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01 - IG2 Form-V5.1

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Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that
the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).

Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while
completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant
resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.

Part 1: Background

You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.

Topic Comments
Trojan LLC.
Name of organisation*
Alamein North coast of Egypt.
Site location*
Number of workers
My organisation is construction company called Trojan LLC, Located in the North Coast of Egypt,
and employee's 250 workers.
Trojan Project is called June project and it is 127 villas in the north coast Egypt and it is
construction site, storage and offices area. The business is construction of 127 villas with all the
activities carried out like excavation, Backfilling, carpentry, steel fixing, electricity, concrete, block
work, Painting, Insulation works, finishing works and infra-structure works
General description of the organisation Work starts at 07am to 05pm on weekdays and it is no one is working on weekends.
Workers are required to work 8 hours per day so there are staggered start and finish times in place
The risk assessment will cover the construction site with all its activities.
The offices area has a separate risk assessment.
The finance director and construction director (who reports directly to Managing Director) have
direct responsibility to health and safety.

Learner number: 00749198 Learner name: Mohamed Tawfik Abdo Page 1 of 47

construction of 127 villas with all the activities carried out like excavation, Backfilling, carpentry,
Description of the area to be included in the steel fixing, electricity, concrete, block work, Painting, Insulation works, finishing works and infra-
risk assessment structure works

Any other relevant information

* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be

You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.

Note: this section can be completed after you have competed your risk assessment.
Outline how the risk assessment was carried I started looking for sources of information and codes of practice regarding all activities in my
out this should include: construction site. I looked into ILO codes, Egyptian labour law 12 year 2003, Egyptian
 sources of information consulted; environmental law 4 year 1994, Egyptian Civil Defence law and BSI British Standards BS
 who you spoke to; and 18004:2008 (guide to achieving effective occupational health and safety performance).
 how you identified: After looking these sources of information I went around the site talked to the workers who are
- the hazards; doing the job. From them I had information that was not obvious from my visual inspection for
- what is already being done; and example a lot of workers did not know the important of wearing gloves and goggles or that they are
- any additional controls/actions that available in the stores.
may be required. I also checked accident investigations and first aid records to see types of accidents had occurred
over the last 12 month and to know if these accidents were repeated.

Learner number: 00749198 Learner name: Mohamed Tawfik Abdo Page 2 of 47

Part 2: Risk Assessment
Organisation name: Trojan LLC
Date of assessment: 15 March 2023
Scope of risk assessment: Construction Site
Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
General Work 100 Workers Safety Harnesses are 1- All personnel involved in working at height 3 Months HSE Manager
Place Issues responsible for all available but not used by activities should be trained, competent and
working at height workers authorised to work in their respective roles
Work At Height Falling from height with
potential fatality or 2- Responsible personnel should be identified. 2 days Construction
permanent disability. He will be responsible for coordinating the Manager
Falling Objects onto operation and ensuring that the personnel are
people below aware of the task, the procedures to be
Working at height followed and their responsibilities and
cause higher competent for performing their roles.
proportion of fatalities
than any other types of
work activity it can 3- Only approved access ways shall be provided 1 month HSE Manager
results into: to access elevated work areas
Neck or spinal injury
leading into permanent 4- All access ways shall be free of equipment 1 month Construction
paralysis. and material that would create a slipping or Manager
Brain Damage tripping hazard for personnel using the access
5- All work platforms whether permanent or 1 month Construction
temporary shall be approved and protected Manager-
against dropped objects by either covering the Procurement
work platform surface with fire blanket or ply to Manager
prevent items dropping through gaps.
6- The handrails shall be shrouded to prevent 2 weeks Construction
items being knocked or dropped through the Manager
handrail gap
7- Under no circumstances shall a person be 1 month HSE Manager-

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
instructed to or allowed to climb up or down a Construction
ladder while carrying equipment, tools or Manager
documentation (three point of attaches to the
ladder to be maintained all the time).
8- All lifting mediums shall be inspected prior to 1 week HSE Manager
use and periodically thereafter Procurement
9- Any equipment or tools being lifted onto the 1 month Procurement
platform by either mechanical (cranes or Manager
hoists) or manual (rope and pulley) means the
equipment shall be contained in baskets or
cages where practical.
10- The area below where equipment and or tools 2 months Construction
are being lifted or used above shall be Manager
provided with suitable overhead protection for HSE Manager
those working below or completely void of
personnel, barricaded, sign posted and a
spotter be assigned to ensure the barricading
and signs are observed by others working in
the area
11- Access ways are to be either provided with 1 month Construction
adequate overhead protection or barricaded Manager
and sign posted to completely restrict access
to the area.

