, I P EXTENTAION NEW DELHI DL 110092 IN , - , . Current status of
My Value Travel.com Private Limited is Rohtak
My Value Travel We are an Online Market Place and not your competitor. We do not sell to
a traveler directly. We act as an enabler to strengthen your business and eliminate stress from
all your business processes

 ACQUIRE A CLIENT WITHOUT STRESS to convert a prospect into a client you should
be able to give him the most value for money rate with availability. Get both without stress
on MyValueTravel.com instantly. Now you don't have to refer to a 'Tariff Sheet' for rates nor
send a mail to your supplier for availability and wait till eternity for a revert which could lead
to the prospect becoming your competitor's client.

 OPTIMIZE PROFIT WITHOUT STRESS In today's cut throat competitive scenario it is

imperative that for every package sale concluded, you should buy it at the most value for
rate. This means sending mails or calling multiple suppliers and then choosing the one who
gives the lowest rate. When you do this each and every time, it can become an operational
nightmare besides eating into your productive time. Relax! On MyValueTravel.com you will
always get the most value for money rates. We bring to you the best of the DMCs who offer
you the most value for money rates with impeccable services

 MAKE BOOKINGS WITHOUT STRESS Search for Holiday and honeymoon rates
separately Search for multiple rooms with variable number of adults and children per room in
one go Book multiple rooms of different room types in the same booking with instant
confirmations Book on Confirmed basis or on Time Limit Option to choose Packages on SIC
or Private vehicle basis Rates for Packages on Private vehicle basis dynamically reduce on
increasing number of Pax in a booking (i.e. rates for 4 people in one booking are lower than
that for 02 people)

 MANAGE BOOKINGS WITHOUT STRESS Every User gets an individual 'Dashboard' to

view status and also manage each booking in a systematic manner. Separate trays to
view/manage Bookings on 'Request', 'Time Limit', 'Awaiting Confirmation' & 'Confirmed'
You can create as many sub-user IDs as you wish for your colleagues in the operations who
will also have an individual 'Dashboard' as above while you would be able to manage/control
the bookings of all your sub-users through your log in ID. Proof of the Pudding is in its
My Value Travel Pvt Ltd is a regarded name that is included in offering various
administrations to the customers at reasonable charges. Tourism Industry Is growing day by
day in all over the world, peoples are travelling worldwide with several reasons like leisure,
family vacation, meetings, conferences etc.

My Value Travel is a company of trusted, passionate travel specialists who create customized
luxury journeys to inspiring destinations. Our trips are completely based around your
interests and schedule they are one of a kind experiences that are as unique as you are. , My
Value Travel is not only committed to providing you with an unforgettable and inspiring trip,
were also committed to ensuring your happiness and comfort throughout. Whether you know
exactly where you want to go or need some inspiration, My Value Travel is here to guide
you, and to create a journey that will surpass your expectations.

Peoples are understanding that with a specific end goal to remain physically and rationally fit
they ought to go to delightful places on customary premise. Voyaging is indisputable piece of
our lives.

Our principle zone of operation for local administrations is all over India and for worldwide
administrations is Dubai Tour packages.

Nature is inimitable - it is beyond our match! However, we certainly endeavour to take you
close to nature where every destination is like an unread poetry and the pleasure lies in
reading it! We not only present such infinite books, but also guide you in the right way to
decipher them.



Email us:


+91 120 4189900

+91 9999026864







 We are focused. We picked up a single destination, Mauritius and became the largest
producer from India. In 2018, we added Maldives and are well on our way to become a
top producer. (We are already the No. 1 producer for the 3 most popular resort chains in
Maldives.) In 2019, we have added Bali to our portfolio. Keep watching this space as we
are in the process of adding more destinations.



A) The only portal on which you can customize a package with ‘Live Rate Changes’ of the whole
Package with each customization. It is not a ‘Shopping Cart’ mechanism wherein you get to
know the price of the Package only after you have finished selection of the desired elements of
your desired package.

b) Customize a Package as per your specific requirement and send Quotation in one minute
c) Book a customized Multi-City Package in ONE CLICK
d) Book a split stay Package within the same hotel in ONE CLICK
e) With increasing no. of Pax our package rates decrease automatically when the selection is on
‘Private Vehicle ’basis
f) Book different room categories in the same booking


We work with Wholesalers, OTAs, Large, mid-sized & small B2C travel companies across India. The number of
these agent partners currently stands at 7000+. They trust us as we have added value to their business by
providing them with destination knowledge, recommending the right hotel/package for their clients for the last
two decades.


With our two decades of experience, we have the know-how & volumes to ensure that you get
the best Prices our operating costs are the lowest in the industry because of our unique dynamic
package booking portal our cost of acquiring and on boarding new Agents and servicing the
existing Agent partners is the lowest in the industry


It is a first of its kind online Loyalty Program in the Indian Travel Industry’s B2B Space.
When you make a booking on our portal, you get REWARD POINTS for that booking + BONUS
POINTS For the Next Booking. You get SUPER BONUS when you achieve a small target of 10
Pax in a month for a specific destination


We are focused. We picked up a single destination, Mauritius and became the largest producer
from India. In 2018, we added Maldives and are well on our way to become a top producer. (We
are already the No. 1 producer for the 3 most popular resort chains in Maldives.)
In 2019, We Have Added Bali To Our Portfolio. Keep watching this space as we are in the
process ofAddingMoredestinations.

a) The only portal on which you can customize a package with ‘Live Rate Changes’ of the whole
Package with each customization. It is not a ‘Shopping Cart’ mechanism wherein you get to
know the price of the Package only after you have finished selection of the desired elements of
your desired package.
b) Customize a Package as per your specific requirement and send Quotation in one minute flat.


