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NAME: LARITA, ANNA V. Date: MAY 1, 2022

Instruction: Make a drug study on the following psychotropic drugs using the format given below:

Drug Name of Drug Mechanism of Dosage/Frequency Indication Contraindication Side Effects/Adverse Nursing Considerations
Classification Action Effects

Mood lithium citrate Lithium’s ADULTS Treatment of manic Severe renal Exacerbation of Assessment
Stabilizers (Eskalit, exact Acute mania: 600 episodes of manic- and cardiac psoriasis, acne, History: Hypersensitivity to tartrazine;
Lithobid) mechanism is mg PO tid or 900 depressive illness; disease; severe rash; nausea, significant renal or CV disease; severe
unclear but it mg slow-release maintenance therapy dehydration, diarrhoea, vertigo, debilitation, dehydration; sodium
Source: alters form PO bid to to prevent or sodium muscle weakness, depletion, patients on diuretics;
https:// intraneuronal produce effective diminish frequency depletion, dazed feeling; loss protracted sweating, diarrhea; suicidal
www.rnpedia. metabolism serum levels and intensity of debilitation. of concentration; or impulsive patients; infection with
com/nursing- of between 1 and 1.5 subsequent manic tremors; fever; pregnancy; lactation
notes/ catecholamin mEq/L. Serum levels episodes hypothyroidism; wt
pharmacology es and should be gain, oedema; Physical: Weight and T; skin color,
-drug-study- sodium determined twice Unlabeled use: cardiac lesions; orientation, affect, reflexes;
notes/ transport in per wk in samples Improvement of arrhythmias; ophthalmic examination; P, BP, R,
lithium/ neurons and drawn immediately neutrophil counts in exophthalmos; adventitious sounds; bowel sounds,
muscle cells. before a dose (at patients with cancer restlessness; normal output; normal fluid intake,
least 8–12 hr after chemotherapy– electrolyte normal output, voiding pattern; thyroid,
previous dose). induced neutropenia disturbances. renal glomerular and tubular function
and in children with Potentially Fatal: tests, urinalysis, CBC and differential,
Long-term use: 300 chronic neutropenia Severe baseline ECG
mg PO tid–qid to and HIV patients on neurotoxicity, Interventions
produce a serum zidovudine therapy leucopenia. Give with caution and daily monitoring
level of 0.6–1.2 (doses of 300–1,000 of serum lithium levels to patients with
mEq/L. Serum levels mg/day, serum levels renal or CV disease, debilitation, or
should be of 0.5 and 1 mEq/L); dehydration or life-threatening
determined at least prophylaxis of cluster psychiatric disorders.
every 2 mo in headache and cyclic Give drug with food or milk or after
samples drawn migraine headache, meals.
immediately before treatment of SIADH,
a dose (at least 8– hypothyroidism BLACK BOX WARNING:
12 hr after previous (doses of 600–900
dose). mg/day)  Monitor clinical status closely,
especially during initial stages of
Conversion from therapy; monitor for therapeutic
conventional to serum levels of 0.6–1.2 mEq/L;
slow-release dosage toxicity is closely related to serum
forms: Give the levels.
same total daily  Individuals vary in their reponse to
dose divided into this drug; some patients may
two or three doses. exhibit toxic signs at serum lithium
levels considered within the
PEDIATRIC therapeutic range.
PATIENTS  Advise patient that this drug may
Safety and efficacy cause serious fetal harm and
for children < 12 yr cannot be used during pregnancy;
not established. urge use of barrier contraceptives.
 Decrease dosage after the acute
manic episode is controlled;
lithium tolerance is greater during
the acute manic phase and
decreases when manic symptoms
Reduced dosage
may be necessary. WARNING:
Elderly patients Ensure that patient maintains adequate
often respond to intake of salt and adequate intake of
reduced dosage and fluid (2,500–3,000 mL/day).
may exhibit signs of
toxicity at serum Teaching points
levels tolerated by  Take this drug exactly as
other patients. prescribed, after meals or with
Plasma half-life is food or milk. Swallow extended- or
prolonged in renal controlled-release tablets whole;
impairment. do not chew or crush.
 Eat a normal diet with normal salt
intake; maintain adequate fluid
intake (at least 2.5 quarts/day).
