Shivangi Report

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Report submission for Bachelor in Travel & Tourism Management

Submitted to : Submitted by :
Dr. Preeti Raina Shivangi
H.O.D. B.T.T.M
Department of Tourism Roll No. - ………….
ROHTAK Certificate
This is to certify that Ms. Khushbu is a bonafied student of B.T.T.M-VIII Semester in
Maharishi Dayanand University Rohtak. She has gone to her job training programme in
ULTIMATE INDIA HOLIDAYS, Delhi,NCR. She has prepared her job training report by


I, Khushbu, hereby declare that the study titled at “ULTIMATE INDIA HOLIDAYS” Delhi,
NCR is based on my own work. Indebtedness to other work/publications, if any, has been
duly acknowledged at the relevant places.

I also assure that the report is prepared as a partial fulfillment of graduation in

BTTM at Department of Travel & Tourism Management and has not been

Before any other university or college or institution.

I also assure that the data used in this report will be used for academic purpose only.

Department of Travel & Tourism Management
Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak

I owe my sincere thanks to Mr. Monu (Managing Director) for allowing me to work as a
trainee in ULTIMATE INDIA HOLIDAYS And I would like to offer my special thanks to
Mr. Monu for training me. My winter training has added to my practical knowledge and built
my confidence.
Thanks again to all the members of ULTIMATE INDIA HOLIDAYS With the active support
to which I was able to complete my report work successfully.
I would like to convey thanks to Dr. Preeti Raina ( H.O.D), for her valued assistance, keen
interest and valuable suggestions, I am extremely thankful to my parents, and all my friends
for their unconditional support and ready assistance.

B.T.T.M Roll no. - ……

1. Preface
2. Introduction of tourism
3. Tourism Industry in India
4. Objectives of job Training Report
5. Company Profile
6. Our Services
7. Organizational Structure
8. Tour Packages
9. My Training Tasks
10. Experience
11. Suggestions
12. Conclusion

The four-year full time program of Tourism Management course helped in lots of learning.
Such has been the presentations and projects which enhanced our learning by adding on to
our world of knowledge. And winter training is one of the parts to enhance our Skills &
It was a life time experience for which I thank to all the staff members of ULTIMATE
INDIA HOLIDAYS, faculty members, administration of the Department of Travel &
Tourism Management, affiliated to Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak.

Definition of Tourism:-
According to the World Tourism Organization, tourists are people who "travel to and stay in
places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure,
business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within
the place visited".
These service industries include transportation services include transportation services such
as cruise ships and taxis, accommodation such as hotels and entertainment venues, and other
hospitality industry services such as resorts.
As a service industry, tourism has numerous tangible and intangible elements. Major tangible
elements include transportation, accommodation, and other components of a hospitality
industry. Major intangible elements relate to the purpose or motivation for becoming a
tourist, such as rest, relaxation, the opportunity to meet new people and experience other
cultures, or simply to do something different and have an adventure.
Tourism is vital for many countries, due to the income generated by the consumption of
goods and services by tourists, the taxes levied on businesses in the tourism industry, and the
opportunity for employment and economic advancement by working in the industry .

Travel is the movement of people between relatively distant geographical locations for any
purpose and any duration, with or without any means of transport. Travel also includes
relatively short stays between successive movements. Movements between locations
requiring only a few minutes are not considered as travel. As an activity, "travel" also covers
all the activities performed during a travel (movement).
Travel is a wider concept than a trip. A round trip is a particular type of travel whereby a
person moves from his/her usual residence to one or several distant locations and returns. A
trip can also be part of a round trip.
Travel is most commonly done for recreation or to visit friends and family (generally as part
of tourism), for business or for commuting; but may be for numerous other reasons, such as
health care, migration, fleeing war, etc. Travel may occur by walking or human-powered
mode, or through mechanical vehicles, either as private or public transport.
Travel may be local, regional, national (domestic) or international. In some countries, non-
local internal travel may require an internal passport, while international travel typically
requires a passport and visa.
The terms tourism and travel are sometimes used interchangeably. In this context travel has a
similar definition to tourism, but implies a more purposeful journey. The terms tourism and
tourist are sometimes used pejoratively to imply a shallow interest in the cultures or locations
visited by tourists.
Type of Tourism

There are three basic forms of tourism: domestic tourism, inbound tourism, and outbound
 Domestic tourism refers to activities of a visitor within their country of residence and
outside of their home (e.g. an Indian visiting other parts of India).
 Inbound tourism refers to the activities of a visitor from outside of country of
residence (e.g. a British visiting India).
 Outbound tourism refers to the activities of a resident visitor outside of their country
of residence (e.g. an Indian visiting an overseas country).

Type of Tourists
Tourists can also be classified based on their purpose of visit:
Business tourists. This segment typically comprises those travelling for meetings, incentives,
conventions and exhibitions (MICE); however, this definition is not conclusive and includes
any tourist on a visit to India for business purposes. Business tourism is viewed as an
important market in the country and one of the high-yielding sectors of the tourism industry.
Leisure tourists Leisure tourism comprises trips for pleasure. It includes holidays within the
country or abroad. Visiting friends and relatives and travel for a variety of reasons such as
health and fitness, sports, education, and culture also come under the purview of leisure trips.
Different forms of tourism
There are different types of tourism. The recent trend is moving toward niche segments of
• Medical/healthcare tourism
• Adventure tourism
• Heritage tourism
• Ecotourism
• Rural tourism
• Pilgrimage tourism
Medical Tourism
Medical tourism also known as health tourism has emerged as one of the important segments
of the tourism industry. The term has been coined by travel agencies and the mass media to
describe the rapidly-growing practice of travelling across international borders to for
healthcare travelers typically seek services such as elective procedures as well as complex
specialized surgeries such as joint replacement (knee/hip), cardiac, dental, and cosmetic
surgeries. Psychiatry, alternative treatments, and convalescent care are also available.

