Accenture Total Enterprise Reinvention
Accenture Total Enterprise Reinvention
Accenture Total Enterprise Reinvention
The strategy that leads to a new
performance frontier
WEF 2023
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 2
Table of contents
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 3
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 4
Are you a Reinventor,
The pandemic and unprecedented Their goal: to reinvent over time every
challenges of the past three years have part of their companies, centered
a Transformer or an
tested CEOs and their leadership teams. around a digital core and new ways of
Post-pandemic, most leadership teams working that establish a culture and
of large companies are rising to the capability for continuous reinvention. In
Optimizer? occasion, transforming more than ever
before, faster than ever before—which
doing so, they’ll set a new performance
frontier for their companies—improved
we call “compressed transformation”— financials, the ability to achieve perpetual
and accepting that all strategies lead breakthrough innovation, increased
industry or simply be
don’t be satisfied. digital core, it is much more—technology
plus. Defining what the top quartile will
in it?
There’s a new imperative being driven be in your industry.
by a handful of companies that are
quietly and systematically changing We predict in about three years, the full
the game and their industries. These impact of the courageous companies
are the “Reinventors," building on that adopt Total Enterprise Reinvention
their experience as Transformers to will be felt. This report is about what
embrace what we call “Total Enterprise is coming, not what is already here
Reinvention.” at scale. It lays out the opportunity
to be the leader in this fast-emerging
business environment. Read on to
understand what you can do to become
a Reinventor.
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 5
The following report is based on
our research and on Accenture’s
depth of understanding working
globally with clients and partners
to deliver outsized results.
Our 738,000 people serve more than In 2022, we predicted that to thrive over the
9,000 clients globally across more than 40 next decade, companies will need to harness
industries—including 89 of the Fortune 100 five key forces of change:
and 60% of the the world's 2,000 largest
companies, as well as major governments. 1. Embracing and executing a Total
We are the leading partner of most of the Enterprise Reinvention strategy
world’s largest technology companies. Our
people are privileged to help the world’s 2. Being the winner in accessing, creating
leading companies and governments and unlocking talent
transform today, while being in a position to
anticipate what they’ll need tomorrow. 3. Leading in sustainability in how they
operate and what they sell
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 6
These key forces of change are overlapping we call the next digital frontier. Even now, Leaders and Leapfroggers shared three
and interdependent. For example, you the merging of information and operational characteristics—moving to the cloud
cannot fully harness forces 3, 4 and 5 technology is still very early days, with new and embracing new technologies like AI,
without succeeding in the first two. And yet technologies like digital twins emerging at flipping their IT budgets to innovation over
they also are distinctive and called out as scale only in the last couple of years. maintenance and focusing on creating
such because underlying each are profound broader value; touching twice as many
shifts across the business, even the past In 2019, our landmark research on processes and focusing on areas like
three years. From technology to the enterprise technology strategies and their training.
needs of employees, consumers, business impact on performance showed Leaders in
customers and partners, businesses are tech adoption and innovation were growing Helping companies execute compressed
being called on to dramatically change the revenues at 2x the speed of Laggards.1 transformations has driven our business
ways they work, engage and transact, as Then, of course, the pandemic changed since the pandemic, with the number
well as leadership mindsets and skills from everything, jolting the world online and of companies becoming Transformers
the C-suite to the newest hires. exposing which companies were Leaders growing significantly in each of the last
or Laggards. Just 12 months after the three years. Companies that have done
The basis for these five key forces begins pandemic, updated research showed the US$100 million in bookings in a single
with technology. We have been at the gap between Leaders and Laggards had quarter, which we use as a proxy for
center of a profound decade of technology grown to 5x revenue growth from 2x, with compressed transformations, have jumped
change. In 2013, our Technology Vision Leaders doubling down on investments from 53 in fiscal year 2020 to 72 in 20213 to
report had foreseen that “every business faster than ever before.2 100 in 2022.4
is a digital business.” Pre-pandemic, many
companies remained skeptical of the true In studying this evolution, we identified
impact of technology on their strategy and an entirely new group, one we named the
competitive advantage. And in part, this “Leapfroggers,” those who compressed
was because while technology change their digital transformations to convert
had been exponential, key parts of the the pandemic’s challenges into new
business were still relatively untouched by opportunities. In doing so, they leapfrogged
technology advancements—for example, their peers and are catching up to the
manufacturing and the supply chain, which Leaders.
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 7
The new The Macro Post-Pandemic
A macro environment with an
unprecedented level of volatility has
created both serious pressure and the Leadership teams across industries should
need to find new opportunities. Our Global feel proud. Not only did most large companies
Our experience with the world’s leading Disruption Index—a composite measure navigate the shock of the pandemic well; they
companies and governments and our latest that covers economic, social, geopolitical, also rapidly adapted, changing their approach to
research demonstrate the time to embrace Total climate, consumer and technology technology and transformation. The boldness of
Enterprise Reinvention is now. And in doing so, disruption—estimates macroeconomic Reinventors is rooted in the successful experience
we’ve shifted from measuring digital leadership volatility has increased 200% since 2017 as over the past three years of companies that
and innovation—Leaders, Leapfroggers compared to only 4% from 2011 to 2016. made significant strides in replatforming to the
and Laggards—to evaluating companies as cloud, taking on technology-enabled compressed
Reinventors, Transformers and Optimizers. transformations, and either transforming multiple
parts of their organization at once instead of
The convergence of three factors has inspired Technology sequentially, or doing large-scale transformations
a small but growing number of companies to faster than ever before—and often both.