 Arrange for frequent checkups,
including blood tests. Keep all
appointments for checkups to get
the most benefits with the least
 Use contraception to avoid
pregnancy. If you wish to become
pregnant or believe that you have
become pregnant, consult your
health care provider.
 Discontinue drug, and notify your
health care provider if toxicity
occurs—diarrhea, vomiting, ataxia,
tremor, drowsiness, lack of
coordination or muscular
 You may experience these side
effects: Drowsiness, dizziness
(avoid driving or performing tasks
that require alertness); GI upset
(eat frequent small meals); mild
thirst, greater than usual urine
volume, fine hand tremor (may
persist throughout therapy; notify
your health care provider if
 Report diarrhea or fever.

Carbamazepi Mechanism of ADULTS  Refractory  Contraindi  CNS: Dizzines Assessment

ne (Tegretol) action not seizure cated s, drowsiness,
understood;  Epilepsy: Initi disorders: with unsteadiness,   History: Hypersensitivity
Source: antiepileptic al dose, Partial seizures hypersens disturbance to carbamazepine or TCAs;
https:// activity may 200 mg PO with complex itivity of history of bone marrow
www.rnpedia. be related to bid on the symptoms to carbam coordination, depression; concomitant use
com/nursing- its ability to first day; (psychomotor, azepine or  confusion, of MAOIs; history of
notes/ inhibit increase temporal lobe TCAs, headache, adverse hematologic reaction to
pharmacology polysynaptic gradually by epilepsy), history of fatigue, visual any drug; glaucoma or increased
-drug-study- responses up to generalized bone hallucinations IOP; history of cardiac, hepatic, or
notes/ and block 200 mg/day tonic-clonic (gr marrow , depression renal damage; psychiatric history;
carbamazepin post-tetanic p in divided and mal) depressio with lactation; pregnancy
e-tegretol/ otentiation. doses q 6–8 seizures, mixed n, agitation,  Physical: Weight; T; skin color,
Drug is hr, until best seizure concomit behavioral lesions; palpation of lymph
chemically response is patterns or ant use changes in glands; orientation, affect,
related to the achieved. Sus other partial or of MAOIs, children, reflexes; ophthalmologic
TCAs. pension:100  generalized lactation, talkativeness, examination
mg PO qid. seizures. pregnancy speech (including tonometry, funduscopy
Do not Reserve for . disturbances, , slit lamp examination); P, BP,
exceed patients  Use abnormal perfusion; auscultation;
1,200 mg/day unresponsive cautiously involuntary peripheral vascular examination;
in patients > to other agents with movements, R, adventitious sounds; bowel
15 yr; doses with seizures history of paralysis and sounds, normal output; oral
up to difficult to adverse h other mucous membranes; normal
1,600 mg/day control or who ematologi symptoms of urinary output, voiding pattern;
have been are c reaction cerebral CBC including
used in adults experiencing to any arterial platelet, reticulocyte counts and
(rare). For marked side drug insufficiency, serum iron; hepatic function
maintenance, effects, such as (increased peripheral tests, urinalysis, BUN, thyroid
adjust to excessive risk of neuritis function tests, EEG
minimum sedation severe he and paresthes Interventions
effective  Trigeminal matologic  ias,  Use only for classifications listed.
level, usually neuralgia toxicity); tinnitus, hype Do not use as a general analgesic.
800–1,200 m (tic douloureux glaucoma racusis, Use only for epileptic seizures
g/day. ): Treatment of or blurred that are refractory to other safer
 Trigeminal pain associated increased vision, agents.
neuralgia: Ini with true IOP; transient dipl  Give drug with food to prevent GI
tial dose, 100 trigeminal history of opia andoculo upset.
mg PO bid on neuralgia; also cardiac, motor disturb  Do not mix suspension with other
the first day; beneficial hepatic, ances, nystag medications or elements—
may increase in glossophary or renal mus, precipitation may occur.
by up to ngeal neuralgia damage; scattered pun  WARNING: Reduce dosage,
200 mg/day,  Unlabeled psychiatri ctate cortical discontinue, or substitute other
using 100-mg uses: Neuroge c patients lens opacities, antiepileptic medication
increments q nic diabetes ins (may conjunctivitis,  gradually. Abrupt discontinuation
12 hr as ipidus (200 mg activate ophthalmople of all antiepileptic medication
needed. Do bid–tid); latent gia, fever, may precipitate
not exceed certain psychosis) chills; SIADH status epilepticus.
