Capacity of Solids
Capacity of Solids
Capacity of Solids
POOLS 9C and 9F
Topic: Solids
Sub-topic: Capacity
Teacher: Ms. C. Thomas
1 l = 100 cl 1 ml = 1 cm3
= 1000 ml
= 1000 cm3 1 m3 = 1000l
1) Convert to litres
a. 7000ml b. 48500cm3 c. 250cm3
Step 1 Identify the unit you are converting from and to. As in the case of number 1 part a, you are
converting from millilitres to litres.
Step 2 Look at the conversion table above and select the applicable conversion for the units selected in
Step 1. As in the case of number 1 part a, 1l = 1000ml
3) Convert to m3
a. 45000l b. 349l
2) Convert to ml
a. 5l b. 37.9cm3
1l = 1000ml 1 cm3 = 1ml
5l = 5 x 1000ml 37.9 cm3 = 37.9 x 1ml
5l = 5000ml 37.9 cm3 = 37.9ml
3) Convert to m3
a. 45000l b. 349l
1 m3 = 1000l 1 m3 = 1000l
1000l = 1 m3 1000l = 1 m3
45000 349
45000l = 349l =
1000 1000
45000l = 45 m3 349l = 0.349 m3
1. Convert
c. 26m3 to l h. 1.556m3 to l
d. 32850l to m3 i. 8000l to m3
of the bottle.