Mentor Di Logica (1) .It - en
Mentor Di Logica (1) .It - en
Mentor Di Logica (1) .It - en
Logic Mentor
Volume 1
CISIA Editions
Curators:Luisella Caire and Paola Suria Arnaldi
Copyright © 2018
CISIA – Inter-university consortium Integrated access systems - All rights reserved.
Prof. Andrea Stella University of Padua
Vice president
Prof. Bianca Maria Lombardo University of Catania
Prof. Claudio Casarosa University of Pisa
Scientific Council
Prof. Claudio Beccari Turin Polytechnic
Prof. Anna Ciampolini Prof. Alma Mater Studiorum University of
Gioconda Moscariello Prof. Bologna University of Naples – Federico II
Marco Lonzi University of Siena
Prof. Alessandra Petrucci University of Florence
Prof. Roberto Piazza Polytechnic of Milan
Board of directors
Prof. Andrea Stella University of Padua
Prof. Bianca Maria Lombardo University of Catania
Prof. Claudio Casarosa University of Pisa
Prof. Alessandro Pozzetti Politecnico di Milano
Prof. Paolo Villani University of Salerno
Technical director
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This text, both in print and (possibly) in the form of a PDF file, must be used as an interactive
book, either by leafing through it by hand following the instructions provided gradually, or
by following the links in the PDF file; practically all PDF viewers for calculators, iPADs of
various sizes, and not too small tablets, seem to be able to navigate a PDF document by
following hypertext links.
This booklet is a self-learning tool; it is not used to simulate a test, but to practice
answering closed-ended questions on specific subjects that are generally included in
university admission tests.
The booklet has a particular shape and cannot be used by reading the pages sequentially; a sequential
reading is deliberately almost incomprehensible. The reading should be done in this way: you start with
the first question; read the text and choose an answer by going to the page indicated at the end of the
answer. If the answer is right, the new page confirms it, perhaps adding some small information and
indicates the page where to find the next question. If, on the other hand, the chosen answer is wrong,
the new page explains why it is wrong and at the bottom indicates the page to return to the question
for which the wrong answer was chosen.
As can be seen, therefore, the reading path is forced through the indications of the pages to move to.
Instead, sequential reading is practically impossible because both the questions and the answers are
distributed "randomly" along the text and there are not two logically consecutive elements (questions
or explanations to the answers) placed in the text in adjacent positions.
In this particular mentor, propositional and graphical logic questions are presented; sometimes it is
necessary to do some simple calculations (which can be developed in the mind), but it is emphasized
that these questions which require simple calculations do not require any specific knowledge of
mathematics which has not been known since compulsory schooling.
Logic as such is generally not the subject of any course in upper secondary schools; but the questions
are formulated without using logical "jargon", but in natural language; no specific preparation is
therefore necessary; instead, it is necessary to know how to connect sentences or drawings intelligently
without misunderstanding between causes and effects.
The time to devote to each question should not be too long; however the review or self-
learning of logical concepts is something very different from tackling an admission test
implemented through a questionnaire full of closed multiple choice questions, having
on average a couple of minutes available for each question. The time needed to answer
in this kind of test together with the difficulty of the question itself is an essential
element for the effectiveness of the admission test; allows you to better separate the
sample of candidates who take the test in order to discriminate the preparation of
individual candidates. Usually this does not prevent brilliant candidates, who have
followed upper secondary studies ill-suited to the chosen faculty, from showing their
This is why reviewing logical reasoning skills is important; just as it is important to discover
before tackling university studies that you do not have a logical way of reasoning in some
areas, so as to be able to make the most of the explanations given to each answer of each
question in this text.
How to use the mentor
In the mentor, the questions and explanations of the closed answers they contain are
randomly shuffled, but next to each answer it is indicated on which page the explanation is
found by means of a small black hand whose index finger points to the page to which to
move; on the page indicated, the explanation is clearly identified as the answer 'X' to
question 'Y'. The explanation consists of a title that classifies the answer as right or wrong
and is followed by a short explanatory text possibly accompanied by formulas and drawings.
At the end of the short explanatory text, another little black hand indicates which page to go
to to continue using the mentor; in particular, if the answer given was wrong, the little hand
indicates to go back to the question that was not able to answer,
It should be noted that the questions are numbered sequentially in the mentor, but this game of referrals using the
page pointers proceeds in random order, which however at the end of the reading will have made it possible to reach
each question.
Reading does not take place sequentially according to the numbering of the pages, but only by
following the sequence of the pages indicated by the various little hands. Whether the mentor is
printed or in screen-readable e-book form, reading it in the natural sequence of pages is virtually
impossible. In short, one is forced to think carefully about each question in order to proceed with the
sequence of the right answers.
If a question is answered once or twice with a wrong answer, it is probable that the topic on
which the question relates constitutes a gap or that the topic has not been assimilated
properly. The mentor's goal of highlighting deficiencies in logical reasoning is achieved. The
reader then tries to understand why the answers given were wrong; explanations usually
clarify what errors of logical reasoning one has made, so by understanding the errors one
also understands how to reason logically.
If, on the other hand, the guided reading of the mentor proceeds well, it means that the reader has the
necessary knowledge and skills; he will take care of him, possibly, to point out if he has encountered
questions that have forced him to a lot of mental and material work to repeat the logical reasoning
carried out and will be able to acquire greater operational "ease". Again the goal of the mentor is
achieved; in fact, the reader has identified any weaknesses in him and has the opportunity to practice to
strengthen himself in the topics that have been the most difficult for him.
We hope that readers of this text will find the method followed in this mentor useful; we know
from experience that a book from about fifty years ago, set up in the same way as this mentor,
was very useful to the young people of the time. Today there are more modern means, but
learning is always based on individual cognitive experiences, exactly as it was then.
question 41 on page 67
Question 1
A company has delivered frozen food to your home and now it is necessary to pay the delivery
boy (or delivery boys) who physically carried out the task. Delivery was made with a van. Only
employees Aldo, Bruno, Ciro were available that day. Knowing that Ciro doesn't work if Aldo
doesn't work too and that Bruno doesn't know how to drive, then:
It's not the exact square; the law that generates the numbers on the sides and vertexes, internally or
externally to the figure is not identified.
☛to question 35 on page 55
Question 2
TO.6 ☛ page 72
b.12 ☛ page 70
c.10 ☛ page 44
d.8 ☛ page 36
AND.16 ☛ page 25
You can play ball before 1pm and after 4pm on non-holidays, but it's not compulsory! The
formulation error is generated by the shift in position of the logical connective NOT. Indeed:
The missing figure is not a hexagon; moreover it is not possible to find a law that binds the writing of
numbers on the sides and in the vertexes, internally or externally.
☛to question 35 on page 55
yesterday (Wednesday) I did NOT take a bath and went to the market
Question 3
A chemist, studying a solution that had turned orange, found that it contained sodium or
potassium (or both); he furthermore he observed that, ifNOTthere was sodium, there was iron,
and that, if there was potassium, there was also iodine.
Which of these situations can occur?