1,200 mg/day psychiatric .  CV: CHF,  Suspension will produce higher
. For disorders, aggravation peak levels than tablets—start
maintenance, including of with a lower dose given more
control of bipolar hypertension, frequently.
pain can disorders, hypotension,  Ensure that patient swallows ER
usually be schizoaffective syncope and tablets whole—do not cut, crush,
maintained illness, collapse, or chew.
with 400– resistant edema,  Arrange for frequent liver
800 mg/day schizophrenia, primary thro function tests; discontinue drug
(range 200– and dyscontrol  mbophlebitis, immediately if hepatic
1,200 mg/day syndrome recurrence dysfunction occurs.
). Attempt to associated of thromboph  WARNING: Arrange for patient to
reduce the with limbic lebitis, have CBC, including
dose to the system aggravation platelet, reticulocyte counts, and
minimum dysfunction; of CAD, serum iron determination, before
effective level alcohol arrhythmias initiating therapy; repeat weekly
or to withdrawal and AV for the first 3 mo of therapy and
discontinue (800–1,000 mg block; CV monthly thereafter for at least 2–
the drug at /day); restless complications 3 yr. Discontinue drug if there is
least once leg syndrome  Dermatologic:  evidence of marrow suppression,
every 3 mo. (100–300 mg/d Pruritic and e as follows:
 Combination ay hs); non- rythematous   Arrange for frequent eye
therapy: Whe neuritic pain rashes, urtica examinations, urinalysis, and
n added to syndrome ria, Stevens- BUN determinations.
existing (600–1,400 mg Johnson  Arrange for frequent monitoring
antiepileptic /day); syndrome, ph of serum levels
therapy, do hereditary otosensitivity of carbamazepine and other
so gradually or nonheriditar reactions, antiepileptics given
while y chorea in alterations in concomitantly, especially during
other antiepil children (15– pigmentation,  the first few weeks of therapy.
eptics are 25 mg/kg/day). exfoliative de Adjust dosage on basis of data
maintained or rmatitis, and clinical response.
discontinued. alopecia,  Counsel women who wish to
PEDIATRIC diaphoresis, e become pregnant; advise the use
PATIENTS rythema mul of barrier contraceptives.
tiforme andn  Evaluate for therapeutic serum
 <6 odosum, purp levels (usually 4–12 mcg/mL).
yr: Optimal ura, Teaching points
daily dose < aggravation  Take drug with food as
35 mg/kg/day of prescribed. Swallow ER tablets
. lupus erythe whole, do not cut, crush, or chew
 6–12 matosus them.
yr: Initial  GI: Nausea,  Do not discontinue this drug
dose, 100 mg vomiting, gast abruptly or change dosage,
PO bid on the ric distress, except on the advice of your
first day. abdominal physician.
Increase pain,  Avoid alcohol, sleep-inducing, or
gradually by diarrhea, OTC drugs; these could cause
adding constipation, dangerous effects.
100 mg/day anorexia,  Arrange for frequent checkups,
at 6- to 8-hr dryness of including blood tests, to monitor
intervals until mouth or your response to this drug. Keep
best response pharynx, glos all appointments for checkups.
is achieved. sitis, stomatiti  Use contraceptives at all times; if
Do not s; abnormal you wish to become pregnant,
exceed liver function you should consult your
1,000 mg/day tests, cholest physician.
. Dosage also atic and hepa  Wear a medical alert tag at all
may be tocellular jau times so that any emergency
calculated on ndice,hepatiti medical personnel will know that
the basis of s, massive you have epilepsy and are taking
20–30 mg/kg/ hepatic antiepileptic medication.
day in divided cellular  You may experience these side
doses tid–qid. necrosis with effects: Drowsiness, dizziness,
 > 12 yr: Use total loss of blurred vision (avoid driving or
adult dosage. intact liver performing other tasks requiring
Do not tissue alertness or visual acuity); GI
exceed 1,000  GU: Urinary upset (take the drug with food or
mg/day in frequency, milk; eat frequent small meals).
