De Boer
De Boer
De Boer
Keywords: The precipitation and deposition of asphaltene are among the most pressing issues in the petroleum industry.
Asphaltene stability This flow assurance issue may cause formation damage in porous media, the plugging and coking of wellbore and
SARA analysis production pipelines and difficulties in the refining process. Such events lead to additional operating costs for the
Colloidal instability index
company. Therefore, knowing the conditions at which asphaltene may precipitate and can be stable may enable
Asphaltene/resin ratio
its management. Existing models of asphaltene stability are dependent on saturate, aromatic, resin and
asphaltene (SARA) analysis which can be very expensive and time-consuming. Therefore, using regression
analysis as well as MATLAB curve fitting and optimization procedures, a new set of correlations and asphaltene
stability envelops (ASEs) based on the newly developed Density-Based Asphaltene/Resin ratio (DBAR), Density-
Based Saturate/Aromatic ratio (DBSAr) and the Density-Based Colloidal Instability Index (DBCII) all as functions
of oil density have been developed to consistently predict asphaltene stability. The new criteria were developed
for the correlations by considering the boundary between stable and unstable regions in their respective plots.
The new envelopes showed 83% reliability by accurately predicting asphaltene stability in 24 (eight stable and
16 unstable samples) out of 29 (13 stable and 16 unstable) crude oil samples. The correlation coefficient (R2),
average absolute relative error (AARE) and the root-mean-square error (RMSE) for the new DBAR correlation are
0.9456, 0.8357 and 0.1219 respectively. The DBSAr correlation resulted in R2 of 0.9437, AARE of 0.1860 and
RMSE of 0.2450. For the DBCII, the statistical indicator results were 0.9639 for the R2, 0.1376 for the RMSE and
0.1038 for the AARE.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A.A. Sulaimon).
Received 28 August 2019; Received in revised form 8 November 2019; Accepted 3 December 2019
Available online 10 December 2019
0920-4105/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A.A. Sulaimon et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 190 (2020) 106782
A.A. Sulaimon et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 190 (2020) 106782
A.A. Sulaimon et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 190 (2020) 106782
Fig. 4. R/A ratio for the Brazilian crude oil (Guzman et al., 2017).
Fig. 5. Stability crossplot (Guzman et al., 2017). It is claimed that the SCP offers a better confidence level of 92% compared with Stankiewicz plot of 86% and 72%
for the CII.
A.A. Sulaimon et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 190 (2020) 106782
A.A. Sulaimon et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 190 (2020) 106782
The oil density data used for the correlation development were ob Data refinement is the process of managing different data in the same
tained from various sources (Table 1) and at different temperatures. condition to increase data understanding, remove variability and
Therefore, it is imperative to determine the equivalent values of the redundancy and develop a concrete, integrated data resource. It was
densities at a unique temperature for consistency. Therefore, the density necessary to refine the data due to noise in order to obtain better ac
is corrected and adjusted at a reference temperature of 15 � C (approx. curacy and reliability. The erratic data points contributed a high vari
60 � F) by using a simple curve-fit equation for the density-temperature ance to the correlation. A more reliable and defined relationship
data from API Publication 421 (Wright, 1994): between the dependent and independent variables were subsequently
� � achieved after the refinement.