Adventure Tourism
Travel for the aim of exploration or travel to remote, exotic and possibly hostile areas is
known as adventure tourism. With tourists looking for different options, adventure tourism is
recording healthy growth. Adventure tourism refers to performance of acts, which require
significant efforts and some degree of risk or physical danger. The activities include
mountaineering, trekking, bungee jumping, mountain biking, river rafting, and rock climbing.
India with its diverse topography and climate offers tremendous scope for adventure tourism.
The mountain regions offer lot of scope for mountaineering, rock climbing, trekking, skiing,
skating, mount biking and safaris; rushing rivers provide opportunities for river rafting,
canoeing and kayaking; and oceans provide tremendous opportunity for diving and

Heritage Tourism
Heritage tourism is defined as “travel undertaken to explore and experience places, activities,
and artifacts that authentically represent the stories and people of the past and present”. It is
oriented toward cultural heritage of the tourist location. It involves visiting historical or
industrial sites, religious travel or pilgrimages. India is well known for its rich heritage and
ancient culture. The country’s rich heritage is amply reflected in the various temples, majestic
forts, pleasure gardens, religious monuments, museums, art galleries and urban and rural sites
which are citadels of civilization. All these structures form the products of heritage tourism.

MICE Tourism
MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions) tourism is also one of the fastest
growing in the global tourism industry. It largely caters to business travelers, mostly
corporate. It caters to various forms of business meetings, international conferences and
conventions, events and exhibitions. Hong Kong, Malaysia and Dubai are the top destinations
for MICE tourism. India is also present in this segment.
Wildlife Tourism
Wildlife tourism, one of the fastest segments of tourism, involves travel to different locations
to experience wild life in natural settings. Due to its varied topography and distinctive
climatic conditions, India is endowed with various forms of flora and fauna and it has
numerous species of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and plants and animals.

Travel and tourism is the largest service industry globally in terms of gross revenue and
foreign exchange earnings. It is also one of the largest employment generators in the world. It
has been a major social phenomenon and is driven by social, religious, recreational,
knowledge seeking and business interests and motivated by the human urge for new
experience, adventure, education, and entertainment. Tourism is both cause and consequence
of economic development.

Indian travel and tourism industry

Indian tourism offers most diverse products globally. The country’s rich history, cultural
heritage, beauty, diversity of religion and medicine fascinate budget and luxury travelers.
Tourism in India has registered significant growth over the years. This has been led by
growth in both leisure and business tourism. Rising incomes, increasing affordability,
growing aspirations, increasing globalization, and a growing airline industry along with
improvement in travel-related infrastructure have supported industry growth. Tourism holds
immense potential for the Indian economy. It can provide impetus to other industries through
backward and forward linkages and can contribute significantly to GDP.
The tourism industry in India is substantial and vibrant, and the country is fast becoming a
major global destination. India’s travel and tourism industry is one of them most profitable
industries in the country, and also credited with contributing a substantial amount of foreign
exchange. This is illustrated by the fact that during 2006, four million tourists visited India
and spent US $8.9 billion.
Worldwide, the contribution to GDP from travel and tourism will have grown by 3.7% by the
end of this year and the sector will contribute 284 million jobs, directly and indirectly, or one
in 11 of all jobs on the planet. The Tourism Ministry has also played an important role in the
development of the industry, initiating advertising campaigns such as the 'Incredible India'
campaign, which promoted India’s culture and tourist attractions in a fresh and memorable
way. The campaign helped create a colorful image of India in the minds of consumers all
over the world, and has directly led to an increase in the interest among tourists.
The tourism industry has helped growth in other sectors as diverse as horticulture,
handicrafts, agriculture, construction and even poultry. Both directly and indirectly, increased
tourism in India has created jobs in a variety of related sectors. The numbers tell the story:
almost 20 million people are now working in the India’s tourism industry.
India’s governmental bodies have also made a significant impact in tourism by requiring that
each and every state of India have a corporation to administer support issues related to
A new growth sector is medical tourism. It is currently growing at around 30% per annum.
Medical tourist arrivals are expected to reach one million soon.
Medical tourism in Asia has grown rapidly. Medical tourism is approaching fever pitch at the
tune of $4 Billion US, fueled largely by the cosmetic surgery market. One of the problems
India has, despite having some world-class hospitals, is sanitation.
The tourism industry of India is based on certain core nationalistic ideals and standards which
are: Swaagat or welcome, Sahyog or cooperation, Soochanaa or information, Sanrachanaa or
infrastructure, Suvidha or facilitation, Safaai or cleanliness and Surakshaa or security.
Present Situation and Features of Tourism in India

Today tourism is the largest service industry in India, with a contribution of 6.23% to the
national GDP and providing 8.78% of the total employment. India witnesses more than 5
million annual foreign tourist arrivals and 562 million domestic tourism visits. The tourism
industry in India generated about US$100 billion in 2008 and that is expected to increase to
US$275.5 billion by 2018 at a 9.4% annual growth rate. The Ministry of Tourism is the nodal
agency for the development and promotion of tourism in India and maintains the
"Incredible India" campaign.
According to World Travel and Tourism Council, India will be a tourism hotspot from 2009-
2018, having the highest 10-year growth potential. As per the Travel and Tourism
Competitiveness Report 2009 by the World Economic Forum, India is ranked 11th in the
Asia Pacific region and 62nd overall, moving up three places on the list of the world's
attractive destinations. It is ranked the 14th best tourist destination for its natural resources
and 24th for its cultural resources, with many World Heritage Sites, both natural and cultural,
rich fauna, and strong creative industries in the country. India also bagged 37th rank for its air
transport network. The India travel and tourism industry ranked 5th in the long-term (10-
year) growth and is expected to be the second largest employer in the world by 2019. The
2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi are expected to significantly boost tourism in India
The industry is likely to see a spurt in growth this year on the back of new visa reforms,
according to a report by the World Travel and Tourism Council.
The country has recently improved its visa processes but more needs to be done on the
implementation side and to bring ever more countries into the visa waiver programme.