12- Spotters shall be placed at grade to ensure 1 month Construction

the barricades and signs are, observed by Manager
others working in the area.

 13- Harnesses should be selected for specific 2 month Procurement Manager

applications and must consider: compliance
(convenience), potential arrest injury, and
suspension trauma.

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
14- Tie-off lanyards should be anchored as high 1 month Construction
and tight as work permits. Manager

15- Workers should be trained to try to move their 2 month HSE Manager
legs in the harness and try to push against
any footholds.

16- Workers hanging in a harness should be 2 month HSE Manager

trained to try to get their legs as high as
possible and their heads as close to horizontal
as possible (this is nearly impossible with
many commercial harnesses in use today

17- If the worker is suspended upright, emergency 2 month HSE Manager

measures must be taken to remove the worker
from suspension or move the fallen worker
into a horizontal posture, or at least to a sitting

18- Trained First aider must be appointed. 1 month Procurement Manager

19- A First Aid Kit & stretcher must be available to 1 month Procurement Manager
use it in case of injury.

20- Every equipment must be equipped with First 1 month Procurement Manager
aid kit and operators are trained to use it.

21- Emergency number must be posted. 1 month HSE Manager

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
22- Equipment operator must attend a Firefighting 1 Month HSE Manager
training session

23- Incident/accident/near misses must be 1 month HSE Manager

reported immediately Construction Manager

24- Every equipment/vehicle must be equipped 1 month Procurement Manager

with one fire extinguisher (inspected/colour

25- Any injured person must not be moved or 2 months HSE Manager
given any liquids unless by a first aid trained

26- A site vehicle must be present nearby in case 1 month Procurement Manager
if the injured person needs to be transferred to
a hospital.

27- Ambulance shall be called if the injured 1 month HSE Manager

person requires special equipment’s to be

Work Equipment 25 workers in use for Operators are trained and 1- Power tools shall be of good quality and 1- 1- 3 Months Procurement Manager
power tools given information on safe 1-1 recognized manufacturing material. They
Power Tools use of power tools shall be appropriate for the work for which
Power tools can cause Operators are supervised they will be used.
to ensure safe use

Learner number: 00749198 Learner name: Mohamed Tawfik Abdo Page 6 of 47

Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
different types of hazards 2- All handles of power electrical cutting tools 1 Month Procurement Manager
such shall have shields or guard’s projections that
Electrical shock, burns or prevents the hand from slipping onto the
fire blade. The cutting edges of cutting tools shall
Noise which can cause be kept sharp (blunt blades result in excessive
hearing loss pressure being used).
Vibration which may 3- Maintenance and repair of power electrical 1 Month Procurement Manager
cause hand-arm syndrome tools shall be carried out by a Competent and
Dust which is harmful if Experienced Person in the workshop.
Trip hazards from power
4- All portable electrical tools shall be assigned 1 Month Procurement Manager
to a responsible person. This may be on an
individual basis, or a single person may be
assigned to control the hand tools of a
particular work area or shop.

5- The assigned responsible person shall ensure 2 Months Construction Manager

that portable electrical tools are maintained in
good condition. Monthly or daily inspections
prior to use shall be made of all portable
electrical tools in use and records of these
monthly inspections shall be maintained.

6- If any defects are identified, the tool shall be 1 Month Construction Manager
removed from service, tagged (not to be used)
and either be repaired or replaced and records
shall be maintained.

7- Portable electrical tools shall only be issued to 1 Month Construction Manager

personnel who have the necessary
knowledge, experience and skill to operate
them safely

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
8- When using portable electrical tools on small 2 Months Construction Manager
work pieces inside a workshop, the work
pieces shall be suitably secured to the
workbench using a vice or clamps and the
working surface should be clean and dry.

9- Double insulated tools shall be used. 3 Months Construction Manager

10- Powered tools to be fitted with “dead mans” 3 Months Construction Manager
11- Power tools and associated implements, shall 2 Months Construction Manager
be used only for the specific purpose they
were designed. (Do not improvise with the
wrong tools or handmade power tools).
12- The use of tools with powered machines such 1 Month Construction Manager
as lathes or grinders shall be strictly
controlled. A competent person shall be
assessed by his supervisor prior to use of the
power tool, and this shall take place
accompanied with further training to ensure
capability of the “competent” person to
perform this job safely as per Manufacturer
Guidelines, Method statement and RME
Safety requirements.
13- Tools shall at all times be transported from 1 Month Construction Manager
one work location to another (when required),
in adequate containers and in such a way as
not to endanger the safety of other personnel
available in the area.