 Initiates correspondence requiring knowledge of agency or program procedures and
 Interprets and advises internal and external customers on departmental or program
rules, regulation and laws.
 Prepare invoices and payments of claims, requisitions, purchase orders and orders
and other duties.
 Coordinate activities with internal and external customers.
 Handle phone calls.
 Prepare sales report.
 Enter and entries information using personal computer or enter data processing
equipment receives and reviews coded and encode source documents, reviews data
and makes corrections.
 Provision of foreign currency to an intending foreign tourist is an important function
of a travel agent. The Government of India allows an Indian traveler going abroad
10,000 US $.
 Develop contact in B2B market.
 Provide a proper tour coordinator to the customers to handle their issues and
 Provide incentives on the basis of trips sold.

Be the first choice b2b company of travel agents by solving their problems & adding
value to their business

Keep presenting "seamless solutions" to the challenges encountered by the agents for
them to do larger business at a faster pace

Be the largest b2b online market place in the customized tour packages segment,
powered by a proprietary dynamic package booking engine, serving the global agents

Be among the top 2 players of each of the destinations serviced



By listening to the needs of independent travelers, families and couples online, My Value
Travel have helped many planned their trip no matter their budget. Our goal is to provide
unbiased and truthful advice and to highlight motels, hotels, bed and breakfast, hostels,
camping grounds, all-inclusive resorts, villas, apartments and those places of interest in the
town you plan to stay at and events of specific interest to the independent visitor and which
do not receive the publicity and exposure they deserve.
1. To provide top quality consultancy services which maximize clients' online booking and
travel experience
2. To conduct our business according to the highest level of ethics
3. To ensure that our clients get the best value, quality and satisfaction from using our
4. To maintain a management culture that is action oriented, always flexible and never
5. To continue to train ourselves and our travel advisor so that the service we give will be
more and more intellectually performed
6. To be the most efficient in everything that we do
7. Our clients happiness


The company's competitive pricing, coupled with attention to detail, has enabled it to achieve
a high level of customer satisfaction. We are a one-stop shop for all Travel Related Services,
and offer complete solutions for Domestic as well as International travel, including Flights,
Hotels, and Cruises etc. To view the details, please click on the desired service tab below.


Click to find not just the best connections, but also the best fare deals on flights –
anywhere in the world.

We bring you thousands of options for hotel accommodation globally. Get the best
offers right here with the convenience of booking instantly with just a few clicks


Save big-time when you book our attractive Fly-N-Stay offers for flights as well as
hotels at your favourite destinations.


Get the best value for your money when you buy our packages. Leave the details to us
and just enjoy the trip.


Travelling for Tourism? Check out our hot selling sightseeing tours for your favourite

Pre-book your airport transfers to avoid last minute hassles of looking for a transport
on arrival.

Bitten by the road-trip bug ? Convenient point-to-point bus bookings are now just a
few clicks away.


Now you can book your favourite Star Cruise yourself at mind-blowing prices. Go
ahead. Check them out.


Thailand is well known for its variety of leisure activities, particularly its opportunities for
water sports. Offshore there are several tropical islands, fringed with palms and surrounded
by sparkling sea. This excursion takes us to the largest of the islands, Koh Lan. On the way a
stop will be made for the optional extra purchase of a paragliding or sea walking activity
(taken at the clients own risk and discretion).

On arrival at Koh Lan there is free time to relax on the beach or purchase other optional
activities (taken at the clients own risk and discretion). Return by boat to Pattaya for lunch at
the restaurant. On the way back to the hotel stop by the Jewellery manufacturers. Later
transfer to hotel. Overnight at hotel.

Package Summary :

Inclusions :


+ VISA Destinations Covered :

2N Pattaya + 2N Bangkok

Flights Included :
• Delhi - Bangkok

• Bangkok - Delhi


Day1: Arrival at Bangkok – Pattaya

Arrival at Bangkok Suvarnabhumi International Airport, transfer to Pattaya Hotel & Check
in. Overnight at hotel.

Day2: Coral Island tour

After Breakfast at Hotel, transfer to Coral Island tour. Pattaya and Thailand is well known for
its variety of leisure activities, particularly its opportunities for water sports. Offshore there
are several tropical islands, fringed with palms and surrounded by sparkling sea. This
excursion takes us to the largest of the islands, Koh Lan. On the way a stop will be made for
the optional extra purchase of a paragliding or sea walking activity (taken at the clients own
risk and discretion). On arrival at Koh Lan there is free time to relax on the beach or
purchase other optional activities (taken at the clients own risk and discretion). Return by
boat to Pattaya for lunch at the restaurant. On the way back to the hotel stop by the Jewellery
manufacturers. Later transfer to hotel. Overnight at hotel

Day3: Pattaya-Bangkok

After Breakfast, transfer to Bangkok Hotel & Check in. Day free for shopping or you can
take optional tours by your own. Overnight at hotel.