There is no other industry that has a similarly sustained and diversified multiplier effect on
the economy, playing a crucial role in the overall development of a country. By creating jobs
and opportunities for all sections of the society, tourism helps in bridging economic
Its contribution to the government’s coffers and also the country’s foreign exchange reserves
can be substantial. Since the very essence of tourism and its future depends on protection of
natural, historical and cultural resources, it plays an important part in promoting sustainable
growth and environment protection, on which the future of humankind hinges.
In addition to direct jobs in hotels, with tour operators, travel agencies, airlines and transport
operators, tourism generates employment across a wide spectrum of skills on account of its
significant backward and forward linkages. Transport, construction, engineering,
manufacturing, agriculture, food and horticulture, telecom, IT and healthcare are some of the
sectors that make knock-on gains from a boom in tourist influx.
Tourism also has a positive impact on the development of rural and backward areas, helping
the revival of traditional art forms, crafts and cultural traditions.
Travel and tourism is the largest service industry in India. It provides heritage, cultural,
medical, business and sports tourism. The main objective of this sector is to develop and
promote tourism, maintain competitiveness of India as tourist destination and improve and
expand existing tourism products to ensure employment generation and economic growth.


Tourism has become an important source of income for many regions and even entire
countries. The Manila Declaration on World Tourism of 1980 recognized its importance as
"an activity essential to the life of nations because of its direct effects on the social, cultural,
educational, and economic sectors of national societies and on their international relations.

Tourism brings large amounts of income into a local economy in the form of payment
for goods and services needed by tourists, accounting as of 2011 for 30% of the
world's trade in services, and for 6% of overall exports of goods and services. It also
generates opportunities for employment in the service sector of the economy associated with

The hospitality industries which benefit from tourism include transportation services (such
as airlines, cruise ships, trains and taxicabs); hospitality services (such as accommodations,
including hotels and resorts); and entertainment venues (such as amusement
parks, restaurants, casinos, shopping malls, music venues, and theaters). This is in addition to
goods bought by tourists, including souvenirs.

On the flip-side, tourism can degrade people and sour relationships between host and guest.


Total volume of cross-border tourist travel

International tourist arrivals reached 1.035 billion in 2012, up from over 996 million in 2011,
and 952 million in 2010. In 2011 and 2012, international travel demand continued to recover
from the losses resulting from the late-2000s recession, where tourism suffered a strong
slowdown from the second half of 2008 through the end of 2009. After a 5% increase in the
first half of 2008, growth in international tourist arrivals moved into negative territory in the
second half of 2008, and ended up only 2% for the year, compared to a 7% increase in
2007.The negative trend intensified during 2009, exacerbated in some countries due to the
outbreak of the H1N1 influenza virus, resulting in a worldwide decline of 4.2% in 2009 to
880 million international tourists arrivals, and a 5.7% decline in international tourism

World's top tourism destination

World Tourism rankings

The World Tourism Organization reports the following ten destinations as the most visited in
terms of the number of international travelers in 2017.

UNWTO tourist
Rank Country
Region arrivals

1 France Europe 100.3 million

2 Spain Europe 81.8 million

UNWTO tourist
Rank Country
Region arrivals

3 United States North America 75.9 million

4 China Asia 60.7 million

5 Italy Europe 56.9 million

6 Mexico North America 39.3 million

7 United Kingdom Europe 37.7 million

8 Turkey Europe 37.6 million

9 Germany Europe 37.5 million

10 Thailand Asia 35.4 million

International tourism receipts

International tourism receipts grew to US$1.26 Trillion in 2015, corresponding to an

increase in real terms of 4.4% from 2014. The World Tourism Organization reports the
following entities as the top ten tourism earners for the year 2015:
UNWTO tourism
Rank Country/Area
Region receipts

1 United States North America $204.5 billion

2 China Asia $114.1 billion

3 Spain Europe $56.5 billion

4 France Europe $45.9 billion

5 United Kingdom Europe $45.5 billion

6 Thailand Asia $44.6 billion

7 Italy Europe $44.5.4 billion

8 Germany Europe $36.9 billion

9 Hong Kong Asia $36.2 billion

10 Macau Asia $31.3 billion

International tourism expenditure

The World Tourism Organization reports the following countries as the ten biggest spenders
on international tourism for the year 2015.

Rank Country Region

1 China Asia $292.2 billion

2 United States North America $112.9 billion

3 Germany Europe $77.5 billion

4 United Kingdom Europe $63.3 billion

5 France Europe $38.4 billion

6 Russia Europe $34.9 billion

7 Canada North America $29.4 billion

8 South Korea Asia $25.0 billion

9 Italy Europe $24.4 billion

10 Australia Oceania $23.5 billion

Euro monitor International Top City Destinations Ranking

Euro monitor International rated these the world's cities most visited by international tourists
in 2017

