BW Limiter
BW Limiter
BW Limiter
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The Broadcast Warehouse Limiter Plus is a low cost, high specification stereo broadcast limiter.
Designed specifically for radio stations to provide total protection and a maximum level as well as providing
a clean sound rich sound. The limiter plus is a compact unit with built in broadcast specific features such as
pre emphasis, clippers and interactive time~~~<~!.9-nts for a loud but clean sounding broadcast.
Balanced input chips are onboard as standard allowing balanced output professional mixing desks and audio
processors to-be connected to the limiters inputs. . ._,..,,--~
Gain controls
Limit Indicator
Distortion Trim adjustment
Switchable pre emphasis
Switchable loudness
Balanced XLR pcb connectors
RCA unbalanced option
/~'High grade low noise op amps
Switched mode power supply
Black oxide high grade PCB
Input levels (for limiting) -lOdBu to +18dBu
Input connectors
Balanced XLR
Unbalanced RCA
Input CMRR (BAL.) >60dB
Tone .1 % 1Khz (clarity mode)
Program content N/A
Frequency response 20Hz - 20Khz
Limiter control mode >24 dB (pre emphasis off)
/~"lnput Impedance 10K ohms
Pre emphasis o (off), 50 or 75 uS
Process modes Clarity and Loud
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Circuit description.
The problem with controlling your signal completely from the peak waveform is that the main energy of the audio signal is in the
average of it, not the peak. The higher the peak to average ratro'~the less dense the soun([~Th=e moteJ~eI)se the sound the better for
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~fm broadcasting because we raise our average modulation closer to the ceiling of the system and away from the noise floor. The
lower the peak to average ratio, the better the 'signal to noise.' And Research has shown that people tend to prefer"louder stations.
A 19uder audio ouq~ut from your transmitter gives the apperance of a stronger br,o,adcast regargless of signal strength of the recived
In the broadcast Warehouse limiter plus we have choosen to let through fast transients and clip them rather than try' and make the
~limiter attack time fast enough to react in itself without clipping. It has been proven that this technique bo'o~st~'l~~dness signifi-
cantly. Let me give you an example. If we were to have a limrter~iliilt limited at 1volt (2.8 volt peak to peak)-an'dhada--zero attack
time limiter then the limiter would not let any signals out above that. We feed the limiter with a burst of music at a
volts. With the zero attack limiter the output of the limiter will be fixed at 1 volt. If we let the intitial part of the audio through the
limiter ( too fast for the attack time) then the signal out of the limiter has a 1.2 volt level (3.4 peak to peak). If we then clipped this
waveform we would reduce the peak level back to 2.8 volt peak to peak (b~oadcasting is all about pe*s) BUT th~~_~Jevel is still
'. at 1.1201ts. The peak to average ratio has been decreased and we have a louder sound for the same peak~evel and that is what we
~want for FM broadcasting. You might say to yours-elf why limit at all, why not just clip. Well clippers produce harmonic distori-
on ~nd you can h~ar it if too much clipping is taking place. What you need to do is to usef;sthe limiter to get the sound int~ the range
of i~audible distorion when the clipping is taking place. Tests have shown tha! a few db of clipping on programme material will
'..t be to detect to anything but the trained ear.
Circuit description.
Left and Right audio signals are applied to audio input connectors 1 and 2. The balanced audio signals are fed to IC 1 and
IC4 which are precision balanced receiver chips which convert the balanced audio signals to unbalanced for the rest of the limiters
circuitry. If you decide to use the RCA unbalanced connectors for audio input then one of the legs of the metal frame provides a
path to ground for pin 2 of the balanced input receiver chips \v!l-;ch forc''='s a 6db increase in gain which is the amount lost through
running an unbalanced feed compared to a balanced feed.
The output from the balanced receivers feed a pre emphasis filter which can be switched in or out of circuit via the on
board jumpers J 1 and J4. Th;audio is then fed from the pre emphasis filters to one half of dual op amps IC2 and IC3 where input
gain can be adjL!sted through VRI and VR2 which for~e feedback path for the op amps. The audio is then fed into the other
half of IC2 and and IC3. These dual op amps are also the gain control and outp~t opamps.
The output pf the input gain op amps also feed thefull wave rectifier circuitry w.hichpr=o~!~,~~a Dc.; repre~en~~~on of the
audio signal. This DC voltage is applied to a time constant circuit ~hich provides the attack and release ~ameters for the limiter.
The time ~O!2..~!~,~_~~·itors C14 and C15 together with R16 and R17 provide a program~~deQ.~~~nt interactive time constant
for clear punchy sound at all levels of limiting. After passing through the time constant filter the DC si~nalis buffered b)l,}~7 and
"'iithen fed to lC8 which drives PNP transistors TI and T2 which control the current passingti1fough thef;'lin.. c_~nt~;Y·"~l;~2'nt,
)ransconductance amplifier IC5. The buffered output also feeds LED3 which serves as an indicator of 'l~tI~g"'~i-~gain reduction
when lit. .-
Transconductance amplifier IC5 is configured as a variable resistor which is placed in the feedback path of the gain con-
trol op amps. IC5 varysjt's resistance in accordance with the level of audio drive so that the output of the gain control op amps is
fixed a~ OdB. Leds 1 and 2 provide clippin p of any overshoots that get through the limiter. This provides significantly more loud-
ness than can be obtained by making the attack time quicker to catch the overshoots. The amount of~lipping can be controlled by
J2 and J3. These provide more drive to the gain control opamps by putting resistors R8 in parallel with R4 and resistor R29 with
~R33.This has the effect of a l1Jore COii1i'11ercialloud sound when in loudmod~~£?mpared to a more true to t~~~~Ei.~.~~~~~~"~.~~ when
in clarit~ mode due to less clipping taking place. VR3 and VR4 provide offset adjustment which can null any distortions intro-
duced by offsets inherent in the op amps I ==
Audio is output from connectors CON3 and CON4. The connector have been choosen to connect to the DIGILOG stereo
encoder easily. The two ground connections will force the balanced inputs of the DIGILOG into unbalanced mode which is what
the limiter outputs.
