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The Impact of the Perceived Values of Social Network Services
(SNSs) on Brand Attitude and Value-Co-Creation Behavior in
the Coffee Industry
Ah-Min Kwon and Young Namkung *
College of Hotel & Tourism Management, Kyung Hee University, 26, Kyungheedae-ro, Dongdaemun-gu,
Seoul 02447, Korea; amira1125@khu.ac.kr
* Correspondence: ynamkung@khu.ac.kr
Abstract: The coffee industry has grown into a highly competitive management environment, which
has led to the contemplation of differentiated marketing strategies as tools for business success.
Practitioners operate their own SNS brand pages to encourage customers to participate and engage
in two-way interpersonal marketing practices that can generate value co-creation. This paper aims to
explore the relationships among the types of value offered by SNSs, brand attitude, and customer
value-co-creation behaviors in the hospitality context, by employing the Value–Attitude–Behavior
model. Data were collected via an online survey research company and analyzed by PLS-SEM using
SmartPLS 3.0 and Jamovi 1.0 software packages. A quantitative research method was carried out with
a total of 406 adults in South Korea who had had both on-site and SNS coffee brand experiences within
three months of the survey. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, information-
seeking, entertainment, and expressive value all had a significant positive effect on brand attitude.
Second, brand attitude had a significant positive effect on both customer participation behaviors and
customer citizenship behaviors. The results of the current study suggest useful implications in that
Citation: Kwon, A.-M.; Namkung, Y. the usage of SNSs as marketing communication tools can influence not only online but also offline
The Impact of the Perceived Values of brand attitudes and customer value-co-creation behaviors.
Social Network Services (SNSs) on
Brand Attitude and Keywords: social network services; perceived value; brand attitude; customer value-co-creation
Value-Co-Creation Behavior in the behavior; coffee industry
Coffee Industry. Sustainability 2022,
14, 5425. https://doi.org/10.3390/
SNSs prominently feature prompt responses with fewer time and space limitations [7,8].
Via SNS, customers can input resources, such as time, effort, knowledge, opinions, attitudes,
information, and accounts of experiences regarding a brand, while interacting with the
brand or other customers and creating value for the firm and themselves [9]. Expanded
service settings are also cost-effective for enticing customers to engage in co-creation [4,10].
For example, Starbucks, which leads the coffee industry in Korea, has garnered more than
0.82 million followers and 1.5 thousand posts on Instagram. Along with the followers of
the Starbucks page, other SNS users are frequently exposed to the Starbucks page or posts,
gaining the opportunity to participate in brand-marketing communication activities.
Hence, most coffee brands, large or small, have created and optimized official brand
pages through various SNS channels, such as Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter,
to allow customers to simultaneously participate in marketing interactions in real time.
Because SNSs are already part of the ordinary lives of ‘fan’ or ‘guest’ customers of a brand,
they are pervasively used by marketers, not only to market a brand’s products and services,
but also to directly communicate and build lasting relationships with customers in order to
co-create value [8,11–13]. Online activities, such as following, liking, commenting, making
recommendations, exchanging information, and other similar activities, are all considered
convenient and active marketing interactions between brands and customers [6,12,14].
SNSs allow for two-way communication [4,8,15]. Thus, the features of SNSs as mar-
keting communication tools are essential for the success of SNS marketing and, at the
same time, critical for customer value-co-creation behaviors [8,16]. Despite the importance
of SNSs as prominent channels for customer value-co-creation behaviors, relatively little
attention has been paid to the relationship between them [16]. Because these networks
have huge numbers of users, they offer a key platform in the context of many-to-many in-
teraction, which in turn yields valuable marketing intelligence a brand can use to co-create
value beyond purchasing [14,17,18].
Given the attention directed toward the increased usage of SNSs as marketing in-
teraction tools and customer value-co-creation behaviors, a research question emerges:
Does the perceived value of using SNSs as marketing tools, as promoted by the SNSs
themselves, translate to customers engaging in actual value-co-creation behaviors? Cus-
tomers’ interactive experiences can lead to value creation by forming relationships between
stakeholders [13,19,20]. However, few studies have investigated the impact of brand SNS
experiences on brand attitude and value-co-creation behaviors. Using Homer and Kahle’s
(1988) Value–Attitude–Behavior model, the current study looks in detail at the dimensions
of the perceived value of using SNSs, and their effects on brand attitude and customer
value-co-creation behavior [21].
In summary, the purpose of this study was to fill this research gap. First, this study
aimed to present academic and practical evidence indicating which dimensions of the
perceived value of using brand SNS pages significantly affect brand attitude. Second,
this study also attempted to assess whether brand attitude significantly affects customer
value-co-creation behaviors. The results of the current study are expected to provide a
theoretical and practical foundation for current practitioners and future studies in that it
deals with both online and on-site value-co-creation experiences in the coffee industry.
