CommoditiesDemystified Section B en
CommoditiesDemystified Section B en
CommoditiesDemystified Section B en
Chapter 5 Chapter 8
Sourcing commodities: Blending commodities:
working with producers transformation in form
p.3 p.15
Chapter 6 Chapter 9
Transporting commodities: Delivering commodities:
transformation in space meeting customer specifications
p.5 p.23
Chapter 7
Storing commodities:
transformation in time
2 Section B. How Commodity Trading Works
Chapter Introduction
This guide sets out to present a thumbnail portrait reflected here. Deliberately and inevitably, we have
of commodities trading. The aim is to inform readers focused on energy, metals and minerals trading, and
about the specialist nature of the business and have made only passing reference to trading
the services it provides, as well as to dispel some of agricultural products.
the myths that have grown up around trading over We have tried as far as possible to capture factors
the years. that are generic to commodity trading firms and
It makes clear that this is at its core, a physical their basic functions and techniques.
and logistical business, and not the dematerialised, This section explores the nuts and bolts of the
speculative activity that is sometimes suggested. trading business and the links in the supply chain,
The Trafigura Group, one of the world’s largest from sourcing the commodities from producers,
independent commodity traders, with a focus on oil transporting them by land and sea, and storing them
and petroleum products and metals and minerals, in terminals, tanks and warehouses, to blending them
is at the centre of the narrative. to meet ever-varying customer specifications and
The company focus is designed to provide delivering them to the right places at the right time.
concrete case studies and illustrations. We do not
claim that this is a definitive guide to all facets of
the industry. Other firms than Trafigura will have
their own unique characteristics, which are not
3 Section B. How Commodity Trading Works
Chapter 5. Sourcing commodities: working with producers
Chapter 5
Trading firms aim to maximise the price differential between the price
they pay for (untransformed) commodities and the revenue they earn by
selling (transformed) commodities. Minimising the overall cost of
acquiring commodities is therefore a priority. They work with producers
to secure long-term, cost-effective supply.
*Mining majors: BHP Billiton, Glencore, Rio Tinto. Oil majors: BP, Chevron, Exxon Mobil, Shell, Total
4 Section B. How Commodity Trading Works
Chapter 5. Sourcing commodities: working with producers
This matters for the trading firm. In a world that is Pre-payment agreements
moving towards increased transparency, suppliers that More typically the commodity trading firm makes a
source from mines with poor social, environmental and pre-payment for future supply. This arrangement is
production performance run a significant reputational risk. popular in many resource-rich but cash-poor
developing countries that might resist outright
Improving competitiveness and marketability foreign ownership of their natural resources.
Many trading firms develop specialist logistics to Commodity pre-payments are a useful substitute
support multiple, smaller producers. Trafigura is for the loans that emerging economies find
investing heavily in Colombian transport infrastructure. increasingly hard to get from international banks.
In Brazil, its state-of-the-art multimodal cargo For commodity traders making the pre-payment
terminal, a joint venture with Mubadala, has direct there is a risk that the commodity to be delivered
rail links to miners in the country’s iron ore quadrangle. will fall in value. However, there are mechanisms to
Traders can gain a sustained competitive deal with this. The producer can for instance agree
advantage by developing advanced logistics in to make up any fall in commodity value with a cash
countries where there are no viable alternatives. Their payment or extra supply of the commodity.
logistics networks can transform and transport Offtake agreements give producers security of
commodities at lower cost than their competitors. demand and commodity traders security of supply.
But these are long-term investments and they need Commodity traders are unlikely, in every case, to tie
to work in partnership with local communities. a specific volume of crude to a specific agreement
Firms will also provide technical or financial to supply one particular refinery, or dedicate copper
resources to help producers modernise and extend concentrate to serve a particular smelter. They
production. These are often linked to long-term wouldn’t be traders if they were to forego the
purchase arrangements, known as offtake opportunity of getting the best price for their offtake
agreements, where the trader agrees in advance to volumes. But the existence of some steady long-term
buy a minimum percentage of the mine’s output over supply coming into their commodity portfolios does
several years. allow traders to sign longer-term supply agreements
with refiners, smelters and processors.
Securing supply
There are many ways of securing supply, one of which
is ownership of oil and gas fields and mines. Common WAYS COMMODITY TRADING FIRMS SECURE
ownership of the raw material and of all the means RELIABLE LOW-COST SUPPLIES
to process, transport and market it can make sense.
