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Nursing Theories - Abdellah

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1. Faye Glenn Abdellah "We cannot wait for the world to change
. . . Those of us with intelligence, pur-
pose, and vision must take the lead and
change the world . . . I promise never to
rest until my work has been completed!"

2. Faye Glenn Abdellah derived the Twenty-one Nursing Prob-

lems Theory

3. Abdellah's Metaparadigm (Per- Patients are described as having physi-

son) cal, emotional, and sociological needs.

4. Patients described as having physical, emotion-

al, and sociological needs.

5. People are also the only justification for the ex-

istence of nursing.

6. Abdellah's Metaparadigm (Health) Patient-centered approaches to nursing

health are described as a state mutually
exclusive of illness.

7. Patient-centered approaches are described as a state mutually exclu-

sive of illness.

8. Abdellah's description of Nursing "total health needs" and "a healthy state
of mind and body"

9. Environment home or community where the patient

comes from

10. Abdellah's Metaparadigm: Envi- The environment is the home or com-

ronment munity from which the patient comes.

11. Abdellah's Metaparadigm: Nurs- Nursing is a helping profession.


12. Nursing helping profession.

13. Nursing care

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doing something for or to the patient or
giving the patient information with the
goals of meeting needs, increasing or
restoring self-help ability, or alleviating

14. role of the nurse help the patient achieve goals to reach
optimum health.

15. Learn to know the patient First step to identify the patient's prob-

16. Sort out relevant and significant Second step to identify the patient's
data problems

17. Make generalizations about avail- Third step to identify the patient's prob-
able data in relation to similar lems
nursing problems presented by
other patients

18. Identify the therapeutic plan Fourth step to identify the patient's prob-

19. Test generalizations with the pa- Fifth step to identify the patient's prob-
tient and make additional general- lems

20. Validate the patient's conclusions Sixth step to identify the patient's prob-
about his nursing problems lems

21. Continue to observe and evaluate Seventh step to identify the patient's
the patient over a period of time problems
to identify any attitudes and clues
affecting his behavior

22. Explore the patient's and family's Eighth step to identify the patient's prob-
reaction to the therapeutic plan lems
and involve them in the plan

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Identify how the nurses feel about Ninth step to identify the patient's prob-
the patient's nursing problems lems

24. Discuss and develop a compre- Tenth step to identify the patient's prob-
hensive nursing care plan lems

25. Observation of health status First nursing skills in the theory

26. Skills of communication Second nursing skills in the theory

27. Application of knowledge Third nursing skills in the theory

28. Teaching of patients and families Fourth nursing skills in the theory

29. Planning and organization of work Fifth nursing skills in the theory

30. Use of resource materials Sixth nursing skills in the theory

31. Use of personnel materials Seventh nursing skills in the theory

32. Problem-solving Eighth nursing skills in the theory

33. Direction of work of others Ninth nursing skills in the theory

34. Therapeutic use of the self Tenth nursing skills in the theory

35. Nursing procedure Eleventh nursing skills in the theory

36. Four categories: Basic, Sustenal, The needs of patients are divided into
Remedial, Restorative

37. Sustenal care needs facilitate the maintenance of a supply

of oxygen to all body cells; facilitate the
maintenance of fluid and electrolyte bal-

38. Basic Needs to maintain good hygiene and physical


39. Basic Needs promote optimal activity, including exer-

cise, rest and sleep;
Nursing Theories - Abdellah
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40. Basic Needs promote safety through the prevention

of accidents, injury or other trauma and
through the prevention of the spread of

41. Basic Needs maintain good body mechanics and

prevent or correct deformity.

42. Basic care needs Given needs of the patient

43. Sustenal Care Needs facilitate the maintenance of nutrition of

all body cells; facilitate the maintenance
of elimination;

44. Sustenal Care Needs facilitate the maintenance of regulato-

ry mechanisms and functions; facilitate
the maintenance of sensory function.

45. Sustenal Care Needs recognize the physiological responses

of the body to disease conditions;

46. Sustenal care needs Internal/Health related needs

47. Remedial care needs Emotional/Psychological Needs

48. Remedial care needs identify and accept positive and neg-
ative expressions, feelings, and reac-
tions; identify and accept the interrelat-
edness of emotions and organic illness;

49. Remedial care needs facilitate the maintenance of effective

verbal and non -verbal communication;

50. Remedial care needs promote the development of produc-

tive interpersonal relationships; facilitate
progress toward achievement of per-
sonal spiritual goals;

51. Remedial care needs

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create and maintain a therapeutic envi-
ronment; facilitate awareness of the self
as an individual with varying physical,
emotional, and developmental needs

52. Restorative care needs Disability

53. Restorative care needs the acceptance of the optimum possible

goals in light of limitations, both physical
and emotional;

54. Restorative care needs the use of community resources as an

aid to resolve problems that arise from

55. Restorative care needs the understanding of the role of social

problems as influential factors in the
case of illness

56. Nursing as a comprehensive ser- Recognizing the nursing problems of

vice the patient

57. Nursing as a comprehensive ser- Deciding the appropriate course of ac-

vice tion to take in terms of relevant nursing

58. Nursing as a comprehensive ser- Providing continuous care of the individ-

vice ual's total need

59. Nursing as a comprehensive ser- Providing continuous care to relieve

vice pain and discomfort and provide imme-
diate security for the individual

60. Nursing as a comprehensive ser- Adjusting the total nursing care plan to
vice meet the patient's individual needs

61. Nursing as a comprehensive ser- Helping the individual to become more

vice self-directing in attaining or maintaining
a healthy state of body and mind

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62. Nursing as a comprehensive ser- Instructing nursing personnel and family
vice to help the individual do for himself that
which he can within his limitations

63. Nursing as a comprehensive ser- Helping the individual to adjust to his

vice limitations and emotional problems

64. Nursing as a comprehensive ser- Working with allied health professions

vice in planning for optimum health on local,
state, national, and international levels

65. Nursing as a comprehensive ser- Carrying out continuous evaluation and

vice research to improve nursing techniques
and to develop new techniques to meet
people's health needs


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