Os-Pevice: Pvovidto

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NAmeSmdup Nathuvam Kundoahwo

Rl No TRR06|

Svanch Mteth CSsE

ueY pvovidto hev cvedit ard at a
estauvayt fuv
desice he Paywnet ing parint a
Sale vestouvateuv swipes the Cavd h devie , ond enben e
l amounE The devite
Comwnunicates wit the bavk ho &eck the
lante and hen aE
fw tha pi. e usey entes e
pin, th devie
ee the pim wth the bank and then authenhcates e
e vebtauYa euy tha pmnb the rece fen the deie ard q tre ut
o Sin it ,thus tomPlehnahe ransachion Seauente Dva a weat UML ,
Diaaan clepun this soqvene o evente involving 3 exhitie
yuer, fos deviee and Bant

os-Pevice be

Swipe a

tev b amount

AAsks i -

6rte P

venk Pin
(ufhenhabr) Lhezks fr/Eala
4ert valanE
Pement sucag
$S al. Ov an
k-ag ntSucressfu

Pint veeR

g. Consider an applcahm hat trang i t da1a at a

Steady vate (fay
mple, h e sende enerat an N-bit un dato eve e unt

where k is small and Rxed) Ohen Such a aPplcato Stavt, i

will cuntinue uning r aelativey (1 pem od ohme Dcib.
Some vead-uavld scemo hat enYates sueh tya4fic, aru

He follooing question, biefly jusift you ag uen

One realorld sten eiu tat qaventes syuh tafk is online

gaming4 Pubg Valovant). Oaline gaminq
data ata
o usevs.
sFeady a t e to delivev latenuy-ee gaming ptneNe

uuit -Switched ehwak be

a.would paket -swithed mehwork ar a

Muve appopnate fov tis applcaton why

Sinse hhe cupli catiam mll Conhye ming

f a
relahelg long,
peod, Civuuit switehed mekug will be well-suitr4 as a dedicand
duakom which will
hannel will be vestmed h the emhe esu
SMuoth band und th vequement. S i n the coehon will be vequ

wlU be
f leng duvahm the sebsy up and teav don dyvabon
Cunnrb 3e

6 Suppose that a pauket suituhe d meuso is used and the only afh
in this mewok Umes e m suCh appucahms as das bd ab ove .

uthevwave agume that The su o t e applucaRUm datR Yates s ( tnd.

the apa uho auM and ewe uwK s s e e w ocemgastion m

needed Why

Tn Hhe wst ase,all the pplieahons simultanenudy tenswmiE overeg

nye e f u k LK Hweve, since a h uns has suftiaent band wa
to kandle he sum o all the applieatons data abes, no cangna
vill our
g 3. hr ave standavds
mportont f pto cols Descvibe s
Poeco that you use youY dauly f e and so
ig unrelated
CooputeY newrks

Phocol is Simpl a set lea tmat enae eective
wcab s to
OuYSrotocols and Standards make
getheY. Pvotsuls malse i pessible far
the vano op
mehwk wmmuniate wth eadh otheY, and sda
make it possible fr diffevent manufachuveys nehwovs Ardavds
tne w

Stundards are
ipuvtanE a th o te fudouena building
blotks Produt develepment by etubligking m SiS T pw tocals
thaE can be
nivexall wndes trod ond a d t lws helps hu
Cwwp akb and inttvayeabili and sipliR vodu deab
menE, Sna sreecd bme-to maEE
Kample lntemet otou|
Pvovid eo a Standard
two clevicee to Cemmunicar with eah &theY
he intemeC

daily lufe , vaious ocAo pvotocols thaE ave used:

.Shudenb shald be id to eath-o Hher at schol to
uvil and vespec bo theY teauhe and Peen.
3. wile
stunding d ket tutev o tast-fod shops, ty
is eapecte t stand
in ueue Fit I - hst out)
3. e say gradbye. wen Im wshed talkihg to samem
typially S dbye r See yoylatev.
4. h l e wming exoM
no une s
sppoed t be eah
4LE six access tehnelugi.Fv each give the vangt anduid
o band
distance and bit-er YY vate

