Os-Pevice: Pvovidto
Os-Pevice: Pvovidto
Os-Pevice: Pvovidto
Rl No TRR06|
ueY pvovidto hev cvedit ard at a
estauvayt fuv
desice he Paywnet ing parint a
Sale vestouvateuv swipes the Cavd h devie , ond enben e
l amounE The devite
Comwnunicates wit the bavk ho &eck the
lante and hen aE
fw tha pi. e usey entes e
pin, th devie
ee the pim wth the bank and then authenhcates e
e vebtauYa euy tha pmnb the rece fen the deie ard q tre ut
o Sin it ,thus tomPlehnahe ransachion Seauente Dva a weat UML ,
Diaaan clepun this soqvene o evente involving 3 exhitie
yuer, fos deviee and Bant
os-Pevice be
Swipe a
tev b amount
AAsks i -
6rte P
venk Pin
(ufhenhabr) Lhezks fr/Eala
4ert valanE
Pement sucag
$S al. Ov an
k-ag ntSucressfu
Pint veeR
wlU be
f leng duvahm the sebsy up and teav don dyvabon
Cunnrb 3e
6 Suppose that a pauket suituhe d meuso is used and the only afh
in this mewok Umes e m suCh appucahms as das bd ab ove .
needed Why
Phocol is Simpl a set lea tmat enae eective
wcab s to
OuYSrotocols and Standards make
getheY. Pvotsuls malse i pessible far
the vano op
mehwk wmmuniate wth eadh otheY, and sda
make it possible fr diffevent manufachuveys nehwovs Ardavds
tne w
Stundards are
ipuvtanE a th o te fudouena building
blotks Produt develepment by etubligking m SiS T pw tocals
thaE can be
nivexall wndes trod ond a d t lws helps hu
Cwwp akb and inttvayeabili and sipliR vodu deab
menE, Sna sreecd bme-to maEE
Kample lntemet otou|
Pvovid eo a Standard
two clevicee to Cemmunicar with eah &theY
he intemeC
S wiredao nehwing teuhnoly Tnatr usas Rdja u
Cobles to antmi t data betwcen devíce
Dependa.cn e
ethe Badwidh i 1Gbps
DistaLe: D meters
Ehe. r B t Eov RatR: lypially in the vange t o *o
c e n g i d e r
3. Bluetooth
is awireless technalugy hat uses vadio wave
Cunnecb deviea wthin a shot Yange
Bandwidh1-3 Mbps
Dis bance : qeneally tOmehet
i t -Eer Rate: Kana w 1X to t LxI03
I. Call Sianalling
on a Some
poo t hang data Too mat commly
poocol fVolP are H.523 ond SiP). T Case to
auna Phone the whele pvoess becomes a bit
aateag Ces
vavelt thu e
Audio s Leevt ed
iMte data acke
intemot a data pacte b
(Valf devie)
4te Wo
(OAtA akeb are ewvete
lauknh Audie)
Ovdina Phewe
Wi Wreles Fidel )
is a vesahle LAN
technulagy that
numam ove two pimany feavenujes, 3.44ty and 5at
Blue tooth Low Gnergy (BLE)
Not to be
wnuse h dassi blyeteoth technolegy
is eat f sbreaming andio speakes heaclcek
Z- Wave
Z-Wave is
wiress mmnicatin pmtol de
w Cwst Migh CosE Low wst