2. Literature review
2.1. Value–Attitude–Behavior Model (VAB Model)
The Value–Attitude–Behavior model has been consistently adopted by researchers to
explain consumer behavior in various fields [22]. The model consists of three components
arranged in hierarchical order: value, attitude, and behavior [21]. According to Homer
and Kahle (1988) [21], abstract values in the cognitive domain indirectly influence specific
behaviors through the midrange attitude. The concept of attitude in this context is defined
as a tendency to evaluate a brand favorably or unfavorably, which can determine behavioral
variables [22,23]. Values are more fundamental than attitudes in the hierarchical structure,
whereas intentions to behave or actual behaviors follow attitudes [21,24]. Therefore, ac-
Sustainability 2022, 14, 5425 3 of 15
cording to the model, the perception of value and a positive attitude toward a brand can
actually initiate beneficial customer behaviors. A broad range of consumer behaviors in the
context of the hospitality industry has been explained with the VAB model [22–26]. For
example, Teng et al. (2014) [22] claimed that personal values significantly and positively
affect attitudes toward health and the environment, and attitudes also have a significantly
positive effect on revisit and recommendation intentions. Shin et al. (2017) [24] pointed
out that willingness to pay more can result from pro-environmental attitudes and the con-
sumption values of customers. Compared to prior research dealing with values regarding
actual consumption, studies on the perceived value of using SNSs have not been sufficiently
discussed, in spite of the gravity of this issue. The current study applied the VAB model
to explicate the impacts of the perceived value of using a SNS, which is an online service
environment, on attitudes and customer value-co-creation behaviors.
the final choice. However, this study ignored the aspect of attitude. Other research demon-
strated that the informational, expressive, and emotional benefits of participation behaviors
on SNSs significantly and positively affect attitude [39]. Carlson et al. (2019) [40] showed
that active interaction among customers on SNS pages generated informational, emotional,
and relational value, thereby affecting satisfaction and relationship quality. The results of
the prior studies suggest the possibility of a positive relationship between the perceived
value of using SNSs and brand attitude in the context of the coffee industry. Based on the
preceding discussions, the following hypotheses were proposed:
Hypothesis 1. The perceived value of using SNSs has a significantly positive effect on brand attitude.
H1-1 . The perceived information-seeking value of using SNSs has a significantly positive effect on
brand attitude.
H1-2 . The perceived entertainment value of using SNSs has a significantly positive effect on
brand attitude.
H1-3 . The perceived expressive value of using SNSs has a significantly positive effect on brand attitude.
H1-4 . The perceived economic value of using SNSs has a significantly positive effect on brand attitude.
Hypothesis 2. Brand attitude has a significantly positive effect on customer value-co-creation behaviors.
H2-1 . Brand attitude has a significantly positive effect on customer participation behaviors.
H2-2 . Brand attitude has a significantly positive effect on customer citizenship behavior.
3. Methodology
3.1. Data Collection
The current study employed a self-administered quantitative research method to
indicate relationships among the perceived value of using SNSs, brand attitude, and
customer value-co-creation behaviors. Respondents were required to choose one coffee
brand which they have experienced both in the SNS page and in the coffee shops. The
survey targeted coffee brands actively operating official brand pages on SNSs (Instagram,
Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter). Additionally, the price of one cup of coffee (above
4100 won), the brand value of the coffee brand, and the number of shops (at least over 150)
were all considered when selecting coffee brands in the survey.
A pretest was conducted with 30 people to check the clarity of measurement scales
and ensure the validity and reliability of the survey. The questionnaires were revised
based on comments after the pretest. Data were collected via an online survey research
company from 23 September to 7 October 2021. A total of 406 adults in South Korea who
had both on-site and SNS coffee brand experiences within three months participated in the
main study.
3.2. Measurements
To compile demographic information, respondents were asked about their gender,
age, income per month, education level, and occupation. Items developed by Flores and
Sustainability 2022, 14, 5425 6 of 15
Vasquez-Parraga (2015) [33], Han and Kim (2020) [34], Pandey and Kumar (2020) [19],
Ryu et al. (2010) [35], and Sheth et al. (1991) [27] were modified and adapted to measure
the perceived value of using SNSs: information-seeking value (4 items), entertainment
value (4 items), expressive value (4 items), and economic value (4 items), respectively. Four
measurement items regarding brand attitude were adopted from Langaro et al. (2018) [36].
