Lec 27

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Solar Energy Technology

Prof. V. V. Satyamurty
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Lecture - 27
Exercise I (Contd.)

(Refer Slide Time: 00:27)

We were trying to solve some problems in the last class, what I called exercise 1. We
shall continue with that exercise and the problem is 1.7, possibly I have covered it, but
nevertheless I should go through it quickly. The idea is to estimate the R b the
conversion factor from horizontal radiation to the tilted radiation. For a character with
the slope of phi plus 15 degrees or equal to phi degrees or phi minus 15 from horizontal
or south facing in New Delhi location at 9 30 am on March twenty first, twenty third and
December twenty third. So, these dates were chosen the first one is the (( )) day
declination is 0, and June has the maximum positive declination and December has the
maximum magnitude by its negative declination.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:43)

So, in general we want beta equal to phi plus 15 degrees and beta equals to phi and beta
equal to phi minus 15 degrees. So, you can find out that the slope is plus 15 degrees, I
can expect this to be a better orientation for winter in general or let us say November,
December, January because the Sun’s rays are pretty much lower and if you have a
higher slope, then they will be near normal incidence whereas this will be desirable for

Beta is equal to phi is sort of a compromise for the broad year list collection, which we
shall do or calculate later. It is given for Delhi phi as 28.56 degrees minutes I think and
time 9:30 corresponds to omega of minus 37.5 and March dates are plus or minus does
not matter, delta is 0 and June delta is positive 23.45 and December 23, you have
declination of minus 23.45. So I will go through these numbers quickly, so that we can
conclude something out of this exercise.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:33)

So, R b for a south facing surface is the angle of incidence for the south facing surface
cos phi minus beta, cos delta, cos mega plus sine phi minus beta, sine delta over cos phi
cos delta, cos omega plus sine phi sine delta. First we take a March with delta equals to 0
and if beta equal to phi plus 15 degrees phi minus beta is minus 15 and R b is I had done
the calculation last time 1.09 sorry, 1.09. So, this is for beta phi plus March and so you
can fill in the numbers and find out that they are okay. Second case, so this one, two this
is say may call it A March, so beta equal to phi and R b turns out to be 1.09 and this (( ))
with is the same. We can check out that algebra little later or say arithmetic. For different
reasons it does not mean the same, you can just check because delta being 0 or phi minus
beta being 0.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:11)

And then you have the third case, June twenty third delta is 23.45 beta. So, when you
have got, let me repeat I am sorry, when beta is equal to phi your R b is 1.138, it cannot
be the same as beta equals to phi plus 15. The third case is beta is equal to phi minus 15
for which R b is equal to 1.09. So, the phi plus 15 and phi minus 15, they give you the
same arbitrary factor in the month of March, because declination is 0. This will not
happen is declination is non-zero.

(Refer Slide Time: 07:45)

So, we go to the next date June twenty third and declination is 23.45, first case being
beta phi plus 15 or phi minus beta equal to minus 15 and R b you will have a low value
less than 1.725. We have lots of these number and I am just repeating of some reason
which you will come to know towards the end of this problem. For the second case of
beta is equal to phi you have this slight liberator 0.785. Please go through this arithmetic
calculation simple calculation, which we had done in detail last class so you can again
check it out and you will find if there is a difference or qualitatively, I do not think there
will be much difference.

(Refer Slide Time: 09:30)

Phi minus 15 and this gives rise to R b 0.9717. One thing that has come out clearly
compared to March twenty first, June twenty third has poorer R b for these orientations.
If you go to December 23, twenty third with the definition of minus 23.45, for the first
case of phi minus beta equal to minus 15 you will have R b 1.79 and then if the second
case beta is equal to the latitude phi or you have R b equal to 1.63. If you have third one,
phi minus beta equal to plus 15, then R b is 1.34. So, all this calculation we have done
just it is essentially for continuity
(Refer Slide Time: 10:39)

If I set up a table in summary or the time is 9:30 am location New Delhi, so latitude is 20
sorry 28 degrees 34 minutes North and day we are considering March 21. Then June 23
and December 23. So, you have beta phi plus 15 beta equal to phi and beta equal to phi
minus 15 with the corresponding values of 1.09, 1.138 and 1.09 and 0.725, 0.8785 and
0.9717 versus 1.79, 1.623 and 1.34. What comes out distinctly is that in tilt factors or
negative declination or higher than those values for positive declination A and this is
because delta is 0 phi plus 15 and phi minus 15 they have the same values, right?