There are several examples of upstream
integration. Glencore, after its merger with Xstrata,
has effectively become an integrated mining 1 Upstream integration
company. Mercuria has upstream oil and coal assets,
and Vitol owns upstream oil assets. Trafigura owns
mines in Spain and Peru.
However, a more usual way to secure
Offtake agreements supply is through long-term offtake 2 Joint ventures
and upstream agreements with producers. Sometimes
integration secure such agreements follow on from a spell
long-term supply
of asset ownership by the commodity
trading firm. Trafigura, for example,
Pre-payment and offtake
bought a Peruvian mine in 1997 and spent the 3 agreements
following 16 years improving efficiency and extending
its life. When it sold the mine in 2013 it signed an
agreement to take 100 percent of its output.
Commodity trading firms sometimes combine an
initial investment (perhaps in the form of a 4 Technical support
joint venture) with offtake agreements to get
supply flowing.
5 Section B. How Commodity Trading Works
Chapter 6. Transporting commodities: transformation in space
Chapter 6
Many producers are found in remote locations, often in emerging
economies. Traders need to deliver commodities to consumption centres
on the other side of the world. They can increase their profitability and
generate more physical arbitrage opportunities by lowering
transportation costs.
Developing infrastructure
Commodity trading firms rely on efficient logistics transport. These may be situated inland or at
to transport commodities cost-effectively. Where the coast and will usually take advantage of
the existing infrastructure is sub-optimal, there are automated processes that streamline transferral. For
strong commercial grounds for investing in midstream instance, small-scale miners in Brazil’s iron ore
assets – road, rail or river transportation linked to quadrangle transport their cargo on trucks to a local
modern ports and terminals – that increase the collection terminal at an inland railway station. The
efficiency of their supply chains. product is transferred directly onto rail freight
carriages. It then travels by rail to an Atlantic
Multimodal logistics terminal, where it is automatically unloaded onto a
Trading firms design multimodal logistics systems to conveyor belt. This conveys the product to a feeder
optimise economies of scale and reduce shipment system for a bulk dry freight tanker, which is berthed
costs. They select the most efficient and ready for export.
Multimodal logistics
transportation for each stage along the
networks optimise
transportation and supply chain to reduce the overall cost of
minimise transferral the delivered commodity. Multimodal
costs at each stage terminals optimise the transfer of
of the supply chain shipments between different modes of
6 Section B. How Commodity Trading Works
Chapter 6. Transporting commodities: transformation in space
Inland transportation
Getting product from one part of the world to
another brings many different modes of
transport into play. The main inland
modes of transportation include:
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8 Section B. How Commodity Trading Works
Chapter 6. Transporting commodities: transformation in space
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) markets Commercial arrangements limited sales to a defined
Gas, the greenest of the fossil fuels, is difficult to set of buyers (who in turn would often have
transport globally and that restricts its tradability. monopolistic franchise areas).
Russia, the most landlocked of major energy As more re-gasification capacity has come on-
producers, delivers most of its gas by pipeline. Pipeline stream, particularly on floating barges, international
gas generally goes straight from the producer to the LNG trading is opening up, taking on more of the
consumer, with no real role for intermediaries. characteristics of a standard commodity market. A
But pipelines are impractical where producers and small but growing share of international LNG trade
consumers are separated by sea. LNG transportation is taken by trading firms selling gas from a global
provides an effective solution. portfolio and benefiting from arbitrage opportunities
LNG works by cooling natural gas to minus 162 between the various regional import prices.
degrees centigrade. This liquefies the gas and shrinks An estimated 20 percent of LNG volumes is now
it to 1/600 th of its gaseous volume. The liquid traded on the spot market (though in this long-term
concentrate is transportable in purpose-built business, spot contracts can last up to four years)
refrigerated tankers. through aggregators and traders.
The technology was developed several decades The evolution of LNG markets demonstrates that
ago and began to be used commercially in the mid- a requirement for significant investment in long-term
1960s. Liquefaction and re-gasification capacity capital projects technology is no bar to the
developed rapidly until the 1980s, then stagnated development of effective traded markets. Craig
until the mid-1990s, but has picked up since. Pirrong has observed that “expensive, durable
Qatar is the global industry leader, but is now investments in specialised capital [projects] are
being joined by new exporters, chiefly Australia but completely compatible with spot market pricing
also the US and countries in east Africa. complemented by market risk transfer mechanisms.