Customer co-creation behaviors consisted of eight first-order constructs with 27 measure-
ment items: customer participation behaviors (14 items) and customer citizenship behaviors
(13 items) [16,42,47]. Both were analyzed as second-order factors with four first-order fac-
tors each. Participation behaviors included information seeking (3 items), information
sharing (3 items), responsible behavior (4 items), and personal interaction (4 items), while
citizenship behavior included feedback (3 items), advocacy (3 items), helping (4 items), and
tolerance (3 items). Given that customer co-creation behaviors are more easily performed
in online environments, the measurement scales consider both online and onsite service
settings [16]. A seven-point Likert scale from 1 “strongly disagree” to 7 “strongly agree”
was used to measure all the variables.
4. Results
4.1. Demographic Analysis
Among the 406 participants, 199 were male (49.01%), while 207 were female (50.99%).
The majority of respondents were in their 20s (37.19%) and 30s (34.24%), which aligns with
the majority of SNS users. Approximately 68% of the sample had bachelor’s level qualifica-
tions, with office workers (45.57%) being most heavily represented. The characteristics of
the respondents are reported in Table 1.
N % n %
Male 199 49.01 High-school 25 6.16
Female 207 50.99 College 42 10.34
Under 29 151 37.19 Bachelor’s 275 67.73
30–39 139 34.24 Post-graduate 64 15.76
40–49 59 14.53 Student 56 13.79
50 or older 57 14.04 Office worker 185 45.57
Under 2000 30 7.39 Sales/service 25 6.16
2000–4000 134 33 Professional 61 15.02
4000–6000 114 28.08 Public worker 11 2.71
(in US $)
6000–8000 65 16.01 Housewife 35 8.62
8000 above 63 15.52 Others 33 8.13
achieve internal consistency is 0.70 [50]. AVE should exceed 0.5, and the factor loadings
should surpass 0.7 to achieve convergent validity [50]. All the indexes were above these
standards, thereby confirming internal consistency, reliability, and convergent validity.
Table 2 represents the results of the measurement model properties. Second, discriminant
validity was tested with the Fornell–Larcker criterion [51], comparing the square roots
of AVE and correlations among the constructs. All the reported square roots of AVEs
were adequately greater than the correlations, which established discriminant validity (see
Table 3).
Table 2. Cont.
Table 2. Cont.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 0.887
2 0.552 0.909
3 0.284 0.652 0.878
4 0.376 0.547 0.682 0.864
5 0.449 0.473 0.386 0.385 0.911
6 0.419 0.450 0.459 0.421 0.371 0.805
7 0.481 0.398 0.374 0.447 0.437 0.498 0.905
8 0.465 0.207 −0.067 0.051 0.424 0.211 0.296 0.937
9 0.480 0.252 0.044 0.156 0.405 0.322 0.403 0.731 0.909
10 0.273 0.481 0.654 0.505 0.256 0.491 0.461 −0.056 0.104 0.885
11 0.451 0.487 0.504 0.452 0.565 0.568 0.528 0.252 0.363 0.536 0.866
12 0.328 0.433 0.567 0.520 0.365 0.550 0.525 0.079 0.184 0.684 0.675 0.918
13 0.433 0.263 0.124 0.197 0.429 0.355 0.357 0.580 0.626 0.133 0.403 0.226 0.809
Note. The square roots of AVE on the diagonal and construct correlations below the diagonal. 1. Information-
seeking value. 2. Entertainment value. 3. Expressive value. 4. Economic value. 5. Brand attitude. 6. Information-
seeking. 7. Information-sharing. 8. Personal interaction. 9. Responsible behavior. 10. Feedback. 11. Advocacy.
12. Helping. 13. Tolerance.
constructs ranged from 1.000 to 2.554, indicating there was no concern of collinearity with
the model [50]. Each correlation coefficient between the eight first-order structures and two
second-order structures, participation behavior and citizenship behavior, was statistically
significant (p < 0.000): information seeking (β = 0.593), information sharing (β = 0.643),
personal interaction (β = 0.852), responsible behavior (β = 0.895), feedback (β = 0.804),
advocacy (β = 0.853), helping (β = 0.917), and tolerance (β = 0.433). This suggests that
higher-order structures formed well and explained the correlation with lower-order factors.
The R2 values refer to the power of how well the latent variables predicted the con-
structs: brand attitude (R2 = 0.300), customer participation behavior (R2 = 0.285), and
customer citizenship behavior (R2 = 0.244). Moreover, Stone-Geisser’s Q2 values were cal-
culated using a blindfolding procedure to indicate the predictive power of the model [51,52].
All of the Q2 values were above zero, thereby demonstrating a high ability to predict [53].
