WPR-Weekly Progress Report

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Weekly Progress Report

design coordinates, inc.

4-Storey Office Building Project
Jupiter Street, Bel-Air, Makati City

weekly progress report # : date:

contractor construction package #

FGU Builders CP01: General COnstruction

highlights of events and activities (A chronological tabulation of construction related matters)

design issues, field problems encountered/solutions and recommendations, if any

(A brief and complete description of deviations noted from the plans and specifications due to field conditions and/or directives issued by
the Owner and Consultants, including its effect to the overall project schedule )

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design coordinates, inc. suite 202, itc bldg., 337 gil puyat ave., makati city, phone: 896-1981 to 84, fax: 899-9276, e-mail: info@dci.com.ph
Weekly Progress Report
design coordinates, inc.
4-Storey Office Building Project
Jupiter Street, Bel-Air, Makati City

accomplishment reports (Includes Activity Report – Works Accomplished and In Progress. Attach Cumulative Accomplishment Report)

works accomplished (Summary of items accomplished)

Item of Work Percent Accomplishment Todate

works in progress (Summary of construction activities)

Item of Work Percent Accomplishment Todate

owner furnished materials/equipment delivered within the week, if any

DCI-WPR rev. 00 Page 2 of 3

design coordinates, inc. suite 202, itc bldg., 337 gil puyat ave., makati city, phone: 896-1981 to 84, fax: 899-9276, e-mail: info@dci.com.ph
Weekly Progress Report
design coordinates, inc.
4-Storey Office Building Project
Jupiter Street, Bel-Air, Makati City

manpower and equipment

Provide a detailed list of manpower and equipment resources. The Trade field refers to type of manpower, i.e. Carpenter, Electrician, etc.
The Classification field refers to qualifications, i.e. Foreman, Helper, etc.

Quantity Trade Classification Quantity Equipment

Manpower Units : Manhours  Mandays  Equipment Units : Days  Mandays

visitors at site, if any (State Purpose)

additional information/queries


1. This form must be accomplished by all Contractors and submitted to DCI every (day of the week) morning/afternoon, to cover
progress of work for the previous week.
2. Attach a copy of the Weather Condition Chart

_____________________________________ _________________________________ ____________________________

prepared by: checked by: noted by:

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design coordinates, inc. suite 202, itc bldg., 337 gil puyat ave., makati city, phone: 896-1981 to 84, fax: 899-9276, e-mail: info@dci.com.ph

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