Day 4: Bangkok City Tour

Afternoon Half day City tour of Bangkok. Take you through the hustle of Bangkok to visit
two of the capitals most significantly and visually stunning temples. Wat Trimitr, on the edge
of Chinatown, which houses the world‟s largest solid gold Buddha. And visit to Wat
Benjamabophit, also known as the marble temple featuring a fusion of Thai and European
Day 5: Depart from Bangkok

After Breakfast, check out from the hotel & transfer to Airport for return journey with Sweet


Dear Sir/Madam,

Greetings from My Value Travels!!!

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to let us plan and arrange your forthcoming
holidays. With the time, not only have we changed the way people travel but in a relatively
short period, have known among best travel company. This growth stems from the belief
instilled in all of us.

With this promise from all of us to make your holiday an unparalleled experience, we hope
you enjoy your holiday as much as we enjoyed bringing it to you.

City of Departure: New Delhi

Cities Covered: Pattaya (2 Nights) Bangkok (2 Nights)

Package Cost: INR- 26,999/- Per Person with Flights


Flight Details:

SpiceJet----------DEL (21:20) → BKK (03:00)(+1)------------04h 10m (04 May)

SpiceJet ----------BKK (03:50) → DEL (06:25)----------------04h 05m (09 May)

Hotel Details :

Destination – Thailand (PTY & BKK)

No. of Rooms – 2

No. of Pax – 4 Adults on Double Sharing

Golden Sea Pattaya ( 3 Star )

Check In- 05 May

Check Out – 07 May

Woraburi Sukhumvit Resort & Spa (3 Star)

Check In- 07 May

Check Out- 09 May


• 02 nights‟ accommodation in Pattaya.

• 02 nights‟ accommodation in Bangkok.  Return Airfare Include.
• Daily Breakfast at Hotel & Lunch included in activities..
• Activities Include - o Coral Island tour by Speedboat + with Lunch (Pattaya).
o Gems Gallery Tour (Bangkok).
• Hindi/English Speaking Tour Guide.
• All Applicable Hotel & Airline Taxes.
• 5% GST Included in Price.
• No Hidden Cost.
• Transfers from Bangkok Airport to Pattaya Hotel.(Private)
• Transfers from Pattaya Hotel to Bangkok Hotel. (Private)  Transfers
fromBangkok Hotel to Bangkok Airport. (Private)  Transfers for
sightseeings ( SIC ).
Note - Coral Island tour is not valid for senior citizens & travel insurance for senior
citizens is must.

*Please note : Given quotation mail, Do not treat as confirmation of booking, as we are
not holding any booking at the time of quotation, price and services can be changed at
the time of confirmation. Confirmation of bookings will be communicated soon after the

1. On Arrival Visa is valid only for maximum stay for 14 consecutive days.

2. My Value Travelcannot be held responsible for any “Refusal of Visa /

Refusal of Visa On arrival/ Delay in issuance of Visa”. Applicable cancellation
charges shall apply Accordingly.

Not many places on Earth are truly unique. Dubai is one of the few that are, Explore Dubai.
Rising above the Arabian coastline like some space-age seaside metropolis, this stylish
shortbreak nirvana has become one of the most talked-about holiday destinations in world

Having spent much of the last century as little more than a desert fishing settlement, the
rampant escalation in the popularity of Dubai holidays over the last two decades has given
rise to a gleaming array of five-star resorts, sky-piercing towers, fine dining restaurants and
designer shopping centres. In 2017, Dubai does mindboggling luxury like nowhere else.

Package Summary :

Inclusions :


Destinations Covered :

4N / 5D - Dubai

Flights Included :

• Delhi - Dubai

• Dubai - Delhi

DAY: 1

Day Free For Leisure

Upon arrival at Dubai airport, do the custom clearance. Meet & greet our local representative
& take transfers to Hotel. Take rest at hotel lobby & wait for check inn @ 1400 hrs. Day is
free for leisure at your own activities or you can enjoy whole day with an optional tour of
Ferrari World with Abu Dhabi city tour & overnight at hotel.

DAY: 2

City Tour & Desert Safari

After breakfast at hotel, enjoy morning half day city tour pick up @ 0900 hrs. After that drop
back at hotel take lunch by own. In the afternoon enjoy Desert Safari tour with dinner pick
up @ 1530 hrs & overnight at hotel. DAY: 3

Dubai – Dhow Cruise

After breakfast at hotel,The rest of the day for leisure where you can enjoy the nearby
sightseeings and explore some markets as well. On the same day, In the Evening, Enjoy
Dhow Cruise with Dinner pick up @ 1900 hrs & overnight at hotel.
DAY: 4

Day Free For Leisure

After breakfast at hotel, day is free for leisure at your own activities or you can enjoy whole
day with an optional tour of Ferrari World with Abu Dhabi city tour & overnight at hotel.

DAY: 5

Departure Dubai

After Breakfast at hotel, check out from hotel @ 1200 hrs and proceed to airport to board
your for return journey.
Dear Sir/Madam,

Greetings from My Value Travels!!!

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to let us plan and arrange your forthcoming
holidays. With the time, not only have we changed the way people travel but in a relatively
short period, have known among best travel company. This growth stems from the belief
instilled in all of us

With this promise from all of us to make your holiday an unparalleled experience, we hope
you enjoy your holiday as much as we enjoyed bringing it to you.

