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the wheelchair where they want to reach their desired

destination. The people which have not muscular

Voice Controlled Wheel strength in their hands and arm can easily use this
wheelchair by voice. The voice command which will
be given through the mic which is attached through
Chair voice recognition module V3 then these instruction is
given to Arduino Nano .The program written on the
Arduino IDE helps Arduino to convert the voice
Muhammad Nautash Khan commands into the output and wheel chair will move
Department of Electrical Engineering accordingly to the instructions. The basic instructions
University of Management & Technology which are given is forward, back, left, right and stop.
After implementing the voice recognition module it
Lahore, Pakistan will very helpful for the physically disable person to become independent
The end of 1903 an electric wheelchair powered by
a 12-volt battery and 3/8 horsepower motor was used
Abstract—This paper presents an electrical wheel to give people a ride. At that time it could not be used
chair that uses voice recognition tool. A voice- for the movement of people with disabilities but it
controlled wheel chair is very convenient to use paved the way for future development. During World
for physically disabled person who cannot control War I, the first electric wheelchairs were used for
their hands movements. The powered wheel chair disabled people with hand, foot, and lower limbs as a
uses motors for its movement and voice result of which they were unable to perform normal
recognition for voice commands. The voice activities. There are many technologies to overcome
command is given through mic then transfer to this problem. To overcome, this problem, there are a
Arduino Nano to control wheel chair. Moreover, number of application in the market that help people
its circuit consists of an Arduino and voice with disabilities to do their job. When a person is
recognition V3 module. This system was designed disabled, they rely on others to perform their daily
and developed to save time energy and cost of the activities such as administration etc. Several studies
disable. Voice of the user is recognize by voice have shown that independent walking, including a
recognition module and then it provides the data powerful wheelchair, hand-operated wheelchair and
stored in form of codes to Arduino walker is beneficial for adults and children. Walking
microcontroller. Then Arduino controls its independently reduces dependence on caretakers and
movement accordingly. The objective is design a family members and promotes feelings of self-
system which make the life of disable people confidence.[2]
The inability to walk properly often leads to a
Keywords—Voice recognition, wheelchair, V3 decrease in opportunities for recreation, leading to
module, DC motor, Microcontroller Arduino. isolation, anxiety and depression. Although a
wheelchair or a wheelchair can meet the needs of
I. INTRODUCTION many people with disabilities, the disabled
community finds it difficult or impossible to use
World Health Organization says that there 70 wheelchairs independently. This figure includes
million people are handicapped which are dependent people who are visually impaired, who cannot
to other person. [1]Wheelchair is an essential vehicle understand, etc. [3] The proposed wheelchair-
for the physically disable people. Among all type of mounted wheelchair will bring extra comfort to
disability the movement disability of patients are the people with disabilities. The technology can also
2nd highest number and also older people have also improve safety for users using powerful wheelchair-
difficulty in movement. They use conventional controlled wheelchairs, by preventing collisions with
wheelchair, which is difficult for the disable person. walls, fixed objects, furniture and other people. [4] It
However, in manual wheel chair, disable person is reduces people's efforts.
dependent to the take care person but in voice control
wheelchair there is no need of take care person to This is useful for people with physical disabilities
help the disable person. They can easily operate by who cannot use household items with their hands.
voice in which the disable person can record their This will help save energy to some degree, as some
voice in voice recognition module give instruction to people are too lazy to turn off electrical appliances
themselves. It is easy to work with tested people and
does not require the use of a home machine by hand. recognition module with a Memes sensor control unit
It reduces risk. of wheelchair. Basically this speech recognition
technology is used to provide easiness in daily
The proposed system has some limitations and activities of handicapped persons. A system is