become Reinventors. Advancements now make technology
a critical enabler of reinvention across
virtually every aspect of the enterprise, with The more companies have transformed, the
an expectation that these advancements more they’ve recognized the opportunities
will continue. In other words, all strategies to connect transformations and work across
lead to more technology, and all strategies functions to fundamentally change every part
require an understanding that technology of their business. It is a when, not an if. And
will continue to change what is possible. they’ve also seen the challenges. Research we
conducted in 2022 found that seven out of 10
enterprise transformation efforts fail to fully
meet business leaders’ expectations.5
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 8
The time is now
Our research shows only 8% of companies Six percent of companies are what we
are moving to adopt a strategy of call Optimizers, focused on functional
Total Enterprise Reinvention. Most transformations limited in scope and
companies—86%—are Transformers. ambition. Technology is not a significant
They focus on transforming parts of their enabler of their transformations.
business rather than the whole and tend
to treat transformation as a finite program
rather than a continuous process.
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 9
Defining Total 1. 4.
Enterprise Reinvention is the strategy.
It is no longer an execution lever.
Talent strategy and people impact
are central to reinvention, not an
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 10
Setting a new
Financial impact: Reinventors report 360° value: Reinventors more actively
generating 10% higher incremental generate what we call “360° value,” looking
revenue growth, 13% higher cost- beyond financials to long-term, sustainable
reduction improvements and 17% higher value for all stakeholders. Seventy-
balance-sheet improvements compared six percent of companies that pursue
with Transformers. Those numbers are Total Enterprise Reinvention say setting
significantly higher when compared non-financial targets is very important,
with Optimizers at 22%, 21% and 20% compared with 32% for Transformers
By embracing Total Enterprise respectively. and 10% for Optimizers. Compared with
Reinvention, companies will industry peers, Reinventors perform 32%
establish a new performance Technology speed to results: better on sustainability and 31% better on
frontier, outperforming peers in Reinventors report delivering 1.3x more experience—for customers, suppliers and
financial, technology and 360º value financial value in the first six months employees. They also score 11% higher on
dimensions. than Transformers (1.6x more than innovation, 11% higher on “net better off”
Optimizers)—a reflection of the speed outcomes for talent, and 7% higher on
Our research shows Total Enterprise at which such companies execute inclusion and diversity.
Reinvention drives clear and significant and deliver increased value. Indeed,
outcomes for Reinventors. 66% of Reinventors say the delivery of
their reinvention strategy is happening
significantly faster relative to past
transformations. By comparison,
only 27% of Transformers and 10% of
Optimizers say the same.
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 11
Charting a path Ambition and strategy Digital Core
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 12
The new
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 13
The Macro—
Disruption, disruption,
Today’s executives are navigating a complex and dynamic
business environment few have ever seen.
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 14
Figure 1: A convergence of forces is increasing disruption
Accenture Global Disruption Index Overall measure of disruption based on average of six sub-components,
each of which is based on indexed scores of a set of indicators.
2017 2022 2017 2022 2017 2022 2017 2022 2017 2022 2017 2022 2017 2022
See "About the research" for a more detailed description of the method.
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 15
Consumer mindsets have evolved Companies agree on the need to
Faced with the pressure of all these external transform more than ever
forces at once, consumers are becoming These extraordinary times call for an
increasingly unpredictable in their choices. unprecedented response and a reinvention
Trying to balance their needs with these of the enterprise. That’s the view of the
pressures, they are demanding more, 1,516 executives we surveyed, who say that
better and faster from the companies they a range of external forces—but particularly
interact with. In a separate survey of 1,700 the pace of technology innovation, shifting
global C-suite executives (conducted consumer preferences and climate
in two waves) we found more than 95% change—has accelerated their reinvention
of both B2B and B2C executives believe strategies. In fact, even in the face of
their customers are changing faster than a recession in 2023, 75% of executives
their businesses. That’s up from 88% of say that the pace of their organizations'
executives just a few months prior.6 reinvention would accelerate (see Figure 2).
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 16
Figure 2:
Companies are accelerating their reinvention in response to external forces
"To what extent have the following external forces % of respondents saying the force "If there is a recession in your main markets
accelerated your organization’s has accelerated their reinvention in 2023, will your organization accelerate its
reinvention strategy?” strategy (n=1,516) reinvention strategy?”
79% 75% 73%
67% 64%
46% 42% 39% 39%
38% 36% 34%
Pace of Shifting Climate High Inflationary Geopolitical Supply Talent Economic Global Europe North Asia Pacific
technology consumer change / energy pressures tension chain shortages slowdown (n=1,516) (n=402) America (n=317)
innovation preferences regulation prices disruption (n=797)
Source: Accenture Total Enterprise Reinvention CxO Survey fielded in November 2022. Asia Pacific includes respondents from Australia, China, India and Japan.
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 17
“You cannot overtake 15 cars in sunny
weather… but you can when it’s raining.”
—Ayrton Senna
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 18
Technology—The digital core, the potential of
reinvention and breakthrough innovation
A strong digital core is fundamental to all other strategic needs of an enterprise. Amplifying the role of
technology in reinvention means shifting from a technology landscape of static, standalone parts to interoperable
pieces intentionally integrated and leveraging the cloud. The digital core consists of three layers:
1. 3.
An infrastructure and security layer: An applications and platforms layer: Building a digital core is not a one-time
A modern, cloud-based IT foundation that is Where new experiences and ways of project. It must be continuous to incorporate
automated, agile and secure by design. operating come alive—through modernized new technologies and business capabilities.
and new, custom applications and Reinventors invest in their digital core ahead
platforms or replatforming on SaaS. of their peers, increasing their capabilities
in foundational technologies, as well as
2. integrating emerging technologies.