patients 12– acute urinary  Report bruising, unusual
15 yr; retention, olig bleeding, abdominal pain,
1,200 mg/day uria with yellowing of the skin or eyes, pale
in patients > hypertension, feces, darkened urine,
15 yr. renal impotence, CNS disturbances,
GERIATRIC failure, azote edema, fever, chills, sore throat,
PATIENTS mia, mouth ulcers, rash, pregnancy.
impotence, pr
 Use caution; oteinuria, glyc
drug may osuria,
cause elevated
confusion, BUN,
agitation. microscopic
deposits in
 Hematologic: 
disorders (sev
ere bone
 Respiratory: P
fever, dyspne
a, pneumoniti
s or

Divalproex Mechanism of ADULTS ·        Sole and ·        Sole ·        Contraind Assessment

(Valproate action not Dosage is expressed adjunctive and icated ·        History: Hypersensitivity
Depakote) understood: as valproic acid therapy in adjunc with to valproic acid; hepatic
antiepileptic equivalents. Initial simple tive hypersens dysfunction; pregnancy,
Source: activity may dose is 10– (petit mal) therap itivity lactation
http://downlo be related to 15 mg/kg/day PO, and y in to valproi ·        Physical: Weight; skin color, the increasing at 1-wk complex simple c acid, lesions; orientation, affect,
downloads/th metabolism intervals by 5– absence (petit hepatic reflexes; bowel sounds,
ePoint/97807 of the 10 mg/kg/day until seizures mal) disease or normal output; CBC and
81760331_Vi inhibitory seizures are ·        Depakote and significant differential, bleeding time
debeck/ neurotransmi controlled or side ER: Treatm compl hepatic tests, hepatic function tests,
Drug_Monogr tter, gamma- effects preclude ent of ex dysfunctio serum ammonia level,
aph/mg/ aminobutyric  further increases. epilepsy in absen n. exocrine pancreatic function
valproic_acid. acid Maximum children > 1 ce ·        Use tests, EEG
htm (GABA); dival recommended 0 yr seizur cautiously  
proex sodium dosage is ·        Adjunctive es with Interventions
is a 60 mg/kg/day PO. If therapy ·        Depak children < ·        Give drug with food if GI
compound total dose > with ote 18 mo; upset occurs; substitution of
containing 250 mg/day, give in multiple ER: Tr children < the enteric-coated
equal divided doses. seizure eatme 2 yr, formulation also may be of
proportions ·        Bipolar types, nt of especially benefit; have patient swallow
of valproic aci mania: 75 including epilep with SR tablet whole; do not cut,
d and 0 mg PO absence sy in multiple crush, or chew.
sodium valpro daily in seizures childre antiepilep ·        WARNING: Reduce dosage,
ate. divided ·        Divalproex n > 10 tics, discontinue, or substitute
  doses; do DR: Treatm yr congenital other antiepileptics gradually;
not ent of ·        Adjun metabolic abrupt discontinuation of all
exceed bipolar ctive disorders, antiepileptics may precipitate
60 mg/kg/ mania therap severe absence seizures.
day ·        Divalproex y with seizures ·        WARNING: Arrange for
(Divalproe DR and ER multip accompan frequent liver function tests;
x tablets: Pro le ied by discontinue drug immediately
DR tablets phylaxis of seizur severe with significant hepatic
only). migraine e mental dysfunction, suspected or
·        Migraine:  headaches types, retardatio apparent; hepatic dysfunction
250 mg ·        Divalproex,  includi n, organic has progressed in spite of
PO bid; up sodium ng brain drug discontinuation.
to 1,000 valproate absen disorders ·        WARNING: Arrange for
mg/day injection: ce (higher patient to have platelet
has been Treatment seizur risk of counts, bleeding time
used of complex es developin determination before
(Divalproe partial ·        Divalp g therapy, periodically during
x seizures as roex fatal hepa therapy, and prior to surgery.
DR tablets monothera DR: Tr totoxicity) Monitor patient carefully for
); 500 mg py or with eatme ; clotting defects (bruising,
ER tablet other nt of pregnancy blood-tinged toothbrush).
once a antiepilepti bipola (fetal Discontinue if there is
day. cs r neural evidence of hemorrhage,
PEDIATRIC ·        Unlabeled mania tube bruising, or disorder
PATIENTS uses: ·        Divalp defects; of hemostasis.
