Sword World 2.5 - Epic Treasury

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The document provides additional lore and rules to expand the Sword World 2.5 roleplaying game setting.

Adventurers form guilds to take on jobs, such as exploring dungeons or hunting monsters. The guild helps adventurers find work and tracks their accomplishments.

Several gods are described that are worshipped on the continent of Alfleim, including descriptions of their domains, symbols, and temples. Relationship charts show how the gods are connected.


Part 1 The World and Characters

Part 1 The World and Characters

Part 1 The World and Characters

Part 1 The World and Characters

Part 1 The World and Characters

Introduction ................................................................ 12 Between Adventures - Everyday Life of Adventurers 76
Part 1 The World and Characters ................................. 13 Advanced Combat ...................................................... 78
Adventurers and Adventurers' Guild ......................... 14 Fellow Extended Action Table ................................... 92
Adventurer Class Commentary.................................. 17 Part 3 Items ..................................................................... 93
Gods and Faith of Alfleim ......................................... 50 Item Lists ..................................................................... 94
Part 2 Optional Rules ..................................................... 63 Items Detailed Data .................................................. 124
Point Buy Character Creation .................................... 64 Mount and Mount Equipment ................................. 165
Work Skills ................................................................. 65 Mount Data ............................................................... 167
Treasure Drop ............................................................ 69 Designer's Notebook ................................................. 180

Part 1 The World and Characters

Welcome! We hope you will enjoy your adventures.

Now, you have just opened the door to more adventures.
This book intends to make your "Sword World 2.5" You Are Going to Need Rulebooks
adventures more fun, deeper, and exciting. This book introduces additional rules and data to "Sword
This book contains various explanatory texts, additional World 2.5". This book cannot be played by itself, and the
rules, and game data. By making use of them, you will be able Core Rulebooks of "Sword World 2.5" are required to make
to make your experience on the Alfleim continent more full use of it.
brilliant. In principle, new data, items, rules assume you have all
three "Sword World 2.5 Core Rulebooks I-III". In this sense,
Part 1, "The World and Characters," is an addition and if you want to use this book fully, you need all of “Core
supplement to the description of the world of Raxia, the Rulebooks I-III”.
Alfleim continent, and the adventurers working there. However, TTRPG is a game where you can choose and
Here guilds of adventurers will be explained. Then, the discard rules and data, and with the GM's understanding and
historical backgrounds of the various adventurer classes and ingenuity, you can use the contents of this book even if you
how they are regarded in the world will be described. This use only "Core Rulebook I" or only "Core Rulebooks I-II".
book also provides guidelines on how to use these classes of Many new items can be introduced without modification.
adventurers in the game. Additional rules can also be used when playing with only some
There are also descriptions of the deities worshipped in Core Rulebooks, except for the "Advanced Combat Rules".
Alfleim. Descriptions of the temples and shrines are given, Advanced Combat rules can be introduced if you understand
explaining each deity and how they are worshipped, what their "Standard Combat" in “Core Rulebook II”, and “Core
symbols are, and what they look like. There is also a Rulebook III” is not required.
correlation chart showing the relationship between the gods,
which will greatly help to understand. About References
In this book, references to some terms are given in the
Part 2, "Optional Rules," contains some additional rules to form of (see XX, p. YY). These should be handled as follows.
make playing "Sword World 2.5" more enjoyable. The GM
and players can decide whether or not to use these rules. They (see p. YY): If there is no abbreviation and only the page
range from those that are easy enough to get into and have is indicated, it is a reference within this book.
little impact on the game to those that require a great deal of (see XX, p. YY): where XX might be an abbreviation for:
familiarity and change the game scenes completely. Please "CR I": "Core Rulebook I"
take a look at the ones you think are interesting and try them “CR II”: “Core Rulebook II”
out. “CR III”: “Core Rulebook III”
The "Everyday Life of Adventurers" and "Work Skills" are
easy to introduce and do not affect the game too much. Both
of these add a more lived-in aspect to the PCs. They are very
effective in improving the atmosphere of the game.
The "Point Buy Character Creation" and "Fellow Extended
Action Table" are rules for those who are a little more familiar
with the game. The former is a rule that determines the
character's ability score without dice and effectively creates a
"fair, balanced" character. The latter is an extension of the
Fellow Action Table, which can make Fellow more useful in
their adventures.
And "Advanced Combat," as the name suggests, are rules
for skilled players, extending the battlefield into two
dimensions and allowing them to enjoy the tactical movement
and positioning in combat.

Part 3, "Items," is a collection of item data. You can find

many new items added to the "Sword World 2.5 Core
Rulebooks I - III" items so that you can refer to them while
playing instead of individual Core Rulebooks.
Also, you can find mount data compiled. In addition to
the Core Rulebook III, new mounts are added. The total
number of new items, data, and mounts, exceeds 100.

Part 1 The World and Characters

Part 1 The World and Characters

Adventurers are people who take on all kinds of dangers The origin of the adventurers on the Alfleim continent can
and work to solve problems on behalf of the powerless. be traced back to the Ancient Magic Civilization Period, which
Their main task is to defeat dangerous monsters that harm is said to have ended about 3,000 years ago.
people, especially Barbarous. Exploring the ruins of past Abyss, which is said to have appeared at the end of this
civilizations to recover lost knowledge, technology, and goods. period, summoned Daemons one after another and wreaked
They also protect merchants and travelers on their perilous havoc across the continent. Moreover, Abyss multiplied, and
journeys. Shallow Abysses, small versions of the Abyss, appeared in
Adventurers are required to do work that involves risking various places, and the damage continued to spread.
their lives, and in many cases, they are asked to do so by the To counteract this, a huge wall surrounding the Abyss was
Adventurers' Guild, putting their lives on the line to solve the built. At the same time, an organization of "Wall Guardians"
problem. was formed, and a continent-wide network was built to quickly
Therefore, the work of an adventurer always involves a respond to the Shallow Abysses. Civilization was eventually
risk of death. At the same time, however, the rewards are high destroyed, but the defenders against the Abyss did not perish
depending on the level of danger and difficulty, and fame can but continued to serve their purpose.
be gained through the accomplishment of the task. Eventually, after the rise of the Magitech Civilization, the
Adventurers are considered to be “jack-of-all-trades” and Diabolic Triumph came to the Alfleim continent. The
“daredevils who risk their lives for wealth and fame.” Magitech Civilization collapsed due to the massive natural
cataclysms and the attacks of the Barbarous, but it was the
network of the guardians that protected the people from the
Barbarous at the time.
Most adventurers belong to the Adventurers’ Guild and This network, which has survived the destruction of two
receive requests from the Guild. great civilizations, protected people from the chaos that
However, the Adventurers' Guild does not have the followed the Diabolic Triumph and barely prevented the
authority to give orders to individual adventurers and basically destruction of Humanoids.
asks them to do a job by presenting them with a request and a The work of the guardians soon expanded beyond the
reward. defeat of Abyss and Daemons to include exterminating
On the contrary, adventurers are not a member of any Barbarous, protecting the weak, and exploring the ruins to
particular organization and are always self-employed. reclaim lost civilizations.
Therefore, they are not guaranteed a certain wage, salary, And when this became the norm, people began to call
housing, or food and must survive on their own merits. them “adventurers.”
The social reputation of adventurers varies. Almost 300 years have passed since the Diabolic
Those who do not have the means to fight are lavish in Triumph, and adventurers have become common on the
their admiration and envy of those who excel in their entire Alfleim continent. At the same time, the Guardian's
endeavors. Even if they are not, adventurers who have Network changed its name to the "Adventurers' Guild" and has
completed a number of missions and defeated many monsters become an essential part of present-day civilization.
are considered heroes by the general public.
On the other hand, there are also those who are
pretentious and show off their armaments without much
ability or achievements, and due to the violence that these Adventurers Guild supports the activities of adventurers
adventurers often cause, they give the impression of armed throughout the Alfleim continent, whose headquarters is
ruffians. located in the Korgana region at the northern end of the
Adventurers are both respected and feared, and most continent, adjacent to the Wall of the Abyss.
people's reaction to adventurers is to respect them but stay The "Adventurers' Guild" is a common name for local
away from them. Guild or their branches. These branches are basically
In addition, since there are many adventurers who travel independent, and their services, activities, and policies vary
from town to town without settling down, some townspeople from branch to branch.
think that adventurers are homeless wanderers, and the social However, two points are common: “Adventurers are
status of adventurers is not high. However, they tend to be offered jobs (requests)” and “adventurer ranks are given to
respected to a certain extent and are recognized when those who wish to become adventurers and are shared by all
necessary. It is a dream job, especially for young people, and the Adventurers' Guild Branches on the continent.”
it is said that everyone who approaches the age of adulthood Therefore, those who wish to become adventurers basically
thinks of becoming an adventurer at least once. visit Adventurers' Guild to register as adventurers and fulfill
requests coming to the Guild. The resulting fame and rank are
very important for adventurers.
Since the Adventurers Guild has its roots in "Wall
Guardians," they are quick to share information when Shallow

Abyss occurs so that Guild can address this as quickly as
As mentioned above, Adventurers' Guild originates from
the "Wall Guardians" and their network, which are responsible
for subjugating the Abyss and defeating the Daemons that
Each Adventurers Guild Branch is responsible for training escape from it.
new adventurers, assisting and caring for the adventurers on It is believed that Abyss appeared at the end of the Ancient
its roster, and referring them to the Adventurers Guild for Magic Civilization period as a result of some failed magical
help and requests. experiment. In the end, Abyss itself could not be eliminated,
Three hundred years have passed since the Diabolic and as an unavoidable measure, the great hole was sealed with
Triumph, and the Alfleim continent is still being attacked by a huge wall. However, even this was not perfect, and the Abyss
Barbarous, Mythical Beasts, and large Animals. The had to be monitored.
Adventurers' Guild collects information on such threats and To make matters worse, Abyss has caused Shallow
unexplored ruins and presents it to adventurers so that they Abysses, its enclaves, to appear all over the Alfleim continent,
can quickly deal with various problems. increasing the damage caused by Daemons. As a result, the
Adventurers are basically paid by the money they receive Wall Guardians have been tasked with monitoring the Abyss
from their clients, but they also earn money from the sale of and gathering information on the Shallow Abysses that appear
various items brought back by adventurers (art, artifacts, in each area, and dealing with them accordingly.
various documents, and other items of value that are of no use Shallow Abysses will grow larger and more threatening if
to adventurers but have value, are purchased by the Guild and left unchecked. Therefore, they must be dealt with and
sold to those who need them). eliminated as quickly as possible.
These profits also allow the organization to take on clients In response to this situation, the guardians spread to other
who cannot afford to pay and are used to support young parts of the continent. They were desperately trying to create
adventurers. a way to communicate with each other. Various means were
Most adventurer guilds have a guild hall on the first floor used, such as magic technology during the Magic Civilization
with a reception counter for offering adventurers services, a Period, magitech power during the Magitech Civilization
simple equipment store, and a dining hall where meals can be Period, and sometimes even simple word of mouth.
taken. The second floor and above are lodging facilities, This network has changed over the years but has been
where the adventurers who depend on the Guild often sleep. handed down for 3,000 years, leading to the adventurers'
Adventurers who belong to the same Adventurers' Guild guilds of today.
Branch often share information with each other, and the At the end of the Magic Civilization Period, it is said that
branch adventurers as a whole can become comrades or, in the role of the guardians was mainly filled by skilled criminals.
some cases, family. The size of guild branches varies from a After the collapse of the Magic Civilization, however, it was
few adventurers to a large number of several adventurers, and succeeded by a group of highly motivated individuals and
each branch has its own unique characteristics. eventually became an organization that was not influenced by
The Adventurers Guild Branch is also in charge of dealing the countries. In the Magitech Civilization Period, when its
with troubles that may befall adventurers, such as rescuing technology reduced the threat posed by Barbarous and
adventurers lost on their adventures, resurrecting the dead, Daemons, the organization's presence faded and was treated
and providing various other support services (for a fee, of as historical or mythical. It was even regarded as “a terrifying
course). secret society that has inherited the horrific rituals of the Magic
In addition, in the event of a major incident that cannot be Civilization Period.”
handled by a single guild branch, multiple branches may be But as it turned out, the "Wall Guardians" and the network
contacted to provide support. Depending on the situation, it they protected saved people from the Diabolic Triumph and
may be as strong as or stronger than an army. the chaos that ensued.
In this way, the Adventurers' Guild and its branches have In the 300 years since the Diabolic Triumph, the
become an important force against the threats such as the guardians have come to be known as "adventurers" and have
Barbarous and an indispensable resource for the people as a been widely accepted by the general public. Now, almost
jack-of-all-trades for solving a variety of problems. Many of the everyone has heard of adventurers and the Adventurers'
nations on the Alfleim continent have brought in the Guild, which has become a dependable and essential resource
Adventurers' Guild to help them solve problems that they for those who lack power.
could not solve with their own armies and troops alone.
In other words, the Adventurers' Guild and its branches
are now indispensable to the Alfleim continent.

Part 1 The World and Characters

Although there are large individual differences, each race Average Height by Race
has a trend in height. Here, we compare how much they are Race Average Height (Male/Female)
different. Humans 170cm/160cm
In most races, males tend to be taller, and females tend to Elves 180cm/170cm
be shorter. This also differs by race, with Lykant showing a Dwarves 150cm/140cm
large difference in body size between men and women and Tabbits 100cm/100cm
Tabbit showing almost no difference in appearance between Runefolk Various/Various
the genders. Nightmares 180cm/170cm
Please refer to the list of standard heights for each race. Lykants 180cm/170cm
Lildrakens 220cm/220cm
Grassrunners 100cm/100cm
Meria 170cm/160cm
Tiens 190cm/180cm
Leprechauns 130cm/120cm

People living in the world of Raxia use various classes and may come from a professional institution (school, etc.) or
skills to make their lives easier. from family members.
Among them, there are special adventurer classes mainly Of course, it may be something innate that the person is
used by adventurers. We will describe them in detail here. born with. For example, the child of a great warrior may know
how to wield weapons from a very early age as they look to
imitate their parent. There may also be a sudden revelation,
such as a vision from a god inspiring one to become a priest.
Work skills are useful as a part of daily life and are often The player and the GM are free to decide how the player
skills that would help earn a living as a farmer, craftsman, character acquired the adventurer class as a background at the
merchant, etc. These skills tend to affect one's social life and time of character creation.
will color how society views that person. However, learning a new class during the course of a
On the other hand, Adventurer classes provide useful campaign should have some sort of reasoning behind it. This
skills and abilities for those who wish to go out and adventure is not meant to discourage the character from taking levels in
as a way of life. These include combat-capable classes, such as new classes, but it is nice to have some sort of coherent
Fighter, Marksman, Sorcerer, and Priest, and those who offer roleplaying behind the mechanical choices. For example, a
more of a passive role, increasing one's capabilities as a Sage character may find they are naturally dodging and weaving in
or Scout. and around their enemies in combat, so taking levels in Fencer
The line between work skills and adventurer classes is could be appropriate. Maybe the character wishes to study
clear: If the skills would help one go out into the field and fight sorcery under the tutelage of another Sorcerer in the party.
against the various threats in the world, it is an adventurer Even staying in a large city for long enough could be a reason
class. On the other hand, work skills are unlikely to be useful to pick up a level in a new class.
while actively adventuring, though some skills may assist However, this kind of learning is more apt for those who
adventurers in between quests. are naturally heroic, such as player characters. Not everyone
has the same capability and aptitude when it comes to learning
new skills and classes. Some cannot understand Truespeech
magic despite studying for years on end, as some are more
likely to injure themselves than a monster when using a bladed
As the name suggests, "adventurer class" is a class that is
weapon. Learning adventurer classes is no small feat, and
mastered by those who are called adventurers and is used in
gaining the experience needed to advance as an adventurer is
adventures. They use weapons, magic, special skills, and
no small feat for an ordinary person.
knowledge to challenge dangerous monsters and traps and
solve mysteries. In order to call themselves adventurers and
live adventures, it is necessary to have an adventurer class, and
they must have acquired some adventurer class.
On the other hand, people who are not involved in
adventures do not have adventure classes either. They do not As their name implies, Adventurer classes will only
need adventure classes when they grow grains and vegetables, advance from a character actively going out and adventuring
forge pots and kettles, and sell them. and earning experience points. However, the exact definition
However, not everyone who has adventurer classes is an of "adventuring" is different for each person, and so a guard
active adventurer. For example, the local hunters may have a who trains with a number of different weapons or the wizard
couple of levels in Marksman, while the town guard may be a who stays in their tower studying for months on end may still
Fighter or Fencer. A thief may have the Scout class if they tend advance as adventurers.
to be sneaky, though they may also be a Fighter if they're more There are also some NPCs with high levels in adventuring
adept at breaking and entering. There are a number of reasons classes, despite never having left their hometown. A town
why an NPC may have levels in adventurer classes without guard constantly repelling Barbarous attacks, or the sorcerer
being an adventurer themselves, though it may only be a on the cusp of a new breakthrough in magic usage, these
matter of time before they decide to answer the call and NPCs and similar others may have high levels in adventurer
become a full-fledged adventurer. classes. In the end, it is up to the GM to give any NPCs levels
in adventurer classes as they see fit.
With regards to player characters, it is assumed that they
earn all of their Experience through actively adventuring and
Almost all adventurer classes require special training in so do not gain any through daily life. As always, the GM may
order to learn. As a result, they are often taught by a master or change this as they see fit and give player characters special
other teacher to help the character learn the basics of that experience points.
particular class. The place of instruction and the instructor
may vary greatly depending on birth and environment and

Part 1 The World and Characters

During the Ancient Magic Civilization era, there was a

demand for a fighting style that could take advantage of the
magical swords appearing throughout Raxia. There were
several different methods of wielding such weapons, so several
fighting schools opened during this time, continuing their
During the Magitech Civilization period, the history of
martial arts took a turn. Not only were swords being used to
fight against the Barbarous, but a number of other weapons
began to see magical infusions and use. Some schools kept
with tradition and remained as sword schools, while others
took up these new magical weapons and adapted their style to
incorporate the different motions needed to wield these
weapons effectively. These new martial arts took their place
alongside the older styles, and to this day, a significant number
of organizations and families have their own martial arts
passed down from master to student.
Ironically, the Diabolic Triumph caused a decline in the
number of martial arts, as some schools went into hiding while
others were eradicated entirely by the tide of Barbarous. Even
some of those arts that survived retained only a fraction of
their techniques, having lost masters and records to Barbarous
attacks. During the subsequent hardships and reconstruction,
a new system of weapons and armor was developed, which
also affected the traditions of the remaining martial arts styles.
Currently, there are quite a few different martial arts styles,
often taught through schools and other institutions, though
there are some old masters of ancient martial arts keeping
traditions alive with a small handful of students. There are also
those interested in learning about the past, as they believe that
the more ancient the martial art, the closer it was to perfection.
Considering some martial arts are 300 years old or less, having
been developed after the Diabolic Triumph, while others can
Fighters take up heavy weapons and armor to withstand trace their lineage to the Ancient Magic Civilization period
the blows of monsters and deal them grievous wounds in and beyond, there may be some truth to that idea. There are
return. Those adventurers who are primarily Fighters are also also rumors of an ancient clan of martial artists sending their
commonly called warriors or even heavy warriors, though the children out to find ancient masters and learn their style
latter is in comparison to light warriors (i.e., those who are before returning and teaching it to the clan historians.
primarily Fencers). However, no solid evidence exists of such a clan of martial arts
Fighters are skilled in the use of weapons and armor and masters.
tend to use the best equipment for their combat style. A strong
warrior's weaponry can cleave through the toughest hides,
while their armor can withstand crushing blows that would
cripple or kill others.
There are several ways to learn how to be a Fighter. The
There are no restrictions on the Fighters regarding
most common way is to get formal training as a knight or
equipment outside of their reliance on Strength, so the
soldier, becoming a footman for a liege. As much of Raxia still
stronger the Fighter, the better equipment they have at their
follows a feudal system, with a king or queen at the head of
disposal. The downside of such a lifestyle is that higher-quality
government, there is a need for those who are willing to give
equipment can get pricey, so Fighters have a reason to go out
their life in service to one of these lieges. The knightly ranks
and adventure for treasure and riches.
tend to train under a specific person, whether a family
member or a specially designated teacher, while soldiers are
trained en masse, with volunteers and conscripts learning to
use arms and armor as a group.
Where there is conflict, people will look to arm Some open their own schools and are willing to teach
themselves. The origins of the Fighter class can be traced back martial arts for the right price. This practice is especially
to the end of the Divine Civilization Period when the peaceful popular among the Lildraken, and these dojos are often seen
civilization of the divine was shattered by the appearance of in the farther reaches of civilized lands, where Barbarous
Dalkhrem and the Barbarous. Since then, the art of combat attacks are more common.
has been in demand among the civilized races. In some cases, a student may have innate skills with arms
and will practice on their own to train these skills for proper

use in combat. It is also possible to seek out famous knights enemy attacks. They take the enemy's attacks in their hands,
and strong warriors and become a disciple of theirs, learning protect their companions on the frontlines, and rearguard
how to fight in the manner their teacher had learned. The magicians. They are often fortified with [Armor Proficiency]
various Adventurer's Guild Branches tend to be a common and increase their toughness with [Tenacity]. They stand up
meeting place for situations like this, as it is a place where both to the enemy as a mighty wall. If a character needs to protect
powerful warriors and naive adventurers can mingle freely. many targets, [Guardian] or [Block] will help with that.
Finally, some are seeking some form of self-discipline and Other Fighters are shieldless destructive forces who
going out to fight the Barbarous in search of such a principle. deliver unparalleled blows with two-handed weapons. They
It is a much more violent and reckless learning style, but some have mastered offensive combat feats such as [Power Strike],
adventurers can learn this way. [Cleave], [Weapon Proficiency], and others, and aim to strike
down their enemies head-on. The combination of hard metal
armor and strong physical strength makes them unafraid of
confrontation. Their creed is "Break the flesh and cut off the
Being a Fighter or calling oneself a Fighter does not impact bone."
one's relationship with people in general. Fighter itself is not a There is also an intermediate type. This is a style of
special class or position in society. It is just a special class or fighting steadily, using shields and one-handed weapons, and
job title held by various people. However, it is a somewhat utilizing active combat feats such as [Power Strike] along with
different story when a Fighter appears in public with an [Cover II], while reducing the number of hits to the allies as
enormous weapon and wears thick silver. Even if they do not appropriate. Regardless of the offense-defense ratio, every
speak, their appearance is inevitably intimidating. fighter wants to be on the frontline, facing the monster in the
Two types of heavily armed people appear in public, toughest place, taking on more than their fair share of danger.
except for a few weirdos. First are aristocrats and soldiers who When fighting primarily with the Fighter class, the
rule and protect the security of the area. People respect them Enhancer class is particularly useful as an aid. They become
and keep away from them. Unless they are personal more powerful by strengthening their attacks and defenses
acquaintances or are known for their openness and good- with various techniques.
naturedness, they are usually treated in a way that does not Similarly, the Alchemist class is well suited for fighting
provoke them. while self-enhancing.
The others are the adventurers, who appear armed.
Adventurers do not use their military power against civilians.
For this reason, people's reactions to adventurers are softer.
Especially if they have a high adventurer rank and are known
as heroes or future heroes, their appearance is a symbol of
Some are called Magic Warriors, with the Fighter class
valor and a target of respect.
learned at the same or slightly lower level than other classes.
In addition, children who are not afraid of things, whether
With the added damage from [Mana Strike] and the
soldiers or adventurers, are often attracted to, admire, and
advantage from [Multi-Action], they have the potential to deal
yearn for strength and good looks.
more damage than a dedicated Fighter. Their dual
And some people want to hire Fighters because of their
weapon/magic capabilities give them the versatility to deal with
warriorship. Fighters are in great demand for dangerous jobs,
various enemies. On the other hand, their relatively low class
such as escorting merchants and protecting the personal safety
level leads to disadvantages in hitting and evading. If possible,
of dignitaries. They are expected to stand in front of the
it is advisable to fight with the support of companions.
enemies in case of battle and stop or eliminate threats. Good
The Sorcerer, Conjurer, and Fairy Tamer classes have an
Fighters are highly sought after and are rewarded with great
armor dilemma. These classes are incompatible with heavy
honor and privilege.
metal armor, which deals damage with spells. However, the
Surprisingly, however, many well-known Fighters are not
Fighter class will lose its defensive advantage if light armor is
wealthy. In order to accomplish their missions and to protect
used. The reason why Nightmare is said to be highly suitable
their lives and those of their comrades, they spend their wealth
for magic warriors is, above all, because of its racial ability
on replacing and reinforcing their weapons and armor to
[Alternate Form] to overcome this dilemma.
make them as powerful as possible.
Artificer and Priest classes have no armor restrictions, but
Fighters are very common among adventurers; therefore,
due to the nature of their magic, they form unique
there are many different personalities. Certainly, there are
combinations. In particular, the style in which the Priest class
those who are known for their boldness and bravery, but there
is learned together with the Fighter class is called Paladin. It is
are also those who are characterized by their calm and
common for Paladins to fight while providing assistance or
collected nature and even those who are more prone to tears
recovery to friends or themselves as needed.
than others. However, they all share the same trait of having
The Ranger class is the first candidate to be developed in
great pride in their skills and the courage and boldness to take
parallel with the Fighter class. Its automatically acquired
the lead when push comes to shove.
combat feats are a good match for the Fighter class and are
ideal for protecting allies.
The Rider class is also a good candidate for parallel
growth, as it can use mounts to increase its attack power, and
Some usual Fighters are protectors who are committed to Stunt provides opportunities for exploration skill checks that
protecting their allies. Equipped with a large shield and heavy the Fighter class alone cannot provide.
metal armor, the Fighter with [Cover] combat feat blocks

Part 1 The World and Characters

due to the Diabolic Triumph, and most of the traditional

techniques and knowledge have been lost.
However, it is believed that the first Grapplers appeared
long ago. At least during the Magic Civilization Period, a few
accounts seem to indicate the existence of wrestling
techniques that did not rely on weapons. On the contrary,
some theologians believe that it had already sprouted during
the Divine Civilization Period, based on some legends.
Although the origin of the Grappler class is still somewhat
obscure, it’s known that it had explosive growth during the
Magitech Civilization Period. It is certain from the records
and studies of archaeological sites that schools and
gymnasiums were built in various places, and various wrestling
arts were developed during this period. The prosperity of the
Magitech Civilization freed people from the hardships of
everyday life and encouraged them to engage in various
cultural activities. The flourishing of wrestling schools can be
counted as one of these phenomena.
However, most of the schools were destroyed by the
Diabolic Triumph, and many of the schools were lost. The
current system of wrestling techniques has been reconstructed
from the few remaining legends and records.
After the Magitech Civilization Period, it is known that
Elves, Dwarves, and Lildrakens also developed their own self-
defense techniques that contributed to the current Grappler
Elves who have kept their distance from Magitech
Civilization and have not actively engaged with it, have
developed their own techniques that take advantage of their
Grapplers are skilled warriors who rely only on their own own physical characteristics. The Elven Grapplers were
bodies to fight, eschewing conventional weapons and armor. known for their evasive tactics, utilizing their fluid movements,
Rather than make one massive attack, they would rather and were masters of the throws.
overwhelm their opponents with a variety of punches, kicks, Dwarfs and Lildrakens also have their own unique, if not
and throws. Grapplers tend to deal less damage per hit than a major, wrestling arts, and Dwarven fighters excel in one-on-
Fighter of the same level but often attack multiple times in a one combat. Taking advantage of their short stature, Dwarven
turn to make up for that. On the other hand, if a Grappler is Grapplers use their short stature to penetrate into their
attacked, the little armor they can wear doesn't have a high opponents' arms and deliver a furious rush or a sharp,
enough Defense to fully absorb the blow. With the threat of engulfing throw. Although they are not very agile with their
only a few blows being fatal, a Grappler's philosophy can be sticky feet, they have the dexterity to counter an
summed up as "The best defense is a good offense." underestimated attack with a precise counterattack.
In Raxia, wrestling techniques are based on the premise of On the other hand, Lildraken Grapplers have the
instantaneous strikes and effects, and techniques such as advantage of fighting against a large number of opponents.
locking and strangling are rarely used. One reason is that there They are known for their striking techniques that take
is no assumption of using it in Human vs. Human combat in advantage of their high strength and have greatly developed
Raxia. There are no joint techniques that can be used against the technique of using their long tails to knock down multiple
opponents of different strengths, physiques, and even forms, opponents in an instant.
and strangle techniques are useless against undead or
construct opponents. Another reason is that on a battlefield
where multiple opponents fight simultaneously, it is very
dangerous to stop one's own movement and grapple targets. Unlike Fighters, no specialized schools or institutions exist
The throwing techniques should be attempted as soon as one to learn how to become a Grappler. The martial arts and
has come into contact. Regardless of success or failure, the body-building routines used to train as a Grappler are often
theory is to immediately release the hands to regain the simply passed down from one adventurer to another, often as
distance. the adventurer opens a school of their own after retiring from
the adventurer life. Other schools may be found in larger
cities, while smaller towns will often have students learn from
a former adventurer in a small group at the adventurer's home.
It is not known when and where the Grappler techniques In many cases, students are sent out into the world having
originated. This is because much of the material has been lost learned only a few maneuvers, their teacher expecting them to

learn as they did, through trial by combat. In Raxia, where [Dual Technique] and [Weapon Proficiency/Wrestling] will
Barbarous attacks are commonplace, it is expected that those add to the attacking abilities. [Infight] also will be helpful.
with fighting skills are to be at the front lines to protect the rest Finally, there are those who mainly use Throw. In learning
of civilization as soon as they are technically able. combat feats, it is important to first increase the number of
However, there are those students who will stay learning opponents they can Throw with by acquiring [Improved
under the same master for years of their lives, learning the Throw]. Also, the active combat feat [Aimed Attack] comes
deep secrets of their styles. into view. Since it doesn't have risks, it is a good choice for
races such as Elves and Grassrunners, which are not as strong
but can maintain high Evasion.
In any case, the Grappler's weak point is their defense.
While Grapplers don't exist in any significant numbers, Learning [Armor Proficiency/Nonmetallic Armor] and
what few there are seen by the populace as wielders of [Tenacity] should always be on the player's mind. If they
mysterious techniques. Many of them have trained hard and ignore them completely, they may become a burden to their
lived physical lives, but the teachings of the mind and spirit party, unable to even demonstrate their own offensive ability.
underpinning the intense training leave Grapplers as No matter how much the player tries to deal with it, it is
honorable and respectful of those around them. Additionally, undeniable that the Grappler is inferior to the Fighter in terms
since there is no need for heavy armor and expensive of frontline capabilities, and it is not recommended to solidify
weapons, it is quite common for those of poorer backgrounds the party's frontline with only Grapplers. If the player already
to train as Grapplers, which, combined with their teachings, has high-damage dealers, they will need to go into a defensive
leads many to live quite a frugal, if not nearly impoverished, route, and if they are a Throw type, they will need partners
lifestyle. with good offensive abilities.
As a result, Grapplers are often loath to ask for a reward The Enhancer and Alchemist classes are useful as
for jobs done and will often take what money they are given subclasses for the Grappler class, as well as for the Fighter
and use it to help the poor. There are also a number of stories class.
of Grapplers going out of their way to help the poor against It should not be overlooked that Grapplers will inevitably
Barbarous attacks with no other reward than the happiness of be lightly armed. For this reason, the player may consider
the people they have saved, which adds to the mystique of the acquiring the Scout class to contribute to the party. The True
wandering Grappler. Black Belt (see p. 160) is a reliable accessory that can be
In general, Warrior-type classes are often hired as obtained by acquiring both of these classes.
bodyguards and escorts, though Grapplers are preferred in
cases where having an obviously heavily armed person is not
desired. Their light armor and capability with bare hands
allow them to be posted to sensitive positions, allowing them
to perform their duties without attracting undue attention.
Magic Grapplers can be more destructive than Magic
Because of this, many wealthy diplomats and aristocrats will
Warriors. [Mana Strike], which does not sacrifice Evasion, is
seek to hire capable Grapplers as personal bodyguards.
a more reliable combat feat than [Power Strike] in many
Despite this, there aren't many wealthy Grapplers
situations, although the player needs to be prepared to use it
throughout Raxia. Those who tend to be successful in the field
with [Multi-Action] when necessary since the reduction of
of combat or have achieved high ranks in the military don't
resistance can be fatal in some cases.
tend to lead extravagant lives. Yet, a few retired Grapplers are
The advantage is that Wizard-Type Classes have relatively
seen in market squares and open areas looking to teach their
loose restrictions on armor due to the necessity of light armor.
skills to the next generation, giving them a step up in learning
Of course, Defense is their weak point. This is a style that
some self-defense. Some of these Grapplers are quite popular
requires more support from allies than magic warriors.
and have managed to leverage their combat knowledge into
It is recommended to raise the Scout class to the same
something that will allow them to live comfortably for the
level, depending on the party composition. And as a result,
remainder of their lives.
[Fast Action], which is automatically acquired at the 7th level,
will become a powerful bonus.
The same as with Fighters, the Ranger class is also a valid
combination, and its compatibility with the automatically
The Grappler class has a relatively large number of acquired combat feats is as certain as ever. Armor restrictions
patterns depending on the acquisition of the Combat Feats. on some checks make its combination with the Grappler class
Some seek high damage with active combat feats such as advantageous.
[Power Strike] and [Armor Piercer]. 5th-level Grapplers can The Rider class is not suitable for learning in parallel with
learn [Ever-Changing] to add the effect of a combat feat to the Grappler class. Since weapons of the wrestling category
both attacks from [Chain Attack] and aim to generate high and cannot be used while the rider is mounted, it is almost the
stable damage. worst possible combination of classes.
The second type seeks the advantage of the number of
attacks by learning [Dual Wielding]. Combining this with

Part 1 The World and Characters

blows. Despite their harder training, this style was considered

a minor martial art compared to heavy warrior styles.
During the Magitech Civilization era, this lighter style of
fighting became much more popular as the gun was created,
and its use became widespread. Heavy warriors at the time
found themselves vulnerable to this new weapon, as it
bypassed the armor they wrapped themselves in, and so their
heavy armor became little more than extra weight restricting
their movements. The light warrior martial arts rose in the
wake of this discovery, as they were much more agile and so
more able to dodge a gun fired in their direction. Styles that
took advantage of lightly armored opponents rose to
prominence almost in tandem with the fencer styles, as they
were able to take advantage of the lack of heavy armor to strike
vital points.
Much like the Fighter and Grappler martial arts, Fencer
arts were thought to be lost during the Diabolic Triumph, as
most of the competent fighters in the style went to the front
lines to fight back against the Barbarous. As a side-effect of
losing most of the teachers, Fencers melded many of their
styles into a single core, teaching evasive maneuvers and vital
strikes and passing these down as the basis of their martial arts.
In the wake of the devastation, a number of Fencer dojos
opened up in hopes of teaching another way of combat, and
they became quite popular among those who could not afford
the Fighter lifestyle.
Among the non-humans, elves are quite proficient with the
light warrior styles and pride themselves on their skills as
Fencers. While weaker physically than humans, elves more
Fencers, like Fighters, engage in combat as skilled weapon than make up for this weakness by passing down flowing
users. However, Fencers wield much lighter weapons and techniques that allow them to wash across a battlefield like a
wear lighter armor than Fighters, relying more on their great wave. Grassrunners, too, appreciate the style of combat
nimbleness and agility to avoid attacks and exploit weaknesses a Fencer employs, though they use such maneuvers to surprise
in an opponent's movements, as opposed to a Fighter's heavy opponents instead of killing them. The stockier races, such as
armor absorbing damage. Because of this, Fencers are often Dwarves and Lildraken, tend to veer away from the Fencer
referred to as "light warriors" compared to the Fighter's "heavy class. Among those races, it is thought that if one was to fight,
warriors". A Fencer constantly switches between evading they would fight as a heavy warrior, and their physique only
incoming attacks and striking back with pinpoint accuracy, helps reinforce that idea.
almost dancing across the battlefield in a whirlwind of death.
In order to maintain this freedom of movement, a Fencer
can only wield lighter weapons and wear light armor. Fencers
do not often train their Strength either, so they will often end Unlike the Fighter, a person does not learn how to be a
up a step behind in terms of overall durability as compared to Fencer through military training. There, it is far better to use
a Fighter or Grappler. heavier weapons and armor so that way each individual can
become a well-guarded force of destruction.
As it stands, quite a few local dojos and schools teach
Fencer skills, such as evasive maneuvers and lethal strikes to
It is said that the first Fencers came about following the vital areas known. In these situations, heavier equipment is
events of the War of the Gods during the Ancient Magic often hard to get a hold of, whether due to scarcity or lack of
Civilization period. After the War, the peace that came after funding, and so, the students must make do with what's
allowed those warriors who were still yearning for combat to available, which is typically lighter, wooden dummy weapons
look for ways to keep fighting, even if it meant they were and less restrictive armor, if any. These schools are often
training followers in the ways of martial arts. Many continued rather popular with the average person, as they teach simple
to study swordsmanship, hoping that their research would methods of self-defense without having to rely on expensive
allow them to wield the Swords of Creation if given a chance. equipment.
A good number of these styles emphasized strength over skill, Overall, there are just as many people who look to these
with the thought that it would take a strong arm to wield one schools for training as those who are self-taught or the sole
of the mythical swords, but some trained with lighter student of a personal trainer. Much like the other Warrior-
weaponry, allowing for more movement but less devastating type classes, there is little to differentiate the method of

learning how to be a Fencer, so long as the basics are properly feats. If the character's strength is not high, equipping Fast
taught and trained. Spike with [Weapon Proficiency A/Sword] is a highly valid
To maintain a certain amount of offensive power and to
improve the survivability of the character, [Tenacity], [Evasive
Being a Fencer does not lead to special status in society. It Maneuvers], and [Armor Proficiency/(nonmetallic armor or
is difficult to find a common trait of character and philosophy shield)] should always be taken into consideration. It is not
in them. Some have confidence and pride in their sword recommended that you do not pay attention to them at all.
dance and want to lead the way in battle, and others are [Ever-Changing] can be learned by the Fencer class, but it
extremely reluctant to draw their own blades, believing that it is difficult to make the most of it. At least, it is not a good idea
is for self-defense. to combine it with [Dual Wielding] to get the effect of active
Many of those who have made a name for themselves as combat feat for each of the two attacks. But two attacks will
Fencers are what is called Geniuses. While Fighters can stand have lowered Accuracy and Evasion. If a character goes the
and fight even with some wounds, Fencers who wear only light [Dual Wielding] route, it would be better to increase the attack
armor cannot. The ideal and goal are to avoid all enemy power by [Dual Technique] or [Weapon Proficiency] instead
attacks and to remain unscathed. “Perfection or death” is of relying on active combat feats.
Fencer's battle. As a result, the mediocre will fall, and those The Enhancer and Alchemist classes are useful as combat
who survive and make a name for themselves will be known support, just like the Fencer is. Of course, the Scout class is
for their brilliance and agility. also a good class to pick as a subclass.
In a battle where equipment is not an issue, the Fighter is
the best choice, while the Grappler is the best choice for a
covert escort that requires light equipment, but at the same
time, the Fencer is the next best choice for both. The demand
for Fencers is never exhausted and always maintained.
The Fencer class is required to be light, but at the same
Like Fighters, Fencers also pay attention to their own
time, this means that it is compatible with other classes that
equipment. However, they are able to spend less money on
require light clothing.
their light armaments. Compared to Fighters, Fencers can
Suppose you want to play an active role as a Sorcerer,
afford to live a more lavish life. This is one of the reasons why
Conjurer, or Fairy Tamer. In that case, you can use the Fencer
Fencers give the public a glamorous impression.
class in parallel with the Sorcerer, Conjurer, or Fairy Tamer
classes because the need for experience points is smaller than
the Grappler class, and the use of shields can increase your
Evasion. This will allow you to fight in the frontline while using
The Fencer class is preferred over the Fighter and magic while keeping these Wizard-Type Classes high level.
Grappler classes in terms of experience points, but not in Also, [Mana Strike] is the most effective way for Fencers who
terms of basic abilities. If you are mainly developing a Fencer cannot learn [Power Strike II] to directly increase weapon
class, you should aim for a character that excels in balance. In attack damage.
terms of evasion, the Fencer class should take full advantage Scout and Ranger are also compatible with the Fencer
of its superior evasion, low critical threshold, and the class. As is the case in terms of equipment, if the Fencer class
possibility of a one-hit-kill. is expected to avoid enemy attacks, it can be expected to have
Fencer's basic style is a one-handed weapon + shield. The a certain degree of agility, which is also useful for Scout and
first choice for a weapon is a sword, which has low Critical Ranger. In particular, the presence of a Scout who influences
Thresholds. For shields, they prefer shields that provide a Initiative checks greatly affects the party's strength.
bonus to Evasion checks rather than Defense. [Taunting It also works well with the Rider class. By using a mount
Strike] with sufficient Evasion, or [Lethal Strike] that increases well, even a Fencer can have considerable offensive power and
change to one-hit-kill, are candidates for perfect active combat a reasonable defense.

The Marksman class excels in handling ranged and thrown From the moment people started throwing rocks at large
weapons. Only the Marksman class can handle ranged weapons beasts to drive them away, it was only a matter of time before the
among the Warrior-Type Classes. concept of the first Marksman was born.
While it has the advantage of being the only one who can use Whether blocking an incoming attack with a shield, absorbing
ranged weapons, it also has the disadvantage of not being able to the hit with heavy armor, using superior evasion to dodge the
perform Evasion checks (as a rule) among Warrior-Type Classes. blow, or even counterattacking to hit first and hopefully knock
The ability to fire a bow or a gun at an opponent in front of you the attacker off guard, there are several ways to avoid attacks.
is quite risky. However, the simplest and safest way to avoid an attack is to never
Their role is to attack unilaterally from hard-to-reach places, get in the way of one in the first place. There is no better way to
leaving the enemy to be stopped by their comrades. deal with melee attacks than by keeping a distance, but it only gets
better if it's possible to attack from that distance without any threat
of retaliation.

Part 1 The World and Characters

It is possible to learn the Marksman class from a variety of

sources. The most common is through military training, as there
is great value to be had with a squad of professionally trained
archers sending volleys of arrows toward an approaching army.
The concept of "Even a poor shot will hit a target, given a
thousand shots" is the driving force behind such training.
However, because of this, it is difficult to acquire rare technology
like guns.
The second way to learn how to be a Marksman is through
the Institute of Magitechnology. The magic behind an Artificer's
power involves a lot of guns and bullets, so being able to fire a
straight shot is key to connecting with many of the Artificer's
"Bullet" spells. There are several trainers who can teach new
Marksmen how to use their guns, but most Institutes provide a
training range to practice target shooting, as well as other practice
methods such as skeet shooting and random pop-up targets.
The Institute also offers a class for beginners, calling it a
"temporary class for new shooters." However, this is a little
misleading, as the class is essentially just a way for people to go to
the Institute and fire various guns at targets for an afternoon. The
class is surprisingly popular among non-adventuring nobles and
merchants, though, and the training range is often close to full on
days when this class is available.
The third most common way to become a Marksman is to
What started with a simple rock eventually became simple grow up on the outskirts of society and become a hunter.
spears, long sticks meant to guide the flight of a sharpened rock Typically, this means learning from a young age, having parents
directly to its target. With hair and sinew from slain beasts and even grandparents teaching the child how to become an
braided and tied to supple tree branches, the bow was created, effective hunter, often using the same bow used for hunting.
allowing ancient archers to launch smaller spears, called arrows, Ranger skills are also taught in many cases, as both classes are
with more deadly accuracy. During the Ancient Magic effective at hunting outdoors. If an adventurer takes on an
Civilization period, bows were constantly being improved and apprentice, it is also likely that the apprentice will learn the same
iterated upon. classes as their mentor.
As this experimentation continued into the Magitech When it comes to Marksman schools near civilization, it is
Civilization period, the concept of the crossbow was introduced. rather uncommon to find a school unless there is significant
A winding mechanism allowed those who were too weak to fire wilderness nearby. This is due to the Marksman class requiring a
the powerful bows at the time a way to still contribute without lot of room to practice target shooting and to avoid any stray shot
sacrificing any range or power behind the shot. accidents that may affect the nearby villages. These requirements
The biggest invention during the age of the Magitech mean that the few schools in civilized areas are quite expensive
Civilization, though, was the gun. Powered by the wielder's magic, because meeting such demands requires the purchase of a
these weapons shot bullets that were able to bypass even the significant amount of land that cannot be used for farming or
heaviest of armor. Unsurprisingly, these weapons became other general purposes. Even then, many of these schools lose a
widespread rather quickly, given their destructive capabilities. As significant number of would-be students to the Institute of
the technology to create these guns became more widespread, so Magitechnology due to the Institute's temporary shooting classes.
did the skill of using them correctly. Legend has it that in the
decline of the Magitech Civilization, there was a gun that could
blast through a mountain, with a barrel as tall as a tower.
However, the Diabolic Triumph had a much greater impact Marksmen are more valuable than warriors, and archers tend
on Marksmen compared to other Warrior-type classes. Not only to rely upon more than warriors when it comes to fighting off
did the Barbarous slay many of the Marksmen who opposed monsters since warriors are forced to allow their targets to get very
them, but they also destroyed the ability to create new guns by close to them. If you can eliminate them while they are far away,
destroying the Magitech Civilization. While guns are still used you will feel much safer.
throughout Raxia, these weapons are actually artifacts found in At the same time, carrying such weapons is a sign of prowess,
archaeological sites and among the ruins of the Al Menas that as it would be foolish to carry a weapon one can't use correctly.
have been repaired. Once highly optimized, the art of Especially for those looking for an archer, it is occasionally useful
marksmanship is now taught alongside other ranged weapons. to weather the stares and bad attitudes one may receive while
With regards to non-human Marksmen, elves tend to be traveling to find work for the right person. Just as well, Marksmen
commonly seen in this class with a very developed archery style. are often called upon in larger numbers than other warriors in the
Having kept their distance from the humans during the Magitech face of danger due to the other classes' need to get in close with
Civilization period, they did not lose as much when the the monsters attacking.
Barbarous attacked. Grassrunners, too, have the skill needed to Among adventurers, a skilled Marksman is often a good ally.
make the Marksman a useful class for them, though they tend Typically, lone archers and gunmen are solicited by adventuring
more towards throwing weapons than others. parties rather quickly due to the need for ranged combat and any

skills the Marksman may have with regards to magitech. The allowed them to stay alive thus far. So it may be more beneficial
mere presence of a bow or gun on one's person is often enough to take Combat Feats that allow that style to flourish rather than
to identify them as a Marksman, and oftentimes they will have start on a new branch. Of course, it is also possible to create a
taken levels as an Artificer to be proficient with guns just as much new, high-level character who has not had to work their way up
as bows. from level 1. In such cases, taking [Archer's Grace] over
A number of archers can also be found as troops in many [Targeting] may be a viable option, depending on the rest of the
kingdoms' armies, as their firepower is greatly appreciated when party.
answering a call for combat. The purpose of a squadron of Regarding other classes, Enhancer and Alchemist classes
archers is different from that of the infantry and cavalry on the work surprisingly well when combined with Marksman.
front lines. Instead of engaging in direct combat, archers aim to Characters who focus on their Marksman skills can also
reduce the numbers of the advancing army without putting benefit from learning how to be an Artificer. Taking two levels as
themselves in danger of retaliation. Because of their importance an Artificer will change the flow of combat, as now the Marksman
in both offensive and defensive battles, many countries and cities will have access to the spell [Healing Bullet], allowing them to
have their own garrisons of archers and soldiers. provide support when their damage output is not needed.
The most common type of Marksman is the seeker, who is Suppose the character wishes to focus on guns instead of the
always looking to hone their craft to the peak of perfection. other ranged weapons. In that case, they must take at least one
Marksman adventurers know full well they can only do their job level in Artificer anyway to deal damage, with the added bonus of
when their allies are willing to risk putting themselves in danger, learning the spell [Targeting Sight] to increase their Accuracy.
and thus they are always trying to find the best shot to end the If the character does not wish to use a gun, then the player
combat as early as possible. So for them, missing a shot not only should keep in mind that their ability to deal magical damage with
means their friends will have to be in harm's way longer, but it their attacks is limited. Without a gun, the character may lack a
almost feels like a betrayal of trust from their peers. However, way to deal significant damage to physical-resistant monsters,
this mindset is not always healthy, and many Marksmen who making their presence on the battlefield pointless. To help
believe this way can often come across as intensely proud without alleviate this somewhat, a few new weapons are introduced later
actually meaning to be. in this book, as well as magical arrows (see p. 110), to provide a
way for archers to continue to damage even the strongest

Regarding characters who wish to be primarily Marksmen,

they have three choices regarding what kind of ranged weapons
they wish to focus on: Bows, Guns, or Thrown Weapons. It is
important to note that to get the most out of guns, one must also
take levels as an Artificer. To shoot a gun, the character must have Marksman class and
Regardless of their particular focus, any Marksman worth Artificer class side by side. A gunslinger with both of them at a
their salt will have to take the Combat Feat [Targeting]. high level can deal large amounts of damage. While standing in
Otherwise, they can do little more than stand there slack-jawed the rearguard, they can keep giving damage to the enemy. It is
without putting their allies at risk of a stray shot. Consider taking better to leave the support and backup magic to the companions
[Hawk Eye] as a Combat Feat. It can help you spot enemy as much as possible. The basic flow of the game is the same for
spellcasters who are supporting the melee from afar. [Hawk Eye] primary Marksmen, from [Targeting] to [Hawk Eye] and then to
allows the Marksman to take aim at such an opponent, waiting [Weapon Proficiency/Gun].
for the perfect shot to sail through the battlefield and strike true. The combination with the Rider class is difficult until the 5th
The appropriate [Weapon Proficiency] is also recommended, as level, when the character can learn [Riding As One] because most
there are few other ways to directly increase a Marksman's of the shooting weapons are two-handed. However, the damage
damage output. is increased by Stunt [Elevated Attack]. Learning [Balance] and
[Aimed Attack] is also effective in many situations. It has the [Steady Command] while maintaining movement can also help.
potential to instantly crush strong opponents if it hits the right Still, the Accuracy check will be subject to a large penalty, so the
spot. character must have a way to compensate for this. It is an
One of the benefits of the Marksman class is that it can attractive combination, but it requires some ingenuity.
provide decent damage output while being a Minor Class, so This can be used in parallel with the Bard class. The Rhythm
advancing as a Marksman is fairly rapid at first. Being a high-level can be stored while shooting with String Bow (see p. 141) and
Marksman comes with some benefits, such as the possibility of released as a Finale. The character will need [Special Instrument
taking the Combat Feat [Archer's Grace] at the 7th level and using Proficiency] if they are considering the use of the Fabled Lute
the Marksman class level to calculate Evasion in combat. (see p. 141) or [Weapon Proficiency A/Crossbow] if they value
However, while this is useful, this option is often too late to be the additional damage from [Weapon Proficiency A] and String
fully effective, as Fighters have been able to rely on the excellent Bow. Since the “Rhythm ♡” generated by String Bow cannot be
Defense of heavy armor. In contrast, the lighter warriors have directly connected to Finale, learning [Rhythm Conversion] is
already specialized in Evasion. also a must. The theory is to play Spellsong [Morale] first and let
By the time the Marksman is able to learn [Archer's Grace], the pet sing it continuously to prevent the loss of Rhythm and to
the party has already developed a consistent fighting style that has ensure that the pet will cover only needed targets.

Part 1 The World and Characters

established various magical techniques and systems, including

Truespeech Magic, and opened the curtain of the Magic
Civilization Period. The techniques of magic were refined,
and various spells were introduced to the world. Among them,
Truespeech Magic is considered at the civilization's core.
Various kinds of offensive magic are thought to have been
developed by the wizard-kings of the time as they competed
with each other.
Mana has the power to materialize the power of will and
thoughts, and Truespeech Magic controls it by means of
words and letters. The power of mana can be released by
establishing a procedure of casting a spell for a desired effect
and then drawing magic characters with a magical implement.
Truespeech Magic cannot be used without an implement
to induce mana. In order to draw magic characters, the
implement is limited to a stick or ring shape.
The staff was mainly used for the purpose of reaching the
target as far as possible. However, if the staff is too long, it will
only hinder the use of magic, so the length of the staff has
naturally settled on the current standard.
Today, most of the Truespeech Magic has been lost, and
there is still much unknown and forbidden magic. Many
sorcerer practitioners continue researching and searching for
such secrets or developing new spells.