A. The solution contains only potassium and iron ☛ page 35
B. The solution contains only iron and iodine ☛ page 36
C. The solution contains sodium and potassium, and does not contain iodine ☛ page 45
D. The solution does not contain sodium or iodine ☛ page 25
E. The solution contains sodium only ☛ page 37
If the budget was not cut, the necessary and sufficient condition for prices to remain
stable was that all taxes should be raised, not just those of state employees.
☛to question 37 on page 59
• self And are on the same line, then < ,because, by definition, is the smallest of the
numbers in its row;
• self And are in the same column, then < ,because by definition, is the largest of
the numbers in its column;
• self And are neither on the same row nor in the same column, then by calling the
number that is on the same line as and in the same column as ,the relationship must
hold < < ,by definition of and of .
So < .
The particular case
1 2 1 2 1 2
⇒ ⟹3= =
(3 4) 1 3 3 3 4 3
Question 4
With which pair of numbers would you continue the following sequence of integers?
TO.40,80 ☛ page 69
b.46,64 ☛ page 70
c.40,67 ☛ page 72
d.37,44 ☛ page 18
AND.44,16 ☛ page 48
If there are two glasses on the table then it is certainly true that there is a glass on the table! Attention
the meaning of a sentence, in logic, does not necessarily correspond to the interpretation that can be
given to that sentence in common language.
☛to question 5 on page 11
Another is the correct answer! Wish they were only 5! Play to convince yourself!
☛to question 15 on page 27
With two archaebacteria time doesn't halve! If two archaebacteria are introduced into the pond, the
situation present on the second day is created by starting with only one archaebacteria.
☛to question 47 on page 74
The day before yesterday was Tuesday and Luigina had a bath, so she went to the market!
Question 5
Which of squares no mereyoufrom 1at 5 i knowstit u comes correctly the req containing adro The
point interrogative?
9 9 9 9
16 16 16
36 36
9 9 9 9
16 16 16
9 9 9 9
36 36
16 16 16
9 9 9 9
4444 44
16 16 16
4444 44
4444 44
16 16 16 64 144 100
4444 44
16 16 16
1 2 3 4 5
A. Square 5 ☛ page 24
B. The square 3 ☛ page 23
C. Square 1 ☛ page 61
D. Square 2 ☛ page 26
E. The square 4 ☛ page 19
The law of formation of the sequence of numbers has not been identified correctly.
☛to question 50 on page 77
If Luigina takes a bath on Tuesday then she goes to the market. She doesn't say, but if she takes a bath every Tuesday!
Question 6
Of the two brothers Romulus and Remus, one is always sincere and the other is always a liar. If
Romulus says that the mother of the two is called Silvia and Remo says that she is blonde, he deduces
with certainty that:
That's not the right answer: draw a chessboard and play to convince yourself!
☛to question 15 on page 27
The hypothesis
If Aldo and Bruno aren't paid, then Ciro made the deliveries, but Ciro only works with
Aldo's help…
☛to question 1 on page 7
The premise does not take away the hope that some honest and competent person exists, is a candidate and becomes
a parliamentarian!
Question 7
The cook Giovanni observes that when cooking the roast, if you don't use the gas oven,
the meat is either raw inside or burnt outside, or both.
So it follows that:
A. if the inside of the roast is well cooked, it was cooked in a gas oven ☛ page 17
B. if the roast is well cooked inside or is not burnt on the outside it
was cooked in a gas oven ☛ page 45
C. if the roast is well cooked inside and has not burnt on the outside, it
was cooked in a gas oven ☛ page 52
D. if the roast is raw inside it has not been cooked in the gas oven ☛ page 47
E. if the roast was cooked in an electric oven the meat is raw on the
inside and burnt on the outside ☛ page 33
but if Piero isn't breathing it doesn't necessarily mean that Piero isn't alive, he's dead. Piero
could, at that moment, hold his breath.
One of the two hypotheses of the question is:if you are few, you eat well
Therefore: • if you eat well Mr. Aquilotto CANNOT deduce how many we are eating:
few or many;
• if you eat badly Mr. Aquilotto can deduce that we are definitely NOT few.
If we interpret the question from the point of view of mathematical logic, place
=there are fewAnd =you eat well
so long as
TO.2 ☛ page 31
b.3 ☛ page 41
c.4 ☛ page 59
d.5 ☛ page 24
AND.6 ☛ page 57
14 = 7 ⋅ 2 + 0,29 = 14 ⋅ 2 + 1, 60 = 29 ⋅ 2 + 2,123 = 60 ⋅ 2 + 3
Question 9
Luigina says:
• on Tuesday, if I take a bath then I go to the market. The day before yesterday was Tuesday, and I had
a bath
• today I will go to the market and maybe I will also have a bath
The length dimension of the stick, i.e. 90 cm, exceeds one of the three dimensions indicated in the
standard 50 cm, 30 cm or 25 cm, therefore if you want to carry the stick in question with you, you
must pay an additional ticket. The information relating to the way the stick is held, i.e.
horizontally, is completely superfluous.
☛to question 14 on page 26
We are looking for a particular case that satisfies both the hypotheses of the question:
Question 43 - Answer C is wrong
The King does not listen to the Grand Chamberlain's advice to oppose the marriage only if the two young
people intend to get married in Superga. The bride and groom can therefore also choose the beautiful Basilica
of Superga to celebrate their wedding.
☛to question 43 on page 69
Only some reliable people (and therefore only some engineers) are involved in politics. So
only some engineers deal with politics.
☛to question 32 on page 52
Mr. Rossi is left-handed, but not all left-handed people are stabbers, much less murderers.
☛to question 40 on page 65
What are the relationships between the numbers 12 and 240 with the first or second sequence of numbers,
☛to question 11 on page 22
The correct answer is another: with a single 20 euro piece in the till, it would have a different total.
☛to question 36 on page 56
Question 11 - Answer C is correct
We identify the laws that generate the two sets of numbers, knowing that they can also be
Let's rewrite the numbers of the first row of the table:
1,3,6,10, ,21,28
The difference between a number and the one that precedes it grows as the sequence of natural
− 10 = 5 ⟹ = 15; 21 − = 6 ⟹ = 15
Let's rewrite the numbers of the second row of the table:
1,2,6,24,120, ,5040
The ratio between a number and the one that precedes it grows as the sequence of natural numbers:
The hypothesis
We know the pot roast is cooked well on the inside, but how is the outside?
The occurrence of only one of the two conditions does NOT guarantee that it was cooked in a gas oven
☛to question 7 on page 13
On Sundays it is NOT possible to play ball in the courtyard at any time of the day.
☛to question 27 on page 43
Question 21 - Answer D is wrong
At least one, but we're not sure it's all seven, fears not being among the top three!
I'm sorry, but the answer is not correct: it's easier to open the safe. Try to build the quads
that meet the conditions of the question.
☛to question 34 on page 54
The difference between the first term of each pair and the corresponding one of the preceding
pair grows as the sequence of odd numbers. Self is the first term of the pair:
The difference between the second term of each pair and that of the previous pair grows as the
sequence of even numbers.