Hee six acess

teehnslogf, aldng wih The vepectie
badwdth , edittane and bit-evuY vate ;

S wiredao nehwing teuhnoly Tnatr usas Rdja u
Cobles to antmi t data betwcen devíce
Dependa.cn e
ethe Badwidh i 1Gbps
DistaLe: D meters

Ehe. r B t Eov RatR: lypially in the vange t o *o
c e n g i d e r

i sa wivelets nebwting tenolury that use vadio wavea t pw


de iGspeed intemet ana hekuk cmnechims

BandwidM: 3.4 alz S aly o 6GH7

Distance : A.4GH 45m 5GH Sm
i t Ervor Rabe i Generally lod i t h aund 1in 1o bit b

3. Bluetooth
is awireless technalugy hat uses vadio wave
Cunnecb deviea wthin a shot Yange

Bandwidh1-3 Mbps
Dis bance : qeneally tOmehet
i t -Eer Rate: Kana w 1X to t LxI03

4 Digteal Subsember Lino

atechnolugy that s ekishin telee
we o ransmit diqi tal daba

Bandwicl th 1 to 4oo Mbps

Distdnce qvomd 34S8m (ood feety
Ev RateVav dependi stea fautors uke distane,
neaves Belyhme exchange, Can be inftuaned
by uvommenba fackm e . Typicaly, emerva
vaina, fvow 4x1o° to 1x1o Can he adhjeved

s Hber to tha Hame FTTH):

isabroad band intemek Cenechm teuh-

olugy tha deliveYs wghspee intem et oev phca FLev Cable
divecely a ers hme

Pandwidth: (oo Mbps b 1Gbps

Distance -Depmds n iplemenatim ard qalit Rerophe able ad

B i t - E r Rate : Around 1 in 1o bits

6 Cable htemet Access

is a type boad band mtemet auers that

4se a Coaxial Cable t ancmit data

Bandwidtn: Kang fvom 10 Mbps to 1Gbrs .

Dis tanee and 1LoKM.Sial atnua kon cuw in cae e lor
E Y u Kate: is qenerally , avound in t o bs ur less.
QS Skype otfes a
ewicehat allow to tp
you ma ka a phove Call
Pc o
a an
ovdinavy phune. his
ns Thar he voie
hough both the nttmet and
hpugh a
elephane neu
telephame netok Dsu,
h o his
miqhtbe done. Sketah neat aqvar lustratg2
ilushrat yaY ar
whon ma&ina a
phone call yw sype
an Orea Phone,
Call has to
hvough pass both the
intemeE and the eiphcne neh
KPe is a
pee-to peaY towmunicahm: apruAn on na
ujunchm wim ValP(V Ovar \ntemet eto col) bechnela.
15 newrs ba ed potowl f lntemet Tdepk
h ur
call o v e the iwktmer h
ae three sptm
P blens to solue
bee s can
ateve wn0n ha ycu Wtin to at
umm yuY vnce in diq unal ad Sending itovo
he inbemet (and recetving, vpli n he cppesite ueuhon)
itefaetng wi te
ortlay telephene meuurk


I. Call Sianalling

the 6st art

aknq VeTP call to an a a

a Phow i locate the e e i , Siqnallig the eLeiver

veceive call nd once hat s dome buth the paies oneed

on a Some
poo t hang data Too mat commly
poocol fVolP are H.523 ond SiP). T Case to
auna Phone the whele pvoess becomes a bit