Lastly, the suggested hypotheses were further assessed by examining the t-value and path
coefficient with PLS-SEM algorithm analysis (see Table 4). First, the paths H1-1 , H1-2 and
H1-3 were supported. Perceived information-seeking value (β = 0.277, p < 0.000), entertain-
ment value (β = 0.180, p < 0.05), and expressive value (β = 0.133, p < 0.05) via SNS usage had
significantly positive effects on brand attitude. The economic value of using SNSs, however,
did not significantly affect brand attitude (H1-4 , β = 0.091). Second, brand attitude had
positive and significant impacts on customer value-co-creation behaviors, including both
customer participation behaviors (β = 0.533, p < 0.000) and customer citizenship behaviors
(β = 0.494, p < 0.000), thereby supporting both H2-1 and H2-2 . The result of the hypothesis
testing is shown in Figure 2.
Hypothesized Path R2 (Q2 ) t-Value Result
Information-seeking Value → Brand
H1-1 0.277 *** 4.595 Supported
H1-2 Entertainment Value → Brand Attitude 0.180 * 2.486 Supported
H1-3 Expressive Value → Brand Attitude 0.133 * 2.050 Supported
H1-4 Economic Value → Brand Attitude 0.091 (n.s.) 1.543
Brand Attitude → Participation 0.285
H2-1 0.533 *** 11.399 Supported
Behavior (0.134)
H2-2 Brand Attitude → Citizenship Behavior 0.494 *** 10.810 Supported
*** p < 0.001, * p < 0.05, n.s. not significant.
Figure 2. Result of Hypothesis Testing. *** p < 0.001, * p < 0.05, n.s. not significant.
Sustainability 2022, 14, 5425 11 of 15
5. Conclusions
5.1. Discussion
Prior studies have demonstrated the importance of using SNSs as marketing inter-
action channels in the hospitality context. However, knowledge regarding relationships
between SNSs values and value-co-creation behaviors is still scarce. The current study
aimed to confirm the impacts of using coffee brand SNSs on brand attitude and customer
value-co-creation behaviors drawing on the VAB model. The results of the study can be sum-
marized as follows. First, perceived information-seeking, entertainment, and expressive
value significantly and positively affected customers’ brand attitudes. Information-seeking
value showed the greatest significance (mean = 5.32, β = 0.277), then entertainment value
(mean = 4.55, β = 0.180), and finally expressive value (mean = 3.98, β = 0.133). This finding
aligns with the assertion of previous research that the informational function of SNSs is
substantial. At the same time, the result suggests that the aspects of entertainment and
expressive values should be also considered. The function of providing information has
typically been the focus of practitioners. However, given these results, utilizing coffee
brand SNSs as interactive tools for creating multiple forms of value seems critical.
In contrast, the research hypothesis regarding the economic value (H1-4 ) of using
SNSs was not supported, which does not align with the antecedent research [36,54]. This
contradiction may be explained by the samples used by past studies dealing with the
economic value of SNSs. Those studies targeted customers who had hotel or restaurant
experiences. In contrast, the expenses of coffee brand customers are relatively trivial, and
therefore may not seem like a large enough purchase to constitute perceived economic
benefit through SNSs. Though the effect of the economic value of using SNSs was not
statistically significant, the result showed 0.123 significance level with β = 0.091. Thus, the
result may still imply a positive relationship between economic value and brand attitude.
Second, the results showed that brand attitude had a significant effect on both cus-
tomer participation behaviors and customer citizenship behaviors. These results indicate
that customers’ overall evaluations of a brand are a very important factor in terms of
the midrange role between the value gained from SNSs and actual customer value-co-
creation behaviors. The VAB model appositely explained the relationship among the three
main variables.
Furthermore, the behavioral variables of the current study comprehensively reflected
both online and onsite service settings. In summary, the results of the study implied that the
perceived value of using SNSs can entice customers to perform value-co-creation behaviors
in both online and offline environments through the fostering of brand attitudes. Moreover,
customer behaviors that co-create value can consequently generate various types of usage
value in the virtual environment, forming a virtuous circle.
the impacts of SNSs on customers who have less experience with a brand could be another
research opportunity. Third, the results of the study did not support the hypothesis that
the economic value of using SNSs impacted brand attitude. Therefore, future studies
can modify the measurement scale for economic value in the conceptual model. Fourth,
the current study alternatively assessed customer value-co-creation behaviors as higher-
order factors. Respective analysis can be conducted in future studies examining first-
order factors of participation and citizenship behaviors as research constructs. Finally, the
research model of this study did not consider any moderators. Future studies may elect to
investigate moderating effects derived from various theories that can potentially suggest
impactful insights.
Author Contributions: This article is based on the Master thesis of A.-M.K., which was completed at
Kyung Hee University. A.-M.K. worked on the conceptual development of the manuscript and data
collection and analysis and also wrote the manuscript. Y.N. reviewed, edited, and offered overall
guidance for publishing the manuscript. All authors have read and agreed to the published version
of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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