It's not the right number of Cyrillic numbers; three or four examples are enough.
The number of small gray squares, within each large square, is a decreasing perfect square (16,9,4
,?).The only perfect square less than 4 is 1. We therefore expect only one gray square. The
numbers written in each small square are perfect, increasing squares (9,16,36,?). The only perfect
square greater than 36 among the possible choices is 144.
We can also see that the product of the number of small squares by the number written on each
small square is always 144 (that is, the sum of all the numbers present in each large square is
always 144).
☛to question 28 on page 44
Ruggiero cannot be behind the odd door 3, behind which a deadly dragon is hidden!
☛to question 19 on page 34
Agenore, who isn't out of tune, can listen to the blues and if so, he doesn't win the Lotto.
So this conclusion can be drawn from the premises; we are looking for a conclusion that is
surely false, and this is not.
☛to question 23 on page 38
Question 10
We have to color the 11 regions delimited by the 4 circles of the figure so that two
regions that have a common arc are not of the same color.
How many colors must we use at a minimum to meet this requirement?
A.4 ☛ page 51
B.6 ☛ page 24
C.2 ☛ page 58
Q. 5 ☛ page 44
E.3 ☛ page 10
he talks both about Paola and about his friends, other than Paola.
The hypothesis is denied not only if Paola likes coffee, but also if, in addition to Paola, at least one other friend
of Antonio's does not like coffee.
☛to question 48 on page 75
Question 40 - Answer A is wrong
either Paola likes coffee or there is someone among her friends, besides Paola, who doesn't like coffee
it takes into consideration only one of the two eventualities, compatible with the denial of
Antonio's affirmation.
☛to question 48 on page 75
In 30 days the pond fills up if there is only one archaea in the initial instant.
☛to question 47 on page 74
If with O, P, Q, R, S, we indicate the assets of Oronzo, Piero, Quirino, Rocco, Silvio, we can
write the following inequalities:
1 3 6 10 21 28
1 2 6 24 120 5040
The law in force on the bus requires the purchase of an additional ticket if you are carrying an
object that has at leastasize greater than the three indicated.
☛to question 14 on page 26
It's true: everyone who wins the Lotto does NOT listen to the blues!
With the logical implications we can reflect that
So: those who listen to blues music DO NOT win the Lotto
A survey shows that in Italy there are more married people than singles and more males than
From these data we can deduce that only one of the following statements is definitely
FALSE; Which?
Different numbers that can be obtained from algebraic sums of the required type is not this. Look for a logical
method that allows you to understand the type of numbers generated.
☛to question 16 on page 28
The law that generates the number of small squares has been understood, but the law of formation of the numbers
written on their face has not been identified.
There is one statement, among those proposed, that can be deduced from the hypotheses of the question, so this is
not it.
Does he own a television or refrigerator exactly the50%of the population over 55:
Question 10 - Answer B is wrong
It is allowed to play ball in the courtyard, except from 1.00pm to 4.00pm and on Sundays
which means that at 12 you can play ball in the courtyard, as long as it is NOT Sunday.
☛to question 30 on page 50
Totti pays, for each penalty saved by Buffon, more than he receives for each penalty scored; since he
receives 120 euros from Buffon, the number of penalties scored is higher than saved.
Totti has scored more than 6 penalties and Buffon has saved less than 6!
If the penalties saved by Buffon were 5, Totti would earn
(7 ⋅ 40 − 5 ⋅ 50)euros =30EUR
(8 ⋅ 40 − 4 ⋅ 50)euros =120EUR
The book is thinner! Look for a method, starting from particular cases (if the book had nine pages,
if it had 99...), which allows to identify the thickness of the book.
☛to question 28 on page 44
The law that generates the number of small squares has been understood, but the law of formation of the numbers
written on their face has not been identified.
Question 13
If the solution does not contain sodium it must have potassium and therefore also iodine.
Passengers are required to pay an additional ticket for each bag exceeding at
least one of the following dimensions:50cm×30cm× 25cm.
A. you must not pay an additional ticket for an item exceeding 50cm in
length, 30cm in height and 25cm in thickness ☛ page 42
B. no additional ticket is payable for a stick 90cm long and 2cm in
diameter when held horizontally ☛ page 15
C. no additional ticket is payable for a stick 90 cm long and 2 cm in
diameter ☛ page 77
D. you must not pay an additional ticket for an item exceeding 50cm in
length or 30cm in height or 25cm in thickness ☛ page 22
E. you do not have to pay an additional ticket for a balloon with a diameter of
20cm ☛ page 49
Tondolini Martionals
It could be true; to say that there are no Tondolini who are also Marziolani is equivalent to saying that
the set of Tondolini and that of the Marziolani are disjointed, and this is not incompatible with the
hypotheses of the question.
☛to question 29 on page 46
The chosen square is equal to the second of the ordered set of squares, but the third is not equal to the
first: so the squares do not appear to alternate!
☛to question 5 on page 11
Question 15
Two players, Aldo and Bruno, take turns placing their pawns on a chessboard3×3; the
pawns of the two players are equal, let's say all black.
The first player to complete a trio in a horizontal, vertical or one of the two
diagonal rows wins.
How many moves can the first player (Aldo) start the game with in order to
guarantee victory regardless of how Bruno plays?
A.8 ☛ page 49
B.1 ☛ page 48
C. 0, in the sense that Bruno can always respond appropriately and
guarantee victory ☛ page 12
Q. 5 ☛ page 10
E.9 ☛ page 60
This statement is compatible both with the conjecture and with its negation (if they are finite in
number, there is at least one): therefore it does not allow to refute or accept the conjecture.
☛to question 33 on page 53
Every well-structured question must have only one correct answer, but it's not this: 4 possibilities are
too many.
☛to question 34 on page 54
Question 16
Indicate how many different numbers can be obtained from algebraic sums of this type
±1 ±2 ±3 ±4 ±5
using all the digits from 1 to 5 and varying all the possible choices of the + or − signs (e.g
example: −1 − 2 + 3 + 4 + 5, 1 + 2 − 3 + 4 + 5,…).
A. 20 ☛ page 45
B. 24 ☛ page 23
C.31 ☛ page 73
Q. 16 ☛ page 78
E.32 ☛ page 73
The third digit is half of the fourth, so the fourth is even! It cannot be 4, but it must be
greater than 4 in order to have the three preceding digits smaller (the digits of the
combination of the safe are increasing).
• The fourth digit is 6. It cannot be 8, because in the third position there cannot be 4
• the second digit, less than 3, can be 2 or 1: zero can only occupy the first position
There are three possible combinations and three is the minimum number of attempts for Nonno Peperino:
The correct answer is another. Try to write some possible arrangements of the 5 numbers that satisfy the
premises; you will see that there are certainly more than six, even if you don't write them all.
☛to question 30 on page 50
Question 30 - Answer A is wrong
The correct answer is not this. Try to write some possible arrangements of the 5 numbers that satisfy the
premises; you will see that there are certainly more than three, even if you don't write them all.