SG15� C ¼ SGT þ 5:93x10 4 ½Tð� CÞ 15� C� (5)
where SG is the specific gravity of the oil sample. 2.5. Data correlation using MATLAB (curve fitting toolbox)
2.3. Correlation development Data from regression analysis were imported into the workspace of
the Curve Fitting Toolbox application in MATLAB. In the regression
Three existing asphaltene stability models were considered in this analysis, a scatter plot was generated, with the only difference being the
study. These are stability index (A/R ratio), A/R vs S/Ar plots and the necessary commands typed into the command window. The command
CII. The values of each model were calculated and correlated with crude ‘cftool’ creates an interface where 2D or 3D graphs can be plotted. In this
oil density. Using regression analysis, exponential, linear, logarithmic or work, 2D graphs (x and y variables) were chosen since there is only one
polynomial functions were selected to establish befitting relationships variable for both x and y. Available options for the equation, having best
between the stability parameters and density. The curve fitting pro fitting relationships are, power, polynomial, linear fitting, interpolant,
cedure in MATLAB was also adopted to establish correlations between rational, smoothing spline, the sum of sine and Weibull. On the left side
the stability criteria and density. Furthermore, to improve on the ac of the plot, the coefficients of the equation are shown with their corre
curacy and reliability of the correlations, the stability parameters were sponding R2 and RMSE. These values were recorded and used to predict
also correlated with the square function of the density. This was to the values of each of the stability models.
determine the best possible correlation and whether this could improve Data refinement in the Curve Fitting toolbox was conducted using
the outcome. the ‘exclude outliers’ function, which removes any data in the dataset
that are at variance with the well-established trend. As data are being
removed, the R2 and RMSE automatically adjust, inevitably improving
the correlation. Determining the coordinates of the removed data points
A.A. Sulaimon et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 190 (2020) 106782
Table 2
SARA fractions of 29 crude samples with their stability based on operational experience.
Crude Sample Saturates wt% Aromatic wt% Resins wt% Asphaltenes wt% API gravity Stability
Table 3
a Refined correlations of A/R vs density using regression analysis. B Refined
correlations of A/R vs density2 using regression analysis.
Equation Correlation Equation R2 AARE RMSE
6 AR=
¼ 0:0051e3:9868ρ 0.0611 0.7288 0.5116
7 AR=
¼ 4:5042ρ 3:7493 0.1667 1.6288 0.4771
8 AR=
¼ 3:8036lnðρÞ þ 0:7083 0.1468 1.5933 0.4828
9 AR=
¼ 95:218 ρ2 167:58ρ þ 0.5878 1.5191 0.3356
10 AR=
¼ 949:43ρ3 2522:1ρ2 þ 0.8958 0.9479 0.1692
2229:2ρ 655:36
11 AR=
¼ 5371:3ρ4 18830ρ3 þ 0.9418 2.4296 0.2832
24704ρ2 14375ρ þ 3130:7
12 AR=
¼ 32677ρ5 144084ρ4 þ 0.9472 2.6682 0.3149
253905ρ3 223526ρ2 þ 98311ρ
13 AR=
¼ 0:2663ρ3:4415 0.0562 0.7284 0.5140
14 AR=
¼ 0:0285e2:301ρ
0.0666 0.7302 0.5085
15 AR=
¼ 2:6524ρ2 1:8477 0.1892 1.6624 0.4706
16 AR=
¼ 1:9018lnðρ2 Þ þ 0:7083 0.1468 1.5933 0.4828
17 AR ¼ 28:965 ρ4 45:297ρ2 þ 0.6515 1.4335 0.3085
Fig. 7. Regression Plot for Unrefined A/R vs Density.
18 AR=
¼ 140:93ρ6 335:63ρ4 þ 0.9171 0.8538 0.1505
in the plot was achieved using the ‘data cursor’. After refining and 264:55ρ2 68:808
choosing the best correlation, the correlation between each asphaltene 19 AR=
¼ 387:56ρ8 1197:4ρ6 þ 0.9446 0.91 0.1246
stability model and the square of the density was also determined. 1375:5ρ4 695:93ρ2 þ 131
Comparisons between the chosen correlations using the density and 20 AR=
¼ 1250:2ρ10 4930:8ρ8 þ 0.9475 1.0332 0.1272
square of the density in terms of R2, RMSE and AARE were conducted to 7762:7ρ6 6099:2ρ4 þ 2392:4ρ2
achieve the best possible outcome. 374:69
21 AR=
¼ 0:2663ρ2ð1:7208Þ 0.0562 0.7284 0.5140
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Data gathering evaluated during data gathering to ensure the validity of all data.