In order to learn how to become a Sorcerer, one must first

find a master who is willing to teach them the ways of
Truespeech magic.
The primary point of contact for such meetings is the
Sorcerers have been trained in the secret arts of Magician's Guild.
Truespeech magic, an ancient style of magic that uses the The Magician's Guild has existed since the Magitech
language of magic itself to summon powerful effects. Civilization Period as a successor to Truespeech Magic and
Developed in the Ancient Magic Civilization era, Truespeech Spiritualism Magic (see Conjurer class, page 28). However, it
magic is capable of some of the most impressively destructive seems to have been almost unpopular as an "old discipline"
spells out of any Wizard-type class. Sorcerers have access to a and a “secretive and eerie organization.” It is estimated that
wide range of flashy attack magic that deals direct damage. At the number of sorcerers has also decreased significantly due
the same time, they also have access to a variety of useful to the strong suspicion against the sorcerers who oppressed
magic to avoid danger and trick opponents. the people in the Ancient Magic Civilization period.
Because of the complexity of the movements needed to The Magician's Guild that remains today is a continuation
summon up a Truespeech spell, most armor will end up of that lineage, and its atmosphere of secrecy and archaism
binding and restricting the Sorcerer, causing significant has not changed. However, now that Magic Civilization is long
penalties to apply to any Spellcasting check they make. This gone, people are less reluctant to learn Truespeech Magic
lack of Defense means that Sorcerers will often be in the rear (and Spiritualism Magic) than they were at the time of
of any combat, casting their spells and relying on allies to Magitech Civilization, and there are some who are attracted
protect them from harm. by the charm of magic and want to learn it.
Regardless, it is not easy to become a full-fledged Sorcerer.
First, there is an intensive examination that must be passed
in order to continue with the Guild. This exam, while difficult
academically, is also meant to test the prospective Sorcerer's
Truespeech Magic used by sorcerers is said to have
ability to call forth and manipulate mana.
originated at the end of the Divine Civilization Period when
While the Magician's Guild is a meeting place for various
the third sword Cardia was shattered in the War of the Gods,
spellcasters, it is also a boarding house for traveling
and the world of Raxia was filled with mana. Truespeech
spellcasters as well. The second part of the apprentice's
Magic utilizes this mana to manifest various forms of magic.
initiation as a Sorcerer is to live with their master and assist
For a long time, people who had acquired magical powers
not only them but the Guild itself with various tasks such as
were only able to materialize rudimentary and weak effects.
cleaning and meal preparation while studying. Such
This situation was overcome by the mighty sorcerer Durandal,
apprentices may be asked to assist with dangerous
who later became a symbol of Magic Civilization. He
experiments. On occasion, there have been accidents,

sometimes with lethal consequences (see column "A Day in also generally welcome a new Sorcerer within their ranks with
the Life of a Magician's Guild Apprentice" on page 52). open arms.
All in all, the hierarchy is strict, and any sort of backtalk or
insubordination against those of higher stature results in
severe punishment. At the same time, though, merit is the
only deciding factor as to whether or not an apprentice can One of the most important aspects of being a Sorcerer is
become a full Sorcerer, as factors such as age, length of the ability to assess the situation in any given combat and use
training, and social status will have no bearing on whether or the appropriate spell. For example, in a protracted battle
not a person can use Truespeech magic. Whether the child of against a fearsome opponent, it is more useful to cast [Blunt
a peasant or the heir to a noble family, all are treated the same Weapon] as opposed to [Energy Bolt]. Flashy, destructive
when it comes to training as a Sorcerer. As a result, there are spells are the calling card of Truespeech magic, but they are
few Sorcerers among the aristocrats, as they often expect to be not the entirety of the discipline.
treated differently due to their position and are loath to "lower When looking to learn Combat Feats, a Sorcerer should
themselves" to be an apprentice for long. keep in mind the spells they cast and look to find the right
Through all the hardships, few apprentices are able to Combat Feats to help them. Truespeech spells have a wide
graduate to becoming Sorcerer. It is not uncommon for an variety of effects, with a considerable number of low-level
apprentice to have an accident and perish from a mishandled damaging spells, and so the path from [Targeting] to [Magic
experiment or excessive punishments, only to have their death Convergence] to [Magic Control] is a smart one to take. At the
shrouded by the Guild's secrecy. same time, though, the immediate effects of learning Combat
In rare cases, a noble child might have their parents Feats such as [Violentcast], [Metamagic/Targets], or [MP
purchase the services of a private tutor in order to teach them Save/Sorcerer] are rather enticing, and each Sorcerer will end
the ways of a Sorcerer. These situations are much less up taking different paths to the same ends.
dangerous for the apprentice, as there is much more With Sorcerer being the primary class, the character must
accountability for the mentor to keep the student alive. consider armor restrictions when considering other classes to
Additionally, there is no need to aid the teacher with cleaning branch out into. Taking significant penalties for performing a
or shelter, as that has all been taken care of through their class's core functions is no fun for the player or the rest of their
hiring fees. Despite all this, most mentors find it hard to party to watch. All things considered, few classes lend
change their attitude just because they are paid a high price themselves to offering a significant benefit to a Sorcerer.
and will still run the apprentice ragged. "Class time" is often Generally, other Wizard-type classes are learned so that as the
harsh, with the mentor occasionally assigning tasks that are character advances, so does their MP pool, allowing them to
impossible to do, if only to see the student struggle as they cast more and stronger spells while in combat. It is possible to
once did. All this being said, these private tutors will train even use an Enhancer's [Sphinx Knowledge] Technique to increase
fewer successful Sorcerers than the Magician's Guild, and their Intelligence when casting spells, but this requires 5 levels
those apprentices that do become Sorcerers often find in Enhancer to unlock, putting the character at a disadvantage
themselves behind in training compared to those brought up before then.
in the Guild.

Whether in the past or in current times, Sorcerers are

feared by the general public as dangerous spellcasters. The The options are much wider when a Sorcerer class is
negative image of the kings of the Ancient Magic Civilization juxtaposed with another class. As already discussed, Warrior-
era has left a mark on Raxia even 3,000 years later. To the type classes can function without armor, so combining the
general public, Sorcerers are unstable magicians who study Sorcerer class's spells with melee attacks via the Combat Feat
mysterious and esoteric methods of causing destruction, [Multi-Action] is one possibility.
seeking only to use their power to dominate anyone who Additionally, as mentioned above, characters can benefit
opposes them. Few people want to willingly live near a from a larger MP pool when training in multiple Wizard-type
Magician's Guild, and even fewer are able to sep foot into a classes. The Conjurer class is the most versatile and
Sorcerer's private residence. Many Sorcerers do not mind this compatible, with the same armor restrictions and the same
treatment and will gladly lean into the "dark and mysterious magical implement. Those who have mastered both classes
spellcaster" to keep people from prying into their research. are sometimes called "Wizards".
Of course, this is not meant to be the definitive treatment The parallel with the Priest class is also a great advantage,
of Sorcerers throughout Raxia. Some Sorcerers are quite as it allows for well-timed recovery and attacks and always has
open and jovial, whose presence around their local village is something to do in each round of combat.
quite welcomed. Some schools and guildhalls are also far The sorcerer's superior intelligence and the growth of the
more open to non-spellcasting visitors and are willing to allow Sage class will bring great benefits to the party. If a character
those curious about the goings-on at such places to come and is an Elf with good dexterity and agility, it is useful to learn the
observe freely without fear of retaliation or accidents. Some Scout class. Sorcerers, who are good at ranged attacks, have
nations even have court magicians, who typically serve as unparalleled destructive power when they get [Fast Action]
either military strategists or advisors. Adventuring parties will Combat Feat from Scout.

Part 1 The World and Characters

power to those who were looking for a more hands-off

approach, where they could manipulate others to perform
tasks instead. Significant time and energy was spent
developing spells that were useful for enhancing another's
abilities and creating vessels for wayward spirits to inhabit,
conjuring life from nothing. Many of these vessels, magical
creatures called "golems", were used as protectors of the
wizard-kings and expendable troops for their petty wars
against each other. Some even were created to supplement the
laborers, as these magical constructs could work far beyond
what a living person could. Even now, many of these ancient
golems still hold loyalty to these long-dead kings and masters,
not able to realize their leaders have passed on.
It was also during this time that research was done into the
reanimation of the dead and any effects this may have on the
newly revived. While reuniting those who had prematurely
died with their loved ones was possible, it was also found that
the revived would often manifest strange physical and mental
changes. Further research found that these manifestations
were due to the soul itself being scarred and changed as it was
repeatedly brought from the afterlife back into the world of
the living. Those who were revived from death a significant
number of times eventually took on not only the appearance
but the mannerisms of an undead monster.
Once it was discovered that the necromantic magic the
Conjurers were using would cause such soulscars, it would be
easy to believe that such spells would be outlawed among
civilized folk. However, not only were these spells not
restricted, but some Conjurers twisted these spells in order to
Masters of Spiritualism magic, Conjurers can call forth the raise those who were long dead, creating an army of undead
power of invisible spirits in order to perform magic. In creatures under their control. It is said that some even became
practice, this is very similar to the Truespeech magic of undead to find a true path to immortality, and these corrupt
Sorcerers, however the method of actually casting spells is souls were the first Nosferatu (see CR II, p. 274) among the
quite different. Although Truespeech magic has a lot of Barbarous hordes.
destructive spells, Spiritualism magic offers spells that can Because of the storied history, the use of Spiritualism
strengthen the caster and their allies, conjure and animate a magic was highly controlled among the Al Menas, if not
variety of monsters using enchanted materials, and even call outright forbidden. The most forbidden knowledge will
forth the spirit of someone who has passed away. The ability undoubtedly draw in those who look for it, though, and the
to cast the "Resurrection" spell is incredibly powerful and not practice of Spiritualism magic managed to survive the Diabolic
a spell to be cast at a whim. Yet, the power of such magic only Triumph. In current times, Conjurers have not only become
highlights the abilities of Spiritualism magic and the Conjurers more commonplace, but Spiritualism magic is seen as a
that control it. pragmatic style of spellcasting, especially among adventurers.
As with Sorcerers, Conjurers find themselves limited in However, some spells still have been locked away, lost in the
combat when it comes to wearing heavy armor, so they are sands of time, for the good of Raxia. It is said that some of
often seen behind the front lines of melee combatants, these forbidden dark magics are so vile that using them would
supporting their allies and providing aid with their conjured curse the caster for the rest of their days, distorting one's soul
monsters. within their own body in order to call upon such foul magic.

Conjurers and the Spiritualism magic they possess share The path one must take to learn the Conjurer class is very
much of the same origins as Sorcerers and their Truespeech much the same as that of a Sorcerer. However, there are those
magic. Developed after the War of the Gods, when the more foreboding Conjurers who take apprentices only to
various forms of magic were being created and used in grand abuse them in vile, twisted ways. Those Conjurers who focus
battles between the wizard-kings of the Ancient Magic on the necromantic aspects of Spiritualism magic are often
Civilization, those who found themselves able to use any of quite dangerous even as mentors, as they are willing to use the
these magics found themselves being drawn into that same naivety of their apprentices to their advantage, treating them
conflict. as test subjects for horrific experiments. With such a
While Truespeech magic was the way for those who reputation, there are fewer Conjurers than Sorcerers
sought destructive power, Spiritualism magic offered the throughout Raxia.

This does not mean that a Conjurer's abilities are not
needed, though. Because of the ability to resurrect the dead,
a Conjurer's services are often in high demand, especially in For those characters who are primary Conjurers, the
towns with a significant number of adventurers coming and approach to combat is similar to primary Sorcerers in that,
going. Having such a Conjurer around has other benefits, too, their role is to stand behind their allies, assess the combat, and
as these more benevolent Conjurers are much less likely to choose the most viable spell for the situation. Since
take advantage of young apprentices, as well as the apprentices Spiritualism magic has a much wider variety of magic available
have a much easier time learning Spiritualism magic. After all, to it than Truespeech magic, finding the right spell is much
when there is a constant stream of adventurers bringing their more exciting for both the player and the character.
fallen friends in to be revived, there is little need to come up A great boon to the Conjurer's party is the [Create Golem]
with dangerous necromantic experiments. spell, allowing the Conjurer to provide additional allies to fight
on the front line without having to put their friends in danger,
especially for a party with a small number of members.
Enhancing Items (see p. 119) are attractive, but be careful not
While Sorcerers were feared due to their powerful magical to try to spend all your money on them because the Conjurer
spells, Conjurers were often shunned entirely from will have a hard time with money.
communities. It is a small wonder why, as Spiritualism magic As with the Sorcerer class, learning other classes is less
allows an advanced Conjurer power over life and death, and appealing than providing them with new combat-capable
there is little keeping rogue Conjurers from becoming the methods.
leader of their own undead army. In the public mind,
Conjurers are often seen as the right hand of Daemons or
even the Grim Reaper themselves.
Such strong prejudices, some of them based on true
stories while others the result of over-paranoid villagers, have When taking levels in the Conjurer class in order to
been around since the time of the earliest Conjurers supplement other classes the character has already taken, it
themselves. Because of these prejudices, the Al Menas can be compared to the Sorcerer class when it comes to which
required Conjurers to obtain certain expensive qualifications classes will and will not work.
to use their magic, which was considered non-refundable even The player should be aware that combining two or more
if the Conjurer could not meet these requirements. Wizard-type Major Classes comes with its own special benefits
Even today, it is difficult to say that the general public and consequences. Although the character will have a big MP
understands the nuances of Spiritualism magic or understands pool and many spells, it takes much time to level up due to
Conjurers properly. The more superstitious folk among the the high experience requirements for multiple Major Classes.
public will fear any spellcaster and will go to great lengths to Additionally, the character's Defense will be lacking
connect any magician to the Barbarous hordes. For this considerably, forcing them to stay behind their allies if they
reason, many Conjurers will just call themselves "adventurers," wish to contribute to combat at all.
going out of their way to hide their powers and true identity. On the other hand, Conjurers pair well with Fairy Tamers,
The ability to handle constructs is not taboo. In fact, it is a as their Spiritualism magic does not outshine or compete with
useful technique that, depending on how it is used, can create Fairy magic as a Sorcerer's Truespeech magic would. For a
a superior army that requires little upkeep. There are also more supportive character, Alchemists pair well with
kings who secretly hire Conjurers or have established Conjurers, as neither class will step on the other's toes with
connections with them and secretly revive their chief advisors regard to using their magic to the fullest potential.
or generals who have died by accident. Additionally, one could also take the [Multi-Action] Combat
Among adventurers, Conjurers are in great demand. Feat, which allows a spellcasting class like the Conjurer to mix
Skilled in support magic, they are welcomed for their ability with a melee combat class and have the ability to cast spells
to prevent danger and bring efficiency to the battle. during combat, even if the caster themselves have already
attacked in melee. If a character can use Golem as a wall, it
will be easy to use [Mana Strike] alongside it.

Part 1 The World and Characters

hoping to become a god unto themselves. Thus, a Priest

knows that their gods do exist and that they do care about the
goings-on of the people of Raxia, allowing the Priest to have
an absolutely unshakable faith.
With this rock-solid faith in the divine, the general public
follows the various Priests in prayer to these gods, providing
the divine with their own power. The measure of a god's ability
is only limited by the faith of their followers, and with more
followers comes more power, allowing the god to perform
more powerful miracles to attract more followers, etc. It
should come as no surprise, then, that the Divine Ancestor,
the first god Lyphos, has the largest congregation and is by far
the most powerful and most well-known god among the gods
of Raxia.
From the fall of the Divine Civilization to the present day,
there have always been priests of various gods offering their
prayers to the divine in exchange for the right to call forth
sacred miracles. Unlike other spellcasting traditions, there has
been no loss of spells nor any knowledge forgotten, so Divine
Magic has not changed as drastically as other magics. That
does not mean there has been no change whatsoever, as over
the years, some gods' domains have changed due to their
followers altering how they choose to worship those gods.

There are always those who claim that gods are capricious.
This is because the conditions for obtaining the Priest class
and being able to use Divine Magic are not well understood.
Many priests work in temples, hear their god's voice
To call oneself a Priest is to openly admit that you are able through days of hard training and prayer, and awaken to the
to hear the voice of one of the gods of Raxia and follow their Priest class and Divine Magic. However, some believers
guidance. It also means that they have the ability to cast Divine cannot hear the voice of a god, no matter how much they train
Magic. themselves. On the other hand, some have not been
The gods are always looking for the best believers and give particularly religious but suddenly receive revelation and open
revelations to exceptional people. Those who hear the voice their eyes to the divine.
of the gods become priests and wielders of Divine Magic. This lack of clarity has led many to lament the
Divine Magic is magic that specializes mainly in defense capriciousness of the gods. Others believe that the gods are
and recovery. Divine Magic is especially good at healing strictly watching the quality of the candidates with unparalleled
magic, which is superior to all other Wizard-Type Classes. discernment.
Divine Magic is also characterized in that it offers a wide However, the percentage of those who hear the voice of a
range of magic against barbarous and undead. god as a result of their practice is still high, causality is
The specific god that a Priest follows will change how each considered to exist, albeit imperfectly, and many believers can
Priest is roleplayed, as certain strictures and dogma need to be be seen practicing in the temple.
followed by the character in the game. Each god also has a set
of Divine spells only available to their followers, making each
Priest mechanically different as well.
There are two types of "Priest" titles in society. One is a
"Priest" in the sense that one actually hears the voice of a god
and has mastered the Priest class.
From the moment the gods first set foot into Raxia, there The word "Priest" can have two meanings. The first is a
were Priests alongside them. religious leader trained in religious practices and given the
The furthest reaches of the ancient history of Raxia have rank of Priest by their temple. The second meaning is
the gods physically on the planet itself, living in harmony with someone who is an expert in a particular field or subject.
the so-called "Little People", precursors of the many races on These two meanings are often used interchangeably, and
Raxia today. The possibility of becoming a god still exists in the context will determine which meaning is intended at any
Raxia, whether through the accumulation of incredible power given time.
or by finding one of the legendary Swords of Creation, and In the general public, the term "priest" refers to a person
many adventurers will set out in search of one or the other, who works in a temple, preaches, or performs rituals.

However, it is well known that a high percentage of priests healing and defense are unnecessary when the situation does
cannot use Divine Magic. Most petitioners are eager to meet not require them, and so a character who focuses on the Priest
a priest capable of using it, but they also understand if they class with little else may find themselves wasting time in
cannot. combat, watching, and waiting for one of their allies to be
On the other hand, the name "Priest" in the adventurer harmed in some way. If that is not something that is desired,
community means possession of the Priest class. Among it is recommended that another Major Class is taken alongside
adventurers, the ability to cast Divine Magic is important, and Priest.
the position in the temple is meaningless. There are also non- Regardless of the Priest's focus, they should take an
temple Priests among adventurers. important Combat Feat: [Metamagic/Targets]. This Combat
Depending on which god they believe in, the Priests of the Feat allows the character to affect more of their allies with
gods associated with the first sword, Lumiere, are basically spells when necessary, such as to grant more allies a defensive
trusted and respected by the citizens. This is true even for bonus or to heal minor wounds across the entire party.
those Priests who cannot cast magic. They are regarded as Learning [Universal Metamagic] is also a good option.
those who have undergone rigorous training, acquired the The "Range: 1(10m)" of [Cure Wounds] is a distance that
teachings of the gods, and put them into practice. The Sun many monsters can reach, and in some cases, one may want
God Tidan and the Divine Ancestor Lyphos, in particular, to keep a distance between the monster and themselves and
have many followers and are widely respected. use the effect of [Metamagic/Distance]. Automatic failure by
Because of this influence, the social position of Priests is double 1s while healing can mean the annihilation of the party.
sometimes treated higher than that of ordinary citizens. Most In such a case, the MP consumption will be excessive, so
countries recognize the existence of temples and allow Priests can use [Metamagic/Accuracy] and [Metamagic/Power
religious freedom. Assurance] to prevent double 1s’. Other options are
In principle, temples are independent of the state and [Targeting] when considering [Force] when in need of
considered not to be part of the state. For example, the state emergency magic damage, [Defensive Stance] to increase the
cannot forcibly arrest a criminal who escapes to the temple. survivability of the Priest, and so on.
They also can disobey the king's order. In the past, there have [MP Save/Priest] is a standard combat feat after the 5th
been instances where temples played a leading role in level. This feat comes in handy in a fierce battle when having
overthrowing oppressive kings and nobles by uniting the to heal several people at once. Also, at this time, the range
people against them. distance of the magic used is getting longer, so one may want
In general, however, the relationship between the state and to consider [Hawk Eye] (after [Targeting]).
the temple is friendly. Rarely does a temple refuse a request If considering which class to learn as a subclass while
by the state, and there are no Priests who actively seek to focusing on the Priest class, it would be the Alchemist class
violate the laws of the state. which can help friends with Minor Actions, or the Bard class,
Temples wishing to increase the number of their followers when being able to play Spellsongs instead of just being idle.
are the first to offer help in times of distress or crisis. In remote It is not a bad idea to learn other Wizard-Type Classes to raise
and rural areas where state protection is limited, temples may the level of MP.
act as a police force, with armed paladins acting as a small
army to fight aggressively against incoming enemies. Often,
donations are used to build infrastructure or to help educate
the young.
On the other hand, the Priests of the gods associated with
the second sword Ignis are often feared and avoided due to Since the Priest has no armor restrictions on their
their dangerous and horrifying beliefs, such as "destruction" spellcasting, using it to supplement a primary Fighter class
and "chaos." Since these gods are mainly worshipped by the would be a good idea, and the character will become what is
Barbarous, their temples are rarely found in the Humanoid known as a paladin. That way, the character has access to
realm. Some Humanoids do hear the voices of these gods and heavy weaponry and armor and Divine spells when necessary.
become their Priests, but they run the risk of being reported Being able to continue attacking while healing using the
to the authorities and captured if their true identities are [Multi-Action] Combat Feat is also quite useful. Sorcerers,
discovered. Most countries consider such Priests to be too, can benefit from multiple spellcasting classes to increase
dangerous and thus are the target of policing. They are feared the diversity of their magic and the size of their MP pool.
as evil cultists that may be lurking nearby. While odd, having the Priest as a supplemental class to a
When we look at the character of individual Priests, there primary Alchemist is interesting. Between the multi-function
is a tendency to be different depending on the god they believe Evocations and the powerful Divine spells, the character can
in. To live according to divine will and doctrine is the duty and effortlessly switch between the two as necessary without having
joy of a priest. to worry about any overlap between the two classes.
Regardless of how the character is built, one thing that
must remain at the forefront is that the Priest is the primary
healing class of Sword World 2.5, and Divine spells are their
forte. Even if it is as a supporting class, the rest of the party
Priests specialize in healing and defensive magics and are
will look to the character as the source of their healing and
said to be the best class if that is the character's goal. However,
protection unless there is another Priest in the party.

Part 1 The World and Characters

had their own Magisphere and was able to access the multitude
of functions it could be used for.
With the practical use of different transportation methods,
such as the manabike and airship, it seemed the world became
smaller. During this time, magical civilizations around the world
were able to come together and share technology, while the
different races of Raxia were able to mingle with each other
without incident. The technology allowed fast travel on both land
and air and a world on the cusp of a massive magic-powered
industrial revolution.
The barbarous had other plans, though, and the Diabolic
Triumph destroyed much of the knowledge that the Magitech
Civilization had taken the time to cultivate. While magitech items
took little knowledge, creating even a single Magisphere was
highly intricate, requiring significant skill and knowledge.
Moreover, much of the ability to get magitech into the hands of
the public was due to a number of large factories and
transportation infrastructure, which now lay destroyed at the
hands of the Barbarous. With this knowledge lost, it is now
impossible to accurately recreate any of the magitech wonders of
the Magitech Civilization.
However, with the help of the few engineers and intellectuals
who survived the Diabolic Triumph, what remains of the old
factories is enough to maintain what magitech already exists.
Additionally, with excursions into destroyed cities and ruined
factories, advancements have been made in restoring old
technology to working order. Various machines and devices have
been discovered on these excursions, and these discoveries have
aided archaeologists and Artificers in recreating some of the lost
The Artificer is the class that can handle magitech. Magitech Currently, it is impossible to create even something as
is a system of magic developed during the Magitech Civilization relatively simple as a Magisphere with the technology available.
of Al Menas, which died out 300 years ago and was created to There are more than enough Magispheres available to up-and-
make it easy for anyone to acquire magical powers through the coming Artificers, though, the results from previous excursions
use of magical objects. and expeditions into old Magitech Civilization ruins. It is with
Using Magitech involves handling magical objects called these excavated Magispheres that Artificers can exist in modern-
magispheres and creating various effects from them. From day Raxia. The Institute of Magitechnology has not stopped trying
offensive to useful, it has a certain versatility. to develop methods of creating new Magispheres, though, and
However, the most representative magic of magitech is bullet this hunt for recovering lost technology has led them to be one of
magic such as [Solid Bullet]. In the world of Raxia, gunpowder the biggest adventurer patrons. If new ruins are discovered
technology has not developed at all, and magitech is used to give through the acts of adventurers, the Institute wishes to be the first
magic power to bullets and fire them. The gunsmiths who have in line in case the ruins hold the key to unlocking the lost ways of
mastered magitech and are proficient in marksmanship are magitechnology.
extremely reliable in eliminating the opponents who stand in their

The best way to acquire the Artificer class is to enroll in a

school operated by the Institute Of Magitechnology.
It was during the Magitech Civilization era that the Artificer Magitech is being studied for reconstruction in various places.
first came to be, as it was the first civilization to successfully merge Research institutes, such as the Institute of Magitechnology,
magic and technology. With the Ancient Magic Civilization employ Artificers who work with books and excavations. The
period behind them, the people rejected the concept of magic institutes also operate schools to train the best Artificers. Unlike
only being for the ruling elite and sought a way to avoid the Magician's Guilds, these schools are more open to the public.
tyranny from the previous era from occurring again. Thus, a way In the case of a typical Institute Of Magitechnology, the
for the general public to be able to use magic, even if it were curriculum includes three years of primary education and three
through items designed for such purposes, was conceived. more years of higher education. Admission is generally granted
In the beginning, these magitech items were basic, capable of from the age of about 10 years old, but students must pass an
performing only a limited function. However, research advanced examination. In addition, students are required to pay admission
by leaps and bounds, and the culmination of this research was the and tuition fees, which are not inexpensive.
Magisphere. Magispheres were groundbreaking devices, able to Upon completion of primary education, students are able to
replicate a wide variety of magitech items without fail. It is said handle about 1st level of magitech. Those who have completed
that, at the peak of the Magitech Civilization society, everyone higher education should be able to handle magitechs of 2nd to
3rd levels. There is a system of skipping a grade or failing a grade,

and it is rare to find a genius who can finish higher education in wizards”. Such villages are loathed to deal with any spellcaster at
just one year. the best of times and will often actively hunt down any who can
Generally, students graduate at this stage and go out into the cast magic, regardless of the source. Rerouted trade routes and
world with their acquired skills. Artificers are in constant demand the loss of mass transportation leave these villages with holes in
on airships and magic trains as engineers, and some open junk their facts, which they are more than happy to fill with superstition
shops to repair and sell handy magitechs. Naturally, adventurers and fear of the unknown. It is quite difficult to expect a decent
are also one of their paths. reaction when venturing out to such a place.
Those with good grades who wish to pursue further studies
can go to universities. At the university, the character will learn
research practice with a professor and become a researcher or
teacher. Of course, there are also those who try to establish Artificers who focus solely on the class have a fairly difficult
themselves as adventurers or engineers after graduating (or time advancing in the early levels. The Artificer's 1st and 2nd level
dropping out) from college. Magitech spells are useless in combat if there is no Warrior-type
The Institute Of Magitechnology was established shortly after class to use. Even after progressing beyond those levels, the
the Diabolic Triumph, but over the past 300 years, it has become primary Artificer is at a disadvantage when compared to other
corrupt, and patronage has become widespread. The corruption spellcasters and will be a detriment in combat without other
in the school is particularly severe, and not only the entrance action taken. Playing such a character is discouraged, as it may
examination but even the graduation qualification can be paid for actively detract from other players' enjoyment of the game.
with money. While there are serious students, many children of However, a discussion among the players may be in store if this
aristocrats and rich people enter schools for the sake of status and character style is truly the one the player wishes to play.
graduate without completing any studies. Many Artificers are
concerned about this and fear for the institute's future.
Many runefolk, the race created by the Magitech Civilization,
have learned how to use magitech from birth. These Runefolk
are self-taught in magitech (or remember it from the depths of
their memory) and rarely attend schools. A gunslinger who can learn the Marksman class
simultaneously with the Artificer class can become a very good
attacker. They are the best at continuously creating magic damage
and can be relied upon in any battle. [Targeting] feat is necessary.
Originally, Artificers were far more common among the To use two-handed long guns, [Hawk Eye] should be acquired to
public than other spellcasters, such as Sorcerers or Conjurers. take advantage of the long range. [Magic Control] from [Magic
However, with the fall of the Magitech Civilization and the time Convergence] can be useful in anticipation of [Shotgun Bullet].
that has passed since the Diabolic Triumph obscuring the inner Or the character can aim at the high power of two guns with [Twin
workings of their magitech wonders, the Artificer has become a Strike] or [Dual Technique], all starting from [Dual Wielding].
far rarer sight throughout Raxia. Even then, there is a disparate In any case, [Weapon Proficiency/Gun] is also always useful.
reaction to Artificers in Terastier, depending on the region in One of the choices is to go the route of a magic warrior, taking
which they practice their arts. advantage of the unlimited armor of the Artificer and fighting on
In larger cities, such as the Imperial Capital Lukythra, the front line in combination with the Fighter class. Of course,
Artificers are known to be spellcasters on par with the other [Multi-Action] and [Mana Strike] are good candidates for combat
classes. The general public knows of the exorbitant fees it takes feats.
in order to study as an Artificer, as well as their reliance on The Artificer class, combined with Warrior-Type Classes, is
Magispheres as a focus for their spells. With this knowledge, the costly to learn. On the other hand, the Rider class can be a good
lower classes look at Artificers with admiration, envy, and combination with the ability to make Manabikes and other
jealousy, as it appears that the Artificer can throw around magitech mounts.
exorbitant amounts of money to fund frivolous expeditions.
Many Artificers come from wealthy families and are unfazed by Hollow Structure of Magisphere
any disdain, as such sentiments are common for them to deal Although the magispheres symbolize the Magitech
with, to begin with. This blasé reaction often unintentionally Civilization, the current artificers share the common
comes off as self-confidence and optimism, regardless of how the understanding that its analysis is only a beginning.
Artificer means to appear to others. The interior of a magisphere is hollow, like an egg in a shell.
In such cities, there is no aversion to magic, and there are The inner surface of the magisphere is decorated with drawings
often shops that will buy and sell old and broken magitech devices and text so detailed that they are invisible to the naked eye. The
found in ancient ruins by adventurers. Some proprietors of these mana is supplied to this device to perform various functions.
shops can repair them and resell them as functional magitech, There has been some debate about why it has such a hollow
while others can only try and recoup the price of scrap parts, structure. At first, it was thought that it was simply to avoid stains
depending upon the device. If the junk dealer can get a broken and scratches on writings, but in recent years, the theory that it
item working, it will often be something simple, such as a light or was to seal a different dimension inside is gaining ground.
stove, and such items are easy to sell to the general public for their The magisphere has a variety of functions, including
usefulness. transformation into weapons and vehicles. It is believed that
The magic trains, which are being restored in Alfleim, functions that cannot be explained by their size or mass (to begin
symbolize magitech. Those who regularly see it along the train with, its mass changes when it transforms) are exerted through
line will greet it with awe when they learn that the Artificers are this different dimension.
indispensable in moving the magic trains. However, in more
remote villages, Artificers are lumped in with the other
spellcasting classes as “shamans”, “witch doctors”, and “evil

Part 1 The World and Characters

though they are nearly invisible and will not show themselves
without good cause.
Unlike other spellcasters, Fairy Tamers can trace their
origins back to the elves, not the humans, at the end of the
Divine Civilization Period. With their enhanced senses and
closeness to nature, the elves could see the fairies throughout
the lands and took the time to study these elemental beings.
In the process, the elves were able to learn the fairies' language
and notice their penchant for various forms of jewelry.
Eventually, a pact was made between the elves and the
fairies, where the elves could use the sparkle of specially
prepared gems in order to summon a fairy to their aid. This
concept was altered somewhat in order to become the Fairy
magic in use today, though such a pact and its alterations took
a significant amount of time. Fairies are quite flighty, with no
concept of time and no definite lifespan, and so the longevity
of the elves helped during negotiations in order to have an
established set of rules for both sides to abide by.
With the original contract in place, Fairy magic and the
Fairy Tamer class became popular among the elves. Some
humans that were close to the elves could also pick up the
difficult magics needed.
While fairies are rather forgetful and have no sense of time
to speak of, they still somehow remember the contracts made
and will always respond to the Fairy Tamer's summons. In
return, they receive some of the caster's mana, and after
completing their service (i.e., casting the spell they were called
for), the fairy will return home. Exactly how the fairy is able to
know where the Fairy Tamer is and not only appears but
disappears as well is still unknown. Some scholars believe
there is an alternate dimension the fairies use to travel over
vast distances, called the "fairy path" for the sake of
Fairies, tiny magical beings living throughout Raxia, can
talk and provide magical powers to a select few that they
choose. These chosen people are known as Fairy Tamers, and
they can call upon the powerful elements of Fairy magic. By
summoning the appropriate fairy, the Fairy Tamer can use a
variety of different magical effects. As a part of their training, Those who wish to become Fairy Tamers quickly find that
Fairy Tamers can converse directly with the fairies in Raxia, there is no formal education for learning the ways of calling
though the quality of conversation differs, depending upon the fairies but that the class relies on intuition and sensitivity rather
fairy. than research and study. In this way, a Fairy Tamer is closer
At a basic level, there are six different types of fairies: to a Priest in that both classes are more of a passively learned
earth, fire, wind, water, light, and dark. The characteristics of thing rather than the active learning needed to become a
Fairy magic differ greatly, depending upon the fairy called. Fighter or Sorcerer
Fire fairies are quite the offensive powerhouses, while wind Of course, Fairy Tamers also have masters who teach
fairies can offer a number of different effects. Earth and water those who ask them how to use Fairy Magic. However, most
fairies are strong defenders. Light fairies will affect life in of the training is spent on finding fairies in nature,
general, and dark fairies affect one's spirit. A skilled Fairy communicating with them, and getting to know them.
Tamer can call upon all of the various spells that the fairies Fairies are fickle and capricious in nature, often having
can offer, giving them a diverse spell pool to draw from. vastly different values and ethics than another human would,
However, fairies have an adverse reaction to most metals, and forming a friendship with some fairies is quite difficult as
and so the Fairy Tamer is penalized when casting Fairy spells the views of the fairy and tamer clash. Situations like these
in metal armor. require a lot of patience and diplomacy on the part of the
tamer, as well as a certain amount of talent in order to seal the
contract. This is not to say there aren't those with a natural
ability to talk to the fairies and can form contracts on their first
day, though such people will often have issues blending into
With the shattering of the Third Sword, Cardia mana was polite society and speaking to others in a normal manner.
released into the world. With it came the fairies, the result of Once an accord is reached and a friendship is made, a
mana interfering with the natural world. Fairies can be found contract can be forged between the Fairy Tamer and the fairy.
all throughout Raxia, even in the most inhospitable areas,

Such a contract requires the use of a specially prepared gem, expendable MP. Therefore, Fairy Tamer is always busy
which will act as a gate for the fairy to call upon its power. casting spells.
Through this process, it is quite possible that the tamer and To learn various types of magic, it is necessary to consider
fairy will form some kind of friendship, though some have the enemy's weak points when selecting spells. In Fairy Magic,
attempted to force the fairy into performing their magic. Such where many types of magic can be used per level, it is
brutes can often be found among the Barbarous, as fairies can particularly important to understand what is possible. If the
detect soulscars and are naturally repelled by them, so the situation is not analyzed properly, the player may end up with
Barbarous oftentimes turn to another manner to get the fairies a mediocre performance.
to work with them in order to stay in the thick of things. If the player wants to learn other classes as a subclass, the
Unfortunately, this also affects Nightmares, who may have a Scout class can be chosen. The armor limitation is not a
soulscar or two naturally occurring due to their parents' problem for Fairy Tamers, and the [Fairy Wish] can help with
lifestyle (from a game perspective, there is no limitation or checks. As part of Scout, the player can contribute to the
disadvantage for a Nightmare PC learning the Fairy Tamer stability of the party.
class). The Alchemist class can also be a good subclass, which
does not use Major Actions, and Fairy Tamer can support
allies while saving MP.
For combat feats, [Targeting] can be the first choice to take
Fairy Tamers are seen as weirdos and freaks living outside advantage of [Fire Bolt]. However, [Metamagic/Targets] is
of normal civilization to be with invisible fairies. With Fairy also important. Also, if the MP costs are reduced by [MP
Tamers being more comfortable in nature, their homes are Save/Fairy Tamer], the player's sustainability will be very high.
often in conjunction with nature and appear more magical in Since there are many spells whose range is "1(10m)", including
nature than they really are. There are a number of elven Fairy [Basic Healing] and [Advanced Healing], [Universal
Tamers as well, and they are seen by the humans with a Metamagic] is also a strong choice since it includes the use of
combination of fear and envy. [Metamagic/Distance].
Fairies live in nature and are rarely seen in human
settlements. Fairies are especially scarce in urban areas, and
many Fairy Tamers do not like to be in such environments.
The more experienced Fairy Tamers tend to be more
accustomed to living outdoors, and there are a few Fairy
Warrior category specialties such as Grappler and Fencer
Tamers who are self-sufficient in remote areas, in places with
classes, which are subject to armor restrictions, are excellent
abundant nature, such as forests and mountain vales. In some
with the Fairy Tamer class. Since Fairy Magic has a variety of
remote villages, Fairy Tamers are skilled in Fairy Magic and
attack spells, its ability to produce damage with [Multi-Action]
sometimes play the role of a Medicine Man (Witch Doctor),
is close to that of Sorcerer.
similar to a priest or a physician.
For a Fairy Tamer, [Summon Fairy] is an extremely useful
Fairy Tamers, often distant from human society, tend to
spell. If the summoned fairy can cast spells, the penalty for
be less attached to money and power. In addition, the fairies
metal armor, when combined with the Fighter class, will not
with whom they are in constant contact are not familiar with
be a problem for a summoned fairy. In this case, [Mana
the concept of time and are not good at perceiving things in a
Strike] will shine, and the Bard class, which requires Major
continuous manner. Perhaps influenced by this, Fairy Tamers
Actions, can be utilized (when needed) in this situation.
also tend to give priority to intuition.
However, the [Summon Fairy] spell requires 5 points of mako
stone and MP to cast. So be careful with its usage. A good eye
for assessing the situation is required when playing Fairy
The most important feature of Fairy Magic is its ability to Focusing on the Sage class to exploit weak points is a good
change the composition of magic by selecting the type of choice. Once the character has enough levels in Sage to
magic to use. Each of the six types has its own characteristics, automatically learn the Combat Feat [Weakness Exploit],
and how they are combined greatly affects the adventure's watching an opponent's HP get shredded by the increased
outcome. It is important to consider the balance of the party. damage they are receiving is possible.
The light type is essential if there is no other healer at the Finally, as with all other spellcasters, it is a good idea to
party. If there is no Sorcerer or Artificer, the fire type should take a number of different spellcasting classes in order to
be chosen so that character can deal damage. increase the character's MP. More MP directly correlates to
In the middle of an adventure scenario, and a number of casting more spells and more powerful spells, while more
days have passed, the player may want to change their choices classes allow the character to have a wide variety of spells to
based on the situation. For instance, if the ruins are full of choose from in combat. However, in particular, the Conjurer
magitechs, the darkness type will have a lower priority. If class not only deals with the same armor restrictions as the
enemies can breathe fire, the player must prepare for them Fairy Tamer, but their spell list compliments the Fairy Tamer
with the water/ice type. quite nicely.
Fairy Magic can perform a wide range of tasks from attack
to support and recovery but has a relatively small amount of

Part 1 The World and Characters

While no specific event caused the rise of the Scout class,

historians generally agree they began to show up in significant
numbers during the Ancient Magic Civilization period. It is
believed that much of the intelligence wars between wizard-kings
were facilitated by skilled scouts on each side, as each king
attempted to gain supremacy over the other. However, whether
during the time of the wizard-kings or in the current day, the skills
that a Scout can bring to the table have never gone out of style,
and they still remain in high demand.
What is strange about the Scout class is that there is no written
record of their particular skill sets that can be found throughout
history. The techniques and abilities that Scouts learn have never
been written down or recorded, as these techniques and abilities
can and have been used to steal state secrets and commit crimes.
Without a written record, it is much easier for a captured Scout
to keep their friends and acquaintances safe and not put any
colleagues at risk of retaliation.
The Scout class is a prime example of a common class that
does not need formal training but can be passed down with the
correct training and word of mouth. As it stands, it is simply too
difficult to trace the exact origins of the class because it has been
clandestinely passed from one Scout to the next through verbal
records. Frequently, a Scout may also try to change how they
perform a task or use a particular technique, and if it proved
successful, they would pass down the new version instead of the
old, leaving it to be forgotten. As a result, there are so many secret
schools of Scouts that trying to count them all would be foolish.
And the characteristics and superiority of each of them are not
clear. It is foolish for Scouts to expose their skills to others, even
The Scout class is built around performing covert operations, to the same profession, because Scouts seldom compare their
reconnaissance, and investigative work. Often in high demand, a skills with each other.
proper Scout can find work with a number of different individuals Out of the non-human races, Grassrunners tend to have the
and organizations, from adventuring parties to spymasters for a most Scouts among their numbers compared to the other races.
kingdom. Experts at snooping around where they shouldn't and Grassrunners aren't particularly drawn to stealthy pursuits or
leaving no trace when they do, Scouts are the perfect class for covert operations, though. Outside of the nimbleness a Scout
those who need to infiltrate secure areas, find valuable or sensitive requires to perform their abilities, it is a mystery why
information, and make an escape. Grassrunners are drawn to the Scout class.
Scouts are also quite skilled at disguising themselves, changing
their appearance to whatever the situation may require. By
looking like they belong, a Scout can sneak their way into heavily
guarded areas and cause all kinds of havoc once inside. A Scout
is also particularly adept at following people, tracking footprints On the Alfleim Continent, there are three general patterns in
and leavings from a distance in order to keep undetected, and which organizations and individuals use Scouts. The learning of
rarely loses sight of a target. the Scout class is also dependent on them.
In order to live up to this reputation as a sneak, Scouts are One is the intelligence organization of the state or noble
trained to anticipate and detect danger as early as possible. family. The intelligence agents of the state or nobility go into
Whether finding and removing traps from ancient ruins, dodging various places to spy on their movements and sometimes conduct
surprise attacks, or outmaneuvering opponents in combat, a covert operations. The target is other countries or territories, but
Scout is uniquely trained to escape from a dangerous situation. also their own country or territory. In this case, candidates for
Such training comes in handy when adventuring, and it may be Scouts are selected from among the military personnel for their
said that such skills are almost required to be a successful qualities. The teachers are mainly retired military personnel, and
adventurer. The phrase "adventuring without a Scout" is often organized training is provided. In many cases, they have their own
used in order to warn against or mock young adventurers from training facilities.
being too reckless. Second, criminals and criminal organizations. Various
While the skills offered by the Scout class are useful, there criminals and criminal organizations control the city's
are some drawbacks, as many require unfettered movement. underworld, from individual thieves to small gangs to thieves'
Light, flexible armor such as Soft Leather or a Bone Vest will not guilds (called Ruins Guild in Alfleim). In many cases, the
hinder the Scout from using any of their skills, but heavier metal marginalized: those who have been pushed out of society, try to
armor, such as Splint Armor or Chainmail, will penalize the rely on these individuals and organizations. In this case, the
Scout as they try to fight against the armor's restrictions to achieve mentor-apprentice relationship is more one on one. Even if they
the same goal. are organized as a guild, they are rarely organized in terms of

training. In this case, if the students have different qualities, how various checks with [Fairy Wish], the Artificer class can help with
the master teaches them will also vary from person to person. Search checks and Disable Device checks with [Explorer Aid],
Generally speaking, the technique is passed on roughly and and overall, the Fairy Tamer class is perfect for Scouts.
carelessly. Most masters think that if they do not succeed in The Bard class also does not require high strength, so it is not
teaching by imitation, the newcomer should be left to die. a bad match. In particular, Grassrunners and Elves mesh well
The third are adventurers. When an adventurer or other with both classes in terms of ability scores.
"freelance" Scout teaches an apprentice, the basic format is careful The other classes tend to be too much to handle in battle by
one-on-one instruction. In most cases, they eat and sleep together themselves and are not actively sought after. In particular, the
and are given detailed instructions on their skills at every Ranger class has many overlapping abilities, which offset the good
opportunity. While lockpicking, for example, can be improved compatibility in armor.
through training alone, the Scout actively accompanies their
apprentice to work on Danger Sense and other such skills. The Man Who Stole the Castle
Among Grassrunners, the Scout class (or Ranger class) seems The following is a legend about one of the greatest thefts by
to be passed on naturally from the older to the young generation the "Misty" Kemushin, a great thief who is said to have stolen not
in their daily lives. only gold, silver, and gems but also paintings, sculptures, and even
a rare live animal.

“The moat didn't help? The outer wall?”

Many Scouts will try and hide their class when out in society, “Water exercises and wall climbing are common skills for
whether they are secret intelligence agents of a nation or criminals such a big thief.”
plying their trade. Even those who were Scouts in their youth, and In the face of the raging lord of the castle, the attendant
have moved beyond such trifles as they've aged, will still go to replied in a low voice, bowing low.
great lengths to hide their abilities as a Scout. In the unlikely event “What were those soldiers doing in the forecourt?”
that old jobs have come to light, the general public tends to look “They were fooled by the disguise. They were banded
poorly on a Scout exposed like that, even if the former Scout is together as a group of mercenaries just recently, and were
in a position where they could not be legally punished. unfamiliar with each other's faces.”
Those Scouts who find themselves at the Adventurer's Guild “What about the key to the middle gate? Wasn't the trap
tend to avoid such unsavory jobs, only considering their skills useless?”
useful when diving into ancient ruins and forgotten dungeons. “It was cleanly removed, sir. The trap and all.”
Even then, they do not talk about their capabilities as a Scout out “Hey, you locksmith! I paid good money for you, you useless
in the open, as they are keenly aware of how the public would bastard!”
look upon them. From the beginning, the locksmith lacked self-confidence,
Many Scouts are cautious, and it may seem like they're being but as expected, he said nothing and stared at the floor.
overly so. However, they are aware of how they're seen and what “What about the courtyard? No one in regular uniform
fate may befall them were they to work publicly, so they go out of would be fooled by a disguise.”
their way to work in the shadows. Most Scouts are used to “They said that they were caught off guard and slipped
pretending to be something they're not, and it's quite easy to through in a blink of an eye. They said they thought they saw a
pretend to be cheerful and easygoing (though Grassrunner Scouts shadow running away.”
may actually not be pretending...). Figuring out the true Scout “What a surprise.”
from behind the exterior they wish to show everyone is difficult, With a wince, the lord of the castle crushed the letter in his
not to be taken lightly. hand again. The letter was filled with provocations, mocking the
smallness of the lord's territory and implying that he had few
retainers. Finally, the letter concluded with the following words.
“Since your reserves are small, I will take from you the only thing
that can be called a fortune - your castle.”
Raising only the Scout class to a high level is not advisable. The owner of the castle was taken in by this provocation. He
While Scouts provide several useful skills on adventures, they hired mercenaries with borrowed money, found a locksmith, and
offer no advantage in combat scenarios. Unless a character wants ordered a large lock with a trap. He also set traps in the corridors
to sit on the sidelines and watch their friends fight deadly of the castle. But all these efforts were in vain.
opponents, they should have a second combat-capable class at “And is this...”
the same level or higher than their Scout level. The lord of the castle looked up to the heavens, dazzled. It
was the apartment of his only daughter. On the table was a small
box of gems and a piece of paper. The words on the paper were
“as a betrothal gift.”
The daughter put her finger to her lips and looked at the open
window with a half-stupefied expression.
The Scout class is usually combined with classes that can “My Lord, about that borrowed money...”
affect combat. “I know.”
Among Warrior-Type Classes, the Grappler and Fencer Repayment was just now becoming possible. The owner of
classes, which require light armament, are the most suitable, the castle had no choice but to admit his defeat.
followed by the Marksman class. In contrast, the Fighter class,
which requires heavy armament, is somewhat less suitable. Having successfully obtained the name for himself,
In terms of Wizard-Type Classes, the Sorcerer, Conjurer, Kemushin went on to commit more major thefts, but that's
and Fairy Tamer classes are well-matched in terms of equipment. another story.
Looking at individual magic, the Fairy Tamer class can help with

Part 1 The World and Characters

quickly from injuries. These were sought after, cultivated as

practical skills, and accumulated. This led to the development
of the Ranger class.
These techniques emerged individually in different
regions and developed through personal experience with little
systematization. The results were mainly passed on orally
within families from parent to child or, at best, from friend to
friend. Because it developed in non-urban areas, there was
little interaction among masters, and the differences among
the regions were significant.
In the late stage of Magitech Civilization, when the
network of transportation and heavy load reporting was
completed worldwide, those transmitting these technologies
also had a chance to communicate with each other. The origin
of the Ranger class can even be traced back to the distant era
of the Divine Civilization. It was during this late Magitech
Civilization that the Ranger class was created.
Even though there was integration, there was no academic
compilation. Neither was it recorded in books nor taught in
schools, and the techniques were passed on from parent to
child in each region. Although various cultures were lost in
Raxia due to the Diabolic Triumph, the Ranger class skills,
which depended on individuals, were not lost. They were
perfected during the Magitech Civilization Period and have
been passed down almost unchanged.
Nevertheless, 300 years after the disappearance of
transportation and information exchange, regional
characteristics and differences are beginning to emerge again.
Among the non-humans, it is quite noticeable that there
Rangers have taken a liking to living and working outside are a number of Grassrunner Rangers. It should come as no
and have developed skills to survive in the wilds away from surprise, though, as the Grassrunners were always famous for
society. Able to operate out in the field for significant periods living outdoors, surviving off of the land for significant periods
of time, a Ranger is an expert at living off of the land. Whether of time. In fact, it is said that they had much to offer once
it's following faint tracks from passing wildlife, setting traps to Rangers started meeting with one another during the Magitech
catch food, or almost disappearing into the forest to hide from Civilization era and that much current Ranger technology was
larger predators, a Ranger is a quintessential outdoorsman. originally used by the Grassrunners.
Rangers are also quite skilled when it comes to finding
herbs and creating medicines, having been trained as to which
plants are useful and which ones may end up being poisonous.
Some of these herbs and potions, such as the Magic Herb, can It is safe to say that there is no school or organization
be used to heal MP, something that is rare among healing making a living off of teaching the Ranger class skills to anyone
items. Having a Ranger around will aid in the efficacy of such who walks in off of the street. If a character wishes to become
items, making them much more useful when it comes to a Ranger, they must find the appropriate teacher, often a
recovering from drawn-out combat while in the field. friend or family member who is also a Ranger. In many cases,
Generally, Rangers prefer wearing light armor when out little actual teaching is involved, as the skills and abilities are
and adventuring, allowing them to be nimble when evading learned through necessity or repetition.
any large predators or chasing down elusive prey. However, Once learned, it is up to the Ranger as to how far they wish
Rangers are quite adaptable when it comes to figuring out a to advance. Only by experiencing a variety of dangerous
means of survival, and there are those stronger Rangers who situations and accumulating knowledge from out in the field
prefer the protection afforded to them from heavier armor can one truly reach the heights of the Ranger class.
and will take up arms on the front lines of combat.

The first Rangers were those who willingly lived out in the There are a few different stereotypes of the traditional
wilderness, away from society, and chose to live off of the land. Ranger, and each has its own place in society.
As they did so, they needed to learn how to survive, given the The most radical Rangers are those who are rarely seen in
dangerous nature of Raxia's wilderness, how to avoid danger civilized lands at all. Whether they are fighters training
and hide, how to set traps against beasts, and how to heal endlessly, elven wizards looking to become one with nature,

or so-called "prospectors" who seek out ruins and sell the The Bard class is a good choice for some races. However,
information among adventurers, they would all consider those races are also compatible with the Scout class, and the
themselves Rangers. There are also those sent by the local only feat that can be said to be compatible with the Bard class
king to track the movement of the Barbarous on the frontier, is [Run-and-Gun] at the 15th level, which can be acquired
sending notifications in case an army is on the move. automatically, so there is little reason to give priority to the
These folks often live on the fringe of society, not caring Ranger class.
about their appearance compared to those in more civilized The Scout class seems a good match due to its equipment
lands. On the rare occasion that they must be seen in public, limitations, but its overlapping abilities make it a waste of time.
they are often wearing old furs and pelts, giving little heed to Dual use with the Rider class is a risky choice since the gap
the current fashions of the time. Given these types of people between its difference in skills between indoor and outdoor
live out in the wilderness, the looks and thoughts of the activities can be very large.
general public mean little.
To a lesser extreme, there are those who don't go into Bear Man
towns unless necessary but live on the outskirts of a town The deep forest that loomed near the village was known
performing jobs that may be a little unsavory for civilized folk. only at its fringes, and its depths were full of unknown dangers.
Loggers, charcoal makers, tanners, etc., will fall into this Therefore, the adults always told their children to stay away
group. While not actively unfriendly, these folks will keep to from the forest. In fact, there was an incident in the past in
themselves more than normal, though they do occasionally which a child went missing after entering the forest.
show up in town plying their wares. But such advice was counterproductive to some naughty
Of course, not every Ranger is like the above stereotypes, children. They encountered a large beast walking quietly
anti-social hunters living on the fringe of civilization. Some among the trees. As they were startled and tried to run away,
Rangers are simply adventurers, those who have taken up the they were surprised to hear a human voice calling to their
mantle of a Ranger in order to help themselves and others. backs. The children stopped and looked back.
Having sought out the skills of the Ranger in order to help It is no wonder that they mistook him for an animal. His
their adventuring party. hair and beard were unkempt, and his body was just a mess of
animal fur directly on his bare skin.
“Uncle, are you human? I thought you were a bear.”
“Really? Then call me Bear Man.”
While the skills offered by the Ranger class have their The Bear Man answered in human language, albeit
place, combat is not an area where they are particularly useful. falteringly. The children promised to meet their new friend in
Not only that, but a good number of Ranger skills aren't useful the forest the next day…
unless the Ranger is outdoors. Therefore, focusing on The village was suffering from the damage caused by wild
advancing your Ranger class above and beyond other, more beasts. Grains, fruit trees, and livestock. Everything was
combat-capable classes is a very bad idea. targeted and devoured. Only a few beasts can destroy so much
indiscriminately and in such large quantities. The identity of
the beast was clear from the footprints left behind.
The villagers set traps and spread poisonous bait. But in
vain. The traps were skillfully broken, and the poisonous bait
was avoided.
The Ranger class is widely useful for its automatically “He's not just a bear, this one. He's too smart.”
acquired combat feat and is compatible with a wide variety of “It can't be a Lycanthrope... can it?”
classes. The villagers were lamenting over the situation. It was hard
[Indomitable] combat feat is very useful as a frontline enough to have their crops destroyed, but if things continued
fighter, even if some of Ranger's skills will become limited by as they were, there was a worse future ahead.
heavy armor. Also, instead, the character can be a Grappler “One of these days, people are going to get attacked.”
or Fencer with a Ranger class to fully utilize the skills of the The children looked at each other and nodded their heads
Ranger. in agreement. A child approached the adults.
[Potion Master] is effective for both frontline and “Hey, let us kids do it. We know what they're thinking and
rearguard. Frontline characters can fight while strengthening what they're going to do. We can trap it.”
themself. The rearguard character can use magic while Normally, they would have disagreed. But they were
recovering MP by using Magic Perfume (see p. 117). The clinging to straws. The adults nodded and said there was no
Sorcerer class is the most suitable for this because of its heavy harm in letting them try.
MP consumption and equipment restrictions. It is also useful The next day, the big bear that had been plaguing the
for the Priest class who always want to secure MP though their village was caught in a trap. As declared, the trap was perfectly
heavy armor can be an issue ([Survivability] and [Indomitable] placed by children, as if they had fully anticipated how it would
are also good for the Priest who must not fall down). work, and it was more than a great big one.
However, Wizard-Type Classes have high synergy with the “When did you guys set up these traps...”
Sage Class, and you may be at a loss for which class to choose. Without answering the questioning adults, the children
For example, in the Fairy Tamer class, which has many types, headed for the forest, to tell the Bear Man about their
[Weakness Exploit] and [Mana Save], which are automatically accomplishments and thank him. And to hear again the old
acquired by the Sage class, are more attractive than [Potion tale of how he came of age in the forest without returning to
Master]. the village because he loved and was loved by the forest.