City of Departure: New Delhi

Cities Covered: Dubai (4 Nights / 5 Days)

Package Cost: INR- 41,999/- Per Person

Flight Details:

AirIndiaExpress--------DEL (13:35) → DXB (15:55)-------03h 50m (12 March)

AirIndiaExpress--------DXB (12:50) → DEL (18:00)------03h 40m (16 March)


Hotel Details :

Destination - Dubai
No. of Rooms – 1

No. of Pax – 2 Adults on Double Sharing

Citymax Bur Dubai ( 3 Star )

Check In- 12 March

Check Out- 16 March


• 04 nights‟ accommodation in Dubai.  Return Airfare Include.

• Daily breakfast at hotel.
• Desert Safari + with BBQ Dinner & Belly Dance .
• Dhow Cruise + with Dinner .
• Dubai City Tour.
• VISA Fees Included.
• Transfers from Dubai Airport to Dubai Hotel.
• Transfers from Dubai Hotel to Dubai airport.
• All Tours And Transfers on SIC Basis.

Singapore is a charming place to visit that offers perfect blend of modernism and Asian
culture. It is one of the most friendly and hospitable countries of Asia. Soak in its
cosmopolitan lifestyle and visit its world famous attractions being Gardens by the Bay,
Universal Studios, Singapore Zoo Night Safari and Sentosa Island among its numerous
places to visit. Travel to Singapore and have a perfectly joyous stay in this vibrant and peppy

The Singapore city tour will cover Orchard Road, Suntec City and the Fountain of Wealth.
Stop at the Merlion Park. Followed by an orientation tour of the Fullerton Hotel &
Esplanade. Stop at Singapore Flyer (ticket optional). Pass by Marina Bay Sands and the
Helix Bridge, Little India area and China Town. Visit the Thian Hock Temple.

Package Summary :

Inclusions :


Destinations Covered :

4N / 5D - Singapore

Flights Included :
• Delhi - Singapore

• Singapore - Delhi

DAY : 1

Upon arrival at Singapore International Airport, you will be greeted by a representative who
will help you with your transfer to the hotel. Complete the check-in formalities and rest in
your room. (Check-in time is 1400 hrs).

Evening enjoy Night Safari is the world's first nocturnal zoo and is one of the most popular
tourist attractions in Singapore. Hop on board the tram and psyche yourself for a 40-minute
journey of wild animal encounters! Journey from the Himalayan foothills to wild Equatorial
Africa, this tram ride offers live commentary. Get a chance to come up-close with lions,
tigers, tapirs, deer and more! Set in a forest clearing, the Creatures of the Night Show a
20minute animal presentation will introduce you to nocturnal animals, from the elusive owl
to nimble binturongs to intuitive civets Enjoy an overnight stay at hotel. DAY : 2

Soon after breakfast, embark on a half-day city tour of Singapore. Give a wonderful start to
the tour, with a visit to the Raffles' Landing Site Fountain of Wealth, Little India, Orchard
Road, Suntec City and China Town. In the afternoon, proceed for an exciting Sentosa Island
tour. The admission fee charged by the resort includes entry to Luge and Sky ride, cable car
ride, Wings of Time . Later, return to Hotel for an overnight stay at the hotel. DAY : 3

After breakfast, proceed to Universal Studios Singapore From exciting rides to shows and
attractions based on blockbuster films and television series, the park has it all. Some of its
most famous rides are The Ultimate 3D Battle and Shrek 4-D Adventure.Stay overnight at
the hotel.
DAY : 4

Day at leisure (Free for shopping)

Day : 5

Check out from the cruise and take a return airport transfer to culminate this wonderful trip.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Greetings from My Value Travels!!!

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to let us plan and arrange your forthcoming
holidays. With the time, not only have we changed the way people travel but in a relatively
short period, have known among best travel company. This growth stems from the belief
instilled in all of us

With this promise from all of us to make your holiday an unparalleled experience, we hope
you enjoy your holiday as much as we enjoyed bringing it to you.

City of Departure: New Delhi

Cities Covered: Singapore (4 Nights/ 5 Days)

Package Cost: INR- 45,999/- Per Person

Flight Details:

AirIndia-------DEL (23:15) → SIN (07:30) (+1)-------------05h 45m (25 March)

AirIndia-------SIN (08:35) → DEL (11:35)-----------------05h 30m (30 March)


Hotel Details :
Destination – Singapore

No. of Rooms – 1

No. of Pax – 2 Adults on Double Sharing

J8 Hotel (Singapore)

Check In – 26 March

Check out – 30 March


• 04 Nights‟ accommodation in Singapore.  Return Airfare Include.

• Daily breakfast at hotel.
• Visa Fees Included (Singapore).
• Transfer from SIN Airport to SIN Hotel ( SIC).
• Transfer from SIN Hotel to SIN Airport (Private).
• All Tours on SIC Basis.