Basically what it means is that, if this is a solar connector and if this is the out of normal,
now phi plus 15 may have a ray like this and phi minus 15 may have a ray like this, but
still this theta remains the same. Consequently you have the same answer for R b
whether beta is phi plus 15 or phi minus 15 So, in two dimensional view it looks like
there is a ray in one line, but that ray could be a pencil and a core disturbing the same
angle. Of course, phi plus 15 and December declination you have the highest, 1.79. So, if
you have set an horizontal radiation, even if it is 1.7 times, 1.2 times the December
value, you have a pretty good inclination factor, if you choose the right slope.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:44)

So, we will go to problem number 1.8. So, what is the extraterrestrial radiation on a
horizontal surface I 0 at Chennai, whose latitude is 13 degrees North. June will be over
10:30 to 11:30. Now, I shall go back to the previous problem after finished this, this time
reminded me of something that I can tell you, so declination for this Chennai will be
23.45 on that day rather any location sine 360 times 284 plus n by 365 or that equals to
minus 20.9 or say as January 15 n is equal to 15, this is almost a mean declination. So, I
0 for 10:30 to 11:30 my omega 1 will be minus 22.5 and omega 2 will be minus 7.5
degrees, right? 11:30 corresponds to minus 7.5 half an hour before the solar noon; this is
one and half hours before the solar noon. So, this will be minus 22.5 and 7.5 as per our
(Refer Slide Time: 15:50)

So, I 0 I will repeat the formula, so that you will remember a better, little better. So,
tolerant is 3600 by pi times a solar constant G s c, tangent variation 0.033 cos 360 n by
365 times cos phi cos delta sine omega 2 minus sine omega 1 plus 2 pi omega 2 minus
omega 1 by 360. So, this omega 2 and this omega 1 are degrees. Since, I am using pi phi
variety or 2 pi 60 as the conventional type sine phi sine delta. So, this is if you this will
be 12 times 3600 multiply by 1353 this is the value I used for G s c 1353 watts per meter
square by pi 22 by 7, so it goes to the numerator multiplied by 1 plus 0.033 cos 360 into
n is 15 by 3654 times cos sine pi cos delta times sine omega 2 minus sine omega 1 plus 2
pi into omega 2 minus, which becomes plus 22.5 omega 1 by 360 times sin phi times
sine delta. So, you can check up each number and pause your videos and check up
whether the formula is written or not and then you can calculate.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:58)

So, if you make this long calculation answer will be I 0, 4.0747 mega joules per meter
square hour according to our rotation. So, this is what you will get, now we are also to
calculate what is its 0 for January 15 New Delhi? So, this I need the sunset hour angle
omega s will be cos s minus tan or 13 tan delta, which is minus 20.9. This is the location
is Chennai so 13 degrees, so sorry.

(Refer Slide Time: 21:25)

So you have got this omega s is point sorry 84.96 degrees, so you can understand that
this is January, but it is low latitude, so you almost have 90, but less than 90 it should be.
H 0 will be 24 into 3600 multiply by solar constant 1353 by pi 2 by 7 or times 1 cos
0.033 cos 1160 into 15 that is n by 365 multiplied by cos phi cos delta sine omega s plus
twice 22 by pi times omega s by 362 pi by 360 sine phi times sine delta.

So, this comes true, 30.20 phi mega joules per meter square take. So, you can check up
from standard textbooks or the extraterrestrial deviation tabulated at intervals of 10
degrees might be 10, 20, 30, 40 and by interpolation between 10 and 20. You can check
whether this is or not for Chennai, which is 13 degrees. The name is location is Chennai
we are choosing, otherwise what really matter only is the latitude 13 degrees and the day
we have considered not the physical date or location.