Part 1 The World and Characters

same during their time, and it was these works that allowed
people from the current times to learn the variety of information
needed to become a modern Sage.
In modern times, Sages can be found among the Magician's
Guild and the Institute of Magitechnology. Both organizations
are interested in finding and exploring old ruins, and Sages will
often follow along, hoping to find more information they can
share with the world as a whole.

The Sage class is interesting, as it does not require the

prospective Sage to have any pre-existing knowledge, nor does
it favor those with any higher qualifications or aptitude. All it
takes to want to become a Sage is the drive to learn, which in
and of itself is enough to begin one down the path of the Sage.
There are much better ways to learn the Sage class than
through self-teaching. The Institute of Magitechnology, for
example, has many books from much of Raxia's history and
would be willing to allow a prospective Sage the chance to read
through the collection and do their own research. While there
are entrance tests and admission fees to contend with, the
Institute does train Sages alongside Artificers and Alchemists
and will be a simple way to train in the class.
The Magician's Guild is another path to Sagehood, though
it is not as organized or structured as the Institute's plan is.
Magician's Guild also trains Sages. However, as already
mentioned, this closed organization is not reputable. Its store
of knowledge is also concentrated on the Ancient Magic
Civilization era, and in terms of breadth, it is a step behind the
A Sage is a person who has taken the time to become Institute Of Magitechnology. Only a few strongly attracted to
extremely knowledgeable about a wide range of topics. Sages can Magic Civilization will prefer to gain knowledge here.
be expected to recall information gleaned from ancient texts just Learning and teaching the language of the gods is practiced in
as readily as they can recite modern works. They have read the each temple, but this is considered more of a religious activity. In
literature, accumulated knowledge, and have firsthand Raxia, where there are many gods, the terms theology and
experiences with various monsters, both living and dead. In fact, theologian are applied to studying and understanding a wide
a special skill only available to the Sages is the ability to notice the range of myths and legends and to those who engage in such
weak point of a given monster, allowing an adventuring party to study, which is distinct from learning in the temple. Most Sages
exploit that weakness. who study the Divine Civilization Period also begin their studies
When an adventurer is looking to identify something, at the Institute Of Magitechnology, with a rather small number
whether an ancient text, a mysterious artifact, or a bit of esoteric coming from the priesthood.
magic, the Sage is the one they look to. Sages are also polyglots, In urban areas, it is common to have some sort of private
masters of language, both old and new. As the Sage advances in school run by scholars for younger children. These schools range
their class, they can greatly increase the number of languages they in size and scope, from the smallest school only teaching basic
are fluent in, both spoken and written. reading and writing to the local children, allowing those children
the ability to read basic instructions and correspond
appropriately. On the other hand, large private schools can hold
seminars open to the public on deep philosophical discussions
and allow for reflection on a wider variety of topics.
With the introduction of written languages, information was
much more readily passed from one generation to another
without losing anything important. A great deal of information
has been collected into innumerable books, allowing ancient
writers to pass their knowledge down throughout countless years. Having completed a number of academic studies and gained
This method of passing on information is much more accurate significant knowledge, Sages are typically respected in general
and reliable than oral traditions and has allowed much more society, though there may be some who are jealous of the respect
complex cultures and civilizations to form over time. given to Sages. At the same time, a Sage's knowledge can be tested
Even after more than 10,000 years, the job of the Sage has in many situations and must be up to snuff to keep that respect
not changed. Their entire reason for being is to travel around intact, which can lead to quite a lot of stress for the Sage.
Raxia, collect whatever new information they may find, and For example, a Sage's knowledge of monsters and weak
record it for their descendants to be able to read and learn. Those points comes in handy when adventuring out in the field, though
people who would end up being the earliest Sages did much the the Sage must also be able to pivot at a moment's notice to discern

the usefulness and value of whatever ancient books and relics the Whether or not the character succeeds in the Monster
party may find as well. The information the Sage may forget in Knowledge check and whether or not the character can detect a
the heat of the moment could mean the difference between a weak point greatly impacts the outcome of the battle, and having
successful mission and a failed one or even affect the life and more than one Sage in the party is an advantage. It would help if
death of the party they're traveling with. you decided what party member will learn Sage while keeping an
Even the personalities of Sages are often different from what eye on the balance with the growth of surrounding characters.
society expects. The stereotype of a Sage is a stuffy old man bent
over from reading innumerable books over their lifetime and The Blank Book of Master Keonu
often quiet and ponderous when they do decide to converse with Eg-Keonu, Dwarf Sage, is not so well known. In the line of
people. However, the truth is many Sages are impetuous and the Sages who are known even to the general public, such as "The
quite emotional, standing in stark contrast to the stereotype. Master" Levimir, "Rational Conscience" Karner, and "Alchemy
While some do live up to the ideal of unparalleled diligence, Lady" Mai, Keonu's name is not among the list.
other Sages can and do run fast and loose, often to their own However, if you have entered the gates of the Institute Of
detriment. The only common denominator between Sages is Magitechnology to become a Sage or an Artificer, you will always
their insatiable curiosity for more information. Otherwise, they hear the name Keonu.
can be found with any given personality. This is because most of the famous sages, including at least
one of the three mentioned above, were disciples under the
tutelage of Keonu. This cannot be explained by Dwarven
longevity alone.
The Sage class covers most of the knowledge-related skills, When asked whether this Sage, whose name seems to have
allowing the character (and the players) to gather information been buried under the names of his glittering disciples, was
from the world around them. Among their knowledge are the uniquely outstanding as a teacher or what his own knowledge and
monsters' habitats, behavior, and weaknesses, giving the Sage a intelligence were, there is a story about that. The man who told
unique benefit when it comes to discerning what type of monsters the story was "The Master" Levimir, who was famous for his
the party may be engaging in combat. However, that knowledge numerous writings and flamboyant speeches, and in the latter half
is the extent of the usefulness of the Sage class in combat of his life, he served the government of the country as a Sage
situations. It is nearly the same as having no combat skill at all attached to the royal court and was regarded as one of the best of
when it comes to the actual fighting of opponents. his time.
Unless there is a significant number of players in the party,
having a character become useless in combat is a loss of strength That day, master Keonu seemed to be reading from a book.
for the party and is often just not fun as a player to sit back and Suddenly, I peeked in from behind and was surprised to see that
watch as your friends fight (and maybe even die). While the Sage the book was completely blank, with no single word written. I
class offers some useful skills and knowledge, it is not a class that thought it might have been written with special ink, visible only
a player should focus on to the point of ignoring all other classes. with magic glasses, but it did not seem to be so.
I asked him, “What are you reading?”. He answered, "Page
126 of Fimnos' "Motor Mechanics - Vibration Suppression by
Phase Multiplication." He had not even turned ten pages or so.
The master suddenly picked up his pen and drew a double
When planning out a character's growth, it should be noted line down the middle of the blank page. “Fimnos was a good
that the skills a Sage is proficient in are all Intelligence-based scholar, but I have found some errors. The coefficients are
skills. So the Sage class synergizes well with other classes that use arbitrary and poorly reasoned. Wellin's "Analytical Mechanics"
Intelligence, typically Wizard-type classes. Specifically, the has more information on this point.” He added a small number
Sorcerer, Fairy Tamer, and Artificer classes are all great classes and a note just above the two lines when he said so. After a short
that will benefit from being supported by Sage's knowledge. The while, he wrote them again on a blank sheet of paper, explaining
Sage's [Weakness Exploit] Combat Feat is extraordinarily them to me. Repeating this process, he wrote some of his letters
powerful in the hands of such characters and can easily swing the on the spread of the book.
tide of battle. The next day, when I visited the master's room, I found him
Warrior-type classes have no need for Intelligence, so they again with a blank book open. He said, "Today I am reading
don't benefit as much from having the knowledge of a Sage Wellin's "Analytical Mechanics on page 82. It was the same as the
behind them. At the same time, though, it is common for players previous day. Sometimes, he wrote corrections and annotations
to assume that Warrior-type classes don't need Intelligence and in the white book while explaining briefly.
will play them as unintelligent louts. In such cases, taking levels in When the book had been read for about six months, and
the Sage class isn't recommended. every page contained words of my master, he said, “I've finished
With regards to Other-type classes, Scouts, Rangers, and this book, and I'm giving it to you.”
Alchemists will all benefit from having levels in the Sage class. It became a task of filling in the blanks, using my memory and
However, it is very easy to spread too thin and have the character's my mentor's writings as clues to find the appropriate book and
Adventurer Level lower than it should be in comparison to the page. There were two copies of Fimnos and one copy of each of
others in the party. Such cases mean the character will have to the other five authors, right? In the end, I ended up reading them
work significantly harder to achieve the same results as the rest of all. I had an excellent, well-ordered text on motors when I was
the party, which can lead to more failures and player done.
disappointment. There was one place where the correction lines were out of
As a general rule, do not take too many classes alignment by one word, and when I hinted at it, he said, “It's the
simultaneously. The Sage class is a class that has almost no wrong edition.” I hurriedly rechecked the book and found that it
disadvantage to be learned at the same time as other classes, but had indeed been corrected in the revised edition. I felt my shirt
the passive automatically acquired combat feat [Mana Save] is a sticking to my back in a cold sweat.
perfect combination with the Enhancer class.

Part 1 The World and Characters

shattering of the Third Sword, Cardia, and that tapping into

that mana was the origin of the Enhancer's Techniques.
After the shattering of Cardia and the infusion of mana
into Raxia, some ascetics saw the power of the ancient
monsters and sought to recreate them to gain power. By
changing their breathing to try to infuse their body with mana,
similar to the naturally infused mana of the ancient beasts,
these proto-Enhancers were able to recreate the various
abilities of the monsters and, in doing so, temporarily
transformed into the monstrous shapes of their inspiration. It
is said that such abilities were put to good use during the War
of the Gods.
As the Age of Magic began to dawn on Raxia, these
breathing techniques took a back seat to the developing
magically inclined classes, as being able to transform oneself
and become physically stronger and tougher did little to
protect against the powerful magic wielded at the time.
However, as the various Grappler schools were being
carved out, the bare-handed warriors found kindred spirits in
the Enhancers. The training methods and philosophies of the
Grapplers meshed quite well with the Enhancer way, as the
importance of breathing is a central aspect of both classes. As
a result, some schools had put an equal focus on breathing as
well as physical training and martial arts, and such training has
been passed down to the current day uninterrupted.

The Enhancer class handles techniques called Technique. Enhancers are often taught in the same dojo as Grapplers,
Technique is the art of activating the mana in the body though it could be said that no teachers specialize in solely
through special breathing techniques to strengthen and teaching the skills needed for the Enhancer class.
transform the body. The effect may look like magic, but it is In order to learn how to become an Enhancer, rigorous
not. training is required on the part of the prospective Enhancer.
Technique is mainly focused on effects that support Not only do they need to withstand the transformations
combat, such as Accuracy, Evasion enhancement, damage, caused by the various Techniques, but they need to learn the
and defense improvement. These effects are modest, but they specific breathing patterns needed to activate the Techniques
will surely improve the character’s combat power. All of them in the first place.
can be used with a Minor Action and will be very useful for This physical training can include various training
frontline warriors. methods, from meditating underneath a waterfall and running
Each time an Enhancer's class level increases by one level, a marathon without becoming winded to specialized breathing
they learn a new Technique. However, with a few exceptions, training to keep one's breathing steady and consistent. It takes
no matter how high the Enhancer class level is, the effect of quite a long period of time to consciously control the flow of
the Technique itself remains the same. Also, the action check mana into and out of the body through breathing, so
that uses the Enhancer class to calculate standard values is Enhancers are fairly rare throughout Raxia.
only used to resolve a small number of Techniques. The fact As with other classes, some prodigies are able to master
that the class level has almost no value other than for a number the class without harsh training or intense exercise. These
of Techniques acquired is a major characteristic of the geniuses are occasionally called "reincarnated beasts", or,
Enhancer class. more commonly, "children of the dragon", calling back to the
myths of the first Enhancers copying the abilities of dragons
for inspiration.

The existence of Enhancers, or at least Enhancer-like

characters, has existed in literature in some form or another,
dating back to some of the most ancient books and writings However, because no one trains only in the Enhancer
from the Divine Civilization Period. class, the existence of Enhancers is not well known to the
Originally, it is believed that various monsters used various general public. They are considered to be an extension of the
techniques, though dragons are commonly mentioned in Fighter and Grappler classes.
these texts. There is a theory that these monsters had
significant mana infused into their bodies even before the

However, if the Technique involves a physical change, it is Mastering Techniques
still a target of prejudice. Therefore, Enhancers are careful not There is no denying that when I entered the mountains to
to use Technique in public. become an apprentice under my master, I was looking for
This is one of the reasons why many Enhancers tend to immediate strength. I had heard that if I learned breathing
have a restrained nature. This is because Enhancers' basic techniques, I would have sharp eyes to detect the movements
principle is to first train the inner self through training. of my enemies and the agility of a leaping wild deer.
However, this is only a tendency, and there are many During my first training as an apprentice, I thought about
exceptions. nothing else but being hit by waterfalls and traveling to those
However, while attending the waterfalls, I began to think
differently. This is not a noble story. Rather, it is a confession
As a class, the Enhancer is meant to supplement other of how much of a snob I am.
Warrior-type classes and is not meant to be a character's On the way to the waterfall, there was a cliff. Climbing
primary class. There is little to be gained in advancing this down the cliff, I could take a shortcut. However, it was very
class far beyond any others, and such a choice is not tight. It was not a height where it was safe to fall down. When
recommended. I wanted to climb up the waterfall easily, I improved the first
technique I learned in the breathing exercises.
Breathing techniques that gave me muscles like a bear
seemed just the thing to climb up and down that cliff without
missing a clue. Not only that, but it also allowed me to hit with
my weapons more convincingly. It was just the right
The Enhancer class does not need high levels to function compromise to satisfy the need for strength that I still had at
properly, though there are a few Techniques that only high- the time. I asked some of my peers about it, and quite a few
level Enhancers can use. With that in mind, it is quite possible of them seemed to fall for this temptation, which may have
to get by with only a few levels in Enhancer, though those who been the master's far-fetched plan.
do devote time and effort to advancing as an Enhancer will I also added breathing exercises to my daily practice at the
allow for some interesting character development. waterfall. I could feel that my abilities were improving, and I
Warrior-type classes, such as the Fighter and Grappler, intuitively knew that the second technique was just around the
will benefit the most from having levels in Enhancer as well, corner.
being those classes that will find themselves on the front lines It was then that I first remember feeling lost. It had been
of combat more often than not. Increasing one's Accuracy, six months since I had left the life of wielding weapons. I was
Evasion, Defense, or damage through techniques such as bathed in clean water, saw beautiful fields and mountains, and
[Gazelle Feet] or [Cat's Eyes] is a great boon to a warrior, and breathed clean air. I wondered if I should give up these days
it is rather easy to advance to 5th level as an Enhancer while and return to that world of struggle, noise, and the smell of
using such Techniques. blood.
However, advancing as an Enhancer does not increase the I still desire strength, and I feel that when the time comes
character's MP, so without taking this into account, it is to take up arms, I will give in to the excitement of battle. But
possible to end up not having enough MP to continually use I no longer wanted to actively seek it out. I guess that's when I
the Techniques the character has learned. The Combat Feat realized that.
[Muscle Mystery] does help in this regard, allowing As I was being hit by the waterfall, I thought to myself, “I
Techniques to last longer, but it is also recommended to learn would like to see the source of this clear stream.” I asked
at least one other Wizard-type class to increase the character's myself which I wanted more, that desire or good eyesight to
MP pool. The Artificer class, which has [Targeting Sight] and aim my weapon more accurately. In conclusion, I chose to get
no armor restrictions, is a good choice to start with. However, Scaly Hide, which allows me to move freely underwater.
there may still be an MP crunch, so Mako Stones can help I learned the second technique, asked my master for a
supplement the character's MP. break, and was allowed to do so. It was good because it was
At the same time, though, there is little overlap between also practice. Climbing a stream was fun. I had many
Enhancer Techniques and the various Wizard-type classes. opportunities to use my muscles like a bear, which I can only
The [Sphinx's Knowledge] Technique requires at least 5 levels say was a wise move by my teacher. It was a good trip.
in Enhancer to learn, and it is the only Technique that could Some people say that my turning down the path of martial
directly affect the functionality of any sort of spell casting. The arts is a noble act, but they are missing the point. I have only
[Fire Breath] Technique also seems like it would be useful followed my desires of the moment, some of which were
when learned alongside Wizard-type classes, as it can be simply for ease. Breathing is a deep and broad art. There is
affected by the Combat Feat [Magic Control]. However, any no right or wrong.
spellcasters that would have learned [Magic Control] are far Now that I am a teacher myself, I leave it up to my students
more likely to use more powerful spells to take advantage of to decide which path they want to take. Breathing begins with
the Combat Feat rather than just [Fire Breath]. At the same the awareness of what you feel and what you want to gain from
time, though, Techniques are significantly more MP efficient the great nature. It does not matter if the result is the way of
than spells, and having such an ability to use when low on MP martial arts. It is the mind of desire and the mind of enjoyment
could change the flow of combat. that helps us in the hard and difficult practice of breathing

Part 1 The World and Characters

the Ancient Magic Civilization period. For some Spellsongs,

the music scores used at that time have been preserved.
However, merely playing an instrument according to the
score does not make it a Spellsong; for a Spellsong to be a
Spellsong, it requires a special way of playing that only those
with the Bard class can do. Only when there is a subtle
difference in vibration, which only they can distinguish, can
they interfere with mana.
As can be seen from this, Spellsong is a performance-
based art. Originally, it was a technique that was discovered
spontaneously by traveling Bards who told stories and passed
on their legends as they played their instruments. As these
wandering Bards interacted and shared their knowledge and
skills with each other, Spellsongs developed, and sometimes
new ones were created. However, most of the Bards worked
individually, and there were no attempts to share and analyze
their skills among many Bards. The development of the
Bards' techniques was gradual, as they were not organized into
a unified system. And for a long time, it remained only
Spellsongs. It was not until the late Ancient Magic Civilization
period that a new form of magical melody, Finale, was
introduced to the world.
At that time, the wizard-kings' struggle for supremacy had
subsided, and the aristocrats, the ruling class, had shifted the
stage for their power struggles to a more peaceful social scene.
They turned their attention to art and entertainment. There,
as a matter of course, music was played, and kings and nobles
who made it their profession appeared. Then, new
possibilities were discovered when a wizard-king was exposed
to the Spellsong technique. The wizard-king created a magic
The Bard class can evoke different effects by playing
function that converts the interference pattern of mana during
special music.
Spellsongs into effects. This made it possible to reproduce
Special music used by Bards includes Spellsongs and
some simple magical phenomena with a combination of
Spellsongs. The wizard-king's semi-hobbyist technique, which
A Spellsong is a magical piece of music that affects
was not much coveted by the magically skilled nobility,
everything around it that hears it by affecting the tones of
appealed to the non-magically inclined and was quickly
musical instruments with mana. It is characterized by the fact
mastered by a number of Bards.
that it indiscriminately affects everything that has hearing and
The Bard class was considered insignificant during the
soul, and although it requires some ingenuity in its use, its
Ancient Magic Civilization Period. But during the Magitech
advantage is that it can provide a wide range of support and
Civilization Period, the Spellsong and Finale, which generate
assistance effects without consuming MP. Especially when
magical effects by singing and playing in a way that anyone can,
fighting against undead, constructs, magitechs, etc., it can be
were considered major research targets. Finales, which are
used to unilaterally support your allies.
suitable for Magitech Civilization's goal of "putting magic in the
By continuously playing a Spellsong, Bards can weave
hands of the people," were a great target for research.
mana and generate special effects. It is similar to the casting of
Although few new compositions were created, Spellsongs
spells with Truespeech or Spiritualism Magic. Bards complete
were rediscovered in many places, and large consolidations
the formula by Spellsong in this way and later can resolve
took place, completing the system of Spellsongs and Finales.
special effects with a Finale. The Finale is the result of the
It was also during this period that the magitech automatic dolls
weaving together of the formula and is not the effect of the
playing Spellsongs were invented and became popular
music itself. Therefore, the target of the effect is not
indiscriminate but arbitrary, and neither hearing nor soul is
Although the Magitech Civilization was lost to the Diabolic
required. The effect is also one that directly affects the body
Triumph, Spellsongs and Finales have not been lost, and the
or its components, such as destruction or recovery.
Bards continue to roam the land, passing on rumors,
Another feature of the Bard class is that each level allows
information, and lore. And new songs are born from time to
students to learn to speak another language.

It is not known when Spellsongs were invented. However,

Currently, there are no specialized educational institutions
it is known from the literature that they already existed during
for Bards. Therefore, if you want to learn the Bard class, you

will have to rely on a private teacher, and many Bards prefer of [Requiem] & [Winter's Chill], with [Resistance] as a
to work privately. Many Bards prefer to work independently, prerequisite.
and aspiring Bards will find a master poet in their travels and At the 3rd level, [Special Instrument Proficiency] is
ask them to teach them. Or, they may have a Bard in their balanced with [Intense Finale]. If a player desires to use
family who can teach them. At that time, the basics of spelling special instruments and play Finales with flamboyance, they
Spellsongs or Finales were taught. After that, it is common for can learn the first two skills, [Special Instrument Proficiency]
Bards to hone their skills through self-study. and [Intense Finale], but the support of Spellsong for their
Rarely are there those with a natural gift for using friends will be limited and unstable.
Spellsongs and Finales, which they naturally develop while If a player chooses the Bard class as their main class, they
using the instrument. must learn [Skillful Play]. Additionally, they should choose
Spellsongs so that they can use Finales as soon as possible. If
the Spellsong that they really want to use is incompatible with
the Rhythm accumulation, [Rhythm Conversion] will be the
Bards mainly perform in public areas, often common best choice.
rooms in taverns and in market squares, using their talents to
earn a few coins. By virtue of the job that they're doing, Bards
are often quite friendly and easygoing and can get along with
most of the common folk. Greedy for information, Bards will
often gossip between performances, trading news from
If a character has a Bard as a subclass, they can learn
faraway places for the happenings of the town they're passing
[Special Instrument Proficiency], wield Pallas's Maraca (see p.
through. In this manner, Bards act as a way for news to travel
118) or Percussion Flail (see p. 118), and use Cymbal Shield
throughout Raxia, as major exploits of famous heroes are the
(see p. 118). While the character’s frontline ability is not as
bread and butter of a traveling minstrel.
strong as the specialist's, the ability to connect to a Finale once
Oftentimes, Bards will also take on sex work as they travel,
every two or three rounds is an advantage. There is no hope
as there is only so much money that they can make by
that Spellsongs will work on enemies in this pattern due to low
performing. While unsavory, partners tend to open up about
success values, so the character should learn [Confident
much more intimate secrets when they are in compromising
Performer] as soon as possible. [Tenacity] to compensate for
positions, so some Bards see this kind of work as another
unstable frontline ability is also desirable, but aggressive
method of collecting information. As a side benefit, many
combat feats are unnecessary, and damage production should
male or female Bards will have a rather good sense of fashion
be left to Finales along with [Intense Finale]. Also, the
and are quite handy with makeup and costuming.
character should consider [Rhythm Conversion]. And to
Because of their easygoing ways, Bards don't have the
avoid losing Rhythm, they must get a pet at the 3rd level. This
greatest reputations among the general public and are seen as
will mean that they will have to first spend one turn singing a
little more than traveling prostitutes singing and whoring their
Spellsong and then let the pet carry on while they are fighting.
way across the continent. At the same time, though,
In some cases, a Priest or a Conjurer who mainly supports
entertainment is scarce in this time and age, so a Bard's
and recovers may learn the Bard class rather than having too
presence is tolerated. Bards are also seen as flighty and will
much time on their hands. In this case, the character should
only have a couple of performances before they move on to
limit their combat feat to one [Confident Performer] or so and
the next town, so the less acceptable habits of a Bard will often
try to make the most of their main class first.
be overlooked in order to keep them around as long as
possible before they move on.
Rhythm Management
Bards form Finales with Spellsongs. The process is
managed in symbolic points called "Rhythm" in the game.
Rhythm is accumulated by playing Spellsongs and
When the Bard class is used as the main class, the key is consumed by using a Finale.
how to best use Spellsongs, which provide a wide range of Finale, which generates magic damage without MP
support and assistance, but its indiscriminate nature is a consumption, is an extremely powerful means of attack. How
bottleneck. In addition, its effectiveness is limited. On the to efficiently accumulate Rhythm and connect it to a Finale in
other hand, Finales are a source of damage that is almost a consistent manner is the key to character creation and
always useful in any battle, and the Bard class has a number growth, and up to the player's ingenuity. The type and amount
of combat feats that are exclusive to it, so if the Bard class is of Rhythm must be controlled.
your primary focus, learning them will give you a big Poker chips (or similar items, even coins) are the best way
advantage. [Additional Songs I] and [Special Instrument to manage Rhythm. Prepare as many of these as you think
Proficiency] are the candidates to learn at the time of character necessary (+1 or 2 for the maximum consumption of Finale
creation, but considering the financial burden, [Additional you are using should be enough), and keep track of the
Songs I] is the more logical choice. The Spellsongs and amount you have accumulated. Not only does this make
Finales to be learned (by Bard at 2nd level) should be either a management easier, but it is also useful in creating an
combination of [Morale ] & [Spring Breeze] or a combination enjoyable gaming atmosphere, as the fluctuations in Rhythm
can be visibly seen.

Part 1 The World and Characters

There is no doubt that the origin of the Rider class itself

can be traced back to the time when people started to ride on
horse-powered carriages as far back as the earliest days of
time. Over the long history of the class, many innovations have
been made in its techniques and equipment, and it has come
to this day.
The first mounts were easy-to-handle animals such as
Horses. In the Ancient Magic Civilization period, the riding
skills were elevated to ride on Mythical Beasts.
During the Magitech Civilization Period, the skill of riding
magitechs such as the Manabike was developed. The skill to
control Animals and Mythical Beasts declined, but the skill to
control these magitechs was developed instead.
The skill of riding was refined in various ways, but by the
end of the Magitech Civilization Period, mass transportation
methods such as airships and magic trains had been
established, and riding importance was greatly reduced or
pursued as a hobby.
The current form of the Rider class was brought about by
the Diabolic Triumph. Riders were sought after the Diabolic
Triumph. They were required to be versatile and flexible
enough to ride anything in light of the decline of the culture.
Those who inherited the riding skills exchanged knowledge
and skills with each other and created a system of the Rider
class, which could mount almost any kind of vehicle that
existed today.
The Rider class gives one the ability to control mounts, The impact of the Diabolic Triumph was also felt on the
trained animals, and magitech vehicles designed to be used in mount side. With the loss of most of the magitech's large-scale
combat situations. With the Rider's special training, they can transportation, the old-fashioned caravan trade was revived.
have both themselves and their mounts act in combat Mounts were needed not only to handle the cargo but also to
simultaneously, allowing them to overwhelm their opponents. escort and protect the caravans. To meet this demand, the
Additionally, the Rider can use their mount for movement Rider's Guild, an organization specializing in training,
purposes, allowing them to travel much faster than they could ordering, selling, and renting mounts, was established.
on foot and taking advantage of any special movement the Rider's Guilds are very active, and in addition to caravans,
mount may allow, such as traveling over water or through the they also do business with armies and adventurers. Although
air. each guild is independent, some large guilds have recently
As the character advances in the Rider class, they will be formed alliances and offered mounts for rent in several cities.
able to control more mounts and have access to much more
powerful mounts than a beginning Rider. At first, jockeys can
only control a Horse, but as they grow up, they can mount a
Dragon as well. In addition, a jockey with a high rider class The most reliable way to learn to become a Rider is to take
can make his mount more powerful than usual. classes at the Rider's Guild, as they have a vested interest in
The Rider also learns various Stunts as they advance in the making sure prospective Riders don't harm or damage the
class as well, gaining the knowledge of one additional Stunt for mounts they rent out. Guilds in larger cities will also have
each Rider level they take. The same mount may act training workshops fairly often, allowing groups to train
completely differently under different Riders because of the simultaneously. However, adventurers will often have any fees
different Stunts the Riders have learned, making Riders quite for such training waived by the Guilds, as there is always a
unpredictable opponents. There are other Stunts that Riders need for trained guards and cavalry to protect against the
will be able to take, allowing them to control the mount as they Barbarous.
ride through the air or water, and will allow the Rider and their At the very least, an untrained adventurer will be able to
mount to attack opponents through other vectors, rather than ride a trained horse or mini manabike with little issue.
just running at them head-on. However, the degree to which the mount can unleash its
One last benefit is that through their training, Riders are potential relies on the character riding it, and so having levels
also trained to recognize a variety of different monsters in the Rider class will allow mounts to achieve their maximum
through Monster Knowledge checks. However, unlike Sages, output. This ability doesn't come overnight, though; a
Riders are only able to determine the monster's abilities and potential Rider must take the basic skills they have and
not their weaknesses, but even that is often enough to prepare cultivate them to become a master Rider.
a party for facing dangerous monster abilities.

Using it for a rearguard character is not recommended
because it tends to conflict with the mount's ability to maintain
In all their elegance, trained Riders and their mounts are the frontline. However, it is also true that Stunt [Steady
often looked at with jealousy by the general public. The sight Command] and [Balance] are very attractive for magicians
of a Rider and their mount is especially captivating for (especially in Advanced Combat, the ability to create
children. It could be a knight in shining armor on a barded skirmishes with a mount’s speed is very powerful). It is a long
warhorse or an adventurer soaring through the sky on a way to go, but you may aim for it by making full use of
winged beast. An old general, nicknamed the "Riding [Remote Command] and so on. The same applies to
Typhoon", once said in reference to becoming a Rider, "If I Marksman characters and Bards, but in this case, Stunt
hadn't opened the window when I was a child, I wouldn't have [Riding As One] is almost mandatory, and the road becomes
become the man I am now." steeper. On top of that, it is necessary to devise ways to
Animal and Mythical Beast mounts, excluding the Horses, compensate for the -4 penalty associated with [Steady
are generally too strong and are not supposed to be used in Command] and [Balance]. If you are a Bard, there is an
crowded towns. Only generals who are authorized by the state excellent combat skill called [Confident Performer], but it is
to command armies and adventurers with a rank of Sentinel not so easy for a Marksman.
or higher are allowed to do so. These riders are admired and Away from combat situations, the mount's mobility and
respected as heroes, protectors of the nations against the terrain ability effectively assist the Scout class. In fortified
Barbarous. castles, everyone tends to neglect their defenses against
Adventurer jockeys are often asked to take on various jobs, intruders from the sky. The Sage class is a waste of Monster
as their abilities are always in demand. Whether guarding Knowledge checks, and the Ranger class is not recommended
caravans or escorting important people and information, due to the lower range of possible activities.
Riders are constantly requested for their mobility and combat
prowess should the worst happen. The Technology and Tradition Behind the Rider's Guild
An interesting effect of their training is that Riders are Rider's Guilds throughout the Alfleim continent are
incredibly sensitive to reading the body language of others. required to have several functions in common. Without them,
Few Riders are driven by causing violence and fear, but the guilds will be unable to fulfill their role and lose customers
instead are almost saintly with regards to their endurance and in the form of caravans and adventurers.
gentleness. They aren't accustomed to pretending to be One is the procurement of mounts. If mounts are not
something they're not and seek to be genuine and honest delivered to customers in accordance with demand, the
when dealing with others. Not to say that every Rider is business will not be viable. The guild always has a large variety
interested in socialization, just that as a whole, Riders tend to of mounts available for both rental and purchase.
be more personable than other adventurers. The Rider's Guild sells a variety of mount-related items,
including mount armaments and other items to assist
jockeying. The most important of these items are those that
are used to carry mounts in statues or containers.
Putting most of your experience points into the Rider class And these two must be satisfied for all mounts of Animals,
is risky. Depending on the location, mounts can be severely Mythical Beast, and Magitech.
limited, and some adventures may offer little or no These features of the Rider's Guild are made possible by
opportunities for riding. the successful continuation of the legacy of past civilizations.
The Rider’s lack of decent Major Action abilities is a The earliest existence connected to the Rider's Guild is
choice that detracts from the advantage of the Rider class. The that of the riding clubs that flourished throughout the
mount's abilities are not as good as a PC of the same level and continent during the Ancient Magic Civilization Period,
cannot be compensated for by spending experience points catering to the upper classes. In the late Magic Civilization
intensively on the Rider class. Period, when the age of warfare and socializing became more
The Rider class is only effective when combined with important than ever, various circles and clubs sprang up
other classes. among the nobility and royalty. Many of today's Rider's Guilds
are the legacies of their founders, who were connected to
these clubs in some way or another. The "Mount Contract"
and "Mount Reduction Tag" are products of that time.
In addition, although the clubs were called horse-riding
clubs, they also established the technique of using dragons and
Because of its ability to fight with the enemy up close, the other Mythical Beasts as mounts. These techniques of training
Rider class is usually learned in combination with the Fighter and taming have been passed down to the present day.
and Fencer classes. Roughly speaking, this doubles the During the Magitech Civilization Period, a series of
number of moves. The basic role of a Rider in a party is to passenger magitechs was developed and became popular.
destroy enemies one after another with the combined power These were sold, maintained, and repaired in specialized
of several classes. However, wrestling weapons cannot be used stores. The Rider's Guild handles various magitech mounts
while riding, so combining Rider with the Grappler class is not and "Mount Contract Sphere", "Manabike Storage Sphere",
recommended. and so on, relying extensively on found objects in ruins of the

Part 1 The World and Characters

The Alchemist class came around during the Magitech

Civilization era, as there was a big push to bring magic to the
general public following the fall of the magic kings of the
Ancient Magic Civilization period. With this goal in mind, a
number of magical studies were conducted, and the concept
of magitech came from these studies. While magitech made
magic easy to use and available to the public, it also allowed
the Magitech Civilization to connect the world in one big,
interconnected network.
However, there was more than just magitech that had
come from those studies of magic. Other methods of making
magic generally available were theorized, and the Alchemist
was one of the results. The philosophy behind Alchemy was
that everything in the world could be broken down into its
most basic components, whether animal, mineral, vegetable,
spiritual, or energetic. It was thought that the ratios and
combinations of the different elements were what caused the
differences in the natural world, including the various civilized
races. By manipulating these ratios and combinations, the
Alchemist could, theoretically, create nearly any effect they
could conceive of. In other words, the Alchemist could
possibly change not only matter but life itself.
However, when it all shook out, the Alchemist had never
been able to reach that high potential. Not to say that there
weren’t significant advancements in transmutation, and very
high-purity Material Cards were able to be refined from
powerful materials, but there was just some small shortcoming
preventing the Alchemist from being able to transmute matter
at will. These Material Cards have been able to fuel some
powerful effects by themselves, and manipulating these effects
is what created the first Evocation.
In the end, alchemy did not reach its ultimate goal, that is,
to transform any substance at will. However, it was discovered
that the pure Prima Materia, separated from matter, can easily
The Alchemist class uses techniques called Evocations to produce magical effects as is. Thus, Evocation was born,
support allies and weaken enemies. which also fulfilled the requirements of the Magitech
In order to use these Evocations, Alchemists must have Civilization in terms of magic that anyone could use. While
the appropriate Material Cards, created from the distilled magitech was at its peak, alchemy was also being passed on,
elements of matter and formed into a portable shape. These albeit in a marginal way. In particular, especially in the Alfleim
Material Cards come in five different colors, depending upon continent, the study of alchemy was very active. This is why,
which type of matter they were formed from, and are further even after the Diabolic Triumph, the art of alchemy has been
separated into four different ranks of power. Refined Material left behind and passed down on the continent.
Cards are sold by the various branches of the Institute of Alchemy is under the jurisdiction of the Institute Of
Magitechnology, though crude Material Cards can be made Magitechnology since it is a technology of the same period as
by the Alchemist in the field, if necessary, though they do need magitech. The Institute Of Magitechnology is in charge of
to sacrifice some of the loot they've acquired to that point in teaching alchemy and making and selling material cards for
order to do so. Evocations.
A benefit of Evocations is that they can be used by an
Alchemist so long as they have the right Material Cards. The
downside of that is that higher-quality Material Cards are not
cheap, and an Alchemist may spend a significant portion of
As mentioned above, the Institute of Magitechnology will
their share from an adventure on a single powerful card. It is
teach anyone who is looking to become a new Alchemist. As
entirely within the realm of possibility that the Alchemist may
with learning magitech and the Artificer class, would-be
even spend more on a few powerful Material Cards than they
Alchemists must pay the Institute for classes that are cheaper
would be making on the job they're using them for. There are
than those for the Artificer. However, as the Alchemist does
no equipment restrictions for Alchemists, except that they
not use MP, but Material Cards, purchasing these Cards can
must wear special equipment such as the Alchemy Kit or its
get pricey rather quickly. Even those looking to buy certificates

with money will lean towards the more lucrative Artificer class
and avoid the more low-key Alchemist courses.

The Alchemist class is an easy choice for those who have

mastered Warrior-Type Classes to fight with self-enhancement.
Ever since its rediscovery, Alchemy and its practitioners [Vorpal Weapon] and [Barkmail] directly affect offensive and
haven't stood out in the eyes of the general public. Even if an defensive damage. At the same time, [Critical Ray] is an
Alchemist were to claim a title, a significant number of people Evocation that can be used by Fighters wielding high-powered
would question them and their abilities, as Alchemy isn't heavy weapons and by Grapplers who have learned [Armor
nearly as well-known as Truespeech or Spiritualism Magic. Piercer II] to attack.
Even the Alchemy Kit looks like a rather ornate box to those Of course, there is also a way for a rearguard's character to
who don't know any better, despite its importance to an support their allies without self-enhancement, and there is no
Alchemist. problem if the master of Wizard-Type Class or Bard Class also
Among adventurers, Alchemists are valued for their works as rearguard support.
Evocations but are also feared due to their heavy spending. As The Alchemist class is a money pit. A Fighter who wants to
learn combat feats and get high-ranked equipment, a Conjurer
mentioned above, higher quality Material Cards will cost a
who wants to make full use of golems, and a Rider who wants to
significant portion of the Alchemist's savings, and Alchemists
pour more and more equipment into mount may have a hard
can even convert some of their loot into crude Material Cards, time finding money to spend.
if necessary, reducing their rewards further. The Alchemist class does not need to be very high when it is
Despite their spending, many Alchemists have become considered a secondary class. It is enough to have enough levels
wealthy, so they often don't care as much when using rare, to learn Evocation that are considered necessary. In addition,
valuable Material Cards. There is a tale about how some when you think of Alchemist as a secondary class, the combat feat
would-be Alchemists nearly fainted when listening in on a for Alchemist will not be so attractive (at most, a rearguard-
couple of high-level Alchemists talking about their exploits. As support type character can consider [Distant Evocations]). It
the story goes, the two Alchemists were discussing not only would be better to consider combat feats that best use the main
how many incredibly expensive cards they had recently class.
acquired, some of which were worth more than 20,000G in The Secrets of Alchemy
value, and how they had just used those in combat against Alchemy in Raxia explains that matter is formed by the
some powerful Barbarous opponents. The trainees overheard combination of Prima Materia, which is classified into five colors.
how much money the two had essentially burned through and If this combination is changed, the substance is transformed into
nearly fainted from the shock. something completely different. The first alchemical effort was to
transform a substance into another substance by adding a specific
primitive quality to it. Many Evocations are based on this
"Enhancing of properties" technique. For example, [Armorust]
temporarily enhances the property of "Black = Minerals" to the
The player should choose various Evocation-related target by changing its properties.
combat feats if the main class is Alchemist. All of them have As a further development of this technology, dolls and statues
the potential to dramatically increase the effectiveness of were given "Red = animal qualities" to make them move and
Evocation and should be actively learned. On the other hand, "White = Spiritual qualities" to make artificial life. Although this
unless they learn them, the player will be inferior to the other alchemical technique is now lost, some records show that it was
Wizard-Type Classes. Evocation can greatly reduce the very close to perfection, and it is hoped that the technique and its
opponent's abilities but requires a high Intelligence character. products will be rediscovered.
And a highly Intelligent character can also be a powerful On the other hand, techniques and research were being
magician. conducted to extract and retrieve Prima Materia from materials.
In particular, the running cost is too different between MP, In the course of the study of the missing and subtracted Prima
which is a free resource that recovers naturally if not overused, Materia, Alchemy gradually realized the metamorphic potential
and material cards, which are like throwing away money when of Prima Materia itself. It came to be assumed that there was a
used (although the story is different for Grassrunners, which more primordial stage beyond Prima Materia, which was
do not have MP). Considering this, Alchemists who do not regarded as the root element.
have various complementary combat feats will be somewhat It is called the Soul of the World. It was concluded that Prima
Materia could be transformed into other primordial qualities by
weaker. Learn [Targeting] at the time of creation and
changing the properties added to it, and a way to transform matter
[Enhanced Evocations I] at the 3rd level, and after the 5th
in one fell swoop was beginning to be explored. At this time, it
level, you should consult with your party's situation and your came to be believed that among the five primary qualities, the one
own classes to get the combat feats related to Evocation. closest to the essence of the world was "Gold = Energy quality".
If the Alchemist class is the main class, the Scout class or And that if it could be manipulated at will, the other four primary
Sage class is a good class to learn as a subclass. The high qualities could be created at will, and all things in the universe
Intelligence required by the Alchemist class will be utilized. At could be changed from weak to powerful. Alchemy was also the
the 5th level, both subclasses give a bonus to Loot study of the pursuit of gold.
Determination, which is good news for Alchemists who need Most researchers agree that the Soul of the World is mana.
money or raw materials for crude cards. Various magic systems, Alchemy, and all the techniques for
special effects that Humanoids have tried, from Spellsongs and
Finales to Techniques, can be said to be different approaches to

Part 1 The World and Characters

This section will describe the gods and their faith in the power, not the abomination of morals or values. As a result,
Raxia world. weak gods are quickly abandoned, and the targets of their
Dogmas and characteristics of each god will help you belief tend to be fewer than those of Humanoids. Therefore,
create scenarios and roleplay. belief in Minor Gods is not very popular among the
Among the Humanoids, there are those who believe in the
gods associated with the second sword. Many of them are
Swords of Genesis created the world of Raxia. obsessed with selfish purposes, vengeance, and delusion.
With a mighty sword of magical power in their hands, a Because they are aware of their repugnant existence, they do
god is born. not reveal their faith openly but hide in society, plotting
And with the exception of Cardia, the third sword lost quietly. Sometimes, they are allied with the Barbarous.
during the War of the Gods, two Swords of Creation still Sometimes a Barbarous awakens to a belief in the gods
remain. associated with the First Sword. Although extremely rare,
Those touched by the First Sword, Lumiere, tend to be Barbarous, because of their fundamentally selfish nature,
gentle deities who value order and harmony and are primarily most of the time accept the power of the gods with open arms.
worshipped by Humanoids. In a Barbarous society where might makes right, it is natural
Conversely, those touched by the Second Sword, Ignis, are to see this as another form of power. However, since some
more likely to seek power and freedom and become divinities deny the Barbarous way of life, some of them leave
malevolent gods, worshipped primarily by the Barbarous. the Barbarous society after suffering and struggling.
The gods feed on people's faith and grow in power as they
gain more and better followers. Therefore, the older and
more famous a deity is, the more power and influence it has.
The gods are divided into three categories: the Ancient A god's power increases or decreases according to the
Gods, who have had followers since ancient times; the Major number of believers and the strength of their faith.
Gods, who have gained great power by acquiring a large This is something that priests and priestesses do. This is
number of followers; and the Minor Gods, who have not yet why a god's servants work so hard to spread the word and
gained great power. devote themselves to the faith so fervently.
For a detailed creation myth, see p. 311 of Core Rulebook The images of a god and the holy symbols possessed by
I; for the order of the gods, see p. 323 of the same book. the individual believers are sources that can spread the faith.
Through these objects, consecrated by high priests and
priestesses, believers can send their prayers to their god and
sometimes receive access to Divine Magic and miracles in
For people living in the world of Raxia, gods are return.
commonplace and relatively familiar. For this reason, temples exist as a place of worship,
Raxia is a polytheistic world, and there is basically no active offering the power of faith (a subtle amount of mana that
attempt to justify only one god to the exclusion of others. This cannot be perceived) through statues and sacred objects. But
is especially true for the gods connected to the First Sword, without consecrated holy symbols, Divine Magic cannot be
and it is common for people to pray to the Sun God Tidan in cast.
the morning, to the Moon Goddess Sien at night, and to the If you are a dedicated believer, you may receive divine
temple of the Divine Ancestor Lyphos on holidays. revelation and gain the Priest class. This varies from person to
Lyphos, the first god, and Tidan, the Sun God, who is said person. Sometimes a revelation may cause a person to
to have been his companion, are considered to have a suddenly awaken to faith and gain the Priest class (e.g., when
particularly strong connection, and it is not unusual to find they bravely confront a Daemon, they receive the revelation
statues of the other god in one temple as a guest. Tidan and of Eve, etc.).
Sien, a husband and wife, are worshipped together and often Of course, the most reliable way is to have a Priest over 10
associated with one another. In many cases, statues of both levels lead you to Priesthood with the [Revelation] spell (see
deities are placed in temples. This has led to some Tidan CR II, p. 143). However, this is usually done only to dedicated
temples having various deities enshrined, giving them the believers.
appearance of a temple of all temples.
However, it is only among the gods connected to the first
sword that there is a good and widespread belief, and the
malevolent gods connected to the second sword, Ignis, are
considered an anathema to the Humanoids. Unless one has
studied the nature and history of the gods, malevolent gods
such as Dalkhrem, the God of War, are sources of destruction
and chaos, and should be feared and kept away from.
Barbarous, on the other hand, believe mainly in Dalkhrem,
the God of War. For Barbarous, Dalkhrem is the giver of

The following ranking system is used by The preaching of each priest naturally depends on the
many temples, although it varies depending deity.
on the region, the deity worshipped, and As the missionary work spreads, its content may gradually
the temple. change or become distorted. However, it is not likely that this
The great priest is a rank given to the will cause the gods to no longer grant blessings to the Priests
person who presides over a temple. In (i.e., to no longer be able to use Divine Magic). For the gods,
some regions or faiths, the most powerful a misunderstanding of faith by a small number of followers
supreme priest is placed above the great may be unnoticeable or unimportant.
priest. Supreme priests oversee multiple However, the spread of erroneous beliefs can lead to the
temples. transformation of the deity itself. This is especially the case
Under the great priest are high priests with the Minor Gods.
and priests who are recognized for their Of course, Ancient Gods and Major Gods have been
experience, virtue, and power. In some worshipped by many people over their long histories and have
temples, they are called bishops. undergone various transformations. The current beliefs are
The priest is the lowest rank authorized the greatest common denominator of the various divisions,
to formally perform ceremonies, rituals, and it is natural that different regions and continents have
and preach. In some small village temples, different beliefs. And some of such widespread beliefs might
the priest may be the head of the temple. not align with the deity's true nature.
Acolytes are primarily responsible for assisting the priest.
The lowest rank is a deacon, which is the first rank earned
by those who officially begin temple service. Then, one's rank
increases as one's achievements and abilities increase. Originally, "priest" was supposed to mean a person who
The rank system is not very familiar to those outside the could hear the voice of a god and cast Divine Magic.
temple; while it is well-known that the great priest is the head As the number of believers increases and the size of the
of the temple and that different duties and restrictions depend temple grows, individuals who have never heard the voice of
on rank, the specifics are not well-known or of interest to those a god become priests and deacons. Not many people can hear
outside the temple. The term "priest" is commonly used to a god's voice, and the number of people who can support the
refer to temple workers as a whole (see p. 30) and is rarely enlarged temple organization has become too large. In
used in the sense of "the middle rank in the temple" outside addition, the complexity of human relationships makes it
the temple. When this meaning is intended, the "honorable difficult to evaluate the Priest class on the basis of its abilities
priest" is used. alone.
Deacons and priests who cannot hear the voice of a god
and cannot use magic can be said to be those who obtained
their positions through the power of connection and money.
Even though the temple is a shrine of a god, it is run by
humans. They may be given positions regardless of their
abilities because of emotions or greed. This tendency
becomes stronger the larger the temple becomes.
Nevertheless, one cannot shortsightedly conclude that
they are incompetent people who have risen in the world only
for the sake of their own success in life. Some priests have
never heard the voice of a god but make great contributions
to the temple and to their god.
But it is these priests who are good at speaking and
If they cannot use magic, they use words and stage
directions skillfully to attract more and more followers. Since
the number of believers increases a god's power, the bigger
temples have more priests with high abilities to promote their
god. They are very skillful in their speech and bring in many
people as believers.
On the other hand, a deacon who goes to the frontier to
preach can always use Divine Magic. This is because no one
will respect the power of their god without showing concrete
As a result, it is not uncommon to find that the more
skillful a priest is in the art of Divine Magic, the more they
move to the frontier and that the priests who have never heard
the voice of their god rise to the top at their home temple.

Part 1 The World and Characters

The Ancient Gods and many of the Major Gods have

Even if a PC has no choice but to go against their faith or depleted their power and fallen into a state of slumber as a
commit a forbidden act, their god will not immediately punish result of the War of the Gods that occurred in prehistoric
them or cause them to lose their Priest class. However, if a times.
person repeats something contrary to the faith or commits an The place where these gods sleep is called Heaven.
act of blasphemy and shows no remorse, divine punishment, What exactly Heaven is and where it is located is not
such as the loss of the Priest class, may be inflicted. In the known. But the great Gods sleep in the heavens, gathering the
game, if a Priest PC repeatedly does something that is clearly power of faith to regain their strength.
against the faith and is too obvious, the GM should give a Legend has it that the gods are conserving their strength
warning or a caution. If the Priest PC does not change their for the War of the Gods, which is said to come again. When
behavior after several times, the GM may give a warning to the they die, those with souls on earth send their souls to Heaven,
Priest PC, stating that this is the last time, and if the Priest PC where they become divine warriors and await their moment to
still does not stop, they may be stripped of their Priest class. fight.
The excommunication of the Priest also occurs when a PC However, the souls that are not yet mature enough to
awakens to or is inspired by the faith of another deity. If a PC become divine warriors are sent back to earth again to be given
wishes to change their faith to another deity, they must obtain a new life to train their souls again. In this way, souls go back
permission from the GM and relearn the class from the 1st and forth between earth and heavens, preparing for the
level. coming War of the Gods.
However, if the new target is close to the previous deity It is also believed that the number of souls is not constant.
(Lyphos → Tidan), or if the previous deity greanted divinity Those souls sometimes perish, and new souls are born in the
to the new one (Tidan → Eve), the Priest level may only be heavens and sent back to earth. The truth remains hidden
reduced by half. Especially in the case of a Priest who If this cycle is broken, for example, through
contributed to the birth of a new deity and pledged to support [Resurrection], the soul will become tainted and scarred. To
that deity, the level of the Priest class may be reduced by only be cleansed of these scars, a tainted soul must transmigrate
a half level or about three levels. If a similar situation arises several times to be purified of a mild taint, while severe
during the actual game, the GM should decide how much of scarring requires significantly more transmigration cycles to be
the Priest level will be lost. purified. In addition, if someone manages to scar their soul
Also, in almost all temples, resurrection is forbidden. completely, it will not join with the Gods but become Undead.
However, if a Priest PC is resurrected with [Resurrection], For a detailed description of "soulscar", see Core Rulebook I,
their Priest class will usually not be affected. p. 319.