Rank City Country
tourist arrivals

1 Hong Kong Hong Kong 27.88 million

2 Bangkok Thailand 22.45 million

3 London United Kingdom 19.82 million

4 Singapore Singapore 17.61 million

5 Macau Macau 17.33 million

6 Paris France 15.83 million

7 Dubai United Arab Emirates 15.79 million

8 New York City United States 13.10 million

9 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 12.84 million

10 Shenzhen China 12.07 million

World Travel & Tourism Council

Countries Showing Strong International Travel & Tourism Growth between 2010–2016

Rank Country Percentage

1 Myanmar 73.5%

2 Sudan 49.8%

3 Azerbaijan 36.4%

4 Qatar 34.1%

5 São Tomé and Príncipe 30.1%

6 Sri Lanka 26.4%

7 Cameroon 25.5%

8 Georgia 22.7%

9 Iceland 20.0%

10 Kyrgyzstan 19.5%
Countries that performed best in fastest growing tourism and travel industry in 2016[30]

Rank Country Percentage

1 Azerbaijan 46.1%

2 Mongolia 24.4%

3 Iceland 20.1%

4 Cyprus 15.4%

5 Kazakhstan 15.2%

6 Moldova 14.2%

7 Costa Rica 12.1%

8 Georgia 11.2%

9 Sri Lanka 10.7%

Components of Tourism Industry

➢ATTRACTION:- The principle of attraction is to establish the need for the attraction in a
particular location to invite more footfalls. It may be a huge theme park, a museum, a gallery,
a heritage building, an educational center etc. Many countries see the need to have one or
more visitor attraction in the area to widen their appeal and attract huge potential tourist:-
Learn more at Your online source for free professional tutorials.

➢ACCOMODTION AND CATERING: - This components consists of those who provide

accommodation to the people in the form of hotels, resorts, apartments, camps, guest houses
etc. The accommodation may be marketed individually or through the tour operators in the
form of package. These service providers also take care of the catering needs of the people by
providing them huge cafeterias, various fast food outlets in house or in the form of a Galleria.

➢TRANSPORTATION:-Transport providers are those operating any major form of

transport. They could be airlines, cruise lines, car rentals, and rail companies. A tourist’s
choice of transport would depend on the travel budget, destination, time, purpose of the tour,
and convenience to the point of destination.
guidance providers include a number of service providers such as those offering insurance,
recreational, communication, and banking services; government agencies; tour guides;
industry associations; packaging agents; ticketing agents; and holiday sellers.

➢TRAVEL AGENTS: - A travel agent provides information to the people on various travel
destinations, advises them of available holiday packages to suit their tastes and budget and
chart their travel plan. He would generally sell the travel associated products like currency
exchange, car rentals, insurance etc.

➢TOUR OPERATORS: - Tour operators offer holiday packages, which comprise of:-
1. Travel by rail, road or air.
2. Accommodations like hotels, resorts, apartments, guesthouses etc.
3. Travel services like airport pick and drop, sightseeing, excursions etc.
These tour operators may be the wholesale operators who operate tours only through retail
travel agencies or they may be direct sell operators who market their product directly to the

A travel agency is a private retailer or public service that provides travel and tourism related
services to the public on behalf of suppliers such as airlines, car rentals, cruise lines, hotels,
railways, and packages tours. In addition to dealing with ordinary tourists most travel
agencies have a separate department devoted to making travel arrangements for business
travelers and some travel agencies specialize in commercial and business travel only.

A travel agency's main function is to act as an agent, selling travel products and services on
behalf of a supplier. Consequently, unlike other retail businesses, they do not keep a stock in
hand. A package holiday or a ticket is not purchased from a supplier unless a customer
requests that purchase. The holiday or ticket is supplied to the agency at a discount. The
profit is therefore the difference between the advertised price which the customer pays and
the discounted price at which it is supplied to the agent. This is known as the commission. In
many countries, all individuals or companies that sell tickets are required to be licensed as a
travel agent.

A travel agent is supposed to offer impartial travel advice to the customer. However, this
function almost disappeared with the mass market package holiday, and some agency chains
seemed to develop a "holiday supermarket" concept, in which customers choose their holiday
from brochures on racks and then book it from a counter.

Any travel agent needs certain skills and qualities for performing business related functions
effectively. This will be reflected on the entire business and will be helpful for repeat
business, improves customer loyalty and acts as a promotional tool due to the positive word
of mouth publicity by the satisfied customer.

Agency income

Travel agencies' principal source of income was, and continues to be, commissions paid for
bookings of car rentals, cruise lines, hotels, railways, sightseeing tours, tour operators, etc. A
fixed percentage of the main element of the price is paid to the agent as a commission.
Commissions may vary depending on the type of product and the supplier. Commissions are
not paid on the tax component of the price. Travel agencies also receive a large variety of
bonuses, benefits, and other incentives from travel and tourism related companies as
inducements for travel agents to promote their products. The customer is normally not made
aware of how much the travel agent is earning in commissions and other benefits. Other
sources of income may include the sale of insurance, travel guide books, public transport
timetables and money exchange.
Travel agencies in the 21st century

With general public access to the Internet, many airlines and other travel companies began to
sell directly to passengers. As a consequence, airlines no longer needed to pay the
commissions to travel agents on each ticket sold. Travel agencies have gradually been
intermediated, by the reduction in costs caused by removing layers from the package holiday
distribution network. However, travel agents remain dominant in some areas such as cruise
vacations where they represent 77% of bookings and 73% of packaged travel. In 2009, the
market size for travel agencies experienced a sharp decline, dropping from $17 billion the
previous year to $14.5 billion.

In response, travel agencies have developed an internet presence of their own by creating
travel websites, with detailed information and online booking capabilities. Travel agencies
also use the services of the major computer reservations systems companies, also known as
Global Distribution Systems (GDS), including: Amadeus CRS, Galileo CRS, SABRE, and
World span, which is a subsidiary of Travel port, allowing

them to book and sell airline tickets, car rentals, hotels, and other travel related services.
Some online travel websites allow visitors to compare hotel and flight rates with multiple
companies for free; they often allow visitors to sort the travel packages by amenities, price,
and proximity to a city or landmark. Travel agents have applied dynamic packaging tools to
provide fully bonded (full financial protection) travel at prices equal to or lower than a
member of the public can book online. As such, the agencies' financial assets are protected in
addition to professional travel agency advice.