Early LNG contracts were long-term arrangements, In essence, liquid markets create security of supply
locking producer and consumer into a virtual pipeline and security of demand3”.
that did not allow any intermediary trading.
Fifty Years of Global LNG, Craig Pirrong, 2014
UK 49.09
Germany 101.64
Au 9.20
ce 4
a 35.58
ra Fran
Tur .3
China 72.19
kme 0
an 5
Algeria 55.12
0 tar
.2 123
63 .71
Norway 1
Bitumen markets
Not too long ago, the bitumen trade was regarded
as a regional business. The specialised ships required
to transport the product tended to be relatively small,
making it difficult to achieve the economies of scale
needed to make global trade worthwhile. In recent
years, however, this has started to change.
Bitumen shipping and trading go hand in hand,
because the ship is needed to make the trade. And
bitumen carriers are highly specialised, built with
containers that continually heat the bitumen at
150°C so it does not solidify.
Puma Energy’s bitumen carriers are some of the
largest in the world. Weighing in at 30,000 tonnes
each and 40 percent more fuel-efficient than their
traditional counterparts, these kinds of ships are
helping to globalise the market. They can transport
bitumen from the US Gulf to Australia and back again
without having to stop to refuel.
Budgets for road construction and maintenance
– which account for about 85 percent of bitumen
use globally – are largely tied to government spending.
Public investment has been lacking since the 2008
< TRANSPORTING GAS financial crisis in the developed world, but China and
countries in Africa are major growth markets.
vs 2000 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Chapter 7
With inelastic supply and demand in commodity markets, supply and
demand shocks have the potential to create volatile market conditions.
Trading firms store commodities to help bridge this gap and keep
markets in balance. They own and control midstream infrastructure and
maintain large inventories at strategic locations around the globe.
Traders earn profits over time by reducing stocks when there is excess
demand and building up inventory when there is excess supply.
Trading firms facilitate the process. They earn Security and optionality
arbitrage profits by releasing or increasing inventories Control of midstream infrastructure also gives traders
while simultaneously creating offsetting positions in security of supply. This enhances their strategic
futures markets. flexibility and improves their ability to deliver globally
Trading firms gain a competitive advantage by at times that suit their customers.
maintaining inventories their own facilities. Arbitrage
opportunities are, by definition, transient. The cost Partnerships and trading relationships
of even a short delay in obtaining goods can be Infrastructure to make exports more competitive is
considerable. Firms that store their commodities in welcome in many economies, especially in those that
a facility they do not own or control risk not being do not have the resources or the expertise to do this
able to exploit such opportunities. themselves. This kind of investment unlocks new
To execute arbitrage successfully, traders need markets and opens doors to new suppliers.
instant access to their assets. Knowing this, facility Trafigura subsidiary Impala Terminals’ investment,
owners may try to charge premium rates by, for along with Mubadala, at Porto Sudeste in Brazil offers
example instituting delivery delays and enforcing an smaller independent iron ore miners an export outlet.
artificially high price for an ‘express’ service. Such It is also a platform for the company to develop new
hold-ups don’t occur if the firm executing the relationships in the region. Its river infrastructure
arbitrage also owns the storage facility. programme is strategically vital for Colombia. Its
As markets become more transparent, arbitrage involvement is generating goodwill in the country
opportunities are increasingly transient. The more and helping it forge crucial long-term partnerships
acute this temporal specificity becomes the greater with private and public sector concerns.
the incentive to invest in midstream infrastructure.
Traders do not face the same risks with floating Ownership and control
storage facilities. Most commodity traders own All of these factors help to explain the increased asset
terminals and storage facilities, but very few have intensity of trading firms in recent years. It also raises
their own bulk carriers or tanker fleets. The owners a question: if midstream infrastructure assets are so
of fixed logistic assets face little competition. There valuable, why do commodity trading firms sometimes
is little to stop them holding up delivery. However, choose to sell them?
bulk ships and tankers are mobile. If a ship owner It partly comes down to culture. Trading firms
tried to delay delivery the charterer would simply exist to service the need of producers and consumers
take their business to a competitor. as such they buy and sell opportunistically. That
extends to fixed assets, especially when there is a
Adding value though logistics capital gain that outweighs the trading advantage
As commodity producers have got better access to of holding onto the asset.
price information and become more sophisticated It is also strategic. Unlike Glencore and Noble, the
at marketing their products, the profit margin on four big private commodity trading firms, Vitol,
pure trading activities has declined. Trading firms Gunvor, Mercuria and Trafigura, cannot raise equity
increasingly need to add value by offering integrated finance on stock markets. They need regular capital
logistical services for their customers. They are better infusions to build up their balance sheets or make
equipped to do that if they invest in infrastructure. further infrastructure investments. Asset sales can
Global trading firms with substantial be an important cash-raising tool.