A Day in the Life of a Magician's Guild Apprentice Depending on the afternoon's work, dinner is often
Students at the Magician's Guild were awakened by an skipped. Many masters begin their own research after dark
alarm golem in the early morning when the sun had not yet and have their best students help them. Sometimes, this
risen. continues until morning. Of course, the master sleeps until
First, the morning cleaning and laundry were done, and late afternoon, but the apprentice does not.
then the experimental equipment and materials were Even if not, after dinner is a valuable time for the students
arranged. After all these activities were completed, they finally to review the day's work. Since the crude dormitories lack
had a poor breakfast. proper lighting equipment, it is said that [Light] (see CR I, p.
Depending on the schedule of the master, lectures could 219) is the first spell that most apprentices learn.
be held after breakfast. However, many masters prioritize Such a life may last at least 6 years and, at most, nearly 20
their research and often have self-study in the morning. years. There is no clear graduation examination, and the
After a poor lunch, which is the same as in the morning, apprentice leaves the school at the whim of the master or at
practical magic training occurs. In most cases, this is limited to their own will (sometimes at the risk of their life). There is a
assisting the master's experiments and making copies of the popular belief that it is better to be disliked by the master to
books of wizardry. However, this is also important work to the extent that the master does not ignore you, because if the
understand the master's magic. The more techniques and master likes you too much, you will not be able to leave.
magic you learn, the more you can outperform other

the age of mythology, he
recommends aggressively
Lyphos' holy symbol is designed as three overlapping challenging Barbarous to
rings, symbolizing harmony. a fight. He also shows no
Most of the god statues are made of mature men with calm mercy to Daemons, who
expressions. As the father of the gods, he often resembles a disturb the order of this
father or grandfather. world.
It is said that he once
sought reconciliation with
the Barbarous, but the
result was a terrible
Lyphos was the first god born in the world of Raxia.
betrayal, and since then,
Therefore, he is widely worshipped on the continent of
soulscars came to be regarded as unacceptable by him.
Alfleim, and there is no one who does not know his name.
Tidan, the Sun God, is said to have been a close friend of
He was calm and gentle and did not want wealth or power
Lyphos and is still worshipped in some of his temples. The
but desired harmony, peace, mutual coexistence, and
temples of Lyphos can be found in every town and city. And
prosperity. As a result, Lyphos lent his Sword of Genesis to
he has excellent priests and priestesses of every Humanoid
trusted friends and created many gods.
Because of this, Lyphos followers seek harmony and
peace. They do not like conflict and usually try to resolve
problems through discussion. They preach fraternity with
tolerance, charity, and order, and they teach respect for elders
and help for the weak. “Love thy neighbor. Only in harmony is true peace born."
However, this is not the case for Barbarous and Daemons. “Order is the great shield and protector of Peace."
Since Lyphos was caught by surprise by the God of War, “Do not rob, do not deceive, do not kill. Give, believe, share
Dalkhrem, and was overrun by his followers, Barbarous, in life."

On the other hand,

kings sometimes swear an
The holy symbol of Tidan is a medallion with a shining oath of impartiality to the
sun ring motif. Tidan is often portrayed as a stoutly built man Sun God, and many
with swords in his right hand and the sun behind his back. countries worship the
He is sometimes depicted as a young man and sometimes Sun God Tidan as their
worshipped with Sien, the Moon Goddess. main deity.
He is more aggressive
than Lyphos in his dislike
of soulscars, and he is
particularly focused on
According to mythology, Tidan was the second-born god
the extermination of the
and a close friend of Lyphos. They were said to have always
cooperated with each other.
Within the ranks of Tidan's paladins are the brave, who
This myth is believed by many, and Tidan and Lyphos are
are obliged to battle against the Barbarous, the Undead, the
often worshipped in the same temple.
Daemons, and the Shallows.
On the continent of Alfleim, he is worshipped as the God
Because of this belief, the Sun God Tidan is one of the
of Light, Justice, Promises and Covenants, and Protector of
most respected and trusted deities on the Alfleim continent.
Marriage. The number of his believers is said to be larger than
Therefore, every town has a temple to him, and he is loved by
that of the Divine Ancestor Lyphos.
many people.
For Tidan, justice and impartiality are considered to be a
virtue and are therefore worshipped by many judges and
guards. Since Tidan is regarded as the God of Marriage, many
people hold their wedding ceremonies in the Temple of
Tidan. “Like the sun, live a fair and just life."
Because they do not like conflicts and consider it a virtue “Strength to the weak, warning to the proud, peace to the
to distribute wealth without distinction, they have more dead.”
followers among farmers and other producers than among “Promises made in love and trust must never be broken.”
those in power, and in some situations, they have become a
symbol to overthrow oppressive rulers.

Part 1 The World and Characters

to be high in towns with

Temples of Kilhia. On
The holy symbol of Kilhia is a simple crystal ball, as clear the other hand, those in
crystals are thought to represent a brain that can absorb power who seek to
unlimited knowledge. monopolize knowledge
Kilhia is often represented in the form of an old person among the privileged and
with a thoughtful expression or a young person with a gentle control the populace view
smile. Since their gender is unknown, they are usually made the Temples of Kilhia
in such a way that their gender is not known. with hostility.
Kilhia warns against
short-sighted behavior
and against violent
solutions. However, they are very wary of Barbarous, Undead,
Kilhia is said to be the only god among the gods to have
and Daemons. They are especially wary of Daemons and
gained divinity through contact with the third sword, Cardia.
teach people to destroy Shallow Abysses as soon as they find
The continent of Alfleim is rich in mana, and it is believed
to be the place where the god Kilhia found and lost the third
Kilhia is widely believed and has followers of all races.
sword, Cardia. Therefore, small statues of the god Kilhia are
Some of the Tabbits also consider Kilhia to be their ancestor,
enshrined here and there in the mako stone mines.
but this is denied by the Kilhia believers.
In Kilhia's teachings, the search for mysteries and the
cultivation of knowledge are virtues. They encourage students
to continue learning throughout their lives and teach them not
to leave things they don't understand unexplored. They also
encourage students to go out and gain hands-on experience, “Learn, think, practice.”
not just stay in the lab. Therefore, they are very understanding “Record and study, but stay open to surprises and
and friendly to adventurers. inspiration.”
Temples of Kilhia often have schools and colleges on their “The fruit of the mind is only beneficial when accompanied
grounds, especially for young children, and literacy rates tend by wisdom. Beware the dangers of thoughtlessness.”

Asteria's freedom-
loving dogma is not very
Asteria's holy symbols are often carved from wood as strict. It emphasizes the
leaves dancing in the wind. Most of her statues are often importance of freedom
depicted as immensely beautiful women dressed in graceful, and self-responsibility in
light garments. harmony with nature. She
does not like conflict but
is known to fight back with
maximum force to defend
Asteria is one of the oldest gods and is considered to be
Because of their love
the first god to arrive on the continent of Alfleim.
of nature, the higher-
Unlike Lyphos, who was a god who gained divinity
ranking deacons and priests tend to live in nature, so you will
through the first sword Lumiere, Asteria is said to have loved
not see many large temples in the city. However, in the villages
the grandeur of nature and preferred to play with the water
of Elves and Meria, temples and shrines can be seen quite
and wind.
She is worshipped by many people in the eastern part of
Although rare, she is sometimes believed by Barbarous
the Alfleim continent and is said to be the goddess who gave
such as Mermen.
birth to Elves. Also worshipped by Meria and Lykants, she is
considered a goddess of beauty and a symbol of freedom.
She is the goddess of song and art and is also known as a
model of a lady since she considers virtue to be modest and
to avoid direct expression. “Live with the wind and with the water. Earth is our mother
On the other hand, she is also known as the god of the and father, and fire is our friend.”
duality of spirit, jealousy, and hidden passion. “Do not allow yourself to be bound or tied up.”
“Believe in love, give love, protect love.”

Because of his
dogmas, his followers are
The sword, encircled by a blazing fire, is the holy symbol active in the fight against
of Grendal. The god is also depicted as a man of stout Barbarous, Undead, and
physique, with hair and beard covered in flames. He may be Daemons. Unexpectedly,
armed with weapons and armor and carry a hammer and however, some Barbarous,
anvil. such as Trolls and
Centaurs, also have
Grendal followers.
However, since most of
these barbarous followers
Grendal, as the name suggests, symbolizes fire,
are dedicated to the
destruction, regeneration, and warfare and is believed to be
doctrine of destruction and are engaged in fighting, they are in
the god who created Dwarves and is worshiped by many of
violent opposition to the Humanoid followers. Therefore,
there is a rumor that he might have been deified by the second
Grendal is revered as the god of blacksmithing and, by
sword Ignis, but the Temple of Grendal denies this rumor.
extension, the god of craftsmanship. Especially during the
Although he is a God of War, he discourages unnecessary
Divine Civilization period, Grendal is said to have laid the
conflicts, and settling disputes simply with violence is
foundation for manufacturing by melting raw materials with
considered a bad idea.
fire and creating metals and pottery from them. It is believed
Since he symbolizes fire, he has many followers among
divine civilization developed with the help of Grendal, who
chefs who deal with fire daily and is sometimes regarded as
worked silently to create ironware and ceramics and then
the God of the Kitchen or the Fireplace.
refined them.
Grendal is also famous as a God of War who encourages
people to fight based on the dogmas of hard work, ingenuity,
and constant training. Therefore, many of its followers are
soldiers and warriors who are taught to take the lead in battle. “Flames forge iron. Hardship and adversity train people."
He encourages ingenuity and effort to win and also “Fire is not only a destructive force. It is a force that warms
encourages surprise attacks and deception. and inspires change.”
“Be creative. Think. Savagery will keep you from victory.”

Part 1 The World and Characters

While she is a symbol

of a good wife, Sien is also
Sien has a holy symbol in the shape of a crescent moon. widely worshipped by
She is often depicted as a female figure in loose-fitting clothing thieves and prostitutes as
with a generous countenance. the Goddess of the Night.
It is said that some of the
thieves who worship Sien
even gave money to the
poor under the guise of
Back before Tidan attained godhood, back when he was
“righteous thieves.”
still a human being, there were rumors that he had a wife.
Sien is worshipped
Sien is known as the god of mercy and forgiveness, and
mainly by Humans but
legend has it that she is a peace-loving god who, in the event
also by Elves and Lykants. Some Nightmare babies are often
of a conflict, closes everything in darkness so that it would be
abandoned in front of the Temple of Sien, and it is common
impossible to fight. She is also known as Moon Goddess, as
to see Nightmares who become Priests of Sien.
opposed to Tidan, the Sun God, who is her husband, because
she presides over the peacefulness of the night and the
evening. Since they are a married couple, they are often
worshipped together, and often both priests live together in a
single temple. “Reach out to those who are lost in darkness like the light of
Sien's temple preaches to work to bring comfort to others. the moon.”
To reach out to those in need, to soothe conflicts, and to heal “Night is peaceful, and rest will come to all.”
the wounded and tired. For this reason, worshippers often run “Compassion and warmth for all, mind and body.”
a series of sanatoriums and orphanages, often functioning as
temple hospitals.

Many adventurers
believe in finding and
The holy symbol of Mirtabar is in the form of a large key. releasing hidden things,
Many of these keys have a key head in the shape of a fist. and even non-priests are
The god is often depicted as a man bent over in often seen mumbling "By
contemplation. This pose is said to be a thoughtful gesture, as Divine Hand of
if the god is looking through a keyhole for a treasure or Mirtabar…" as a prayer.
revealing everything. In the age of
mythology, there is a
legend of a man who stole
the second sword, Ignis,
from the God of War Dalkhrem. He was responsible for
Mirtabar is a major god known as the god of thieves or
causing confusion in Dalkhrem's army, and is therefore seen
as a strong enemy by those who believe in Dalkhrem. Because
His dogma is to release what is hidden and to bring
of this, he is said to be a god loved by adventurers.
everything in the world to light. He teaches to have both the
He is also followed by researchers and scholars because of
dexterity necessary for this and the discernment of the value
his dogmas of searching for the secrets of the world.
and authenticity of things and to constantly improve ourselves.
It is said that he was guided by Kilhia, the God of Wisdom,
and became a god. He is also called the God of Knowledge
and Technology. However, because of his dogmas, Mirtabar
is worshipped by many thieves and those from the Ruins “It is a sacrilege to keep valuables in secret.”
Guild. Because of this, Temples of Mirtabar are often located “Train your fingers and deepen your knowledge; you will see
in downtowns and slums, and many believers are considered the truth.”
criminals. “Do not suppress your curiosity.”

worshipped by soldiers
and guards because they
Eve's holy symbol is a shield-shaped medallion with the are strict about discipline
horned head of a Daemon and two crossed swords in the and she teaches them not
shape of an "X" on top of it. to overlook wrongdoings.
The statues are often made to resemble winged knights In order to be ready to
armed with spears or swords. A statue of the goddess take the initiative when the
trampling Daemons underfoot is often seen. Daemons attack, Eve's
followers lead a simple life
and keep their minds and
bodies disciplined. For
this reason, many Eve
Eve is a goddess who is worshipped mainly by the Wall
believers tend to be ascetic and reserved.
Guardians, who protect the Wall of the Abyss. Her dogma is
Because of its origins and its active role in defeating
to fight against Daemons and defeat Shallow Abysses.
Shallow Abysses, the Temple of Eve has a cordial relationship
Due to the nature of her dogma, she is considered a
with the Adventurers' Guild and sometimes hires adventurers.
goddess who attained godhood after the end of the Magic
She is mainly believed in the northern part of the Alfleim
Civilization. It is believed that she was a warrior who made
continent, but her temples can be found all over the continent
great achievements in the battle against Daemons, and was
to fight against Shallow Abysses. Eve is primarily believed in
elevated to the status of Major Goddess under the guidance of
by Humans, but also by Tiens, Dwarves, and others.
Tidan, the Sun God.
She is extremely inquisitive and aggressive when it comes
to fighting Daemons. Her followers are bold enough to fight
even when the odds are against them and tend to find life in
the midst of death. However, she is also aware that she is a “Train your mind and body, and be an unyielding shield for
shield for the weak against Daemons, and they will not forget the weak.”
to seek the best way to avoid dying in vain. “Do not listen to the words of the Daemons. Everything is a
In situations where Daemons are not involved, they trick, an evil temptation.”
basically act as a shield to protect the weak. Eve is also widely “Always be prepared.”

Harula's dogma is to
guide the lost and to
The holy symbol of Harula is a pentagram or a star-shaped forgive those who have
medallion. made mistakes. It is best
The deity is depicted as a veiled female figure evoking the to encourage reflection,
Northern Lights, often seen with her right hand raised as if atone for sins, and
pointing to the stars in the heavens. rehabilitate rather than
merely punish.
Her power of
guidance is also trusted by
travelers and adventurers,
This goddess is considered the sister of Shield Against the
making her a target of faith. Many merchants who travel
Abyss Eve.
dangerous roads to bring their goods are also believers, and in
While Eve is stern, honest, and harsh, Harula is said to be
some port cities, the Temple of Harula also serves as a
a forgiver, healer, blessing, and guide.
lighthouse. Not a few scholars and researchers are also
Legend has it that she once fought side by side with her
believers, believing that the sight of the aurora borealis in the
sister Eve against Abyss and Daemons and was very active in
sky symbolizes inspiration.
helping and healing the wounded and fallen.
Harula's followers are mainly Humans, followed by Tiens,
As her nickname implies, Harula has the compassion and
with a large number of Elves and Lykants among her
receptivity to guide people and the special power to find
Shallow Abysses. Eve, the older goddess, is believed to be
famous for her battles against Abyss and Daemons, but her
successes would not have been possible without the precise
guidance of Harula, the younger goddess.
Today, when Shallow Abysses occur, an aurora runs “Let us light the way, O ye who are lost.”
across the sky, informing of its appearance and location, which “Punishment alone does not destroy sin. Forgiveness erases
is also believed to be due to the power of the Harula, the sin.”
Guiding Star. “The one who leads must be strong.”

Part 1 The World and Characters

Curiously, only
women can hear the voice
The holy symbol of Miritsa is often a medal with the of the god Miritsa and
profile of a goddess in relief within a circle of fire. become priests, and as a
She is often depicted as a plump woman with a large result, most Miritsa
shield, axe, or scythe, and her expression is said to represent temples are inaccessible
love, and the weapon in her hand represents vengeance. She to adult men (not all
is also sometimes depicted with a large, thick horn sprouting temples are forbidden to
from her forehead. men).
She affirms the fight
to protect the weak,
especially children and women, and she is also a goddess of
resurrection. The paladins of Miritsa, who have sworn a vow
Miritsa is the goddess of healing and compassion. She is
of vengeance, are known to accomplish their goals with
regarded as the guardian deity of the weak and the protector
fearless tenacity and strength. Their fighting style is that of mad
of women.
warriors, and they are greatly feared.
It is said that she was originally Barbarous (her race is
Miritsa is believed in by all races, especially Humans.
unknown), and that she became a god under the guidance of
There are also many Nightmare followers, who are often
Lyphos after she was awakened to compassion while raising
orphans. There are not so many temples, but some are
her children in warfare. Therefore, the image of the goddess
fortress-like temples far from the town.
still has the big horns, and believers consider this legend as a
story of blessing.
Due to the influence of her legend, Miritsa is also a symbol
of motherhood. Therefore, the Temple of Miritsa has actively
established orphanages to shelter and care for the many “Protect and nurture the weak.”
parentless children and women who have nowhere else to go. “Let love, kindness, and strength dwell in your hearts.”
“Vengeance must be just and swift.”

that the biggest tree in the

forest is often carved with
Dalion's holy symbols are often carved from a knot in a the image of Dalion and is
wooden board in the shape of a medallion and inlaid with glass worshipped as a sacred
in the shape of an eye. This is because it is believed that the tree, and you can see
trees contain the watchful eyes of Dalion. several trees carved with
He is mostly depicted as a young and delicate-looking elf, symbols of Dalion in
but in more urban temples, he is often represented as a large forests.
magnificent young man. They are more commonly seen in His symbol is of
relief carved into the trunks of forest trees than in statues. nature's bounty and
abundance, but it also
represents the darkness of the deep forest. He is not a man of
strife, but a man of calm and coolness, and a man of deep
thought. It can be said that he is a kind and gentle father figure
Dalion is a Major God widely worshipped on the
to those who live in the forest.
continent with its rich forests.
There are few believers of Dalion in the city, and his
Tradition has it that a young elf, who planted one of the
temples are small and plain. However, he is believed in by
first forest-forming trees on the continent, was invited to
many Meria, and there are many followers among Elves and
become a god. One theory also says that the first tree was
Humans, making him one of the most powerful deities in spite
Meria, a long-lived species that was a close friend of this elven
of small numbers of shrines and temples.
boy, and that he took care of them in their final days and
protected and nurtured the remaining trees to become a
Dalion has sheltered and benefited various people and
beasts in his deep forests. He is revered as the protector not “Do not be greedy. When the belly is full, even beasts like to
only of people and beasts but also of the trees, nature, and be at peace.”
other forest dwellers. “Do not forget your debt, for even a beast does not forget the
Therefore, Dalion is worshipped by hunters, loggers, face of the one who feeds it.”
herders, and other forest dwellers, and statues of Dalion can “Protect and nurture the young. The first leaves of a great tree
often be seen at forest entrances and road markers. It is said that sustains the forest are the young and thin.”

sometimes led to rebellion
against oppressive rulers,
The holy symbol of Furusil is used to symbolize swirling and her followers became
rain clouds. the target of oppression.
The goddess is often depicted as a goddess with a solemn Each time, however, the
expression who supports a rain cloud with her hands, and the Furusil congregation and
clothes she wears are wavy in shape, evoking the image of the temple have fought
standing in a strong wind. back to correct the
stagnation and preserve
the faith. Because of this,
the temples of Furusil
have become a place to be admired by both the state and the
She is the daughter of the Sun God Tidan and the Moon
Goddess Sien, and as her title symbolizes, she is the Goddess
Although she is a Minor Goddess, she has been
of Weather, responsible for wind and rain.
worshipped since ancient times because of her divine parents.
Legend has it that she rebelled against her parents, who
And her temples can be seen in a fairly wide area, especially
were very close, and as a result, she came to symbolize the
in the Burlight region in the southwestern part of the Alfleim
cold-heartedness, the clouds that cover the heavens, and the
rain that drenches the earth. However, it is also said that this
Furusil is believed in by many Elves as well as Humans,
is the reverse side of love and that it also represents duality
and there are many Lykants and Meria followers.
and the change of a wavering heart.
Furusil is also the Goddess of Storms and is considered a
fearsome and violent goddess who is extremely dangerous
when in a bad mood. At the same time, she is believed to be
a Goddess of Fertility and is worshipped by people involved “Live like the wind, like the rain, and never stop.”
in agriculture and navigation as a Goddess of Rain and Wind. “Change is the key to growth.”
The essence of her religion is "change" and "growth," and it “After the storm comes fertility. After despair comes hope.”
preaches the overthrow of the rigid and stagnant. This faith

are often worshipped

together. Therefore, there
Strasford's holy symbol consists of two eight-shaped tracks is some confusion about
superimposed in the form of a cross. The deity is generally the teachings of the two
depicted as an aged male Dwarf with a full beard and a deities.
monocle. Strasford's teaching is
to "make a path between
the unknown and the
known" and to devise a
way to solve this. The
He is a Minor God worshipped mainly in the Kingsley
"railroad" is a symbol of
Republic of Iron and Steel in the Dorden region. Before
this, a bridge between the mind and the heart and a path to a
becoming a god, he was a Dwarf inventor who lived in the
better tomorrow. To build such a bridge, one should not be
early Magitech Civilization Period and is the father of the
afraid of the unknown but have a pioneering spirit.
magic trains and railroads.
However, many believers see "railroads" not as a symbol
He spent half of his life spreading the revolutionary
but as something substantial, losing sight of its true nature and
technology he had developed across the continent, and as a
thinking that “expansion of the railroad network” is the
result of his extraordinary passion, he was elevated to
church's greatest mission.
godhood by the Blazing Emperor Grendal, who saw the merit
in Strasford.
While Strasford's reputation on the continent is high due
to the fact that he invented and built the railroads, he is
worshipped as a god only in the Dorden area, mostly in the “The railroad stretches as far as it will go.”
Kingsley Republic of Iron and Steel. In Dorden, Strasford is “Do not fear the unknown, but make a path between the
treated as a subordinate deity of Grendal, and the two deities known and the unknown.”
“Devise a way to a better tomorrow.”

Part 1 The World and Characters

Basically, it is a
meritocracy, and there is
The holy symbol of Dalkhrem is in the form of a large only a hierarchical
sword with a long blade, which appears to be a cross. relationship based on
Dalkhrem is depicted as a huge warrior with two-handed power.
swords and a large physique. He may wear a horned helmet It is considered better
or have horns growing directly from his head. to crush them head-on
with force than to play
tricks with the weak, which
is considered useless by
the truly strong.
Dalkhrem is the Ancient God who was the first to receive
Barbarous were born as a result of following these ideas
the second sword, Ignis, and the opposite of Lyphos. He
and actively incorporating soulscars. Therefore, the majority
presides over liberation and destruction.
of Barbarous believe in Dalkhrem and share his ideas.
Dalkhrem, as his title implies, affirms and encourages
Rarely, Humanoids believe in Dalkhrem, and sometimes
fighting. Therefore, he tells his followers to strengthen
they perform mysterious rituals to soulscar themselves or
themselves in every possible way. This includes not only
others. Some humanoids believe in Dalkhrem and in strength,
physical training but also the ability to think out winning
and either way, they can be a formidable threat. Therefore,
strategies, acquire armaments to increase one's strength, and
they are usually regarded as targets to be exterminated by
even operate armies. Furthermore, he affirms the active use
government officials or adventurers.
of soulscars to enhance and transform the body to the utmost
One doesn’t need to join forces with others but to bend
them. Dalkhrem believes that power is necessary to act freely,
for all seek liberation from all bonds and restraints. “Seek the fight. Live to fight.”
Therefore, the Temple of Dalkhrem and its congregation do “Be strong to win. Strength is the proof of self.”
not have the concept of trust and confidence in others. “Strength is everything. Victory is truth. Defeat is ruin.”

other form of
compensation, and
The holy symbol of Eiryak is the Kraken monster, a giant believe that what they want
squid living in the sea with outstretched tentacles. The Eiryak is to be taken by force and
figure is usually depicted as a mature man with a pointed that the strong will have it
helmet and beard, with eight tentacles growing out of his back. all.
His followers also
dislike settling down and
consider it a virtue to be
constantly on the move in
Eiryak is a deity who is said to have served as a naval
search of new prey. If they
general in the camp of the Second Sword in the War of the
ever stay in one place, it is only for a short time before they
He is said to have been cruel and loved to rob others, and
There are some pirates and bandits among the
there are stories of villages, towns, cities, and countries being
Humanoids who believe in Eiryak, but basically, he is widely
attacked and plundered by Eiryak during the War of the
believed in by the aquatic Barbarous, who are hostile to the
Humanoids and prefer plundering and violence.
In mythology, there is a story that a giant Kraken was
transformed into his own ship, and he used many Kraken as
his minions. So believers often regard Kraken as the
messengers of the Sea Snatcher and as a target of faith.
Eiryak followers claim that they are takers. They despise “If you want it, take it. If you hate it, kill it.”
the creation of anything, despise the payment of money or any “We do not create. We only reap.”
“Be the sea. The sea is free, it is swift, it is violent.”

according to their own
aesthetics. They always try
The twisted wheel, which means infinity, is the holy to obtain what they find
symbol of Zeides. beautiful; if it is a human
The goddess is often depicted as a beautiful naked woman being, they try to lure or
with leathery wings, and her body is usually covered with these kidnap them and bring
wings in a captivating manner. them into their group.
They do not like their
beautiful world to be
soulscarred and try to keep
their existence a secret as
She is the originator of the immortal creatures and a
much as possible.
terrible evil goddess who violates the laws of the world of
Therefore, they tend to avoid conflict but will not hesitate to
Raxia, based on the reincarnation of souls.
fight if the situation calls for it. In their nature, they are also
The believers of Zeides, while searching for eternal life,
hedonistic killers and do not feel guilty about taking another's
also boast of the beauty and superiority of their physical
life and possessing it for themselves.
bodies and consider ordinary life to be an entity to be ruled
Because of this secrecy, it is unlikely that you will meet
over in the holy name of Zeides.
Zeides' believers in the outside world. However, they may
They consider it vulgar to overtly display their power and
approach beautiful girls and boys. They may also secretly
secretly seek to accumulate strength and mastery of strength
penetrate into the heart of the nation. It is extremely difficult
and beauty. They believe that night is Zeides' time to rule the
to uncover their secrets and to stop their plans.
world, and they hate the sunlight, aiming to eventually bring it
to her knees.
Zeides is worshipped mainly by Nosferatu and their
servants. They study immortality and the perfection of beauty,
and their secrecy allows them to hide their existence by “Nothing is worth more than beauty.”
building temples underground and in secluded places. “Eat the life of the lowly and make it your own. Only then will
They have no humanistic sense of morals but are they be of any value.”
absorbed in a world of desire and perverted beauty and act “Death is the highest and the final form of beauty.”

be condemned. On the
other hand, you are free to
The holy symbol of Laris always depicts a Daemon’s head cherish your own
with horns, but the specific design varies from believer to preconceived notions and
believer. follow your own beliefs.
The statues of the god are often made in a similar manner They encourage doing
to those of Daemons, but there is no uniformity here, and it what you want, and
is difficult to identify the Laris statues as those of the gods. anything that prevents you
from doing so is "evil" in
the teachings of Laris.
Laris is called a
heretical god because their dogma allows summoning undead,
Laris is the most enigmatic of the gods.
summoning daemons, or raising the dead. They are feared by
When they were born and by which sword they attained
all as a "Mad God" because of their virtue of doing as you wish.
godhood is not known at all. It has also been speculated that
Although few believe in Laris other than Daemons, there
Laris may be a deity from a completely different world since
are still believers, both Humanoid and Barbarous, who
they are mainly worshipped by Daemons who appear from
continue to work to summon the god Laris themself to the
world of Raxia, which is believed to lie dormant in the depths
Perhaps because the Daemons believe in a deity with a
of another world or Abyss.
very different psyche and value system, it is difficult for the
inhabitants of the world of Raxia to understand them, and
there are not many believers of Laris in the world of Raxia.
From a different perspective, however, their dogma is
simple. “Live free or be bound.”
Complete freedom - that is the greatest dogma of Laris. “Thy desire is what thou shalt seek.”
Therefore, there are no restrictions or prohibitions; no matter “All that hinders freedom is evil and your enemy.”
how wicked or cowardly your behavior may be, you will not

Part 1 The World and Characters

Raxia is home to a variety of divine powers. continent far to the southwest. He based it on the gods'
Ancient Gods are influential throughout the world, Major statuses and legends in the Alfleim continent.
Gods are worshipped on a continental scale, and Minor Gods Therefore, it is not known whether this correlation is
are worshipped only in regions and their vicinities. Some gods correct or not. The theologian who created it also pointed out
are ok with each other, some have friendly relationships with that “there are some subtle differences from the continent I
each other, and some have adversarial relationships with each was on.”
other. The theologians in Raxia have acknowledged that people's
Nevertheless, these relationships are based on myths beliefs can distort the character of the gods. For example, the
passed down by believers and believed to be true. Therefore, god who was originally a god of peace and did not engage in
it is impossible for a simple person to know what the gods conflict at all has been regarded as active in fighting because
themselves think and feel. of an incident in which they acted in self-defense some time
The relationship between gods and goddesses can vary ago. Therefore, it is considered inevitable that there are
slightly depending on the believers, region, and local legends. differences in gods' characters from continent to continent.
Sometimes, the exact opposite relationship is even believed. Therefore, the correlation chart described here is only one
The "Correlation of Gods" presented here was created by aspect of the gods. It is not even clear whether it is close to the
a Tabbit theologian, who said he was swept away from a truth or not.

Part 2 Optional Rules

Part 2 Optional Rules

The following rules allow players to determine a

character's Ability Scores without using dice.
Use this method if you do not want to use dice for
advantage or disadvantage or if you want to prioritize fairness
in conventions or online sessions where players bring their Determining Starting Abilities for a Human Adventurer is
own characters beforehand. slightly different than the above, since these Abilities are also
determined using 2d rolls. If the player wishes to determine
these Ability Scores as well, the point costs are listed below.
As with the A-F Ability Scores, the point total for these Starting
Abilities must total 0 or less at the end of character creation as
A character's Ability Scores are determined by adding six
well. In addition, the point total for Starting Abilities does not
numbers, A through F, to the Starting Abilities of Body, Skill,
carry over when determining Ability Scores, but must be
and Mind. Going by the original rules, those Ability Scores
calculated (and total 0 or less) separately.
are randomly determined through rolling dice, but this rule
changes that, allowing players to allocate points as they see fit
Adventurer 2d Table
to those Ability Scores.
2d Score
Typically, those rolls were either 1d or 2d (occasionally
2 -100
with modifiers), so refer to the appropriate table when
3 -80
purchasing Ability Scores.
Each chosen score has a point cost, and at the end of 4 -60
character creation, the sum total of these points must be 0 or 5 -40
less. For example, a player creating a Tabbit character would 6 -20
choose scores from the 1d column for A, B, and C while 7 0
choosing from the 2d column for D, E, and F. 8 20
9 40
A-F Determination Table (1d) 10 70
1d Score 11 110
1 -15 12 160
2 -10
3 -5
4 5
5 10
6 20

A-F Determination Table (2d)

2d Score
2 -25
3 -20
4 -15
5 -10
6 -5
7 0
8 5
9 10
10 20
11 40
12 70

The following are rules for Work Skills, or skills a However, having a character have the full levels allowed by the
character may have above and beyond those of an adventurer. end of character creation is unnecessary.
These Work Skills are meant to add depth to a character and During the game, a player may request the chance to learn
allow them more opportunities for roleplaying. a new Work Skill, assuming they are within limits allowed for
a PC. If the GM and the other players agree, that player will
gain a general proficiency with the Work Skill they wish to
learn. Such gains during the game should make sense, given
Work Skills are knowledge and training that a character the story so far, as well as the experiences of the character in
has that aren't directly tied to an adventuring class but are often question.
the result of taking a profession. For instance, a skilled For instance, a character may acquire the Waiter/Waitress
craftsman in armor manufacturing and upkeep would be Work Skill by working part-time as a waiter at a local
referred to as an Armorer. They would be capable of adventuring store between adventures. Alternatively, their
performing typical tasks related to making armor, such as background may include a well-known family of merchants
mending torn chain links, repairing broken plate armor, or and traders, which could grant them a few levels in the
sewing leather and heavy cloth. Merchant Work Skill. The table below is a guide for how
Like adventuring classes, Work Skills have 15 levels to many levels a character may have, considering the current
show one's advancement in the skill. A character with 1 level circumstances. This does not allow a character to get around
in a Work Skill shows that they might have a passing the restrictions on PC Work Skills.
familiarity with the job at hand, while a character with 15 levels In general, once a character has chosen to take levels in a
is one of the few masters of that craft in all of Raxia. particular Work Skill, there is no way to change that skill once
chosen. At the same time, a character can never lose levels in
a Work Skill, even if they spend years before a chance to
actively use it.
Work skills are used for various checks as well as
Work Skills Level 1 and 5 Reference Chart
adventurer class. The same procedure is used as in the various
Level Guideline
checks using the adventurer class: the level + ability modifier
of the work skill is set as the standard value, the roll result is 1 Dabbling, about 1 month's experience
added as the success value, and the result is compared with 2 Not an amateur; about 3 months of experience
the Target Number. Rules such as automatic success and Passively learning about a year's experience while
automatic failure are also common. not the main job
There are many work skills in the world, and countless Can speak as an expert, a year's experience as a
checks can be performed using them. Therefore, it is not primary job
possible to define them as well as the action checks for the 5 Professional with several years of experience
Adventurer class. The decision is left to the GM. For selecting
the Target Number, see "Choosing a Target Number (see CR
I, p. 94)".
Work skills are intended to give a character a personality Work Skills are meant to add character and backstory to
and expand the range of roleplaying. They are not intended a PC, not to provide a significant advantage or break the
to be useful in combat situations. game's rules in favor of the player. The GM should also use
them as such.
When learning work skills in the middle of the game, it is
not recommended to learn them opportunistically just
Work Skills are professions and are acquired through because they are useful at the moment. Such an opportunistic
experience in the profession. As adventurers, PCs do not acquisition is useful only for the moment. In contrast, there
usually have the opportunity to gain such experience. may come the opportunity to learn a new Work Skill in the
As such, PCs can only learn a maximum of 5 levels of each current story naturally and for the character to develop as a
Work Skill. A player can learn multiple Work Skills, but only result.
up to a total of 10 levels. At the same time, the GM may be able to use certain
When creating characters, players may learn and define Work Skills known by a player in order to drive the current
Work Skills their characters may have, with the GM's scenario, should the story allow for such.
permission, even if they are not listed in the chart to come.

Part 2 Optional Rules

Here are some examples of professions and their corresponding work skills on the Alfleim Continent. This is by no means an
exhaustive list but simply a general list.
Work Skills List
Profession Work Skill Description
Craftsmen who make armor and shields. Has a variety of skills, from joining metal to sewing fabric
Armor Craftsman Armorer
and leather.
A bit of a weird eccentric, they tend to tinker and make strange objects using odd materials. Many
Tinkerer Inventor
of them do it as an enjoyable hobby.
Weaver Weaver Able to make cloth out of various raw materials, as well as perform simple tailoring work.
Cures illnesses and diseases using folk remedies. Rarely seen near areas with large religious
Medicine Man Witch Doctor
temples, but prominent among frontier towns.
Table Service Waiter/Waitress Serves customers at restaurants.
Uses various methods to predict the weather. Farmers and fishermen look to them for day-to-day
Meteorologist Weatherman business, while nations and military officers might rely on their judgments when starting military
campaigns. There is significant difficulty in getting medium- and long-term forecasts, though.
Weapon Craftsman Weaponsmith An expert that can create a variety of different weapons.
Wood Craftsman Woodworker Skilled in the art of making wood-related crafts, from decorations to furniture.
The person is responsible for the operation of a magic locomotive and is also required to be able
Engineer Engineer
to maintain the motor.
Creates, describes, and leaves behind various stories. Most are poets, but some use prose as well.
Writer Author Even if they don't write their own stories, they are familiar with various legends and the history of
the world.
Government Well-versed in law and handling legal documents. Good at dealing with paperwork, but not as
Official good as they might think.
Decorates and maintains gardens. Often employed by noble families, and has an extensive
Groundskeeper Gardener
knowledge of trees and plants.
Woodworker Carpenter Architectural experts, they are skilled at working with both stone and wood.
A specialist in the production of paints and dyes. Familiar with the various materials that can be
Dyer Color Man
used for making dyes.
Locksmith Locksmith A specialist in locks and keys, they also excel in fine mechanical work.
Performs various rituals at the temple they serve. Cannot use Divine Magic but relies on Priests to
Clergy Cleric
make sure magical rituals are performed without error or delay.
Gravekeeper Gravekeeper Watches the graveyard for vandals, assists with funerals, and more.
Coachman Carriage Driver Operates freight cars and passenger carriages pulled by animals, such as horses.
High-class "escorts" cater to nobles, royalty, and other high-ranking individuals. Despite their
Consort Courtesan business, they are expected to be graceful, polite, discreet, and well-versed in various entertainment
and social topics.
Chef Cook Mainly works in restaurants to show off their skills.
Composer Composer Writes and produces music. Familiar with music from other regions as well.
Confronts diseases by cutting into the affected area with sharp blades. They have knowledge of so-
Surgeon Surgeon
called "modern medicine", but are generally unorthodox and so are rare in Raxia.
They stand by at key points along the rail line, exchanging flag signals, switching points, and
Signalman Signalman
instructing trains to stop or slow down if necessary.
Shoemaker Cobbler Skilled in making and maintaining all types of shoes and boots.
Jeweler Whitesmith Dexterous craftsmen who work with gems and precious metals.
Vocalist Singer Often invited to perform at festivals. Some singers will work in groups as a chorus as well.
Devoted to their studies. Often, they have other means of income and pursue their hobby of
Student/Scholar Scholar
collecting knowledge and constructing theories.
Carver Sculptor Carves beautiful works of art out of stone or wood.
Scrivener Scribe Copies books and writes for nobles. Often fluent in multiple languages.
Seaman Sailor Able-bodied seafarers skilled in the ways of operating ships, especially sailing ships.
General foot soldiers, working under military guidelines. Accustomed to long marches and used to
Soldier Soldier
harsh discipline, but need to have Warrior classes in order to be considered for actual combat.
Involved in the construction and painting of the upper floors of high-rise buildings, though such
High-Rise Laborer Towerman
sights are rare in Raxia.
Invited to liven up soirees and parties. Rarely seen as a solo act, many dancers will often form
Dancer Dancer
troupes before trying to find work.
They lead and guide travelers. Some of them have knowledge of many regions and can guide you
Travel Guide Tour Guide
to any place.
A brewer uses stills in order to make various hard liquors. Quite knowledgeable about alcoholic
Sake Brewer Distiller
beverages of all kinds.

Profession Work Skill Description
Magician Prestidigitator They are not magicians but prestidigitators who use magic tricks to impress people.
Animal Trainer Tamer Able to train wild animals and command them to perform tricks for amusement.
Dressmaker Tailor Garment specialists who make quality clothes, skilled at working with fabrics.
Interested in academic medicine, they are trained to handle various chemicals to treat illnesses and
Physician Doctor diseases. With the rise of temples and Divine Magic, very few will spend the time and effort to
follow this profession.
Can prepare a variety of drugs and poisons. Some unscrupulous people work a little closer to the
Pharmacist Apothecary
underworld, and many will keep their secrets to their graves.
Nurse Nurse Assists doctors and clerics in treating the injured and sick at various temples and clinics.
Responsible for keeping a ship moving on the charted course. Their main task is to know where
Navigator Navigator the ship is located, depending upon star locations and landmarks. Able to use their skills with both
sea and air vessels.
Aristocrat Noble Learns the mannerisms and knowledge needed to become a noble.
Cowboy Herdsman Organizes and controls livestock.
Cuts hair and shaves for those who can afford it. Can also perform simple surgery like incisions
Hairdresser/Barber Barber
and sutures if necessary.
Housekeeper Housekeeper In charge of cleaning and cooking, as well as helping the house owner.
Steward Butler Serves noble families and organizes and oversees other servants.
Perfumer Perfumer Experts in fragrances and perfumes, many are in the employ of wealthy and noble families.
Performs various tricks for a price. There are many different performers, ranging from street
Entertainer Performer
buskers looking for a day's wages to those who work for aristocrats and other prominent people.
They make their living trapping and skinning animals and sell meats and furs to local villages.
Hunter Hunter
Familiar with their local terrain and the plants and animals that live there.
Produces various crops to sell at market. In order to have enough room to grow these crops, they
Farmhand Farmer
will often live on the outskirts of cities or in remote mountain villages.
Fishes in seas and rivers. Skilled in the operation of small boats and knowledgeable about various
Fisherman Fisherman
fish and their habitats.
Uses many different ways to attempt to predict people's futures for a price. Some have paranormal
Psychic Fortune Teller
intuition, while others are simply scammers and con artists taking advantage of people's fears.
Forges heavy metal into various products. Typically refers to those who don't make weapons or
Smith Blacksmith
Brewer Brewer Proficient in using fermentation to create many different alcohols.
Harlot/Gigolo Prostitute Often seen standing on city streets at nighttime, offering a good time to those who pay enough.
Artist Painter Paints wonderful works of art. Many of them make their own paints.
Live and beg on street corners for alms. Often surprisingly good at watching people and tend to
Tramp Beggar
know seedier areas quite well.
Familiar with the heraldry of various families and organizations. As it is taboo to duplicate a coat of
Heraldic Scholar Heraldist arms from one family or organization to another, the nobility often relies upon them when creating
a new coat of arms.
Bone Craftsman Bonecarver Craftsman who uses animal bones, fangs, and claws to make ornate jewelry.
Shopkeeper Merchant Buys and sells goods in order to make a profit. Good at negotiating and managing money.
Digs into the earth in order to find various useful minerals. As mines are quite dangerous, they are
Miner Miner used to dealing with hard work and harsh environments while also being sensitive to the dangers
around them.
Separates the meat of animals into different cuts and can produce processed meats like ham and
Meatpacker Butcher
sausage as well.
Assists pregnant women with childbirth, protecting the health of both mother and child. They
Midwife Midwife
know the usefulness of disinfection and are keen on determining the health of others.
Plays musical instruments and can perform various famous songs. Some are even part of their own
Musician Musician
musical troupe. The Bard class covers many of the same skills needed for this profession.
Able to process stone, from digging it out of the quarry to processing it for building materials or
Stonemason Mason
artist sculptures.
Librarian Librarian Manages and maintains libraries full of books, both public and private.
Logger Lumberjack Earns money by cutting down trees and processing them into lumber for buildings.
Repairs magitech items and relics from the Magitech Civilization period in order to function again.
Preservationist Restorer
The Artificer class covers many of the same skills needed for this profession.
Understands multiple languages and acts as a mediator between multiple people who don't share a
Interpreter Linguist
language. Also knowledgeable about cultural differences and innuendo.
Undertakes tasks such as cargo handling and simple construction. Most work on day-to-day
Manual Laborer Teamster
individual contracts until the job is done.
Leather Craftsman Leatherworker Knows how to maintain tanned hides, as well as use them to make a variety of goods.

Part 2 Optional Rules

of the player, but the random result may end up taking the
character's background in a completely unexpected direction,
What follows is a table meant to randomly select one of allowing for interesting role-playing opportunities to arise.
the 72 Work Skills from the table above. While Work Skills Since there are two tables, it is recommended that one
are meant to be chosen according to the character's table be used on a 1d roll of 1 - 3 while the other is a roll of 4
background, this table allows players to determine a Work - 6. From there, another 2d will be rolled, one determining
Skill at random. This does take some choice out of the hands the row and the other the column of the table.

Work Skills Randomization Table

Table A
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Armorer Inventor Weaver Witch Doctor Waiter/Waitress Weatherman
2 Weaponsmith Woodworker Engineer Author Official Gardener
3 Carpenter Color Man Locksmith Cleric Gravekeeper Carriage Driver
4 Courtesan Cook Composer Surgeon Signalman Cobbler
5 Whitesmith Singer Scholar Sculptor Scribe Sailor
6 Soldier Towerman Dancer Tour Guide Distiller Tamer

Table B
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Tailor Doctor Apothecary Nurse Navigator Noble
2 Herdsman Barber Housekeeper Butler Perfumer Performer
3 Hunter Farmer Fisherman Fortune Teller Blacksmith Brewer
4 Prestidigitator Prostitute Painter Beggar Heraldist Bonecarver
5 Merchant Miner Butcher Midwife Musician Mason
6 Librarian Lumberjack Restorer Linguist Teamster Leatherworker

This rule gives additional rewards to the PCs, but the GM can use it when they want to offer various items in
monsters appearing in the battle will be stronger. exchange for risk, or when they want to enhance a particular

The Treasure Drop rule makes a monster that appears in Treasure Points Estimate Chart
the scenario appear stronger than it originally was. Total of the PC's
Treasure Points
However, as a reward for eliminating the monster, the PCs Adventurer Level
will be rewarded with additional loot. Which item they get is 8 or less 1
determined at random, but all of them are valuable and will 8 – 12 1–2
help them, whether they use them or sell them! 12 – 16 2–3
The Treasure Drop rule proceeds as follows. 16 – 20 3–4
20 – 24 5–6
24 – 28 5–6
28 – 32 6–8
32 – 36 8 – 10
36 – 40 10 – 12
40 – 44 12 – 15
44 – 48 15 – 18
48 – 52 18 – 25
52 – 56 25 – 35
56 – 60 35 – 50
60 – 75 50 – 65

Once the Treasure Points to be used are determined, they

The "Treasure Point" should be determined when adding are spent to enhance the monster. This is done in the
the Treasure Drop rule. Treasure points determine how preparation phase of the scenario.
much the monster is enhanced and the value of the items The points are spent as shown in the table "Treasure
given to the players. The higher the treasure points, the more Enhancement Abilities List" to give abilities to the monsters in
the monster is enhanced and the higher the value of the items the scenario.
The Treasure Points GM spends determine the value of Multiple Enhancement Abilities
the items they reward: each point is worth about 1,000 gamel, As a rule, even if more than one of the same treasure
so the more points GM gives, the more likely PCs are to get a enhancement abilities is given to the same monster, the effects
valuable item, which in turn strengthens the monster. do not overlap or accumulate. However, only "Instant
To estimate the amount of Treasure Points to be used per Damage" can be given more than once (see the description
scenario, use the "Total of the PC's adventurer level" and refer below).
to the "Treasure Points Estimate Chart". A single monster can have several different treasure
enhancement abilities.

Multiple Monsters can be Enhanced

You can enhance multiple monsters. GM can assign
points to multiple monsters and strengthen them little by little.

To Enhance a Multi-section Monster

When enhancing monsters with multiple sections, points
are allocated to each section separately, and each section can
have the same ability.
The "Increase Weakness" and the "Increase Initiative"
strengthen the whole monster's stats by one point.

Part 2 Optional Rules

Use with Sword Shards Identification by Monster Knowledge check

Treasure enhancements can be used in conjunction with The treasure enhancement of a monster can be known
the enhancement by Sword Shards (see CR I, p. 384). In the with the Monster Knowledge check. Even if there are
case of a multi-section monster, the HP and MP of each monsters of the same species with different abilities, the
section and the ability to enhance treasures can also be freely Monster Knowledge check is performed on all of them at
allocated. once, and if successful, the treasure enhancement ability of
each of them is known.

Treasure Enhancement Abilities List

Treasure Points
Points 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
+1 +2 - +3 - +4 - +5 - +6
+1 +2 - +3 - +4 - +5 - +6
+2 +4 +6 +8 - +10 - +12 - +14
+2 +4 +6 +8 - +10 - +12 - +14
Success +1 +2 - +3 - +4 - +5 - +6
⑥/1 ⑤⑥/1 - ⑤⑥/2 - - ④⑤⑥/2 - - ④⑤⑥/3
1 point - 2 points - 3 points - 4 points - - 5 points
Contamina - Power 10 - Power 20 - Power 30 - Power 40 - Power 50

Description of Treasure Enhancement Ability

Increase Weakness Chain Attack
The monster's Weakness is increased by the value Once per turn, the monster can roll 1d at the end of their
corresponding to the assigned points (harder to find the turn. If the result is in front of "/", they can make an additional
monster’s weak point). melee attack. This additional attack is separate from abilities
such as [〇Double Attack] or [〇Continuous Attack] that
Increase Initiative increase the number of attacks or opportunities. The number
The monster's Initiative is increased by the value after "/" indicates the maximum number of additional attacks.
corresponding to the assigned points. Additional attacks can occur only once per day.

Instant Damage Curse Wave

After the 2d roll to determine the damage, the damage is This effect can be used only once per day, and after the
increased by the Instant Damage value. declaration of its use, it takes effect for 1 minute (6 rounds).
This enhancement can be added to multiple monsters While it is in effect, the monster automatically inflicts fixed
(sections). This ability can be used for a number of damage of the curse type once at the end of their turn to
enhancements per character (section) per day. This "Range: Touch" and "Target: 1 Character," a number of points
enhancement can be activated for 10 seconds (1 round) for assigned with "Resistance: Can't".
one character (section). Also, all damage increases must be
equal for all characters (sections). Global Contamination
Only once a day, when a monster receives damage to their
Instant Defense HP for the first time by combat, they automatically deal
Only once per day, when applying Defense after receiving poison magic damage within "Range: Caster" to "Target: all
physical damage, Defense is increased by Instant Defense areas (20m Radius)/All" with "Resistance: Can't" and "Specified
value. After the Total Damage is determined, the monster can Power/Critical Threshold 10". Any character can be excluded
choose whether to use this effect or not. from the effect of the monster.

Instant Success Value

Only once a day, when the success value of an action check
is obtained, the success value can be increased by a value of
Instant Success Value.