❖Make My Trip: - is placed at the first places. It was started in 2000 and become one stop
destination for all domestic and international travel deals.
❖ Yatra is a leading online travel company started in 2006 to capture booming
travel sector. Company has good reputation in the market and famous for delivery memorable
travel experience. Yatra offers personal and corporate tailor made services according to the
need of customers.
❖Thomas Cook: - Thomas Cook is a US based travel company has presence in pan India. In
India Thomas Cook have offices in 98 cities and providing amazing services to customers.
Over the years Thomas Cook has won numerous awards become a trusted brand in travel
❖Cox & Kings: - Cox & Kings was started in 1758 and has experience of over two decade in
travel industry. Company has presence in India, UK, Japan, USA, Russia etc. The service
portfolio of company includes Domestic Holidays, Trade Fairs, Corporate tours and
Outbound Tourism.
❖Gibbon :- Gibbon is a prominent travel company that was started in 2009 and within 4
years has achieve tremendous success and become one stop destination for travel deals, flight
booking & bus booking.
❖Expedia:- Expedia is a US based travel company started in 1996 and knows in the word for
excellent services. Expedia has tie up with more than 80,000 hotels and offers cheapest deals
in travel industry.
❖Clear trip:- is a leading online portal that was established in 2006. Company has
headquartered in Mumbai and sells cheapest online, air, train, bus tickets. Clear trip provide
facility to search flights online and offers discount on booking.
❖Travel guru: - was started in 2005 and providing tailor made packages according to need
of customers. Company is known for providing impeccable services and because of this it is
counted among most trusted companies in travel industry.
❖SOTC:- SOTC was started in 1949 and has over 60 years of experience in travel industry.
SOTC provide customize travel deals according to customers need.

1. To get the practical knowledge of travel agency.

2. To groom our personality and knowledge.
3. To prevent manpower obsolescence.
4. To improve the morale of employees.
5. To prepare the employees for present and future organizational requirements.
6. To prepare the employees for higher level jobs/tasks.
7. Improvement in quality of work.
8. To maintain the supply of employees.
9. Less supervision
10. Improvement in efficiency of employees.
11. Development of knowledge and skill.
12. Modifying the attitude of employees.
13. Best utilization of resources.
14. To build up a second line of competent officers
Importance of Training

1. It increases productivity and profitability, reduces cost and finally enhances skill and
knowledge of the employee.
2. It helps in developing a problem solving attitude.
3. It gives the people awareness of rules and procedures.
4. It prevents obsolescence.
5. Growth, expansion and modernization cannot takes place without trained.
6. Training makes people more competent.
7. Through training people trust each other more.
8. Personnel become committed to their job resulting in proactiveness.
9. Training enables quick learning to employees.
10. Training helps in a better work performance and it helps in increase in confidence in the


ULTIMATE INDIA HOLIDAYS is a collaborative endeavor of young professionals with

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We make sure that we regularly revisit destinations / areas, meticulously inspect hotels and
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ULTIMATE INDIA HOLIDAYS can handle whatever service or need is on your wish list
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Our Services:-

✓Hotel Booking Organizational Structure of ULTIMATE INDIA HOLIDAYS…


05 Nights/06 Days: 02N-Delhi, 01N-Agra, 02N-Jaipur

Day01: Arrive Delhi Highlights: Red fort, President House, Birla Temple,India Gate.
Welcome Delhi: On arrival at Delhi Airport or Railway Station, Meet and greet our Tours
Representative and transfer to your hotel. After Freshen up you may visit Red Fort,President
House,Birla Temple & India Gate, Back to Hotel Overnight stay at Hotel .

Day02: Delhi City Tour

Highlights : New Delhi : Raj Ghat , Red Fort , Jamma Masjid , Chandni Chowk , Old Delhi
:Qutub Minar , the Rashtrapati Bhawan, Laxmi Narayan Temple, Lotus Temple After
breakfast you will visit old Delhi. The Raj Ghat, Red Fort & Jama Masjid are important
places to visit, you may also visit Chandni Chowk, Spice Market etc. Later on proceed to
visit New Delhi. The QutubMinar, tallest stone tower in India, and the Rashtrapati Bhawan,
Laxmi Narayan Temple, Lotus Temple
By evening return to hotel. Overnight stay at Hotel.

Day03: Delhi – Agra (246km/ 3hr 45min)

Highlights : Drive By Yammuna Xpress Highway , Mathura City , Agra Fort , Taj Mahal ,
Dayal Bagh After early breakfast you will drive to Mughal City Agra and check into the
Hotel. En rout you may also visit Mathura the birth place of Lord Krishna. Afternoon visit the
Agra Fort, build by the great Emperor Akbar and the famous TajMahal the symbol of love,
built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal. You may also visit
Dayal Bagh. By evening return to your hotel.Overnight stay at Hotel.

Day04: Agra to Jaipur Highlights :

Fateh Pur Sikri , Mathura City , Buland Darwaza, Salim Chisti and Red Fort After breakfast
you will drive to the Pink City of Jaipur, enroute you will drive the Fatehpur Sikri, the
deserted red sand stone city built by the Mughal Emperor Akbar and Buland Darwaza, Salim
Chisti and Red Fort then proceed to Jaipur. On arrival check into the hotel.Over night stay at
Day05: Jaipur City Tour Highlights :
Amber Fort , Hawa Mahal , Jantar Mantar , City Museum After breakfast visit the Amber
Fort, built in 16th century enjoy an elephant ride at Amber.
Drive past the Hawa Mahal a Place of winds. In the afternoon you will visit the city palace
and museum, walk to adjacent Jantar Mantar an astronomical observatory.

