Ig2 Forms Electronic Submission v5.1

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Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that
the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).

Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while
completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant
resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.

Part 1: Background

You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.

Topic Comments
Site location* Government college construction project , Sudan , Khartoum
Number of workers 60
ELKHANDAGAWI CONSTRUCTION COMPANY is a construction and contracting company and
its works under client ‘’ TAYBA engineering company ‘’ which is an army construction company ,
currently working at different location of almadina agency , its head office is at BAHRI ,
General description of the organisation ELKHANDAGAWI CONSTRUCTION COMPANY is providing services for construction of schools
and colleges at different location of almadina agency
Work is performed in single day shift starting form 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM this include one hour lunch
break and one hour overtime .
Scope to be included in this risk assessment are all areas and activities in construction project of
Description of the area to be included in the government college at Khartoum , Sudan currently the building is in construction phase , scope of
risk assessment the work includes Civil , mechanical , electrical , form work , excavation drill machine welding
machine , cutter , saw machines , concrete mixture , boom truck , air compressor and rollers
ELKHANDAGAWI is a construction and contracting company and workers are from different
Any other relevant information
location of Sudan
* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be

You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.

Note: this section can be completed after you have competed your risk assessment.

Learner number: 00806461 Learner name: Ahmed Khalifa Page 1 of 14

Outline how the risk assessment I started with study material available at NEBOSH sites and IG2 book for better understanding of hazard and
was carried out this should their control measures.
include: I visit the https://www.hse.gov.uk/ and got good information related to construction field.
 sources of information After looking at source of information I then visit construction site and consulted with supervisors , workers ,
consulted; engineers and construction manager . this help me to identify the hazards regarding current activities
 who you spoke to; and happening at site and the hazards like fire hazards ,electricity , proper inspection were done , work at height ,
 how you identified: access to confined space were checked , first aid facilities were inspected , hazardous areas were and
- the hazards; warning and direction signage’s were also checked.
- what is already being For further control , I visited ILO Convection 167 health and safety construction
done; and https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?
- any additional p=NORMLEXPUB:55:0::NO::P55_TYPE,P55_LANG,P55_DOCUMENT,P55_NODE:CON,en,C167,/Document
controls/actions that may , it helps me to gain additional information regarding required control measures such as PTW Requirements
be required. regarding hot work and work at height , other risky job , proper access and egress during emergencies ,
proper storage of materials , proper inspection of power tools , third party inspection for all plant and lifting
accessories and proper storage of chemicals and flammables away from hot wors areas .

Part 2: Risk Assessment

Date of assessment: 13 December 2023
Scope of risk assessment: all areas and activities in construction project of government college

Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
and hazard and how? doing? required? further actions person’s job
to be title
(within …)
NOISE Anyone inside the Ear plugs are provided for all Purchase noise meter . 14 days Construction
EXPOSE TO working area. workers and visitors manager
NOISE WHILE Diesel generator must be placed at
USING Working near machines Briefing has been given to all separate place away from working 1 day Project
DIFFERENT like generator , concrete workers for noise abuses and zone manager
POWER TOOLS , mixture etc , will cause its effects.
PLANTS AND variety of health effects

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
and hazard and how? doing? required? further actions person’s job
to be title
(within …)
EQUIPMENT, including annoyance , Noise related campaign also Repair or change the loose or 15 days Site engineer
DIESEL disturbance , stress , done by site team damaged parts of machine or
GENARATOR sleep equipment . install generator or
isolate noise generating sources
Headaches loss of
negative effects on the Need to replace old tools and
cardiovascular and machinery with low noise making 90 days Construction
metabolic system and tools and machinery manager
temporary reduction in
hearing system Use noise bearing walls between 5 days Construction
Prolonged uncontrolled employ and noise source or manager
exposure to noise at 85 barricade the area
plus DB cause noise
induced hearing loss. Health surveillance programme must 60 days Construction
be done to check the damage done manager
by noise