Do not Enhance the Monster, but use it as Part of the
When a monster with a treasure enhancement ability is The GM can give treasure points as part of the reward
defeated, the PCs automatically gains the corresponding without specifically enhancing the monster. This can bring
treasure points. lottery-like fun, not knowing what you will get.
Treasure points earned can be used up during the scenario The Treasure Drop table is designed so that an average of
in the manner described in the next section. They cannot be about 1,000 gamels per treasure point appears. However, the
carried over from one scenario to another. items PCs get may not always be useful for them. If PCs think
they are not useful, they can sell them. In other words, their
value will be halved.
Considering this, the number of treasure points to be given
as a reward should be converted to about 600 to 700 gamels
per point. Also, the amount of treasure points should be
Earning Treasure Points means that additional loot can be limited to at most half of the total reward to have stable gamel
obtained from the monster, or treasures can be acquired from income. For example, if the total reward is 4,000 gamel, GM
the chests it guarded, etc. should give 3 treasure points + 2,000 gamel as coins.
PCs can spend the Treasure Points earned by defeating
the monster as it is and roll on the "Treasure Drop Table" on Treasure Drop Table A1 (1 point)
the next pages to obtain the corresponding item. 1d 1 Category/Classification
PCs may win more than one treasure by assigning it to 1 Wand of Endurance Class-Specific Items
more than one table. All players should consult with each 2 Disturbing Scarecrow I Adventure Tools
other to decide which table to use and how to use it. 3 Mystic Ink Adventure Tools
When using the Treasure Drop Table A, first roll 1d and 4 Snake Arrow Ammunition
use A1 for the 1-3 result and A2 for the 4-6 result. Then roll 5 Wall Base Adventure Tools
1d to determine the sub-table to be used. And finally, roll 1d 6 Smaltier's Ability-Enhancing Bracelet* Accessory: Hand
to determine the row. 1d 2 Category/Classification
The timing of the acquisition of this treasure during the 1 Frenzy Drink Potions
scenario depends on the GM's instruction. In principle, the 2 Fairy Drop Class-Specific Items
PCs should use the amount of Treasure Points the monster 3 Magisphere (Large) Class-Specific Items
had immediately after defeating the treasure-enhanced 4 Auto Looter Adventure Tools
monster, but if the GM has their own idea, they may delay the 5 Northern Needles Adventure Tools
timing or limit the consumption of Treasure Points to just 6 Telescope Adventure Tools
some of the Treasure Drop Tables. 1d 3 Category/Classification
Treasure Points cannot be carried over from one scenario 1 Magitorch Adventure Tools
to another; the GM should, at the latest, instruct the players to 2 Message Rouge Adventure Tools (Consumables)
use all their Treasure Points to acquire treasures at the end of 3
Bonding Sunlight Charm
Adventure Tools (Consumables)
the session. (+1)
Bonding Moonlight Charm Adventure Tools (Consumables)
5 Sunglasses Accessory: Face
6 Weapon Holder Accessory: Back
Here are some examples of how the treasure drop rules
can be used. 1d 4 Category/Classification
1 Accessory: Hand
Adjust the Power of the Bosses in the Scenario 2 Arbalest Crossbow A
If the monster you want to appear as a boss is weak or has 3 Bloomhead Bolt (12) Ammunition
monotonous abilities, it may not function well as an obstacle, 4 Breast Armor Nonmetallic Armor A
and the climax of the game may not be as exciting as it could 5 Heater Shield Shield A
be. 6 Cymbal Shield Special Instrument/Shield A
This rule can add variation to the boss's abilities and
1d 5 Category/Classification
increase the threat level. 1 Glass Buckler Shield B
2 Soliferrum Thrown Weapon A
As a Bonus Boss in the Scenario 3 Halberd Axe A
If you can arrange a monster as an obstacle in a place that 4 Shellbreaker Mace A
is not related to a condition for clearing the scenario, and if 5 Chain Stick Wrestling A
the monster is guarding a treasure, it can function as a bonus 6 Chalk of the Lost Adventure Tools
boss in the scenario. 1d 6 Category/Classification
If the PCs have enough strength, they can challenge strong 1 Dinojaw Axe A
enemies reinforced by these rules or avoid unwanted dangers. 2 Normal Lance Spear A
3 Rising Sun Flail A
4 Fast Bow Bow A
5 Jezail Gun B
6 Smart Carbine Gun B
*Corresponding ability values are determined at random

Part 2 Optional Rules

Treasure Drop Table A2 (1 point) Treasure Drop Table B (2 points)

1d 1 Category/Classification 1d 1 Category/Classification
1 Plate Armor Metal Armor 1 Defender Sword A
2 Knight Shield Shield A 2 Bec-De-Corbin Warhammer A
3 Hard Kicker Wrestling A 3 Spiked Shield Shield A
4 Hanger of the Sun God Adventure Tools 4 String Bow Special Instrument/Crossbow A
5 Magic Pipe Class-Specific Items 5 Bayonet Adventure Tools
6 Pallas's Maraca Special Instrument/Mace A 6 Partisan Spear S
1d 2 Category/Classification 1d 2 Category/Classification
1 Bludgeon Mace S 1 Antidote Potion II Potion
2 Water Balloon* Thrown Weapon B 2 Cure Stone Potion II Potion
3 Scarlet Potion Potion 3 Dexterity Potion Potion
4 Magic Arrow or Quarrel** Ammunition 4 Speed Potions Potion
5 Steel Blade Sword A 5 Mako Stone (10 pts.) Class-Specific Items
6 Unpiercing Pick Warhammer A 6 Material Card A* (10) Class-Specific Items
1d 3 Category/Classification 1d 3 Category/Classification
1 Thami Crossbow A 1 Material Card S* Class-Specific Items
2 Mako Charge Crystal (5 pts.) Class-Specific Items 2 Effect Cartridge Adventure Tools
3 Card Shooter Class-Specific Items 3 Protective Holy Water Adventure Tools
4 Sunlight Charm (+2) Adventure Tools (Consumables) 4 Informer's Sticker Adventure Tools (Consumables)
5 Moonlight Charm (+2) Adventure Tools (Consumables) Bonding Sunlight Charm
5 Adventure Tools (Consumables)
6 Lightning-Bolt Hairpin Accessory: Head (+2)
1d 4 Category/Classification Bonding Moonlight Charm
6 Adventure Tools (Consumables)
1 Salamander Hairpin Accessory: Head
2 Snowflake Hairpin Accessory: Head 1d 4 Category/Classification
3 Squealing Choker Accessory: Neck 1 Reckless Headband Accessory: Head
4 Coward Belt Accessory: Waist 2 Safety Helmet Accessory: Head
5 Sunflower Buckle Accessory: Waist 3 Irritating Mask Accessory: Face
6 Invincible Transformation Belt Accessory: Waist 4 Ruby Glasses Accessory: Face
5 Taste Piercing Accessory: Face
1d 5 Category/Classification
6 Golden Earplugs Accessory: Ear
1 Cranequin Crossbow A
2 Healing Horn Arrow Ammunition 1d 5 Category/Classification
3 Goedendag Flail A 1 Lucky Charm Accessory: Neck
4 Flamberge Sword A 2 Skanda Boots Accessory: Foot
5 Strong Tabbit's Carrot Chemicals 3 Water Spider Sandals Accessory: Foot
6 Recording Earrings Accessory: Ear 4 Protective Sandals Accessory: Foot
5 Tempest Gun A
1d 6 Category/Classification
6 Bone Vest Nonmetallic Armor A
1 Repeater Crossbow Crossbow
2 Steel Guard Metal Armor A 1d 6 Category/Classification
3 Missile Trapper Accessory: Waist 1 Repel Candle Adventure Tools
4 Smoke Grapher Adventure Tools 2 Piercer Sword S/Thrown Weapon S
5 Ribbon of Lovely Transformation Accessory: Neck 3 Smaltier's Listening Device Accessory: Ear
6 Pike Spear A 4 Disturbing Scarecrow II Adventure Tools
5 Hatchet Axe S/Thrown Weapon S
*Determine the number of items with 1d
**PCs choose whether to get arrows or quarrels 6 Temsgard's Chain Ball Flail A/Thrown Weapon A
*Card colors are determined at random.

Treasure Drop Table C (3 points) Treasure Drop Table D (4 points)
1d 1 Category/Classification 1d 1 Category/Classification
1 Fine Leather Nonmetallic Armor S 1 Thermal Mantle Accessory: Back
2 Stone of Vigilance Adventure Tools 2 Longbarrel Gun A
3 Arm Catcher Axe A 3 Tiger Band Nonmetallic Armor S
4 Precision Tool Set Class-Specific Items 4 Assegai Thrown Weapon S
5 Stable Sight Adventure Tools 5 Brigandine Metal Armor A
6 Wig of Chills Accessory: Head 6 Goat's Foot Crossbow S
1d 2 Category/Classification 1d 2 Category/Classification
1 Scorpion Tail Flail A 1 Accel Brogue Wrestling S
2 Chekan Warhammer S 2 Magic Cosmetics Adventure Tools
3 Lynx Vest Nonmetallic Armor S 3 Horn of Magic Detection Adventure Tools
4 Dragonslayer Sword A 4 Keen-Flash Glasses Accessory: Face
5 Careless Tag Adventure Tools 5 Holy Parrot Accessory: Head
6 Watchful Doll Accessory: Ear 6 Tiny Armor* Class-Specific Items
1d 3 Category/Classification 1d 3 Category/Classification
1 Trackless Boots Accessory: Feet 1 Surveyor's Wand Class-Specific Items
2 Alarm Gong Adventure Tools 2 Reflector Shield Shield A
3 Escape Marbles Adventure Tools (Consumables) 3 Sharp Arms Wrestling S
4 Hoplite Shield Shield S 4 Minor Curse Rebellion Accessory: Neck
5 Mighty Brittle Shield B 5 Smaltier's Ankle Sleeves Accessory: Feet
6 Anti-Magic Potion Potion 6 Dragon Scale Nonmetallic Armor S
1d 4 Category/Classification 1d 4 Category/Classification
1 Medicine of Dreams Potion 1 Mako Stone (15 pts.) Class-Specific Items
2 Repair Tape III Repair Tools 2 Mask of the Fearless Accessory: Face
3 Permanent Ice Fragment Adventure Tools 3 Blade Skirt Accessory: Waist
4 Pointed Hat Accessory: Head 4 Excellent Rapier Sword S
5 Night Goggles Accessory: Face 5 Mithril Shield Shield S
6 Linkpearls Holder (for 2) Accessory: Ear 6 Temsgard's Chain Star Flail A/Thrown Weapon A
1d 5 Category/Classification 1d 5 Category/Classification
1 Crystal Necklace Accessory: Neck 1 Bolt Swarm Crossbow S
2 Amulet Of Light Accessory: Neck 2 Grand Partner Shield S
3 Inverness, a Beautiful Star Accessory: Back 3 Puzzling Sign Adventure Tools
4 Little Wing Accessory: Back 4 Scorpion Crossbow S
5 Black Belt Accessory: Waist 5 Sunlight Charm (+3) Adventure Tools (Consumables)
6 Golden Spurs Accessory: Feet 6 Moonlight Charm (+3) Adventure Tools (Consumables)
1d 6 Category/Classification 1d 6 Category/Classification
1 Mithril Fingers Wrestling S 1 Tongues Earpiece Accessory: Ear
2 Daemon's Crystallized Blood Plate Adventure Tools 2 Modified Weapon Holder Accessory: Back
3 Double Eel Flail S 3 Droplet Bracelet Accessory: Hand
4 Grand Partner Shield A 4 Ring Of The Mind Accessory: Hand
5 Efreet's Whisker* Staff B 5 Rainbow Ring Accessory: Hand
6 Bat's Earrings Accessory: Ear 6 Champion's Buckle Accessory: Waist
*Roll 1d to determine Defense increase (3 points for 1-3, 6 points
*Number of times used should be determined with 2d for 4-6)

Part 2 Optional Rules

Treasure Drop Table E (6 points) Treasure Drop Table F (8 points)

1d 1 Category/Classification 1d 1 Category/Classification
1 Silent Shoes Accessory: Feet 1 War Mage Staff Staff B
2 Displacer Gadget Accessory: Any 2 Weakness Revealer Sword B
3 Mithril Dirk Thrown Weapon S 3 Bold Assertor Bow B
4 Jail Impact Flail S 4 Disturbing Scarecrow III Adventure Tools
5 Sniper Bow S 5 Balanced Pendulum Flail B
6 Mana Cartridge X Adventure Tools 6 Flaming Shield Shield B
1d 2 Category/Classification 1d 2 Category/Classification
1 Francisca Thrown Weapon S 1 Mithril Spear Spear S
Protective Holy Water 2 Claymore Sword S
2 Adventure Tools (Cons.)
(9th level) 3 Mithril Axe Axe S
3 Conning Shaft Staff S 4 Bullet Shower Gun S
Bonding Moonlight Charm 5 Temsgard's Heavy Dock Shield A
4 Adventure Tools (Cons.)
(+3) 6 Mako Stone (20 pts.) Class-Specific Items
5 Bonding Sunlight Charm (+3) Adventure Tools (Cons.)
1d 3 Category/Classification
6 Smaltier's Headband Accessory: Head
1 Saving Cloak Accessory: Back
1d 3 Category/Classification 2 Big Gloves Accessory: Hand
1 Waterfowl Mask Accessory: Face 3 Fortress Metal Armor A
2 Bear Claws Accessory: Neck 4 Heavy Lance Spear S
3 Penguin Cape Accessory: Back 5 Smart Animal Sack Accessory: Back
4 Smaltier's Martial Arts Belt Accessory: Waist 6 Rainbow Spear Spear B
5 Mimore's Cloth Armor Nonmetallic Armor B
1d 4 Category/Classification
6 Mithril Chain Metal Armor S
1 Portable Shrine Class-Specific Items
1d 4 Category/Classification 2 Ballista Crossbow S
1 Balzer's Magilight Shield Shield B 3 Fabled Lute Special Instrument
2 Coat of Plates Metal Armor A 4 Careful Auto Looter Adventure Tool
3 Despair Crossbow S 5 Hunter's Eyes Accessory: Face
Great Daemon's 6 Composite Bow Bow S
4 Adventure Tools
Crystallized Blood Plate
1d 5 Category/Classification
5 Stone Man's Earring Accessory: Ear
1 Antidote Potion III Potion
6 Mana Staff Staff A
2 Cure Stone Potion III Potion
1d 5 Category/Classification 3 Detoxification Spoon Adventure Tool
1 Hollow Hammer Mace B 4 Fairy Lantern Adventure Tool
2 Leech Staff Staff A 5 Crown of the Saint Accessory: Head
3 Mithril Shoes Wrestling S 6 Miracle Necklace Accessory: Neck
4 Temsgard's Light Dock Shield A
1d 6 Category/Classification
5 Mechanized Fingers Class-Specific Items
1 Hero's Mantle Accessory: Back
6 Keen Glasses Accessory: Face
2 Mana Ring Accessory: Hand
1d 6 Category/Classification 3 Sign of Valor Accessory: Any
1 Mithril Mace Mace S 4 Lucky Feathers Accessory: Feet
2 Beast Buster Crossbow B 5 Bec-De-Faucon Warhammer S
3 Blade Killer Shield S 6 Balzer's Magic Armor Metal Armor
4 Lal-Veine's Golden Chain Accessory: Ear
5 Smaltier's Bell Accessory: Neck
6 Mithril Sword Sword S

Treasure Drop Table G (10 points) Treasure Drop Table J (20 points)
1d 1–3 Category/Classification 1d 1–3 Category/Classification
1 Windbreaker Surcoat Nonmetallic Armor A 1 Turtle Shell Shield A
2 Gilded Sabaton Wrestling S 2 Material card SS* Class-Specific Items
3 Dead Man's Earring Accessory: Ear 3 Temsgard's Chain Globe Flail S/Thrown Weapon S
4 Troll Buster Mace S 4 Honeymoon Carpet: Static Adventure Tools
5 Full-Metal Armor Metal Armor S 5 Honeymoon Carpet: Moving Adventure Tools
6 Light Boots Accessory: Feet 6 Cattleya Garland Accessory: Head
1d 4–6 Category/Classification 1d 4–6 Category/Classification
1 Golden Mattocks Warhammer B 1 Goddess's Veil Accessory: Head
2 Mimore's Fine Cloth Armor Nonmetallic Armor A 2 Lal-Veine's Monocle Accessory: Face
3 Pointed Hat of Wisdom Accessory: Head 3 Linkpearls Accessory: Ear
4 Smaltier's Eye Guard Accessory: Head 4 Thieves Boots Accessory: Feet
5 Mutual Follow-up Earrings Accessory: Ear 5 Unicorn Horn** Adventure Tools (Consumables)
6 Couse Axe S 6 Sorcerer's Staff Staff S
*Card colors are determined at random.
*Number of times used determined with 1d.

Treasure Drop Table H (12 points) Treasure Drop Table K (25 points)
1d 1–3 Category/Classification 1d 1–3 Category/Classification
1 Unbending Buckle Accessory: Waist 1 Black Rod Staff S
2 Titan Flail Flail S 2 Mithril Plate Metal Armor S
3 Dontrecia's Armor of Perseverance Metal Armor B 3 Combat Maid/Butler Outfit Nonmetallic Armor B
4 Berserker's Sword Sword B 4 Mimore's Finest Cloth Armor Nonmetallic Armor S
5 Temsgard's Chain Star Flail S/Thrown Weapon S 5 Bracelet of Manipulation Accessory: Hand
6 Purifying Holy Symbol Class-Specific Items 6 Crown of Riches Accessory: Head
1d 4–6 Category/Classification 1d 4–6 Category/Classification
1 Sentinel Sword S 1 Lal-Veine's Magic Belt Accessory: Neck
2 Blood Ransom Bow A 2 Smaltier's Windbreaking Cloth Accessory: Back
3 Staff of Control Staff B 3 Lal-Veine's Kneaded Magic Belt Accessory: Waist
4 Lancaster Gun S 4 Death Scythe Axe S
5 Destroyer Sword A Dontrecia's Great Armor of
5 Metal Armor A
6 Daemonthresher Flail S Perseverance
6 Lal-Veine's Downlooker Accessory: Feet

Treasure Drop Table I (16 points) Treasure Drop Table L (40 points)
1d 1–3 Category/Classification 1d 1–3 Category/Classification
1 Lal-Veine's Shoulder Strap Accessory: Back Blood Squeeze or Avenger
2 Shock Hammer Warhammer A 1 Bow S
3 Balzer's Magic Sword Sword A 2 Mana Coat or Mana Coat+* Nonmetallic Armor B
4 Fistulosum Special Instrument/Staff A Powered Plates or Dontrecia's
3 Metal Armor S
5 Molder Mace A Stiff Armor of Perseverance*
6 Horn of the Muse Special Instrument 4 Total Reflector Shield S
1d 4–6 Category/Classification 5 Ring of Righteous Belief Accessory: Hand
1 Carnage Gun S 6 Executioner's Blade Sword S
2 Mana Cartridge XX Adventure Tools 1d 4–6 Category/Classification
3 War Mage Staff Staff A 1 Green Belt Accessory: Waist
4 Everchanging Clothing Clothing Mace S or
2 Power Capper or Heart Tracker*
5 Scavenger Hat Accessory: Head Warhammer S
6 Immovable Rod Adventure Tools 3 Curse Rebellion Accessory: Neck
4 Lal-Veine's Mana Ring Accessory: Hand
5 Dragon Arrow or Quarrel** Ammunition
6 Lal-Veine's Feather Crown Accessory: Head
*Either one can be obtained at random.
**PCs choose whether to get an arrow or quarrel

Part 2 Optional Rules

In Sword World 2.5, PCs act as adventurers. They seek Daily Events Table
riches and great honor by challenging ruins, Sword 1st 2nd
Labyrinths, and Shallow Abysses. Or they may take on a job Roll Roll
as a handyman, solving mysterious cases and helping those in 1 There was a Festival
need. 2 Attended a Wedding
In any case, their activities are different from those of 3 Attended an Awards Ceremony
ordinary people in that they do not require a regular daily 1
4 Participated in a Contest
schedule. It is common for them to spend several days in an 5 Hunted for Bargains
encampment, including the time to go to and from the ruins 6 Was at the Flea Market
and solve a case. They will need to be on the go continuously, 1 Bumped Into Someone on a Street Corner
adapting. And these tasks are not routine. After fighting 2 Found Favorite Entertainer
dangerous monsters and avoiding nerve-wracking traps, they 3 Adventure Writer Stalking
will need some time to recover their strength. Adventurers do 2
4 Fights Lead to Friendship
not often have to get involved in such eccentric and
5 An Old Friend Paid a Visit
complicated incidents. And the rewards for their adventures
6 Loved One Moved Away
are likely to be high enough to allow them to relax for a while.
It is common for adventurers to have a fairly long "off" 1 Party! Party! Party!
period between adventures. Here are some examples of how 2 Feeding Stray Cat
adventurers spend time, or what they experience, during these 3 Was Lost in Thought
"off" periods. 4 Worked Hard at Part-time Job
The player and GM can choose them arbitrarily or 5 Played Along with the Kid
randomly to add color to their daily lives and make them 6 Donated
more real. It will help players to deepen their character and 1 Volunteer at a Food Distribution Center
roleplay. Assistance with the Demolition of
Abandoned Buildings
4 3 Heavy Rain
4 Fell Down Spectacularly
The Daily Events Table is a table of what happened in 5 Was Sick in Bed
between adventures, and the player and GM should consult 6 Enjoyed Your Hobbies
with each other and decide how these events affect the 1 Did a Lot of Reading
characters. The events can be chosen arbitrarily or randomly 2 Took a Gamble
decided by rolling 2d (if the result is not suitable for the PCs, 3 Painted a Picture
they can reroll the dice). 4 Tried to Cook Elaborate Dishes
It is best to use the table only once, between adventures. 5 Hard Puzzle
6 Worked Out
1 Learned a New Trick
2 Collected Goods
3 Was Out at Sea
4 Climbed a Mountain
5 Rode Around on a Manabike
6 Appreciated a Play

This is the description of each event in the "Daily Events Donated: Did you give to a beggar or donate to an orphanage?
Table". The details should be decided by the player and the ✰Lose any money over 1 gamel.
GM. The part after "✰" affects the PC’s inventory. It is applied Volunteer at a Food Distribution Center: Volunteering at the
only when the event is selected at random. Or the GM may Temple's Food Distribution Center, you were blessed by the
never apply it. smiles on everyone's faces. After doing something good, you
feel refreshed.
There was a Festival: Whatever the scale, there was some kind Assistance with Demolition of Abandoned Buildings: You
of festival, and you enjoyed it. decided to help demolish an abandoned house in your
Attended a Wedding: There was a wedding of family neighborhood. The house had been abandoned, probably
members or friends, and you attended it. after a fire or something, and all the furniture and belongings
Attended an Awards Ceremony: You, or your relative or had been left behind. It was a bit like a treasure hunt.
acquaintance, received an award and attended the ceremony. Heavy Rain: You got soaked to the skin in the heavy rain.
Participated in a Contest: There was some kind of contest, Fell Down Spectacularly: You fell. You were lucky that you
and you participated in it. ✰Roll 1d. On 6, you won. You get were not seriously injured.
a prize of "Adventurer level x 50" gamels. Was Sick in Bed: Fever, headache, stomachache, or all of
Hunted for Bargains: You went around to various stores them. Whatever the cause, it was a terrible break.
looking for bargains. ✰You can buy any one item with a base Enjoyed Your Hobbies: You’ve enjoyed hobbies to the fullest
price of 10,000 gamel or less at a 10% discount. (If you have not chosen a hobby in particular, choose one of
Was at the Flea Market: You’ve sold unwanted items at a flea the following 12 items from 5-1 onward).
Did a Lot of Reading: You read a lot. You either gained new
market. ✰You can sell any one item at 80% of the base price.
knowledge or enjoyed the continuation of a story you are
Bumped Into Someone on a Street Corner: You bump into
interested in.
someone on a street corner. It may be a beautiful girl or a
handsome young man, or it may be someone who is outright Took a Gamble: You went to the gambling hall. ✰You gained
swearing. You may apologize to each other, and that may be or lost “Adventurer level x 20 x (1d - 4)” gamels.
the end of it, or it may be a fateful encounter. Painted a Picture: Your hobby was oil painting. How did it
Found Favorite Entertainer: You liked a certain street turn out?
entertainer so much that you started going to see them Tried to Cook Elaborate Dishes: You put a lot of time and
whenever you had free time. Throwing applause and cheers effort into it. When it was done, you served it to everyone.
relieves your stress, and you become an acquaintance. The Hard Puzzle: The puzzle you started with a lighthearted
approach was surprisingly difficult. You had to spend a lot of
smiles of your friends are precious. ✰You lost the
time on it.
"Adventurer level x 50" gamel.
Worked Out: It's the muscles that support the adventure! You
Adventure Writer Stalking: The writer aspires to write about
worked hard on yourself.
your adventures and has been following you around for days.
Learned a New Trick: You've expanded your stash of tricks.
If they weren't so beautiful... You’ll find a request and you’d
They will come in handy someday.
get rid of them as soon as possible.
Collected Goods: Bought and collected many hobby goods.
Fights Lead to Friendship: You had a quarrel with an
adventurer belonging to the same guild over a trivial matter. ✰Lost "Adventure level x 50" gamels.
They are so stubborn that they can't back down. Is there any Was Out at Sea: Did you play on the beach or enjoy fishing?
chance for you to make up? Anyway, it was the sea.
An Old Friend Paid a Visit: An old friend you had not seen Climbed a Mountain: Because that's where the mountains are.
for a long time paid a surprise visit. You talked for a while, Rode Around on a Manabike: You had felt plenty of wind.
feeling nostalgic. Appreciated a Play: Theater, opera, circus, etc.
Loved One Moved Away: A family member, friend, or close
associate has suddenly moved away.
Party! Party! Party!: This was the only way to get rid of the
gloom. Drinking and singing parties every day. ✰You lost
"Adventurer level x 100" gamel.
Feeding Stray Cat: You found a cute stray cat and fed it. Roll
1d, on 4 to 6, was very friendly.
Was Lost in Thought: Sometimes, you like to think things
over slowly. In this quiet time, you took your time to think.
Worked Hard at Part-time Job: You are not at ease if you
don't work. ✰You get an income of the "Adventurer level x 10
x 2d" gamel.
Played Along with the Kid: It was a child of an acquaintance
or a child you happened to meet in an alley. For a while, you
played with them.

Part 2 Optional Rules

The Advanced Combat rules described hereafter are Most of the rules remain the same as for Simplified
intended for those who are familiar with Sword World 2.5. Combat (see CR I, p. 118) and Standard Combat (see CR II,
They will allow you to reproduce a wide variety of combat p. 48), except where those rules are explicitly changed or
situations by managing the battlefield in two dimensions while added to in this part of the book.
at the same time greatly increasing the tactical potential of the

character to engage in melee with another, i.e., the skirmish

forms around that character.
In Advanced Combat, the characters' positions, referred When a battle is being played out on paper, the GM draws
to as their coordinates, are generally managed in a two- a circle with the appropriate radius to define a skirmish area.
dimensional plane. These rules are designed to use a blank Any miniatures, standees, or other such markers that
sheet of paper, whiteboard, or other physical representation represent the characters involved in the melee are then moved
to define each character's position on the battlefield. into the circle and scattered around the center point. If they
get in the way of each other, they can be moved aside until the
Dealing With Different Character Sizes Or Altitude fight is over. The only thing that matters for game processing
Differences is that the characters are involved in the skirmish. In other
Because coordinates are only being managed in a two- words, the battlefield drawn on a piece of paper or a
dimensional plane, there is no difference between various whiteboard in Advanced Combat is represented by a mixture
characters’ vertical positioning on the battlefield. Even large of dots (individual characters who are not engaged in melee)
differences in altitude have no bearing on combat unless the and circles representing where the melee is taking place.
GM chooses to rule otherwise. Abilities such as the Lildraken
Racial Ability [Sword's Grace/Wings of the Wind] and any Figure 1: Advanced Combat Concepts
[〇Flight] Unique Abilities of monsters will only modify
values such as Accuracy and Evasion. Flying or not, everyone
on the battlefield is treated as being at ground level when in
Also, even if a character is massive in size, no matter how
large it is relative to other characters, nor how many sections
that character has, it will still only occupy a single coordinate
position. A multi-section monster is likewise treated as having
the same single coordinates.

Identical Coordinates
It is possible to have several characters at the same
coordinates in Advanced Combat. Generally, melee attacks
and "Range: Touch" spells and effects will only affect
characters (or sections, for that matter) located at the same
In addition, a character summoned or created by a spell
or effect with "Range: Touch" is considered to have appeared
at the same coordinates as the caster that performed the
summoning or creation.

The concept of "Skirmishes" is also used in Advanced

GM Guide: Illustrate the Battlefield as Much as Possible
Combat. When using the Advanced Combat rules, a skirmish
In Advanced Combat, you need to keep track of the
is typically formed as a circle between 3m and 6m in radius,
coordinates of each character and, if a skirmish is formed,
depending on the number of participants in the melee. To
how large that needs to be. These are difficult to explain and
determine the size of the skirmish, see the Skirmish Range
manage in words alone but can be easily grasped with a
Table under the Standard Rules. Unlike the Standard Rules,
diagram. When illustrating the battlefield, as shown in "Figure
though, the skirmish's center coordinates are those of the first
1: Advanced Combat Concepts", note the coordinates of a

single character with a small mark, then circle the character to the players can fully grasp what is going on. Then the GM can
show the skirmish area to make it easier to understand. If you gradually introduce more and more detail, referring to the
have a large table, you can use pawns or character figures and following rules and annotations as necessary until everyone
represent skirmish areas with coasters or paper plates. In a has become used to the changes.
conference room, magnets and a whiteboard may be useful. What is important in a TTRPG is not to blindly follow the
Anything that can represent "characters" and "skirmish circles" rules but to keep the game moving smoothly, with everyone in
is fine. Just try to depict the battlefield as clearly as possible. agreement regarding which rules are in play. Rules are just a
tool to support gameplay; they are not the entire game itself.

GM Guide: Approximation Recommendation

The Advanced Combat rules have the advantage of being Trying to define the characters’ positional relationships
capable of representing a variety of battlefield situations, as too precisely will bog the game down and drag combat out
well as greatly enhancing tactical play. However, it also means much longer than necessary. Keep in mind a general sense of
that the game becomes “crunchier,” in that a lot of rules are distance in meters, and judge whether it is reachable by
in place to guide the GM rather than them relying significantly movement or within attack range. Moves that require
on improvisation. It is not recommended to try and apply all measurement in units of less than 1m should be discouraged,
the rules detailed here right from the start. and players trying to take advantage of such moves should be
Initially, begin with simple movement and manage warned. However, there may be situations where one may end
character positioning (such as moving a few meters sideways up with fractions of a meter, and in such cases, those fractions
from the hypothetical straight line of Standard Combat) until should be rounded up to the nearest whole meter.

The Advanced Combat progression follows the combat

procedure chart below. It is almost the same as Simplified
Combat and Standard Combat. Once the PCs encounter enemies, and it is inevitable
combat will break out, the GM begins setting the stage for the
Combat Procedure Chart battle.

1.1 Confirmation of Factions - 1.4 Initiative Check

1.1 Confirmation of Factions
1.2 Combat Preparation
1.3 Monster Knowledge Check
1.4 Initiative Check
These are all the same as Simplified Combat (see CR I, p.

1.5 Battlefield Clarification and Initial Placement

The GM sketches the battlefield and notes the initial
positions of each Faction. Players will see the battlefield and
enemy Faction positions at the same time during initial

Battlefield Clarification
The GM should reveal the details of the battlefield where
combat will occur. As mentioned above, using a sheet of
paper, a whiteboard, or other physical representation, is
recommended. If the battlefield has specific terrain or
obstacles, the GM should draw attention to them, though it
could just as easily be featureless.
The GM should limit the overall size of the battlefield as
appropriate. For example, if the encounter happens as the
party is entering a room, only the room where the party is
located and the room being entered need to be represented
on the map.

Initial Placement
When an encounter occurs, the GM determines the
distance between Factions, which is usually between 5 and 30
meters. This guideline is based on the "Combat Opening
Recommended Distances Guide" (this table is the same as the

Part 2 Optional Rules

one for Standard Combat), but if the size of the battlefield is

limited, its dimensions will determine the upper bounds. 1.6 Second Combat Preparation
The leading character from each Faction should be This is the same as "1.2 Combat Preparation". Once-only
chosen and placed this distance apart. Then, place the actions can only be used in one or other of these Combat
remaining characters. How they are positioned is determined Preparations. For example, declaring an Active Combat Feat,
by the players and the GM, based on the situation at the time using an Evocation or Technique such as [Dragon Tail], etc.,
of the encounter, but they should be no closer than the can be done only once, during either step 1.2 or 1.6.
distance between the Factions.
GM Guide: Why Do We Need Second Combat
Combat Opening Recommended Distances Guide Preparation
Situation Distance (m) The more you play Sword World 2.5, the more important
Enclosed space 5m it becomes that the PCs know their enemy and can best utilize
Relatively large space 10m their skills and items. For example, if the PCs know that the
Crowded space, such as a forest 10m enemy are Giant Gadflies (see CR I, p. 410), then they won’t
Open space, such as flat plains 20m want to use their Glass Buckler (see p. 135), which will very
Moving, such as on horseback +10 – 20m likely crack under the Gadflies’ increasingly effective attacks.
Fighting a large monster +5 – 10m
Because of this, a second Combat Preparation was introduced
for Advanced Combat. The GM may allow this for Simplified
GM Guide: Grouping Characters Combat and Standard Combat as well.
Character placement in combat is determined by the
party's movement before combat begins. Unless there is prior
knowledge of another party or group of monsters, rearranging
the party's formation based on the opponents’ position should
not be allowed. For example, if the PCs were in a tight Once the characters have been initially placed, they are
formation whilst moving through a small room, their moved in order from the first Faction to the second, one by
placement should reflect that as best as possible. However, if one. A character's movement and Actions cannot be
there was a looser arrangement, represented more simply as a interrupted during their turn, exactly as in Simplified and
Frontline and a Rearguard, the party's positioning would Standard Combat.
reflect that as well (though there would likely be some distance When the first Faction completes all its Actions, it is the
between the Frontline and the Rearguard). This latter method turn of the second Faction. After that, the Factions decide
is recommended if the players don't wish to worry about whether to continue or end the combat as appropriate. If the
complex party formations but still want to play using the combat is over, the Post Combat Process will commence, as
Advanced Combat rules. in Simplified Combat and Standard Combat.

We will describe what a character can do during their turn. which will affect how far they can move on the battlefield and
However, the only difference between Simplified Combat and what actions they can perform. It's important to note that
Standard Combat involves movement. characters taking a Full Move will receive a -4 penalty to their
Evasion checks for the round, just like in Standard Combat.

Type of Movement and Distance to Travel

A character's turn consists of three elements: Movement, Movement
Distance to Travel
Major Action, and Minor Actions. The Major Action is Type
performed after Movement, and the timing of Minor Actions Full Move Movement x 3m
is, in principle, arbitrary. What can be accomplished with Normal Move Movement m
Major Actions and Minor Actions is the same in Advanced 3m (if movement is less than 3m, then
Limited Move
Combat. movement m)

Specify The Movement Path

In Advanced Combat, characters need to let the GM know
The character movement rules follow those of Standard what kind of move they're taking and describe their path
Combat, but with differences due to the expanded two- across the battlefield. This path can be curved or crooked,
dimensional battlefield. though such twists and turns do not affect the total distance
Three Methods of Movement (Same As "Standard The changes in direction do not reduce the distance
Combat") traveled; only the length of the path matters. For example, a
There are three methods of movement available for character with movement 20 can "move forward 10m, turn at
characters: Full Move, Normal Move, and Limited Move. right angles, and move forward 10m" with their Normal Move.
During their turn, each character can choose one of these, The route traveled need not be specified too strictly.
However, both the GM and players need to know the rough

distance traveled, and it should be clear to both sides when a Blocking Movement by Enemy Characters and Melee
character moves through an area where movement can be If a hostile character or skirmish obstructs a character’s
blocked by opponents or skirmishes. path, their movement may be forcibly stopped regardless of
the movement type (see p. 84).
Minor Actions During Movement
With Advanced Combat, a character can take Minor When a Character Cannot Move
Actions during their movement. When they do so, the player As a rule, a character cannot move when in melee.
needs to show at which coordinates the character performed Additionally, movement may be restricted due to various
each Minor Action. This allows that character to target magical effects. In such situations, the character can take
another character with a Minor Action effect using "Range: Major and Minor Actions as if moving with a Limited Move.
Touch" whilst moving through the coordinates of an ally.
However, if you do this to an enemy character, a skirmish is
immediately created, and no further movement is possible.

In Sword World 2.5, the concept of melee has great

significance. A melee is a situation in which enemies and allies Skirmish Range Table
are fighting each other, attacking one other with weapons or Number of Outdoor Size
Indoor Size (m)
similar methods. Participants (radius m)
The characters that are attacking and being attacked are 2–5 3 5x5
said to be "in a state of melee" or simply "in melee". The area 6 – 10 4 7x7
where the melee is taking place is called a "skirmish" (as shown 11 – 15 5 8x8
below). 16 - 20 6 10 x 10
The treatment of melee and skirmish in Advanced
Combat is almost the same as in Standard Combat, except that
it is expanded into two dimensions.
If a skirmish already exists on the battlefield and a
character becomes involved in it, the situation is handled as
follows. This process is almost the same as in Standard
If two hostile characters are at the same coordinates and Combat. Only in the case of the word "Caution" appearing in
one is using a melee attack, casting a spell with "Range: Touch" subsequent headings is there a difference.
or using a unique skill with that range, then both characters
will be in melee, and a skirmish occurs automatically. New Participant in Melee
However, if either character is already in a melee situation, A character can join an already existing melee by moving
there is no new skirmish created. It is handled according to to the center of the ongoing skirmish and declaring their intent
"Skirmishes and Characters" on the next page. to join in. This can cause a skirmish to increase in size,
depending on the number of participants (p. 86).
Center of Skirmish
A skirmish forms a circle, with its center at the point of In Melee and Independent States
origin. This is the same as in Standard Combat, where a character
participating in melee combat is said to be "in melee," and a
Skirmish Size character within a skirmish area but not in a melee state is
The skirmish range is determined by the number of called an independent character. They have their own
characters participating in it. Please follow the "Skirmish coordinates, while characters in melee are all at the center of
Range Table" below. the skirmish.
The skirmish range immediately after an attack is A character in a melee can perform a melee attack or a
determined by adding the number of characters (sections) that "Range: touch" spell or effect on another character in the same
have made a melee attack and the number of opponents skirmish, using its center as their target.
(sections) that have been hit by an attack.
When fighting in an indoor space of limited size, the Interference From Characters In Melee To Independent
number of characters that can participate in a skirmish will be Characters
restricted. This process is described in a separate section (see A character in melee can make melee attacks and cast
page 90, "Overcrowded Skirmish"). "Range: Touch" spells and effects on other independent
Coordinates on the edge of a skirmish count as being characters in the skirmish without regard to coordinate
within it. For example, a character located exactly 3 meters differences. However, suppose a hostile character in the
from the center of a skirmish is within a skirmish of radius of melee attacks an independent character. In that case, the
3 meters. independent character is inadvertently added to the melee,
As in Standard Combat, the total number of characters and their coordinates are adjusted to be in the center of the
(sections) that can exist in a skirmish is limited to 20. skirmish.

Part 2 Optional Rules

Independent Characters Transition To Melee (Caution) Independent characters may attempt to escape from a
Conscious characters will transition from being skirmish by their own movement, but they may be blocked by
independent to being in melee in one of the following ways: enemies. However, if the total number of allied characters in
1. They move to the skirmish center point and declare their the skirmish exceeds twice the number of hostile characters
intention to join the melee. (regardless of their "in melee" or "independent" state), then the
2. Their coordinates coincide with an independent hostile independent character can escape from the skirmish without
character, and a melee attack or "Range: Touch" spell or effect fear of being blocked.
is made on them (this is an action that creates a new skirmish
immediately followed by "Combining Skirmishes" (see p. 86)).
3. The independent character's movement is blocked by an
enemy character. In Advanced Combat, the treatment of spells and effects
4. The independent character blocks the movement of an that affect an area is basically the same as in Standard Combat.
enemy character. However, there are some new rules arising from the two-
5. The independent character attacks an enemy character with dimensional nature of the battlefield. Wide Area effects are
a melee attack or "Range: Touch" spell or effect (only if the circular, whilst the area of effect of "Area: Line" and "Area:
enemy character can act of its own volition, i.e., if the enemy Breakthrough" is a rectangle 2m in width.
character is stunned or otherwise unable to act, it will remain In addition, although the rules are the same for shielding,
independent, and its coordinates will not change). the battlefield extends two-dimensionally, so the effect of
positioning becomes more significant.
Note: No Automatic Pull Into Melee at the Beginning of
the Turn Range
In Standard Combat, a character in the independent state In Advanced Combat, the distances for ranged attacks,
is automatically drawn into melee at the start of their own turn. spells, and effects are handled in meters. Generally, the range
In Advanced Combat, however, that rule does not exist. is expressed as "Range: X (Ym)" and the “Ym” part is used.
Independent characters start their turn as independent.
Wide-Area Effects
GM Guide: Proactively Eliminate Independent Spells and effects that affect a large area are described as
Characters "Target: X area (Ym radius)/-" In Advanced Combat, the
Characters who cannot act on their own, such as those "Radius: Ym" determines the circular area of effect. The area
who've fallen unconscious or been put to sleep, are removed of effect extends to the circumference of a circle Y meters in
from melee and become independent characters. However, radius.
their coordinates are still considered to be in the center of the The part after the "/" ("Space," "All," or the number of
skirmish. targets from "5" to "20") is applied in the same way as in
If the coordinates of the skirmish's center point are Simplified Combat and Standard Combat.
changed while the character is immobile in a melee situation,
the character becomes independent. The character's own Characters in Skirmish
coordinates will not change, but the center point of the If a wide-area effect includes a skirmish:
skirmish will shift. Each character in a melee will be the target if the skirmish
center point is included in the range.
Characters In Melee Becoming Independent Each independent character will be a target if their unique
Characters who cannot act on their own, such as those coordinates are within range.
who've fallen unconscious or been put to sleep, are removed
from melee and become independent characters. However, Line and Breakthrough
their coordinates are still considered to be in the center of the Those effects with "Area: Line" and "Area: Breakthrough"
skirmish. are certain to affect the specified target character. At the same
If the coordinates of the skirmish's center point are time, they may affect any of the characters in the direction of,
changed while the character is immobile in a melee situation, and within the area, of the effect, with a 50% probability (1-3
the character becomes independent. The character's own on 1d roll for each). This is applied to all characters within the
coordinates will not change, but the center point of the area of effect.
skirmish will shift. Breakthrough and Line in Advanced Combat have an area
of effect of 1m on either side of a straight line connecting the
Leaving the Melee - Escape starting point and the target to the end point, for a total width
In principle, a character in a melee cannot move. of 2m. Any character with coordinates within this elongated
However, a character that has declared preparation to leave rectangle can be caught in the effect.
the melee on their previous turn may move in any way they
wish. Stray Shots
If the number of characters in a skirmish (or the number When targeting a character in a skirmish from outside of
of sections) of the player's own Faction that is in melee exceeds it with a Ranged Attack or "Area: Shot" spell or effect, a stray
twice the number of characters in the skirmish belonging to shot will occur if there are other characters at the same
the enemy Faction (regardless of the latter’s "in melee" or coordinates. The target must be selected at random from all
"independent" state), then that character can leave the skirmish relevant characters at the same coordinates in the skirmish
immediately by moving out of the skirmish area.

Shielding Shielding Diagram
To use a ranged attack, spell, or effect, the line of sight to
the target must be free of obstructions. Skirmishes and hostile
characters will shield any targets behind them, preventing line
of sight from being drawn beyond the shielding character(s).

Shielded by a Skirmish
For characters outside of a skirmish, the skirmish will
shield any characters beyond it. To shoot through a skirmish,
the Combat Feat [Hawk Eye] is required. However, shooting
directly into the skirmish does not require any Combat Feats.
Whether or not shielding occurs is determined by drawing
a straight line from the character to the target across the
battlefield. If the line just intersects the circular area of a
skirmish, it is treated as if shielding has been established.
If a character is shooting from inside of a skirmish, other
characters are not shielded by this skirmish.

Shielded by a Character Outside the Battlefield

A character outside of a skirmish creates a 1m radius
shield around themself against hostile characters only.
Characters inside a skirmish do not have this form of
shielding, regardless of whether they are in melee or

Part 2 Optional Rules

When a character tries to move, if there is a hostile Movement Blocking with Characters Outside the Skirmish
character or skirmish in their path, they may be interfered with
and may not be able to complete the desired move.

Movement blocking, as the name implies, is an action that

prevents the active character from moving or from completing
their desired move. Therefore, a character whose move is
blocked can only travel a shorter distance than expected in
most instances. In cases where distance is an issue, this
changed distance is used in calculations and decisions. For
example, if movement blocking reduces the distance to 9m or
less, you will not be able to execute the Combat Feat [Flying
Kick] (see CR II, p. 201).
On the other hand, the type of move itself follows the
initial choice: a character that attempted to move 10 m with a
Normal Move but could only move 2 m due to movement
interference will be counted as if they had, in fact, used a
Normal Move.

The same is true in Advanced Combat, as a hostile

character can stop a moving character mid-move by blocking
its path.

Coordinates for Blocking Movement

A character can block the movement of an opponent
within its Limited Move distance. If the movement of an active
character is interfered with, then its move ends at a point
selected by the blocking character within its Limited Move
distance. Both characters are then moved to those

Outside of Skirmish
Characters outside of a skirmish seeking to block another's
movement cannot specify any coordinates lying within the
skirmish as the blocking point.

Multi-Section Monsters
A character can block a monster's movement if it has up
to twice as many sections as the blocker, but not more.
However, several characters can succeed, whereas one cannot.
If the number of characters is at least half as many as the
number of monster sections, and all the characters can reach
the coordinates where they want to block it using just a
Limited Move, then it is possible to block the monster's
movement. A character outside a skirmish cannot specify a
location within the skirmish as a blocking point and, therefore,
cannot aid a character in the skirmish in making a block.

Skirmish Occurrence
If a character is blocked, a skirmish is usually formed by a
melee attack or other Action by the active character. However,
even if no Action, including a melee attack, is taken, then a
skirmish is automatically formed at the end of the active
character's turn, and then both the active character and the
blocking character will be in melee.

opponents (excluding the character who wants to move), then
the character cannot leave.
A character in a skirmish can block a hostile character who However, a character in the independent state can still use
tries to move through the skirmish or who is independent in "Area: Breakthrough" spells and effects. In this case, their
the skirmish and tries to leave it. In this case, the active movement cannot be blocked.
character is moved to the center point of the skirmish and is
counted as being in melee. GM Guide: Passing Skirmish, Retreat, and Departure
When in a skirmish, the range of possible movement In Advanced Combat, there are three types of movement
blocking actions by independent characters is different from that involve a path from inside a skirmish to outside it (without
those in Standard Combat. first preparation for leaving): "passage," "retreat as an
independent," and “departure from melee.” “Passage” is a
Blocking Possibilities via Faction Comparison movement that starts from outside the skirmish, enters it, and
If a character tries to move through a skirmish, determine then exits from the opposite side. "Retreat as an independent"
which Faction they belong to. If that Faction (whether its is when a character in the independent state moves out of a
members are in melee or independent) numbers more than skirmish during their turn. "Departure from melee" is when a
twice the size of the opposing Faction, then the character's character in melee moves out of the skirmish area. (Note:
movement cannot be blocked. For example, say there are 3 "Retreat as an independent" is a new case, appearing only in
characters from Faction A and 2 from Faction B in melee. Advanced Combat).
Two more characters from Faction A wish to move through In all cases, the difference lies in whether the moving
part of the skirmish, and Faction B wants to stop them. In this Faction-member can be blocked by another character in the
case, Faction A has 5 characters opposed by Faction B's two, skirmish area or not. This can happen if the moving Faction
so Faction B cannot block those characters' movements. outnumbers the opposing Faction by a factor greater than 2:1
in terms of the number of participants (or sections).
Blocking by an Independent Character (Caution) In the case of "Passage" and "Retreat as an independent,"
A character in the independent state can only block within the person moving should be counted in this calculation,
its own Limited Move range and within the skirmish. Once a whilst "Departure from a melee" counts only those characters
move is blocked by such a character, the coordinates of the other than the one trying to depart.
blocking point become the center point of a new skirmish. This means that it is important to engage melee first when
Then an immediate "Combining Skirmishes" event happens trying to stop a large monster with many sections. If such a
(see p. 86). monster moves first, it will be difficult to stop it (since you will
Characters in melee can also jointly obstruct the not be able to gain a 2:1 advantage while you are not in melee).
movement of an independent character. In this case, no new It is also important to note the difference that only the
skirmish is created, and the independent character changes its number of characters engaged in the melee state counts
coordinates to the existing skirmish center point, where it towards the size of the Faction wishing to move, while the
enters melee. There is a possibility of skirmish expansion due blocking Faction includes both melee and independent
to an increase in the number of people in melee. characters.
The table below summarizes the above. Whether the
Independent Characters Blocking Movement active character is in melee or not is the deciding factor.

Number of People Accounted for Blocking in Skirmish

Moving Faction Blocking Faction
In In
Themself Independent Independent
Melee Melee
Departure X O X O O
※If the moving Faction is more than twice the size of the
blocking Faction, then the moving Faction cannot be

Blocking Restrictions
A character in a skirmish cannot obstruct the movement
of another character who has prepared to leave the melee
during their previous turn.
If a character wants to move out of a skirmish and the
number of enemies in the skirmish (whether in melee or
independent) is more than twice the number of their

Part 2 Optional Rules

This section describes the rules for handling the

expansion, contraction, merging, and disappearance of
skirmishes. A melee is only possible when two characters in opposing
Factions fight each other. If one of the characters is knocked
down, unconscious, or unable to act of its own volition due to
an attack, the skirmish disappears.
The size of a skirmish depends on the number of
participating characters (sections) according to the "Skirmish
Range Table" (see p. 81). The number of characters (sections)
includes only those who are in melee (the number of If the center point of one skirmish is contained in another
independent characters is not counted in the determination of skirmish, the two are combined into one.
its size). The center point of the combined skirmish is the
If a new character joins the melee, the number of midpoint of the two center points prior to the merge.
characters (sections) will increase, and the skirmish may However, if the GM finds it hard to determine this in whole
expand (see p. 86). In addition, independent characters meters, the new center can be at any coordinates within a 1-
blocked by hostile characters in a melee shift to a melee state, meter square (see "Approximation Recommendation," p. 79).
which may likewise expand the skirmish. On the other hand, The range of a skirmish after the merger is determined by
a character that leaves the melee area or is knocked down by re-calculating the total number of characters in melee in the
an attack may result in the skirmish contracting. skirmish.
In any case, the expansion or contraction of the skirmish The merging of skirmishes must be preceded by the
happens only after the character's movement or Action that expansion or outbreak of a skirmish. The merger is processed
led to it. immediately after this happens.

Continuation of Melee State No Merger Occurs
All the characters that were previously in a state of melee The skirmishes will not combine and remain in their
in separate skirmishes are now in melee within the new original form.
skirmish area. Their coordinates become the center point of
the new, combined skirmish. No Shielding When Inside
There is no shielding for those in either skirmish,
Continuation of Independent State regardless of which skirmish they are in.
When skirmishes merge, independent characters remain
independent and maintain their original coordinates. They do Direct Interference is Not Possible Between Warring
not become engaged in melee, nor do characters that were in Factions
melee become independent (all remain the same). Whilst in melee, characters of one Faction cannot directly
interfere with (e.g., melee attack) characters in another
Becoming Independent or Moving Out of Skirmish skirmish. They still can be the target of ranged magic or effects
When skirmishes merge, the center point or size of the (assuming it can reach them, of course).
skirmish may change, and a previously independent character
may be moved out of the skirmish area. Conversely, a Independent Characters Belong to One Skirmish Only
character that was previously outside the skirmish may Whether or not a character in melee can directly interfere
become independent inside it. with an independent character is determined by whether the
character in melee is in the same skirmish as the independent
character or not.
Independent characters with coordinates in two skirmish
If multiple skirmishes overlap, but their centers are not areas can be directly interfered with by characters in either of
within range of each other, they are handled as follows. them.

Independent Characters Can Be Drawn Into Either Melee

Independent characters in overlapping skirmishes may be
drawn into either melee.
If a melee attack is received from a character in melee, the
independent character’s coordinates are moved to the center
point of the same skirmish from which the attack originated.
The character becomes engaged in melee at that time.
If a character in a melee blocks the movement of an
independent character on their turn, the independent
character is drawn into the melee in which the blocking
character is participating. The opposing Faction that blocked
the movement chooses and makes it clear which of the two
skirmishes it wants to pull them into by specifying the
character that performs the block. If two characters in melee
in different skirmishes jointly block movement, they can
choose into which skirmish they want to pull the independent

When Leaving Overlapping Areas, You Can Leave Both

If a character in the independent state is inside overlapping
skirmishes and prepares to leave, they can move out of both
skirmishes on their next move. They can also move out of one
skirmish and remain in the other (remaining independent).
They can leave one skirmish, move to the center point of
the other skirmish, and join the melee if they wish.

Can be Blocked By One Side You Weren’t In

Whether independent or in melee, if a character with
coordinates in only one skirmish prepares to leave it, they only
have the right to leave that skirmish on their next move. They
may be blocked if their movement path enters or passes
through another skirmish.

Part 2 Optional Rules

The rules governing situations involving invisible A character who is incapacitated due to being unconscious
characters, reduced efficiency if blocking movement whilst or through other causes, and is not expected to recover from
underwater, and the inability to block movement against such incapacitation, is excluded from the battlefield.
"Area: Breakthrough" effects are the same as those in Standard
Combat. Exclusion Basics
Exclusion from the battlefield means that the character is
Invisible Characters completely removed from the fight. A character that is
The process for invisible characters is the same as in removed for any reason will not return to the battlefield.
Standard Combat. Conversely, a character must not be excluded from the
battlefield if there is a possibility that they will recover. To take
Cannot Be Blocked an extreme example, if [Quick Resurrection] (see CR III, p.
Invisible characters can move without being blocked. 143) is cast, and there is a possibility of receiving its benefits,
However, if their invisibility is canceled by moving, then they even a dead character cannot be excluded from the battlefield.
become visible and can therefore be blocked A character excluded from the battlefield is treated as
completely absent. They do not interfere with the battle, nor
Invisible Characters Can Block Movement, but Skirmish are they affected by it in any way. They are not considered
Occurs Automatically when counting the number of characters (or sections)
An invisible character can block the movement of another involved.
character. In this case, a skirmish breaks out immediately If a character survives on the battlefield, the winner's
without waiting for the end of the turn. Faction will decide what to do with them after the combat is
over. They may be healed or carried to a safe place if they are
Underwater Combat allies. If they are enemies, it is completely up to the victors to
In underwater combat, as in Standard Combat, the decide whether to take them as captives, kill them, or leave
condition of whether the blocking of movement is allowed or them where they lie.
not is changed from a "2:1" advantage to "1:1".
Exclusion of Monsters and NPCs
Area: Breakthrough Decisions to exclude monsters or NPCs are left to the
Range of Effect GM. If they remain, the players must consider the possibility
In Advanced Combat, "Area: Breakthrough" affects a 2m that the monster or NPC will return to the battlefield. For
wide rectangle that extends to its full range as its area of effect example, if a monster with the "Area: Breakthrough" ability
(see p. 82). falls unconscious but remains on the battlefield, it will prove
As with Standard Combat, "Area: Breakthrough" can be quite dangerous should it recover. The reason is that the
executed either "to the target, in the direction of the target" or monster is in an unconscious state, and after it recovers, it
"to the target, ending at the target". The area of effect has a could suddenly use its “Area: Breakthrough” ability. To avoid
width of 1 meter on each side of the line joining the two points. this risk, it may be prudent to continue to attack the monster,
reducing its HP and ensuring its death by making it fail a
Cannot Be Blocked Death Check.
“Area: Breakthrough” effects cannot be blocked. GMs should avoid putting unnecessary stress on players.
Unless there is a special monster that requires specific rules
Breakthrough from Independent State (as in the previous example), or unless the GM wants to add
In Advanced Combat, characters remain independent some extra challenge, monsters should be automatically
while in a skirmish at the start of their turn. And if they are declared dead when their HP reaches 0. The GM should then
independent, they can use "Area: Breakthrough" effects. As remove it from the battlefield to ensure smooth game
mentioned in the previous section, such effects cannot be progress. Remember, in TTRPG combat, the goal is not for
blocked and can extend beyond a skirmish area. the GM to win against the players; it's a collaborative game
If "Area: Breakthrough" is used in the independent state, where everyone works together to create an exciting story.
"Exclusion Near Starting Position" (see CR III, p. 116) cannot GMs should think about monster tactics but refrain from
be used. overstepping the bounds of fun.

