Geographically Yours

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Geography optional

Notebook: Geography
Created: 15-10-2021 23:00 Updated: 16-10-2021 12:41
Author: Apurva Tripathi

Disclaimer: I have had a love-hate relationship with geography. I do not claim to

have developed an overnight expertise in the subject after the results were
announced.  Any suggestion of books, resources and coaching test series or
material is not an endorsement. I am writing this article in an earnest effort to
make sense of what might have worked and what more I would have incorporated
if I had to give another attempt, all with the benefit of hindsight. Hoping that it is
of some help in the trials and errors that the reader is willing to undertake.

Navigating Geography 

What if I fall? Oh, but darling, what if you fly? - Erin Hanson

Hello everyone, My name is Apurva Tripathi (AIR 68, UPSC CSE'20). My optional
was Geography. I did not join any classroom program whether online or offline.
Geography not being my graduation subject, I had to start from scratch. When we
try something like this, it is daunting yet gratifying. It gives you a sense of
ownership and control in your preparation. In both the attempts the marks were
proportionate to what I did in the examination hall. Could I have done anything
better? Many things. Could I have asked for more given the amount of effort I put
in? No, geography is the reason I am not giving third attempt. I have had my
closure with the subject. Here, is the report card of my performance in the two
mains I wrote:

Year Paper 1 Paper 2 Total Result

Not qualified in
2019 123 98 221

2020 136 150 286 Recommended


First attempt
    1.I wrote my first geography answer in the examination hall. It is no surprise that
I could not attempt 60-70 marks worth of paper.
    2.A serious lack of value addition in my answers. There were few facts, figures,
maps and case studies.
    3.I did not cover well the topics which were not there in reference books.
    4.Did not work upon any inter linkages between paper 1 and paper 2
    5.Answered Paper 2 in GS manner which reflected in the marks I got.
Overview: A complete disaster. It hurt more because I knew answer to those
questions. The thing about failure is that it is personal. There is only one way out
of it and that is acceptance. I got over this phase after mark sheet was released.
There was a silver lining to this experience, I got at least 221 marks. Then, realized
that I need not fear geography. So, tried again this time in a better way.

Second Attempt
    1.I could write only one page answers for two 15 markers.
    2.Wasted time on question that I didn't know.

Overview: Mistakes happened because of time mismanagement in Paper 1.

However, I was happy that I did not leave a single question. I could answer most of
the questions from the resources I had used. Overall, the efforts I put in were

Why Geography?  

There is no particular reason. It is just a melange of few of these:

1. A sense of familiarity with the subject because I read it in school. Many other
subjects in the optional list were completely new to me.
2. Two of the CSE toppers from my city had this subject. (Yes, I know it wasn't
3. I did not consult anyone, not because of choice it is just that I didn't know
anyone preparing for the exam, and ordered books. So, I had to read them
for like 3 years. 

The charms and the challenges


1. It is an informative subject with less of opinionated stuff.

2. Overlaps with one third of GS 1 and around one half of GS 3.
3. Paper 2 is dynamic in nature and one could attempt it with even not so
much geographical forte. ( Attempt doesn't guarantee marks, though)
4. Helps in preliminary exam.


1. The syllabus is huge and topics are assembled in an unorganized fashion.

2. Every year there will be some unheard questions especially, in compulsory
questions which will be unsettling. 
3. Some of the topics in physical geography are difficult to grasp in one go.

I used the following set of resources:

Beginner/ Prelims level:

1. NCERT classes 11th and 12th

2. GC leong
3. Rajtanil Solanki Madam's video lectures. ( These videos could be avoided
and replaced with more suitable ones)

A. Books

1. Physical Geography- Savinder Singh

2. Human Geography- Majid Hussain 
3. Evolution of Geographical thought- Majid Hussain - Part 2 and Part 3
4. Models in Geography- Majid Hussain 
5. India: A comprehensive Geography- DR Khullar
6. Geomorphology- Savinder Singh for specific topics.
7. Physical Geography: Made Simple- RH Bryant
8. India through maps- Prem Patel

B. Online resources:

1. Down to earth news articles as a case study ( I was planning to incorporate

this for the next attempt.)
2. Notes for topics like Biogeography, Environment Geography, Regional
Development and planning, contemporary issues, etc.
3. Mains 365 Environment and Economy of two years.
4. Yojana and Kurukshetra summary of one year.

