Present Simple - Third Person Singular Practice!: - Ies - Es - S

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Present simple – Third person singular practice!

-s -es -ies
Most verbs Verbs ending in Verbs ending in
e.g. I talk  he talks -ss, -x, -sh, -ch, -o Consonant + y
I drive  she drives e.g. I fix  she fixes e.g. I tidy  he tidies
I do  it does but I play  he plays

1. Write the 3rd person singular of 2. Write an X in the correct option:

the verbs:
a) Samantha like/ likes playing tennis.
I walk  he walks
b) We make/ makes delicious cakes.
I go  he
c) Uncle Tom feed/feeds the dogs every day.
I dance  she
d) Do/Does they live in London?
I speak  he
e) My brother eat/ eats a lot of hamburgers.
I study  she f) You always come/comes to class early.
I enjoy  he g) They all work/works in the post office.
I fix  he h) The giant panda live/ lives in China.
I jump  it i) Foxes live/ lives in the forest.

I wash  he j) The Earth move/moves around the sun.

I find  she k) You don’t/ doesn’t often go to the gym.

l) Michael doesn’t drive/drives to work.
I marry  he
m) Do/Does he know how to swim?
I keep  she
n) Lisa and Nancy often jog/jogs in the park.
I love  it
o) These children ride/rides their bikes to
I bother  he
school every day.
I sing  she
p) My sister never tidys/tidies her bedroom.
I lie  he
q) Does your brother run/runs fast?
I catch  he r) You and your mum don’t/doesn’t cook.

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