Other Situations Follow Standard Combat Exclusion of PCs

Various conditions and situations related to "Area: If a PC is unconscious and the player does not expect to
Breakthrough", such as obstruction by walls, breakthrough be able to recover, the player may ask the GM to remove the
while mounted, etc., work the same as those in Standard PC from the battlefield.
Combat. Please refer to Core Rulebook III, pages 114 If a PC is excluded from the battlefield, for whatever
onwards. reason, and no matter how the situation develops, they cannot
return to the battle. Before making such a request, the players

should discuss it carefully and confirm whether there really is Terms: Dominant and Dependent Characters
no possibility of them returning to the battlefield. The terms "dominant character" and "dependent
The GM may reject the request if there is a possibility of character" are used in the following explanations. A
recovery in subsequent rounds based on information that the "dependent character" is one that is the focus of this section
player does not know. However, this is for the purpose of and is subject to a stranding effect, e. g., a character that is
recovering PCs. Refusing to do so just to finish the game as being entangled or constricted.
quickly as possible will only damage the trust between GM A "dominant character" is one who applies such a stranding
and players and should be avoided. effect to the dependent character.

In Melee and Independent States Changes

A dependent character will continue to be in a state of
In the skirmish, immobile characters are treated in a melee even if they are affected by a stranding effect (e.g.,
special way. entanglement). However, the dependent character cannot use
melee attacks or "Range: Touch" effects on other characters
Sleeping, Unconscious, Dead in Skirmish who are independent at coordinates other than the skirmish
If a character falls asleep, is unconscious, or dies in the center point.
skirmish and cannot move of their own will, they collapse on If the coordinates of the center point change, for example,
the spot and become independent. If the character is in melee, through merging skirmishes, then the dominant and
their coordinates remain at the center of the skirmish, and the dependent characters move to their new coordinates at the
character becomes independent. In this case, the size of the same time, and their melee state is retained.
skirmish may be reduced. If by some chance, the dominant character becomes
Even an unconscious character is within “Range: Touch” independent, the dependent character also becomes
of any other character in the melee and may be attacked. In independent. In this case, the dependent character can make
this case, the coordinates of the character don’t change (i.e., melee attacks on the dominant character because they share
the character will not be moved to the center point), and the the same coordinates. If the dominant character is mobile,
character will remain independent. then both characters enter a melee state, and a skirmish is
If the situation is such that the character cannot return to formed. This may immediately lead to combining skirmishes
the battlefield, then they will be excluded (see the previous (see p. 86). If the dominant character is immobile (i.e.,
page). becomes “Completely Stranded” as described above), both
characters are treated as independent, and melee attacks from
Completely Stranded a dominant character on a dependent character are handled
A character who has been ensnared by a trap, such as in the same way.
[Lightning Bind] (see CR III, p. 136), or by any other effect
that holds them in place is immobile. In this case, if the Movement Blocked While Independent
character is already within the skirmish area, they remain in If a dominant or dependent character is blocked by an
the melee unless the center point of the skirmish changes. independent character in melee, then both the dominant and
However, a melee attack or a "Range: Touch" effect from dependent character will be drawn into that melee; their
other characters in melee cannot be applied to an opponent coordinates shift to the skirmish center point.
that is independent at coordinates other than the center point However, when a character, whether dominant or
of the skirmish. dependent, is completely immobile (i.e., is "Completely
If the center point differs from their own coordinates due Stranded" as described above), no change of coordinates
to the merging of skirmishes, etc. (and they are still within the occurs, even if a melee attack is made against them by another
skirmish), then such characters will immediately become character.
independent. In this state, the character is within “Range:
Touch” from any other character in the skirmish and may be
attacked. The coordinates of the character will not be changed
(i.e., the character will not be moved to the center point), and This rule allows PCs to attempt a surprise attack and may
the character will remain independent. be introduced in Standard Combat if the GM wishes (but not
Also, independent and immobile characters that are not at in Simplified Combat).
the center of the (new) skirmish cannot perform melee If the PCs want to surprise an opponent, they must make
attacks, etc. Hide checks (see CR I, p. 104). The enemy side makes
Danger Sense checks (see CR I, p. 106) and compares their
Dependent Stranding Effect success values with those of the PCs. If the enemy is a
If a character is rendered immobile by some monster, monster, then their Danger Sense roll is 2d + Monster Level.
such as through an entangling or constricting attack, the A surprise attack is successful if the success value of all PCs
character will not be able to move voluntarily. In this case, the is greater than that of all opponents. Failure occurs if there is
following rules are applied. If both characters are subjected to a tie or if the enemy has a higher success value than the PCs.
these effects, they will be “Completely Stranded,” as described Hide checks and Danger Sense checks should be made
in the previous section, and those rules take precedence. when one of the PCs is within 30 meters of the closest enemy.
After that, time is managed in rounds, and further checks are
made each round once both sides have completed all their
movements. The PCs may continue to move (or wait) for a

Part 2 Optional Rules

better starting position, but of course, Hide checks and For example, if the maximum number of skirmish
Danger Sense checks are still made each round, and any participants is set at 7, it will not be possible to have more than
failure will result in a missed opportunity for an ambush. 7, counting all characters in both the melee and independent
This process is also used when enemies that have PC-like states.
character sheets want to surprise the PCs. The number of participants should be determined by the
In the following table, you will find bonuses and penalties GM in the range from 2 to 20, based on the size of the
for the Hide checks of the Faction attempting an ambush and battlefield and referring to the "Skirmish Range Table" (see p.
the Danger Sense checks of the opposing Faction. The bonus 81).
to the Danger Sense checks is added separately for each If a character is removed from the battlefield (see p. 88),
combination. For example, if there are two characters, one at they are also removed from the headcount. As a result, a new
5m and the other at 25m from the enemy, then the Danger character can join the skirmish if the number of participants
Sense checks to gain a +4 bonus because the closest enemy is falls below the limit.
within 10m.
If the surprise attack fails, immediately progress to the No Entry Principle
normal combat initiation process (including Initiative checks). A character outside an overcrowded skirmish cannot
move through that skirmish as that will cause it to exceed its
Bonuses And Penalties for Surprises limit if they are to enter. For example, if the number of
Condition Modification participants in a skirmish is 7 and 6 characters are already in
Within 10m Danger Sense +2 the skirmish, then a monster with 2 sections cannot enter (or
11 – 20m Danger Sense +2 pass through) that skirmish.
21 – 30m No changes This restriction also applies to characters who have
More than 31m Danger Sense -2 mastered the Combat Feat [Shadow Sneak], characters who
Wide field of view Hide check -2 are completely invisible or hidden from others, and characters
Poor footing, easy to who attempt to use the “Area: Breakthrough" effect.
Hide check -2
make noise
Check Done By Moving Faction -4 Exceptions
Full Move As mentioned above, as long as characters move normally
(Whatever it is)
Normal Move No changes (including flying - remember that the Sword World 2.5
Limited Move / No Hide check +2 Made By Moving combat rules ignore differences in altitude), they cannot move
Move Faction into skirmish areas if that would cause the participant limit to
be exceeded. However, it is possible that the number of
participants in a melee may exceed the limit due to some
moves or actions.
If you are using these optional rules, movements, and
These rules are used to limit the number of participants actions that are exceptions, include the following.
(number of sections) when the battlefield is constrained, and
the characters create a skirmish there. 1. Shapeshift and Transformation That Increase Number of
These rules are not recommended in situations where Sections: Some monsters can perform a shapeshift that
Advanced Combat is not fully understood. It is not necessary increases their number of sections. Such can be performed
to use them at all if the battlefield is spacious and scenarios without considering the number of participants.
are prepared in advance so that each expected combat can be 2. [Teleport] (see CR III, p. 136) and similar effects: If the
adequately handled. movement is made with a spell and is unaffected by shielding
Advanced Combat should be used only when you fully or blocking, it is possible to enter a skirmish already at the
understand it and are confident in setting a battle in a small participant limit.
room or on a bridge to give some tactical interest and obstacles 3. Summoning: The effects of summoning characters, such as
that can be exploited. the various [Summon Fairy] spells (see CR II, p. 160), can
cause them to appear within the skirmish and thus exceed the
Skirmish With a Limited Number of People participant limit.
A skirmish is defined as a melee in which the participating 4. Forced Movement: If a character is forced to move by
characters are moving around with each other. Therefore, the another character and the end point of the move is in a
size of the skirmish is defined by the number of people skirmish, the character will be forced to enter that skirmish
concerned. This is to model the fact that the more people regardless of any limit.
involved, the more space they will need to fight.
Basically, the maximum number of participating As a result, a skirmish in which the number of participants
characters will be restricted if the size of the skirmish is exceeds its limit will be considered an “Overcrowded
physically constrained, such as on a narrow bridge or indoors. Skirmish”. Please refer to the next section for more
information on Overcrowded Skirmishes.
Number of Participants
When limiting the number of people (number of sections) Overcrowded Skirmishes
that can be in a skirmish, do not make any distinction between An Overcrowded Skirmish refers to a skirmish where the
“in melee” and “independent”, but count "all characters in the number of people in a restrictive area exceeds its limit.
skirmish area".

Examples of Overcrowded Skirmishes
Overcrowded Skirmishes can occur in the game in the Action Within Overcrowded Skirmish
following cases. In an Overcrowded Skirmish, there are basically no
restrictions on Actions other than movement. Characters can
1. Excess Number of People Due to Exceptions: As explained take the same Major and Minor Actions as in a normal
in the previous section ("Exceptions"). skirmish. However, they cannot "Prepare to Withdraw".

2. Newly Formed: Even on a battlefield where the GM has set Can Always Leave Overcrowded Skirmishes with Full Move
a limit on the number of participants in skirmishes, that does When a character (whether in melee or independent)
not apply when the skirmish is first formed. If a character has leaves an overcrowded skirmish, they can do so without having
multiple sections, they will still be pulled into the skirmish to prepare for it with an Action. However, they can only leave
regardless, even if that would exceed any limit. by using a Full Move. No preparation to leave is required, and
the move can be made immediately.
3. Combining Skirmishes: Overcrowded skirmishes can be This does not depend on the number of characters in the
formed by combining skirmishes. This can happen even if a two Factions. Even the side with the smaller number of
skirmish to be combined is already overcrowded. characters (number of sections) can leave an Overcrowded
Skirmish immediately (with a Full Move). On the other hand,
In an Overcrowded Skirmish, Everyone is Drawn into even if the number of characters in a Faction is more than
Melee twice those in the opposing Faction, they can still only leave
If a character in an Overcrowded Skirmish performs any the Overcrowded Skirmish by using a Full Move
Action, they enter the “in melee” state if they were
independent at the beginning of their turn.
They are left in an independent state if they are
unconscious or otherwise unable to act.

Part 2 Optional Rules

These rules expand the Fellows Action. This will allow possible actions. The player or GM managing the Fellow may
Fellows to assist the PCs more extensively in their adventures. choose any one to be the Fellow's action.

Assumed Roll and Success Value In the Second Action

These extended rules add a "Second Action Column" to The second column differs from the regular column in the
the Fellow's Action Table. The “Second Action Column” is "Result" and the "Value" calculated from them. The expected
given to each of the 1d's that determine the Fellow's action: "1- result in the second column is "6" for "roll 1-2", "5" for "roll 3-
2", "3-4", "5", and "6". 4", "4" for "roll 5", and "3" for "roll 6".
Inevitably, only low success values can be obtained. It is
Contents of the Second Action Column better to prepare actions that do not require high success
The information to be entered in the second action values.
column should be in precisely the same format as the
information in the regular action column. The effect Restrictions for the Second Action Column
description should be complete with the necessary data, and The restriction that only two actions can be the same is
the dialogue should be appropriate to the action. retained even when using the Second Action Column. The
entries in the four action columns for the first two, "1-2" and
Use of the Second Action Column "3-4," must be completely different from each other. The same
With the addition of the second action column, the result is true for "5" and "6".
of the 1d roll to determine the Fellow's action will have two The same action can be entered only once in these two
large blocks.

Part 3 Items

Part 3 Items

Each item in the item inventory and the icons attached to Some of the items have special price columns.
the items have the following meanings.
The fields described here are common to each general XX+: There is a range of prices, with "XX" being the lowest
items list. Please refer to their descriptions for specific fields price.
and major categories of items. XX/YY: Different prices, grades, and types are available.
Formula like YY x Z: The price of this item varies depending
Name and Magic Icon on the number of times it is used and other factors. The price
The "Name" column shows the name of the item. is determined by the formula written there.
If the name is prefixed with , then, the item is a magic XX + YY reputation: It is a renowned item (see CR II, p. 112)
item. It can be detected by spells such as [Sense Magic] and and requires a reputational fee in addition to money to obtain.
[Mana Search]. Not for Sale: Not sold to the public. Players must find or pick
it up in a scenario prepared by the GM to obtain it. The item
Stance can still be sold for half of the indicated price.
The "Stance" column indicates whether the item is hand-
held or not, and if so, whether it is one-handed or two-handed. Notes
The "Notes" column contains a summary or notes about
1H: The item is held in one hand. the item and, if necessary, a reference to the detailed data.
2H: The item is held in both hands.
-: No hands are needed to use the item. The item can be used ※Details p. XXX: If the item needs to refer to detailed data,
directly from the state where it is stored as luggage. Such items the page XXX will be mentioned.
that appear to be hand-held can be used even when the hands ※X (Annotation instructions outside the table): When
are occupied (e.g., with a weapon equipped or something else several items in classification are annotated together with the
is held in hand), and the hand-held item will continue to be same annotation, there are cases in which the annotation
equipped or held even after the item is used. outside the column is indicated by ※ and a number, like ※
For example, various types of potions fall into this 1.
category. In such cases, the corresponding annotation is listed
immediately after the column in the general list data for each
Price category.
The “Price” field indicates the price of the item in G
(gamels). When a PC buys from a merchant, they pay the
amount indicated in the "Price" column.

This is now the general list of weapons. The following are Name
fields that appear only in this list of weapons and fields that Edged and Bludgeoning Weapons
require a more detailed explanation. For most weapons, the icons are noted after the name.
This indicates whether the weapon is an edged weapon or
Categories and Ranks a bludgeoning weapon, and in some cases, depending on the
Weapons in this list have four ranks, B, A, S, and SS, for monster, this weapon type may affect the game, for example
each category. To equip and use A- and S-rank weapons, PC by causing resistance.
must have the [Weapon Proficiency A/**] and [Weapon The presence of both icons means that the weapon can be
Proficiency S/**] corresponding to the weapon category. In used as either type. Unless otherwise noted in the detailed
order to equip and use SS-ranked weapons, PC must acquire data, the user can choose which type of weapon to use each
[Weapon Mastery]. time an Accuracy check is performed.
Some weapons fall into neither category and do not have
Weapons with Multiple Categories this written on them. In particular, all guns have no such
Some weapons can have more than one category. Each categories.
time they are used by a character, they will be treated as
weapons in the category of the character’s choice. For Stance
example, a weapon in both sword and thrown weapon The “Stance” field for weapons is more subdivided than
categories must be used as a sword for a melee attack or a “1H” and “2H”.
"thrown weapon" for a ranged attack. The weapon's [Weapon
Proficiency/**] will determine whether the weapon's damage 1H†: Allows either one or two hands to wield. Data for the 2-
will be increased or not. handed stance is included immediately below. “Stance:1H† “

shows data for one-handed use, and the data of “Stance: 2H” This field is left blank for weapons that do not cause
shows data for two-handed operation. damage on hit.
2Hᵴ/2Hᵱ: Some two-handed weapons can be used in two In addition, this field is omitted for guns, whose power
ways, “slashing” and “piercing,” and such weapons are listed depends on the used magitech spells on the bullets.
with these two types of data. Wielder must state which method
of attack is to be used prior to performing the Accuracy check. Crit Value
1HR: When the equipped person is riding (see CR III, p. 85), This is the Critical Threshold for when the weapon hits
this data should be referred to. and the Power Table is used.
1H*/2H*: These weapons can be used as thrown weapons.
However, the data in the melee weapon category is for when Add’l Dmg
the weapon is used as a melee weapon, not a thrown weapon. If there is a “+value” here, that number of points will be
Using the weapon in a melee attack should not be considered added as Extra Damage when determining the calculated
a thrown weapon attack. damage.
1HW: This is a one-handed weapon, but it can be used with
a "Stance: 1H/2H" item in its hand. It is also possible to use a Range
“Throw” with such a weapon equipped. However, such For ranged weapons, this column indicates the range
weapons cannot be equipped with other weapons. distance for that weapon.
1H#/2H#: Does not use the hands but is still treated as a 1H
or 2H weapon for restrictions, bonuses, and combat feats. Notes
Due to space limitations, the Notes column of the weapon
Point! About 1H/2H
is not self-explanatory.
Some combat feats use either “1H” or “2H” stances. In
Some annotations refer to common features. The
principle, if the stance starts “1H…” then consider it
descriptions are given below.
applicable for 1H combat feats. Same with “2H…”.
Of course, this does not apply when there is an exception
Silvered: Weapons made of silver can give damage to
in the individual explanation of the combat feat (for example,
monsters with the [Normal Weapon Immunity] and may deal
[Dual Wielding] clearly states that weapons with “1H#” are
more damage to characters with silver weapons as their weak
not allowed). Also, when a stance is specified in detail, such as
“1H*”, other Stances are not applicable.
Defense +1: When equipped, the character's Defense is
Not only for the combat feat but also for various effects, if
increased by 1 point. Even if multiple weapons with this effect
only “1H/2H” is mentioned, it should be treated as if all
are equipped, the effect is not cumulative, and only one of
Stances that include it in their names are applicable, in
them is applied.
If a weapon with this effect is used for an attack, the effect
of the Defense increase will remain.
Slayer + X (Classification Name): Weapons annotated with
This means the minimal strength of the weapon; a "Slayer + X (Classification name)" are those that cause "+X"
character cannot equip a weapon with a minimal strength that Extra Damage when they hit a character that corresponds to
exceeds its own strength (in the case of the Fencer class, half (Classification name). Multiple classification names may be
of it, rounded up). specified, in which case, all of them increase Extra Damage.
Type Weapon (Type Name) +X/MP Cost Y: Weapons with
Accuracy this annotation deal specified type of damage indicated in
This is the bonus (positive number) or penalty (negative (Type Name) for 10 seconds (1 round) by consuming Y points
number) on the Accuracy check when attacking with that of MP. This means that the Extra Damage will be increased
weapon. A “-” indicates neither. by +X points. If a weapon of this type receives Fairy Weapon
enhancement (see CR II, p. 243), the type given by the
Power and Power Table enhancement should be the same effect as on the weapon but
The following is the power of the weapon and the will be only active by paying the Y MP Cost. In this case, Extra
corresponding power table used to determine the calculated Damage will be added as usual. It is impossible to give an
damage of the weapon. additional type to a weapon with a different type.

Part 3 Items

These are swords, daggers, or other weapons that attack primarily by cutting or stabbing with their blade.

Swords can be put in the scabbard and can be stored with a Minor Action.

B-Rank Swords
Min Crit Add'l
Name Stance Acc. Power ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫ Price Notes
STR Rate Dmg
Knife 1H* 1 - 1 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 ⑩ - 30
Stiletto 1H 2 - 2 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 ⑩ - 40
Dagger 1H* 3 - 3 0 0 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 ⑩ - 50
Kukri 1H 4 - 4 0 0 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 ⑩ - 60
Short Sword 1H 5 - 5 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 ⑩ - 80
Epee 1H 6 - 6 0 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 ⑩ - 90
Katzbalger 1H 7 - 7 0 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 ⑩ - 100
Rapier 1H 8 - 9 0 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 ⑩ - 110
Saber 1H 10 - 10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 ⑩ - 190
Estoc 2H 11 - 21 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩ - 370
1H† 13 - 13 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 ⑩ -
Long Sword 440
2H 13 - 23 2 2 3 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 ⑩ -
Broad Sword 1H 15 - 15 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 ⑩ - 340
1H† 17 - 17 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 ⑩ -
Bastard Sword 560
2H 17 - 27 2 3 4 6 6 8 8 9 9 10 ⑩ -
Falchion 2H 18 - 28 2 3 4 6 6 8 9 9 10 10 ⑩ - 790
Zweihander 2H 20 - 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑩ - 860
Shamshir 2H 22 - 32 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 10 10 11 ⑩ - 950
Great Sword 2H 24 - 34 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 10 11 11 ⑩ - 1,020
Weakness Revealer 1H 5 - 5 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 ⑩ - 7,660 ※Details p. 125
13,000 (Not
Berserker's Sword 2H 17 - 27 2 3 4 6 6 8 8 9 9 10 ⑩ - ※Details p. 125
for Sale)

A-Rank Swords
Min Crit Add'l
Name Stance Acc. Power ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫ Price Notes
STR Rate Dmg
Fast Spike 1H* 1 +1 6 0 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 ⑩ - 820
Main Gauche 1H 6 - 6 0 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 ⑩ - 620 ※Details p. 125
Flissa 1H 8 - 13 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 ⑩ - 880
Schiavona 1H 11 - 16 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 8 ⑩ - 990
Defender 1H 12 - 17 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 ⑩ - 1,770 ※Defense +1
Talwar 1H 15 - 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩ - 1,210
Steel Blade 1H 19 - 24 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 ⑩ - 1,450
1H† 23 - 28 2 3 4 6 6 8 9 9 10 10 ⑩ -
Flamberge 1,580
2H 23 - 38 3 5 6 7 8 10 10 11 12 13 ⑩ -
Dragonslayer 2H 28 - 43 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ⑩ - 2,760
Balzer's Magic Sword 1H 16 +1 21 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩ +1 16,000 ※Details p. 125
Destroyer 2H 20 +1 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑩ +1 15,000

B-Rank Swords A-Rank Swords

Weakness Revealer: An intelligent Main Gauche: A defensive dagger
dagger that teaches the user the weak with a cage-like guard, this weapon is
point of the opposing monster. meant to deflect incoming attacks
Berserker's Sword: A two-handed rather than strike decisively.
sword with a black blade imbued with Balzer's Magic Sword: One of a set of
an ancient curse, said to have been sword-shield-armor Balzer's Magitech
able to force people to brutally kill Arms. The sword is used to take mana
each other. from the target and is the starting point
for the set's effects.
Destroyer: A heavy, sturdy, and
candid steel blade sword. The
bladeless side of the sword can be
used as a bludgeoning weapon.

S-Rank Swords
Min Crit Add'l
Name Stance Acc. Power ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫ Price Notes
STR Rate Dmg
Piercer 1H* 4 - 14 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 ⑨ - 2,150
Excellent Rapier 1H 10 - 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩ - 4,580 ※Silvered
Mithril Sword 1H 15 - 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ⑩ - 7,500 ※Silvered
Slasher 1H 21 - 31 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 ⑩ - 5,750
1H† 26 - 36 3 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 ⑩ -
Claymore 8,00
2H 26 - 46 4 6 7 9 10 10 12 13 13 14 ⑩ -
Sentinel 2H 35 - 55 5 7 10 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 ⑩ - 14,000
1H† 20 +1 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑩ +1
Executioner's Blade 30,000 ※Details p. 125
2H 20 +1 40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑩ +1

SS-Rank Swords
Min Crit Add'l
Name Stance Acc. Power ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫ Price Notes
STR Rate Dmg
Angel Feather 1H 2 +2 17 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 ⑩ +1 40,000
Moon Pillar 1H 10 +1 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑩ +1 48,000
1H† 20 +1 40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑩ +1
Hyperion 57,000
2H 20 +1 50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑩ +3
Geister 2H 30 +1 70 5 9 10 12 14 16 17 18 19 19 ⑩ +3 83,000 ※Details p. 125

S-Rank Swords SS-Rank Swords

Executioner's Blade: A long, single- Geister: This is a large sword with a
edged sword forged from a variety of pitch-black blade decorated with an
alloys. Difficult to use, but it can ominous pattern. The sword is about
decapitate a monster in a single blow 2 meters long, and the blade always
in the hands of an expert. radiates an intimidating aura.

Part 3 Items

This weapon has a heavy blade attached to the end of the handle. Either way, it is a weapon that uses the weight concentrated at
the tip to strike through and generally has very high power.

B-Rank Axes
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Add'l Dmg Price Notes
Sickle 1H 4 - 9 0 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 ⑪ - 40
Hand Axe 1H* 7 - 12 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 ⑪ - 90
Bhuj 1H 11 - 16 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 8 ⑪ - 240
1H† 16 - 21 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 ⑪ -
Battle Axe 360
2H 16 - 31 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 ⑪ -
Great Axe 2H 18 - 33 3 4 5 6 8 8 10 10 10 11 ⑪ - 410
1H† 20 - 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ⑪ -
Heavy Axe 440
2H 20 - 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑪ -
Bulova 2H 22 - 37 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 ⑪ - 490
Minotaur's Axe 2H 30 - 45 4 6 7 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 ⑪ - 950

A-Rank Axes
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Add'l Dmg Price Notes
Tomahawk 1H* 7 - 17 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 ⑪ - 630
Tabarzin 1H 13 - 23 2 2 3 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 ⑪ - 840
2Hᵴ 16 - 36 3 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 ⑪ -
Long Axe 990
2Hᵱ 16 - 31 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 ⑩ -
Arm Catcher 2H 17 - 37 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 ⑪ - 2,480 ※Details p. 126
2Hᵴ 20 - 40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑪ -
Halberd 1,080
2Hᵱ 20 - 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑩ -
Dinojaw 2H 24 - 49 4 6 7 10 10 12 12 13 14 15 ⑫ - 1,200
2Hᵴ 28 - 48 4 6 7 9 10 12 12 13 13 15 ⑪ -
Glaive 1,350
2Hᵱ 28 - 43 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ⑩ -

S-Rank Axes
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Add'l Dmg Price Notes
Hatchet 1H* 9 - 24 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 ⑪ - 2,300
1H† 14 - 29 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 9 10 10 ⑪ -
Conning Shaft 5,900 ※Details p. 126
2H 14 - 39 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 11 12 13 ⑪ -
1H† 18 - 33 3 4 5 6 8 8 10 10 10 11 ⑪ -
Mithril Axe 8,000 ※Silvered
2H 18 - 43 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ⑪ -
2Hᵴ 26 - 51 5 7 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑪ -
Couse 10,500
2Hᵱ 26 - 46 4 6 7 9 10 10 12 13 13 14 ⑩ -
Voulge 2H 34 - 59 5 9 10 11 12 12 14 15 16 17 ⑪ - 13,400
2H 17 +1 42 4 6 7 7 9 10 11 12 13 13 ⑪ +1
Death Scythe 26,000 ※Details p. 126
2H 17 +1 52 5 7 8 10 11 12 12 13 15 15 ⑪ +1

SS-Rank Axes
Min Crit Add'l
Name Stance Acc. Power ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫ Price Notes
STR Rate Dmg
Rimahawk 1H* 8 +1 29 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 9 10 10 ⑪ +3 50,000
ᵴ 20 -1 55 5 7 10 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 ⑪ - ※Silvered ※: Details p. 126
Urgosh 64,000
ᵱ 20 -1 50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑩ - (including the peculiarities of Stance)
2Hᵴ 27 +1 62 5 9 10 11 13 13 14 16 17 18 ⑪ +3
Agahast 65,000
2Hᵱ 27 +1 57 5 8 10 11 11 12 13 15 16 17 ⑩ +3
Dynast 2H 40 -1 90 7 10 12 15 18 19 21 23 25 26 ⑪ +3 83,000

A-Rank Axes S-Rank Axes SS-Rank Axes

Arm Catcher: A sickle with numerous Conning Shaft: This axe has a retractable Urgosh: It is a two-handed mithril battle
hooks coming off of the blade, designed to handle and can be used with one or two axe, about one and a half meters in length.
catch enemy limbs and weapons. hands. This allows the user to mislead A spearhead is attached to the end of the
Dinojaw: A weapon that looks like two them into a false move to gain an handle. You can operate this axe
axes with saw-toothed blades, with the advantage. differently using its spearhead.
blades bound in parallel. It is believed to Death Scythe: This 2m long jet-black
have been made to resemble some large scythe has an eerie aura around it. It is said
carnivorous false-dragon, which hunts its the Pale Rider itself gives this to a warrior
prey by striking it with its upper row of in hopes of finding a worthy successor.

It is a weapon with a sharp blade attached to the end of a long handle. It is mainly used as a piercing weapon. Many of them can
be used both with one and two hands.

B-Rank Spears
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Add'l Dmg Price Notes
Javelin 1H* 5 -1 10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 ⑩ - 65
Short Spear 1H* 10 -1 15 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 ⑩ - 110
1H† 15 -1 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩ -
Spear 170
2H 15 - 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ⑩ -
1H† 20 -1 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ⑩ -
Long Spear 220
2H 20 - 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑩ -
1H† 15 - 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩ +1
Rainbow Spear 9,000 ※Details p. 127
2H 15 +1 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ⑩ +1

A-Rank Spears
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Add'l Dmg Price Notes
Pilum 1H 8 -1 13 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 ⑨ - 880
Trident 1H* 12 -1 22 1 2 3 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩ - 460
1H† 15 -1 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ⑩ -
Ahlspiess 480
2H 15 - 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑩ -
1H 20 -1 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑩ -
Normal Lance 1,200
1HR 20 -1 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑩ -
Parasol Spear 2H 20 -1 40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑩ - 600 ※Details p. 127
1H† 25 -1 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑩ -
Pike 1,750
2H 25 -1 45 4 6 7 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 ⑩ -

S-Rank Spears
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Add'l Dmg Price Notes
Partisan 1H 7 -1 22 1 2 3 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩ - 1,990
1H† 18 -1 33 3 4 5 6 8 8 10 10 10 11 ⑩ -
Mithril Spear 7,930 ※Silvered
2H 18 -1 43 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ⑩ -
1H 25 -1 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑩ -
Heavy Lance 8,280
1HR 25 -1 45 4 6 7 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 ⑩ -
1H† 30 -1 45 4 6 7 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 ⑩ -
Corsesca 12,800
2H 30 -1 55 5 7 10 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 ⑩ -

SS-Rank Spears
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Add'l Dmg Price Notes
Eclair 1H* 7 +1 27 2 3 4 6 6 8 8 9 9 10 ⑩ +1 61,000 ※Details p. 127
1H† 17 - 42 4 6 7 7 9 10 11 12 13 13 ⑩ +1
Tri-Lux 54,000
2H 17 +1 47 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 13 15 ⑩ +3
1H 25 - 45 4 6 7 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 ⑩ +1
Fatal Lance 67,000
1HR 25 - 55 5 7 10 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 ⑩ +1
Ductus Lancair 2H 30 - 65 5 9 10 12 13 14 15 17 18 18 ⑩ +3 68,000

B-Rank Spears A-Rank Spears SS-Rank Spears

Rainbow Spear: It is a magic spear that Parasol Spear: An unusual weapon, it Eclair: It is a spear with a handle
can give the wielder a variety of is a long spear with a parasol that can decorated
magical effects. It is said to have been open at the end of the haft, just under with a lightning pattern and a length of
developed to make fighting in the the point of the spear. This can less
arena more spectacular. distract the opponent and blind them than 1 meter. Its true value is
temporarily, making it difficult to be demonstrated when it is used for
charged. It can also be used to keep throwing.
dry in rain, though it is somewhat

Part 3 Items

This is a bludgeoning weapon with a heavy part attached to the tip of the handle. It is not suitable for cutting down an opponent
with a single blow, but it excels in accuracy and boasts stable power.

B-Rank Maces
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Add'l Dmg Price Notes
Mallet 1H* 1 +1 6 0 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 ⑫ - 20
Light Mace 1H 5 +1 10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 ⑫ - 120
Heavy Mallet 1H 10 +1 15 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 ⑫ - 220
1H† 15 +1 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑫ -
Heavy Mace 330
2H 15 +1 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑫ -
Maul 2H 20 +1 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑫ - 440
Ogre Maul 2H 30 +1 45 4 6 7 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 ⑫ - 640
Hollow Hammer 1H 1 +2 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 ⑫ - 7,000 ※Details p. 127

A-Rank Maces
Min Crit Add'l
Name Stance Acc. Power ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫ Price Notes
STR Rate Dmg
Biliong 1H 7 +1 17 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 ⑫ - 460
Pallas's Maraca
1H 9 +1 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 ⑫ - 1,360 ※Details p. 127

Steel Blow 1H 13 +1 23 2 2 3 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 ⑫ - 710

1H† 18 +1 28 2 3 4 6 6 8 9 9 10 10 ⑫ -
Shellbreaker 1,080
2H 18 +1 38 3 5 6 7 8 10 10 11 12 13 ⑫ -
Ball Mace 2H 23 +1 43 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ⑫ - 1,220
※1: Slayer +2 (Undead,
Molder 2H 30 +2 50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑫ - 16,500
Constructs, Magitechs)

S-Rank Maces
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Add'l Dmg Price Notes
Bludgeon 1H 5 +2 15 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 ⑫ - 1,360
Mithril Mace 1H 15 +2 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ⑫ - 7,200 ※Silvered
Troll Buster 2H 30 +2 50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑫ - 10,800
1H† 23 +3 33 3 4 5 6 8 8 10 10 10 11 ⑫ +1
Power Capper 38,000 ※Details p. 127
2H 23 +3 43 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ⑫ +1

SS-Rank Maces
Min Crit Add'l
Name Stance Acc. Power ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫ Price Notes
STR Rate Dmg
Bloody Lily
1H 14 +3 34 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 10 11 11 ⑫ +1 50,000

1H† 20 +2 40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑫ +1 ※1: Slayer +3 (Humanoids,

Skullsludger 63,000 Barbarous, Animals, Mythical
2H 20 +2 50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑫ +3 Beasts)
Zeno 2H 33 +3 68 5 9 10 12 14 15 16 17 19 19 ⑫ +3 65,000

B-Rank Maces A-Rank Maces S-Rank Maces

Hollow Hammer: It is a small Pallas's Maraca: A hammer with a Power Capper: During the Ancient
hammer with Magic Power to "tap" short handle and a bulging Magic Civilization, this large mace is
mana out of the target's body; one hammerhead at the end. The said to have been created for the
theory is that Grassrunner Artificers hammerhead is hollow and has a ball purpose of killing and wounding
made it up as a joke. in it, so it can be used as an instrument magicians, and is equipped with a
that rings when shaken. enchantment to weaken the magic
power of those struck by the mace.

Most staves are long and two-handed weapons and can be used as implements for Truespeech Magic and Spiritualism Magic.
Because they are the sorcerer's favorite items, many of them have special effects.

B-Rank Staves
Min Crit Add'l
Name Stance Acc. Power ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫ Price Notes
STR Rate Dmg
Mage Staff 2H 1 +1 11 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 ⑫ - 110 ※Defense +1
Quarterstaff 2H 4 +1 14 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 ⑫ - 140 ※Defense +1
Staff of Control ※Defense +1 ※Details
2H 1 +2 11 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 ⑫ +1 14,840
p. 128
Efreet's 500 x
2H 4 +1 14 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 ⑫ - ※Details p. 128
Whisker Uses
Battle Mage ※Defense +1 ※Details
2H 9 +2 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 ⑫ +1 7,500
Staff p. 128

A-Rank Staves
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Add'l Dmg Price Notes
Mana Staff 2H 3 +1 13 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 ⑫ - 6,800 ※Details p. 128
Fistulosum 1H 5 +2 10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 ⑫ +1 16,100 ※Details p. 128
Leech Staff 2H 5 +1 15 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 ⑫ - 7,000 ※Details p. 128
※Defense +1
War Mage Staff 2H 14 +2 29 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 9 10 10 ⑫ +1 15,000
※Details p. 128

S-Rank Staves
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪⑫ Crit Rate Add'l Dmg Price Notes
Sorcerer's Staff 2H 10 +1 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑫ - 22,500 ※Details p. 128
Black Rod 2H 10 +1 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑫ - 22,500 ※Details p. 128

SS-Rank Staves
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Add'l Dmg Price Notes
Aeon 2H 8 +1 38 3 5 6 7 8 10 10 11 12 13 ⑫ +3 78,000 ※Details p. 128
Uroboros 2H 14 +2 49 4 6 7 10 10 12 12 13 14 15 ⑫ +3 136,000 ※Details p. 128

B-Rank Staves A-Rank Staves S-Rank Staves

Staff of Control: Covered in eerie Mana Staff: A small magical wand, less Sorcerer's Staff: This 2m long staff has
designs, this wand allows the wielder than 1m long, with spent Mako Stone a large jewel inlaid into one end. Just
to change the commands of any shards and other jewels embedded in holding it enhances one's
monster they had created. the ends. concentration.
Efreet’s Whisker: It is a vermilion Fistulosum: It is a green staff with a Black Rod: This magical staff allows
quarterstaff with a twisted tip. split end. It is a replica of a wand the user to conserve mana. About 2m
Battle Mage Staff: During the Ancient belonging to a female minstrel who long, it can easily be identified by its
Magic Civilization, this staff was was once extremely popular. blackened wood.
provided to the regular army of a Leech Staff: Over 2m long, this ornate
certain kingdom, and is said to have staff has its own magical power that SS-Rank Staves
helped the magic warriors of that skilled spellcasters can tap into. Aeon: This staff is made from the
kingdom to become stronger. War Mage Staff: In the ancient branches of a sacred tree that is more
kingdoms that boasted powerful than tens of thousands of years old. At
magic warriors, this is a high-level first glance, it appears to be just a
battle staff given to the officer class twisted wooden staff, it has colossal
magic warriors. mana concentrated within.
Uroboros: An item from the Ancient
Magic Civilization period, it is
embedded with the heartstring of a
legendary dragon and is said to give
the wielder limited power to
manipulate time.

Part 3 Items

It is a bludgeoning weapon with an iron ball or weight connected to the end of its handle. Although difficult to handle, it has the
greatest potential for destructive power.

B-Rank Flails
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Add'l Dmg Price Notes
Light Flail 1H 7 -1 12 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 ⑩ - 90
1H† 10 -1 15 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 ⑩ -
Flail 240
2H 10 -1 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ⑩ -
Morningstar 1H 12 -1 17 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 ⑩ - 280
1H† 15 -1 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩ -
Heavy Flail 340
2H 15 -1 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑩ -
Balanced Pendulum 2H 22 - 42 4 6 7 7 9 10 11 12 13 13 ⑩ - 7,780 ※Details p. 129

A-Rank Flails
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Add'l Dmg Price Notes
Percussion Flail 1H 9 -1 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 ⑩ - 1,380 ※Details p. 129
Temsgard's Chain Ball 2H* 10 -1 40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑩ - 2,400 ※Details p. 129
1H† 14 -1 24 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 ⑩ -
Rising Sun 1,200
2H 14 -1 34 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 10 11 11 ⑩ -
1H† 18 -1 28 2 3 4 6 6 8 9 9 10 10 ⑩ -
Goedendag 1,540
2H 18 -1 38 3 5 6 7 8 10 10 11 12 13 ⑩ -
Temsgard's Chain Hammer 2H* 22 -1 52 5 7 8 10 11 12 12 13 15 15 ⑩ - 4,800 ※Details p. 129
Scorpion Tail 2H 27 -1 47 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 13 15 ⑩ - 2,600

S-Rank Flails
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Add'l Dmg Price Notes
Double Eel 1H 12 -1 22 1 2 3 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 ⑨ - 3,300
Temsgard's Chain Star 2H* 15 -1 50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑩ - 13,000 ※Details p. 129
Jail Impact 1H 19 -1 29 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 9 10 10 ⑨ - 5,100
Daemonthresher 1H 24 -1 34 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 10 11 11 ⑨ - 12,000 ※Details p. 129
Temsgard's Chain Globe 2H* 28 -1 63 5 9 10 11 13 13 15 17 17 18 ⑩ - 19,500 ※Details p. 129
Titan Flail 2H 32 -1 52 5 7 8 10 11 12 12 13 15 15 ⑨ - 12,500

SS-Rank Flails
Min Crit Add'l
Name Stance Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Price Notes
STR Rate Dmg
Silver Comet 1H† 15 - 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑨ +1
2H 15 - 45 4 6 7 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 ⑨ +3
※1: Type Weapon (Fire) +3/MP
Quadblaze 1H 26 - 46 4 6 7 9 10 10 12 13 13 14 ⑩ +1 69,000
Cost 3
Tyrant 2H 38 - 73 5 9 10 13 15 16 17 19 20 21 ⑩ +3 78,000

B-Rank Flails A-Rank Flails S-Rank Flails

Balanced Pendulum: It is a Percussion Flail: This is a weapon in Temsgard's Chain Star: It is one of
bludgeoning weapon with a the form of two short sticks strung Temsgard's weapons. It is equipped
pendulum-shaped weight attached on together on a chain, it can also be used with a spiked ball.
the end of its long handle. as a percussion instrument by striking Daemonthresher: The chain that used
the sticks against each other. to bind guardian of other world
Temsgard's Chain Ball: A long chain Cerberus (see CR II, p. 408). This
with a small iron ball attached to it, chain attacked to a handle to make it
which can be used for attacks. a flail. This chain also has the power
Temsgard is a region that was famous to hold a Daemon and slow its
for the production of weapons during movement by attacking it.
the Magitech Civilization Period, and Temsgard's Chain Globe: It is one of
weapons known as "Temsgard's Temsgard's weapons, and has the
Chains" are used in combination with largest iron ball.
shields known as "Temsgard's Docks".
Temsgard's Chain Hammer: It is one
of Temsgard's weapons. The iron ball
is quite large.

Warhammers have both a pointed pick and a hard hammer head at the end of the handle and can be used as an edged weapon
or a bludgeoning weapon, with the choice of piercing with the pick or striking with the hammerhead. On the other hand, they are
generally weak in terms of balance and have poor accuracy.

B-Rank Warhammers
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Add'l Dmg Price Notes
Pick 1H 2 -1 7 0 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 ⑩ - 60
Piercing Pick 1H 8 -1 13 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 ⑨ - 380 ※Details p. 129
Warhammer 1H 11 -1 16 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 8 ⑩ - 250
Mattock 2H 20 -2 40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑩ - 440
Golden Mattocks 2H 20 -1 40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑩ +1 11,880 ※Details p. 129

A-Rank Warhammers
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Add'l Dmg Price Notes
War Pick 1H 5 -1 15 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 ⑩ - 600
Unpiercing Pick 1H 8 -1 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 ⑨ - 1,450 ※Details p. 129
2Hᵴ 20 -1 40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑩ -
Bec-De-Corbin 1,800
2Hᵱ 20 -2 45 4 6 7 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 ⑩ -
Guisarme 2H 25 -2 50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑩ - 1,680
Shock Hammer 1H 12 - 22 1 2 3 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩ +1 15,700 ※Details p. 129

S-Rank Warhammers
Min Crit Add'l
Name Stance Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Price Notes
STR Rate Dmg
Chekan 1H 9 -1 24 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 ⑩ - 2,600
Bec-De- 1H† 22 -1 37 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 ⑩ -
Faucon 2H 22 -2 52 5 7 8 10 11 12 12 13 15 15 ⑩ -
Heavy Anchor
2H 31 -2 61 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 ⑩ - 12,000

Heart ※Slayer +2 (Humanoids, Barbarous,

1H 16 - 31 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 ⑩ - 52,600
Tracker Animals, Mythical Beasts)

SS-Rank Warhammers
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Add'l Dmg Price Notes
Eversio 1H* 8 -1 33 3 4 5 6 8 8 10 10 10 11 ⑨ +1 57,000
1H† 19 - 29 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 9 10 10 ⑧ +1
Rosenhagen 70,000
2H 19 - 39 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 11 12 13 ⑧ +3
Gaiacleaver 2H 35 -2 85 6 9 11 14 17 19 21 22 23 24 ⑩ +3 88,000

B-Rank Warhammers A-Rank Warhammer

Piercing Pick: The narrow tip of the Unpiercing Pick: It is an improved
blade makes it possible to make a version of the Piercing Pick, with a bar
sharp, painful stab, but it is not very on the striking area preventing deep
strong, and it can break. stabs and breaking.
Golden Mattocks: This pickaxe has a Shock Hammer: It is a dangerous
golden shine due to its magical power. hammer that always has an electric
It is a great tool for destroying glow on its hammer head.
structures and for civil engineering

Part 3 Items

The Grappler class can only attack with weapons of this Improves Kicks
category, such as punches and kicks. Wrestling weapons have Weapons that “improve kicks” are equipped on the legs.
several characteristics that are not found in other weapons, The arms can still be used for other purposes (such as
and that affects how they are used in the game. equipping other weapons or using items). The wielder cannot
have more than one weapon with this characteristic on its legs
Grappler only at the same time.
Weapons marked “Grappler only” can only be used by These weapons are similar to those improving punches in
Grappler. Accuracy checks with them cannot be made with terms of being a set of two.
the Fighter or Fencer classes.
Improves Throws
Improves Punches Strengthens the Throw weapon, replacing the values of
As a general rule, weapons that “improve punches” are Throw with those of the weapon. Like a Throw, an attack with
handled as a set for weapons for both arms. Except for special this weapon can only be made with both hands.
items that are clearly marked as being for one arm only, all
purchases, sales, processing, etc. are done as a set for two Punch, Kick, Throw, Tail, Bite
arms. It is not possible to “buy only for one arm at half price”. These are used directly by the body and do not need to be
equipped as a weapon. However, the Throw cannot be used
if the user has a weapon other than the Stance: 1HW in their
hand, or if the user is carrying another item. Tail and Bite
require the corresponding body part.

B-Rank Wrestling
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Add'l Dmg Price Notes
Punch 1HW 0 - 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 ⑫ -
Kick 1H# 0 -1 5 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 ⑫ -
Throw 2H 0 - 10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 ⑫ - ※1
Cestus 1HW 1 +1 1 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 ⑪ - 40 ※1, ※2
Spiked Boots 1H# 1 -1 11 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 ⑪ - 160 ※1, ※3
Tail 2H# 1 +1 11 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 ⑫ - ※Tail is needed
Bite 2H# 1 - 11 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 ⑩ - ※Bite is needed
Iron Knuckles 1HW 5 +1 5 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 ⑪ - 100 ※1, ※2
Solid Heels 1H# 5 -1 15 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 ⑪ - 240 ※1, ※3
Iron Boxers 1H 10 +1 10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 ⑪ - 230 ※1, ※2
Shin Guard 1H# 10 -1 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑪ - 390 ※1, ※3
Shin Plate 1H# 15 -1 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ⑪ - 580 ※1, ※3
※1: Grappler only ※2: Improves Punches ※3: Improves Kicks

A-Rank Wrestling
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Add'l Dmg Price Notes
Easy Grips 2H 1 +1 10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 ⑩ - 360 ※1, ※4
Hard Knuckle 1HW 5 +1 10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 ⑪ - 440 ※1, ※2
Power Wrist 1HW 5 - 10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 ⑩ - 460 ※1, ※2
Stomper 1H# 5 -1 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑪ - 620 ※1, ※3
Chain Stick 1H 10 +1 15 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 ⑪ - 630 ※1, ※2
Power Anklet 1H# 10 -1 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩ - 900 ※1, ※3
Hard Kicker 1H# 15 -1 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑪ - 1,290 ※1, ※3
※1: Grappler only ※2: Improves Punches ※3: Improves Kicks ※4: Improves Throw

S-Rank Wrestling
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Add'l Dmg Price Notes
Tonfa 1H 5 +1 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑫ - 2,600 ※1, ※2
Mithril Fingers 1HW 5 +1 15 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 ⑪ - 3,120 ※1, ※2 ※Silvered
Accel Brogue 1H# 5 - 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑪ - 3,980 ※1, ※3
Sharp Arms 1H 10 +1 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑪ - 4,440 ※1, ※2
Mithril Shoes 1H# 10 -1 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑪ - 7,000 ※1, ※3 ※Silvered
Gilded Sabaton 1H# 15 -1 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑪ - 10,600 ※1, ※3
※1: Grappler only ※2: Improves Punches ※3: Improves Kicks

SS-Rank Wrestling
Min Crit Add'l
Name Stance Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Price Notes
STR Rate Dmg
Whirl Catcher 2H 5 +2 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑪ +3 40,000 ※1, ※4
Hands Of Glory 1HW 10 +1 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑪ +1 45,000 ※1, ※2, ※Defense +1

Legs Of Honor 1H# 10 - 40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑫ +1 55,000 ※1, ※3, ※5

Groul 1H 15 +2 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ⑪ +1 50,000 ※1, ※2, ※Details p. 129
Grand Ariol 1H# 15 +1 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑪ +1 60,000 ※1, ※3
※1: Grappler only ※2: Improves Punches ※3: Improves Kicks ※4: Improves Throw ※5: Wearer’s Defense +1 (exceptionally cumulative with
other Defense-enhancing weapons)

SS-Rank Wrestling
Groul: This is a steel hand armor with
a wolf's head. It is a very intimidating
weapon. Its shape is also effective in
repelling attacks from weapons.

Part 3 Items

Thrown weapons are hand-held weapons that can be used Auto-Return

by the Fighter, Fencer, and Marksman classes. These Some thrown weapons have this annotation: if the weapon
weapons leave the wielder's hand after their attack. They are is thrown and an Accuracy check or damage calculation is
usually found in the position (area, coordinate) where the performed, it will return to the user's hand immediately and
attack target was, and can be picked up with a Major Action. can be reequipped in the user's hand. A weapon with "Auto-
Return (only on miss)" will not return after being hit (it will fall
to the same position as the attacked target).
B-Rank Thrown Weapons
Min Crit Add'l
Name Stance Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Range Price Notes
STR Rate Dmg
Stone 1H* 1 - 1 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 ⑫ 1(10m) - 0 ※Can be used with Sling
Silver Stone 1H* 1 - 1 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 ⑫ 1(10m) - 1 ※Silvered ※Can be used with Sling
Mallet 1H* 1 +1 6 0 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 ⑫ 1(10m) - 20
Knife 1H* 11 - 1 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 ⑩ 1(10m) - 30
Dagger 1H* 3 - 3 0 0 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 ⑩ 1(10m) - 50
Javelin 1H* 5 -1 10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 ⑩ 1(10m) - 65
Hand Axe 1H* 7 - 12 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 ⑪ 1(10m) - 90
Short Spear 1H* 10 -1 15 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 ⑩ 1(10m) - 110
Throwing Star 1H* 1 +1 1 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 ⑩ 1(10m) - 200 ※Details p. 130
Water Balloon 1H* 1 +1 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 N/A 1(10m) - 400 ※Details p. 130
A-Rank Thrown Weapons
Min Crit Add'l
Name Stance Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Range Price Notes
STR Rate Dmg
Chakram 1H* 1 - 6 0 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 ⑩ 2(20m) - 100
Fast Spike 1H* 1 +1 6 0 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 ⑩ 2(20m) - 820
Sling 1H 2 - 12 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 ⑪ 2(30m) - 220 ※Details p. 130
Dirk 1H* 4 - 9 0 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 ⑩ 2(20m) - 100
Tomahawk 1H* 7 - 17 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 ⑪ 1(10m) - 630
Boomerang 1H* 8 +1 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 ⑫ 2(20m) - 500 ※Auto-Return (only on miss)
Temsgard's Chain Ball 2H* 10 -1 40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑩ 1(10m) - 2,400 ※Details p. 129
Trident 1H* 12 -1 22 1 2 3 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩ 1(10m) - 460
Soliferrum 1H* 17 -1 27 2 3 4 6 6 8 8 9 9 10 ⑩ 2(20m) - 1,070
Temsgard's Chain
2H* 22 -1 52 5 7 8 10 11 12 12 13 15 15 ⑩ 1(10m) - 4,800 ※Details p. 129
※Auto-Return (only on miss) ※Details
Banded Water Balloon 1H* 1 +1 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 N/A 1(10m) - 600
p. 130
S-Rank Thrown Weapons
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Range Add'l Dmg Price Notes
Piercer 1H* 4 - 14 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 ⑨ 1(10m) - 2,150
Mithril Dirk 1H* 4 - 14 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 ⑩ 2(20m) - 5,000 ※Silvered
Hatchet 1H* 9 - 24 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 ⑪ 2(20m) - 2,300
Assegai 1H* 13 -1 28 2 3 4 6 6 8 9 9 10 10 ⑩ 2(20m) - 3,800
Temsgard's Chain Star 2H* 15 -1 50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑩ 1(10m) - 13,000 ※Details p. 129
Francisca 1H* 20 - 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑪ 2(20m) - 5,500
Temsgard's Chain Globe 2H* 28 -1 63 5 9 10 11 13 13 15 17 17 18 ⑩ 1(10m) - 19,500 ※Details p. 129
SS-Rank Thrown Weapons
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Range Add'l Dmg Price Notes
Eclair 1H* 7 +1 27 2 3 4 6 6 8 8 9 9 10 ⑩ 2(20m) +1 61,000 ※Details p. 125
Rimahawk 1H* 8 +1 28 2 3 4 6 6 8 9 9 10 10 ⑪ 2(20m) +1 50,000 ※Auto-Return
Eversio 1H* 8 -1 33 3 4 5 6 8 8 10 10 10 11 ⑨ 2(20m) +1 57,000
Tri-Edge 1H* 15 +2 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑩ 2(20m) +1 62,000 ※Auto-Return
B-Rank Thrown Weapons A-Rank Thrown Weapons S-Rank Thrown Weapons
Throwing Star: This is a throwing blade in the Sling: A simple weapon consisting of a wide Temsgard's Chain Star: see p. 102.
shape of a cross, pentagram, hexagram, or any holder for stones and a cord extending from Temsgard's Chain Globe: see p. 102.
other star. They are made with the idea that the both ends. A stone is placed in the holder,
blade should hit any part, and while they are which is then spun by holding both cords in one SS-Rank Thrown Weapons
accurate, they are not very powerful. hand, then releasing one once it is up to speed. Eclair: see p. 96.
Water Balloon: It is a small balloon-shaped Temsgard's Chain Ball: see p. 102.
magical weapon filled with magical water that Temsgard's Chain Hammer: see p. 102.
can burst on a throw to inflict damage. Banded Water Balloon: A water balloon with
an elastic string. It can be pulled back to hand
on miss.