Use extreme Adjunct in roex do not ·        Monitor ammonia levels, and
caution. symptom DR discontinu discontinue if there is
Fatal hepatotoxicity  manageme and e to clinically significant elevation
has occurred. nt of ER prevent in level.
Children < 2 yr are schizophre tablet major ·        Monitor serum levels
especially nia, s: Pro seizures; of valproic acid and other
susceptible. treatment phylax discontinu antiepileptic drugs given
Monitor all children of is of ing such concomitantly, especially
carefully. aggressive migrai medicatio during the first few weeks of
  outbursts ne n is likely therapy. Adjust dosage on the
in children heada to basis of these data and
with ches precipitat clinical response.
attention- ·        Divalp e ·        Arrange for counseling for
deficit roex, s status epil women of childbearing age
hyperactivi odium epticus, who wish to become
ty disorder, valpro hypoxia pregnant.
organic ate and risk to ·        WARNING: Discontinue drug
brain injecti both at any sign of pancreatitis.
syndrome on: mother ·        WARNING: Evaluate for
Treat and therapeutic serum levels—
ment fetus); usually 50–100 mcg/mL.
of lactation.  
compl Teaching points
ex ·        Take this drug exactly as
partial prescribed. Do not chew
seizur tablets or capsules before
es as swallowing them. Swallow
monot them whole to prevent local
herap irritation of mouth and
y or throat. Sprinkle tablets may
with be opened and sprinkled on
other applesauce or pudding.
antiep ·        Do not discontinue this drug
ileptic abruptly or change dosage,
s except on the advice of your
·        Unlab physician.
eled ·        Avoid alcohol and sleep-
uses: inducing and OTC drugs.
Adjun These could cause dangerous
ct in effects.
sympt ·        Have frequent checkups,
om including blood tests, to
manag monitor your drug response.
ement Keep all appointments for
of checkups.
schizo ·        Use contraceptive techniques
phreni at all times. If you wish to
a, become pregnant, you should
treatm consult your physician.
ent of ·        Wear a medical ID tag to alert
aggres emergency medical personnel
sive that you have epilepsy and
outbur are taking antiepileptic
sts in medication.
childre ·        If you have diabetes, this
n with drug may interfere with urine
attenti tests for ketones.
on- ·        You may experience these
deficit side effects: Drowsiness
hyper (avoid driving or performing
activit other tasks requiring
y alertness; take at bedtime); GI
disord upset (take with food or milk,
er, eat frequent small meals; if
organi problem persists, substitute
c brain enteric-coated drug);
syndro transient increase in hair loss.
me ·        Report bruising, pink stain on
the toothbrush, yellowing of
the skin or eyes, pale feces,
rash, pregnancy; abdominal
pain with nausea, vomiting,

Lamotrigine Stabilizes Adult dosage (ages Adjunct treatment of LAMICTAL is CNS: ataxia, dizzines Examination and Evaluation
(Lamictal) neuronal 18–64 years) partial seizures in contraindicated s, headache,  Monitor signs of allergic and
membranes Immediate-release adults with epilepsy. in patients who behavior changes, hypersensitivity reactions,
by inhibiting form (tablets, Lennox-Gastaut have depression, including pulmonary
sodium chewable tablets, syndrome. Primary demonstrated drowsiness, symptoms (tightness in the
transport.  orally disintegrating generalized tonic- hypersensitivity insomnia, tremor.  throat and chest, wheezing,
Therapeutic tablets) clonic seizures in (e.g., rash, cough, dyspnea) or skin
Ciccone C.D.