Compositional and fluid properties data from a total of 118 oil samples
Data from field observations and previous studies were used and were used for the correlation development while data sets based on real
A.A. Sulaimon et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 190 (2020) 106782
correlation between the A/R ratio and the oil density. Correlating den
sity with asphaltene stability parameters and the square of density with
the asphaltene stability parameters was undertaken. Unrefined data
were imported in both tools, and the correlations were recorded
together with their corresponding R2 and RMSE. Fig. 7 shows the un
refined scatter plot of the chosen correlation for A/R.
Data refinement was carried out to remove noise to facilitate reliable
analysis. Tables 3a and b shows the correlations from normal regression
for ‘R/A and density (ρ)’, as well as ‘R/A and square of density (ρ2)’. The
highlighted correlations were selected based on the values of the sta
tistical indicators R2, AARE and RMSE. Predicted values for the best-fit
and weak functions were considered as evident in the R2 values for the
linear and logarithmic functions. The results show that Eqs (10) and (19)
that are both polynomial functions, gave better statistical indicators
than other functions. Specifically, the values of R2, AARE and RMSE for
the density correlation given by Eq. (10) are 0.8958, 0.9479, and 0.1692
respectively. For the squared density correlation (Eq. 19), these values
are respectively 0.9446, 0.91 and 0.1246. Although Eq 19 which is an
eight-degree polynomial gives the best statistical parameters, we chose
Eq (10) as a good correlation for R/A for its simplicity. Fig. 8 illustrates
the scatter plot when the square of the density is used as the independent
Fig. 8. Refined scatter plot for A/R vs density.2.
Using MATLAB, the linear and logarithmic functions are excluded
Table 4
from further consideration due to their weak correlation coefficients.
a Refined correlations of A/R vs Density using the MATLAB Curve Fitting Tool. B Tables 4a and b shows the performance of different functions generated
Refined correlations of A/R vs Density2 using the MATLAB Curve Fitting Tool. from MATLAB curve fitting toolbox.
Analysis reveals that both the density and squared-density approach
Equation Correlation Equation R2 AARE RMSE
number yielded the same power function correlation with a high R2 of 0.9456,
minimum AARE of 0.8357 and RMSE of 0.1219. Comparatively, the
22 AR ¼ 4:504ρ 3:749 0.1667 1.6290 0.4771
MATLAB curve fitting tool generated Eq. 28 or Eq. 35 is more accurate
ability of MATLAB to optimise data. Correlating either A/R with the
24 AR ¼ 949:4ρ3 2522ρ2 þ 0.8958 0.8778 0.2245
density (ρ) or squared-density (ρ2) does not affect the results for the
2229ρ 655:4
25 AR 0.9418 53.6610 7.3081
power function since the same data were used; the only difference is in
¼ 5371ρ4 18830ρ3 þ
the correlation between A/R and ρ2, which affects only power but not
A.A. Sulaimon et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 190 (2020) 106782
satisfactorily predict the asphaltene precipitation tendency of 24 (eight S/Ar to separate stable and unstable regions. To present the same plot
stable and 16 unstable) crudes from the 29 validating oil samples that without the need for SARA analysis, S/Ar is also correlated with density
composed of 13 stable and 16 unstable crude oils. This represents and squared density. Using S/Ar as the dependent variable, a similar
approximately 83% success rate. Crude oils S4, S22, S23, S24S and S27 procedure to the A/R correlation is adopted. Fig. 10 shows the unrefined
are in the unstable region, although they have been categorised as stable scatter plot of the chosen correlation for S/Ar vs density.
based on operational experience. In this work, we have opted not to Similarly, the data is refined by removing noise until a better, reli
define any section of the envelope as a metastable or uncertain region able and uniform trend is achieved. Tables 5a and 5b shows the corre
similar to the De Boer plot (De Boer et al., 1995). This is because we do lations obtained from the normal regression analysis using the refined
not ascribe any comparative benefit to uncertainty over instability in the data while Tables 6a and 6b shows the corresponding equations from the
unstable region regarding decision making on effective flow assurance curve fitting toolbox in MATLAB. The polynomial equations 42 and 51
management with respect to asphaltene deposition. are the mathematical expressions with the best statistical indicators.