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
14- Sharp power tools shall be stored with their 1 Month Construction Manager
blades/edges protected or be placed in a safe
position to avoid accidental contact or falling
onto personnel.

15- Power Tools shall be kept clean and free from 1 Month Construction Manager
moisture and chemicals, and where
necessary, lightly oiled to prevent damage and

16- Prior to storing, power tools shall be regularly 2 Month Construction Manager
inspected for defects and where necessary,
repaired or disposed of. Only safe and good
condition tools shall be stored for future use.

Chemical and 80 workers PTW and JSA are present 1- Workers should be trained on chemical 3 Months
biological Agents PPE available hazards
Hazards substance often Fire extinguishers
have an acute or short
Chemical Hazards term health effect; they
and Storage may have a chronic or
long term health effect or 2- Employees shall take care not to deface or 1 Month
remove warning labels from containers from
containers of hazardous chemicals.
Such as highly flammable

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
explosive or oxidising or 3- The labels must remain on the containers 1 Month
toxic and remain legible at all times.

4- Employees should promptly notify the HSE 2 Months

Manager of missing or defaced labels.

5- In addition, an employee should not 3 Months

transfer a hazardous chemical from a
labelled container to an unlabelled
container (pail, bottle, can or similar
container). The chemical should not be left in
unlabelled container after the employee
leaves work. Employees should not use
chemicals they find in unlabelled containers,
and should report such event to the store
supervisor and the HSE Department, and
construction manager.
6- Authorized employees shall be made aware of 1 Month
MSDS locations and how to understand them
through toolbox talks.

7- Maintaining MSDS files that would be 1 Month

available to employees, and health or medical
officers are required by the regulations

8- A purchase requisition noting that the 3 Months

proper labels are either to be attached to
all containers received, or to be sent with the
order, and that the supplier certifies that all
SDS and label comply with the Hazard
Communication Standards.
9- A list of hazardous chemical and mixtures 2 Months
known by HSE Department to be present in

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
workplace are included in the Hazard
Communication Plan. The list identifies each
chemical and mixture and the work areas in
which the chemical or mixture is used or
stored. This list will be updated as hazardous
chemical or mixtures are removed from or
introduced into your workplace
10- Specific training to all workers about Material 2 Months
Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).

11- When liquids are handled in portable 3 Months

containers, contents shall be clearly labelled
to include information on contents, hazards,
and precautions.

12- Storage drums containing hazardous liquids 2 Months

should be placed on a rack, not stacked on
the ground and Bonded so that it contains
possible leaks.

13- Separate rack for each type of material. 2 Months

14- Natural ventilation is recommended for 2 Months

storage areas, however in case it is not
applicable, mechanical ventilation is
recommended and this depends on the nature
of chemicals stored.

15- Damaged or leaking drums and containers 2 Months

must be emptied of their contents first by
using a device classified for the materials
being used to detect content and amount,

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
rinsed with water to remove hazardous
contents, then the damaged or leaking drums
must be properly discarded.
16- Safe work practices should be ensured prior to 1 Month
opening the drum or container.

17- Non-sparking tools should be used. 1 Month

18- Raw material should be stored in an area 1 Week

designated for the purpose and not in the
waste storage area.

Learner number: 00749198 Learner name: Mohamed Tawfik Abdo Page 12 of 47

Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
Fire 150 workers (all 1- Daily visual check to
personal in the project). ensure the fire
equipment is in place,
operational and not
blocked or damaged. A
one-meter area around
the fire extinguisher
must be free of

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
Fire Prevention
Fires cause enormous
damages in human’s
fatalities and permanent
disabilities also
damages to buildings
Workers will suffer
severely from smoke.

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
2- Monthly inspection is
conducted, labels are
signed and dated and
the necessary reports
are completed and
forwarded to the HSE
3- Access to fire
equipment, including
fire doors and alarms,
shall be kept clear at all
times. If a road must be
closed or an area
barricaded which will
prevent access to
firefighting equipment,
including fire hydrants,
the HSE Manager must
be notified in advance.
4- Stores will keep spare
fire extinguishers for fire
watch and standby use.
5- Portable fire
extinguishers should be
located so the
maximum travel
distance for employees
is 75 feet each way or
less. The distance
depends upon the

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
degree of hazard and
change of direction, but
should not be so close
that the extinguisher
would be inaccessible
in case of fire.
CHECKLIST for each
area lists the location
of each fire
extinguisher, fire hose
and fire hydrant
shows the location of all
firefighting equipment,
fire alarm stations and
contains a list of all
firefighting equipment.
8- Extinguishers must be
mounted in clearly
marked locations that
can be easily seen from
several directions
9- Access to fire
equipment must be (at
least 1 meter area) and
clear at all times. There
should never be
anything stored or
stacked in front of a fire
extinguisher or hung on
10- Fire extinguishers