Day 06: Jaipur Departure

Highlights: Depart After Breakfast check out the hotel and transfer to Airport /Railway
Station for your onwards Journey.

Srinagar Package
Destinations: Srinagar - Sonmarg - Pahalgam - Gulmarg Duration : 05 Nights / 06 Days

Day 01: Arrive Srinagar (Local Srinagar)

You will be met by our representative at the Srinagar airport. He will assist and transfer you
to the deluxe houseboat. In the afternoon you take a shikara ride on Dal Lake (optional)
where you visit the floating vegetable gardens.. Dinner and Overnight in dlx Houseboat.

Day 02 :
In Srinagar | Day Excursion to Sonmarg (80 kms / approx. 1 hour drive) Today you embark
on a full day excursion to the picturesque 'meadow of gold’ Sonmarg.. You can opt for a
pony ride to one of the glaciers for some fun in snow and ice (by your own payment). Return
back to the Hotel in Srinagar enjoy comfortable and Dinner at Hotel.

Day 03 :
In Srinagar Day Excursion to Pahalgam (90 kms / approx. 2 hour drive) After breakfast
proceed to Pahalgam (The valley of shepherds). En-route, visiting the saffron fields of
pampore, Awantipura Ruins (1100years old temple of Lord Vishnu built by the King
Awantivarman), and enjoy the beautiful country side. Drive throughout the pine forests.
Arrive at Pahalgam and enjoy Lidder stream. Later walk along pony trails with a magnificent
view of the mountains. Overnight in Srinagar hotel.

Day 04 :
In Srinagar Day Excursion to Gulmarg (60kms / approx. 2hour drive) Morning leave for
Gulmarg (Meadow of Flowers) 2730 mts. above the sea level. Gulmarg has one of the best
ski slopes in the world and highest golf course with 18 holes. If weather permits one can also
have the view of Nanga Parbat, the naked mountain that is over 26,000 feets and dominates
the entire region, also enjoy cable car (Gondola) for mountain ride upto khilangmarg. In the
evening drive back to Srinagar. Overnight in Srinagar hotel.

Day 05 :
In Srinagar Day Excursion to Srinagar (Local Srinagar) After having breakfast Sightseeing
Tour to world famous mughal gardens including: Shalimar, Nishant, Tulip gardens,(Asia’s
biggest tulip garden) botanical gardens, Chesmashahi and Parimahal. All the gardens are
situated on the banks of the Dal Lake with the Zabarwan hills in the background. Dinner and
Overnight in hotel.

Day 06 :
Srinagar Airport Return Home With Happy Memories. After breakfast, transfer to Srinagar
Airport to board your flight with memorable experiences.
Dear Mr. Pramod ,


A team of real professionals is here to guide you at every step..As per our telephonic
conversation here under the details of your tour package, kindly check the itinerary & revert
me as soon as possible.

No. of persons : 5 ADULTS

Package type :- 3 N / 4 D ( CHANDIGARH - MANALI 3 N - CHANDIGARH )


Cab used: BY PRIVATE INNOVA CAB ( Ac will not be used in Himanchal )

Travel Date : 7 MAY 2019

Tour itinerary


Meals - No Meal

Today Evening board your cab and depart Manali, next day morning you will reached


Meals - Dinner Only

Today morning your cab will drop you to the hotel. Then check in to the hotel and after fresh
n up , go for local sight seeings like: HADIMBA DEVI TEMPLE ( It is made by wood and
located in the middle of the forest),VAISHISHT VILLAGE (famous for hot sulpher spring
water) , and TIBETAN-MONASTERY. Later in the evening enjoy shopping at
famous MANALI MALL ROAD & IBEX MARKET. Dinner and overnight stay at hotel.
DAY 9 MAY 2019 - MANALI - SOLANG VALLEY up to the snow line.

Meals: Breakfast + Dinner

Today morning after breakfast go to Solang Valley , ( Horse Riding, Yak Riding,
Paragliding etc.(on your own expenses). Enroute visit and after completing that,back to
hotel ,do overnight stay there.


Meals: Breakfast + Dinner

Today morning after breakfast proceed towords kullu vaishno temple , - Roerich art gallery.
Do dinner and overnight stay in the hotel.


Meals: Breakfast only

Today morning after breakfast check out from the hotel and board your Cab and say good
bye to the land of God Himachal.

Tour Ends, but sweet memories always remain !

Package Type Hotel Used Package Cost
Package Cost : 6,000 Rs. /- Net
payable Per Adult Cost Pvt Innova
Cab ( 6 Adults) .

Package cost : 6,700 Rs. /- Net
Payable Per adult Cost By Pvt Innova
Cab ( 5 adults ).




Package Includes Package Excludes
Comprehensive Package for 5 adults and
Two Rooms, Double Sharing + one extra Monument entrance fee / Camera fees.
Any personal expensive – laundry ,
Pick up and drop from Delhi Volvo point .
shopping , tip etc.
MAP Meal plan – 3 Breakfasts, 3 Dinner. Train fare / Air fare
PICKUP AND DROP BY PVT INNOVA Any adventure activity skiing ,paragliding,
CAB. River Rafting etc.
Meal other than specified, Heater charges
Welcome drink tea,coffee on arrival.
Inclusive of all the Taxes (Parking, Toll
Tax, Luxury Tax, Govt. Service tax, Green
Tax Fuel Exp. and Driver Exp. etc.).

