Group Project 3 - OS Installation - ALL
Group Project 3 - OS Installation - ALL
Group Project 3 - OS Installation - ALL
Level : Diploma
Credit Unit : 3
Contact Hour : 3
Part : 4
Project Description
You are required to show the process of performing an installation of the operating
system using a virtual machine. The project consists of several parts:
a. Preparation of Installation Disc
b. Installation of Virtual Machine
c. Installation of operating system
d. Setting up your operating system.
You may choose any virtual machine of your choice. The installation disc should be
in form of USB drive. Please download the Windows 10 installation files from the
following URL: .
Task for Step-4
The followings are the steps to be performed during the step-4 of the project:
1. Show desktop icons (My Computer, Recycle Bin, Network, Documents, and
Control Panel)
2. Show System Information
3. Perform disk partition (please be careful while doing this step)
4. Show how to set up virtual memory
5. Show how to create a user account
6. Change standard account to administrator account
7. Show how to share a folder.
8. Show how to run task manager
9. Show how to change computer name.
Students are expected to submit an interactive group project presentation, as
follows. An example of the presentation can be accessed by scanning the QR
code below.
1. Mode of submission:
a. Video – Upload your video into YouTube and submit the link to UFUTURE
b. Evidence - print screen of your group evidence from your WhatsApp group,
Telegram, Facebook or others platform. Paste in Microsoft Word. Convert
the file to PDF. Submit the PDF file in UFUTURE
CRITERIA Poor (1) Moderate (2) Satisfactory (3) Good (4) Excellent (5) Score
Part 1: Preparation of Does not showed Showed only a Showed a good Showed a good Provide an
Installation Disc how to prepare an glance of instruction deals of instruction deals of instruction excellent
installation disc. on how to prepare an on how to prepare an on how to prepare instruction with
installation disc installation disc, an installation disc, supporting graphic,
however it is still hard and it can be fact, video, and
to be understand. understand by audio on how to
others. prepare an
installation disc.
Did not use a Using a proper Using a proper Using a proper Using a proper
proper medium for medium for the medium for the medium for the medium for the
the selection of the selection of the selection of the selection of the selection of the
installation disc. installation disc installation disc installation disc installation disc
Part 2: Installation of Does not showed Showed only a Showed a good Showed a good Provide an
Virtual Machine how to install virtual glance of instruction deals of instruction deals of instruction excellent
machine. on how to install a on how to install a on how to install a instruction with
virtual machine. virtual machine, virtual machine, supporting graphic,
however it is still hard and it can be fact, video, and
to be understand. understand by audio on how to
others. install a virtual
Did not use a Using a proper and Using a proper and Using a proper and Using a proper and
proper and suitable suitable selection of suitable selection of suitable selection of suitable selection of
selection of virtual virtual machine virtual machine virtual machine virtual machine
Part 3: Installation of Does not showed Showed only a Showed a good Showed a good Provide an
operating system how to install an glance of instruction deals of instruction deals of instruction excellent
operating system. on how to install an on how to install an on how to install an instruction with
operating system. operating system, operating system, supporting graphic,
however it is still hard and it can be fact, video, and
to be understand. understand by audio on how to
others. install an operating
Did not use a Using a proper and Using a proper and Using a proper and Using a proper and
proper and suitable suitable selection of suitable selection of suitable selection of suitable selection of
selection of operating system. operating system. operating system. operating system.
operating system.
Part 4: Setting up Does not showed Showed only a Showed a good Showed a good Provide an
your operating how to properly glance of instruction deals of instruction deals of instruction excellent
system setting up the on how to properly on how to properly on how to properly instruction with
operating system. setting up the setting up the setting up the supporting graphic,
operating system. operating system, operating system, fact, video, and
however it is still hard and it can be audio on how to
to be understand. understand by properly setting up
others. the operating
Did not performed Perform correctly Perform correctly Perform correctly Perform correctly
any task required between 1 to 3 tasks between 4 to 6 tasks between 7 to 9 all the 10 tasks
by the assignment. required by the required by the tasks required by required by the
assignment. assignment. the assignment. assignment.
Presentation No effort and Little efforts and Moderate efforts and Good efforts and Excellent efforts
teamwork showed teamwork showed teamwork showed teamwork showed and teamwork
to produce a good throughout the throughout the throughout the showed throughout
presentation. presentation. presentation. presentation. the presentation.