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
should not be stored on
the floor, pavement or
ground because of the
increased probability of
bottom corrosion. It is
best to mount them so
the top of the
extinguisher is no more
than 42 inches above
the floor.
11- All portable fire
extinguishers shall be
inspected at least
monthly by the
operator, mechanic, lab
technician, or office
assistant in the area.
Extinguishers located
outdoors, or in dirty,
dusty or corrosive
atmospheres may have
to be inspected more
frequently depending
on conditions.
Deficiencies shall be
noted on the FIRE /
reported to the
12- Each extinguisher
should have a securely

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
attached that indicates
the month and year the
annual service was
performed and the
initials of the person
who did the work. The
tag or label should
indicate if the
extinguisher was
13- A record of monthly
inspections shall be
recorded on a FIRE /
Safety. Discrepancies
must be noted, and the
signed, dated and given
to the appropriate
14- All fabrication yards,
site office and camp are
assigned fire wardens.
15- Field fire extinguishers
are checked weekly.
16- Field fire extinguishers
tests / inspections are
17- Fire equipment are not
18- All employees are
instructed in the use of
fire extinguishers.
19- All flammable material
is stored in designated
20- Gas containers are

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
stored in isolated areas.
21- A competent person
periodically checks all
electrical installations.
22- All trash is collected
and disposed of each
23- Emergency telephone
numbers are posted.
24- Firefighting equipment
shall be provided in
all vulnerable areas to
protect personnel,
Works, temporary
works, material storage,
offices, records, etc.
from damage by fire
25- Notices will be
displayed giving details
of actions to be taken in
the event of a fire.
26- A specific fire
procedure shall be
issued prior to the start
of works. Evacuation
routes and meeting
points shall be
27- fire drills shall be
conducted on a routine
basis to ensure that
plans for the evacuation
of personnel from the
plant are being adhered
28- weekly and monthly

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
T.B.T for all workers
about fire hazards and
fire prevention

Electricity 10 workers 1- Everyone must take

(electricians). TBT about job &job
Electrical must doing by only
Installation Electricians and normal combatant person.
workers by accident can
face the hazard of
electricity 2- All workers should be
Which can result in take site induction &
Electrical Shock, Burns, task briefing before
Fire and explosions, entering job site.
Arcing and Secondary
3- Review the permit to
work and consult the
permit office as to what
other activities have
been authorised to
proceed in the area.
Raise the issue at the
daily permit to work co-
ordination meeting so
all other understand
what your task entails
and where you intend to
perform it.
4- Gain assistance where
necessary when
manually lifting and
moving heavy or
awkward items. Utilise
mechanical lifting
apparatuses where

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
5- Proper PPE to be used
(safety shoes, safety
glasses, safety helmet,
gloves and vest).

6- Personnel shall ensure

that gloves are worn to
protect hands during
cable banding / pulling

7- A safe system of work

shall be implemented to
ensure good
communication is
maintained during the
cable banding / pulling
8- Permit to work to be
issued by authorised
personnel, risk
assessment to be
attached, tool box talk
to take place on daily
9- Mechanical / automated
handling devices should
be used wherever
possible wither to
replace manual
handling operations or
to assist in them.

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
10- Dual lifting operations
shall be implemented to
reduce the stress on

11- Personnel shall ensure

that correct manual
handling techniques
shall be adopted at all
times. Manual handling
courses to be provided.
12- Ensure access / egress
routes are kept clear at
all times and / or
alternative walkways
are provided.

13- Supervisors shall check

the worksite on a
regular basis to ensure
that access / egress
routes are kept clear.
Tool-Box-Talks to be
held highlighting the
importance of
maintaining access /
egress routes.
14- The highest standards
of housekeeping shall
be maintained at all

15- All sources of fire and /

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
or explosion shall be
identified, eliminated
and / or adequately
controlled. Air sampling
shall be implemented to
monitor any explosive
gases, vapours and
dust that may be
16- Suitable extraction
measures shall be
implemented during the
work process to extract
and vapours and / or
gases that may enter
the area whilst the work
is in progress.
17- Work shall never be
carried out on live

18- Only qualified and

authorised personnel
shall work on the
electrical system.

19- All work undertaken

shall be documented
and included in hand-
over documentation.