Trading firms
throughput are best placed. Trading firms And it is important to remember too that control
benefit more from
investing in
that control a substantial fraction of the does not necessarily require ownership. A good
midstream assets assets at a particular midstream facility illustration is Trafigura's construction, then partial sale,
where they have benefit from the advantages of scale. of an oil storage and export facility at Corpus Christi,
substantial Being able to deliver more efficiently gives Texas (see page 54). The company sold a majority stake
throughput them a competitive edge in the region. to a specialist operator in 2015, but before doing so it
made sure it retained the rights to all future production.
13 Section B. How Commodity Trading Works
Chapter 7. Storing commodities: transformation in time
May-14 May-15 Nov-15 May-16
$ premium/discount to
Brent spot rate
1 10 20 30 36
-12 May-15
-15 May-16
Months to delivery
Chapter 8
Since commodity producers derive their product from the ground, its
quality and characteristics are variable. To be fit for purpose, physical
commodities need to be matched to customer specifications.
Traders and intermediaries bridge the quality gap by techniques to reduce the levels of arsenic,
blending commodities from multiple sources to make phosphorous and other unwanted materials in
products that match customer requirements. They shipments in return for a higher price. In iron ore and
earn profits by identifying and exploiting market coal markets, blending is primarily a mechanism for
inefficiencies in the price / quality relationships enhancing profitability.
between different shipments of a physical commodity. Traders need to be able to store products from
Suppliers provide products that at least meet the multiple sources at a strategic location where there
customer specification, but the complexity of the is the capability to blend at scale. They could in theory
refining process is such that to do this they will rent such facilities from third parties, but most prefer
sometimes present an over-specified product. Traders to control or own their own infrastructure. Transaction
and intermediaries use blending to optimise economics and the concept of temporal specificity
shipments so they can meet customer specifications shed light on the reason for this.
at a competitive price. Arbitrage opportunities are fleeting. If a change
in relative pricing between two grades of a commodity
Strategic infrastructure creates a blending opportunity the trader must be
In metals and minerals markets, traders often able to react swiftly to exploit that. If its product is
combine materials from two or more mines to create held in a third-party owned facility the trader's
commodities with the desired qualities synthetically. interests may not be prioritised. There is a risk that
In concentrates markets – copper in particular but the third party may even use the situation to extract
also zinc, lead and other metals – they use blending premium rates.
16 Section B. How Commodity Trading Works
Chapter 8. Blending commodities: transformation in form
4% +
Blending in copper markets techniques such as oxidisation can reduce arsenic
Chinese copper consumption has grown markedly content, these are costly and they also affect copper
since 2000. In 2002, China had already overtaken levels. For instance, processing at Toromocho which
the US to become the world’s largest copper reduces arsenic from 1 percent to 0.7 percent, also
consumer. By 2014, it was consuming 8.7 million cuts the copper grade in the concentrate
metric tonnes of refined copper products, 40 percent from 26 percent to around 22 percent. Blending
of global demand. Another solution is to blend the concentrates
China processes increasing amounts of its copper concentrate. Mines producing arsenic- reduces toxicity
domestically; it accounts for over a third of global rich concentrate sell at a discount to
smelter production. But with few exploitable trading firms, like Trafigura, which also
reserves domestically, it has to source most of its have access to cleaner stocks. The traders then blend
copper overseas. the material with cleaner concentrates before selling
The quality of concentrate available has suffered on to smelters.
with the growth in demand. As existing mines get Low-quality concentrate requires larger inventories
depleted, smelters are more reliant on new, sometimes and more extensive processing. This is reflected in
arsenic-rich, sites for their concentrate. The the price. The premiums payable on cleaner
Toromocho mine in Peru, which came on stream in concentrates vary according to market conditions.