• Singapore City Tour – 1000/-

• Night Safari – 2500/-  Universal Studio- 4400/-
• Sentosa Island Tour : - 3000/-
One Way Cable Car + Wings of Time + Madam Tussad + Green Carpet &
IIFA Awards Exp. + IOS Live + Spirit Of Singapore Boat Ride + Marvel 4D
show + Butterfly Park + Insect Kingdom. (Singapore)

• By the Bay Garden – 1000/-  Jurong Bird Park – 1700/-


Being Malaysia‟s capital, Kuala Lumpur has stood strong to its roots keeping alive its culture
and blended wonderfully with the changing times over the centuries. It has plenty to offer to
everyone. Exciting theme parks, shopping arcades, enticing culture, delicious cuisine and
wonderful sightseeing are some of the experiences that make your visit to Kuala Lumpur
very special and unique. Explore as much as you can at Kuala Lumpur.
Package Summary :

Inclusions :


Destinations Covered :

4N / 5D – Malaysia ( Kuala Lumpur )

Flights Included :
• Delhi - Malaysia

• Malaysia - Delhi


Day 1 :
Arrival in Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur is gleaming skyscrapers, colonial architecture and mouth-watering food! With
this holiday you have the freedom to explore the largest city in Malaysia at your own pace.
Today you will arrive in Kuala Lumpur and get transferred to your hotel. Once there, check
in and spend the day as per your liking.
Day 2 :
Day at Leisure | Lunch/Dinner (Meal Voucher)
Today, spend the day exploring Kuala Lumpur on your own. If you are looking for some
retail therapy, the best place to go to is the Berjaya Times Square Mall, which, along with its
rows and rows of retail outlets is also home to Malaysia's largest indoor theme park! And
when hunger strikes, you can head out to Jalan Alor for some mouth-watering street food.
Day 3 :
Kuala Lumpur City Tour | Lunch/Dinner (Meal Voucher)
Today, you will be taken on a half day city tour of Kuala Lumpur. The tour will take you to
multiple attractions in Kuala Lumpur starting with a visit to the beautiful Thean Hou Temple.
You will then visit the Merdeka Square, which features a panorama of fascinating buildings
in an array of architectural styles. Later you will be taken for a photo stop at the Petronas
Twin Towers, followed by a visit to MATIC for chocolate shopping. The tour will end at
Pavilion mall, one of the city's high-end malls. You will also receive a meal voucher, which
you can avail at pre-selected restaurants to enjoy a scrumptious buffet lunch/dinner.

Day 4 :
Day at Leisure | Lunch/Dinner (Meal Voucher)
The day is at leisure for you to relax and explore Kuala Lumpur by yourself. If you wish to
go for some sightseeing, you can start your day with a visit to the Batu Caves, an iconic place
known for its large Murugan statue, besides the 272 steps that you have to climb to get an
enchanting view of the skyline. In the evening, you can shop at Chinatown's Petaling Street
night market, known for its array of tightly packed shops under vibrant coloured lights. An
evening in Chinatown is a must if you are looking for a unique nightlife experience. You will
also receive a meal voucher, which you can avail at pre-selected restaurants to enjoy a
scrumptious buffet lunch/dinner.

Day 5:
Departure from Kuala Lumpur:
Since all good things come to an end, so will this holiday. Today, pack your bags and check
out from your hotel. You will get a transfer to the airport from where you can board your
flight back to India.
Upon arrival in Mauritius, you will be transferred to the hotel. While the rest of your day is
free at leisure.
Enjoy dinner and stay overnight at hotel / resort in Mauritius
The Ile Aux Cerfs beaches offer several water sports activities, restaurants and also a five
stars hotel with a golf course, all making this amazing paradise island the perfect setting for a
relaxing day of sun worship while enjoying various water sports, beach activities and even

On Ile Aux Cerfs you will find many restaurants that cater to almost every palate and you
should definitely try some of the local cuisine. In addition, there is a big selection of water
sports kiosks along certain parts of Ile Aux Cerfs beach including: water skiing, banana,
glass bottom boats and more. Ile Aux Cerfs is a highly recommended location for snorkeling.
The coral reef is beautiful and full of marine life, and together with the large black rocks that
protrude into the water, it is an ideal place to snorkel and to enjoy the rich underwater world.