WORKING AT Anyone working at Podium ladder been used for Proper scaffold inspector must be 7 days Hse manager
height or working or working activity instead of appointed and all scaffolds and
HEIGHT visitors passing at step ladder and ladder ladders must be inspected by
Workers and
exclusion zone properly secured scaffold inspector
materials can fall
Below scaffolding
from height while
masons , scaffolders ,
using ladders or
visitors , electricians and Proper training has been Proper mobile elevating work
scaffolding for
other workers who done for those who erection platforms must be used for 30days project
different purposes
working om ladders , and dismantling scaffolding congested area and for short term engineer
roofs or passing under work outside the building
Work at height can suffer Proper scaffolding has been
sever injuries or even used and scaffolding are Proper JSA must be done for all
death due to fall from properly fixed and tied to activity happening above work at

Learner number: 00806461 Learner name: Ahmed Khalifa Page 3 of 14

Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
and hazard and how? doing? required? further actions person’s job
to be title
(within …)
height prevent for collapse or fall height and proper task safety
These accidents over. briefing must be done by competent 2 days HSE engineer
manually done due to person
erection of scaffolding by
untrained person , Permit to work and risk assessment 1 week HSE
overloading of ladders or must be done before work activity Supervisor
scaffolds are over
reaching above working 2 days HSE
platform or no proper Proper exclusion zone has Proper training must be given to all supervisor
usage of fall protection been provided for work at workers for work at height
height as area is properly
barricaded and proper Toe boards , outriggers , planks , 7 days HSE officer /
signage's are provided bracing etc , must be according to scaffolding
HSE guideline inspector

Proper JSA has been

provided for work at height Full body harness must be work for 2 days HSE/Site
work at height and proper lifeline supervisor.
Proper inspection has been must be used for working above
done for all ladders and roofs
scaffolds and damaged
scaffolds and ladders been
removed from site

ELECTRICTY Any user of electrical Electrical hazard / warning All normal sockets and plugs must 2 days Electrical
Unsafe/unstable equipment can be hurt. signage are set out all over be replaced with industrial plugs and engineer
electrical Electrical shock leading the site. sockets to avoid any electrical
distribution , to injury or fatality to all hazard during shock circuit
installation or workers or visitors
extension of working inside station. Proper inspection has been Cables shall not be extended or

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
and hazard and how? doing? required? further actions person’s job
to be title
(within …)
electrical Overloading or damage done for all electrical panels repaired through cut and splice and 7 days Electrician
distribution by of power tools lead to and connection all faulty equipment shall be
incompetent serious injuries or fire replaced with new one.
persons , damage hazard , skin burn , and
to trailing cables , even death .
lack of routine Electrical shock also Qualified electrician are A competent Electrician engineer
inspection and have more severe appointed to carry out shall design the temporary 2 days Project
maintenance effects through the body electrical workers distribution system in building Manager
unauthorized can cause internal
access of outsiders damage , cardiac arrest
to electrical room or other injury or lose of Proper awareness training Proper lockout and tag out system HSE
any part of body to burn has been done to all workers must be implemented all over the 2 days supervisor
due to electrical fire. for hazards related electrical site.
shock , and procedure for
working at electrical rooms.
Trained first aiders are An electrical safe system of work 7 days Electrical
appointed who deal during (ESSW) engineer
electrical accident Shall be developed . Authorized
persons shall be appointed to control
access to electrical rooms .
CONFINED Everybody working at Top man has been appointed The method of work shall include 7 days Site engineer
site or visitors. to monitor activities at initial and periodic testing of the air
SPACES confined space. quality by calibrated gas monitor to
determine the presence of
Deep excavation People may fall in Proper barrication and asphyxiating , flammable and toxic
for foundation , excavation or opening signage’s has been provided gas
Sewerage due to poor barrication or for confined space
tanks ,manholes , signage’s and my lead to Extracted materials must be stored 4 days Site engineer
falling and trapping severe injury or even at least 3m away from edges of
in confined space , death excavation
risk of toxic gases Tripod and k-pod stand has