2014, and Codelco’s Ministro Hales project in
northern Chile, which began production in 2015, are Blending coal for power plants
significant new sources of copper supply. Both The rationale for blending coal is purely economic.
produce concentrate with high arsenic content: Trading firms source products from multiple locations
1 percent at Toromocho and around 4 percent at and blend to meet customer specifications in the
Ministro Hales. most cost-effective way possible. Utilities running
These new flows of arsenic-rich copper concentrate coal-fired power plants are important customers.
present fresh challenges for the industry. Concentrate Japanese and Korean plants have more exacting
containing arsenic poses health and safety risks for quality requirements. They typically negotiate long-
smelters and China insists on a maximum 0.5 percent term contracts, often direct with producers, to secure
arsenic content for imports. Although processing consistent quality product.
17 Section B. How Commodity Trading Works
Chapter 8. Blending commodities: transformation in form
Power plants in China, which face less exacting Market forces dictate spreads between lumps and
environmental standards and stretching demand fines and for the different grades. Trading firms blend
conditions, are often more flexible about the grades accordingly to maximise their margins, aiming to
of coal they use. They are also active in spot markets source the most economic and supply the most
and prepared to deal with multiple suppliers. Global popular grades by adjusting combinations of lumps
trading firms sell direct or via intermediaries. They and fines. This is a scale business, which is most
blend coal from different sources to supply the right profitable for firms with access to blending terminals
quality product as cost-effectively as possible. and multiple sources of supply.
Most traders have cornerstone contracts with key
Iron ore and steel mills customers for the bulk of the ore they supply. They
The steel industry is a major source of demand for build up inventories comprising different grades and
coal and iron ore. Its market dynamics differ from types of ore to meet their requirements and will
the utility business in one key respect: demand is supplement this by trading on spot markets with
much more volatile. intermediaries and other steel mills.
Historically, steel mills maintained large iron ore
inventories, allowing them to respond rapidly to Crude oil benchmarks and characteristics
shifting demand conditions. But in recent years, as In its natural, unrefined state, crude oil ranges in
it has become more difficult for the steel mills to density and consistency, from a very thin, lightweight
obtain credit, inventories have shrunk from 40 to 10 fluid to a thick, semi-solid oil. There is tremendous
days. The mills increasingly rely on steel variation in colour, from golden yellow to very dark
Steel mills have
sales to generate cashflow and have black. The viscosity, toxicity and volatility (i.e.
outsourced storage outsourced storage to trading firms. tendency to evaporate) of oils determine how they
to trading firms Their lack of inventory contributes to can be used and transported.
a see-sawing iron ore price. Rather than Key measurements for crude include American
consuming iron ore and coal at a constant Petroleum Institute (API) gravity (inversely related
rate, the mills ramp up production when pricing is to density) and sulphur content (low sulphur grades,
advantageous and slow it down as steel demand falls. known as sweet, are less toxic).
Trading firms maintain large stocks and supply Grades are described by location and specified in
the mills according to need. They buy ore with detail. Benchmark grades are used as pricing indices
different purity levels from various suppliers and and for hedging.
blend it according to customer demand. With over 160 tradeable crude oil products, many
Iron ore can be supplied as lumps or in a fine- different refined products and numerous end-users
ground powder (fines) at various grades of purity. with highly specific requirements, blending
Mills pay a premium for high-quality lump ore as it opportunities abound in oil markets.
can be charged directly into the blast furnace. Fines
first have to be agglomerated into lumps, in a process
known as sintering, to prevent it smothering the
furnace. Lower grade ores must go through a series
of processes before they can be used to make pig
iron and ultimately steel.
18 Section B. How Commodity Trading Works
Chapter 8. Blending commodities: transformation in form
Liquefied Gasoline Jet Fuel Diesel fuel Heavy fuel oil Bitumen Other
Petroleum Gas Regular gasoline Jet A1 Home-heating Normal (4%) Naphthas products
Propane (petrochemicals) Kerosene
Premium gasoline fuel Low sulphur
Special gasolines
Butane Unleaded content (2%) Light marine
Premium Very low sulphur White spirit Diesel
content (1%) Aviation gasoline Special fuel oils
Lubricant base
Paraffins - waxes
Source: US Energy Information Administration and IFP
19 Section B. How Commodity Trading Works
Chapter 8. Blending commodities: transformation in form
Products need to be shipped reliably and safely to develop a product that meets the specification
over large distances. Efficient hub-and-spoke refinery more precisely and therefore more cost-effectively.