☛to question 30 on page 50
From 13 to 16 it is NOT allowed to play ball in the courtyard, on any day of the week. So at 14 o'clock the
ball game in the courtyard is prohibited.
☛to question 27 on page 43
What relationship does the number 14 have with the other terms of the first sequence?
Since one dragon is behind an odd door, the other two cannot be behind an even door. Ruggiero
is therefore behind an even goal.
☛to question 19 on page 34
If it is false that Umberto has at least one blond son then Umberto has no children or has children, for
example, with red hair.
☛to question 49 on page 76
Question 17
Which of the boxes numbered 1 to 5 replaces the box marked with the question
1 2 3 4 5
A.1 ☛ page 28
B.2 ☛ page 80
C.3 ☛ page 18
Q. 4 ☛ page 41
E.5 ☛ page 23
The hypothesis
Question 8 - Answer A is correct
Kontakerikonta, while not knowing if the numbersIncrediblesthey are an infinite or finite quantity, formulate a
conjecture, a hypothesis about numbersIncrediblesif they are infinite in number. The pupil Rikontoijo discovers
that the conjecture is false, i.e. that the numbersIncrediblesare infinite, but do not have the property
hypothesized by Kontakerikonta: therefore prove thatIncredible numbers are infinite and none of them have
eight distinct prime factors.
☛to question 9 on page 15
A bit too many, a figure would have been used for each page and not a number per page!
Probably the concept of number has been confused with that of digits of a number!
☛to question 28 on page 44
What is the relationship between the number 240 and the other numbers in the second sequence?
Luigina herself says that on Tuesdays, if she takes a bath, then she goes to the market.
as the statement:
no Parisian is Italian; all Parisians speak French,
but it is not true that no Italian speaks French
it's true; we are, however, looking for the surely false reasoning!
☛to question 13 on page 25
Question 23 - Answer A is correct
Not stoned
You have been misled and, surely, you are in good company!
To be sure that there are two and only two glasses on the table, the statement should have said:
exactly two.
Are you sure there are two glasses, but it could be three, half a dozen…
☛to question 18 on page 33
If we find an easy counter example, we are sure of the statement < it is false. For example if the
table is:
1 2 1 2 1 2
⇒ ⟹3= =
(3 4) 1 3 3 3 4 3
If the first player takes 2 pebbles, 6 remain on the table and nothing prevents the second player from
winning by taking them all.
☛to question 51 on page 79
Question 18
The phraseThere are two glasses on the tableimplies that on the table:
The hypothesis
We know that at least one of the seven candidates fears not finishing in the top three, but we
don't know if anyone believes they are in the top three.
☛to question 21 on page 36
Question 19
The warrior Bradamante is found in a room in the shape of a regular hexagon, with doors numbered
in succession from 0 to 5. Behind each door is hidden one and only one of the following: three deadly
dragons, the beloved paladin Ruggiero, the hippogriff and the mocking wizard Atlas. If an even door
conceals a dragon, all even-numbered rooms conceal dragons. Behind door 4 the hippogriff paws,
while a dragon's tail peeps out from under the door opposite it.
The magician says:the sum of Ruggiero's gate and the two adjacent gates is 6. With
certainty Bradamante can say that:
(7 ⋅ 40 − 5 ⋅ 50)euros =30EUR
Question 20
Only one of the following propositions can be deduced from the premises. Which?
From the hypotheses of the question we know that the defendanthe vigorously defends himself by declaring his
innocence, but we don't know if he's telling the truth or if he's lying!
The answer speaks of a set of numbers not taken into consideration by the professor.
☛to question 26 on page 42
yesterday (Wednesday) Luigina didn't take a bath and went to the market.
Luigina says what she did yesterday, Wednesday, but she doesn't say what she generally does on Wednesdays and she doesn't
even tell us if, when she takes a bath on Wednesdays, she goes or doesn't go to the market
Question 21
In the primary elections for choosing the premier candidate of Burgundia, each of the
seven candidates is sure to be able to rank among the three with the most votes. To deny
this sentence is to affirm that:
A. there is at least one candidate who fears being among the three least voted ☛ page 65
B. there is at least one candidate who is not sure of being among the top three with
the most votes ☛ page 46
C. some of the seven candidates are sure of being able to rank among the three with
the most votes ☛ page 33
D. every candidate is sure that he will not be able to rank among the three with the most
votes ☛ page 18
E. each of the seven candidates fears being among the three least voted ☛ page 46
Count better.
☛to question 2 on page 8
If Bianchi is not left-handed, Lieutenant Piccione can deduce that Bianchi could not have stabbed the
victim, without excluding, however, that he could also be the murderer.
We remember that:
⟹ is equivalent to (NOT ) ⟹ (NOT )
Question 22
A survey carried out among all 1,000 inhabitants of the town of Sparagna over
the age of 55 shows that 40% of them own a refrigerator, 25% own a television,
and 15% own both.
So, in the town of Sparagna:
A. under 55 less than 40% of the population owns a
refrigerator ☛ page 62
B. less than 45% of the population over 55 owns a television or
refrigerator ☛ page 23
C. 50% of the population over the age of 55 owns neither a
television nor a refrigerator ☛ page 79
D. under 55 more than 25% of the population owns a
television ☛ page 78
E. More than 50% of the population over 55 has a television or
refrigerator ☛ page 39
• sodium
• sodium, iodine
• sodium, iron
What are the relationships between the numbers 14 and 240 with the first or second sequence of numbers,
☛to question 11 on page 22
Question 23
Given that:
• those who listen to rock or blues music are not out of tune
Question 24
I consider a square table formed by 4 different numbers and arranged in 2 rows each
composed of 2 numbers:
( )
• 1the smallest of the numbers in the first row
The number of Sparagna citizens over 55 with a television or refrigerator, taking into
account that 15% own both, is:
The answer is wrong because it predicts a strictly larger percentage than the50%! (more than 50%)
and not of50%.
☛to question 22 on page 37
Try counting the pages by dividing them into blocks, based on the digits of each of its numbers: pages from 1
to 9; from 10 to…
☛to question 28 on page 44
Question 25
The Lady she was strangled in her own living room. The commissioner he does not
believe that the accused of murder (who vigorously defends himself by declaring his
innocence) did not go to the victim's house in the interval of time in which she lost her life.
It can be deduced that:
If we find an easy counter example, we are sure of the statement = it is false. If the table is:
3 1 1 2 1 2
⇒ ⟹2= < =3
(2 4) 1 2 2 3 4 3
The stabber must be left-handed, but this does not mean that all left-handed people (for example
Mr. Rossi) are stabbers, much less murderers.
☛to question 40 on page 65
Consistent with the assumptions in the question, if the budget was not cut and all taxes
were raised then prices should remain stable.
☛to question 37 on page 59
Question 17 - Answer D is correct
If the symbols + + - - indicate how many rods must be turned on or off to display on the display
the number indicated beyond the = sign, with just two more auctions, 5 becomes 8!