A data and AI layer: An important feature of a modern digital
Where enterprise data becomes accessible core is "Interoperability” across all of For example, while 61% of Reinventors plan to
at scale, with domain-specific, AI-enabled these layers, connecting technologies, increase their investments in cloud services
applications and platforms generating data, and applications across silos and over the next year, 49% of Transformers
insights for decision-making. This connects enabling Reinvention. Companies with high and 45% of Optimizers plan to do so. And
and elevates trapped data, helping interoperability grew revenue 6x faster than while 65% of Reinventors are watching
enterprises to ask new questions and find their peers with low interoperability and and screening next-gen computation
new answers that drive decision-making unlocked an additional five percentage points technologies, 52% of Transformers and 48%
and the development of new products. in annual revenue growth.10 of Optimizers are doing so (see Figure 3).
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 19
Figure 3: Reinventors continuously invest in their digital core
“Do you plan to increase your investment % of “Which of the following emerging % of
in the following technologies over the respondents technologies are you currently respondents
next year?” monitoring and screening?”
59% 65%
AI and
51% Next-gen
48% 48%
61% 64%
Cloud Next-gen
services 49% intelligence 51%
45% 47%
42% 48%
Network/ Metaverse
connectivity 37% and Web 3.0 36%
31% 31%
Total Enterprise Reinventors Transformers Optimizers Total Enterprise Reinventors Transformers Optimizers
Source: Accenture Total Enterprise Reinvention CxO Survey fielded in November 2022. Sample size: Total, 1,516; Total Enterprise Reinventors, 119; Transformers, 1,303; Optimizers, 94.
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 20
The potential for reinvention is immense potential, as reflected by the 71% increase in
We estimate, on average, that 76% of a mentions of cloud, AI and other emerging
US worker’s tasks could be reinvented technologies in earnings calls over the past
by combining new technologies and five years.12
new ways of working, by automating
repetitive activities while augmenting high- The new performance frontier can
value activities (see Figure 4 and “About include breakthrough innovation
the research” for further details). These With a digital core in place, every company
actions will, in turn, enhance productivity can aspire to create breakthrough
and allow people to focus more on their innovations in their industry and adjacent
unique capabilities. Indeed, such progress markets—a territory that was formerly the
could hypothetically allow the average US domain of digital-native companies.
worker to shift to a four-day work week and
produce more than they do in a five-day What is breakthrough innovation?
work week. Breakthrough innovation sits at the
intersection of understanding the potential
Combining the power of technology and of next generation technologies and
human ingenuity will enable enterprises applying them in novel ways to shape and
to reinvent how they go to market, how capture white space opportunities and
they operate, how they partner and how address acute needs in their business or
they create value, thereby unlocking a new industry.
performance frontier. For example, our
research shows that companies that plan
to adopt next-generation AI and advanced
computational methods—while tapping
ecosystem partners and networks—are
2.6x more likely to increase revenue by
10% or more than companies not pushing
toward the leading edge in these areas.11
Organizations are acutely aware of this
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 21
Figure 4:
Most of the tasks of an average US worker could be reinvented
Share of US worker’s tasks that could be reinvented by technology Share of worked hours,
augmentation or automation, by industry 2021
US average 33% 43% 24%
No impact
Banking 43% 36% 20% Source: Accenture Research analysis based on BLS and
Software & Platforms 43% 33% 24% O*Net. O*Net tasks were classified into the four categories.
This classification was performed based on a list of 2,000
Capital Markets 41% 36% 23% detailed examples for 300+ tasks. US average corresponds
to the weighted average based on occupation shares
Insurance 40% 37% 23% across industries.
Health 38% 32% 30% Increasing Due to rounding, not all figures add up to 100%.
potential for
Communications & Media 37% 39% 24% augmentation
based on the
Public Service 34% 38% 28% combination
of new
Aerospace & Defense 34% 45% 21% technologies
and new ways
Utilities 33% 48% 19% of working
Many executives are already working to While many companies are transforming
reinvent processes in their enterprise with multiple parts of their enterprise, in our
new technologies and new ways of working. experience, they are failing to realize the
Of the 11 functional areas we assessed, true business value of these efforts because
executives said their organizations had of siloed approaches. Other common
already reinvented, on average, processes challenges are cost, lack of efficiency
in six functions. The most common function across programs, failure to understand
for reinvention was customer service (63% and address interdependencies, insufficient
of respondents) and the least common were technology acumen and failed
Research & Development (R&D) and Human change management. A Total Enterprise
Resources (HR) (48% of respondents). Reinvention strategy addresses these
Within two years, executives expect to have challenges by taking an integrated, holistic
reinvented processes in nine functions approach based on technology with talent
within their enterprise (see Figure 5). at the center.
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 23
Figure 5: Most processes in functional areas are being reinvented
“In which of the following functions are you % of respondents, Cumulative number of areas being
fundamentally reinventing processes by applying new n=1,516 reinvented by an organization, on
technologies and new ways of working?” average, out of a possible 11
Past 2 years Next 2 years
Percentage point
difference 9
Customer Service +27
Finance +30
Strategy and M&A
Source: Accenture Total Enterprise Reinvention CxO Survey fielded in November 2022.
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 24
Diving deeper
into the six
of Total Enterprise
We briefly listed the key qualities companies
must embrace to succeed at reinvention.
In this section, we’ll dive deeper.