After breakfast, rest of the day at leisure.
Enjoy dinner and stay overnight at hotel / resort in Mauritius
The Saint Aubin house was built in 1819. It has been home to several managers of the sugar
estate, before being renovated in the 90's in order to preserve a part of the Mauritian heritage.
Today one may still see the beams and ship poles used in its original construction. You will
also discover the vanilla plantation of the estate and the interesting transformation process of
the vanilla orchid from the flower to the aromatic pod. Grand Bassin (also known as Ganga
Grand Bassin is a lake situated 6km South East of Mare aux Vacoas in a secluded mountain
area in the district of Savanne, deep in the heart of Mauritius. It is about 1800 feet (550m)
above sea level. Grand Bassin with its Hindu temple is a holy lake for Mauritians of Hindu
faith. The lake rests in the crater of an extinct volcano. It is said that the water inside the lake
communicates with the waters of the holy Ganges of India. The Hindus of Mauritius declared
the Grand Bassin as a Holy lake. The Hindu community performs there a pilgrimage every
year on the Maha Sivaratri (Shiva’s Great Night), on this day they honor the Lord Shiva.
Beside the lake there is a temple dedicated to
Lord Shiva and other Gods including Hanuman, Lakshmi, and others. Mangal Mahadev –
Shiva Statue Beside Grand Bassin you will also get to see the statue of Lord Shiva. The
statue is of 108 feet (33 meters) and is the highest known statue in Mauritius (and one of the
50 highest statues in the world). The sight of the Mangal Mahadev statue is quite impressive
as it is a beautiful crafted very big statue. Saint Aubin House The Saint Aubin house was
built in 1819. It has been home to several managers of the sugar estate, before being
renovated in the 90's in order to preserve a part of the Mauritian heritage. Today one may
still see the beams and ship poles used in its original construction. You will also discover the
vanilla plantation of the estate and the interesting transformation process of the vanilla orchid
from the flower to the aromatic pod. Grand Bassin (also known as Ganga Talao) Grand
Bassin is a lake situated 6km South East of Mare aux Vacoas in a secluded mountain area in
the district of Savanne, deep in the heart of Mauritius. It is about 1800 feet (550m) above sea
level. Grand Bassin with its Hindu temple is a holy lake for Mauritians of Hindu faith. The
lake rests in the crater of an extinct volcano. It is said that the water inside the lake
communicates with the waters of the holy Ganges of India. The Hindus of Mauritius declared
the Grand Bassin as a Holy lake. The Hindu community performs there a pilgrimage every
year on the Maha Sivaratri (Shiva’s Great Night), on this day they honor the Lord Shiva.
Beside the lake there is a temple dedicated to Lord Shiva and other Gods including
Hanuman, Lakshmi, and others. Mangal Mahadev – Shiva Statue Beside Grand Bassin you
will also get to see the statue of Lord Shiva. The statue is of 108 feet (33 meters) and is the
highest known statue in Mauritius (and one of the 50 highest statues in the world). The sight
of the Mangal Mahadev statue is quite impressive as it is a beautiful crafted very big statue.
Mauritius National Botanical Garden. The botanical garden is home to an incredible variety
of tropical plants, many of them indigenous. The Botanical Garden is one of the most visited
sights in Mauritius. It was first opened as a private garden by the French governor of
Mauritius nearly 300 years ago. The botanical garden stretches over endless acres of land and
it can take you more than a week to cover the whole garden. The Botanical Garden is
populated with more than 650 varieties of plants among which are the famous Baobabs, the
palmier bouteille, the ineluctable giant water lilies, dozens of medicinal plants, 85 different
varieties of palms, a big spice garden and many more. As part of the tour, you will get to
explore the Botanical garden and have a taste of their beauty. Sugar estate and Museum. The
Sugar estate and Museum located at the North West of Mauritius stretches over 5000 square
meters. In the estate you will discover the profound effect and the key part of sugar in the
history and identity of Mauritius. You will also hear local sugar tales and stories on sugar in
Mauritius and on its importance. As part of the sugar estate tour you can see a selection of
panorama videos and films on many sugar related subjects. Also, you will have the
opportunity to shop at the estate’s boutique. Be sure not to miss this great opportunity to
enjoy the tastes and purchase unique-local made special sugars, and also the very famous
local made Mauritian rum!

Visit and Tour of Port Louis. Enjoy a visit of Port Louis the capital of Mauritius. Port Louis
is the Mauritius' largest city and the economic and administrative center of the island. Right
off the main square you can stroll besides the palm-lined Place d'Armes. You can see some
wonderful French colonial buildings, especially the Government House and the Municipal
Theater. You will have free
time to visit Port Louis Waterfront and the Le Caudan Waterfront shopping complex. The
bustling Port Louis Waterfront offers exciting shopping and entertainment venues
intermingle with world-class hotels and restaurants overlooking the Port Louis Harbor. The
waterfront area has become an essential actor of the vivid tourism and cultural life in
The craft market in particular is a hive of activity with wonderful ambiance where you are
sure to find a lot of souvenirs for the family back home. Another place to visit is the Port
Louis central market – the market is a fun place to visit and the ideal place to find many local
made products, textiles, Mauritian spices, fruits and many souvenirs for very cheap prices.
On your free time you can stroll the city streets and see several sightseeing attractions such
as: The Anglican and Catholic cathedrals, the main city Mosque, Chinatown, the Supreme
Court house, the 18th century Barracks and the Natural History Museum (free entry). Fort
Adelaide (also known as La Citadelle) was built in a very strategic location on higher lands
of Port Louis at 240 feet above sea level. The construction of Fort Adelaide started on 1832
and completed after almost ten years. Fort Adelaide offers a vast panorama on Port-Louis
and its harbour. The British built this fortress in fear of a civil war from the remaining French
settlers on the island and also for the purpose of guarding the harbor against enemy attacks.
A ride uphill to Fort Adelaide, guarantee breathtaking view of Port Louis andof the mountain
range surrounding Port Louis.


After breakfast, rest of the day at leisure.
Enjoy dinner and stay overnight at hotel / resort in Mauritius.
After a hearty breakfast at the hotel, you will be transferred to the airport in time to board
your flight back home.

Bali itinerary
Day 1: Bali Airport- Bali Island
Arrival at Beautiful Bali. After Immigration (Visa on Arrival) meet and greet with our
representative and transfer to hotel. Check in at the hotel. Rest of the day at leisure.
Overnight at hotel

Day 2: Bali - Water sports and Romantic Balinese Massage/SPA

After breakfast at hotel, day is free for leisure or can take optional water sports tour
• Benoa Water Sport Entrance Fee
• Transfers
• 01 x 15 Minutes Banana Boat
• 01 x 15 Minutes Parasailing

Later romantic Balinese spa.