However, equation 51 is selected for its lower errors, RMSE of 0.2314,
AARE of 0.1817, and a higher correlation coefficient of 0.9501.
3.3. Correlation for saturate-aromatic ratio (S/Ar) The results from the MATLAB toolbox after refinement show that the
power function equation 59 or equation (6) best fits the plotted points
Stankiewicz et al. (2002) developed a scattered plot of A/R against
A.A. Sulaimon et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 190 (2020) 106782
Table 5 with minimum RMSE of 0.245 and AARE of 0.1860. The refined scatter
a Refined correlations of S/Ar vs density using Regression analysis. B Refined plot for the S/Ar ratio and the squared density is shown in Fig. 11. When
correlations of S/Ar vs density2 using Regression analysis. the performance of the correlations from the toolbox is compared with
Equation Correlation Equation R2 AARE RMSE the selected equation from the normal regression, equation 51 yielded
number better statistical performance indicators. However, it appears that
37 s= ¼ 21865e 10:68ρ 0.8286 0.1752 0.4284 equation 51 could have resulted from overfitting of the data, a charac
38 s= ¼ 17:724ρ þ 17:677 0.6127 0.3735 0.6423 teristic observation for the squared density correlations. Therefore,
39 s= ¼ 16:63 lnðρÞ 0:0385 0.6459 0.3640 0.6142 equation 59 is adopted as the new correlation for S/Ar ratio as a function
40 s= ¼ 135:55 ρ2 266:56ρ þ 0.8426 0.2552 0.4096 of density. Fig. 11 shows the refined scatter plot of the chosen correla
Ar tion for S/Ar. Using the 29-real data from field observation, we devel
41 0.9367 0.2258 0.2626
oped a new asphaltene stability envelope based on the S/Ar vs A/R
s= ¼ 994:35ρ3 þ 2890:2ρ2
Ar technique proposed by Gaona et al. (2010). However, both ratios are
2801:7ρ þ 906:71
density-based and are therefore denoted respectively as DBSAr and
42 s= ¼ 5071:8ρ4 19717ρ3 þ 0.949 0.1820 0.2346
Ar DBAR (Fig. 12). The new correlation is given by equation (7):
28727ρ2 18598ρ þ 4516:8
43 s= ¼ 25435ρ5 111976ρ4 þ 0.9502 0.3211 0.4300 DBSAr ¼ 605770ðDBARÞ5 þ 615105ðDBARÞ4
195192ρ3 168072ρ2 þ 71283ρ 248067ðDBARÞ3 þ 49656ðDBARÞ2 4934:3ðDBARÞ þ 195:76
44 s= ¼ 0:5141ρ 9:805 0.8358 0.1687 0.3749
45 S= ¼ 158:93e 5:78ρ
0.8188 0.1802 0.4828 where DB denotes density-based parameter.
46 S= ¼
9:3794ρ þ 9:3305 0.5793 0.3818 0.6694 Analysis shows that the DBSAr vs DBRA correlation also correctly
47 S= ¼
8:316 lnðρ2 Þ 0:0385 0.6459 0.3641 0.6142 predicted 24 (eight stable and 16 unstable) of the 29 crude oils’
48 S= ¼ 39:615 ρ4 77:062ρ2 þ 0.8119 0.2717 0.4476 asphaltene stability status which is similar to the performance of the
37:955 DBAR correlation (equation (6)). Crude oils S4, S22, S23, S24S, and S27
49 S= ¼ 175:12ρ6 þ 497:2ρ4 0.9264 0.2238 0.2799 that were operationally confirmed stable were predicted unstable by the
470:27ρ þ 149:09 new correlation.