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 25
Reinvention is
the strategy
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 26
Think of all the functions of your company Total Enterprise Reinvention is a Figure 6: Total Enterprise Reinvention
on a connected wheel (see Figure 6). deliberate strategy that aims to set a new
Accept the premise that today, in every performance frontier for companies and
function, technology plus new ways of in most cases, the industries in which they
working, could create new value, and that operate. Centered around a strong digital
the advancements in technology are likely core, it helps drive growth and optimize
to make that value constantly evolving. operations. It starts with the premise that
every part of every business needs to be
ce n
so ma
Think about the way you decide which reinvented and that benchmarks today do not
Re Hu
technology to invest in, and which part of reflect what is possible if, as a company, you
le Le
the company to transform. Are the business have a tech-enabled mindset. It recognizes s
cases co-created across the C-suite in that technology advancements will mean that Culture and P
, ur
recognition that no function exists alone? this is a continuous and dynamic need. The p le p
O pt i
Sec matio
lerate Growth
Are the technology investments tested focus shifts from, one and done programs, or Bus
AI Infor ology
ines ur
s Un n
its Tech
cross-functionally or primarily best-in- “is this too much change” to a company that
mize Operations
class for the functional leader who is is proudly “all about change.” One that has
leading the analysis? What is the depth of honed the business and technology acumen Digital Core Sourcing
New Business Procurem &
ou d
D ata
understanding of the leaders as to what to set the right priorities, built the culture and Model ent
is possible today, and what is coming? Is resilience for change, and the laser focus on
your C-suite able to articulate for every the future and external developments. P l a t fo r m s Su
rs & s Ch
technology investment, what will change in e rge ition
M uis ain
how you work, or engage, or go to market? This cultural point is critical—Accenture has Ac
En nu
gi fac
When someone talks about the need for lived it. Accenture’s capabilities and culture
ne tu
gy te
er ri
te ra
cultural change or new skills—how precise have dramatically changed over the last
in ng
ra o
St orp
is it, and do you understand the plan to decade—at one point, we were “fast followers”
Dev earch
achieve? And when you set your ambition, and now we are “innovation led.” The part of
how are benchmarks used—are they the our culture that has existed for decades is that
ambition to achieve, or the standard to “we are all about change” which has allowed
beat? In other words, is your ambition to us to set bold ambitions and to reinvent
set a new performance frontier for your ourselves—a process that is ongoing. Source: Accenture.
company and/or your industry?
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 27
Because we know that many companies their ability to digitally connect directly with
are already changing a lot—Total Enterprise end consumers—only to find that the failure
Reinvention is not about the scope and to have a modern, cloud-based ERP and
speed per se. It is about establishing infrastructure prevented them from rapidly
that a core strategy of the company being able to make changes in payments,
is the ability to continuously reinvent connect supply chains and fulfill purchases
and systematically move across the in areas like social commerce. As a result,
enterprise to set a new performance we have seen many consumer goods
frontier. It is not a reaction to the macro, companies take on accelerated moves of
but a recognition of the opportunity their ERP to the cloud, crossing multiple
that has become clear in the last three functions.
years of the true power of tech-enabled
transformation. Adopting Total Enterprise Reinvention
as a core strategy is a natural next
Compressed transformations were step for companies which today are
triggered at the beginning of the pandemic, Transformers, and is the blueprint for the
as companies experienced rapid changes companies which are Optimizers and now
in their operating environment which want to leapfrog to Reinventor.
exposed the gaps in their digital core.
For example, because of the move online
at the onslaught of the pandemic, many
consumer goods companies accelerated
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 28
In following the six key characteristics companies have moved to centralized, Every industry has specific challenges. Indeed, it requires new muscles from
of Reinventors, companies will also clear and measurable change management Let’s take healthcare, in which significant their leadership, and often, the industry
address many of the lessons learned in capabilities—often using multiple investment by many leaders has gone into benchmarks still become the de facto
these past three years of compressed techniques depending on their partner. creating an intelligent front door to care goals and measurement of performance.
transformations. A Total Enterprise Reinvention strategy flips that creates a personalized, consumer- Reinvention, by definition, cannot be done
change management to a core capability like experience for patients. At the same only with internal thought leadership.
The ambition and decision to accelerate that is connected and has consistent time, depending on where they are in Setting a new performance frontier also
transformation is what most CEOs talked approaches, like measurement tools, the healthcare value chain, those same requires, at a minimum, looking at the rest
about early in the pandemic as being most regardless of function and partner. companies are looking to digitize to find of the industry. We spend a lot of time
proud of. The capabilities to efficiently efficiencies in an industry that has lagged looking across industries to inform the
transform at scale—from how you make Another example is that many companies other industries in digital transformation solutions that we bring to our clients. We
technology decisions, to the way to continue to struggle with thinking about and is now facing significant shortages of believe that if companies execute on the
approach change management, to the technology platforms across the company, clinical talent that impact access to care. six characteristics of Reinvention, the use
depth of technology understanding leaders providing more cost efficiency, more Often, we see initiatives to personalize of industry and cross-industry learnings
need, to the persistent silos that are often resilience and faster innovation as more experience and create efficiencies and will finally become part of how leaders do
reinforced by metrics and compensation parts of the company can access the capacity scoped too narrowly, missing the business.
regardless of a strategy of “one”—have capabilities. And so, you will see companies opportunity to connect to drive more value.
emerged as gaps that have challenged that have rapidly moved to the cloud
the full realization of the potential of struggling with cost, the ability to use Total Enterprise Reinvention also will
techenabled transformation, and limited the cloud services and truly changing how unlock the power of external learnings—
ability of companies to be more ambitious they operate because the move to the from other industry players and, equally
about the outcomes. cloud was done business unit by business important, from other industries. While
unit, or function by function— rapidly, and many CEOs talk about their own industry
For example, change management, producing early results, but not realizing not being the benchmark, putting this view
skills and cultural change are often cited the full potential of the technology. into concrete action has been difficult.
