Ieee Report Published
Ieee Report Published
Ieee Report Published
The Arduino Nano is small but complete board
based on the ATMEGA 328 It has the ATMEGA 328
Microcontroller chip where the data is stored .It have
mini USB jack to power or it have the 5V pin to
power the Arduino .It have total 14 Digital Pins and 8
Analog pins on the Nano Board. The digital pins can
used to interface the sensors by using them as input
pins or it can used to drive loads by using them as
output pins.
Figure 6: Diagram of V3
Figure 4: Diagram of IBT2
F. Battery:
Battery is another main component to run this
project. We needed a DC supply so we have used two
D. LM 2596-Buck Module: batteries of lead acid , both batteries are 12 V and 12
This buck module is a step down switching A to supply current and activate the voice control
regulator in which we can decrease the voltage from wheelchair circuit.
1.25V to 26V by counterclockwise the screw and
the voltage would be adjust and managed by the
voltmeter. LM 2596 is a step down module in which
it is operating at a switching frequency of 150 KHz.
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