☛on page 81
If with GC, N, CM, AM, ... we indicate the heritage of Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Charlemagne,
Alexander the Great, ... we can write the following inequalities:
Question 26
The great number theorist Kontakerikonta discovered numbersIncredibles; he does not yet
know if they are finite in number, but he made the following conjecture:
• if they are infinite, at least one of them must have 8 distinct prime factors
His student Rikontoijo carefully studying these numbers proves that Kontakerikonta's
conjecture is false.
So Rikontoijo proved that:
A. if the numbersIncrediblesare a finite quantity, none of them have 8
distinct prime factors ☛ page 66
B. if the numbersIncrediblesare a finite quantity, they all have 8
distinct prime factors ☛ page 35
C. the numbersIncrediblesthey are infinite ☛ page 74
D. the numbersIncrediblesare infinite and none of them has 8 distinct
prime factors ☛ page 31
E. the numbersIncrediblesare infinite and all have 8 distinct prime
factors ☛ page 47
The dimensions of the object indicated in answer A exceed the maximum dimensions indicated in
the standard. Therefore, an additional ticket must be paid for an object of dimensions exceeding
50 cm in length, 30 cm in height and 25 cm in thickness.
☛to question 14 on page 26
On Sundays there is NO ball playing in the courtyard, neither at 2.00 pm nor at any other time!
☛to question 27 on page 43
The Grand Chamberlain advises the King to oppose the marriage of the Princess to the Toad if the young
people intend to get married in the Basilica of Superga.
The King, not opposing the celebration of the marriage in any form, leaves the young people the
faculty to decide freely even the place of the marriage.
☛to question 40 on page 65
Question 27
In the entrance hall of an apartment building hangs a sign with the following notice:
If the first player takes 1 pebble, the second player wins the game by taking the 7
pebbles left on the table.
☛to question 51 on page 79
The King does not want to oppose the celebration of the marriage with any formality; young people can
decide to marry or not to marry, to get married in the Basilica of Superga or elsewhere.
☛to question 43 on page 69
Question 28
A total of 3301 digits were used to number the pages of a book. The
pages of the book are:
It is true that the number of days depends on the size of the pond, but knowing that with
one archaea it takes 30 days and that the pond is always the same, the time with two
archaea can be determined without knowing the size of the pond.
☛to question 47 on page 74
The missing figure is a square, but it's not the right one!
☛to question 35 on page 55
It's not possible: Bruno doesn't know how to drive and therefore needs a van driver.
☛to question 1 on page 7
Question 7 - Answer B is wrong
The hypothesis
Observe that the first number of each pair belongs to an increasing sequence, while the
second to a decreasing one.
☛to question 45 on page 72
Question 29
and bearing in mind that one cannot be both submissive and stubborn, he deduces that one
and only one of the following statementsNOTit can be true. Which?
There is at least one candidate who is NOT sure he ranks among the top three
There are two mistakes made in the formulation of the answer. We know that
1. at least one of the seven candidates fears NOT being among the top three, but we
are not sure that all seven fear NOT being in the top three
2. not being among the top three in the standings means placing among the four least voted
Romulus and Remus would both be liars: the hypotheses of the question ensure that only one of
them is a liar!
☛to question 6 on page 12
Question 29 - Answer C is correct
The affirmation is surely false: to say that all the Marziolani are Tondolini, is equivalent to saying that
the whole of the Marziolani is a subset of that of the Tondolini and therefore the stubborn Marziolani
are a subset of the NOT submissive Tondolini; therefore there are non-submissive Tondolini who are
☛to question 12 on page 23
3 1 1 2 1 2
⇒ ⟹2= < =3
(2 4) 1 2 2 3 4 3
Question 4 - Answer E is wrong
The answer is wrong. The second numbers of each pair appear to be arranged in ascending
☛to question 4 on page 10
Say there is a positive integer such that, for any number (prime or non-prime) with > , the
number + 2is not prime is equivalent to saying that prime numbers are finite!
☛to question 33 on page 53
It is a thought of common language, not logically deducible from the hypotheses of the question. It
could be a statement made between friends.
☛to question 48 on page 75
all males are of age and that at least one male is married.
At least oneit might meaneveryone, therefore we have no elements to say if there are celibate
☛to question 20 on page 35
The right answer to a question is always unique, but in this case it is another. Nonno Peperino
opens the safe with a maximum of two attempts only if he is lucky. Remember that Nonno
Peperino can also use zero.
☛to question 34 on page 54
The answer is wrong. It's better to try drawing a chessboard and do some simulations! Play
to convince yourself!
☛to question 15 on page 27
Question 30 - Answer B is wrong
The correct answer is another. Doesn't that seem like a lot to you? There are 24 permutations of four things in
any order, but if you put the two even numbers in only even places, and the odd numbers only in odd places,
you don't have that many permutations to do.
☛to question 30 on page 50
The diameter of the flask does not exceed any of the three dimensions indicated in the standard. Furthermore,
given its spherical shape, the ball can be contained in a box of dimensions 20 cm x 20 cm x 20 cm, i.e. having
dimensions that DO NOT exceed the three maximum dimensions indicated by the standard. Therefore, the
passenger who intends to transport a balloon with a diameter of 20 cm does not have to purchase an
additional ticket.
☛to question 37 on page 59
Neither number is right. It's not the correct law. The second number of the pair should
be between 19 and 13.
☛to question 45 on page 72
There are those who won less than Alexander the Great.
In each question only one is the correct answer and it is not this. There are many 8 possibilities but they are
not the right number. Play to convince yourself!
☛to question 15 on page 27
40 MPs were investigated and definitively convicted, the other 80 were not investigated
or, if investigated, were not definitively convicted. Choosing three parliamentarians at
random, we might just come across three politicians belonging to the group of 80.
Question 30
28 29 36 43 55
so that odds occupy an odd position and evens occupy an even position, in how
many different ways can this be done?
TO.3 ☛ page 29
b.24 ☛ page 49
c.12 ☛ page 80
d.5 ☛ page 50
AND.6 ☛ page 28
If we find an easy counter example, we are sure of the statement > it is false. Let's consider the
1 2 1 2 1 2
⇒ ⟹3= =
(3 4) 1 3 3 3 4 3
The King does not listen to the advice of the Grand Chamberlain and the princess and the toad can get married where
and when they want.
The right answer is another: with no 20-euro piece, you wouldn't have 195 euros in cash.
☛to question 36 on page 56
Only one of the answers is correct and not this one! Try to write some possible arrangements of the 5
numbers that satisfy the premises; you will see that there are certainly more than five, even if you don't write
them all.
☛to question 30 on page 50
Question 31
Only one of the two numbers of the pair is correct: the second.
☛to question 45 on page 72
It's not the right answer. He cannot have 4 20-euro pieces; what pieces should the remaining 115
euros consist of?
☛to question 36 on page 56
The hypothesis
It could be true; it is possible that half of the Tondolini about whom the text says nothing, but who are
non-submissive, are stubborn.
☛to question 29 on page 46
Question 33
If the hippogriff paws behind an even door, then the dragons must be behind the odd doors
(1, 3, 5). On the other hand, a dragon's tail peeks out behind door 1.