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
20- Electrical system(s)
shall be tested prior to
all work
commencement to
ensure that they have
been de-energised
and / or isolated.
21- Personnel who receive
an electric shock shall
report it immediately to
their Supervisor before
going to receive
medical attention.
22- Suitable and sufficient
emergency procedures
shall be in place prior to
commencing testing,
with particular reference
to firefighting,
emergency access
routes and first-aid.
23- Regular drills shall be
carried out to determine
the effectiveness of the
emergency response

General Work 120 Workers Pre-use inspection shall 1- Enforce the use of appropriate Personal
Place Issues be done for all Protective Equipment at ALL times.
Falling Objects from equipment’s prior to
Lifting Activities height are capable of working in site. 2- Guards to be installed on all Machinery and
causing considerable appropriate PPE to be worn.
damage to both people

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
and materials. 3- Faulty equipment/tools to be
Unsafe lifting operations repaired/maintained or replaced.
and cranes collapse can
cause fatalities or 4- Engine ran machinery to have fire
severe injuries extinguishers available locally.

5- The (Compliance to the safety requirement

and regulations) is one of the main elements
for supplier’s /contractors selection process.

6- Daily Pre-STARRT meeting shall be

conducted for the task team to communicate
the TRA.
7- Equipment pre site joining inspection shall be
done prior to join the site.

8- Enforce the use of competent persons only

throughout the project.

9- All Operators shall have Valid Driving license.

10- At least one competent safety representative

shall be deployed at site.

11- Lifting permit to be issued pre-starting of the

operation (if the load exceeds 10 Tons).

12- Pre-Start Inspection shall be conducted for the

crane prior to start the lifting activity.

13- Competent supervision shall be present.

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
14- Crane must be inspected and certified by third

15- Enforce the use of competent operator and


16- Ensure that there is a clear method of

communication between the rigger and
operator is provided.

17- Ensure slings are inspected and colour coded.

18- Ensure that the ground is compacted and

19- Operating during bad weather condition is not
allowed and do not operate if the wind speed
above 35 KP (by using wind speed measuring

20- Cordoned off the lifting area.

21- Ensure the visibility is clear at all times.

22- Loads to be properly tied and secure.

23- Use Tag lines to control the movement of the

24- Ensure that the crane has the capacity to lift
the load and certified with load test before

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
25- Ensure the crane position shall be away at
least 30 meter from power lines. Ensure
minimum safe distance from any excavation is

26- All contaminated soil will be removed to a

designated area and new patch will be used
as a replacement.

27- The designated area must be indicated &


28- Provide emergency spill kit where ever


29- At least one trained fire watch must be present

at all times.
30- Fire extinguishers shall be provided on every

General work 150 Workers all personal 1- All workers should be 1- All the surveyor should use a high- vest during 1 Week
place issues on site take site induction & all day.
task briefing before
entering job site. 2- All the vehicles should move only by a banks 1 Week
Excavation 2- Everyone must take man / flag man and should have a back alarm
People and vehicles
falling into TBT about job &job
must doing by only 3- Designate the access road for vehicles used 1 Week
the excavation.
in excavation work activities and Away of

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
combatant person. pedestrian walk ways.
The undermining of 3- Proper PPE to be used
nearby structures 4- All equipment should be inspected and 1 Month
causing their collapse certified by 3rd party.
into the excavation.
5- Loads must be secured so they do not cause 1 Day
Damage to underground
vehicle instability, and do not exceed
manufacturer's specification for the vehicle
during excavation work
causing electrocution, 6- All vehicles to be fitted with reversing alarms 1 Month
explosion, gas escape, and flashing beacons
flooding etc. Ingress of
water causing flooding. 7- All equipment to be formally inspected prior to 1 Month
working to the site & fixed with a certificate
8- - A banks man / flagman to control the vehicle 1 Week

9- Ensure that everyone involved in the 1 Month

excavation activities is trained, registered as
competent and aware of their roles and

10- Mechanical excavation methods shall not be 1 Day

used within 0.5 metres of any buried service
(manual excavation only).

11- PTW to be at the work location including TBT 1 Day

& RA.

12- Proper PPE to be used (safety shoes, safety 1 Day

glasses, safety helmet, gloves and vests).

13- Slope protection should be provided based on 2 Days

the actual soil conditions.

14- Where sloping is not applicable a suitable 2 Days

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
shoring system to be implemented.

15- Ensure that the surrounding weight & vibration 2 Days

of machinery will not affect the integrity of the
excavation site.

16- The excavation should be inspected by a 1 Day

competent person before each working shift.

17- No workers allowed going into the excavation 1 Day

during mechanical excavation.

18- Suitable access & egress to the excavation 2 Days

should be maintained

19- Sings & Hard barrier should be erected all 1 Day

around the excavation area at least one metre
from the excavation edge, and shall
encompass the spoil heap.