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
and hazard and how? doing? required? further actions person’s job
to be title
(within …)
at the Construction Confined space entry by been used for confined space Proper PPE , ventilation system 7 days Project
site incompetent persons or entry exit and during must be available and in case of manager
failure to test and emergency purposes respiratory issues RPE must be
monitor air quality in available
confined spaces may
lead to injuries like
fractures or breathing HSE
issues for worker Only trained workers are Emergency procedure must be in 3 days supervisor
entering confined space allowed to work in confined place to make sure employees can
space be rescued safely if required
Failure to communicate
and maintain internal Proper confined space register and HSE
pedestrian routes , approved JSA for confined space 4 days supervisor
entrances and exits lead must be required
to cause fall of workers
or visitors and lead to
severe injury
MOVEMENT All staff , visitors , Speed limit sign of 20KM/HR All the traffic routes must be 7 days Construction
operators , drivers , has been posted all over the barricaded and separate access / manager
OF VEHICLES emergency team , and working site and drivers exit to site must be provided for
AND security guard strictly warned to follow the pedestrians and visitors .
PEOPLES . instruction
There are chance of Warning letters or termination plus 1 day HSE
Same entrance an collision between Proper training has been salary deduction must be given to supervisor
exit for vehicles vehicles and people due given to all workers for not drivers for violating traffic rules
and workers. to same route for enter crossing the live road
Collision hazard exit . Speed breakers must be provided 7 days Site
between people Theses accidents may Al drivers are properly trained and will be marked and pits should supervisor
and vehicles while result intense damage to for site layout and proper be filled or barricaded
performing their vehicles or intense injury entry/exit usage
duties. or even death to

Learner number: 00806461 Learner name: Ahmed Khalifa Page 6 of 14

Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
and hazard and how? doing? required? further actions person’s job
to be title
(within …)
operatives , drivers or First aid facility is provided Signage’s must be given for speed
visitors like bones and emergency number signs limit and humps and direction signs 2 days HSE officer
fracture , Fractures are posted on all traffic routes must be provided all over the site
disability or may result in for emergency purposes
high faintly from court
FIRE Anyone at site like plants Proper fire extinguishers have Proper chemical storage room must 7 days Construction
and equipment , been provided all over the site be provided and all other flammables manager
properties or any must be stored separately
During construction
adjacent structure
work different kind
of flammable
Flammable material may Proper hot work area has Proper permit system must be 3 days HSE
materials are
get fire due to hot work been provided and hot work implemented and all hot work must supervisors
present at site in
and spark produced due area has been secured be done and permit to audit must be
shape of diesel ,
to electricity can ignite through fire blankets and all done
petrol , tar , lack of
fire result in severe hot work activity has been
damage to human life or done at that area
equipment and
property or even death
highly flammable
Emergency fire drills have Safety violations must be given or 1 day HSE officer
been done on site even termination from site those who
violate safety rules
Proper training has been
given and fire watcher has Fire resistant gloves and cover all 7 days Project
been appointed in case of any must be used by all workers manager
fire hazard
All the damaged poor tools must be 7 days Project
repaired and double insulated CE manager
cables must be used .
SLIPS AND All manpower and All oil spillages are removed Proper housekeeping must be done 1 day Site
visitors that walking or and proper spill kit are on regular basis. supervisor
TRIPS performing any activity provided for chemical and
inside the site generator areas.

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
and hazard and how? doing? required? further actions person’s job
to be title
(within …)
Oil spillages , poor Hard barrication must be installed for 7 days Site
housekeeping , Slip trip and fall caused All the oil spillages were excavation and there will be proper supervisor
Trailing cables , due to slippery surface , removed on daily basis and signage’s for excavation.
Liquid spillages , scattered materials surface are degreased weekly
Loose or un trailing cables and oily to reduced slippery surface Punching nails, debris , poor
anchored mats and surface can result in Warning signs are provided material stored must be removed 2 days Site
open excavation at injury like cuts , bruises , from site supervisor
construction site. fracture and Training has been done
dislocations , joint pain properly for proper usage of All trailing cables or loose wires must 7 days Electrical
but more serious injuries spill kit procedure be arranged properly and proper engineer
can also happen hanger must be provided for all
cables to provided proper
management of cable
5 days Site
Proper drip trays must be provided supervisor
for generators and all the chemicals
must be stored on drip tray having
110 percent capacity
HAZARDOUS All workers , visitors or Proper training has been COSHH Assessments shall be 7 days Construction
staff can be exposed to given to all workers for control retained in the relevant stores , manager
SUBSTANCES dust . of substance hazardous to workers issued with hazardous
health substance shall be verbally advised
Exposure of
Failure to identify of the handling precautions and
airborne dust and
substance hazardous to Suitable eye protective issued relevant PPE as necessary
other chemical
health , issue / unsafe glasses PPEs are used by
additives , sand
handling of substance workers with suitable dust Unsafe work with hazardous
dust , issue /
hazardous to health mask substance shall be stopped and 1 day HSE officer
unsafe handling of
without information / safety violations must be given
instruction can result Safety signs are present and
hazardous to
long term injury or ill hazardous substance are Material safety data sheets (MSDS) 7 days HSE
health without
health to those who stored separately from shall be requested for all products at supervisor
information ,