C. Test Series:

1. Shabbir Sir's enrichment and test series notes November 2019. ( After the
mains of 2019)
2. Test Series notes available freely on the internet. I went through as many I

D. Topper Notes (that I would have read if I had enough time):

1. Pratham Kaushik Sir CSE'17- Strategy article by Sir is one stop resource for
optional preparation.
2. Om Kant Thakur Sir CSE'19

I hardly made any notes apart from the following specific things

1. Test series solutions summary so that I am able to make crucial value

addition in the syllabus.
2. Case study from Current affairs to be used to give a regional perspective in
3. Geographers- their quotes, books, laws,etc to make the answers
geographical and not GSque. 
4. Maps from PYQs and DR Khullar


Level 1 : Syllabus completion

1. Be thorough with the prelims level of preparation.
2. Optional level books should be read along with syllabus and PYQs
3. Look at the topper notes to understand what is important and if anything
that is missed out.
4. Read topics of paper 1( general geography) with complementary topics of
paper 2 ( regional geography).
5. Make sure that you have gone through these books and online topic notes
at least 5-6 times so that it sticks.

Level 2 : Answer writing

1. Study in QnA format by solving PYQs especially, 2013 onwards.

2. Divide the question in multiple parts and answer each part separately. Write
not what you know but what is asked.
3. Make value addition by writing case studies, making maps and diagrams,
quoting geographers and adding facts and figures to substantiate your
4. Use the Paper 1 complementary topics while answering questions from
Paper 2 and vice versa. This is not as easy as it sounds. It will come with
reading the topics together and not in silos.

Level 3: Practice

1. Write tests in a time bound manner. Work upon the feedback.

2. Build upon your knowledge base by incorporating the test solutions in your
preparation. It is not a separate entity but forms a crucial part of the
preparation core.
3. Prepare specific notes of things you would be revising a day before exam
and during the two hour break between Paper 1 and Paper 2.

General Suggestions

1. It would take at least 3 months for two readings of the entire syllabus using
books and online resources. It is not advisable to make notes for such a
bulky syllabus. Utilize time in understanding the logic behind things, that
would help you retain information for a longer time. Eventually, would help
in analyzing questions with more depth and dimensions.
2. After the base is built work extensively on answering questions. There are
plenty of paper discussion videos on YouTube that would help in
understanding the demand of question. For eg, In 2018 question on slope
analysis and slope management required a careful reading and analysis to
3. Prepare Human geography and complementary topics in Paper 2 together.
For instance, Economic Geography in Paper 1 along with Agriculture,
Resources, Industry, Transport, trade and communication in Paper 2. This will
help in developing a geographical point of view.
4. Make a repository of census data, facts from economic survey on agriculture,
case studies from down to earth news items, Yojana and Kurukshtra
magazines. Simplified diagrams, maps and tables from reference books
should be kept handy. Make a list of geographers, their thoughts, works and
verbatim quotes and use extensively while answering questions in Paper 1
part B and Paper 2. This should be used in answers without a fail. 
5. In Physical Geography, cover the small details. In 2019, questions like
tombolo, Potential evapotranspiration could have been easily answered by
Physical Geography- Savinder Singh.
6. A framework keeping the syllabus in mind should be developed for
answering more GS type questions. For eg, questions on private
participation in space sector, essential commodities act, could have been
answered by picking up relevant heads and subheads from the syllabus
7. Do not fret over map question in Paper 2. First, complete all the map
pointing from PYQs. There is a high chance that 4 to 6 places would be
repeated. After that, cover prelims based places in news compilation. 
8. In Paper 2, practice making regional maps. Try to narrow down on areas and
regions that you would be using as a case study. For instance, 2020 question
on mono cropping and canal irrigation required this approach.
9. Identify the most repeated topics and prepare them well. For instance, there
was an almost similar question on Indian Monsoon, Space sector in 2019
and 2020.
10. Add depth and dimension in your answers by not being bound by a
particular topic. For instance, in questions on environment answer using
contemporary issues topic in Paper 2, Neo environmentalism from
geographical thought, limits to growth, club of Rome from Models and
Laws. Similarly, for answering question on innovation, industries in rural
areas or IT sector use concepts like diffusion of innovation, growth poles and
centers, welfare geography, etc. Don't be constrained while answering
questions. However, write only relevant things.
11. Have a broader idea of what to write in introduction and conclusion of
answers. Do not write one liners. Try to make inter linkages between
multiple sub parts of the question in the introduction itself. For conclusion,
use applied concepts and provide a futuristic note.
12. There are keywords that you shouldn't miss while answering question from a
particular topic. Use them liberally. For example, an answer on RDP should
contain its seven dimensions like horizontal and vertical unity of
phenomenon, space and time continuum, etc. 
13. Manage your time well. I cannot emphasize this enough. Do not attempt
those questions first which you have no idea about. For instance, Halloween
storm was the first question in paper 1 and I wasted crucial time on it which
costed me in the last two questions. 
14. You can turn around things during those 6 hours. So, never lose hope.
Especially, in the 5 days break after GS papers. 

Geography could be overwhelming, there is no running away from the fact. We

need to accept it. But there never will be a time when you won't be able to make
sense of the subject. It is rewarding in its own way. A subject so challenging and
diverse that it keeps you hooked throughout. There is never too late to make an
effort and give the respect an optional subject deserves. I hope you all do well and
make the most out of the opportunities that come your way. All the Best.

Geographically Yours. :)

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