Worksheet and Samples S-Slide
Worksheet and Samples S-Slide
Worksheet and Samples S-Slide
company and to ask whether they can meet that salary. Usually you accept the
offer verbally and sign a contract within a few days. This is a pleasant moment.
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Writing Follow-Up Letters 539
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540 Chapter 17 Job Application Materials
The Examples 17.1 and 17.2 illustrate ways in which applicants can show
how their skills meet the employers’ needs. Examples 17.3 and 17.5 illustrate
advance student and professional resumes. Example 17.4 shows how Example
71.3 looks as an ASCII text.
Example 17.1
Letter 1503 West Second Street
Organized by
Skills Menomonie, WI 54751
ABC Global Services
1014 Michigan Avenue
Slightly Chicago, IL 60605
block format
uses indented November 3, 2013
paragraphs to
save space. SUBJECT: I/T Specialist–Programmer Position
Specific I would like to apply for the IT Specialist–Programmer Position for ABC Global
Services in Chicago. I learned of this position through the University of Wisconsin–
Stout Placement and Co-op Office. Because of my past co-op experiences and
educational background, I feel I am an ideal candidate for this position.
Each body I am very familiar with all the steps of the application life cycle and processes
paragraph has
in first line a
involved in each of these steps. In my Software Engineering course, I and four other
key word or students developed a Math Bowl program that is used at the annual Applied Math
phrase from
the ad.
Conference. We analyzed the problem through an analysis document, created a design
Brief narrative
document, coded the Math Bowl program from the design document, and maintained
demonstrates the software. In my past co-op with IBM, I was also involved in requirements plan-
ning, design reviews, coding, testing, and maintenance for my team’s projects.
Two examples I have experience with low-level languages such as C++ and Assembler Language
illustrate skills.
through my work experience and course study. In my Computer Organization class,
I developed a CPU simulator in C++, which manipulated the Assembler Language.
During my Unisys co-op in the Compiler Products department, I developed test
programs in C, which manipulated the low-level compiler code.
Narrative I have strong customer relations and communication skills. Every day I deal with
skills. students and faculty at my job as a Lab Assistant at the Campus Computer Lab. It is
my job to help them learn the available software and troubleshoot user’s problems.
Request for Enclosed is my résumé for your consideration. I am interested in talking with
you in person about this position and a possible interview. Please call me at
(715) 242-3368 at your convenience. Thank you for your consideration.
Heather Miller
Heather Miller
Enclosure: résumé
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Examples 541
Example 17.2
Letter Dana Runge
Organized by
461-19th Avenue West Apt. 1
Menomonie, WI 54751
Specific I would like to apply for the Business Analyst position registered at the
application University of Wisconsin–Stout Placement and Co-op Office. I believe that
my past retail experience and education make me an ideal candidate for the
Each body I have excellent analytical skills that were developed further from my educa-
paragraph has
in first line a
tion and work experience. In my Managerial Accounting course, my group
key word or researched the Pepsi Corporation’s performance through their 2011 Annual
phrase from
the ad.
Report. We applied that research by converting numbers and statistics into finan-
cial ratios and analysis. We then compared that information to industry norms
and made conclusions. Our results were reported to the class as a PowerPoint
Narrative I have great experience with planning and organizing. As the Events Coordinator
skills. for the Stout Retail Association, I researched, planned, and implemented a three-
day trip to Chicago. I organized everything, from the hotel and transportation to
the tours and activities. I had to make several contacts and reservations, as well
as create a detailed time and activity agenda. I was responsible for the schedule
of sixty members.
Narrative I demonstrated clear and effective communication for a group country report in
demonstrates my Environmental Science class. I led the group in outlining what each member
was responsible for doing, as well as the time line for completion dates. We set
up meetings and exchanged communication channels, such as phone numbers
and e-mail addresses. Our group had a clear understanding of what each needed
to do as an individual, as well as in a group. We then compiled our information
into a class presentation.
Request for A copy of my résumé is enclosed for your review. I am available for an inter-
contact. view at your convenience. If you have any questions, please feel free to call
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542 Chapter 17 Job Application Materials
Dana Runge
Dana Runge
Enclosure: résumé
Example 17.3
2027 SE Taylor St
Portland, OR 97214
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Examples 543
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544 Chapter 17 Job Application Materials
4833 North Astoria St. 503.444.4444
Portland, OR 97227
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Examples 545
Example 17.4
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546 Chapter 17 Job Application Materials
Example 17.5
Job Experience 3747 Flintville Rd,
of Working Green Bay, WI 54313 | 920-246-4036 |
Technical communicators act as a filter between experts and their intended au-
dience. We are trained to be genre-sensitive, audience-focused, well-organized,
critical thinkers. We are trained in the art of communication.
Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation, Biomedical Informatics Research
Center, Marshfield, WI
Applications Analyst–Senior, Infrastructure
and Central Resource Team 04/2012–Present
— Mentored programmer and application analyst team members focusing on
productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness. (Currently focused on the Grant
Budgeting Development effort for Sponsored Programs group.)
— Presented two posters at AMIA Joint Summit on Clinical Research
— Contributed as co-author on a manuscript submitted to JAMIA in April 2012.
Applications Analyst, Infrastructure and
Central Resource Team 02/2010–03/2012
— Worked with Legal Services from Marshfield Clinic, Security Health Plan
and Ministry Health Care to develop strategic plan for infrastructure project.
— Managed fiscal accounts, tracked personnel time, and adjusted scope to
accommodate project budget and resource availability.
— Fostered relationships with internal and external collaborators, includ-
ing the Informatics Advisory Committee and scientists at University of
— Drafted and maintained protocols and application submissions to the Institu-
tional Review Board for human subjects’ research.
— Coordinated multiple concurrent development efforts with a focus on daily
meetings and rapid prototyping. Prioritized critical path and mandatory
— Created and distributed Request for Proposals, evaluated vendors, and coor-
dinated a complete security evaluation of Trusted Broker and the WGI Portal.
— Provided process improvement, user support, assistance on administrative
projects for the ICR team.
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Examples 547
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