such as: It needs additional provision to run the integrated in [10] that traces movement of finger and
model. Only inserted voice detected by the module. recognizes the voice commands of human to direct a
Module costs are very high. [5] This type of system way for movement of wheelchair. So this is a
minimizes manual effort to locate and disassemble multimode system work that uses multiple methods
the wheelchair control command. The speed and such as speech recognition, finger movement
direction of the wheelchair can be determined using recognition, and gesture movement.
the specified instructions. So the only thing you need
to do to get in the wheelchair is to have a trained Moreover, a joystick is also installed so if the
voice. Alternatively, the development of this project patients want to use it they can also utilize this
can be done at low cost and affordable. However, this option. An android operated wheelchair option is
system needs some upgrades to make it more reliable. provided in [11] to be utilized by quadriplegic
This design can be enhance by using a wireless individuals so that they can perform their tasks by
connection in a wheelchair.[7] By building this independently controlling wheelchair. This certain
program, we can directly improve the quality of life wheelchair can be driven by connecting through
of people with disabilities in the community. Finally, android application or using voice signal. In this
we hope that this type of system can contribute to the wheelchair, Bluetooth is the mean of connection
development of wheelchair technology. In 2014, between android phone and microcontroller. The
Kalbi presented controlled movement of wheelchair android smartphone is used to select the directions
in different directions where the person want to go by and then microcontroller further directs to the wheels
voice commands and also by the simple gesture of of wheelchair.
Another android phone based wheelchair is
The Ultrasonic sensor and Infrared sensors is to proposed in [12]. The wheelchair can be driven by
help the disable person not too collide with obstacle. directing through mobile application or pre-designed
The automatic obstacle detection and avoidance from voice commands. Some sensors are installed in the
the obstacle and temporary brakes applied on wheel system to detect hurdles and obstacles coming in
chair and change its direction.[6] It has also done path. Before deployment, some issues in the system
wall tracking and target-tracking algorithms had must be viewed and resolved. Control system isn’t
developed in the wheelchair. The drawbacks and readily available and accessible and costs high.
weakness in this project majorly is that sometimes it Working of face recognition depends on intensity of
does not give the 100% recognition rate to build the light and may not be successful all the time. People
effective voice controlled wheelchair. with hand amputees and people who do not know to
use android cannot utilize this option. Moreover
Some other causes of loss of appendages include voice controlled wheelchair may also not be used by
age, mishaps, and wars. The wheelchair is utilized by the person who has a disability in speaking. This
such disable persons and they can control wheelchair system is a combination of many convenient sub
in their ease. The user does not require any systems to provide as much ease as possible to the
preparation for the use of wheelchair as the voice of patients.
the user is already constrained and recognized to the
voice module of wheelchair. The wheelchair heads to II. METHDOLOGY
the defined direction by oral command of the user. The voice recognition module is the basic feature
The voice acknowledgement module is used for in our prototype wheelchair in which the person
distinguishing voice command of the patient. Both record his voice in module V3.The module will give
the wheels can be moved forward, turn around at the instruction like (forward), which is connected
same time. This wheelchair can be driven left, right, with the Arduino Nano .It will give further
straight forward, stop and turn around. instructions to the motor driver IBT2 .All circuit is
In [9], a multimode wheelchair has been connected with the LM2596 buck module which will
designed by taking safety measures. This certain decrease voltage up to the 4.80V that is connected
wheelchair can be used manually and via voice with the two LIPO battery of 12v DC each. After the
commands. In this wheelchair, a Memes sensor is reduction of voltage, the 12v dc motor will move
connected to the patient’s hand. The system mainly forward that given instruction by the person.
contains three components. These contain a voice
specification of our geared motor is 200-watt 12 V
DC motor and 5 A current required each.