For Package conformation you need to deposit only 50% Payment in Our Company Account
given below and receive your Booking Voucher (Please do mail the screenshot of the mode
of advance payment).For Diamond,Diamond+,Platinum and Platinum+ packages need 100%

·Package can be altered/change as per the customer’s requirement/ interest if possible
(subject to availability)
·Check out time of the hotel mentioned is 10:00 hrs.Check in time is 12:00
noon.(Early check in is subject to availability)
·We may reschedule the sightseeing days subject to weather conditions & to ensure
smooth execution of tours.
·We shall not be responsible for any cancellation of cabs or buses due to bad weather
& are not liable for it.
·Though Himachal have been witnessing a huge tourist growth but the facilities
available cannot be matched to those available in the Cities and other developed


·Children below 5 years are complementary in parent’s room without extra bed.


·For advance/postpone of tour packages are to be communicated in written and need to be

inform us at least 10 days prior of tour date.

·INR 3000/- will be charged extra for advance/postpone (Only for Bronze, Silver and
Golden Packages).For Rest of Packages up to 15000/- can be charged.

·If the Client is willing to amend or cancel his/her booking because of whatsoever reasons
including death, accident, illness, or any other personal reasons including non-payment of the
balance payment, the Company is liable to recover Cancellation charges from the Client. All
cancellations are to be communicated in written and advance amount is non refundable,
besides the forfeiture of the deposit amount of the tour, a further charge will be levied as

·30 days prior to departure of the tour, advance amount is non refundable, advance will be

·30 days to 15 days prior to departure of the tour 50% of total tour cost.

·14 days to 07 days prior to departure of the tour 75% of total tour cost.

·07 days to 01 days prior to departure of the tour 100% of total tour cost.

·There will be no refund for NO SHOWS.

·Any amendment in the original booking has to be given to us in writing. All changes will be
processed only after the receipt of the same by the Company. However, if any of the
amendment requests results in cancellation of one or more services, then the Company is
liable to recover cancellation charges as indicated in the above-mentioned table.

·The above-mentioned cancellation charges are applicable only against the main Tour and
optional tours published by the Company. If the Client has booked any other services such as
air / train tickets or any third party product, then the Company is liable to recover
cancellation charges as per cancellation terms of respective airline / railways or the
cancellation terms of respective third party. The Company is also liable to recover its service
charges against booking and cancelling such services for the Client.
Dear Mr. Ravi ,


A team of real professionals is here to guide you at every step..As per our telephonic
conversation here under the details of your tour package, kindly check the itinerary & revert
me as soon as possible.

No. of persons : 2 ADULTS

Package type :- 5 N / 6 D ( DELHI - MANALI 3 N - SHIMLA 2 N - DELHI BY A.C



Cab used: BY PRIVATE ALTO CAB ( Ac will not be used in Himanchal )

Travel Month : 25 APRIL 2019

Tour itinerary



Meals - No Meal

Today evening board your volvo and depart manali, next day morning you will reached


Meals - Dinner Only

Today morning check in the hotel after fresh n up, go for local sight seeings like: HADIMBA
DEVI TEMPLE ( It is made by wood and located in the middle of the forest),VAISHISHT
VILLAGE (famous for hot sulpher spring water) , and TIBETAN-MONASTERY. Later in
the evening enjoy shopping at famous MANALI MALL ROAD & IBEX MARKET. Dinner
and overnight stay at hotel.
DAY 27 APRIL 2019- MANALI - SOLANG VALLEY up to the snow line.

Meals: Breakfast + Dinner

Today morning after breakfast go to Solang Valley , ( Horse Riding, Yak Riding,
Paragliding etc.(on your own expenses). Enroute visit and after completing that,back to
hotel ,do overnight stay there.


Meals: Breakfast + Dinner

Today morning after breakfast proceed towords kullu vaishno temple , - Roerich art gallery .
Do dinner and overnight stay in the hotel.


Meals: Breakfast + Dinner

Today morning after breakfast check out from the Manali hotel and board your deluxe bus
from Manali bus stand and proceed towards Shimla. Do dinner and overnight stay in Shimla


Meals : Breakfast + Dinner

Today morning after breakfast go for sight seeings ( Local sight seeings like: KUFRI , MALL
ROAD, BRIDGE ,LAKKAD MARKET etc). In the evening back to the hotel , do dinner and
overnight stay there.


Meals : Breakfast only

Today morning after breakfast check out from the hotel, Board your volvo and say good bye
to the Land of God Himachal

Tour Ends, but sweet memories always remain !

Package Type Hotel Used Package Cost


Package Cost : 26,800 Rs /- Per



Package Includes Package Excludes
Comprehensive Package for 2 Adults in
Monument entrance fee / Camera fees.
One Rooms , Double Sharing.
Any personal expensive – laundry ,
Pick up and drop from Delhi Volvo point.
shopping , tip etc.
MAP Meal plan – 5 Breakfasts, 5 Dinner. Train fare / Air fare
PICKUP AND DROP BY PRIVATE Any adventure activity skiing ,paragliding,
ALTO CAB. River Rafting etc.
Meal other than specified, Heater charges
Welcome drink tea,coffee on arrival.
Inclusive of all the Taxes (Parking, Toll
Tax, Luxury Tax, Govt. Service tax, Green
Tax Fuel Exp. and Driver Exp. etc.).

For Package conformation you need to deposit only 50% Payment in Our Company Account
given below and receive your Booking Voucher (Please do mail the screenshot of the mode
of advance payment).For Diamond,Diamond+,Platinum and Platinum+ packages need 100%

·Package can be altered/change as per the customer’s requirement/ interest if possible
(subject to availability)
·Check out time of the hotel mentioned is 10:00 hrs.Check in time is 12:00
noon.(Early check in is subject to availability)
·We may reschedule the sightseeing days subject to weather conditions & to ensure
smooth execution of tours.
·We shall not be responsible for any cancellation of cabs or buses due to bad weather
& are not liable for it.
·Though Himachal have been witnessing a huge tourist growth but the facilities
available cannot be matched to those available in the Cities and other developed


·Children below 5 years are complementary in parent’s room without extra bed.


