01 - IG2 Form-V5.1
01 - IG2 Form-V5.1
01 - IG2 Form-V5.1
Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that
the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).
Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while
completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant
resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.
Part 1: Background
Topic Comments
Trojan LLC.
Name of organisation*
Alamein North coast of Egypt.
Site location*
Number of workers
My organisation is construction company called Trojan LLC, Located in the North Coast of Egypt,
and employee's 250 workers.
Trojan Project is called June project and it is 127 villas in the north coast Egypt and it is
construction site, storage and offices area. The business is construction of 127 villas with all the
activities carried out like excavation, Backfilling, carpentry, steel fixing, electricity, concrete, block
work, Painting, Insulation works, finishing works and infra-structure works
General description of the organisation Work starts at 07am to 05pm on weekdays and it is no one is working on weekends.
Workers are required to work 8 hours per day so there are staggered start and finish times in place
The risk assessment will cover the construction site with all its activities.
The offices area has a separate risk assessment.
The finance director and construction director (who reports directly to Managing Director) have
direct responsibility to health and safety.
15- Workers should be trained to try to move their 2 month HSE Manager
legs in the harness and try to push against
any footholds.
19- A First Aid Kit & stretcher must be available to 1 month Procurement Manager
use it in case of injury.
20- Every equipment must be equipped with First 1 month Procurement Manager
aid kit and operators are trained to use it.
25- Any injured person must not be moved or 2 months HSE Manager
given any liquids unless by a first aid trained
26- A site vehicle must be present nearby in case 1 month Procurement Manager
if the injured person needs to be transferred to
a hospital.
Work Equipment 25 workers in use for Operators are trained and 1- Power tools shall be of good quality and 1- 1- 3 Months Procurement Manager
power tools given information on safe 1-1 recognized manufacturing material. They
Power Tools use of power tools shall be appropriate for the work for which
Power tools can cause Operators are supervised they will be used.
to ensure safe use
6- If any defects are identified, the tool shall be 1 Month Construction Manager
removed from service, tagged (not to be used)
and either be repaired or replaced and records
shall be maintained.
10- Powered tools to be fitted with “dead mans” 3 Months Construction Manager
11- Power tools and associated implements, shall 2 Months Construction Manager
be used only for the specific purpose they
were designed. (Do not improvise with the
wrong tools or handmade power tools).
12- The use of tools with powered machines such 1 Month Construction Manager
as lathes or grinders shall be strictly
controlled. A competent person shall be
assessed by his supervisor prior to use of the
power tool, and this shall take place
accompanied with further training to ensure
capability of the “competent” person to
perform this job safely as per Manufacturer
Guidelines, Method statement and RME
Safety requirements.
13- Tools shall at all times be transported from 1 Month Construction Manager
one work location to another (when required),
in adequate containers and in such a way as
not to endanger the safety of other personnel
available in the area.
15- Power Tools shall be kept clean and free from 1 Month Construction Manager
moisture and chemicals, and where
necessary, lightly oiled to prevent damage and
16- Prior to storing, power tools shall be regularly 2 Month Construction Manager
inspected for defects and where necessary,
repaired or disposed of. Only safe and good
condition tools shall be stored for future use.
Chemical and 80 workers PTW and JSA are present 1- Workers should be trained on chemical 3 Months
biological Agents PPE available hazards
Hazards substance often Fire extinguishers
have an acute or short
Chemical Hazards term health effect; they
and Storage may have a chronic or
long term health effect or 2- Employees shall take care not to deface or 1 Month
remove warning labels from containers from
containers of hazardous chemicals.
Such as highly flammable
General Work 120 Workers Pre-use inspection shall 1- Enforce the use of appropriate Personal
Place Issues be done for all Protective Equipment at ALL times.