(Refer Slide Time: 22:54)

So, we will go to problem 1.9.

(Refer Slide Time: 22:59)

This is if the horizontal daily radiation in the above problem as usual measure to be 19.8
mega joules per day, what is the daily clearance index?

(Refer Slide Time: 23:15)

1.9 given as per our rotation hitch equal to 19.8 mega joules per meter square a day and
you are required to calculate daily clearance index capital K T and capital K T is H upon
H 0 from 1.8 problem H 0 is 30.205 mega joules per meter square K. So, your clearance
index K T will be H by H 0, which is 19.8 by 30.205 equals to 0.6555.
So, it is not that it is a a great calculation or problem, but the problems in your course or
in reality or in the exams can be formatted in different ways. For example, without 1.8
and given that the global radiation horizontal surface 19.8 was the clearance index? The
whole idea is you will have to calculate 80 also to get the clearance index K T.

(Refer Slide Time: 25:24)

So, now we go to the next problem 1.10, so if the global radiation on a horizontal surface
has been found to be 1.8 mega joules per meter square per per hour 10 to 11 at a location
of latitude 40 degrees on January 15, find the hourly clearance index. Like I was
mentioning this problem has been modified to take care of the hourly factor rather than
the daily.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:00)

So, as per our rotation we are given I equal to 1.8 mega joules per meter square hour, the
day time is 10 to 11 am. This we will come to our angles at a location of latitude 40
degrees and day is January fifteenth. So, the formula is first you have to find out as 0
should be equal to 12 into 3600 by pi G s c and 1.033 cos 360 n by 365 times cos phi cos
delta times sine omega 2 minus sine omega 1 plus 2 pi omega 2 minus omega 1 by 360
times sin phi sine delta. Same formula we have used.

(Refer Slide Time: 27:58)

So, the latitude pi is 40 degrees and delta is the mean declination for the month of
January is minus 20.9 or you can calculate delta is equal to 23.45 sine or 284 plus n by
360 phi whatever multiply it by 360, check. So, declination for January 15 is minus 20.9
you can plug it in this, if this formula slightly wrong you correct it. I think it is right. So,
n omega 1 will be 30 degrees minus and omega 2 is minus 15 degrees. So, the time is 10
to 11, 11 o’clock will correspond to minus 15 and 10 o’clock will correspond to minus
30. So, omega 1 is minus 30 and omega 2 is minus 15.

So, I 0 if you plug in all this numbers comes out to be 2.1677 mega joules per meter
square hour. So, we are also required to find out the clearance index, so and I guess this
is even if you say 2.17 mega joules per meter square hour. In fact my professor used to
direct some of us if you give too many decimals because there is no way of measuring so
accurately, simply because the calculator is giving do not put 8 to 12 decimal places for
solar mg 2 to 3 are more than adequate. Your K T is your I 1.8 by 2.17. Please calculate
this, I just thought I (( )), it but forgot to do this simple division.

(Refer Slide Time: 30:53)

Now, we shall go to problem 1.11. Estimate the ratio of beam radiation on a surface 45
degrees towards to the South to get on an horizontal surface, if your created at a latitude
of 40 degrees or March first a at noon time and b at 3:30, so it is a straight forward
calculation of R b, right?
(Refer Slide Time: 31:28)

So, this is going to tell us something 1.11 latitude is 40 degrees and slope beta is
45degrees and March 1 and at noon and at 3:30 pm. So, declination is 23.45 sine 284
plus 31 plus 28 because this is March first 31 days for the Month of January and 28 for
the month of February, so it will be I can even put 29 it does not matter upon 365 times
360. I think in the previous example, I was forgetting this 284, but you can correct it.