Ruggiero, therefore, must be behind an even door other than number 4, behind which the
hippogriff paws. Ruggiero is therefore behind door 0 or 2.
The mocking wizard Atlas does not provide other information, because the only three consecutive doors with
the sum of the three numbers 6 are the doors with numbers (5, 0, 1) or (1, 2, 3)
Atlante therefore confirms the information already in Bradamante's possession: Ruggiero is
behind the only even goal in each hat-trick: goal 0 or goal 2.
☛to question 1 on page 7
The data of the question authorize to conclude the veracity of one of the proposed interpretations and the
falsity of four others (including this one).
☛to question 43 on page 69
Question 34
NOTEWe commonly speak of combinations of a safe; in reality they are dispositions, because it is
important to remember not only the figures, but also their order.
liar Sincere oar the mother is not Silvia and she is blonde
sincere Remo liar the mother is Silvia and she is not blonde
So if the mother is blonde her name is not Silvia (and if her name is Silvia she is not blonde).
☛to question 17 on page 30
Question 35
Which of figures no eratand from 1 to 5 substitutes comes correctly the req containing adro The
point interrogative?
15 28 12 4 3
9 6
16 8 9
6 ?
3 4 3 9
6 3 20 4 6
42 6 6
24 64 12 4 96 72 12 4 6
4 4 54 30 4 6 6
144 16 16 8 120 48 16 8 6 6
4 12 4 66 18 6 6
72 24 4
80 4 4 12 4
6 6 6 6
1 2 3 4 5
A. Figure 2 ☛ page 67
B. Figure 3 ☛ page 8
C. Figure 4 ☛ page 7
D. Figure 5 ☛ page 43
E. Figure 1 ☛ page 44
If the first player takes 3 pebbles, the second player can take 5 and wins the game.
☛to question 51 on page 79
Playing is believing!
☛to question 51 on page 79
Question 36
Franco the tobacconist has 195 euros in cash and has no coins.
A customer asks him if he has to change 10, 20, 50 or 100 euros, but Franco reluctantly
replies no to all the requests.
How many 20-euro pieces does Franco have in the till?
A.1 ☛ page 16
B.4 ☛ page 51
C.3 ☛ page 62
Q. 2 ☛ page 63
E.0 ☛ page 50
.batt. g. 1 g. 2 g. 3 g. 4 … g. 29 g. 30
228 pond
1 1 2 4 8 …
We repeat the calculation with two bacteria, knowing that the full pond must contain229archaea.
.batt. g. 1 g. 2 g. 3 g. 4 … g. 28 g. 29
228 pond
2 2 4 8 16 …
We can observe that, starting with two archaebacteria on the first day, the number of
bacteria of any day is what there would be, with only one initial archaebacteria, the following
day. Then the pond fills up after 29 days.
☛to question 48 on page 75
The hypothesis
he says that
1.)Paola likes coffee as well as any other friend of Antonio's, other than Paola
2.)Paola likes coffee and there is at least one other friend of Antonio's, other than Paola, who doesn't
like coffee
3.)Paola doesn't like coffee and there is at least one other friend of Antonio's, other than Paola, who doesn't
like coffee
According to the hypothesis of the question, if the budget was not cut and all taxes were not
raised, prices should not remain stable. Prices would have remained stable if and only if taxes had
☛to question 37 on page 59
The first number of each pair seems to be obtained by adding, to the previous one, a power of 2,
in an increasing way:
Question 20 - Answer A is wrong
So at least one male in the family is married, but we are not sure that all males are
☛to question 20 on page 35
If Buffon saved 6 penalties, Totti would have lost 60 euros: in fact, Totti pays Buffon 10 euros
more for each penalty saved than he receives from Buffon for each penalty scored!
☛to question 39 on page 64
Let's proceed empirically: let's start from any area and color it with color 1. We insert a new
color if and only if we are forced to!
Question 37
If the budget is not cut, then next year 2006 prices will remain stable
if and only if we raise all taxes
Assuming the absolute truth of this statement and relying only on it, what could
have happened in Matlandia in 2006?
A. The budget was not cut; all taxes were raised and prices
remained stable ☛ page 72
B. The budget was not cut; all taxes were raised and prices
rose ☛ page 40
C. The budget was not cut; taxes were not raised and
prices remained stable ☛ page 57
Q. The budget was not cut; taxes were raised only on the
salaries of state employees and prices remained stable ☛ page 9
E. The budget was not cut, and prices still rose ☛ page 64
Question 49 - Answer B is correct
It is not the correct answer: less attempts are enough for Nonno Peperino, if he thinks correctly and
remembers all the conditions.
☛to question 34 on page 54
Observe that the game choices have an evident symmetry: it is indifferent to place the first pawn
• (1,1),(1,3),(3,1),(3,3)
• (1,2),(2,1),(2,3),(3,2)
Let us therefore consider only one case.
• Aldo has the victory in the pocket, whatever Bruno's move, if he places his first pawn
in (2,2).
• If Aldo places his first pawn in a cell of the outer edge, corner (for example in (1,1))
or central (for example in (1,2)),he has the possibility of winning with his second or
third pawn, whichever cell Bruno chooses.
– If Bruno places his first piece in such a way that the two pieces on the board
are aligned with each other horizontally, vertically or diagonally: that's it!
– If Bruno places his first pawn so that it is neither horizontally, vertically, nor
diagonally aligned with his partner's first pawn, Aldo must place his second
pawn in the only empty cell located at the intersection of two lines (one
horizontal and one vertical) that do NOT have checkers yet and… he doesn't
win on his second move, but on the third.
The selected square contains too many small squares. It would be fine if the square with the
question mark was first.
☛to question 5 on page 11
people who deal with
From the hypotheses of the question we deduce that reliable people are engineers and that some reliable
people (therefore some engineers) are involved in politics.
☛to question 6 on page 12
It could be true; nothing prevents the number of Marziolani and Tondolini from being the same and that they
are even the same set of people, described by different adjectives (submissive, stubborn ..), but compatible
with each other.
☛to question 29 on page 46
Question 12 - Answer C is wrong
To prove that a certain statement is DEFINITELY NOT false, it suffices to find at least
one particular case in which that statement is TRUE.
Let's rewrite the assumptions of the question:
30 MPs in their first term 90 par. one term after the first
40 par. investigated and convicted 80 par. not inq. or do not condemn def.
Since only 30 MPs are in their first term and 40 are definitively convicted, even if all the
new MPs had been convicted, necessarily at least 10 MPs, not of the first nomination,
were investigated and definitively convicted.
☛to question 42 on page 68
It's not the correct answer. If you had three €20 pieces, which tickets would make up the
remaining €135?
☛to question 36 on page 56
The hypotheses of the question do not provide information on citizens of Sparagna under the age of 55!
Question 38
Playing Risk, Julius Caesar won more than his nephew Augustus, but not Napoleon.
Alexander the Great won less than Charlemagne, but more than Napoleon.
Who won the least?