as barriers or weaknesses, and yet few
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 29
The digital core
becomes a primary
source of competitive
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 30
Technology used to be the disrupter. Now Figure 7: Technology is foundational
it’s the enabler, a certainty in turbulent
times. Once you accept that every
business is a digital business, technology “Do you agree that technology “Has the role of tech increased in transformation
is a primary source of competitive in general plays a critical role in programs overall in the past two years?”
advantage that enables companies to all current and future reinvention
build exceptional experiences and achieve strategies, as well as in transformation
Score from 1-5, where:
breakthrough innovations. It can open new programs, for your organization?”
possibilities for accelerating growth and Increased to top priority 5 4 3 2 1 No increase
optimizing operations.
Source: Accenture Total Enterprise Reinvention CxO Survey fielded in November 2022. Sample size: Total, 1,516; Total Enterprise Reinventors, 119; Transformers, 1,303; Optimizers, 94.
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 31
Consider Siam Commercial Bank (SCB). Restructured into a new entity, SCBx, the
The SCB Transformation Program focused firm intends to leverage its customer base
on developing the company’s technology across platforms to expand its reach to 200
infrastructure and capabilities to create million people.15 The company is investing
the foundation for SCB to become a digital in new technologies, including blockchain,
bank. The company replaced legacy metaverse and Web 3.0.16
applications and migrated to a new cloud-
based data lake.13 A digital factory was set Reinventors capitalize on their
up to develop the bank’s app and new investments in the digital core
digital stack. This enabled the bank to grow While many executives acknowledge
its digital app user base to more than 13 that technology plays a critical role in
million users in 2022, up from 2.5 million reinvention, the ability to use technology
prior to the transformation program.14 as an execution enabler is a differentiating
characteristic of Reinventors. Our survey
The next stage in SCB’s journey to found 39% of Reinventors say technology
reinvention is to become a “fintech is a significant enabler in executing their
business group”—a technology company reinvention, compared with just 21% of
that provides customer-centric services, Transformers and 3% of Optimizers (see
including banking. Figure 8).
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 32
Figure 8: Reinventors capitalize on their investments in the digital core
“Did/does your organization’s current technology hinder or Case in point: bp. The firm’s strategy
help in the execution of your transformation program?” to reinvent itself from an international
oil company focused on producing
resources to an international energy
company focused on delivering solutions.17
Hinder Somewhat Enable Significantly
enable enable
The company aims to deliver earnings
of US$9-10 billion from five “transition
growth engines”—bioenergy, convenience,
electric vehicle charging, hydrogen and
renewables—by 2030.18
Reinventors 10% 8% 42% 39%
Digital innovation is one of three
sources of differentiation that underpin
bp’s reinvention strategy.19 bp’s digital
capabilities now sit alongside its science
Transformers 11% 20% 49% 21% and engineering capabilities in an
integrated, “innovation and engineering”
team. bp takes a customer-centric
approach to developing digital products
and benchmarks its digital capabilities
6% 32% 59% 3% against leaders in the technology sector
(instead of against direct competitors).20
Source: Accenture Total Enterprise Reinvention CxO Survey fielded in November 2022. Sample size: Total, 1,516; Total Enterprise Reinventors, 119; Transformers, 1,303; Optimizers, 94.
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 33
goes beyond
embracing the art
of the possible
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 34
In the past, many companies determined Mentions of the phrase “best practice” in
the full potential of their transformation by earnings calls among the world’s 2,000
benchmarking their performance against largest publicly traded companies by
that of peers, as well as targeting current revenue have declined by 24% since Q1
industry best practices. If you’re behind, 2020. Nevertheless, more than half (55%)
these metrics can help create a case for of the executives we surveyed are still
change. However, they also can limit the focused on matching existing best practice
ambition of leaders because they don’t in their industry and see that goal as the
reflect the art of the possible as it relates full potential they can hope to achieve (see
to technology and new ways of working. In Figure 9).
other words, benchmarks become a barrier
to achieving the possible.
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 35
Figure 9: Best practice is falling out of favor—but not for all
Mentions of “best practice” per 1,000 earnings calls for the world’s 2,000 “Which of the following statements best describes % of respondents,
largest publicly traded companies by revenue the level of performance you are aiming to reach n=1,516
through your reinvention strategy?”
Source: Natural language processing of the quarterly earnings calls of the world's 2,000 largest companies by revenue from Q1 2020 to Q3 2022. Accenture Total Enterprise Reinvention CxO Survey fielded in November 2022.
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 36
Talent strategy
and people impact
are central to
Many human factors can compromise reinvention strategies
and transformation programs that look good on paper.
Barriers can include a lack of cultural readiness to change,
leadership capabilities and alignment, and functional silos
(see Figure 10).
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 37
Figure 10: Human factors pose some of the biggest barriers to delivering reinvention strategies
“What barriers have you faced in delivering your reinvention strategy?” Selected as a top 3 barrier
% of respondents, n=1,516
Selected as the #1 barrier
Source: Accenture Total Enterprise Reinvention CxO Survey fielded in November 2022.