Enjoy romantic Balinese massage with your partner.
Overnight stay in Hotel.
Day 3 : later Romantic Candle Light Dinner
After Breakfast, get transferred to private pool villa. Rest of the day at leisure at the pool
Enjoy Romantic Candle light dinner.
Day 4: Full Day Kintamani & Ubud Tour
After Breakfast another day of sightseeing. This tour includes: A morning presentation of
the traditional Barong Dance. The village of Mas; a community of wood workers and or
Batik Factory at Batu Bulan and or Celuk; a community of silver craftsmen. Ubud; to explore
the village known for its many artisans. Kintamani; a town perched on the edge of a
volcano’s rim offering panoramic views of a still active volcano and lake Batur below. Tirta
Empul Temple; a historical holly water temple located in Tampak Siring Village just below
the President Palace of Indonesia. Spice Garden; explore some local plantation varieties,
while enjoy a famous Balinese Coffee
Home to 5 volcanoes, including the sacred Mt. Agung, Kintamani and Mt. Batur must rank
among the most dramatic and accessible live volcanoes to be found anywhere. Literally a
volcano within a volcano, visitors can drive along the rim of a 8km wide caldera while
looking across the still active Mt. Batur still spouting lava and slowly building new height.
Overnight at Hotel.
Overnight at hotel
Day 5: Tanah lot temple
After a scrumptious breakfast, enjoy a day at leisure with your partner. In the evening, set out
to visit Tanah Lot Temple. Perched on a rock and surrounded by the waters of the Indian
Ocean, the temple is one of the most romantic sights to behold, in Bali. Return to the hotel
for a cosy overnight stay.
Day 6: Bali Departure
After enjoying breakfast, check-out of your hotel in morning and proceed to the airport to
board the return flight.


Goa is a unique destination that allures you. A desire for those who have not yet visited and
an addiction for those who have seen the magic it creates on you. We bring you a fun filled
vacation to Goa for grabbing many more moments. Rave in the exclusive Goan nightlife,
enjoy the local shopping markets, relish the seafood or the coconut dishes, enjoy the water
sports and have unlimited fun on the beaches. Have a memorable vacation at Goa with your
loved ones.
Package Summary :

Inclusions :


Destinations Covered :
3N + 4D

Flights Included :
• Delhi – Goa

• Goa – Delhi



DAY: Day 1

Welcome to Goa !!! You will be met at the airport by your driver, holding a placard with
your name on it. He‟ll help you with your bags, and will then drive you to your hotel. Here
you can spend the rest of the day relaxing, and enjoying the facilities that the hotel has to
offer. Overnight stay at hotel.
DAY: Day 2

After breakfast, the driver shall pick you for one full day sightseeing at North Goa. Enjoy the
authentic views of North spectacular Goa beaches. Overnight stay at hotel.
DAY: Day 3

Enjoy the authentic breakfast. The Day is free to spend as per your interests. We have
nothing planned for today as far as sightseeing or activities are concerned, however your
hotel accommodation remains same as chosen. Overnight stay at hotel. DAY: Day 4

Goodbye Goa!!! The driver will arrive at the hotel in plenty of time to drop you at the airport
for your flight. We recommend you leave your hotel four hours before an international flight
and three hours prior to a domestic one. Take to sweet memories of Goa back to your home...

Dear Sir/Madam,

Greetings from My Value Travels!!!

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to let us plan and arrange your forthcoming
holidays. With the time, not only have we changed the way people travel but in a relatively
short period, have known among best travel company. This growth stems from the belief
instilled in all of us

With this promise from all of us to make your holiday an unparalleled experience, we hope
you enjoy your holiday as much as we enjoyed bringing it to you.

City of Departure: New Delhi

Cities Covered: Goa (3 Nights/ 4 Days)

Package Cost: INR- 16,999/- Per Person with Flights

Flight Details: [Direct Flight]

AirAsia--------DEL (11:45) → GOI (14:35)------------------02h 50m (01 April)

AirAsia--------GOI (19:05) → DEL (21:55)-----------------02h 50m (04 April)

Hotel Details :

Destination - GOA

No. of Rooms – 1

No. of Pax – 2 Adults on Double Sharing


Check In- 01 April

Check Out- 04 April


• 03 nights‟ accommodation in Goa.  Return Airfare Include.

• Daily Breakfast at Hotel.
• Non-Alcoholic Welcome Drink on Arrival.
• Full Day Sightseeing of North Goa. [Private Transfers]
• Transfers from Goa Airport to Goa Hotel. [Private Transfers]
• Transfers from Goa Hotel to Goa Airport. [Private Transfers]  All Tours
&Transfers for sightseeings on Private Basis.

*Please note : Given quotation mail, Do not treat as confirmation of booking, as we are
not holding any booking at the time of quotation, price and services can be changed at
the time of confirmation. Confirmation of bookings will be communicated soon after the

 Hotel & Reservations.

 Air Ticketing Domestic & International.
 Inbound, Outbound & Domestic.
 Meeting, Incentive,
 Conference & Events (MICE)  Wildlife Tourism & Adventure Tours.
 Cruise Packages.


A car rental, hire car, or car hire agency is a company that rents automobiles for short
periods of time, generally ranging from a few hours to a few weeks. It is often organized with
numerous local branches (which allow a user to return a vehicle to a different location), and
primarily located near airports or busy city areas and often complemented by a website
allowing online reservations.Car rental agencies primarily serve people who require a
temporary vehicle, for example, those who do not own their own car, travelers who are out of
town, or owners of damaged or destroyed vehicles who are awaiting repair or insurance
compensation. Car rental agencies may also serve the self-moving industry needs, by renting
vans or trucks, and in certain markets, other types of vehicles such as motorcycles or scooters
may also be offered.