50 S= ¼ 622:86ρ8 2338:9ρ6 þ 0.95 0.1895 0.2354
3281:4ρ4 2042:9ρ2 þ 478:09 3.4. Correlation for colloidal instability index (CII)
51 S= ¼ 416:98ρ 10
1175:7ρ þ 8 0.9501 0.1817 0.2314
Ar CII values were calculated using SARA fractions and plotted against
734:09ρ6 681:78ρ4 þ 954:18ρ2
297:52 density and square density in a scatter plot to find the correlation that
52 S= ¼ 0:5141ρ2ð 4:903Þ 0.8358 0.1687 0.3747 best fits the plotted data points. The stability criterion was developed by
Ar normal regression analysis and the MATLAB curve fitting toolbox.
Fig. 13 shows the scatter plot of CII vs density using the unrefined data.
Similar plots were generated for the CII with the square of density to
Table 6 consider more scattered data points and to determine whether doing so
a Refined correlations of S/Ar vs density using the curve fitting toolbox.. B
would improve the results of the regression (Fig. 14). Tables 7a and b
Refined correlations of S/Ar vs density2 using the curve fitting toolbox.
shows the performance analysis of various mathematical expressions
Equation Correlation Equation R2 AARE RMSE considered in developing reliable correlations for the CII as a function of
density and squared density of crude oil respectively. Of the 14 equa
53 s= ¼
17:72ρ þ 17:68 0.6127 0.3742 0.6423 tions in both tables, the quadratic expressions given by eqs 71 and 80
54 s= ¼ 135:5 ρ2 266:6ρ þ
0.8426 0.2552 0.4161 yielded the most acceptable statistical evaluating parameters. Never
131:6 theless, for its simplicity, equation 71 with the R2 of 0.9639, AARE of
55 s= ¼ 994:4ρ3 þ 2890ρ2 0.9367 0.3953 0.5229 0.1038 and RMSE value of 0.1376 is selected.
2802ρ þ 906:7 The MATLAB curve fitting toolbox was equally utilised to construct
56 s= ¼ 5072ρ4 19720ρ3 þ 0.949 1.2090 1.2980 an appropriate mathematical relationship between the CII and the
28730ρ2 18600ρ þ 4517 square of oil density. Tables 8a and 8b give the performance analysis of
57 s= ¼ 25440ρ5 112000ρ4 þ 0.9502 159,768 156,214 the correlations based on density and squared density respectively.
Obviously, the fourth-order polynomial eq. 92 represents the best fit
195200ρ3 168100ρ2 þ
71280ρ 11860 correlation with a high R2, lowest AARE and RMSE of 0.9636, 0.1049
58 s= ¼ 0:4056ρ 11:9 0.9247 0.1776 0.2832 and 0.1382 respectively. Comparatively, eq 71 is chosen in preference to
59 s= ¼ 0:1717ρ 15:44 þ 0:5051 0.9437 0.1860 0.245 eq 92 based on its simplicity and better performance attributes.
Ar Asomaning and Watkinson (2000) stability condition states that
60 S= ¼ 9:379ρ2 þ 9:331 0.5793 0.3819 0.6694
Ar stable crudes have CII values less than 0.7 while unstable crudes have
61 S= ¼ 39:61 ρ4 77:06ρ2 þ 0.8119 0.2719 0.4476
Ar values greater than 0.9. However, analyses have shown that this con
dition is not always true since all the calculated CII are greater than 0.9
62 S= ¼ 175:1ρ6 þ 497:2ρ4 0.9264 0.2232 0.2799
Ar which is indicative of unstable crude oils. However, eight oils are known
470:3ρ2 þ 149:1
to be stable while the remaining oils are unstable. Therefore, we
63 S= ¼ 622:9ρ8 2339ρ6 þ 0.95 0.3238 0.4285
Ar developed a new asphaltene stability plot with two regions which can be
3281ρ4 2043ρ2 þ 478:1 used to differentiate between stable and unstable crude oils. Fig. 15
64 S= ¼ 417ρ10 1176ρ8 þ
0.9501 0.1910 0.2783 shows that seven oils are stable while the remaining nine are in the
734:1ρ6 681:8ρ4 þ 954:2ρ2 unstable region. Thus, as observed for the R/A correlation as well as
297:5 S/Ar vs A/R technique, the CII correlation has also classified oils S4, S22,
65 s= ¼ 0:4056ρ
11:9 0.9247 0.1776 0.2832 S23, S24S, and S27 as unstable, the outcomes that are different from the
66 s= ¼ 0:1717ρ
þ 0:5051 0.9437 0.1860 0.245 field observation. Based on field observation and the method of classi
fication, we developed Eq (8) which defines the boundary between the
A.A. Sulaimon et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 190 (2020) 106782
Fig. 12. Asphaltene stability plot for density-based S/Ar and A/R technique.