·For advance/postpone of tour packages are to be communicated in written and need to be

inform us at least 10 days prior of tour date.

·INR 3000/- will be charged extra for advance/postpone (Only for Bronze, Silver and
Golden Packages).For Rest of Packages up to 15000/- can be charged.

·If the Client is willing to amend or cancel his/her booking because of whatsoever reasons
including death, accident, illness, or any other personal reasons including non-payment of the
balance payment, the Company is liable to recover Cancellation charges from the Client. All
cancellations are to be communicated in written and advance amount is non refundable,
besides the forfeiture of the deposit amount of the tour, a further charge will be levied as

·30 days prior to departure of the tour, advance amount is non refundable, advance will be

·30 days to 15 days prior to departure of the tour 50% of total tour cost.

·14 days to 07 days prior to departure of the tour 75% of total tour cost.

·07 days to 01 days prior to departure of the tour 100% of total tour cost.

·There will be no refund for NO SHOWS.

·Any amendment in the original booking has to be given to us in writing. All changes will be
processed only after the receipt of the same by the Company. However, if any of the
amendment requests results in cancellation of one or more services, then the Company is
liable to recover cancellation charges as indicated in the above-mentioned table.

·The above-mentioned cancellation charges are applicable only against the main Tour and
optional tours published by the Company. If the Client has booked any other services such as
air / train tickets or any third party product, then the Company is liable to recover
cancellation charges as per cancellation terms of respective airline / railways or the
cancellation terms of respective third party. The Company is also liable to recover its service
charges against booking and cancelling such services for the Client.

Before joining the company for my winter training I was hesitating a lot. I was thinking
totally negative about myself and I was giving a negligible status myself before the company.
But thank God I felt at home there, after feeling comfortable in company I gained energy for
working strongly and I perform very well there. I had never expected I will act like that, I
think my performance was above my hopes because my hopes were confined up to the
limited expectations.

This winter training was my any first industrial training which gave me a clear vision about
company work. I learnt there so many things which definitely help me in future to get a
strong stand at anywhere. Everything is depicted in my mind with the smiles of all staff
members who were teaching me things through funny matters and keeping smile on their
faces every time. I not only got the work experience and exposure from the company, but my
level of confidence also increased. I am realizing that now I would claim for something on
the basis of this experience which gives me surety to face the challenges of the present world.
In other words my winter training experience was very excellent and full of satisfactions from
my side because market the company in over all Delhi,NCR, working at computer, talking
with clients, telephonic conversation, etc was beautiful gift for me from the company which
satisfied me wholly and solely.

During my industrial training, I have performed there multitasks timely. I was greatly
appreciated in ULTIMATE INDIA HOLIDAYS, with the encouragement from the staff, I
felt comfortable and fearless in ULTIMATE INDIA HOLIDAYS right from the first day of
my training till the last day. The friendly environment of the company and the helping nature
of staff members had also motivated me to work fearlessly.
The following were the main tasks that I have performed in a better way
during my winter internship:

Requirement taking on telephonic conversation

A query is a cluster or a set of requirements which are related to the tour package. This query
is opened in the name of a particular client/customer/tourist who intends to any destination by
his/her preferred travel company. These query are mentioning the name, address etc. of
tourist; nature of tour, mode of transport, type of accommodation, area of destination,
duration of tour, number and no. of pax (s); departure, arrival and stopover dates etc.

Taking a requirement is most important work for any travel company to know the
confirmation about a travel trip or a package taken by a tourist. As in ULTIMATE INDIA
HOLIDAYS, the requirement taking was my usual task. They were making the
bookings/reservations for the tourists in hotels, coaches, trains, and air; making their detailed
package was given to me.

Keeping the package detail in sequential and better way in the file, which was my prior duty
there. I was maintaining the record of each requirement by entering them in log book (a
register in which the file number is registered with the name of client and departure date)

Work experience during our training-

I would like to pay my gratitude to my mentor Mr. Monu for giving me guidance and
support. I would also want to thank Mr. Monu for appointing me as a trainee in his

It was a great experience for me to work in India’s most famous travel company. I came to
know about the corporate world. I learnt how to tackle the different situations. There are
different types of customers having different kind of demands and I experienced that the
operation person in travel industry should be able to mould herself according to the
customer’s demands i.e. if they are quality oriented or budget oriented the operation person
has to make herself according to the demands. I came to know that if anyone is working in a
travel industry he/she must have a calm nature.

It is very important to learn the work of the company but first you have to be a true presenter,
pleasant personality and good human being.

Regarding my work experience it was the most memorable and learning for me. Working in
ULTIMATE INDIA HOLIDAYS made me confident about my work. I learnt about the
telephonic conversation, requirement taking and keeping them in record and last but not the
least I learnt how to make myself capable of handling various situations.

As I work there as a trainee and I know them very well during my winter training period.
There staff members’ behavior was very good towards me.That why I completed my winter
training around good environment and lots of thing. I came to know about the corporate
world. I learnt how to tackle the different situations.

But the only few thing that I suggest them and that is coordination between staff members.
They should be coordinated with each staff member whether they manager, employee and

It was a great experience for me to work in India’s most famous travel company.

Training is a necessary part of every human being whether she is an employee or a student. It
plays a vital role in the life of every Human-being. Training gives us knowledge and ability
gives us knowledge and ability for doing some new in our life. The most important impact of
training is that it saves the time and enhances the confidence of a woman. This winter job
training gave me more experience and ability to do worth in the tourism industry.

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