A. Charlemagne ☛ page 32
B. Alexander the Great ☛ page 49
C. Napoleon ☛ page 45
D. Augustus ☛ page 41
E. Julius Caesar ☛ page 11
The hypotheses of the question ensure that all university graduates are single, but not that all singles are university graduates.
How manypiecesfrom 5 euros, from 10 euros.... can you have Franco at the till, so as not to be able to satisfy the
customer's requests?
• 5 euro tickets: he must have one and only one to not be able to change 10 euros
• 10 euro tickets: he can have none or at most one, otherwise he could change 20 euros
The missing 40 euros can only be the sum of two 20-euro tickets.
☛to question 34 on page 54
Question 39
At the end of a training session for the national team, Totti and Buffon make the following bet:
Totti will take 12 penalties and Buffon will try to save them. For every penalty saved, Totti will
give Buffon 50 euros, while for every penalty scored, Buffon will give Totti 40 euros. After this,
the series of penalties is carried out at the end of which Totti must receive 120 euros from
How many penalties has Buffon saved?
A. 9 ☛ page 49
B.5 ☛ page 34
C.6 ☛ page 58
Q. 4 ☛ page 24
E.12 ☛ page 77
Romulus would certainly be a liar and the hypotheses of the question do not give us this certainty: one of the
two is a liar, but we don't know who!
☛to question 6 on page 12
Adding any Cyrillic number with itself, for the first property, I find a cyril. If to the new
result add again ,a new cyril is generated. I repeat the procedure times, and I find the
number :
= + +⋯+ = ⋅
is a Cyrillic number for the first property, ma it is not cyril for the second property. The
number of numberscirilli is zero (!)
☛to question 3 on page 9
The proposed statement is true: a rhombus is a quadrilateral with 4 sides congruent to each other and
pairwise parallel; the square is a particular rhombus with four angles all congruent to each other. The
question looks for the surely false statement!
☛to question 13 on page 25
The proposed answer, while stating that the budget was not cut, does not provide information on what
was decided about the taxes! So we cannot deduce whether prices remained stable or not.
☛to question 37 on page 59
Question 40
Lieutenant Piccione, during his investigations into a murder, ascertained these two facts:
If Bruno is paid, then with him was the driver who cannot be Aldo (unless Aldo works for
free). But if Ciro is the driver then Aldo is there too… who has to be paid.
☛to question 1 on page 7
Question 25 - Answer E is correct
The commissioner you don't believe the murder defendant didn't go to the victim's home…
the commissioner believes the defendant went to the home of in the time frame in which the
herself lost her life.
,therefore, it also takes into consideration that the defendant may be the murderer.
☛to question 27 on page 43
If in the Republic of Arraffa it is false that all parliamentarians are honest and competent, then it is true
that there is at least one parliamentarian who is not honest or is not competent.
☛to question 25 on page 40
It could be true; from the conditions of the problem we have no information to exclude that in
reality the Tondolini are a subset of the Marziolani, with the same characteristics.
☛to question 29 on page 46
The reasoning proposed is true: if Mario were a professor, he would have a register. We must,
however, find the statement definitely false. We interpret the proposed deductions with
mathematical logic:
⟹ is equivalent to (NOT ) ⟹ (NOT )
professor⟹registeris equivalent toI DO NOT register⟹NOT professor.
☛to question 13 on page 25
Question 41
• If one agrees to think of the numbers written on the outside of the polygon as positive, both on the sides and on
the vertexes, and those on the inside as negative, one can identify the law that links them: the number on the
vertex is the algebraic sum of the numbers written on the sides, positioned internally if negative, externally if
positive, according to the established convention.
In fact, if we analyze the vertices of the first triangle:
15 = 9 + 6; 3 = 6 − 3; 6 = −3 + 9
28 = 16 + 12; 4 = 12 − 8; −4 = −8 + 4; 20 = 4 + 16
3 = 9 − 6; −9 = −6 − 3; 6 = −3 + 9
Question 42
= 1 ∶ ∀ > 1, ∈ ℙ ⟹ + 2 ∉ ℙ
Then prime numbers of type + 2they do not exist. The denial of the conjecture does not state that they do not
exist, but that they are finite.
☛to question 33 on page 53
Not stoned
Question 43
The King did not respect the advice of the Grand Chamberlain to oppose the celebration of the
marriage of the Princess with the Swan Neck to the toad she loved, should the young people
insist on celebrating the rite in the Basilica of Superga.
Princesses, at least those in fairy tales, follow their father's will. What do you
A. The princess and the toad can get married, if they wish, in the
Basilica of Superga ☛ page 42
B. The Princess and the Toad are not getting married ☛ page 50
C. The princess and the toad will be able to get married, but not in the Basilica of
Superga ☛ page 16
D. The data of the problem do not authorize to conclude the veracity of
any of the proposed interpretations ☛ page 53
E. The princess and the toad will necessarily get married in the
Basilica of Superga ☛ page 43
Give an example and you will see that the right answer is another.
There is only one correct answer for every well-formulated question, but this is not the correct answer.
The law of formation of pairs of numbers has not been identified. Indeed, what relation does 40 have to
the sequence of the first numbers of the previous pairs, and 80 to the sequence of the second numbers
of the previous pairs?
☛to question 4 on page 10
Question 25 - Answer C is wrong
The commissioner believes the defendant went to the home of in the interval of time in
which she lost her life.
From the hypotheses, however, we have no information to know whether the commissioner considers
him the strangler or not.
☛to question 25 on page 40
There are 30 MPs in their first term; 40 MPs have been investigated and definitively
sentenced. We have no information on the fact that none of the 30 first-time MPs is in
the group of 40.
☛to question 44 on page 71
2 4 3
1 2
3 4
2 1
1 2
4 + 2 + 2 + 4 = 12
Umberto may not have children or may have children, for example, with black hair.
☛to question 49 on page 76
The answer to a question is always unique: unfortunately there is another correct answer! In fact, what
relationship does 46 have with the sequence of the first numbers of the previous pairs, and 64 with the
sequence of the second numbers of the previous pairs?
☛to question 4 on page 10
Question 44
Of the 120 Allegrandia parliamentarians, it is known that a third has been investigated by the
judiciary and definitively sentenced and three quarters are in their second (or in any case, not their
first) parliamentary term. It can be concluded that:
To disprove the conjecture is to prove that the denial of the conjecture is true. We rewrite the
Prime numbers , such that + 2is a prime number, they are infinite
The denial of the conjecture becomes:
Prime numbers , such that + 2is a prime number, they are finite in number
that is, by taking increasingly larger positive numbers into consideration, from a certain moment on we
no longer encounter prime numbers that satisfy the property of the conjecture.
The negation of the conjecture can be rewritten by substitutingfrom some point on…with: there is
an integer such that, whatever is the prime number with > , And + 2it is not first.
The conjecture we have been discussing is the famous dei conjecturetwin primesPrime numbers that are 2
units apart from each other.