Figure 2:12v DC Gear Motors

The Arduino Nano is small but complete board
based on the ATMEGA 328 It has the ATMEGA 328
Microcontroller chip where the data is stored .It have
mini USB jack to power or it have the 5V pin to
power the Arduino .It have total 14 Digital Pins and 8
Analog pins on the Nano Board. The digital pins can
used to interface the sensors by using them as input
pins or it can used to drive loads by using them as
output pins.

Figure 1: Block diagram

For this stage of the project we have to research

about the components and search the market as not .
all, the components are available in the market. We Figure 3: Diagram of Arduino Nano
were able to find 90% of the components and some
were scavenged for old projects merely to reduce the
overall cost of the project. Voice recognition module
is a tricky part. Our Voice control wheelchair is a
huge and has a substantial weight as well, so we have
to choose a motor to provide enough torque and
speed for to operate.
A. Mechanical Design
Mechanical structure is the most important part in
the electric wheel chair the wheel chair, which we
have, is simple and manual in which first we have to
motorize the wheel chair by applying the two motors
on the wheelchair. We have to move the wheelchair
left and right that is why we need two Geared motors.
The gear motors we used because reduce the speed
and increase the torque of an electric motor. The
structure is prepared in the wheel to put the shaft of
the motor that start the wheelchair movement. The
C. IBT2 E. Voice Recognition Module V3:
The IBT 2 is used for the two high current half Voice Recognition module V3 product is a speaker
bridge in which there are two BTS 7690 chip is dependent through mic .It supports up to 15 voice
provided for controlling the motor. Interfacing to commands in all 3 groups of 5 commands are saved
microcontroller is made easy to control the motor. It in each group .Maximum 5 voice commands can be
can operate at high current up to 43A. The use of import from the module .There is a drawback in this
74HC244 chip effectively isolated SCM. It have 8 module that if you want to use the Group 1, 2 and 3
pins for controlling the two IC chips and 4 connectors you have to first import that group then it will
2 connectors for the battery positive and negative recognize that voice. It has four pins VCC, TXD,
terminal and 2 for the motor positive and negative RXD and GND. There is space for the mic to connect
terminals. it and record your voice.

Figure 6: Diagram of V3
Figure 4: Diagram of IBT2
F. Battery:
Battery is another main component to run this
project. We needed a DC supply so we have used two
D. LM 2596-Buck Module: batteries of lead acid , both batteries are 12 V and 12
This buck module is a step down switching A to supply current and activate the voice control
regulator in which we can decrease the voltage from wheelchair circuit.
1.25V to 26V by counterclockwise the screw and
the voltage would be adjust and managed by the
voltmeter. LM 2596 is a step down module in which
it is operating at a switching frequency of 150 KHz.

Figure 7: Diagram of lead acid Battery

G. Voice recording in V3 module:

Figure 5: Diagram of LM2596 buckle
In V3 module there are 4 pins in which we have to
connect the TX, RX ,VCC and GND with USB to
TTL module . In which the TX of v3 is connected
with the RX of TTL module and RX of v3 is
connected with TX of TTL module other VCC is
connected with 5V and GND to GND.[8]
Figure 8: Access port result
Figure 9: Front view of our voice control chair
Sr. User Accuracy Working status of
Voice in wheelchair
Command Percentag
1 Forward 90% Left and Right Motor
move forward
2 Left 99% Left motor start and
right motor stop
3 Right 99% Right motor start and
left motor stop
4 Back 91% Left and right both
motors move backward
5 Stop 96% Left and Right Motor
both stop Figure 10: Back view of our Voice Control
Then plug the microphone of the voice module and
connect USB module to the laptop. Then open the Table 1: Results Of Voice control wheel
access port software to record the voice command in
the V3.then we write aa36 command to start the After testing, multiple times we concluded that
common mode then press send button now access port our voice recognition module is working perfectly.
is in common mode. Then start recording your The voice input of the user is taken through mike.
commands in AA11 after recording your voice then The voice recognition module recognizes the voice of
import the Group 1 with AA 21 otherwise command the user and then transmits the signal towards
will not store in the module. Arduino. The arduino then commands and directs the
wheel to move in given direction using motors. There
III. RESULTS AND ITS ANALYSIS are sometimes problem that distortion in voice occurs
or voice frequency changes. Then the module have
difficulty in recognition of voice. In this case it does
In this chapter, we have shown the results, we have
not respond so the user have to give input again in
observed after testing our project five to six times.
form of voice command. This is the only issue that
These Results include the accuracy of voice
we have faced otherwise wheel chair working status
recognition module.
is quite well and implement the voice command that
the user want. It will enhance the life style quality of
handicapped, elders, and people with other

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