Wheelchair Operated by Tongue Motion
Wheelchair Operated by Tongue Motion
Wheelchair Operated by Tongue Motion
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- One of the most popular pieces of assistive People with severe disabilities can benefit the most
technology used by people with mobility issues to move from assistive technologies, which can help them live
around on their own or with carer support and independent, self-sufficient lives. people with severe It is
enhance their quality of life is a wheelchair. A wired extremely difficult for people who are incapacitated from
wearable assistive device called the tongue controlled conditions like stroke, traumatic brain injury, and spinal
wheelchair allows the patients with severe impairments cord damage to perform daily duties without ongoing
to steer their wheelchairs by using their tongue motion. assistance. This group of peoples quality of life would be
This study describes the use of tongue movements to enhanced, and perhaps even their ability to find employment,
control a moving wheel chair. The tongue drive system is by the use of assistive technologies that would enable them to
an Assistive Technology()AT tongue-operated device effectively convey their objectives and regulate their
designed for persons with severe disabilities to manage environment, particularly when operating a wheelchair.
their surroundings. This technology employs an array of Utilizing electrical impulses generated by brain waves or
Hall Effect magnetic sensors positioned on a mouthpiece muscle twitches can help those with severe motor
connected to the helmet, as well as a tiny permanent impairments who are unable to benefit from mechanical
magnet implanted on the tongue. The magnetic field movements of any body parts. Major research efforts have
created by the tiny permanent magnet is sensed using been focused on such brain computer interfaces, whether
these Hall Effect sensors. The detected signals are they are intrusive or not. These technologies rely largely on
transferred via wireless connection and processed by a signal processing and intricate computational methods,
microprocessor to control the wheelchairs movement. which might cause delays or incur a lot of expenses. Think-
Many assistive devices were developed in the early days, a-Move Another interface technology platform that uses the
and each design had significant drawbacks. This study ear as an output device is called inner voice. Changes in air
provides an efficient, low-cost solution to all of the flaws pressure in the ear canal brought on by speech, tongue
found in priordesigns. movements, or thoughts are detected by a tiny earpiece.
These modifications are converted into commands for
Keywords:- TDS - Tongue Drive System , AT - Assisstive controlling the device usingsignal processing.
In a voice-controlled wheelchair, the wheelchair is
People with severe impairments can benefit the most controlled by a speech processing system using voice
from assistive technology in order to live independent, commands. In a real-world setting, however, sounds around
self- sufficient lives. People who are severely incapacitated, the user may mix with the users voice. As a result, it will
whether from catastrophic brain and spinal cord injuries cause a difficulty for the person in the wheelchair. It is tough
or stroke, find it incredibly challenging to do daily duties to use in congested and loud areas. This may make it difficult
without ongoing assistance. This group of peoples quality to use this gadget in loud surroundings. The user must wear a
of life would be enhanced, and perhaps even their ability headset in order to operate the wheelchair with their tongue.
to find employment, by the use of assistive technology Sensors used to detect user commands via the tongue may
that would enable them to effectively convey their objectives have a limited lifespan owing to constant contact with
and regulate their environment, particularly when operating a saliva. A screen would always be in front of the
wheelchair. After a damage to the sensory-motor system operator/patient for operating the wheelchair using eye
at the cervicallevel of the spine, a persons quality of life movement.
changesdramatically. A severe handicap limits the person to
a wheelchair and need the daily aid of a carer. Several The most prevalent type is the joystick-controlled
research teams have attempted in recent decades to wheelchair. Aside from the greater purchase and
partially restore or compensate for a handicapped persons maintenance expenses, there are also other disadvantages to
lost capability. Interfaces utilising the intact functioning of such sorts of wheelchairs. The expense of fixing and
the voice, brain,eyes, head, and tongue have been designed to maintaining a joystick-based wheelchair can be higher than
enable control ofassistive equipment to augment the impaired that of a standard wheelchair, as can the difficulty of
persons mobilityand communication abilities. movement. The joystick will get weak and damaged as a
result of the quick movement. It takes a lot of focus and
effort to move the joystick.
Four digital hall effect sensors are equipped to detect the presence of magnetic field. The data from the sensors are given to
the microcontroller’s digital port. The output from the controller is given to the motor driver usually relays and the two motors are
controlled. Two relays are used for each motor for controlling the direction at which the motor rotates. A LCD dispaly is also used to
display the corresponding movement.
In this technology, motor drivers are utilised in It is important to design a mouthpiece that is
wheelchairs to provide power and manage the direction of comfortable anduser-friendly for prolonged use.
the motors. These motor drivers are operated using relays.
However, relays use a current of around 100mA, which Ensure that the technology is affordable and accessible
exceeds the capacity of a microcontroller. To overcome this for everyone.
difficulty, a transistor is used in the circuit to endure huge
currents while functioning with a low base supply. The Educate and assist users so that they can master the
rotational orientation of the motor relies on the flow of technologyand regain some independence.Educate and assist
current through it. Each motor is attached to two relays, each users so that they can master the technology and regain some
featuring three terminals: common, generally open, and independence. Enhance its usefulness and usability
normally closed. The common terminals of the relays are continuously by conducting research and development.
attached to the motor terminals. One of the remaining
terminals is coupled to VCC and the other toground.
According to the Proposed System Design, the Circuit DiagramLooks like this: follows,
Neodymium magnet and digital Hall Effect sensors are The following is the Hardware Implementation for the
employed to control the movement of wheel chair. The Suggested Design:
neodymium magnet is placed in the user’s tongue using a
tongue cap or can be studded on the tongue. The sensors
detect the change in the magnetic field with the tongue
movement. These changes in magnetic field is
communicated to the arduino nano microcontroller which
thereby produces the command for movement (forward,
backward, left, right) based on the programme given to the
microcontroller. For establishing these motions to the motor,
the controller uses two relays which are connected to the
wiper motors in a H-bridge configuration. This helps in
controlling the current flow and direction of the rotation of
motors. By activating the relays in different patterns using
the npn transistor, the motors can be spinned in both
direction so that the wheelchair can be moved in the desired
Two wiper motors are needed for the project, since its
torque and power are ideal. Relays are connected with the
motors to control the direction of current through the motors
as well as the direction of motor rotation. A 12V 7A UPS
battery is mounted to the wheelchair for power. A switch
is used for turning on the motion criteria unless the
wheelchair may unintentionally move and cause pain or
injury. Thus, a switch is added to activate the wheelchair
action. Only when the switch is turned ON, the hall effect
sensors begin to read values from the magnet. Fig 9 Front View of Wheel Chair