network and global operations offer great flexibility,
and are highly responsive to changes in demand, Balkanisation and US gasoline markets
supply shocks and other market adjustments. Most of us don’t think twice about the fuel we put
Transportation and storage are increasingly into our cars, but the convenience of the local service
pivotal in today’s global oil market, but blending still station and the ubiquity of this seemingly simple
plays an important role. With the emergence of the product belie the complexity of the markets and
super refineries, more blending opportunities have processes required to deliver it.
opened up as plants gain the ability to accept a wider It is a common misconception to think of gasoline
range of input. simply as an oil product derived from crude oil
through the refining process. While straight-run
The great gasoline giveaway gasoline, also called naphtha, is distilled directly from
Refiners try to manipulate ingredients to meet crude, gasoline as a product is far more complex.
market specifications, but they cannot always achieve The product specification varies according to where
this precisely. Depending on the ingredients available it is consumed, by whom and for what purpose. At the
and the processes they employ they may arrive at top level, refiners make at least two versions. Regular
an over- or under-specified blend. For the refiner, it gasoline is blended for standard vehicles. Premium
may make economic sense to deliver an over- grade gasoline is blended for high-performance
specified blend. It could be that there is a shortage vehicles with high-compression engines that require
of raw materials or perhaps the complexity of high-octane fuel to operate at peak efficiency.
optimisation outweighs its economic benefits. In the US there is a proliferation of standards.
Even so, these are market inefficiencies and they Several states have regional regulatory requirements.
create profitable opportunities for traders and other The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) enforces
intermediaries. In oil trading parlance these sub- strict environmental controls. Unique fuel regulations
optimal blends are known as "giveaways". By have created gasoline zones across the country where
modifying such blends with other ingredients traders only certain fuels can be sold. This balkanisation of
are able to supply products that meet the US fuel supply has made it more expensive to
Gasoline giveaways market specifications more precisely and produce and deliver fuel, but it also
are profitable for more cost-effectively. creates trading opportunities. There are different
traders Giveaways erode refiner margins. Gasoline is a blend of 15 to 20 different fuels in different US
A 150,000 barrels-per-day refinery may components. The aim is to produce a states at different
times of the year
forego anything up to $30 million annually clean-burning, energy-efficient, cost-
in giveaways on gasoline, distillate and heavy oil sales. effective grade with low toxicity levels.
For gasoline blending, refiners often focus on Achieving the right combination is a complex
minimising octane giveaways. Other dimensions of process. Often, adding one ingredient strengthens
giveaways can be more complex to manage. one attribute at the expense of other
Volatility in fuel fluctuates according to altitude desired characteristics.
and ambient temperature. Far more than in, say, Butane for instance is a relatively cheap fuel with
Europe, the US caters for these fluctuations by good burning properties. Gasoline with more butane
allowing states or regions to specify particular blends is cheaper to produce and has higher octane levels,
to reflect climatic differences; not only seasonal, but but butane’s high Reid vapour pressure (RVP) makes
also geographic, such as between the low-lying sub- it prone to rapid evaporation. That limits the extent
tropical Gulf, the high plains near the Rockies, and to which it can be incorporated into blends.
California's Mediterrean-type climate. A refiner Volatility – a gasoline’s tendency to vaporise – is
producing gasoline for multiple US states may have the key gasoline characteristic for good driveability.
to make blends with several different volatilities and Liquids and solids don’t burn; vapours do. Gasoline
change the volatility from month to month. has to vaporise before it can ignite in an engine’s
Not surprisingly, given the amount of capital combustion chamber. In cold conditions, gasoline
involved, optimisation is going on all the time. It is that vaporises easily helps a cold engine start quickly
not always a case of the traders physically combining and warm up smoothly. Warm-weather gasoline is
elements themselves but the aim is always the same: blended to vaporise less easily to prevent fuel
21 Section B. How Commodity Trading Works
Chapter 8. Blending commodities: transformation in form
Oxygenated Fuels
N RFG w/Ethanol
S RFG w/Ethanol
Chapter 9
As markets become more efficient, commodity trading is evolving
into a low-margin service business. Increasingly, traders make their
living by providing a solidly reliable logistics service between producer
and consumer.