Learner number: 00806461 Learner name: Ahmed Khalifa Page 8 of 14

Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
and hazard and how? doing? required? further actions person’s job
to be title
(within …)
instruction exposed to hazardous general materials the procurement stage
Firs aid and eye wash are Use local exhaust ventilation system 15 days Construction
present to provide to victim. or provide extractor fans to eliminate manager
the dust.
VIBRATION All worker , visitors and Maintenance and repairing of Replace all manual tools by 7 days Construction
staff at site . equipment and machines hydraulic one , pneumatic manager
Operators or helpers done properly . jackhammer be replaced by
Rapid use of jack
using drill machine , hydraulic jackhammer.
hammer , drill
grooving machine , Job rotation and rest breakers
excavators may cause are allowed to workers to Vibrating resistance mats or 7 days Maintenance
compactors ,
changes in tendons , reduce the process or greasing must be planned and manager
excavator used on
muscles , bones and exposure implemented.
hard surface and
joints , sleeplessness
and can affect the Health surveillance are Safety operation procedure must be 1 day HSE officer
nervous system, provided to workers followed while working with vibrator
machines .
Provision of PPEs vibration
resistance gloves , safety All machines must be inspected by 15 days Construction
shoes safety PPEs third party and inspection sticker manager
must be provided
MANUAL Workers involved in Stacked materials are JSA must be prepared for manual 1 day HSE
manual handling or secured against tipping / handling . Supervisor
HANDLING another worker nearby collapse and also palletized
may be affected by slip where possible to allow safe Fix or install new hoist/lift for shifting
Lifting and handling and fall of load even movement by forklift or crane materials up and down floors to 7 days Site
of different product may be avoid manual handling supervisor
materials , unsafe damaged by falling load All mobile plant and vehicles
handling and on it. used in site stores , such as Store man shall be issued with
movement of forklifts , truck and trailer . are suitable PPE as required . heavy 5 days Site
materials , Heavy loads carried by operated maintained and duty rigger gloves shall be used for supervisor

Learner number: 00806461 Learner name: Ahmed Khalifa Page 9 of 14

Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
and hazard and how? doing? required? further actions person’s job
to be title
(within …)
movement of plant workers may result certified from third party. general handling of materials
and heavy unstable failure , overloading and
loads , and other collapse of racking , Proper briefing has been Provide different kind of manual 15 days Project
activities in all tipping / collapse of deliverd to all workers for safe handling , boom truck or forklift. manager
work areas stacked materials , manual handling and
unsafe movement or movement more than 25KG Training about lifting techniques HSE officer
large diameter pips may load lifting are prohibited and must be arranged , tools box talk 1 week
result damage to manual handling risk must be given on manual handling
property or severe injury assessment also been done
like bones fracture ,
muscle cramp , fractures
and cuts or even death

Learner number: 00806461 Learner name: Ahmed Khalifa Page 10 of 14

Part 3: Priorities 3 actions with justification for the selection
Suggested word counts
Moral, general legal and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words