So, 23.45 times sin 338.30 which comes to minus 8.6 degrees. This is quite because this
is March first before the equinoctial day, it should be negative and we got a reasonable
low negative number minus 8.6 degrees.
(Refer Slide Time: 33:14)

And at noon time, which means omega joule 0 for noon time, so my R b will be cos phi
minus beta cos delta cos omega plus sine phi minus beta sine delta upon cos phi, which
is 40 cos delta times cos 0, which is omega plus sine phi sine delta. This comes to 1.538.
Now, you find that a beta is close to 40, omega is of course noon time, the best south
oriented surface and the declination is pretty low in the sense that it is close to
equinoctial date. So, we found in the (( )) phi minus beta is equal theta is an optimal
orientation. So, similarly here you have got phi pretty close to beta and pretty close to the
equinoctial day, so you have got a fairly high R b at noon time.

(Refer Slide Time: 35:18)

So, now the next one is omega 3:30, which comes to 52.5 so 1 o’clock is 15, 2 o’clock is
30, 3 o’clock is 45 plus 7.5 for 3:30 So, R b same step cos phi minus beta cos delta cos
omega plus sine phi minus beta sine delta upon cos phi cos delta cos omega plus sine phi
sine delta this is 1.8. So, the R b factor is pretty high at this omega is equal to 52.5. In
fact it is more than 1.538. So, please check the calculation once again, it may be quite
right, but I believe at 3:30 it may not be higher than what it is at the noon time, unless
your 10 minus 45 that phi minus beta is making a different situation, all right? You just
check it out or I also have a number here 1.66, so I will give you a clarification in the
next class, which one is the correct one? Whether 1.66 or 1.88?

(Refer Slide Time: 37:56)

So, from these exercises what we get is calculation of extra terrestrial is 0 or H 0 or the
declination for a given day and solar time and the angle of incidence for different
orientation and clearance index on a deviated list on a hourly basis. Then the R b factors,
so which we found a pattern that you are in general.
(Refer Slide Time: 39:20)

If you appropriately orient your collector R b will be high in winter. Of course, clearance
index has something to do with this solar radiation. This is similarly, angle of incidence
will be favorable in December when R b is high, a declination we know it changes
negative to positive to negative from January to December. As you go ahead in H 0 all
the measures of the expectance to variation or an hourly times scale and a daily times
scale. Regarding the angles and R b I was mentioning, R b we calculated at some omega
right 10:30 or whatever it is. Say at, so we have been emphasizing that this R b for the
hour 10 to 11 can be calculated at 10:30.

Check one value at 10 o’clock 2 value at 11 o’clock and compare with the value at
10:30, is it sort of a linear average or approximately average of these two values at ten
10:3.0. The third thing that you can do is calculate by using the formula omega 1 to
omega 2 at 0 R b d omega by I 0 d omega, which will ultimately turn out to be integral
omega 1 to omega 2 of cos theta d omega by integral cos theta z d omega omega 1 to
omega 2, right?

Like for a day if I do for an hour in the interval omega 1 to omega 2, I will get the
weighted average R b factor and we would like to compare what will be the difference
between this weighted average and the value at the midpoint of the hour, right? I have no
clue to this difference, but you can calculate simply as if it is a day the two times being
omega 1 omega 2 instead of twice of 0 to omega s and here also omega 1 to omega 2,
right? So, you calculate these three values at 10 o’clock and 11 o’clock and at 10:30
giving the corresponding values and you check of course, obviously the value at 10:30
will lie between 10 and 11 o’clock and how far it is from the average that you can see
and make an exact calculation, between omega 1 to omega 2, so that this will give a
estimate of error for the hourly calculation.

(Refer Slide Time: 42:47)

So, these are the exercises, which we can do and as some sort of a homework you can do
calculate 1 H 0 for phi 0 to 90 for the 12 months. Let us say its 0 bar, so let it simple 2 H
0 y bar equal to summation of H 0 bar of 8 months upon 12 I. I equal to 1 to 30, so that
you will have an idea with the formula that we have given, how much it is off? Third
thing you can do is you can calculate, I have already said that omega s R omega s s for
different phi, beta, delta and gamma 4 tablet R b and R b bar that is a monthly average or
the daily this should say only the delta equal to delta mean for or different phi beta delta
and gamma. So, if you do these exercises it almost covers all the formulae. We have
done in the first three to four topics or lectures, which we have covered through the

Thank you.

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