2206-02e TPB Polyaluminum Chloride RKN 12%
2206-02e TPB Polyaluminum Chloride RKN 12%
2206-02e TPB Polyaluminum Chloride RKN 12%
Polyaluminum chloride RKN 12% is a basic coagulant, This product should be stored in a cool, dry place, and out
special formulated to provide maximum coagulation in of direct sunlight. Wet aluminum sulfate will corrode steel.
water treatment, can be combined with anionic/ cationic/
non-ionic flocculants (not recommended to mix)
Parameter Values The product is not classified as dangerous goods for road
Appearance Pale amber clear liquid and rail, air and sea transport by ADG, IATA and IMDG
Al2O3 Min 12% Codes.
Basicity 70 – 85%
pH (1%) 3.5-5.0
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Document no: RKN/TPB/2021-2206/v.02e