Examples of numberstwin primesI am:
but also
694 513 810 ⋅ 22304±1,1 159 142 985 ⋅ 22304±1
Question 45
Indicate which of the pairs of numbers indicated should be inserted instead of the dots in the
following sequence
A. 24, 74 ☛ page 76
B.19, 11 ☛ page 45
C.15, 15 ☛ page 51
D. 17, 15 ☛ page 57
E. 23, 13 ☛ page 49
There is only one correct answer for every well-formulated question! In fact, what relationship does 40 have
with the sequence of the first numbers of the previous pairs, and 67 with the sequence of the second numbers
of the previous pairs?
☛to question 4 on page 10
The budget was not cut, all taxes were raised, so prices remained stable. By the
laws of mathematical logic:
equivalent to
⟹ And ⟹
Question 46
• the product of two Cyrillic numbers (even equal ones) is not a Cyrillic
His student Son Pyooh Foorb, carefully studying these numbers, discovered how many cyrils
there are, and precisely he deduced that the number of cyrils is:
A.3 ☛ page 18
B. 0 ☛ page 64
C.1 ☛ page 69
Q. 4 ☛ page 7
E. infinity ☛ page 41
It is true that the total combinations of the five signs + and − are232, but many combinations of signs do
not lead to different results.
☛to question 16 on page 28
Every number has its opposite (try to write some of them) and zero cannot be obtained. Therefore, only an
even number of cases can be obtained from algebraic sums of the type indicated.
☛to question 16 on page 28
The 30 first-term MPs (a quarter of MPs) could all be virtuous or NOT have been
definitively convicted. In fact, 40 out of 120 are definitively sentenced and they could all
be parliamentarians with a term after the first (80 out of 120).
☛to question 44 on page 71
We have no information to deduce that there are also two cups of coffee on the table.
☛to question 18 on page 33
Question 47
Archaebacteria are single-celled organisms that live in ponds and reproduce by fission (ie
each bacterium divides in two and forms two other equal bacteria).
If an archaebacterium is introduced into a certain pond, it reproduces by fission only
once every day, and after 30 days the surface of the pond is completely covered by
How many days will it take for the surface of the same pond to be completely
covered if two archaea are initially introduced?
A. 30 days ☛ page 21
B. 28 days ☛ page 74
C. 29 days ☛ page 56
D. depends on the surface area of the pond ☛ page 44
E. 15 days ☛ page 10
The formulation of the answer is wrong because it does not give information on the
factorization of numbersIncredibles, none of which must have 8 distinct prime factors. This
information is essential to prove Kontakerikonta's conjecture false.
☛to question 26 on page 42
Romulus would be sincere and Remus a liar: we know that only one of the two is sincere but we don't
know who. It could be Remo the sincere brother.
☛to question 6 on page 12
All and only engineers are reliable people; some reliable person deals with politics, then
some engineer deals with politics.
☛to question 32 on page 52
28 days are too few, because only half of the pond is covered.
☛to question 47 on page 74
Question 48
We count the number of digits needed to number the pages of the book.
Question 49
The hypothesis
The delivery is made with a van, so Aldo or Ciro must be driving. If Ciro is there, Aldo must
be there too (be aware that Aldo could make deliveries without Ciro): therefore Aldo is
certainly present. We can't know if Ciro or Bruno is there too, but Aldo is certainly paid,
because he is present.
☛to question 50 on page 77
Neither number is exact. Reflect and look for another law of formation of pairs of numbers.
The first number of each pair belongs to an increasing sequence, while the second to a
decreasing one.
☛to question 45 on page 72
Question 50
7 14 29 60 123
If Buffon had saved 12 penalties, Totti would have given him 600 euros.
☛to question 39 on page 64
To win, the only strategy could be to leave the second player 4 pebbles on the table,
but… to leave 4, the first player would have to take 4 and this is prevented by the rule.
All that remains is to resign: the first player, whatever move he makes, loses.
☛to question 21 on page 36
The length dimension of the stick, i.e. 90 cm, exceeds one of the three dimensions indicated in
the standard, 50 cm, 30 cm or 25 cm, therefore if you want to carry the stick in question with you,
you must pay an additional ticket.
☛to question 14 on page 26
Question 16 - Answer D is correct
• Each number is the algebraic sum of two even numbers; (±2,±4)and of three odd (±1,±3,±5),
so it is an odd number;
• the greater of the numbers is 1= 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15which corresponds to the smaller of the numbers
2= −15;
• let's verify that all the odd numbers between − can be obtained15And15.
to)15 = +1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
b)13 = −1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
c)11 = +1 − 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
d)9 = +1 + 2 − 3 + 4 + 5or9 = −1 − 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
And)7 = +1 + 2 + 3 − 4 + 5or7 = −1 + 2 − 3 + 4 + 5
f)5 = −1 + 2 + 3 + 4 − 5or5 = +1 − 2 − 3 + 4 + 5…
g)3 = −1 + 2 + 3 + 4 − 5or3 = −1 − 2 − 3 + 4 + 5…
h)1 = +1 − 2 + 3 + 4 − 5or1 = −1 + 2 − 3 − 4 + 5…
In all, therefore, there are 16 different numbers, all odd between -15 and 15, 8 positive and 8
☛to question 14 on page 26
The survey carried out in Sparagna involved 1,000 inhabitants over the age of 55. We don't know
how many, under the age of 55, have a television.
☛to question 22 on page 37
Question 51
Two players take turns taking pebbles with the only rule being that neither 4 nor 8
can be taken.
The player who manages to get the last pebble wins.
If initially there are 8 pebbles, how many must the first player take to be able to
guarantee victory, assuming that in the following moves each player does not make
any mistakes?
A. Whichever number he picks, he will always win ☛ page 55
B. Whichever number he hits, he will always lose ☛ page 77
C.1 ☛ page 43
Q. 2 ☛ page 32
E.3 ☛ page 55
Since in Sparagna half of the citizens over the age of 55 who have a television or a
refrigerator or both are:
400 + 250 − 150 = 500 ⟹ 50%
the other half of the population, i.e. the50%,it has neither television nor
refrigerator. Let's visualize the situation with a Venn diagram scheme.
no fridge or TV
25% and television 10%
refrigerator only only television
Question 48 - Answer A is wrong
either Paola likes coffee or there is someone among her friends, besides Paola, who doesn't like coffee
The proposed answer only considers the case in which Paola likes coffee too and not the possibility that
there are some other friends who don't like it, given that Fabio claims that Antonio is wrong.
☛to question 48 on page 75
The 3 becomes 5 by turning on an auction again on the display and turning off another.
A set of 5 integers is given, three of which are odd and two are even. In the first position we can
put any of the three odd numbers (29, 43, 55); in second position, for each of the three odd
numbers, we can choose between the two even numbers (28, 36). Cases then become
In third position, for each of the previous six cases, we still have two choices between the two
remaining odd numbers. Possible cases become
3 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 2 = 12
For the fourth and fifth position we NO longer have the possibility to choose, but we have to complete
each sequence with the only remaining even and the only remaining odd.
☛to question 4 on page 10
You have finished reading the mentor booklet.