There is growing emphasis on service in the company, for instance, it needs to deliver its cargo
commodity industry. With more intense competition in the right volumes, at the right quality, at the agreed
and better information, markets are more transparent, time and at the agreed place. Should it fail to deliver,
margins thinner and arbitrage opportunities more there is a high price for the end-user, with the risk of
fleeting. The most successful trading firms are power outages and even popular unrest.
focusing on producer and end-user priorities. This is a low-margin business. Trading firms
In an industry governed by economies of scale typically earn 3 percent or less on a given transaction.
and close trading relationships, there is space for Given the cost of transportation, insurance and the
niche players that cater to specialist markets and operational risks they take on, this is by no means
regions, and for larger global trading firms that excessive. The trading firms that deliver service
can afford to invest in logistics and infrastructure most efficiently will gain a competitive advantage.
that benefit their customers. Market conditions The trading firm’s role is far broader
Trading firms rely on
are much more challenging for medium-sized than that of a mere broker. It justifies its high-quality
trading firms. involvement by the high level of service operations to
The customers for commodity trading it provides to commodity producer and execute
Key tenets for firms are often strategic organisations in consumer alike. Ensuring execution transactions
successful delivery
their respective economies, such as progresses smoothly and within profitably
government agencies, energy-intensive budgeted parameters is therefore
manufacturers and utilities. Any disruption in their critical to business profitability.
supply chains can have far-reaching consequences. Like any other multinational business, commodity
Reliability is fundamental. If a trading firm wants traders may be operating in places that are blighted
to forge strong trading relationships, it has to be able by geopolitical division, subject to international
to deliver commodities on spec and on time, every political sanctions, and prone to corruption and
time. If it is supplying coal to a power generating money laundering.
24 Section B. How Commodity Trading Works
Chapter 9. Delivering commodities: meeting customer specifications
While most commodity consumers are in All documentation needs to be accurate and up
industrialised nations and emerging economies, to date. The firm’s trade finance department ensures
mines and wells are scattered across the globe. They that the documents accompanying a letter of credit
are usually located away from major urban areas, are in order. Before the ship carrying its cargo can
often in developing economies. Trading firms may embark its master needs to sign a bill of lading, a
need to create, supplement or enhance local standard form document that confirms the title
infrastructure to make transportation affordable. holder of a cargo shipment and obliges the carrier to
Commodity trades span the globe. They can release it to them on arrival at the destination port.
involve counterparties that may not know each other, Insurance provision needs to be in place.
let alone trust each other. One way that trading firms It takes great care and skill to execute deals
add value is by building up trusting relationships with precisely, managing continuing operational risks
their counterparties. They set up detailed protocols while preserving corporate reputations. Companies
for trading and delivery to minimise risk and maximise not disciplined enough to fulfil their various
certainty. These need to be followed to the letter. obligations and responsibilities may find themselves
Large trading firms manage significant numbers taking on large risk exposures quite unintentionally.
of transactions. They must consider all aspects of As competition has intensified, alliances
They strengthen
operational risk, put systems in place, take out between trading firms and other market supply chains by
insurance and audit the delivery process. A company participants – based on shared interests, supporting their
like Trafigura takes on more than 2,000 ship voyages complementary capabilities and mutual customers
a year. The sheer volume of activity makes it hard to benefit – have become increasingly common.
monitor each and every risk on a given flow of For consumers, long-term arrangements increase
business without a clear system and well-understood, certainty and reduce volatility. The trading firms gain
carefully thought through procedures. from having consistency of supply.
Commodity trading firms employ a
specialists and
relatively small number of people to
handle numerous high-volume, high- RELIABLE CONSUMPTION OUTLETS
inspectors to value transactions. They put protocols in
manage processes place to supervise and monitor processes
on the ground so they can identify and pre-empt any
problems or issues that may arise. 1 Downstream integration
Once the trader concludes the deal,
he hands the execution to an operator. The operator
coordinates logistics to make sure all the right
resources are in place for the right dates. That means
working with the contracts department and the 2 Joint ventures
shipping department, appointing inspectors to
measure the quantity and quality of what’s in the
tanker, appointing vessel brokers and agents, dealing
with those responsible for loading and discharge, the
terminal operator and, of course, maintaining 3 Financial support
relations with the customer. The operator also has
to keep the deals desk up to date with any information
that could affect hedging strategy or the profitability
of the trade.
Operations teams focus in depth on cargo 4 Technical support
certification. They assess whether the quantity and
quality of the cargo needs to be certified by an
independent inspector. This may be specified as a
requirement in an accompanying letter of credit.
Trading firms will normally appoint agents to act as 5 Long-term supply contracts
their representatives, certify cargo and manage
delivery of shipments.