Effects: Decre TAKING with adults and children angioedema, EENT: blurred reactions (rash, pruritus,
(Ed.), (2016). 
ased valproate: ≥2 yr. Conversion to acute urticaria, vision, double urticaria). Be especially alert
Davis's Drug
incidence of  Weeks 1– monotherapy in extensive vision, rhinitis.  for severe skin reactions
Guide for
seizures. 2: Take 25 mg adults with partial pruritus, (exfoliation, dermatitis) that
Delayed time every other seizures receiving a mucosal might indicate Stevens-
Professionals. GI: nausea, vomitin
to recurrence day. single enzyme- ulceration) to Johnson syndrome. Notify
McGraw g. 
of mood  Weeks 3– inducing antiepileptic the drug or its physician immediately if
Hill. https://fa GU: vaginitis. Derm: 
episodes. 4: Take 25 mg drug. Maintenance ingredients these reactions occur.
davispt.mhm photosensitivity, ras
per day. treatment of bipolar  Document the number, h (higher incidence
 Week 5 disorder. duration, and severity of
ntent.aspx? in children, patients
bookid=1873 onward: Your taking valproic acid seizures to help determine if
&sectionid=1 doctor will (VPA), high initial this drug is effective in
39015441 increase your doses, or rapid dose reducing seizure activity.
dose by 25–50 increases). MS: arth  If treating bipolar disorder,
mg once per ralgia. Misc: allergic monitor any changes in the
day every 1 to or hypersensitivity patient's mood or behavior.
2 weeks. reactions including Report manic symptoms
 Maintenance:  Stevens-Johnson (excitement, agitation) or
Take 100–400 syndrome. symptoms of depression
mg per day. (sadness, apathy, loss of
NOT TAKING energy).
carbamazepine,  Assess dizziness, ataxia, or
phenytoin, tremor that might affect gait,
phenobarbital, balance, and other functional
primidone, or activities (See Appendix C).
valproate: Report balance problems and
 Weeks 1– functional limitations to the
2: Take 25 mg physician, and caution the
per day. patient and family/caregivers
 Weeks 3– to guard against falls and
4: Take 50 mg trauma.
per day.  Monitor daytime drowsiness,
 Week 5 depression, or other changes
onward: Your in behavior. Repeated or
doctor will excessive symptoms may
increase your require change in dose or
dose by 50 mg medication.
once per day  Assess any joint pain to rule
every 1 to 2 out musculoskeletal
weeks. pathology; that is, try to
 Maintenance:  determine if pain is drug-
Take 225–375 induced rather than caused
mg per day, in by anatomic or biomechanical
2 divided problems.
doses. Interventions
TAKING  Guard against falls and
carbamazepine, trauma (hip fractures, head
phenytoin, injury, and so forth),
phenobarbital, or especially if dizziness or ataxia
primidone and NOT affect gait and balance.
TAKING valproate: Implement fall-prevention
 Weeks 1– strategies, especially if
2: Take 50 mg balance is impaired
every day. (See Appendix E).
 Weeks 3–  Causes photosensitivity; use
4: Take 100 mg care if administering UV
per day, in 2 treatments. Advise patient to
divided doses. avoid direct sunlight and use
 Week 5 sunscreens and protective
onward: Your clothing.
doctor will  Patient/Client-Related
increase your Instruction
dose by 100  Advise patient to avoid
mg once per alcohol and other CNS
day every 1 to depressants because of the
2 weeks. increased risk of sedation and
 Maintenance:  adverse effects.
Take 300–500  Advise patients on prolonged
mg per day, in antiseizure therapy not to
2 divided discontinue medication
doses. without consulting their
Extended-release physician. Abrupt withdrawal
form (tablets) may cause increased seizures.

 Weeks 1–
2: Take 25 mg
every other
 Weeks 3–
4: Take 25 mg
per day.
 Week 5: Take
50 mg per day.
 Week 6: Take
100 mg per
 Week 7: Take
150 mg per
 Maintenance: 
Take 200–250
mg per day.
primidone, or
 Weeks 1–
2: Take 25 mg
every day.
 Weeks 3–
4: Take 50 mg
per day.
 Week 5: Take
100 mg per
 Week 6: Take
150 mg per
 Week 7: Take
200 mg per
 Maintenance: 
Take 300–400
mg per day.
phenobarbital, or
primidone and NOT
TAKING valproate:
 Weeks 1–
2: Take 50 mg
per day.
 Weeks 3–
4: Take 100 mg
per day.
 Week 5: Take
200 mg per
 Week 6: Take
300 mg per
 Week 7: Take
400 mg per
 Maintenance: 
Take 400–600
mg per day.
Deadline of Submission: May 02, 2022. Make sure you work this on your own. Do not share your output to your others. There will be automatic
deductions for a duplicated output.

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