This is a shooting weapon that shoots arrows using strings. It can shoot every round, but each time it uses an Arrow (Ammunition).
Can only be used with the Marksman class.

B-Rank Bows
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Range Price Notes
Short Bow 2H 2 - 12 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 ⑩ - 2(20m) 60
Normal Bow 2H 7 - 17 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 ⑩ - 2(20m) 120
Long Bow 2H 12 - 22 1 2 3 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩ - 2(20m) 170
Heavy Bow 2H 17 - 27 2 3 4 6 6 8 8 9 9 10 ⑩ - 2(20m) 220
Bold Assertor 2H 22 +1 32 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 10 10 11 ⑩ +1 2(20m) 7,770 ※Details p. 130

A-Rank Bows
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Range Price Notes
Light Bow 2H 5 - 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩ - 2(30m) 610
Wrapped Bow 2H 13 - 28 2 3 4 6 6 8 9 9 10 10 ⑩ - 2(30m) 780
Fast Bow 2H 20 - 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑩ - 2(30m) 1,200
Blood Ransom 2H 9 +1 24 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 ⑩ +1 2(30m) 14,000 ※Details p. 130

S-Rank Bows
Min Crit Add'l
Name Stance Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Range Price Notes
STR Rate Dmg
Sniper 2H 10 - 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ⑨ - 2(40m) 5,100
Composite Bow
2H 23 - 43 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ⑩ - 2(40m) 9,800

Blood Squeeze 2H 13 +1 33 3 4 5 6 8 8 10 10 10 11 ⑩ +1 2(40m) 28,000 ※Details p. 130

※Slayer +2 (Humanoid,
Avenger Bow 2H 17 +1 37 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 ⑩ - 2(40m) 32,000

SS-Rank Bows
Min Crit Add'l
Name Stance Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Range Price Notes
STR Rate Dmg
Hitmaker 2H 12 +3 37 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 ⑩ +3 2(40m) 50,000
※Type Weapon (Wind)
Le Indalia 2H 18 +1 43 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ⑩ +3 2(40m) 62,000
+2/MP Cost 1
Hand Sticker ※Slayer +3 (Humanoids,
2H 24 +1 49 4 6 7 10 10 12 12 13 14 15 ⑩ +3 2(40m) 67,000
2H 30 +1 60 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 ⑩ +3 2(60m) 68,000

B-Rank Bows A-Rank Bows S-Rank Bows

Bold Assertor: This bow is said to Blood Ransom: It is a cursed bow that Blood Squeeze: It is an enhanced
have been used on the battlefield by either leads to bloodshed or failure. version of the Blood Ransom, and is
the reckless and those declaring wars. described as an evil bow that squeezes
the blood out of its opponents.

Part 3 Items

A crossbow is a shooting weapon using an elastic launching device consisting of a bow-like assembly called a prod, mounted
horizontally on the main frame called a tiller. It can be fired every round, but each use consumes a Quarrel (Ammunition) and can
only be used by the Marksman class.
The value in the “Add'l Dmg” column for Crossbows replaces the character's Strength modifier. In other words, Extra Damage
is determined by “Marksman level + Weapon-specific Add'l Dmg”, and the character's own Strength modifier is not applied.

B-Rank Crossbows
Min Crit Add'l
Name Stance Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Range Price Notes
STR Rate Dmg
Light Crossbow
2H 1 - 16 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 8 ⑩ ±0 2(30m) 160
2H 5 - 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⑩ ±0 2(30m) 260
Heavy Crossbow
2H 10 - 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ⑩ +1 2(30m) 530

Beast Buster ※Slayer +2 (Animals,

2H 15 +1 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑩ +2 2(30m) 7,280
Mythical Beasts)

A-Rank Crossbows
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Add'l Dmg Range Price Notes
Bowgun 1H 5 - 15 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 ⑩ ±0 2(30m) 800
Repeater Crossbow 2H 5 -1 10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 ⑩ ±0 2(20m) 1,600 ※Details p. 131
Arbalest 2H 10 - 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 ⑩ +1 2(40m) 1,000
String Bow 2H 13 - 33 3 4 5 6 8 8 10 10 10 11 ⑩ +2 2(30m) 1,880 ※Details p. 141
Thami 2H 15 - 35 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 ⑩ +2 2(50m) 1,280
Cranequin 2H 20 -1 50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑪ +3 2(40m) 1,500

S-Rank Crossbows
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Add'l Dmg Range Price Notes
Bolt Swarm 2H 5 - 10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 ⑩ ±0 2(20m) 4,800 ※Details p. 131
Goat's Foot 2H 7 - 32 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 10 10 11 ⑩ ±0 2(50m) 3,950
Scorpion 2H 13 - 38 3 5 6 7 8 10 10 11 12 13 ⑩ +2 2(40m) 4,970
Despair 2H 19 - 44 4 6 7 8 10 10 11 12 13 14 ⑩ +3 2(50m) 6,260
Ballista 2H 25 -1 50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑩ +5 2(50m) 9,200

SS-Rank Crossbows
Min Crit Add'l
Name Stance Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Range Price Notes
STR Rate Dmg
Zagran 2H 8 +1 43 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ⑩ +5 2(30m) 56,000
Calvaria 2H 14 +1 49 4 6 7 10 10 12 12 13 14 15 ⑩ +6 2(30m) 67,000 ※Details p. 131

※Type Weapon (Fire) +3/MP

Sortrel 2H 20 +1 50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 ⑩ +7 2(40m) 72,000
Cost 3
Garde 2H 26 +1 56 5 8 10 10 11 12 13 15 16 16 ⑩ +9 2(40m) 76,000

A-Rank Crossbows S-Rank Crossbow SS-Rank Crossbow

Repeater Crossbow: It is a medium- Bolt Swarm: It is an improved version Calvaria: It is a very unique weapon
sized crossbow with a mechanism to of the Repeater Crossbow, with an with a crossbow built into the shield.
fire a series of shots by turning a increased number of reloadable The crossbow is normally stored in
handle instead of pulling a trigger. quarrels and a greatly improved rapid- the shield and deployed when it is
String Bow: An expertly crafted 50cm fire rate. used. It looks convenient, but the
long crossbow, it is able to be used as mechanism is complicated and
a musical instrument while retaining requires skill to use properly. The
its accuracy. surface of the shield is decorated with
a crossbow image.

Guns can only be used with Marksman class, and Artificer the magazine up to its Max Magazine wielder needs to use
class is required to shoot bullets. The power of the weapon is Major Actions. Bullets for reloading are limited to those
determined by the magitech spell that enhances the bullet. found in the Gun Belt and other storage devices.
Guns deal magic damage instead of physical.
Stance:1H Guns and Holster
Max Magazine The 1H Guns come with a holster, and the character can
Each Gun has a Max Magazine, and each time the wielder store it with a Minor Action.
shoots, the bullets loaded in the gun are consumed. To reload

B-Rank Guns
Name Stance Min STR Max Magazine Accuracy Crit Value Add'l Dmg Range Price Notes
Matchlock 1H 1 3 - ⑪ - 1(10m) 360
Toradar 2H 5 3 - ⑩ - 2(30m) 800
Jezail 2H 10 3 - ⑩ +1 2(50m) 1,200

A-Rank Guns
Name Stance Min STR Max Magazine Accuracy Crit Value Add'l Dmg Range Price Notes
Derringer 1H 1 2 +1 ⑩ - 1(10m) 600
Smart Carbine 2H 5 4 -1 ⑩ +2 2(30m) 1,200 ※Details p. 131
Tempest 2H 10 6 - ⑪ +2 2(30m) 2,000
Longbarrel 2H 15 1 +1 ⑩ +4 2(50m) 3,500

S-Rank Guns
Name Stance Min STR Max Magazine Accuracy Crit Value Add'l Dmg Range Price Notes
Bullet Shower 1H 5 4 +1 ⑩ - 1(10m) 8,000
Lancaster 2H 10 2 +1 ⑩ +2 2(60m) 14,500
Carnage 2H 15 4 - ⑪ +4 2(40m) 17,000

SS-Rank Guns
Name Stance Min STR Max Magazine Accuracy Crit Value Add'l Dmg Range Price Notes
Masquerade 1H 5 4 +2 ⑩ +2 1(10m) 50,000
Choreadora 2H 10 3 +2 ⑩ +4 2(40m) 55,000
Full Fire 2H 15 8 +1 ⑩ +4 2(30m) 60,000
Desperado 2H 20 2 +3 ⑪ +6 2(60m) 80,000

A-Rank Guns
Smart Carbine: This gun was designed
to be handled with one hand while
mounted on a horse or manabike.
During the Magitech Civilization
Period, it was often used by guards.

Part 3 Items

Shooting weapons use arrows, quarrels, and bullets to attack. Each weapon has specific ammunition. They are generally consumed
each time they are used, but some can be recovered and reused.

Name Weapon Price Notes

Arrow (12) Bow 10 1G for 1 Arrow
Silver Arrow Bow 5 Silvered
Quarrel (12) Crossbow 20 2G for 1 Quarrel
Silver Quarrel Crossbow 10 Silvered
Kaburaya Bow 5 When shot with a bow, it makes a sound. (Details p. 132)
20 (Arrow)/
Piercing Arrow/Quarrel (12) Bow, Crossbow Power -5, Critical Threshold -1. 2G for 1 Arrow. 3G for 1 Quarrel
30 (Quarrel)
Thunder Arrow/Quarrel Bow, Crossbow 80 Damage - 4. Loud noise that causes loss of hearing in the surrounding area (Details p. 132)
Broadhead Bolt (12) Crossbow 100 Power +10, Critical Threshold 10. 10G for 1 Arrow (Details p. 132)
Telekinetic Arrow Bow 160 Adds Intelligence modifier to an Accuracy check (Details p. 132)
Flash Fang Arrow/Quarrel Bow, Crossbow 250 Critical Threshold -1, (Details p. 132)
Sticky Arrows/Quarrel Bow, Crossbow 360 Power 0/No Critical Threshold, penalty modifier to target's Evasion check
Elven Arrow/Quarrel Bow, Crossbow 920 Can be shot underwater, always retrievable (Details p. 132)
Snake Arrow Bow 900 Accuracy check +2, inflicts poison damage and mild paralysis on the opponent (Details p. 132)
Bloomhead Bolt (12) Crossbow 1,000 Power +10. 100G for 1 Bolt.
Magic Arrow/Quarrel Bow, Crossbow 1,400 Deals magic damage, recoverable on miss (Details p. 132)
Healing Horn Arrow Bow 1,500 Heals target or deals magic damage to Undead (Details p. 132)
Dragon Arrow/Quarrel Bow, Crossbow 44,800 Deals fire magic damage in a “Area: Line". Always recoverable.
Bullet (12) Gun 50 5G for 1 Bullet.
Silver Bullet Gun 25 Silvered
Blunt Bullet Gun 50 Deals bludgeoning damage (Details p. 132)
Slashing Bullet Gun 50 Deals slashing damage (Details p. 132)
Green Bullet(12) Gun 160 HP recovery power is increased by +10. 16G for 1 Bullet (Details p. 132)
Underwater Bullet Gun 210 The gun can shoot these bullets underwater (Details p. 132)

This is the general list of armor. The following are fields Defense
that appear only in these lists, or that require a more detailed Indicates how many points of physical damage is reduced
explanation of the same field. when the armor is equipped. Armor and shield defenses are
added together.
Categories and Ranks
Like weapons, each category has ranks of B, A, S and SS. Notes
To equip A- or S-ranked armor, you must have [Armor Grapplers may equip and Grappler Only
Proficiency A/**] or [Armor Proficiency S/**] corresponding For armor with “Grapplers may equip” Grapplers can
to the armor category. [Armor Master] is required to equip SS make Evasion checks with.
rank armor. For armor with “Grappler Only”, only Grapplers can
make Evasion checks with.
If a Grappler class is equipped with armor that does not
Min STR have one of these annotations, the Grappler class can neither
Minimal strength of the armor. attack (make Accuracy check and Extra Damage with it) nor
perform Evasion checks.
This is the bonus (positive number) or penalty (negative Magic Damage -3
number) on Evasion checks when the armor is equipped. A Some armor has the annotation "Magic Damage -3". This
“-” indicates neither. Armor and shield defenses are added type of armor reduces by -3 magic damage dealt to the wearer.
together. However, it does not reduce poison, disease, curse, or psychic

Nonmetallic Armor is lightweight armor that uses little or no metal. It is easy to move, but its defense is generally low.

B-Rank Nonmetallic Armor

Name Min STR Evasion Defense Price Notes
Cloth Armor 1 - 2 15 Grapplers may equip
Point Guard 1 +1 0 100 Grappler only
Soft Leather 7 - 3 150
Hard Leather 13 - 4 340
Defense is the Intelligence modifier of the wearer.
Mana Coat 1 - 0 28,000
Upper limit 6 (Details p. 134)
Defense is the Intelligence modifier of the wearer.
Mana Coat+ 1 - 0 52,000
Upper limit 8 (Details p. 134)
Grapplers may equip. Evasion check +2 when not
Mimore's Cloth Armor 2 - 2 6,000
holding anything in both hands (Details p. 134)
Deals 2d magic damage to anything approaching
Robe of Thorns 2 - 2 40,000
(Details p. 134)
Combat Maid/Butler Outfit 10 +1 0 24,000 Grapplers may equip. Magic Damage -3.

B-Rank Nonmetallic Armor

Mana Coat/Mana Coat+: This armor
is designed to protect the wizard.
Mimore's Cloth Armor: This armor is
said to be a reproduction of the armor
used by the famous martial arts master
of the Magitech Civilization Period,
known for its technique called
"Control", in which a person uses their
hands to parry and dodge attacks.
Robe of Thorns: This robe has a
semi-invisibility thorns that can
magically entanglement, and is said to
have been used by suspicious

Part 3 Items

A-Rank Nonmetallic Armor

Name Evasion Defense Price Notes
Aramid Coat 5 +1 2 750 Grapplers may equip
Breast Armor 10 - 5 1,000
Bone Vest 16 - 6 2,100
Mimore's Fine Cloth Grapplers may equip. Evasion check +2 when not holding anything in both hands (Details p.
6 +1 2 12,000
Armor 134)
Windbreaker Surcoat 12 +1 3 10,500 Can avoid wind type damage once a day (Details p. 134)

S-Rank Nonmetallic Armor

Name Evasion Defense Price Notes
Fine Leather 6 +1 4 2,440
Lynx Vest 8 +2 3 2,750 Grappler Only
Tiger Band 10 +1 5 3,600
Dragon Scale 14 +1 6 4,500
Mimore's Finest Cloth Grapplers may equip. Evasion check +2 when not holding anything in both hands (Details p.
6 +2 2 24,000
Armor 134)

SS-Rank Nonmetallic Armor

Name Min STR Evasion Defense Price Notes
Astral Guard 6 +1 7 34,000 Magic Damage -3
Silent Cloak 11 +1 8 38,000 Hide checks +2 (Details p. 134)
Alabaster Shell 14 +1 9 41,000
Phoenix Cloak 17 +2 8 45,000 Grappler Only
Divine Skin 18 +1 10 52,000 Willpower +2 (Details p. 134)

A-Rank Nonmetallic Armor S-Rank Nonmetallic Armor SS-Rank Nonmetallic Armor

Mimore's Fine Cloth Armor: It is one Mimore's Finest Cloth Armor: It is Silent Cloak: This protective armor is
of the favorite copies of armor used by one of the favorite copies of armor made of fabric woven with a special
masters of the martial arts. used by masters of the martial arts that fiber developed by Magitech
Windbreaker Surcoat: A loose-fitting was developed by more experienced Civilization Period. It is extremely
outer garment that covers the body. It masters. strong and at the same time quiet,
flutters as if dancing with the wearer's making little or no noise, not even the
movements. rubbing of the garment.
Divine Skin: This armor is made of
mythical beast hides, with mana
woven into the cloth base. It is said to
have the power to repel evil.

This is heavy armor made of metal. Although highly defensive, some of them affect movement.

B-Rank Metal Armor

Name Evasion Defense Price Notes
Splint Armor 15 - 5 520
Chainmail 18 -1 6 760
Plate Armor 21 -2 7 1,200
Suit Armor 24 -3 8 2,500 Cannot make Full Move. Dexterity -6
It stores mana when the wielder is hit by the sword and recovers HP to 1 Character when it is
Balzer's Magic Armor 16 - 6 8,000
released (Details p. 134)
Dontrecia's Armor of
20 - 6 12,700 Defense +2 for each physical damage (Details p. 134)

A-Rank Metal Armor

Name Min STR Evasion Defense Price Notes
Steel Guard 12 - 5 1,600
Lamellar Armor 15 - 6 2,400
Brigandine 18 -1 7 3,800
Coat of Plates 24 -2 8 6,100
Fortress 27 -2 9 8,200
Dontrecia’s Great Armor of Defense +2 for each physical damage (Details p.
21 - 8 26,400
Perseverance 134)

S-Rank Metal Armor

Name Min STR Evasion Defense Price Notes
Mithril Chain 10 - 7 6,000 Silvered
Full-Metal Armor 17 -1 9 11,000
Mithril Plate 24 -2 11 23,000 Silvered
Evasion check +1 after the fact by consuming 3
Powered Plates 14 - 8 28,000
MP (Details p. 134)
Dontrecia’s Stiff Armor of Defense +2 for each physical damage (Details p.
22 - 10 54,800
Perseverance 134)

SS-Rank Metal Armor

Name Min STR Evasion Defense Price Notes
Manatite Frame 18 - 11 62,000
Anti-Arquebus 23 - 12 79,000 Gun damage reduced by -5 (Details p. 134)
Imperial 30 1 14 100,000 Magic damage -3

B-Rank Metal Armor S-Rank Metal Armor SS-Rank Metal Armor

Balzer's Magic Armor: This is one of Powered Plates: The manatite steel Anti-Arquebus: The armor was
a set of Balzer's Magitech Arms. It has plates used in various parts of this developed to counter guns, which is
the power to add mana collected by armor are filled with mana. This the natural enemy of the metal armor,
the sword and release it as restorative magical armor speed ups the wielder’s and it was finally developed in the
magic. movement. latter period of Magitech Civilization.
Dontrecia's Armor of Perseverance: Dontrecia’s Stiff Armor of
Dontrecia was a powerful military Perseverance: It is said that this was
state during the Magitech Civilization the most luxurious equipment in
Period. This chain is the official Dontrecia, a military state during the
equipment of its military. Magitech Civilization Period, and that
only those who had distinguished
A-Rank Metal Armor themselves in battle were allowed to
Dontrecia’s Great Armor of wear this equipment.
Perseverance: It was the official
equipment of Dontrecia, a military
state in the Magitech Civilization
Period, and was issued to the
commanders and to soldiers who
were recognized for their abilities.

Part 3 Items

A shield is held in the hand and used to defend against In other cases, use X value. Their data is as follows.
Mount Protection
Stance Some of the category Shields are annotated with "Mount
In the data of the shield, there is a “Stance” column that Protection." If a jockey has a shield of this type, its Defense is
indicates how many hands are required to use the shield. also applied to all mount’s sections. In this case, the mount's
Defense is not increased by [Armor Proficiency (A/S)/Shield].
Unique Element of the "Shield" Tables If the shield itself is enhanced, its enhancement should also
Shields Usable as Weapons be added.
If a shield that can be used as a weapon is used in an attack,
the wearer gets the second Y Defense value listed (X/Y).

B-Rank Shields
Stance Min
Name Evasion Defense Price Notes
Buckler 1H 1 +1 0 60
Glass Buckler 1H 1 +1 0 1,060 Accuracy +1, cracks on fail Evasion check (Details p. 135)
Round Shield 1H 8 - 1 100
Kite Shield 1H 13 +1 1 500
Tower Shield 1H 17 - 2 600
Asteria's Defense 1H 6 - 2 40,000Earth, water/ice, fire, wind types damage -3 (Details p. 135)
Flaming Shield 1H 13 +1 1 7,900 The password puts the shield on fire and increases Defense (Details p. 135).
Calvaria 1H 14 - 3 67,000It can switch between crossbow and shield forms. (Details p. 135)
Balzer's Magilight It stores mana when the wielder is hit by the sword and deals damage to 1 Character when it is
1H 16 - 2 6,000
Shield released (Details p. 135)
Mighty Brittle 1H 20 +2 4 3,000 Character Defense 0 on the automatic failure of an Evasion check. (Details p. 135)

A-Rank Shields
Stance Min
Name Evasion Defense Price Notes
Mirror Shield 1H 5 +1 0 870 Can be used as a mirror (Details p. 135)
Target Shield 1H 7 +1 1 680
Cymbal Shield 1H 8 +1 1 1,020 Generates “Rhythm:⮭ or ⮯” when used as Shield (Details p. 141)
Heater Shield 1H 10 - 2 1,000
Spiked Shield 1H 13 +1 2/0 1,800 Can be used as a weapon
Knight Shield 1H 15 - 2 1,250 Mount Protection
Great Wall 1H 20 -1 3 1,800
Great Barrier 2H 30 +1 3/3 3,300 Can be used as a weapon
Temsgard's Light It is interconnected with “Temsgard's Chains” and dramatically improves their usability
1H 10 - 2 7,000
Dock (Details p. 135)
Reflector Shield 1H 16 +1 2 4,200 Reflects “Area: Line” (Details p. 135)
Temsgard's Heavy It is interconnected with “Temsgard's Chains” and dramatically improves their usability
1H 20 -1 3 8,000
Dock (Details p. 135)
Name Stance Min STR Accuracy Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value Add'l Dmg
Spiked Shield 1H 13 -2 13 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 ⑩ -
Great Barrier 2H 30 - 40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 ⑫ -

S-Rank Shields
Name Stance Min STR Evasion Defense Price Notes
Mithril Shield 1H 8 +1 2 4,700 Silvered
Hoplite Shield 1H 15 - 4 2,900
Grand Partner 1H 18 - 3 4,800 Mount Protection
Blade Killer 1H 22 - 4/2 7,300 It can be used as a weapon
Turtle Shell 1H 5 +2 1 19,200
Total Reflector 1H 16 +1 3 28,800 Reflects “Area: Line” and “Area: Shot” (Details p. 135)
Name Stance Min STR Accuracy Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value Add'l Dmg
Blade Killer 2H 22 +1 42 4 6 7 7 9 10 11 12 13 13 ⑫ -

SS-Rank Shields
Name Stance Min STR Evasion Defense Price Notes
Half Moon 1H 6 +2 2 33,000
Glorious 1H 15 +1 5 47,000
Paladin's Pride 1H 21 - 6 54,000 Mount Protection
Eternal Lord 1H 24 - 7 65,000
See the next page for description of the shields.

Adventurer Set Hand Mirror 1H 50+
Small: 50G, Cosmetic: 100G, Full-
Name Stance Price Notes length: 150G
Adventurer Backpack, Waterskin, Blanket, 6 Torches, Flat Hand 50 + 20 Gives +1 bonus to the wielder’s
- 100 1H
Set Tinderbox, 10m Rope, Small Knife Mirror reputation Disguise check (see CR I, p. 103)

Containers Clothing
Name Stance Price Notes Name Stance Price Notes
Bag - 8 Fabric Change of
- 10+ One week's worth of clothes.
Belt Pouch - 15 Leather Clothes
Waterskin - 20 Leather Underwear - 3+
Backpack - 50 Leather Casual Wear - 6–8 Shirt 6G, Skirt 7G, Pants 8G
Swimwear - 20+
Camping Equipment 20 + 10
Name Stance Price Notes Swimsuit - Swimming checks +1
Tableware Set - 12 Cup, Plate, Bowl Snowsuit - 80+ Top and bottom included.
Blanket - 40 80 + 15
Cooking Fluffy Snowsuit - Water/Ice damage -1, Agility -6
2H 50 Frypan, Pan, Cooking Spoon reputation
Utensil Set Riding Outfit - 100+ Top and bottom included.
Easy-to-use 50 + 5 Gives +1 for cooking-related action Stylish Riding 100 + 10
2H - Riding checks +1
Cooking Set reputation checks. Clothes reputation
250 for 4 people, 300 for 5 people, 350 Robe/Dress - 100+
Tent - 250+
for 6 people Everchanging Can change in any cloth (Details p.
- 18,000
Lighting Equipment Clothing 137)
Torches and Lanterns light up 2-3 areas (10m radius). Work Animals
Name Stance Price Notes Name Stance Price Notes
Set of 6. Lasts 2 hours each, even if Donkey - 800
Torch 1H 5
dropped. Mule - 1,000
Box of flint and kindling. Ignites in 10 Packhorse - 1,500
Tinderbox 2H 20
minutes. Camel - 2,000
Flammable 20 + 5
2H Ignites in 5 minutes.
Tinderbox reputation Miscellaneous
Oil - 20 Lantern oil. Burns 12 hours. Name Stance Price Notes
A small pot containing flint and a Writing Quill 1H 2
Hu Lamp 1H 100
mechanical spark. Ignites in 1 minute. 50 + 10
Light Quill Pen 1H Writing speed +10%
Quick-Light 100 + 20 reputation
1H Starts in 30 seconds.
Hu Lamp reputation Ink - 3
Shuttered lantern. Destroyed when Paintbrush 1H 5+
Lantern 1H 40
dropped. Light 50 + 10 Gives +1 bonus to the action check
40 + 10 Paintbrush reputation when painting
Sturdy Lantern 1H Can withstand falls of 3m.
reputation Oil Paints - 10+
Brush 1H 5+
Adventurer's Tools
Paint 20+
Name Stance Price Notes
Handkerchief size: 4G, Wrapping size:
Rope - 10 10m long, 1G for each additional 1m. Cloth - 4 – 10
Small Hammer 1H 10 Cannot be used as a weapon.
Parchment - 5 Bundle of 5 sheets.
A small hammer that can be used as a
Blank Book - 30 20 pages.
Good Quality 10 + 5 weapon (Mace/thrown weapon), same
1H Sketchbook - 50 10 pages.
Small Hammer reputation as a B-rank weapon Mallet, when the
need arises. Stuffed Small: 30G, Medium: 50G, Large:
- 30 – 75
Toy/Doll 75G
- 10 Grappling Hook Broom 2H 30+
Piton - 20 Set of 10. 2G for each additional piton. Magnifying
1H 100
Small Knife 1H 20 Cannot be used as a weapon.
Razor-Sharp 20 + 5 Can be used as a weapon: B-Rank Hourglass - 120+ 3-minute measuring time.
1H Tea Set 2H 60+ Pot, tea strainer, and 4 cups.
Knife reputation Sword, Min STR 1, Power 1
Cosmetics Set 1H 100+

B-Rank Shields Mighty Brittle: This is a large shield of the Temsgard's Light Dock: This is a shield that can
Glass Buckler: It is made of a transparent Magitech Civilization Period, which was be used with Temsgard's weaponry to
material that allows the wearer to launch attacks equipped with a curse due to a flaw in its demonstrate its true value.
and merges precisely even from behind the process. It has high Defense, and some warriors Reflector Shield: A square shield with a
shield, without blocking the view of the wearer. seek for it because of the rare conditions for polished surface, it has the power to repel some
The material is fragile and can be easily activation of the curse. magical effects.
cracked. Temsgard's Heavy Dock: This is a heavier,
Asteria's Defense: Asteria's Defense: Graceful A-Rank Shields larger shield that can be used with Temsgard's
circular shield blessed by the Goddess Asteria. Mirror Shield: A small, 50cm diameter shield weaponry to demonstrate its true value.
Flaming Shield: A shield that can be covered in made of polished, reflective metal.
flames by a password. Cymbal Shield: It is a round metal shield, but S-Rank Shields
Calvaria: (see p. 108) can also be used as a percussion instrument. Total Reflector: A square shield with a polished
Balzer's Magilight Shield: This is part of Balzer's Spiked Shield: A large circular shield with surface, it has the power to repel many magical
Magitech Arms. The mana taken attacks is deadly spikes attached, for when the offense is effects.
stored and released as a light that strikes the the best defense.

Part 3 Items

Cost of Living Luxury Goods

Name Stance Price Notes Name Stance Price Notes
Lifestyle - 10+ Frugal Living: 10G, Decent Living: Shredded Pre-packaged cigarettes for pipe use;
- 10+
Expenses 30G Tobacco Contains 10.
Tobacco - 24+ 12 leaves
Lodging Smoking Pipe 1H 75+
Name Stance Price Notes
A sturdy iron smoking pipe that can be
1 Day Stable Corner: 15G, Standard Room: Iron Smoking 225 + 20 used as a weapon (Mace/Thrown
(excluding - 15+ 30G, Suite: 100G 1H
Pipe reputation weapon) in case of emergency, the
meals) same as a B-rank weapon (Mallet)
1 Week
Food not included. Only available by
(excluding - 150+
Travel Expenses
meals) Name Stance Price Notes
Distance to be reached in 1 hour, for
Food/Drink Carriage Fare - 10
long distance, +5G per hour
Name Stance Price Notes
The trip takes about 12 hours in a
Ale - 1+ Price is for 1 cup. Barrel: 300G
Magical Train second class compartment. The price
Wine - 2+ Price is for 1 cup. Bottle: 20G - 20+
Fare increases proportionally as the distance
Meal (1 person) Snack: 3G, Lunch Set: 8G, Dinner increases. First class 50+.
- 3+
15G Airfreight Fare - 500+ Per itinerary per day. Fare only.
Preserved food Per day including coachman. 500G for
- 10+ Dried meat and fruits.
(1 day) transporting one passenger and their
Preserved food baggage, 750G for 2 persons, and
- 50+ Value pack. Charter Wagon - 500+
(1 week) 1,000G for 4 persons. If the day is
Nutrition Runefolk only. Only 1 is needed per extended, the cost of the passenger's
- 100+
Capsule week. meals, etc., are paid separately.
One crew team operates the ship (the
Small Airship airship alone cannot be rented). Per
- 20,000+
Charter day including all meals and other
expenses for the crew.

and inhale it, brewed, or made into alcohol before drinking.

This difference is due to the style of the one using it rather
Herbs are used to restore HP and MP. They are treated than each herb, and the effects of any herb are the same no
as a "Target: 1 Character" effect. To determine the effect matter which herb or how it is used.
(amount of recovery) of herbs, a Power Table is used. The The preparation of such herbs requires 10 minutes, during
Ranger class level + Dexterity modifier is added to the value which time the character who is using the herb to heal cannot
of the character who is using the herb to heal. perform any other tasks. On the other hand, the character on
Medicinal herbs can be used in various ways: rubbed with the receiving end of the healing effect can use this time for
water and used like an ointment, lit on fire to generate smoke other activities such as acquiring loot.
All herb effects are of poison type.
Crit Add'l
Name Stance Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Price Notes
Value Dmg
Lifegrass - 10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 None - 30 Restores Power 10 HP
Rescue Grass - 50 4 6 8 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 None - 100 Restores Power 50 HP
Magic Herb - 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 None - 100 Restores Power 0 MP
Magic Seaweed - 10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 None - 250 Restores Power 10 MP

The user sprinkles the potion using the Major Action, and the
sprinkled character automatically receives the effect. Of
As a general rule, potions are only effective when drunk course, it is also possible to sprinkle the potion on oneself to
with a Major Action. To the potions that restore HP or MP, obtain the effect.
the character's “Ranger level + Intelligence modifier” can be When a character with multiple sections is affected by a
added to the amount restored. The Ranger can also assist potion, the affected character selects one of its own sections to
others in drinking the potion, which will also add the same be affected.
amount of recovery. However, this help cannot be done A character who has mastered the combat feat [Potion
during combat. Master] can use it with Minor Action only once per round
Potions annotated with “can be sprinkled” can be when they are the target.
sprinkled on other characters with “Target: 1 Character”, All potion effects are of the poison type.
“Range: Touch.” Such potions can also be used in combat.

Crit Add'l
Name Stance Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Price Notes
Value Dmg
Healing Potion - 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - 100 Restores Power 20 HP
Healing Potion +1 - 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 +1 200 Restores Power 20+1 HP
Treat Potion - 30 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 - 500 Restores Power 30 HP
Magic Perfume - 600 Restores MP. Details CR I, p. 303. ※can be sprinkled

Name Stance Price Notes

Awake Potion - 100 The same effect as [Awaken] spell. ※Can be sprinkled.
Antidote Potion - 500 Removes all effects of poison type with a success value of 15 or less.
Antidote Potion II - 2,000 Removes all effects of poison type with a success value of 20 or less
Antidote Potion III - 10,000 Removes all effects of poison type with a success value of 25 or less
Cure Stone Potion - 500 Sprinkling on a petrified character will remove any petrification effects success value of 15 or less. ※Can be sprinkled
Cure Stone Potion II - 2,000 Sprinkling on a petrified character will remove any petrification effects success value of 20 or less. ※Can be sprinkled
Cure Stone Potion III - 10,000 Sprinkling on a petrified character will remove any petrification effects success value of 25 or less. ※Can be sprinkled
Scarlet Potion - 1,400 Temporarily +10 HP (Details p. 137)
Dexterity Potion - 2,000 Gains +2 bonus to Accuracy checks for 30 seconds (3 rounds)
Speed Potion - 2,000 Movement is +5 for 6 rounds
Anti-Magic Potion - 3,000 For 6 rounds, all magic damage received is reduced by -3 points
Frenzy Drink - 980 Damage to HP can be redirected by MP (Details p. 137)
Medicine of Dreams - 3,000 Recovery of MP after incapacitation for a certain time (Details p. 137)

Items classified in this category are those, other than herbs

and potions, that provide various medicinal effects to the
All effects of chemicals are of the poison type.

Name Stance Price Notes

Smelling Salts 1H 20 Can make First Aid check on target with "Duration: Instant" and gain +2 bonus (Details p. 137)
ChlorOxygen - 50 Rarely results in high recovery with medicinal herbs (Details p. 137)
Sleeping Incense - 220 Increased HP recovery from sleep (Details p. 137)
Seven-colored Honey - 240 For 3 hours +1 to Performance of Spellsongs (Details p. 137)
Strong Tabbit's Carrot - 1,600 Can cast spells without an implement, and can make Spellcasting checks with 1d+3. Tabbits Only (Details p. 137)

Repair Tape, used as a Major Action, instantly restores the

HP of construct or magitech one character (section). The
amount of recovery is determined by the Power Table, and
the user's Rider level + Dexterity modifier is added.

Name Stance Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Value Add'l Dmg Price Notes

Repair Tape I - 10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 None - 200 Restores Power 10 to construct or magitech
Repair Tape II - 40 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 None - 750 Restores Power 40 to construct or magitech
Repair Tape III - 70 5 9 10 12 14 16 17 18 19 19 None - 3,000 Restores Power 70 to construct or magitech

Part 3 Items

These are essential or useful items for adventurer classes, held in hand or equipped as accessories.
Mako Mako stone that automatically MP refills
Charge Crystal - 500 per point
(Details p. 139)
Name Stance Price Notes (1-5 pts.)
1H, 2H, R Back,
100 or Arrow Case Waist, 20 Holds 12 Arrows/Quarrels. ※1
Magical Hand, L Used to cast Truespeech Magic,
weapon price Other
Implement Hand, Spiritualism Magic
+ 100 Back,
Other Arrows are automatically refilled with
Wand of 1 curse damage to self and target (Details Replenishing Waist, 600
1H 700 MP consumption (Details p. 139) ※1
Endurance p. 139) Arrow Case Other
Back, Holds 24 Arrows/Quarrels. Requires
Surveyor's "Area: Line" spells can be cast from any
1H 4,200 Quiver Waist, 100 [Weapon Proficiency A/Bow or
Wand start and end point. (Details p. 139)
Other Crossbow]. ※1
Familiar's Defense +3/+6 (Details p.
Tiny Armor - 2,120/6,120 Back,
Gun Belt Waist, 20 Holds 12 bullets. ※1
Various different golem materials
- 50+ Other
Enchanted… (Details p. 139)
Strongly Various reusable golem materials Bullet Slinger 40 Holds 12 bullets. ※1
- 100+ Other
Enchanted… (Details p. 139) Back,
Golem Various items used to strengthen the Waist, Holds 24 bullets. Requires [Weapon
- 100+ Bullet Pouch 100
Enhancing golems (Details p. 139) Feet, Proficiency A/Gun]. ※1
Items Other
Magical Set of wire, skeleton keys, and other
- 500 Skeletal undead material (Details p. 139) such tools. If you don't have it, the some
Bones Scout's Tools - 100
Changes the given command of a Golem Scout’s checks will be modified with a
Command - 100
or undead (Details p. 139) penalty of -4.
Scout's Tools that add +1 to Scout
Holy Symbol Any 100 Used to cast Divine Magic Precision Tool
- 2,500 Technique check breaks on automatic
1/Day Specialized Divine Magic spell 0 Set
failure (Details p. 139)
Portable MP. Removes penalties for casting
2H, Back 9,120 For 2 MP, adds +2 to the Disable Device
Shrine outside of the sphere of influence. Mechanized 1H 7,080 check, which also works as Scout's Tools
(Details. p. 139). Fingers (Details p. 139)
Allows ignoring the increase of MP cost
Purifying Holy A Disable Device check can be
Any 13,800 due to different continents and regions Key Of
Symbol - 100 attempted on magically closed locks and
(Details p. 139) Unlocking
doors. (Details p. 139).
Fairy Tamer's
Any 50+ Used to cast Fairy Magic Apothecary's Stabilizes herb recovery (1d+4 on Power
Gem 2H 200
Tools Table roll) (Details CR III, p. 235)
The leather case holds up to 4 Fairy
Gem Case Any 100+ +1 for recovery of herbs to self (Details
Tamer's Gems. Gems sold separately Magic Pipe 1H 1,360
p. 139)
200 + 20 Requires Level 3 Fairy Tamer. Jewelry
Ornate Jewelry Any Musical
reputation made with 6 Fairy Tamer's Gem. 2H 100+ Used to play spellsongs and finales
Substitutes for mako stone for [Summon
Fairy Drop - 1,000 Akane's Flute 2H 200 Flourish Value -1 (Details p. 139)
Fairy] (Details p. 139)
Pet - 100+ Pets can help sing spellsongs.
Magisphere Any 200 Used to cast magitech Statue of a 1,000 + 50 Can postpone the return of a rented
(Small) -
Noble Jockey reputation mount once (Details p. 139)
Back, Statue of a
Magisphere Waist, 500 Used to cast magitech 3,000 + 200 Can postpone the return of a rented
(Medium) Truly Noble -
Other reputation mount once (Details p. 139)
Magisphere Back, R Hand, L
1,000 Used to cast magitech
(Large) Other Hand,
Alchemy Kit 200 Allows use of Evocations
Mako Stone Waist, and
- 100 per point Can substitute MP cost
(1-5 pts.) Other
Mako Stone Increases range of Evocations (Details p.
- 200 per point Can substitute MP cost Card Shooter 1H 1,500
(6-10 pts.) 139)
Material Card - 20 – 20,000 Consumed by Evocations
Mako Stone - 300 per point Can substitute MP cost
(11-15 pts.) ※1: All of these together can only be equipped up to two at a time. If two items
of the same name are equipped, the number of ammunitions that can be stored
Mako Stone - 400 per point Can substitute MP cost in them can be combined.
(16-20 pts.)

A character who has acquired the combat feat [Special Instrument Proficiency] can equip and use instruments belonging to this category. If they are also weapons
or armor they can be equipped and used by a character who also has acquired [Weapon Proficiency X/**] or [Armor Proficiency X/**] of the corresponding category.
Name Stance Price Weapon/Armor Category Notes
Cymbal Shield 1H 1,020 Shield A Generates Rhythm when used as a shield (Details p. 141).
Pallas's Maraca 1H 1,360 Mace A Generates Rhythm when used as a weapon (Details p. 141).
Percussion Flail 1H 1,380 Flail A Generates Rhythm when used as a weapon (Details p. 141).
String Bow 2H 1,880 Crossbow A Generates Rhythm when used as a weapon (Details p. 141).
Fabled Lute 2H 9,200 - Reduce Rhythm by one from Spellsong and Finale consumption (Details p. 141).
Fistulosum 1H 16,100 Staff A Increase Spellsong targets when used as an instrument (Details p. 141).
Horn of the Muse 2H 16,900 - Generates additional Rhythm (Details p. 141).

This is a list of Golem materials and Golem Enhancing Items for the Golem created by the PCs. For more information on these
items, please refer to Core Rulebook II (see p. 87 and 412) and Core Rulebook III (see p. 433).

[Create Golem] List Golem Enhancing Item Price List

Req. Normal Materials Advanced Materials Price
Monster MP Item Effect
Level (Price) (Price) (Small/Medium/Large)
Cat's Eye Rivet 200/800/4,000 ►Double Attack
Enchanted Oak Strongly Enchanted Oak
Oak Golem 3 4 Golden Cat's Eye ►Twin Strike & Double
Branch (50) Branch (100) 200/800/4,000
Enchanted Oak Strongly Enchanted Oak Rivet Attack
Oak Hound 3 6 Tiger's Eye Rivet 150/600/3,000 ◯Continuous Attack I
Branch (50) Branch (100)
Enchanted Straw Strongly Enchanted Straw Golden Tiger's
Straw Bird 4 8 300/1,200/6,000 ◯Continuous Attack II
Bundle (100) Bundle (200) Eye Rivet
Loam Strongly Enchanted Clay 🗨Aimed Attack (Accuracy
4 8 Enchanted Clay (200) Jet Sign 100/400/2,000
Puppet (300) check +2, damage -4)
Bone Enchanted Animal Strongly Enchanted Sunstone ►Brand (next attack cannot be
5 10 -/1,200/6,000
Animal Bones (300) Animal Bones (500) Brilliance evaded, damage up).
Enchanted Leather Strongly Enchanted Spinel Horn 150/600/3,000 ►Charge
Leather Fish 5 10 Malachite 🗨All-Out Attack (Damage +8,
(300) Leather (500) 150/600/3,000
Flabby Enchanted Flesh Strongly Enchanted Flesh Feather Evasion check -3)
6 10 Lapis Lazuli 🗨Tail Swing I (attack against 3
Golem (500) (1,000) 200/800/4,000
Stone Enchanted Stone Strongly Enchanted Stone Weight characters, Accuracy check -1)
7 12 Quartz 🗨Tail Swing II (attack against
Servant (1,000) (2,000) 300/1,200/6,000
Enchanted Brass Strongly Enchanted Brass Counterweight 5 characters)
Brasswing 8 14 Bright Red Ruby -/1,600/8,000 ►-/Flame Breath
(1,500) (3,000)
Enchanted Rock Slag Strongly Enchanted Rock Amethyst of
Scale Flipper 9 16 600/1,600/8,000 ►Discharge/Lightning
(1,500) Slag (3,000) Purple Lightning
Enchanted Rock Strongly Enchanted Rock Blue Lotus Jade 600/1,600/8,000 ►Water Gun/Blizzard Breath
Rock Golem 10 20
(2,000) (5,000) Calcite
-/800/4,000 ◯Breath Control
Bronze 11 24 Enchanted Bronze Strongly Enchanted Compound Eyes
Golem (4,000) Bronze (10,000) Obsidian Shield 150/600/3,000 🗨Cover I/Cover II/Cover II
Rutile 12 28 Enchanted Golden Strongly Enchanted Corundum 🗨Guardian I/Guardian I/
Raptor Redstone (6,000) Golden Redstone (15,000) Protection Guardian II
Iron Golem 13 32 Enchanted Iron Strongly Enchanted Iron ◯Ultimate Aim (Accuracy
(8,000) (20,000) Amber Eye 500/2,000/10,000
check +4)
Granite Shell 14 36 Enchanted Granite Strongly Enchanted Coral Branch 100/400/2,000 ◯Block
(10,000) Granite (25,000) Garnet of Vitality 200/800/4,000 HP +5/+10/+15
Platinum 15 40 Enchanted Platinum Strongly Enchanted Focused Garnet
Dragon (15,000) Platinum (50,000) 300/1,200/6,000 HP +5/+10/+15
of Vitality
Shimmering ◯Mana Coating (Takes magic
Onyx damage -3)
◯Mobility Enhancement
Red Iron Blood 100/400/2,000
(Movement +5)
Yellow Flint -/800/4,000 ◯Fast Reaction (Footwork)
Anisotropic ◯Underwater →
Anorthite ◯Underwater Specialization
Moonstone of
250/1,000/5,000 Makes Weak Point “None”
Quartz Disruptor -/1,000/5,000 ◯Type Resistance

This is a list of prices for strengthening and improving weapons and armor. For detailed rules, please refer to Core Rulebook II
and Core Rulebook III. These prices are highly dependent on the rank of the weapon or armor. For armor enhancements, they
have restriction of categories they can be applied to.

Weapon Enhancement List

Name Price (B/A/S/SS) Notes
Custom-Forged 300/1,000/3,000/6,000 For every ±1 of minimal strength ±1 Power (up to ± 3). Details CR II, p. 241
Silvered Weapons 1,000/2,000/4,000/6,000 Details CR II, p. 242
Magic Weapon +1 5,000/10,000/20,000 Except for SS Weapons. Details CR II, p. 242.
Fairy Weapon 1,500/3,000/6,000/9,000 Details CR II, p. 243
Ignidite Processing 5,000/10,000/20,000/40,000 Need connection (100 reputation) with a Dark Dwarf Blacksmith. Details CR III, p. 245
Abyss Enhancement 2,000/4,000/8,000/12,000 Details CR III, p. 245

Armor Enhancement List

Name Price (B/A/S/SS) Applicable Notes
Magic Armor +1 5,000/10,000/20,000/- Nonmetallic, Metal Except for SS Armor. Details CR II, p. 243.
Bulletproof Armor 1,500/3,000/6,000/9,000 Nonmetallic, Metal Details CR II, p. 244.
Extra Manatite Armor 5,000/10,000/20,000/30,000 Metal, Shield Details CR III, p. 246.

Part 3 Items

Adventure Tools
Name Stance Price Notes
Signal Hand Flag Set 2H 50 Used for flag signals (Details p. 142)
Sun Lantern 1H 120 Lantern that illuminates all areas (20m radius) (Details p. 142)
Pole of Trap Detection 2H 150 Makes it easier to spot traps (Details p. 142)
Hearing Tube 1H 300 +1 to Listen checks (Details p. 142)
Daemon's Blood Plate 1H 400 Determines the threat level of the Shallow Abyss (Details p. 142).
Lover's Flute 1H 400 Produce a sound that can be heard by a specific “Lover's Receiver” (Details p. 142).
Disturbing Scarecrow I/II/III - 777/2,220/7,770 Can use [Taunting Strike I] (Details p. 142)
Mystic Ink - 800 Writing disappears. It can be read with Keen-Flash Glasses (Details p. 142).
Wall Base - 900 Supports Great Wall. Defense +2 (Details p. 142).
Auto Looter - 1,000 Automatically rake up loot (Details p. 142)
Northern Needles - 1,000 The needle in the box always points north (Details p. 142)
Telescope 1H 1,000 Telescope with 5x magnification (Details p. 142)
Magitorch 1H 1,000 Brightly illuminates 10m in front of the wielder (Details p. 142)
Chalk of the Lost 1H 1,200 When you pass in front of it again, it emits light to let you know (Details p. 142)
Hanger of the Sun God - 1,300 Wet clothes dry in one hour. (Details p. 142)
Smoke Grapher 1H 1,700 Reproduce short-duration images with smoke (Details p. 142).
Bayonet - 1,960 Gives the gun the ability to attack at close range (Details p. X142XX)
Effect Cartridge - 2,000 Decrease the MP of magitech use by 1 point (Details p. 142)
Repel Candle - 2,130 Weakens the unique skills of the animals (Details p. 142)
Stone of Vigilance - 2,480 Makes noise when touched by anyone other than the owner (Details p. 142)
Sighting device for a crossbow, using 2 MP, increases Accuracy check by +1 (Details
Stable Sight - 2,500
p. 142)
Careless Tag - 2,800 Lost-and-found packing tags that make a loud noise when misplaced (Details p. 142)
Alarm Gong 2H 2,840 It instantly awakens everyone that hears it (Details p. 142)
Permanent Ice Fragment - 3,000 Cools beverages, destroying it causes 10 fire magic damage (Details p. 142)
Daemon's Crystallized Blood Plate 1H 3,200 Determines the threat level of the Shallow Abyss (Details p. 142)
Magic Cosmetics 2H 4,000 Allows applying perfect makeup. +2 to Disguise checks (Details p. 142)
Horn of Magic Detection 1H 4,000 It glows red when it senses the magic power contained in an object (Details p. 142)
Puzzling Sign 1H 4,880 Baffle intelligent enemies (Details p. 142)
5,200/17,200 (+50
Mana Cartridge - Give or add MP to magitech (Details p. 142)
Great Daemon's Crystallized Blood Plate 1H 6,400 Determines the threat level of the Shallow Abyss (Details p. 142)
Careful Auto Looter - 9,600 Automatically rake up loot (Details p. 142)
Detoxification Spoon 1H 10,000 Immunity for all poisons with success value 17 or less (Details p. 142)
Fairy Lantern 1H 10,000 Its light is invisible to those who have soulscars (Details p. 142)
Immovable Rod 1H 19,000 Fixes in place with a password (Details p. 142)
2,000 – 120,000 (Not
Honeymoon Carpet: Complete - A magic carpet that can fly carrying up to two people (Details p. 142)
for Sale)
Honeymoon Carpet: Static - 20,000 (Not for Sale) Magic flying carpet that moves very slowly (Details p. 142)
Honeymoon Carpet: Moving - 20,000 (Not for Sale) Magic flying carpet that is difficult to control (Details p. 142)

Adventure Tools (Consumables)

Name Stance Price Notes
Potion Ball 1H 20 Allows throwing potion as a thrown weapon. Requires [Throwing I] combat feat (Details p. 147).
Sake Seeds (x10) - 100 Turn water into sake (Details p. 147)
Jack Beans - 100 Can grow a sturdy vine (Details p. 147).
Guardian Stone - 100+ Reduces Magic Damage (Details p. 147).
Mouse Ball - 100 Dazzle with the illusion of a mouse, +1 to Hide checks (Details p. 147)
Joints Lubricants - 160 Smoothes the movement of the joints of the armor and muffles the sound (Details p. 147)
White-Flame Ball - 200 Burns brightly illuminating a radius of 30m (Details p. 147)
Secret Sealing Wax 1H 280 Sealing can only be opened by a specific person (Details p. 147).
Moonlight Charm - 500/1,500/5,000 Bonus to Willpower. Can be used after rolling dice (Details p. 147).
Sunlight Charm - 500/1,500/5,000 Bonus to Fortitude. Can be used after rolling dice (Details p. 147).
Protective Holy Water - 700/2,000/5,700 Create ward to afflict those with soulscar (Details p. 147).
Bonding Moonlight Charm - 1,000/2,000/6,000 Moonlight Charm can also be used on a mount (Details p. 147).
Bonding Sunlight Charm - 1,000/2,000/6,000 Sunlight Charm can also be used on a mount (Details p. 147).
Message Rouge - 1,000 Leave a message up to 30 seconds long (Details p. 147).
Informer’s Sticker - 2,000 Have an inanimate object keep watch and report back (Details p. 147)
Escape Marbles - 2,840 Escape close enemy contact on impact (Details p. 147)
Unicorn Horn 1H Uses x 6,000 Cures poison, disease, or deals damage to undead on touch (Details p. 147).