25 Section B. How Commodity Trading Works
Chapter 9. Delivering commodities: meeting customer specifications
Top ten copper smelter In 2017, world copper smelter in 2017 as smelter production in
producers in 2017 production reached over China expanded rapidly. Primary
19 million tonnes. Asia’s share smelters use mine concentrates
of world copper smelter output as their main source of feed.
more than doubled from Secondary copper smelters use
27 percent in 1990 to 56 percent copper scrap as their feed.
USA China
% 2.71% 37.91%
y 75
an 2.
3. orea
7.8 8 %
Ja pa n
the trade:
in action
Structuring and maintaining an 3
efficient operating model is at the
heart of profitable commodity
trading. The operations team of
any commodity trader has an
important role in helping to define
and refine protocols that allow
the trading firm minimise risk
and reduce costs. 1
1 Loading and discharge weather systems affect shipping tasks, supervise loading and
Managing efficient
speeds, fuel consumption and unloading of cargo, and are
execution Every day a vessel remains in dock
trade routes. Charterers that responsible for arranging pilot
In commodity trading firms, or at sea waiting to load or
exceed the agreed rental period and tug-boat services.
the trading operation is at the discharge results in both
must pay a demurrage fee. The
hub of the company. It opportunity costs and actual costs 4 Appointing inspectors
operations team monitors
controls the commodity for the trading firm. The contract
demurrage risks and notifies Both the volume and the quality
inventory and has overall between the charterer and the
trading teams when schedules of commodity shipments can
responsibility for managing shipowner specifies agreed time
come under pressure. change while in transit.
the supply chain activities for loading and unloading
Sometimes, this is anticipated
required to transform (laytime). The operations team 3 Vessel brokers and agents – with crude oil shipments for
transactions into profit for the needs to coordinate chartering
Global trading firms undertake instance, there is always some
company and value for its dates, arrival and loading, and
numerous high-volume, high-value residue left in the tanker. In other
customers. From the moment destination and discharge
transactions involving thousands cases, the cargo may have been
the deal is closed until schedules to minimise lost time.
of journeys each year. They liaise stored incorrectly, its chemical
ultimate delivery, the
2 Demurrage with brokers to charter vessels. properties may have changed, or
operations team is responsible
They use agents to manage there is a discrepancy in volumes
for execution of the myriad Trading in the physical world
logistics and represent their loaded and unloaded at various
processes required to achieve doesn’t always go according to
interests while their ships are in stages. To prevent the expense and
this objective. plan. Ships develop faults, and
port. They oversee administrative disruption of disagreements
28 Section B. How Commodity Trading Works
Chapter 9. Delivering commodities: meeting customer specifications
between buyers, sellers and warehousing rental and chartering separate insurance programmes best strategy to recover value on
logistics providers, trading firms costs as well as for the material for property, liability, political distressed cargo?
appoint independent inspectors to itself via suppliers and receivers. risk and trade credit general
certify the quality and the Financing arrangements are put in insurance. The shipper may cover 8 Auditing
quantity of cargo. place (e.g. letter of credit) and if a specific cargo with its own Most operations go to plan but
applicable an operator tracks and policy. If not, the trading firm where this does not happen it is
5 Accounting for controls the pricings of cargo may take out special marine the job of the operations team to
physical flows and allocates them to shipments policies to cover shipment. work out who is at fault and
Profit and loss (P&L) can be for invoicing purposes, while establish how best to recoup
affected by many known or monitoring exposures. There 7 Troubleshooting money for the firm. With a
unknown factors. Effective and will also be unknown or Most transactions work like complex supply chain, issues can
vigilant contract management is unpredictable factors, such as clockwork, but when things get arise during storage, blending and
mandatory. The operations team force majeure by a supplier, bad more complex the operations transportation. The operations
will keep the trading back office weather or engine failure, which team has to negotiate the best team will reconcile volumes and
up to date with the latest news may result in P&L impact. remedial action. Who is at fault if qualities at every stage in the
while monitoring the life cycle a correctly loaded cargo arrives process to pinpoint discrepancies.
of the trade. This includes 6 Insurance off-spec or the quantities can't be
tracking payments and receipts The operations team checks that reconciled? Does the trader sue Play the video online
for known costs such as port fees, insurance provides adequate the inspector, claim insurance or www.downloads.
agency fees, inspection costs, coverage. Trading firms maintain accept the loss? And what is the