20- Ensure that all material used in providing 2 Days

support for the excavation is of sound
condition and free from defects as per the Site

Work Equipment 1- All workers in the 1- Make sure that the 1- Surveillance checks to ensure continuous 3 months
and Machinery site and visitors equipment is only used improvement about for following up work
They might be for its specified purpose instruction.
harmed form the
Using the 2- Ensue that the
machinery and 2- Daily and weekly inspection check list to be 1 week
machinery equipment if it’s not equipment is properly
fulfilled by the operator to make sure the
equipment in the working well, if it installed and working as equipment is in good condition
workshop and has a mal function, per the material safety
store could lead to if the data sheet and the
2- workers are using manufacturer manuals

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
cuts / harms of the wrong 3- Provide suitable 3- Preventive maintenance plan to be followed 1 month
people equipment or working condition for as per the manufacture recommendation
machinery to do the the operator ensure he
task, if they didn’t
has enough space
follow up the work
instruction and between the equipment.
control measures 4- Make safe operation 4- Purchase machine interlocking guard for 6 months
procedure for each more protection and keep the operator safe.
3- The workers could equipment indicating
be harmed by the detailed steps and
machine the suitable PPEs to be
entanglement, get used for this task
into traps like crash 5- Purchase protection devices and sensors 6 months
5- Provide adequate
or shear, hit by the such as overpressure, emergency stop,
machine, cuts, competence, training
safety trip circuit, ..etc.
burns ,…etc and supervision for the
operators, supervisors,
maintenance team,
about safe operation
and how to avoid task
6- Use suitable PPE’s like
safety steel toe shoes,
protective gloves, face
shield, googles, ear
7- Provide induction
sessions for the visitors
that are going to walk
through the workshop
to indicate all the risks
and what to do and
what is not

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)

Manual Handling Workers in the store 1- Minimize the duration time 1- Periodic inspection and surveys to make 2 weeks Site manager /
and site of loading and the sure the workers are doing the job safe Workshop manager
frequency of doing this
Workshop and task
They might be harmed
store manual 2- Build team of workers to
by severe internal and
handling activities external injuries such as do the manual handling
not only one person to
cuts, burns, fractures,
reduce the hazard
slipped discs, hernia, 3- Prepare a suitable work
and muscle strain. Etc. schedule to get some
rests during the working
This is due to the long- hours
time exposure and 4- Improve the competence
Repetitive handling of and the knowledge of the
loads with unsafe workers by providing
positions like bending, Specific Training safe
twisting, standing, manual handling
overreaching 5- Reduce the amount of

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
weight in the manual 2- Toolbox talk quarterly with the workers 3months HSE manager
handling considering that about the risk assessment and the
not exceeding the consequences and effects of uncontrolled
maximum safe limit for manual handling
men 25 kg and for women
is 16 kg
6- Use mechanical lifting
3- Provide several comfortable suitable rest 1 month Site manager /
aids such as pallet trolley,
pallet trucks areas for the workers Workshop manager
7- Provide method statement
for manual handling
describing all the
available aids and safe
steps before, during lifting
and setting down lifting
8- Use suitable PPE’s for the
task like protective gloves,
safety shoes, Helmet

General work 100 workers 1- Inspect materials before 1- Daily T.B.T for scaffolding team 1 Day
place issues use. Damaged gear is
About 40% of all to be removed.
Scaffolding 2- Instruct workers
construction workers
regarding any special
use scaffolding in their requirements regarding
daily work scaffold scaffold dimensions 2- Specific work at height training for all workers 1 Month
accidents could lead to and duty type required
for task.
fatalities or permanent
3- Cold cutting of scaffold
disabilities and it results tubes shall be utilised
from whiners practical. The
end of tubes that have
Falls from height been flame cut shall be
dressed immediately
'Quick-fit' scaffold shall
Slip and falls
not be cut.
4- Supervision shall not

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
permit any person other
Collapses than those approved to
erect, alter or dismantle
5- Assign adequate
number of scaffolders
Struck by falling objects for task. Gain
assistance when lifting
and handling materials.
6- Watch person below or
above to ensure they
have a hold of a tube or
board before releasing
grip. Clips to lift up in
bags and pass onto
scaffolders by hand to
hand, not thrown.
7- Safety harnesses and
lanyards to be worn and
lanyards tied off to an
adequate anchorage at
all times. On
independent scaffolds,
use full deck of boards
when erecting or
dismantling and ensure
the lanyard is anchored
at all times.
8- Place scaffold boards
over sensitive
equipment, which could
be damaged if struck by
a dropped tube, clip or
scaffold board.
Personnel not to stand
on any gauges or