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 38
Executives must be the voice of change Figure 11:
Communication of change, empowering people and skilling
Any successful reinvention begins with the
executive team creating conviction in an
at all levels are important to delivery
organization’s people to drive change. The
CEO must champion the Total Enterprise
Reinvention strategy, with the whole C-suite “Which of the following practices were most important to the % of respondents
in lockstep. After adopting such a strategy, successful delivery of your reinvention strategy?”
the CEO and executive team must be
actively engaged, communicating and
owning a clear message and rationale for
the reinvention to bring other employees
+32% +70% +24% +11% +21% +23%
Dedicating the right amount Senior leaders’ Assigning the highest Empowering, recognizing, Upskilling and reskilling Having the relevant
As Figure 11 shows, Reinventors are of time and effort to change communication of a performers to the highest and rewarding new employees with the tools skills/capabilities in
more likely to dedicate ample time and management & comms compelling change story value initiatives ways of working and capabilities needed the executive team to
to speed up execution deliver the program
effort to change management and
communications—including senior leaders’
communication of a compelling change Total Enterprise Reinventors Transformers Optimizers
Source: Accenture Total Enterprise Reinvention CxO Survey fielded in November 2022. Sample size: Total, 1,516; Total Enterprise Reinventors, 119; Transformers, 1,303; Optimizers, 94.
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 39
Roche is reinventing itself to become more Building companywide Technology
agile and digital. Part of the foundation for Quotient (TQ)
this effort has been a global leadership
initiative designed to help senior executives From the C-suite to the front line,
develop the mindsets they need in both employees at all levels will need to develop
personal and organizational reinvention. a TQ to drive successful reinvention. The
The leadership model has moved from TQ is how we build and demonstrate
one designed for command and control to our understanding of transformative
one built on empowerment to encourage technologies and how they deliver on
collaboration and creativity.22 the promise of technology and human
ingenuity. At Accenture, we invest in
continuous training across the enterprise,
with each employee—including the
C-suite—receiving an individual TQ score.
Accenture’s TQ learning series is a simple
and effective way to ensure every member
of the team learns about technology, how
it’s applied, why it matters and how it works
with other technologies. Every employee at
Accenture takes the TQ courses, no matter
what their area of expertise.
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 40
Reinvention is
boundaryless and breaks
down organizational silos
Achieving the comprehensive scale of Creating capabilities at the performance
Total Enterprise Reinvention requires frontier requires an enterprise-wide
companies to connect people, processes approach that cuts across business units
and data across the enterprise and and functions, rather than a single function-
beyond, creating a boundaryless or business-driven approach.
Take the value-chain business planning
Organizations are becoming more and intelligent manufacturing and
interconnected. Ninety-nine percent fulfillment capabilities critical to retailers
of executives expect this focus on and consumer goods companies. Building
interconnectedness across their these capabilities requires an end-to-end
organization will increase over the next approach that impacts virtually the entire
two years. organization in some way (see Figure 12).
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 41
Figure 12:
Building full value chain business planning and intelligent manufacturing and
fulfillment capabilities at the performance frontier requires an end-to-end approach
ce n
so ma
Re Hu
Identify Consumer Demand
Sa al
le g
s Le
O pt i
Sec n
te Growth
AI matio
ines ur Infor ology
Manufacture to Demand s Un
its Tech
mize Operations
Package with Responsibility Digital Core Sourcing
New Business
Procurem &
ou d
D ata
Model ent
Fulfill by Real-time Optimal Flow Paths
P l a t fo r m s Su
& pply
ers ions
Engage for Circular (re)Fulfillment rg
Me quis i t
En nu
gi fac
ne tu
gy e
te at
er ri
ra or
in ng
St orp
Dev arch &
Source: Accenture analysis. Degree of Impact High Medium Low N/A
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 42
Reinventors Changes to the operating model are also
accompanied by significant changes in
The European automotive ecosystem, for
example, is working to create a secure,
strengthen how people work. Adopting agile principles standardized data exchange, the “Catena-X
across the business (not just in IT) Automotive Network”—the first open-data
connections empowers employees and enables cross- ecosystem in the sector.24 By sharing data
functional ways of working. The move to and other resources, Catena-X aims to
across their empowered, multidisciplinary teams allows improve transparency and efficiency, as well
people to take on more complex roles as reduce carbon emissions throughout the
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 43
Figure 13: Effective program governance is seen as the most important factor for successful delivery
“Which of the following factors were % of Total Enterprise “Which of the following practices % of respondents
most important to the delivery of Reinventors, n=119 were most important to the successful
your reinvention strategy?” delivery of your reinvention strategy?”
Source: Accenture Total Enterprise Reinvention CxO Survey fielded in November 2022. Sample size: Total, 1,516; Total Enterprise Reinventors, 119; Transformers, 1,303; Optimizers, 94.
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 44
Reinvention is
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 45
Transformation typically has been sequential and Figure 14: Continuous reinvention is supported by core
time-bound. Reinvention, however, is as dynamic
as the changing technological and market
planning processes
landscape. It requires both speed of execution
and an approach toward continuous change that “Which of the following practices have you adopted in support % of Total Enterprise
seeks progress over perfection. The earlier value of your philosophy of continuous reinvention?” Reinventors, n=119
is released, the quicker it can be invested in new
initiatives that further extend the performance
Source: Accenture Total Enterprise Reinvention CxO Survey fielded in November 2022.
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 46
Reinventors draw on the power of
their ecosystem partners
Partners bring resources—assets, ideas, Cloud providers and system integrators
skills—that can accelerate progress at scale, have partnered to develop Verizon’s
in support of compressed transformation. mobile edge compute (MEC) ecosystem.
Partners can also support the investment Customers test new use cases.
required to deliver reinvention through
gain-sharing agreements. And partners Partners are helping Verizon, too. Verizon
can help build a capability to deliver and Meta are working together to leverage
continuous reinvention: 69% of companies complementary capabilities to build the
that are moving to adopt a strategy of Total foundations of the metaverse, with a focus
Enterprise Reinvention say that having a on the MEC infrastructure for extended
business partner that helps select and build reality experiences.27
solutions and platforms is important to the
successful delivery of their strategy (see
Figure 15).