L. Coll vanswi ssion

SncdL a basi alephume call vey
the al1 is evevbed tnbo digibal fm. Tuis aenta Pyoce
talle analoq, cug1 ba conversson. he picce osortu
vpomai le tis pees Carveting aumdio sound into diy tal mh
du and bach agam at #he oter end- is own as CDDEC e
a suken vuie has been tymed inh wmherit' velatvely oay to break
i tino ackeh an4 Snd it the eceiver wkee it can e veammblsd

and tuned bauk ix the sawnd o a veie by nctly the evee

poces ke data ding p«total usd in VolP is called Real-
Time Probcol (RTP).

with the Telephone Nehu

L ntavfaung
call ma
Lepute to a taditial land uhe phone i s awplex be.case

iVolves makina a unk fom the ty ltemet the cvaina phewe

nehows (efewed to a PSTN Public Swithed Tdophene Netoak)

As Case call siqalli is mo emplex t h e Phane ha o

be locate Kst (Ohe solubn to 4is is t aM a Specia mem qe0
Grphca "Gyea o d e to Vol nuwbe S hat they can be IMstanty

clenb hed and t e a to h e Intemt)Sending, and reteivin9 a call

1s also mt coplex because t e callinq fvow a volPhont

ton di may landine kencnek handse thees nothing at the
receving md umwert he diqital dato bach into analoo, sund
Ss,the data has d be camveve b e r e it veathes e qeehnahin.

aateag Ces

Am exha pece eaiPmen alled a Gateuiag-, Qc a a bidge

bchueen the inteme and th PSTN. t is a kind o g hanalator
t h a t u m e t s buephane Calls in L-fwot ino adiiuma Signal

tho dina phoes Can undlestnd (and vice-veda).1t also

involvecl in call cigndling so uhen yey elinl a landline bem a
Volr phome the 9attay Comverts cal-s12allmg a o
a w a t hat the PSTN an undus Eand(and 4 the landline
the old
shiume wa2
classate 3

vavelt thu e
Audio s Leevt ed
iMte data acke
intemot a data pacte b
(Valf devie)

4te Wo
(OAtA akeb are ewvete
lauknh Audie)

4bte Sitched Telephone


Ovdina Phewe

mmunicahom bevetn Vo device and


96 Name th* wiveless netuurks #ha ave commonly usec t camner

n an ToT nehurk. Prepave a tabie t Compave ad Comast tm
mg fatto suth as data GE distance pouey, Cost , numbey o

Oiveless Sensr Netoarke efers t nebworks Pahally disp.

and diara sensars tnat moni tov
and ecad h physical condita,
th evivmment an fuard he colleateddata t he cena
locatiom. Thvee commnl used wiveless nekuYS HSAS t nec
Sensor 1n an T nebuwk qve

Wi Wreles Fidel )
is a vesahle LAN
technulagy that
numam ove two pimany feavenujes, 3.44ty and 5at
Blue tooth Low Gnergy (BLE)

S a lu-Paer ptoco) hat is dsgre

to AreE peedi< los da vate wiveless mmunicahn ove
shavt ang


Not to be
wnuse h dassi blyeteoth technolegy
is eat f sbreaming andio speakes heaclcek

Z- Wave

Z-Wave is
wiress mmnicatin pmtol de

eaiall4 snmavt home appicati ms and LoT aprliahiens. IE

altemahe to Zigbee.

Hee is atable cumPang ona mtas hng hue tvec

Feature wovo wiR BLE
.Data Rate
r 10 Gbps 1Mbps

.Distance Urto 10 metes 00 meb upto l0 meten

Fowey wer Erdnt Hiqh Pw Consmyion low Pa lomrt

w Cwst Migh CosE Low wst

NumbevY Can s a v p b lo ma. nsus3 Low M0.

SemsoYS 32 doies Sppted. Sensevs sppoBed

req uen a Sand| ub GH7

:44,and SGltg 34áHy
Nebers lpoloyesh Nehuers Point-t-Print Pint-to-Paint
Topal h lpelo |& Sta Tpelo

APplicatians Howe uhwah'm Hone Aubrwahm,smat weavalle dena

aplicahon, seui devic, indutmalhealth are m
sbms eg,

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