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
instrument tubing.
9- All personnel shall wear
safety gloves.
10- When stripping multiple
bays and multiple lift
scaffolds (independent
scaffold) start from one
end and move along
through each bay until
complete and then
move to lower lift.
Remove handrails, kick
boards and lower down.
Cut ties on boards,
ensuring no personnel
below and tip over to
remove any remaining
sand, weld slag or
grinding debris
Scaffolder to climb
down to lower deck and
remove upper boards
and then lower down.
upper transoms,
ledgers and braces.
11- Supervisor or Foreman
to conduct final
inspection and if
suitable issue scaff tag.
12- Fill out scaff tag and &
scaffold erection book
13- Clean up and remove
all loose materials and
return back to storage

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
14- Workers should never
be permitted to work
alone in a harness.
15- Rope/cable tenders
must make certain the
harness user is
conscious at all times.
16- Harnesses should be
selected for specific
applications and must
consider: compliance
(convenience), potential
arrest injury, and
suspension trauma.
Tie-off lanyards should
be anchored as high
and tight as work
After a fall:
17- Workers should be
trained to try to move
their legs in the harness
and try to push against
any footholds.
18- Workers hanging in a
harness should be
trained to try to get their
legs as high as possible
and their heads as
close to horizontal as
possible (this is nearly
impossible with many
commercial harnesses
in use today).
19- If the worker is

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
suspended upright,
emergency measures
must be taken to
remove the worker from
suspension or move the
fallen worker into a
horizontal posture, or at
least to a sitting position

General Work 150 workers (all 1- All exits and access No further actions required
Issues personals in site) passageways, fire
Poor housekeeping can doors, break-glass
Housekeeping alarm points, firefighting
be a cause of incidents,
equipment, first aid
such as: stations, and other
emergency stations are
tripping over loose to be kept clearly
objects on floors, stairs marked /identified and
and platforms unobstructed.
2- Litter bins shall be
being hit by falling emptied whenever
objects needed or at least at
the end of each working
slipping on greasy, wet 3- Cords and leads will be
or dirty surfaces situated to prevent trip
striking against 4- Fire extinguishers shall
projecting, poorly not be removed from
stacked items or their location.

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
5- Copier fluid or any other
misplaced material source of combustible
material will be stored
in a safe place away
cutting, puncturing, or
from any potential
tearing the skin of ignition sources.
hands or other parts of 6- Personnel will maintain
the body on projecting a clean desk policy to
nails, wire or steel prevent the build-up of
strapping paper or other
combustible sources.
To avoid these hazards, 7- All workplace area are
to be maintained clear
a workplace must
of debris waste and
"maintain" order other rubbish, which
throughout a workday. shall be disposed of in
Although this effort segregated containers
for disposal.
requires a great deal of
8- An adequate number of
management and containers for storage
planning, the benefits and disposal of waste
are many. materials will be
9- Any spillage’s, such
as oil or grease will
be immediately
cleaned up, by
absorption in inert
absorbent material or
other suitable materials.
Toxic, corrosive or
other hazardous liquids
shall be cleared up in
accordance with
instructions or material

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
safety data sheet. All
material used to mop
up spills shall be
immediately removed to
a safe place and stored
in closed containers for
safe disposal.
10- Tools, equipment and
raw materials in use at
the workplace will be
kept to the minimum
required, as
commensurate with
efficient working
practice. Tools and
other equipment shall
be removed as soon as
possible to their defined
storage area after use.
11- Cables and hoses will
be routed wherever
possible above grade
to eliminate tripping
12- Shuttering and other
timber articles will be
de-nailed and stacked
in a location away from
the work areas and
access routes.
13- Scaffolds will be swept
and loose material
removed on a regular
14- Designated area will be
identified for the racking

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
and storage of scaffold
tubes and fittings.
15- Where materials are
being removed from
elevated structures
proper arrangements
shall be in place e.g.,
Barriers, signs,
winches, hoists etc. to
eliminate the risk of
injury to personnel
working in the area.
16- A concrete washing
area with suitable
drainage shall be
identified for concrete
trucks, to prevent build-
up of waste concrete
from building up in site
area. In case there is
no other project
approval method, the
effluent will be drained
into an evaporation
pond, where also a
daily removal of
solidified concrete will
take place to avoid it
building up.
17- Flammable liquids,
including paints,
thinners and solvents
will be clearly labelled
and provided with
suitable fine

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
measures and kept in
purpose built containers
away from sources of
18- When storing or placing
materials, such as
boxes, pallets or
containers supervision
shall ensure that they
do not pose a threat to
workers from lifting,
tripping or blocking
egress routes.
19- Laboratories and
workshops shall be
maintained clear of
debris, waste and other
rubbish, which shall be
disposed of in
accordance with
guidelines and the
project’s Environmental