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 47
Figure 15: Business partners are at the center of delivering reinvention strategies
“Which of the following practices were most important to the successful delivery of your reinvention strategy?” % of respondents
Selecting a business partner at the center of the Having a cloud services partner at the center of
strategy and working with them to select and build the strategy and building teams and other external
solutions and platforms providers around this single partner
+30% +7%
69 58 53 64 63 60
Total Enterprise Transformers Optimizers Total Enterprise Transformers Optimizers
Reinventors Reinventors
Source: Accenture Total Enterprise Reinvention CxO Survey fielded in November 2022. Sample size: Total, 1,516; Total Enterprise Reinventors, 119; Transformers, 1,303; Optimizers, 94.
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 48
Total Enterprise
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 49
Embracing Figure 16a: Figure 16b:
Total Enterprise “How successful have you been/do “What financial value do you expect to
you expect to be in delivering on your realize from your reinvention strategy
transformation program?” against the following measures?”
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 50
A “dynamic” approach makes the most Moreover, Reinventors report delivering
difference. Adopting a philosophy 1.3x more financial value in the first six
of continuous reinvention, in which months—a reflection of the speed at
companies keep redefining what is which such companies execute and
possible, is 4.5x more important than any deliver increased value compared
of the other features of Total Enterprise with Transformers, 1.6x compared with
Reinvention in boosting the probability of Optimizers (see Figure 16c). Indeed,
financial outperformance (see “About the 66% of Reinventors say that the delivery
research” for further details). of their reinvention strategy is happening
significantly faster relative to past
transformations. By comparison, only
27% of Transformers and 10% of Optimizers
say the same (see Figure 16d). Companies
reinvent at speed through compressed
transformation, in which agile ways of
working, standardized solutions, and the
capabilities of ecosystem partners are used
to accelerate progress.
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 51
Figure 16c: Figure 16d:
“What proportion of the financial value was/do “Has the delivery of your reinvention strategy
you expect to be delivered within the following occurred/do you expect it to occur faster or
time periods?” slower relative to past transformations?”
Transformers 9% 16% Faster
Source: Accenture Total Enterprise Reinvention CxO Survey fielded in November 2022. Sample size: Total, 1,516; Total Enterprise Reinventors, 119; Transformers, 1,303; Optimizers, 94.
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 52
The value Reinventors generate is far more Beyond the survey, our analysis
than financial, however. Reinventors more found Reinventors—relative to their
actively manage for—and deliver on— industry peers—perform 32% better
non-financial outcomes, generating what on sustainability and 31% better on
we call “360° value." Generating 360° value experience—for customers (as indicated
means looking beyond short-term financials by customer relationship-management
to understand what creates long-term, scores), suppliers (as indicated by churn
sustainable value in a world where people rates) and employees (as indicated by
are more empowered than ever to choose recommendations to others). Reinventors
the companies with whom they engage. also score 11% higher on innovation,
11% higher on “net better off” outcomes
Seventy-six percent of companies that for talent, and 7% higher on inclusion and
pursue Total Enterprise Reinvention diversity (see Figure 17 and “About the
say setting non-financial targets is very research” for further details on how we
important, compared with 32% for quantify these areas of performance).
Transformers and only 10% of Optimizers.
Reinventors deliver superior outcomes
by thinking more deeply about how their
reinvention will enable them to engage with
customers and employees, deliver more
sustainable outcomes and enhance their
approach to innovation.
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 53
Figure 17:
Total Enterprise Reinvention improves performance on multiple measures of non-financial value
“When setting targets for a % of Indexed scores on non-financial 0-100
transformation, how important are respondents measures of performance
non-financial targets?”
10% Very important
76% 32% Experience +31% Source: Accenture Total
49 Enterprise Reinvention CxO
Survey fielded in November
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 54
Charting a path Ambition and strategy Digital Core
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 55
About the
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 56
We took a multi-method approach
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 57
Global Potential of technology
Disruption Index to reinvent work
We created an overall measure of disruption to assess We assessed the potential of technology to enhance how Step 3:
the level of volatility and change in the external business we sense, comprehend, act on and learn from information The results from step 2 were combined with the latest US
environment. The index is based on the average of six and data. This involved the following steps: employment data by occupation, to get an estimate of the
sub-components, that cover the economic, social, share of hours worked in 2021 that could potentially be
geopolitical, environmental, consumer and technological Step 1: reinvented by technology. Results were also aggregated by
spheres. Each of the sub-components is based on a set We classified 2,100 examples of tasks from the O*Net and job cluster and industry.
of indexed scores for a range of indicators. US Bureau of Labor Statistics. These examples consisted
of 330 separate tasks that make up 851 occupations. The
The economic component is based on economic risk classification involved taking the “action” verbs from the
ratings, Volatility Index (VIX), Gross Domestic Product (GDP) task descriptions and assigning those verbs into four
volatility and inflation volatility. Geopolitics is based on the subcomponents: sense, comprehend, act and learn.
risk of geopolitical instability. The social component reflects
social unrest and non-participation in the labor market. Doing this created a training set. We then used this manual
The environmental component reflects the frequency classification to train a machine learning model, which
of climate-related disasters and climate-driven risk. improved the accuracy of classification. The machine
The consumer component reflects pessimism at a global learning model gave a score from 0 to 1, which indicates
level, based on the inverse of the OECD’s Consumer the probability that a given task falls into one of those
Confidence Index. Finally, the technological component is four groups.
based on an index comprised of 24 indicators, which use
the presence of disruptors and performance of incumbents Step 2:
as proxies for the level of disruptive innovation in industries. We analyzed the current distribution of work activities within
individual occupations, to understand the time allocated
to different tasks. Based on expert input, we estimated the
potential of technological innovation to reinvent a specific
task, either by automating it or by augmenting it. Using
those two elements, we calculated the share of time that
would be reinvented by technology, across all occupations.