A.A. Sulaimon et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 190 (2020) 106782
Table 7
a: Correlations of CII with density using regression analysis. B Correlations of CII
with density2 using regression analysis.
Equation Correlation Equation R2 AARE RMSE
Fig. 13. Scatter plot for unrefined CII vs density. 78 CII ¼ 6:557 lnðρ2 Þ þ 0:2244 0.9133 0.1565 0.2131
79 CII ¼ 29:29 ρ4 56:591ρ2 þ 0.9636 0.1049 0.1382
80 CII ¼ 26:529ρ6 þ 95:389ρ4 0.964 0.1033 0.1374
111:13ρ2 þ 42:953
81 CII ¼ 619:16ρ8 þ 2022:7ρ6 0.965 0.1042 0.1398
2435:5ρ4 þ 1271:2ρ2 238:72
82 CII ¼ 7850:7ρ10 þ 31975ρ8 0.966 0.1257 0.1536
51910ρ6 þ 42021ρ4 16983ρ2 þ
83 CII ¼ 0:5868ρ2ð 4:528Þ 0.7136 0.1069 0.1425
Table 8
a Refined correlations of CII vs density using the MATLAB curve fitting toolbox.
B Refined correlations of CII vs density2 using the MATLAB curve fitting toolbox.
Equation Correlation Equation R2 AARE RMSE
A.A. Sulaimon et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 190 (2020) 106782
Table 9
Coefficients of the new asphaltene stability correlations.
Stability parameter Coefficients
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
DBAR 2 � 10 19.48 – – – –
DBSAr 605770 615,105 248067 49,656 4934.3 195.76
DBCII 2.25 9.3 – – – –
Table 10
Comparison of asphaltene stability prediction techniques. The authors acknowledge the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Educa
SAMPLE CII CSI SP QQA SCP ASE ACTUAL tion (MOHE) for providing the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme
S4 0 0 0 1 1 0 Stable
(FRGS) with Cost Centre 015MA0-082 which was partly utilized to fund
S20 1 1 0 0 1 1 Stable this research. We also wish to express our deep appreciations to the
S22 0 0 0 1 1 0 Stable management of the Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) in Malaysia,
S23 0 0 0 1 1 0 Stable Batangas State University in the Philippines, and the Indian Institute of
S24S 0 0 0 0 0 0 Stable
Technology (Indian School of Mines) India for supporting the research
S27 0 0 0 0 0 0 Stable
S277 1 1 0 0 1 1 Stable collaboration and providing the requisite human resources for the
S29 0 1 0 0 1 1 Stable project. We also acknowledge useful discussions and contributions from
U100 1 1 1 0 0 1 Unstable Dr Jalal Foroozesh, Dr Mohammed Abdalla Ayoub Mohammed, and Dr
U103 1 1 0 0 0 1 Unstable Berihun Mamo Negash, all from the Department of Petroleum Engi
U16 1 1 1 0 0 1 Unstable
U16L 1 1 1 0 1 1 Unstable
neering, UTP Malaysia.
U2 1 1 1 0 1 1 Unstable
U91 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unstable References
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