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)

Work related Workers in the site, 1- Provide suitable 1- Provide controlled desks allow moving 3 months
upper limb office workers, store workstations for the vertically to change the height level.
disorders workers workers which is
comfortable to the
workers considering the 2 months
height of the 2- Provide proper lighting with special type that
Administration The workers might be workstation make less glare and light reflection this will be
office, workshop harmed due to long time ergonomically designed more comfortable
activities. work duration by chairs and footrests if
frequently using tools, needed.
equipment, not 2 weeks
ergonomically designed 2- Provide a suitable good 3- Monitor the work progress and reports to have
(consider the technical work environment cold analysis about more hidden risks could be
study of designing the temperature using air raised from workload in some activities
equipment, devices, and conditioning

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)
1 month
tools to fit to use by 3- Monitoring for the 4- Provide specific training sessions about health
workers). All these performance of the and safety and how to do task safe
factors could lead to workers and how they
have ill health such as follow up the 1 week
Tendonitis, instructions from time to 5- Encourage the workers to report any
Epicondylitis, carpal time by making symptoms arise during the work such as
tunnel syndrome, inspections and surveys muscle strain, body aches, fatigue and so on,
early detection will be a key element to show
As well for the office 4- Make toolbox talk for the failure of the controls such as not following
workers who setting all the workers on planned up instruction, or there is malfunction of the
day to the computer, periods to increase the tools, or the work environment is not
they might have ill awareness of the comfortable to them.
effects due to the workers about the
insufficient design for importance of following 1 week
the workstations, desks, up the control 6- Reduce the force exerted by the workers
chairs, poor lighting This measures and the during the job
could lead to headaches consequences for
and fatigue of eyes from whom did not follow up.
5- Reduce the continuous 1 week
working time for the 7- Rearrange the working area to provide
workers to do the same enough working space
task and make rotation
between the workers

6- Provide suitable
comfortable rest area
for the workers

7- Make sure that the

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)

workers get enough

time to rest, allow to
have 2-3 time rest for
the workers at least
during the working day
each rest should be not
less than 15-20

8- Provide suitable
method statement for
the tasks in the store,
workshop, office work
with detailed steps how
to do the task safely
and how to make daily
checks on the tools and
the equipment that you
are going to use

9- Check the Material

safety data sheet about
all recommendations of
using, preservation
maintenance, and so on
for the tools and
equipment used during
the tasks

10- Avoid any abnormal

movement, position,
twisting and squeezing

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are required? Timescales for Responsible person’s
and hazard and how? doing? further actions job title
to be completed
(within …)

and overreaching
movements during the

Learner number: 00749198 Learner name: Mohamed Tawfik Abdo Page 44 of 47

Part 3: Prioritise 3 actions with justification for the selection
Suggested word counts
Moral, general legal and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words

Moral, general legal and financial arguments for ALL actions

Moral, general legal and financial

Justification for action 1

Action (Taken from column 4 of risk

Specific legal arguments

Consideration of likelihood AND severity

 types of injury or ill health
 number of workers at risk
 how often the activity is carried
 how widespread the risk is
How effective the action is likely to be in
controlling the risk. This should include:
 the intended impact of the action;
 justification for the timescale that
you indicated in your risk

Learner number: 00749198 Learner name: Mohamed Tawfik Abdo Page 45 of 47

assessment; and
 whether you think the action will
fully control the risk

Justification for action 2

Action (Taken from column 4 of risk

Specific legal arguments

Consideration of likelihood AND severity

 types of injury or ill health
 number of workers at risk
 how often the activity is carried
 how widespread the risk is
How effective the action is likely to be in
controlling the risk. This should include:
 the intended impact of the action;
 justification for the timescale that
you indicated in your risk
assessment; and
 whether you think the action will
fully control the risk

Justification for action 3

Action (Taken from column 4 of risk

Specific legal arguments

Learner number: 00749198 Learner name: Mohamed Tawfik Abdo Page 46 of 47

Consideration of likelihood AND severity
 types of injury or ill health
 number of workers at risk
 how often the activity is carried
 how widespread the risk is
How effective the action is likely to be in
controlling the risk. This should include:
 the intended impact of the action;
 justification for the timescale that
you indicated in your risk
assessment; and
 whether you think the action will
fully control the risk

Part 4: Review, communicate and check

Suggested word counts for each section:
 Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
 How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 150 words
 Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.
Planned review date/period with
How the risk assessment findings will be
communicated AND who you need to tell
How you will follow up on the risk
assessment to check that the actions
have been carried out

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