Undertaking the burdensome task of booking air tickets in holiday season is nothing short of
a battle. Do not worry and rely on My Value Travelto arrange flight tickets to anywhere
India. We are ranked among some of the most reputed travel and destination management
service providers that provide Airline Ticketing Services in New Delhi, India.

Our experts can make available air tickets well in advance and within your budget on desired
dates. Even if you require tickets on short notice, contact us and we guarantee to find a quick
and hassle free solution for you.

Get professionals to do all the specific and minute work of procuring a passport and visa.
Backed by a team of qualified procuring agents who are well versed with passport and visa
procuring procedures, My Value Traveloffers economical and effective Passport and Visa
Services in New Delhi, India.

Our professionals can procure forms and assist you in filling them. With their attention to
details, assistance during the verification checks and the regular follow-ups, passport and
visa procurement is inevitable.


My Value Travelis a one stop shop for various kinds of Travel Insurance policies in New
Delhi, India. Insure your travel plans with our guidance. Protect yourself against trip
cancelations and unintended trip interruptions.

You can get our emergency assistance 24 hours. We will guide you through all the necessary
planning, documentation, procedures and follow-ups. Do not let unforeseen circumstances or
problems ruin your trip.

Save yourself the irritation and inconvenience of suffering through an elaborate

hotel booking process and allow professionals to serve you better. Hire the
experts of My Value Travelfor the best Hotel Booking Services and get
accommodation at your desired hotel booked in advance. We offer the facilities
of booking in 5 Star Hotels, 3 Star Hotels, 2 Star Hotels, Guest house, Luxury
Resorts and Motels according to your stipulated budget.

Years of industry presence and vast experience has enabled us to develop

cordial relations and with some of the very renowned hotels, thus rendering us
capable of offering lucrative deals and attractive discounts.

What is Foreign Exchange?

Foreign exchange is the exchange of one currency for another or the conversion of one
currency into another currency. Foreign exchange also refers to the global market where
currencies are traded virtually around the clock.

Breaking Down Foreign Exchange:

Foreign exchange transactions encompass everything from the conversion of currencies by a
traveler at an airport kiosk to billion-dollar payments made by corporations, financial
institutions and governments. Transactions range from imports and exports to speculative
positions with no underlying goods or services. Increasing globalization has led to a massive

increase in the number of foreign exchange transactions in recent decades.


Tourism can bring many economic and social benefits, particularly in rural areas and
developing countries, but mass tourism is also associated with negative effects. Tourism can
only be sustainable if it is carefully managed so that potential negative effects on the host
community and the environment are not permitted to outweigh the financial benefits.

Economic Effects :
Tourism creates jobs, both through direct employment within the tourism industry and
indirectly in sectors such as retail and transportation. When these people spend their wages
on goods and services, it leads to what is known as the "multiplier effect," creating more
jobs. The tourism industry also provides opportunities for small-scale business enterprises,
which is especially important in rural communities, and generates extra tax revenues, such as
airport and hotel taxes, which can be used for schools, housing and hospitals.

Social Effects :
The improvements to infrastructure and new leisure amenities that result from tourism also
benefit the local community. Tourism encourages the preservation of traditional customs,
handicrafts and festivals that might otherwise have been allowed to wane, and it creates civic
pride. Interchanges between hosts and guests create a better cultural understanding and can
also help raise global awareness of issues such as poverty and human rights abuses.

Environmental Effects :
Tourism -- particularly nature and ecotourism -- helps promote conservation of wildlife and
natural resources such as rain forests, as these are now regarded as tourism assets. It also
helps generate funding for maintaining animal preserves and marine parks through entrance
charges and guide fees. By creating alternative sources of employment, tourism reduces
problems such as over-fishing and deforestation in developing nations.

It was a wonderful experience of mine to be a part of MY VALUE TRAVEL. I

felt great honour to get an opportunity to work under this renowned
organization. I have learnt a lot with this organization because I received first
hand and one to one work from all the staff members.

The staff was so cooperative and taught me various aspects of this trade in a
very professional way. The organizational cultural and working environment is
very good and this helped me a lot to gain maximum knowledge.

Although My Value Travel is presently a small organization but their approach

towards the existing and new customers quite appreciable they conduct their
business in a highly professional way.

First day of my joining the company manager taught me the rules of the travel
and tourism industries i.e. to build and make relationship. After my training I
have complete knowledge about sales and operation in Bali, Dubai and
Thailand sector. As my company is a B2C and B2B company I have the
opportunity to talk other agents which completely give me a boost in
confidence. Now I can easily talk to someone regarding many tourism
destinations. In the end I just want to say that I learnt a lot in this travel agency
which will definitely help me in the future.
Tourism is a great sector to be in.

Our overall experience in MY VALUE TRAVEL was excellent. We had learnt lots of things
such as itinerary designing, arrangement of Tour dealing, foreign exchange, and front office

We faced lots of challenges and problems in MY VALUE TRAVEL which are totally new
for us especially marketing and arrangement of tours. In initially we had the problem of
communication but after some time according to the company environment we improved
communication skills within the behaviour of employers of MY VALUE TRAVEL. They
helped us at every stage in the Travel Agency.

 Brochures & Catalogues

 Online Sources
 Tourism books
 Lonely planet INDIA
 Mauritius tourism board
 Indonesia tourism board
 Malaysian tourism board
 Goa tourism
 Tourism principles and practices: by Dr. Sampad swain
 Travel websites

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