Falling Objects from equipment’s prior to
Lifting Activities height are capable of working in site. 2- Guards to be installed on all Machinery and
causing considerable appropriate PPE to be worn.
damage to both people
General work 150 Workers all personal 1- All workers should be 1- All the surveyor should use a high- vest during 1 Week
place issues on site take site induction & all day.
task briefing before
entering job site. 2- All the vehicles should move only by a banks 1 Week
Excavation 2- Everyone must take man / flag man and should have a back alarm
People and vehicles
falling into TBT about job &job
must doing by only 3- Designate the access road for vehicles used 1 Week
the excavation.
in excavation work activities and Away of
Work Equipment 1- All workers in the 1- Make sure that the 1- Surveillance checks to ensure continuous 3 months
and Machinery site and visitors equipment is only used improvement about for following up work
They might be for its specified purpose instruction.
harmed form the
Using the 2- Ensue that the
machinery and 2- Daily and weekly inspection check list to be 1 week
machinery equipment if it’s not equipment is properly
fulfilled by the operator to make sure the
equipment in the working well, if it installed and working as equipment is in good condition
workshop and has a mal function, per the material safety
store could lead to if the data sheet and the
2- workers are using manufacturer manuals
Manual Handling Workers in the store 1- Minimize the duration time 1- Periodic inspection and surveys to make 2 weeks Site manager /
and site of loading and the sure the workers are doing the job safe Workshop manager
frequency of doing this
Workshop and task
They might be harmed
store manual 2- Build team of workers to
by severe internal and
handling activities external injuries such as do the manual handling
not only one person to
cuts, burns, fractures,
reduce the hazard
slipped discs, hernia, 3- Prepare a suitable work
and muscle strain. Etc. schedule to get some
rests during the working
This is due to the long- hours
time exposure and 4- Improve the competence
Repetitive handling of and the knowledge of the
loads with unsafe workers by providing
positions like bending, Specific Training safe
twisting, standing, manual handling
overreaching 5- Reduce the amount of
General work 100 workers 1- Inspect materials before 1- Daily T.B.T for scaffolding team 1 Day
place issues use. Damaged gear is
About 40% of all to be removed.
Scaffolding 2- Instruct workers
construction workers
regarding any special
use scaffolding in their requirements regarding
daily work scaffold scaffold dimensions 2- Specific work at height training for all workers 1 Month
accidents could lead to and duty type required
for task.
fatalities or permanent
3- Cold cutting of scaffold
disabilities and it results tubes shall be utilised
from whiners practical. The
end of tubes that have
Falls from height been flame cut shall be
dressed immediately
'Quick-fit' scaffold shall
Slip and falls
not be cut.
4- Supervision shall not
General Work 150 workers (all 1- All exits and access No further actions required
Issues personals in site) passageways, fire
Poor housekeeping can doors, break-glass
Housekeeping alarm points, firefighting
be a cause of incidents,
equipment, first aid
such as: stations, and other
emergency stations are
tripping over loose to be kept clearly
objects on floors, stairs marked /identified and
and platforms unobstructed.
2- Litter bins shall be
being hit by falling emptied whenever
objects needed or at least at
the end of each working
slipping on greasy, wet 3- Cords and leads will be
or dirty surfaces situated to prevent trip
striking against 4- Fire extinguishers shall
projecting, poorly not be removed from
stacked items or their location.
Work related Workers in the site, 1- Provide suitable 1- Provide controlled desks allow moving 3 months
upper limb office workers, store workstations for the vertically to change the height level.
disorders workers workers which is
comfortable to the
workers considering the 2 months
height of the 2- Provide proper lighting with special type that
Administration The workers might be workstation make less glare and light reflection this will be
office, workshop harmed due to long time ergonomically designed more comfortable
activities. work duration by chairs and footrests if
frequently using tools, needed.
equipment, not 2 weeks
ergonomically designed 2- Provide a suitable good 3- Monitor the work progress and reports to have
(consider the technical work environment cold analysis about more hidden risks could be
study of designing the temperature using air raised from workload in some activities
equipment, devices, and conditioning
6- Provide suitable
comfortable rest area
for the workers
8- Provide suitable
method statement for
the tasks in the store,
workshop, office work
with detailed steps how
to do the task safely
and how to make daily
checks on the tools and
the equipment that you
are going to use
and overreaching
movements during the