Moral, general legal and financial arguments for ALL actions

Moral, general legal and financial Workers from different location of SUDAN working for ELKHANDGAWI construction company .
arguments ELKHANDGAWI construction company is morally responsible to protect health and safety of its workers ,
visitors , members of the public and contractor's employees , all employees families are dependant on them
and looking on them to come back to home safely and healthy , they left their homes to give better future to
their families , almost 60 workers working with ELKHANDGAWI company , and the company must take care
of their workers to avoid them from any pain and suffering . in order to gain high productivity from workers is
to make them feel safe.
ILO conventions C167. C155 have clearly mentioned lot of legal requirements to be allowed and
noncompliance to all started above will bring worst legal , consequences against ELKHANDGAWI
construction company . These action will result non conformance report against ELKHANDGAWI company ,
ELKHNDGAWI may face terminations in care of series accidents.
It may be fined by government or Tayba engineering company in case of noncompliance , Imprisonment is
also possible in case or serious violation.
Costs associated with enforcement action.
ELKHANDGAWI is very strict for safety rules , any accident will result not only financial issues but also a
huge pressure from clients , in case of accident ELKHNDGAWI have to pay financial costs , insurance
premiums , compensation cost , sick leaves , overtime payments , hiring of new workers , replacement
expanses of injured employees , damage of tools and machines during accidents , Due to frequent it may
face enforcement actions from from government as well as form tayba engineering company which will result
delay in working progress , But if ELKHNDGAWI will pay a small amount then it will save millions of
ELKHNDGAWI and project as well.

Learner number: 00806461 Learner name: Ahmed Khalifa Page 11 of 14

Justification for action 1
Action (Taken from column 4 of risk

Specific legal arguments

Consideration of likelihood AND severity

 types of injury or ill health
 number of workers at risk
 how often the activity is carried
 how widespread the risk is
How effective the action is likely to be in
controlling the risk. This should include:
 the intended impact of the action;
 justification for the timescale that
you indicated in your risk
assessment; and
 whether you think the action will
fully control the risk

Justification for action 2

Action (Taken from column 4 of risk

Specific legal arguments

Consideration of likelihood AND severity

 types of injury or ill health
 number of workers at risk
 how often the activity is carried

Learner number: 00806461 Learner name: Ahmed Khalifa Page 12 of 14

 how widespread the risk is
How effective the action is likely to be in
controlling the risk. This should include:
 the intended impact of the action;
 justification for the timescale that
you indicated in your risk
assessment; and
 whether you think the action will
fully control the risk

Justification for action 3

Action (Taken from column 4 of risk

Specific legal arguments

Consideration of likelihood AND severity

 types of injury or ill health
 number of workers at risk
 how often the activity is carried
 how widespread the risk is
How effective the action is likely to be in
controlling the risk. This should include:
 the intended impact of the action;
 justification for the timescale that
you indicated in your risk
assessment; and
 whether you think the action will
fully control the risk

Learner number: 00806461 Learner name: Ahmed Khalifa Page 13 of 14

Part 4: Review, communicate and check
Suggested word counts for each section:
 Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
 How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 150 words
 Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.
Planned review date/period with I have set 14th January 2024 review date for the risk assessment , Because ELKHANDGAWI
reasoning construction company is bound to follow client and according to ‘’Tayba engineering company ‘’
health and safety department procedures , risk assessment must be reviewed after every three ‘’ 3
months’’ for high risk tasks .
How the risk assessment findings will be As all the workers , visitors inspectors or other people are under the risk of many accidents so they
communicated AND who you need to tell have to some detail information so they can get some awareness about these hazards , control
measures and roles and responsibilities . In order to give information to site team I needs approval
from the management , Then I will involve construction and HSE managers , I will convene and
argue them to call a top level meeting including top level meeting including project manager ,
engineers QC manager . I will share my finding to them and convenes them to take action . After
approval I will discuss risk assessment to workers in Tools box talk , I will make sure that they
understand the risk assessment completely.
How you will follow up on the risk After informing project manager and construction manager , I will urge the to take action . I will
assessment to check that the actions request the project manager to issue a written order to implement control measures . I will set a
have been carried out follow up date and will check the site to compliance with stated actions . I will write down my finding
and will sent an email to construction manager to put project manager in cc . I will pressurize
construction manager to take desired actions , I will keep calling the responsible persons to make
sure they don’t forget required actions , I will keep register with me for recording daily status
updates and this will make sure that all actions are completed within given timescales .

Learner number: 00806461 Learner name: Ahmed Khalifa Page 14 of 14

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