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 58
Data-science analysis of investor Skills demand, based on
communications job postings
We used a Transformer-based natural language processing We analyzed which skills are in higher demand among
(NLP) method to analyze the investor communications of Reinventors than among other companies in their industry
the world’s largest 2,000 companies between 2018 and Q3 segment. This analysis was based on the Lightcast US job
2022. We did this to identify patterns in mentions of key postings database. The list of Reinventor companies is a
words related to business transformation and reinvention. combination of companies identified by industry experts
and those companies that fulfill all of the total enterprise
We also performed topic modelling on extracts from
reinvention criteria in the survey. The job postings were
investor communications related to strategy, in order to
extracted from 2021 onwards.
identify the co-existence of “strategy” topics with other
technology-related topics.
We then calculated the share of each skill requested,
compared to the total number of skills requested in all job
postings. Next, we calculated the difference of skill shares
between each Reinventor and its industry-segment peers.
This enabled us to understand which types of skills are more
important for Reinventors (because they are more likely to
request them in job postings than are other firms).
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 59
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 60
1. Accenture, “Full Value. Full Stop. How to scale innovation and achieve full value 10. Accenture, “Value untangled. Accelerating radical growth through 21. Accenture Research analysis based on Capital IQ data. We analyzed three-year
with Future Systems”, 2019, interoperability”, 2022, TSR for global, publicly listed companies with annual revenues above $1 billion
Leadership-Assets/PDF-2/Accenture-Future-Systems-Report-CH-DE.pdf final/capabilities/technology/software-engineering/document/Accenture- in 2019. Only companies with data for the last 11 years were analyzed (3,763 in
Report-ITL-IPS.pdf total). Top performers are companies that are at the 75th percentile of three-year
2. Accenture, “Make the Leap, Take the Lead. Tech strategies for innovation and
TSR; median performers are companies that are at the 50th percentile of three-
growth”, 2021, 11. Accenture, Total Enterprise Reinvention CxO survey, 2022
year TSR.
12. Accenture Research analysis of S&P Earnings Calls transcripts for 2,000 largest
Future-Systems-2021-Report-2.pdf 22. Roche, Annual Report 2021; Stuart Knight, “The key to diversity is authenticity,”
companies for which data is available. Mentions are calculated based on
Roche, October 11, 2020,
3. Accenture, Fourth Quarter Fiscal 2021 Financial Results, Conference call technology-related keywords selected by subject matter experts.
transcript, September 23, 2021,
13. Accenture, ‘Banking on data: How Siam Commercial Bank reimagined data
Accenture-IR-V3/quarterly-earnings/2021/q4fy21/q4fy21-conference-call- 23. Accenture Research analysis based on Lightcast’s job postings database.
to drive value’,
transcript.pdf Postings were for positions in the US and were posted between Q3 2020 and Q2
2022. We use natural language processing to identify project-based roles and
4. Accenture, Fourth Quarter Fiscal 2022 Financial Results, Conference call
14. Siam Commercial Bank, Analyst Meeting Presentation for Q1 2022, April then calculate the share of project-based role postings as a proportion of total
transcript, September 22, 2022,
2022. job postings.
2022-financial-results-transcript-1.pdf 24. CatenaX,
15. SCB, Annual Report 2021, accessed via
5. Brightline Project Management Institute (PMI) and Accenture, “The Chief 25. Evans, S., IoT World Today, Hannover Messe 2022: bringing data sharing to the
Transformation Officer: Why transformation leaders matter, what they (should) automotive industry, June 2 2022,
do, and what they need to succeed”, September 15, 2022, https://www.brightline. 16. SCB10x, hannover-messe-2022-bringing-data-sharing-to-the-automotive-industry/
org/resources/the-chief-transformation-officer/ 17. bp, “bp sets ambition for net zero by 2050, fundamentally changing organization 26. UBS, Financial results – Q1 and Q3 2021 Results Presentation,
6. Accenture, “The life centricity playbook, proven strategies for growth through to deliver”, February 12, 2020, com/global/en/investor-relations/events/presentations.html
resilience”, 2022, and-insights/press-releases/bernard-looney-announces-new-ambition-for-bp.
27. Verizon, Investor Day 2022, Edited Transcript,
capabilities/song/marketing-transformation/document/Accenture-Life- html
Centricity-Playbook.pdf 18. bp, “Full year 2021 results – update on strategic progress”, February 8, 2022,
28. Based on logistic regression analysis of the characteristics of Total Enterprise
7. Accenture Research analysis of changes in the Fortune 100 list between
2000 and 2022. energy/4q-and-full-year-2021-results-highlights.html
8. Sequoia Capital, Founder All Hands, “Adapting to Endure”, May 2022, 19. bp, “Our strategy”, strategy.html
May_2022.pdf 20. bp, “The energy trilemma: digital upgrade”,
9. American Express, Annual report 2008; Geoff Colvin, ‘Crisis chief: AmEx’s corporate/what-we-do/innovation-and-engineering.html
Chenault’, Fortune, October 15, 2009,
companies/american_express_chenault.fortune/index.htm. Stock price is based
on February 2009 to February 2019 price.
Total Enterprise Reinvention | The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier 61
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