" The power supply to the circuity is a split rail system for maximum dynamic range. The split rail system is generated by
a DC-DC convertor which converts 6V to +/-18V. REG 1 provides a regulate~DC feed to the DC DC convertor from your input
supply voltage of 10-15 volts. The dual outputs from the DC to DC convertor are low passed filtered by Ll-2 and C2l-22 to fur-
ther clean up the DC signals. The output from the DC low pass filters are fed to the rest of the circuitry.
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Assembly Instructions
This kit is not really a first time kit builders project. If you have not soldered before we recommend you get some soldering experience
from a simpler project or get this kit assembled by someone who has previous experience in electronic construction and soldering.
i.Empty the contents of the kit and proceed to check all of the components off against the component list, It is a good idea to tick off
'~1ch component as you go through. When you have double checked all the parts proceed.
1. We always start with the lowest height components first which are resistors, Insert each resistor and solder one at a time taking care
to make a good joint and not to short across any other pads/holes. Double check the component is the correct one before soldering.
3. Now insert Diode D1-12 followed by rectifier diode Dl3 observing the polarity ( SEE DIAGRAM ). Follow the diodes with axial
inductors L 1 and L2.
4. Next its time to insert the ceramic capacitors CI,2,4,8,13,18,23 and 24. Follow these with all of the decoupling capacitors which are
C3~7 ,9,12. These are non polarized and can be inserted and soldered either way around.
5. Variable resistors VR1 and VR2 can be inserted and soldered next. Move on to the IC holders to fit in each of the chip positions.
Make sure you line the notch on the chip holder with the notch on the ident on the printed circuit board. This wil help in making sure
you insert the chip the correct way around in the socket.( SEE DIAGRAM)
6. Move on to transistors Tl and T2. Led's 1-3 can be inserted now making sure they are also the correct way around. They have a slant
on one side, match it up with the slant on the ident.
7. Capacitors C6,7,11 and 12 are next. Now insert the polarized electrolytic capacitors C14,15,17,19,20,21 and 22 MAKING 1000/0
SURE they are soldered in correctly. ( SEE DIAGRAM) The board has a positive symbol next to the positive hole of each polarized
capacitor. Insert the negative stripe side away from the positive ( + ) marking.
8. Insert and solder jumpers J1 ,J2,J3 and J4 . you may if you wish put the jumper tab's on,but we recommend you wait till the end when
we will configure the settings of the board. Connecters 3-5 can be soldered in if you wish to use them. They are industry standard lock-
ing molex types.
9. Next the DC-DC converter.
10. You must not choose if you want to have balanced or unbalanced inputs and insert and solder either the XLR or the RCA connec-
Ii.Lastly push the voltage regulator REG 1 into the silver heatsink so that in can not go up anymore (it will be pressed up to the blip in
the metal). Once the heatsink and regulator are together insert and solder them into the circuit board.
Oh ' you can now insert all of the chips into there correct chip holders.!!!
It is advisable that you check your work and all the components are where they should be and that there are no solder splashes or shorts
/---tJnderneath the circuit board. It is better to spend five minutes double checking everything rather than risk damage at switch on due to a
.istake during assembly.
If you are sure everything is ok you can proceed to the setup and testing page.
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Component list
The Limiter Plus is very straightforward to set up. The input level is adjustable and the output level is fixed.
1. Connect 10-15 volts DC to the limiter.-~ ..
2. The first step in setting up the limiter after it has been built is to trim any offsets in the op-amps. This will allow us to reduce
the distortion of the system.
Connect a multimeter to the output of the left channel and set the meter onto millivolts DC range. Now adjust the multiturn pot
VR4 for, the minimum output voltage on the meter. Aim for a reading of a few millivolts or less. Repeat the procedure for the right
channel with VR3.
3. Decide on your pre emphasis settings for your country / region. 7SuS for the Americas and Japan and SOuS for the rest of the
Select the pre emphasis with the pre emphasis jumpers.
4. Decide on clarity or loud modes. Clarity will produce a closer to the original sound while loud will give you a more processed
commercial sound. Set the jumpers to your choosen mode.
5. Apply ~udio to theinputs of the limiter and adjust the input gain controls to maximum. You should have the LED limit indica-
.tor tlashingwith the peaks of the audio, if not then you neede-to appl~ more audio level from your studio equipment. When the
'in1iter is limiting (led is flashing) then you can adjust your transmitters modulation control for a peak deviation of +/-7Skhz. If
you are using a stereo encoder then you \vill need to adjust the in~in controls on the stereo encoder for a peak deviation of +/-
6. You may wish to readjust the input gain controls on the.l i mi..t.e.r so that the limiter starts to limit at your desired input level, arM
you can leave the input level controls at maximum to get the li to act more as a compressor and increase _:roljr average vol---,
ume. .. ll1iter
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