Accessory Ruby
Nullifies a Fortitude and Willpower check for
Name Price Notes 2,000 effects that cause sleep can be changed from a
Glasses failure to success (Details p. 153).
Magitech Civilization Period branded product.
Smaltier's 250+ Equipping 3 or more items increases Vitality Taste Sensitize taste buds, +2 to Herbology check (Details
Accessories 2,000
(Details p. 150). Piercing p. 153).
Ancient Magic Civilization branded product. Night
Lal-Veine’s 500+ Equipping 3 or more items increases Spirit (Details 3,000 Can see in darkness (Details p. 153)
Jewelry Goggles
p. 150).
Keen-Flash 4,000 +1 to Insight and Search checks (Details p. 153).
Accessory: Head Glasses
Name Price Notes When recovering from 0 HP or less to 1 or more,
Mask of the 4,520 an additional 10 points of HP are recovered (Details
Hairpins 3+ Beads: 3, Gemstones: 6, Silver: 100 Fearless p. 153).
Hat 7+ Knitted Fabric: 7, Leather: 15, Silk: 100
Turban 10 A belt-like cloth hat used in hot regions Waterfowl 6,000 Gives bonus for all checks against poison and
A circular piece of headwear, especially Mask disease (Details p. 153)
Circlet 20+ A single character can be additionally guaranteed to
adorning the forehead. Keen
Helmet 20 A hard or padded protective hat. 7,200 be hit by Line and Breakthrough effects (Details p.
Glasses 153)
Veil 40 Made of fine lace
Knowledge check package can be retried in When the Monster Knowledge check fails, the level
Headband of 200 + 10 Hunter's 9,600 of the target is known. On success, +1 is added to
half the time. Requires Level 3 Sage (Details Eyes
Concentration reputation the Accuracy check (Details p. 153)
p. 151).
Toupee 300 Able to hide baldness Smaltier's 12,000 Energy magic damage -4 (Details p. 153)
Lightning-Bolt When thrown, deals Power 20 + 5 lightning Eye Guard
1,500 Lal-Veine's 20,000 Make the monster's weak point 4 points lower
Hairpin magic damage (Details p. 151).
When thrown, it deals Power 20 + 5 fire Monocle (Details p. 153)
Salamander 1,500
Hairpin magic damage (Details p. 151).
Accessory: Ear
Snowflake When thrown, deals Power 20 + 5 water/ice Name Price Notes
Hairpin magic damage (Details p. 151). Earrings 2+ Beads: 2, Gemstones: 5, Silver: 100
Reckless Allows using [Reckless Counter] (Details p. Ring Earring 8+ Made of metal. Silvered: 100
Headband 151). Earmuffs 10+ Protects ears from cold weather
Allows evading heavy damage once (Details Earplugs 20 Block out sounds.
Safety Helmet 2,000
p. 151). Lover's Hear the sound of a particular Lover's Flute
Wig of Chills 2,500 +1 to Danger Sense checks (Details p. 151) Receiver (Details p. 154).
+1 to Monster Knowledge checks (Details p. Recording Continuously records an hour's worth of sound at
Pointed Hat 3,000 1,600
151) Earrings all times (Details p. 154).
Repeats caster's Divine Magic with Magic Golden Resistance +2 vs. Spellsongs and Finales (Details p.
Holy Parrot 4,106 2,000
Power 0. Cannot be hidden (Details p. 151) Earplugs 154).
Smaltier's MP recovers 1 point when receiving HP
6,000 Smaltier's Listen check can be performed from 10m farther
Headband recovery effects (Details p. 151) 2,200
Listening (Details p. 154).
Decorated with plenty of jewelry, custom Device
Crown/Tiara 10,000+
orders only.
Watchful +2 for Accuracy with an [Aimed Shot] (Details p.
When using the power table for healing 2,800
Crown of the Doll 154)
10,000 magic, even double 1s will recover the Magic
Saint Power of HP (Details p. 151). Linkpearls Multiple Linkpearls can be equipped at the same
Holder time (Details p. 154).
Pointed Hat of +2 to Monster Knowledge checks (Details p.
12,000 Bat's
Wisdom 151) 3,500 Able to act even when blind (Details p. 154).
For a monster with rare loot, action check,
Scavenger Hat 18,000 Tongues Understand a specific spoken language, even if not
or loot roll +2 (only once) (Details p. 151) 5,000+
Earpiece fluent (Details p. 154).
Cattleya 20,000 Increases Fairy Magic Range (Details p. 151)
Garland The body becomes covered with stone and
Stone Man's 6,640 increases Defense in exchange for body movement
Rarely make healing magic hyper-effective. Earring
Goddess's Veil 20,000 (Details p. 154)
Women only (Details p. 151)
When healing multiple targets, you can roll Lal-Veine's 7,500 Get “Accessory section: Other” (Details p. 154)
Crown of 25,000 for each target and then distribute the results. Golden Chain
Riches Men only (Details p. 151). Dead Man's 10,640 Misleads the undead into believing that the wearer
Lal-Veine's Can make additional Major Action (Details Earring is undead (Details p. 154)
Feather Crown p. 151). Mutual Immediately after the partner's double 1s, they can
Follow-up 12,000 roll 10 on the next roll. Price for a set (Details p.
Accessory: Face Earrings 154)
Name Price Notes Talk to another even over long distances (Details p.
Mask 2 Only covers the mouth and nose Linkpearls 20,000 154).
Beard Beads 3+, natural stones 6+, gemstones, and silver
3+ Accessory: Neck
ornaments 100+.
Disguise 10+ Wooden: 10, Party: 60, Metal: 100 Name PriceNotes
Fake Necklace 5+ Beads: 5, Gemstones: 8, Silver: 100
20 Causes inappropriate laughter and loss of dignity
Moustache Choker 10+ For loyal servants.
Glasses 150 Correct eyesight by some amount. Necktie 10+ Popular in the late Magitech Civilization.
Monocle 200 Similar to glasses requiring a special order A long necklace without clasps; has negative
Lariat Necklace 10+
Sunglasses 1,000 Special glasses made of ancient materials connotations in some regions
Irritating Muffler 15+ Protects neck from cold weather.
2,000 Defense +1 attracts ranged attacks (Details p. 153)
Mask Squealing 1,500 Can make animal noises (Details p. 156).

Part 3 Items

Ribbon of Appearing to be clothed in any garment (Details p. Smaltier's

Lovely 1,700 Ability-Enhancing 900 +2 to a specific ability score (Details p. 159)
Transformation Bracelet
Lucky Ability- +2 to a specific ability score, +14 if broken
2,000 Loot Determination rolls +1 (Details p. 156). 1,000
Charm Enhancing Bracelet (Details p. 159)
Crystal +1 for Fortitude and Willpower checks against It makes water spring up. Also, Water/Ice
3,000 Droplet Bracelet 5,000 damage -1 (Details p. 159)
Necklace poison disease (Details p. 156)
Amulet Of +1 Fortitude, Willpower, and Evasion vs. Undead Ring Of The 5,000 Willpower +1 (Details p. 159)
3,000 Mind
Light attacks (Details p. 156).
Minor Curse Damage to Daemons +1, damage received from Emits light of various colors to illuminate
4,500 Rainbow Ring 5,000
Rebellion Daemons -1 (Details p. 156) surroundings (Details p. 159)
Increase the effect of [Bear Muscle] by +1 (Details Allows to equip a weapon or shield with a
Bear Claws 6,000 minimal strength of 5 more than the original.
p. 156). Big Gloves 8,000
Equipped at both hands and priced as a set
Smaltier's 7,500 Get “Accessory section: Other” (Details p. 156) (Details p. 159).
Bell Magic damage +1. Counts as Magic Implement
Miracle Mana Ring 10,000
10,000 Reroll a Death Check (Details p. 156) (Details p. 159)
Necklace Bracelet of
HP is restored when 10 or more MP are consumed 24,800 Control invisible hand (Details p. 159)
Lal-Veine's 25,000 Manipulation
Magic Belt with Major Action (Details p. 156)
Ring of 30,000 Willpower +2 (Details p. 159)
Curse Damage to Daemons +3, damage received from Righteous Belief
Rebellion Daemons -3 (Details p. 156) Magic damage +2. Counts as Magic Implement
Lal-Veine's 40,000
Mana Ring (Details p. 159)
Accessory: Back
Name Price Notes Accessory: Waist
Half Mantle 30+ Waist-length cloak. 40 with hood Name Price Notes
Long Mantle 40+ Knee-length cloak. 50 with hood Belt 10+ Thin leather. 15 for a design on a belt
Square fabric with a central hole for the Garter Belt 50+ Women's stockings stopper
Poncho 50+
head. 55 with hood. Corset 80+ Rather stylish, though less so on men
The coat can be used for both heat and 1,000 + Requires Level 3 Scout. Allows one Accessory
Survival Coat 180
cold protection (Details p. 157) Utility Belt 20 to be equipped in the “Waist” slot (Details p.
A weapon or shield can be held on the back reputation 160).
Weapon Holder 1,000
(Details p. 157).
Coward Belt 1,500 Blow off the wearer 20m (Details p. 160).
1,000 + Requires Level 3 Ranger. Allows one
Rangers' Cloak 20 Accessory to be equipped in the Back slot Sunflower Fortitude and Willpower checks against undead
reputation (Details p. 157). Buckle +1 (Details p. 160)
Inverness, a Invincible Appear to be wearing any armor (Details p.
3,000 Creates Throwing Stars (Details p. 157) Transformation 1,500
Beautiful Star 160).
3,000 Falling damage -20 pts (Details p. 157). Belt
Little Wing
Protects the equipped person from flying
Thermal Mantle 3,500 Fire, Water/Ice damage -1 (Details p. 157). Missile
1,660 attacks as well as [Missile Protection] (Details p.
Modified Weapon Can hold up to two weapons or shields on Trapper
5,000 160).
Holder its back (Details p. 157) 3,000 +1 Defense (Details p. 160)
Black Belt
Ignore water/ice type effects. Swim check
Penguin Cape 6,000 Damage to the enemy during perfect evasion
+4 (Details p. 157) Blade Skirt 4,580
(Details p. 160)
Reduces magic damage by -4 on failed or
Saving Cloak 8,000 Champion's May cast [Lightning] with 6 Magic Power
Resistance check (Details p. 157) 5,000
Warns and guides by arcana. +1 to Search, Buckle (Details p. 160)
Smart Animal 9,000 Monster knowledge, Danger Sense, and Smaltier's
Sack Vitality modifier added to [Recovery]
Trap Detection checks (Details p. 157). Martial Arts 6,000
Technique (Details p. 160)
Hero's Mantle 10,000 Breath attacks damage -2 (Details p. 157) Belt
Lal-Veine's Get protection against damage type (Details Unbending Allows to roll Willpower against Guns (Details
15,000 12,300
Shoulder Strap p. 157) Buckle p. 160)
20,000 +
Smaltier's +2 to Accuracy check and Evasion check True Black Requires Level 3 Grappler. Defense +2 (Details
25,000 80
Windbreaking for 10 seconds (1 round) (Details p. 157) Belt p. 160)
Lal-Veine's Magic Power +1 for spells cast with Major
Kneaded Magic 26,000 Action (max +3) (Details p. 160)
Accessory: Hand Belt
Name Price Notes Assume that the wearer is in a natural
Ring 5+ Beads: 5, Gemstones: 8, Silver: 100 Green Belt 35,000
environment (Details p. 160)
Wristband 7 Cloth band to be worn on the wrist
Bracelet 9+ Leather: 9, Gemmed: 12, Silver: 100
Gloves 10+ Knitted Fabric: 10, Leather: 18
Armlet 20+ A bracelet attached to the upper arm
Ability-Enhancing 400 +1 to a specific ability score (Details p. 159)
Ability- +1 to a specific ability score, +13 if broken
Enhancing Ring (Details p. 159)
The highest ability score is decreased by -1.
Level Ring 500 The lowest ability score is increased by +2
(Details p. 159).

Accessory: Foot Accessory: Any
Name PriceNotes Name Price Notes
Toe Ring 5+ Beads: 5, Gemstones: 8, Silver: 100 Braid 1+ Simple hair braid. White: 1, Another color: 3 each
Trendy Shoes 15+ Shoes with careful decoration Ribbon 1+ White: 1, Another color: 3
Boots 20+ Ankle-length leather boots. 25 for knee-length When equipped on the “Section: Head”, it can hide
Anklet 20+ Metal. Silver: 100 Bandanna 5+ the horns of the Nightmare under normal
Upright Can sleep or be unconscious standing (Details p. conditions.
Leggings 162) Scarf 7+ Rectangular cloth, mainly used by women
Skanda Piercing 8+ Gemstone: 8, Silver: 100
2,000 Movement +5 (Details p. 162). It cannot be a weapon, just a decorative chain.
Boots Chain 30+
Can stand on the surface of the water (Details p. Colored: 35+
Water 2,000
Spider Sandals 162) Displacer 5,000 Get “Accessory section: Other” (Details p. 164).
+2 to Spot Trap check for foot triggers (Details p. Gadget
Protective 2,000
Sandals 162). Sign of Control the growth of the ability score to some
Valor extent (Details p. 164)
Trackless 2,800 Leave no footprints (Details p. 162)
Golden +5 movement to mount (Animals, Mythical Beast)
Spurs (Details p. 162)
Smaltier's Reduced penalty when getting up from being prone
Ankle Sleeves (Details p. 162)
Silent 5,000 Hide checks +2 (Details p. 162)
Lucky Makes it easier to dodge the Line and Breakthrough
Feathers effects (Details p. 162)
Light Boots 11,600 Cannot fall prone (Details p. 162)
Thieves 20,000 Teleport 2m (Details p. 162)
Lal-Veine's Magic Power +1, always in a poor footing state
Downlooker (Details p. 162)

Part 3 Items

①Name ④Appearance
The name of the special item. Effects of multiple special How an item looks.
items with the same name at the same time will not
accumulate. ⑤Category (Rank) / Item Class
Magic items are marked with a icon. The item's category.
For weapons and armor, there is a special item labeled
②Base Price “Category (Rank)” with the category and rank indicated.
This is the base price (G) when purchasing an item. When
you sell an item, the price is half of this price. ⑥Summary
This is a summary of the effects of the item.
Shows how well-known the item is, the lower the better. ⑦Era
Roll against these numbers, with an Appraise check (see Shows the era in which an item was created.
CR I, p. 108) to learn item data. If the item was purchased
legitimately for a given price, the data will be known without ⑧Effect
the need for a check (the shopkeeper will tell you the data). The effect of the item is described in detail.

Weakness Revealer Base Price: 7,660
Dagger with magic characters engraved on the
Popularity 12 App. Category (Rank) Sword B
Summary A hit reveals the monster's weak point. Era Ancient Magic Civilization
If the attacker is hit by this weapon, the monster's weak point is If the character who hit the target has learned the
considered to be known until the end of the session. combat feat [Weakness Exploit], its effect is applied.
The weak point revealed applied only to the wielder’s hits (in the case of
a multi-section monster, it is applied to all sections).

Berserker's Sword Base Price: 13,000 (Not for Sale)

Popularity 15 App. Two-handed sword with a black blade Category (Rank) Sword B
Extra Damage of [Power Strike] +4, fixed damage to the user's
Summary Era Ancient Magic Civilization
The sword is cursed with a curse with success value of 20, and the - If the player declares [Power Strike] for a melee attack
character must perform Willpower the first time they equips the sword. If with this sword, Extra Damage is increased by +4 points.
the character fails, they are cursed by the sword. Even if the character - If the character ends their turn with this sword
succeeds in resisting once, they must perform the same check every time equipped, they must take curse fixed damage to MP. If
they equip this sword. they declared [Power Strike] during their turn, it is 5
The following effects will occur to the character cursed by this sword. If points, otherwise it is 10 points. If MP is less than 0, the
the character is not cursed by the sword, none of the effects will appear. excess is dealt as fixed damage to HP (if MP is already
- They will no longer be able to equip any weapon other than this sword. 0 or none, it is dealt to HP).
- While this sword is equipped, the wielder is considered to have learned - If a day passes without equipping this sword, characters
[Power Strike I]. (If the character has already learned [Power Strike], then maximum HP is reduced by 1 point. This effect is
they will not gain it. Also, no matter how high the adventurer level is, only cumulative, and if the maximum HP reaches 0, the
[Power Strike I] can be learned from this sword). character dies without any Death Check.
- The effects of this sword can be known automatically
without Appraise check.

Main Gauche Base Price: 620

Popularity 0 App. Dagger with a protective fist Category (Rank) Sword A
Summary Evasion +1 Era Current
The wearer gains a +1 bonus to Evasion checks when equipped with this The shield's bonus to Evasion checks is likewise not
weapon. It does not matter which arm they equip it on (usually the opposite cumulative.
of your dominant hand), but even if they equip more than one, this effect The use of this weapon for melee attacks does not
does not stack. remove its effect.).

Balzer's Magic Sword Base Price: 16,000

Straight sword with geometric patterns on
Popularity 12 App. Category (Rank) Sword A
the body
Summary Damage to the attack target's MP with a set of armor Era Magitech Civilization
Balzer's Magic Sword, Balzer's Magic Armor (see p. 134), and If a character equipped with either Balzer's Magic Armor or
Balzer's Magilight Shield (see p. 135) were produced during the Balzer's Magilight Shield hits with this sword, the target's MP
Effect Magitech Civilization Period, known as Balzer's Magitech Arms. will be damaged by 1 point of fixed damage in addition to the
These arms have a certain amount of power on their own, but they normal HP damage. If the character is equipped with both
are at their best when used as a set. armor and shield, the fixed damage to MP is 2 points.

Executioner's Blade Base Price: 30,000

Popularity 14 App. Gradually aligned, single-edged long sword Category (Rank) Sword S
Summary Increases the power of critical hits Era Ancient Magic Civilization
If a critical hit is made by an attack using this weapon, the weapon's Power After the total damage is determined, this effect
is increased by +5 (for the next Power Table roll for this critical). If another disappears, and the next hit will return to its original
critical hit occurs, the power is further increased by +5 up to 100 Power. power. Of course, if a critical hit occurs, the effect is
applied again.

Geister Base Price: 83,000

A 2m long black sword, the blade has a terrifying
Popularity 10 App. Category (Rank) Sword SS
pattern forged into it.
Summary Deals 5 damage to the wielder Era Magitech Civilization
Effect At the end of the round in which this weapon is used, the user takes 5 points of fixed damage to HP.

Part 3 Items

Arm Catcher Base Price: 2,480

Popularity 10 App. It has a twisted blade with various protrusions. Category (Rank) Axe A
Summary It can entangle and drop the enemy's weapons Era Current
When making an Accuracy check with a -2 penalty with this weapon, the If the target is a character with the monster data, the
wielder can use it to aim at the target weapon. If the target weapon is hit by effect is only applied to attacks with a weapon, sword,
Effect this weapon, the target weapon will be dropped to the ground in addition to spear, or other weapons (excluding innate weapons),
the normal damage. and the target's damage is reduced by -4 points with

Conning Shaft Base Price: 5,900

Popularity 0 App. Single-blade axe with extendable handle Category (Rank) Axe S
Summary When Stance is changed, Accuracy check or Evasion check +1 Era Current
The weapon has an extendable handle, which can be used for one-handed On the other hand, in the turn when the wielder
or two-handed use. The extension and retraction of the handle (change switches from "Stance :2H" to "Stance :1H† ", the wielder
between "Stance: 1H† " and "Stance: 2H") is done as a change of equipment gains a +1 bonus on Evasion checks until the beginning
Effect Stance. This is done to deceive the opponent and mislead them into a false of their next turn. Switch should happen from the
move. beginning of the turn up to the time of the attack (it does
On the turn that the wielder changes from "Stance :1H† " to "Stance :2H", not matter if the Stance is changed repeatedly during the
the attack with this weapon gains a +1 bonus to the Accuracy check. turn).

Death Scythe Base Price: 26,000

Popularity 14 App. A jet-black scythe more than 2m long Category (Rank) Axe S
Summary More power in exchange for your life force Era Ancient Magic Civilization
This weapon has "Power 42" in normal use.
Effect The weapon can be activated with a password by paying 5 HP and can be used for 10 seconds (1 round) at "Power 52". To use this
weapon's password, the wielder must speak arcana.

Urgosh Base Price: 64,000

Two-handed axe with
Popularity 10 App. Category (Rank) Axe SS
head and spearhead
Allows making 2 attacks with [Dual
Summary Era Magitech Civilization
This weapon can be used in two ways. In If the wielder has mastered [Dual Wielding] combat feat, they can attack twice, once
both cases, the weapon is held with two with the axe head and once with spearhead, using ᵴ and ᵱ stats once each, as if they
Effect hands. were holding separate weapons in each hand (two weapons with “Stance: 1H”).
- The master of [Dual Wielding] attacks - Use as a weapon with "Stance: 2H".
once with the axe head and the spearhead. Can use ᵴ or ᵱ stats. In either case, Extra Damage is increased by +5.

Rainbow Spear Base Price: 9,000
Popularity 10 App. Colorful patterned spear Category (Rank) Spear B
Summary Enhanced wielder when hits Era Magitech Civilization
If an attack with this weapon hits during the turn, the wielder This weapon cannot be a Fairy Weapon (see CR II, p. 243).
should roll 1d at the end of their turn and consult the table on the 1d Effect Ref. MP Cost
right (even if they hit more than once during the turn, they roll only 1 [Enchant Weapon] CR I, p. 225 2
once). The magic effect in the table is given to the wielder with 2 [Fire Weapon] CR I, p. 227 2
"Resistance: Can't". The wearer is forced to expend the specified MP. 3 [Blink] CR II, p. 131 10
Effect If they cannot pay it, the excess is dealt as fixed damage to HP. If 4 [Icicle Weapon] CR II, p. 136 2
wielder is already under the effect specified in table, whether by this 5 [Protection II] CR II, p. 137 3
weapon or not, MP will not be consumed. The effect given by this 6 [Sonic Weapon] CR III, p. 140 2
weapon cannot be canceled by the wielder’s will and has a success
value of 20. If the wielder no longer has this weapon equipped, all
effects given by this weapon will be immediately canceled.

Parasol Spear Base Price: 600

Popularity 5 App. Spear with an umbrella at its tip Category (Rank) Spear A
Summary Evasion +1 by opening, Accuracy -1 Era Current
Before the Major Action, the wielder can choose to open or close the tip of the umbrella as a Minor Action. With the umbrella
open, the wielder receives a -1 penalty to Accuracy checks and a +1 bonus to Evasion checks.

Eclair Base Price: 61,000

It is a spear with a handle decorated with a lightning
Popularity 10 App. Category (Rank) Spear SS
Summary Once a day, the thrown weapon deals lightning magic damage Era Magitech Civilization
If this weapon is used for a Thrown Attack, the damage it inflicts can Also, if it is the first throw of the day, both of them are
become lightning magic damage automatically once per day on the first hit. treated as having caused the effect.
When the wielder declares the combat feat [Mirage Arrow] and throws This weapon cannot have the Fairy Weapon
Eclair, they cannot throw two weapons that deal with two different types. enhancement (see CR II, p. 243).

Hollow Hammer Base Price: 7,000

Popularity 10 App. Decorated hammers in pastel colors Category (Rank) Mace B
Summary Deals damage to HP and MP Era Magitech Civilization
Effect When this weapon hits, half of the applied damage (rounded up) is given to HP and the other half (rounded down) to MP.

Power Capper Base Price: 38,000

Mace with magic characters filled in on the sides of
Popularity 12 App. Category (Rank) Mace S
the head
Summary On a hit, the opponent's Magic Power is reduced by 2 Era Ancient Magic Civilization
If a character is hit by this weapon, all Magic Power of the hit character is reduced by -2 (minimum 0) for the next 10 seconds (1
round). This effect is treated as a curse type with "Resistance: Can't" and success value 25 and is not cumulative.

Part 3 Items

Staff of Control Base Price: 14,800

Popularity 14 App. The devious two-handed cane Category (Rank) Staff B
Summary Allows to command the Golem as many times as needed Era Ancient Magic Civilization
When a construct is created by magic such as the [Create Golem] spell (see Changing the command is a Major Action, and it is
Effect CR I, p. 134), the wielder can change the command (see CR II, p. 90) for that necessary to equip the same staff as the one wilder
construct as many times as they wish if it is created with this staff equipped. equipped when they made the golem and touched it.
Efreet's Whisker Base Price: Remaining uses x 500
Popularity 10 App. Twisted, crimson-tipped quarterstaff Category (Rank) Staff B
Summary Casts [Fireball] with Magic Power 6 Era Magitech Civilization
This staff comes with 2d charges of [Fireball] (see CR I, p. 219). A fireball will shoot from the tip when the command
Effect word is spoken. An active combat feat cannot be used
for this effect. This item is used with Major Action.
Battle Mage Staff Base Price: 7,500
War Mage Staff Base Price: 15,000
Quarterstaff reinforced with iron rings engraved with
Popularity 12 App. Category (Rank) Staff B/Staff A
When using [Multi-Action], attacked target gets -1 to Evasion
Summary Era Ancient Magic Civilization
and Willpower.
If the wielder declares [Multi-Action] on a melee attack, or if the wielder Also, if the target of the spell is the same as the target
performs a melee attack accompanied by the declaration of [Multi-Action] of the melee attack, the target's Willpower is also
at the time of casting a spell, the target of the attack suffers a -1 penalty on reduced by -1 against that spell.
Evasion checks against that attack.
Mana Staff Base Price: 6,800
A small staff, less than 1m long, with a gem on its
Popularity 0 App. Category (Rank) Staff A
Summary Magic Power +1 Era Current
Effect While this staff is equipped, the wielder's Magic Power is increased by +1.

Leech Staff Base Price: 7,000

Popularity 0 App. The staff over 2 m in length Category (Rank) Staff A
Summary Increase Magic Damage by +2 Era Current
When a person equipped with this staff casts a spell, the magic deals an additional +2 damage. This effect is limited to the magic
that directly deals damage. For example, [Enchant Weapon] (see CR I, p. 225) and various types of Bullet spells will not be affected.
Sorcerer's Staff Base Price: 22,500
This 2m long staff has a large jewel inlaid into one
Popularity 0 App. Category (Rank) Staff S
Summary Spellcasting check +2 Era Current
Effect The wielder gains a +2 bonus to Spellcasting checks when casting a spell.

Black Rod Base Price: 22,500

About 2m long, it can easily be identified by its
Popularity 0 App. Category (Rank) Staff S
blackened wood
Summary MP cost of spells -1 Era Current
The spell cast by the wielder of this rod has their MP cost reduced by -1. The cost MP will never be less than 0 because of this
effect. When the cost MP is doubled by [Metamagic/**], the MP is first reduced by this effect and then doubled.
Aeon Base Price: 78,000
Popularity 10 App. Twisted wooden cane Category (Rank) Staff SS
Summary Magic Power +2, 2 fixed damage to MP at the end of turn Era Magitech Civilization
This wand can be equipped only if the current MP is 2 points or more. If the wand is equipped, all of the wielder's Magic Powers
are increased by +2. At the end of their turn, the wielder receives 2 points of fixed damage to their MP.
Uroboros Base Price: 136,000
An ash cane with a design of a snake that eats its own
Popularity 14 App. Category (Rank) Staff SS
Summary Can reroll the Spellcasting check until they get a "10" on a roll Era Ancient Magic Civilization
The staff’s wielder may declare to use the staff’s ability if the Spellcasting After declaring the use of this effect, the check must
check roll is 9 or less. If the declaration is made, the wand's wielder can be repeated until the player obtains a result of 10 or
immediately spend MP 10 and makes a new Spellcasting check. If the result more. The Spellcasting check is treated as an automatic
is still 9 or less, the wielder can repeat the process by paying 10 MP again. failure if the rerolls are aborted. And they will not get
When the check rolls 10 or more, they cannot reroll, which is considered back the MP they have spent so far. This effect can be
the result of the Spellcasting check. declared only once per day for one Uroboros.

Balanced Pendulum Base Price: 7,780
A striking weapon with a pendulum-shaped weight
Popularity 10 App. Category (Rank) Flail B
at the end of a long handle
Summary Accuracy check +1 during [Cleave] Era Magitech Civilization
Effect If a combat feat [Cleave] is declared during an attack with this weapon, a +1 bonus is given to Accuracy checks.
Temsgard's Chain Ball Base Price: 2,400
Temsgard's Chain Hammer Base Price: 4,800
Temsgard's Chain Star Base Price: 13,000
Temsgard's Chain Globe Base Price: 19,500
Popularity 12 App. An iron ball with a chain Category (Rank) Flails A – S
Summary Major Action is required to re-equip after the attack Era Magitech Civilization
Temsgard was a region that was famous for the production of Even if it is used as a thrown weapon, the chain still remains
weapons during the Magitech Civilization Period, and a series of in wielders hand and they can return it to their hand without
weapons named the "Temsgard Chains" were made there. All of them need to walk to the coordinated of an attack to pick it up (of
have long chain with iron balls connected to it, and the iron balls are course, this is done with Major Action). If wielder holds the
Effect used for striking attacks. The chain is over 10 meters long and can be chain in their hand, the range is fixed to "1 (10m)" even if the
used as a thrown weapon. range is extended by the effect of combat feat [Throwing II]
Once used in an attack, only the chain remains in the user's hand. etc. If they let go of they chain at the time of the throw (of
To use it again on mating, it must be pulled back and reequipped with course, they will not be able to return to the ball), wielder can
a Major Action. extend range to throw the weapon.
Daemonthresher Base Price: 12,000
Popularity 8 App. Flail with chain and handle Category (Rank) Flails S
Summary Affects Daemons Era Magitech Civilization
If this weapon hits a daemon, the monster must immediately make a If the check fails, the monster falls prone regardless of
Fortitude check, where the Target Number is the same as the success value a number of sections. In addition, the monster suffers a
of the attacker's Accuracy check for that attack. -1 penalty to the Evasion check for 18 rounds. This
penalty is cumulative.

Piercing Pick Base Price: 380

Popularity 0 App. Pick with sharp striking part Category (Rank) Warhammer B
Summary Broken if two or more critical rolls are made. Era Current
This pick can pierce deep targets, but there is a risk of breaking if it If an attack with this weapon hits a target, a two or
Effect penetrates too deeply. more critical rolls are made by using the Power Table,
the weapon breaks after the damage is applied.
Golden Mattocks Base Price: 11,880
A type of large pick that has one end of its blade
Popularity 10 App. Category (Rank) Warhammer B
shaped like an adze
Summary Ignores half of the Defense of structures Era Magitech Civilization
Effect This weapon ignores half of the structure’s Defense when hitting them.
Unpiercing Pick Base Price: 1,450
Popularity 0 App. Pick with a bar on the striking part Category (Rank) Warhammer A
Summary When critical, reuse the roll for the next critical roll Era Current
It is an improved version of the Through Pick, with a bar on the striking However, this weapon cannot crit more than twice.
area preventing deep stabs and breaking. No further criticals can occur regardless of the roll or
If this weapon hits a target and a first critical hit is made by using the Power the Critical Threshold.
Table, reuse the roll for the next critical roll without rolling any dice.
Shock Hammer Base Price: 15,700
Popularity 8 App. A warhammer that envelops lightning Category (Rank) Warhammer A
Summary Deals lightning and bludgeoning damage Era Magitech Civilization
This weapon deals with lightning and bludgeoning physical damage. When this weapon is enhanced with Fairy Weapon (see CR
II, p. 243), the lightning becomes combined with another type (for example, lightning and fire or lightning and water/ice).

Groul Base Price: 50,000

Popularity 10 App. Iron fists in the shape of a wolf's head Category (Rank) Wrestling SS
Summary If equipped with Grand Ariol, Evasion check +1 Era Magitech Civilization
Effect When this weapon is equipped with Grand Ariol, the wielder gains a +1 bonus to Evasion checks.

Part 3 Items

Throwing Star Base Price: 200

Thrown weapon in the shape of various crosses,
Popularity 8 App. Category (Rank) Thrown Weapon B
pentacles, hexagrams, etc.
Summary Glows faintly at night Era Magitech Civilization
This thrown weapon emits light about the size of a star in the night sky in a dark place. In ancient times, spies and others sent
secret messages to each other by making it look like the twinkling of a star.
Water Balloon Base Price: 400
Popularity 10 App. Water-filled balloon Category (Rank) Thrown Weapon B
Summary Deals water/ice magic damage Era Magitech Civilization
If the target is hit by this weapon, the damage to the target dealt is water/ice magic damage.
This weapon is destroyed, whether hit or not.
Sling Base Price: 220
A sling is a projectile weapon used to throw blunt
Popularity 0 App. Category (Rank) Thrown Weapon A
Summary Enhances thrown weapons Era Current
This weapon enhances thrown weapons and stays in hand after the attack. “Can be used with Sling” weapons can be used with
Effect Sling using its range and Power. The wielder can put
thrown weapon into a sling with Minor Action.
Banded Water Balloon Base Price: 600
A balloon filled with water with a rubber band tied
Popularity 10 App. Category (Rank) Thrown Weapon A
around it
Summary Deals water/ice magic damage Era Magitech Civilization
This is a special version of the Water Balloon, with a 10-meter-long elastic However, the combat feat [Throwing II] does not
band attached. Like the Water Balloon, if the target is hit by this weapon, extend the range of this weapon, and the range is fixed
Effect the damage to the target dealt is water/ice magic damage. at "1 (10m)". If wielder do not treat it as an Auto-Return
This weapon is destroyed on hit, but on a miss, and is treated as a weapon weapon, they can get the range extension effect, but they
with Auto-Return. will lose it even if they do not hit the target.

Bold Assertor Base Price: 7,770

Popularity 10 App. Longbow Category (Rank) Bow B
Summary Accuracy check +1 when using Kaburaya Era Magitech Civilization
Effect This bow gains a +1 bonus on Accuracy checks when using Kaburaya (see p. 132) as ammunition.

Blood Ransom Base Price: 14,000

Blood Squeeze Base Price: 28,000
Popularity 12 App. Reddish bow Category (Rank) Bow A/S
Summary Causes a curse when the wielder hits with a Silver Arrow Era Ancient Magic Civilization
When used with arrows other than Silver Arrows, these bows do not However, for each check, after rolling the dice,
produce any special effects beyond being a magic weapon. affected character may choose to ignore this penalty by
If the wielder makes a Shooting Attack with a Silver Arrow and hits a taking 5 points of curse fixed damage to HP.
target, the damage will be curse physical damage. After applying the The effect lasts for 3 minutes (18 rounds) and is not
damage, the target must perform a Willpower check using the success value cumulative. Only the one of Blood Squeeze will remain
of the Accuracy check as the Target Number. If the target fails, all action when both effects of the bows are applied.
checks of the target are subject to a penalty. The penalty modifier is -1 for
Blood Ransom and -2 for Blood Squeeze.

Repeater Crossbow Base Price: 1,600
Popularity 0 App. A crossbow with a firing box Category (Rank) Crossbow A
Summary Can fire 4 Quarrels in a row Era Current
This crossbow is equipped with a mechanism that fires a series of The Difference in
Number of Hits (Max)
shots by turning a noddle rather than pulling a trigger. Success Value*
Up to four Quarrels can be loaded and fired at the same time, and +1 - +2 1
all can be fired in a single Shooting Attack. +3 - + 5 2
When firing with this crossbow, the player declares in advance how +6 - +9 3
many of the loaded Quarrels will be fired. Even if multiple quarrels 10+ 4
are fired, the target of the shooting attack is limited to a single *Success value of own Accuracy check - Success value of
character, and only one Accuracy check is made. The number of hits target's Evasion check.
Effect is determined by how much the success value exceeds the success
value of the Evasion check of the attack target (automatic success Loading up to four Quarrels to this weapon is possible in a
applies the success value +5 rule). The number of hits is determined single Minor Action, but the Quarrels to be loaded must be
by the number of "Quarrels" declared at the time of firing. If more the same. If the wielder wants to replace a Quarrel that has
than one hit, the damage is calculated and applied to each one. already been loaded, they can dump all the loaded Quarrels
on the ground in a single Minor Action. The quarrels can be
picked up again and reused, one at a time, with a Major
This weapon cannot be used with [Aimed Shot].

Bolt Swarm Base Price: 4,800

Popularity 0 App. A crossbow with a large firing mechanism Category (Rank) Crossbow S
Summary Fires 1-4 Quarrels or 12 Quarrels Era Current
It has the same structure as the Repeater Crossbow, but it can load more The weapon can have only one type of Quarrels.
Quarrels with an increased rate of fire. It still cannot be used with [Aimed Loading Quarrels or discarding loaded Quarrels can be
Shot]. done with a single Minor Action for up to 12 Quarrels
This weapon has two firing options: it can fire up to four of the loaded at a time.
Quarrels, or it can fire all twelve of the loaded Quarrels. The Difference in
Number of Hits (Max)
If (and only if) the wielder fires all of the 12 loaded Quarrels, they can Success Value*
Effect add a +2 bonus to the Accuracy check. Even in this case, the maximum +1 - +2 1
number of hits is only 4 (all the rest are treated as misses, so this is only +3 - + 5 2
increasing the Accuracy check, not the damage). +6 - +9 3
10+ 4
*Success value of own Accuracy check - Success value
of target's Evasion check.

Calvaria Base Price: 67,000

Popularity 10 App. Shield with crossbow Category (Rank) Crossbow SS
Summary Can switch between crossbow and shield forms Era Magitech Civilization
The Minor Action can be used to transform between crossbow and shield If the wearer only equips it as a shield, they do not
form. This is the same as the change of equipment of weapons and shields need the combat feat [Weapon Master].
(see CR I, p. 141) and can be done only before the Major Action. This item cannot be enhanced (manatite processing,
Effect In its crossbow form, it is treated as a crossbow SS rank weapon (data see, etc.) for shields. Abyss Enhancement (see CR II, p. 245)
p. 108). It has no effect as a shield. is also possible only for a weapon part. The minimal
In its shield form, it is treated as a shield B rank (data see p. 114). It has strength changes (both effects and Abyss Enhancement)
no effect as a weapon. apply to both forms.

Smart Carbine Base Price: 1,200

Popularity 8 App. Short-barreled rifle Category (Rank) Gun A
Summary It can be used easily when riding Era Magitech Civilization
It can be used as a 1H weapon while riding (the numerical data is the same). However, you cannot use more than one
simultaneously under the effect of [Dual Wielding].

Part 3 Items

Kaburaya Base Price: 5

Popularity 0 App. Arrow with attached whistle Category (Rank) Ammunition
Summary Makes noise when shot from a bow Era Current
It is ammunition that can be shot with a Bow. Shooting this ammunition emits a loud, wind-breaking sound that can be heard
within 500m of the hit.
Piercing Arrow/Quarrel (12) Base Price: 20 (Arrow)/30 (Quarrel)
Popularity 0 App. Long, thin, arrowheads, or quarrels Category (Rank) Ammunition
Power -5, Critical Threshold -1. 2G for 1 Arrow. 3G for 1
Summary Era Current
It is ammunition that can be shot with a Bow or Crossbow. The This effect will not cause the Critical Threshold to fall
arrow/quarrel will have its Power reduced by -5 when determining lower than 8. In addition, in the event that the Power
calculated damage but will also have its Critical Threshold reduced by -1 becomes less than 0, no damage can be dealt at all.
(more likely to crit).
Thunder Arrow/Quarrel Base Price: 80
Popularity 10 App. Thick arrowhead or quarrel with a lightning shape Category (Rank) Ammunition
Damage - 4. Loud noise that causes loss of hearing in the
Summary Era Magitech Civilization
surrounding area
It is ammunition that can be shot with a Bow or Crossbow. If it is used If they fail, they lose hearing for the following 10
and hits the target, the damage to the target is reduced by -4. However, at seconds (one round).
Effect the same time, a loud noise is made. Characters within "1 area (3m radius)/5" If the attack misses, no sound is generated.
with "Perception: Five Senses" or "Perception: Mechanical", must make
Fortitude with the Target Number equal to the Accuracy check.
Broadhead Bolt (12) Base Price: 100
Popularity 0 App. Wide and thick bolt Category (Rank) Ammunition
Summary Power +10, Critical Threshold 10. 10G for 1 Arrow Era Current
This is a quarrel that can be shot with Crossbow. The arrowhead is a large If the wielder shoots with this bolt, they will get +10 to
Effect one with two symmetrical or three triangular blades, which lacks power but Power. On the other hand, the Critical Threshold will
surely deals large damage. increase by +1 (less likely to crit).
Telekinetic Arrow Base Price: 160
Popularity 10 App. Arrow clothed in the pale light Category (Rank) Ammunition
Summary Adds Intelligence modifier to an Accuracy check Era Ancient Magic Civilization
This is an arrow that can be shot with Bow. If a character shoots this arrow, they can add their Intelligence modifier as a bonus
modifier to Accuracy checks.
Flash Fang Arrow/Quarrel Base Price: 250
Popularity 0 App. Arrow, or Quarrel Category (Rank) Ammunition
Summary Critical Threshold -1, recoverable when not critical Era Current
It is ammunition that can be shot with a Bow or Crossbow. Attacks with The arrow/quarrel can be retrieved and reused as is if
this arrow/quarrel have a Critical Threshold of -1. This effect will not cause it misses or hits but does not cause a critical hit. If a
the Critical Threshold to fall lower than 8. critical hit occurs after the arrow is hit, it will be
Sticky Arrows/Quarrel Base Price: 360
Popularity 10 App. Arrow/Quarrel with a red ball Category (Rank) Ammunition
Power 0/No Critical Threshold, penalty modifier to target's
Summary Era Current
Evasion check
It is ammunition that can be shot with a Bow or Crossbow. When hit, the However, a character hit by this arrow/quarrel has a -
tip of the arrow/quarrel breaks, and sticky liquid sprays out, impeding the 2 penalty on their Evasion check for the next 10 seconds
target's movement. (1 round). After that, the character takes a -1 penalty on
Effect An attack with this arrow/quarrel, regardless of whether it is a Bow or the Evasion check for another 10 seconds (1 round).
Crossbow, and even if it is used with [Shoot Arrow] (see CR II, p. 173), it After 20 seconds (2 rounds), the penalty is removed.
uses the Power 0 and never causes a critical hit. This effect is not cumulative, but each new hit by this
arrow/quarrel returns to the -2 penalty step.
Elven Arrow/Quarrel Base Price: 920
Popularity 0 App. This arrow/quarrel has the teeth of a sea serpent on its end Category (Rank) Ammunition
Summary It can be shot underwater Era Current
Ammunitions that can be shot with a Bow or Crossbow. This arrow or quarrel can be used Even if used for shooting, it can be
in water as well as on the ground, but with a -2 penalty to the Accuracy check. recovered and reused.

Snake Arrow Base Price: 900
Arrow with a pattern reminiscent of serpent scales
Popularity 8 App. Category (Rank) Ammunition
engraved on the shaft
Accuracy check +2, inflicts poison damage and mild paralysis on
Summary Era Ancient Magic Civilization
the opponent
This is an arrow that can be shot with Bow. When shot, it instantly takes the The arrow (snake) repeats biting at the beginning
form of a snake and flies toward its target in a wiggling, stitching motion. of the target's turn until it is removed. If more than
Shooting with this arrow gives a +2 bonus to the Accuracy check. one is attached simultaneously, a Fortitude check is
The arrow (snake) does not cause normal damage when it hits. Instead, it made for each, and damage is dealt with according to
immediately inflicts 3 points of magic damage, and at the same time, it attaches the number of failed attempts. The penalties and
itself to the target. duration are not cumulative.
The attached snake bites with poisonous fangs again at the beginning of the The target can remove attached arrows (snakes)
target's turn. Each time target takes damage from the snake, it must make a with a Minor Action (or Major Action, see CR I, p.
Fortitude roll with Target Number 22 and suffer 3 poison magic damage on 140). Even if several arrows (snakes) are attached to
fail. At the same time, the target is mildly paralyzed and cannot declare any the target, they are all removed with a single action.
Minor Action or active combat feats (or similar abilities) for the next 10 seconds
(1 round). Both the damage and the effect are of poison type.
Bloomhead Bolt (12) Base Price: 1,000
Popularity 0 App. Quarrel with a trick arrowhead Category (Rank) Ammunition
Summary Power +10. 100G for 1 Bolt. Era Current
This is a quarrel that can be shot with Crossbow. The arrowhead has a tiny blade deployed by a spring upon impact, inflicting a
severe wound. If shot, the Power is increased by +10.
Magic Arrow/Quarrel Base Price: 1,400
Popularity 0 App. It can be an arrow or quarrel Category (Rank) Ammunition
Summary Deals magic damage can be retrieved if not hit Era Current
Ammunition that can be shot with a Bow or Crossbow. Attacks with this can be retrieved and reused if it does not hit the target.
arrow or quarrel are treated as if they are done with a Magic Weapon and Bulletproof Armor (see CR II, p. 244) and
dealing magic damage. Unbending Buckle (see p. 162) can reduce this arrow
The arrow or quarrel loses power if it hits its target. The arrow or quarrel or quarrel damage.
Healing Horn Arrow Base Price: 1,500
Popularity 8 App. Arrows with white arrowheads Category (Rank) Ammunition
Summary Heals target or deals magic damage to Undead Era Ancient Magic Civilization
This is an arrow that can be shot with a Bow and is made Target Classification Effect
from the split horn of a Unicorn (see CR II, p. 391), which Construct, Magitech No effect
can heal instead of dealing damage. The total damage is given as magic damage.
Effect If the arrow hits, its total damage is calculated as usual. Undead Also, it can be increased because of the weak
The target character of the Shooting Attack by this arrow point.
may choose to take the hit without making an Evasion check Others Target's HP is recovered by the total damage.
(in this case, it is not treated as a failed Evasion check).
Dragon Arrow/Quarrel Base Price: 44,800
Popularity 8 App. It can be an arrow or quarrel Category (Rank) Ammunition
Summary Deals fire magic damage in “Area: Line.” Always recoverable Era Magitech Civilization
It is ammunition that can be shot with a Bow or Crossbow. This arrow or skirmish, they can arbitrarily choose to exclude the
quarrel affects all in Area: Line. The damage is fire magic damage. character from the effect.
If the user has the combat feat [Targeting], for each character in the This arrow or quarrel can be recovered and reused
after the shot.
Blunt Bullet/Slashing Bullet Base Price: 50
Popularity 8 App. Bullets with sharpened/notched tips Category (Rank) Ammunition
Summary Deals bludgeoning or slashing type Era Magitech Civilization
These are bullets that can be shot with Gun weapons. Damage from Shooting Attack using these bullets becomes bludgeoning or
Effect slashing type. When [Element Bullet] is applied to these bullets, the type becomes "bludgeoning and XX" or "slashing and XX" (see
CR III, p. 133).
Green Bullet (12) Base Price: 160
Popularity 8 App. Green Bullets Category (Rank) Ammunition
The bullet that increases [Healing Bullet] efficiency. 16G to
Summary Era Magitech Civilization
buy 1 bullet
It is ammunition that can be shot with a Gun. When this bullet is used to fire [Healing Bullet] or [Treat Bullet], its Power will be
increased by 10. It can also be used as normal ammunition but will not affect the Power of the spells.
Underwater Bullet Base Price: 210
Popularity 8 App. Bullets with a piece of a pearl on the top Category (Rank) Ammunition
Summary It can be shot underwater Era Magitech Civilization
Effect Ammunitions that can be shot with a Gun. This bullet can be used in water as well as on the ground.

Part 3 Items

Mana Coat Base Price: 28,000

Mana Coat+ Base Price: 52,000
Popularity 14 App. Coat made of light fabric Category (Rank) Nonmetallic Armor B
The Intelligence modifier of the equipped person becomes
Summary Era Magitech Civilization
This coat's Defense is equal to the wielder’s Intelligence Modifier. However, the maximum value for Mana Coat is 6, and for
Mana, Coat+ is 8.

Mimore's Cloth Armor Base Price: 6,000

Mimore's Fine Cloth Armor Base Price: 12,000
Mimore's Finest Cloth Armor Base Price: 24,000
Popularity 10 App. Cloth armor with badging at key points Category (Rank) Nonmetallic Armor B – S
Grapplers may equip. Evasion check +2 when not holding
Summary Era Magitech Civilization
anything in both hands
This armor is said to be a reproduction of the armor used by the famous do not hold or equip any weapon (including weapons
martial arts master of the Magitech Civilization Period. with Stance: 1HW) or item in any hand.
A character equipped with this gains a +2 bonus to Evasion checks if they Equipping "Section: Hand" accessories do not
interfere with this effect.

Robe of Thorns Base Price: 40,000

Popularity 15 App. A robe held by transparent thorny vines Category (Rank) Nonmetallic Armor B
Summary Deals 2d magic damage to anything approaching Era Ancient Magic Civilization
Anyone who attacks the wearer of this armor or uses a "Range: Touch" The wearer is not damaged by the Robe of Thorns
spell or effect must immediately take 2d points of magic damage. they wear.

Windbreaker Surcoat Base Price: 10,500

Popularity 8 App. Loose outer garment Category (Rank) Nonmetallic Armor A
Summary Can avoid wind-type damage once a day Era Magitech Civilization
If the wearer is a target of magic, unique skill, or effect of wind type, it can avoid its effects (Neg), even if the magic or effect is with
"Resistance: Can't." This effect can be used only once a day.

Silent Cloak Base Price: 38,000

Popularity 10 App. Gray inconspicuous cloak Category (Rank) Nonmetallic Armor SS
Summary Hide checks +2 Era Magitech Civilization
Effect The wearer of this armor gains a +2 bonus to the success value of Hide checks.

Divine Skin Base Price: 52,000

Standout leather armor with pure white
Popularity 10 App. Category (Rank) Nonmetallic Armor SS
undercoating and luxurious decoration
Summary Willpower +2 Era Magitech Civilization
Effect The wearer of this armor gains a +2 bonus to Willpower's success value.

Balzer's Magic Armor Base Price: 8,000

Popularity 12 App. Metal armor with geometric patterns on the surface Category (Rank) Metal Armor B
It stores mana when the wielder is hit by the sword and
Summary Era Magitech Civilization
recovers HP to 1 Character when it is released
This is one of Balzer's Magitech Arms. With Balzer's Magic Sword, mana Stored Mana Healing Amount
is absorbed from the attack target, stored, and released when needed to 1 2
heal. 2 4
If the wielder hits a target with Balzer's Magic Sword, the armor stores 1 3 8
point of mana and may store up to 4 points of mana. 4 16
The wielder can declare the release of this mana with Minor Action at
Effect any time in their turn. If they do, they can heal the HP of "Target: 1 If the wielder misses with the sword during their turn,
Character" within "Range: Touch". However, Undead, Constructs, and or if the target does not have MP or already has 0 MP,
Magitechs cannot be affected. all mana reserves are extinguished at the end of the turn
The amount of recovery depends on the mana stored at that point. (it is possible to release mana before the end of the turn).
Once mana is released, all stored mana will be lost. The mana stored in this armor may only be used for
the effect of this armor and cannot be used for any other

Dontrecia's Armor of Perseverance Base Price: 12,700
Dontrecia’s Great Armor of Perseverance Base Price: 26,400
Dontrecia's Stiff Armor of Perseverance Base Price: 54,800
Popularity 10 App. Rugged plate armor Category (Rank) Metal Armor B – S
Summary Defense +2 for each physical damage Era Magitech Civilization
These armors have a Defense increase by +2 points if the wearer takes This effect is cumulative but disappears when either
Effect more than 1 point of applied damage as physical damage. the wielder’s turn comes or the wielder receives physical
damage whose applied damage is 0.
Powered Plates Base Price: 28,000
A large number of metal plates are attached to the
Popularity 10 App. Category (Rank) Metal Armor S
flexible armor
Summary Evasion check +1 after the fact by consuming 3 MP Era Magitech Civilization
A character equipped with this armor can gain +1 to success value by spending 3 MP after checking the result of an Evasion check.
This effect can be used only once per an Evasion check.
Anti-Arquebus Base Price: 79,000
Full-body armor composed of flowing curved
Popularity 10 App. Category (Rank) Metal Armor SS
Summary Damage caused by Guns is reduced to -5 Era Magitech Civilization
Effect A character wearing this armor can have received damage from a Shooting Attack dealt by a Gun reduced by -5 points.

Glass Buckler Base Price: 1,060

Popularity 6 App. Transparent small circular shield Category (Rank) Shield B
Summary Accuracy +1, cracks on fail Evasion check Era Current
This shield is made of a transparent material that does not obstruct the If the wearer fails the Evasion check again with the
view of the wearer and allows them to stand at an advantage. cracked shield, the shield is completely destroyed. A
Effect The wearer of this shield gains a +1 bonus to Accuracy checks. Once the cracked shield cannot be repaired, and its sale price is
wearer fails an Accuracy check, the shield becomes cracked and blocks 10 gamel. This shield cannot be reinforced with Extra
vision, and the bonus is lost. Manatite Armor (see CR III, p. 246).
Asteria's Defense Base Price: 40,000
Popularity 19 App. Small disk-shaped shield Category (Rank) Shield B
Summary Reduce type damage by -3 points Era Ancient Magic Civilization
While equipped, the user receives -3 applied damage from Fire-, Water/Ice, Wind- and Earth-type sources, whether physical or
Flaming Shield Base Price: 7,900
Popularity 16 App. A kite shield with a flaming crest Category (Rank) Shield B
Summary The password puts the shield on fire and increases Defense Era Magitech Civilization
The shield is enveloped in fire for 10 seconds (1 round) after the wielder However, a melee attack from a character with [〇Fire
activates it with a Minor Action. This gives the wielder an additional +1 Immunity] does not gain the bonus to Evasion check
Effect bonus to Evasion checks against melee attacks (+2 combined with the from shield’s flame.
shield's original bonus. It also reduces received water/ice type's damage by While the shield is wrapped in fire, the wielder suffers
-2 points. 1d fire fixed damage on each of their turns.
Balzer's Magilight Shield Base Price: 6,000
Golden bent shield with geometric patterns on its
Popularity 12 App. Category (Rank) Shield B
It stores mana when the wielder is hit by the sword and deals
Summary Era Magitech Civilization
damage to 1 Character when it is released
This is one of the Balzer's Magitech Arms. With Balzer's Magic Sword, Stored Mana Damage
mana is absorbed from the attack target, stored, and released when needed 1 2
to deal damage. 2 4
If the wielder hits a target with Balzer's Magic Sword, the shield stores 1 3 8
point of mana, and may store up to 4 points of mana. 4 16
The wielder can declare the release of this mana with Minor Action at
Effect any time in their turn. If he does so, they can deal energy magic damage to If the wielder misses with the sword during their turn,
"Target: 1 Character" within "Range: Touch" and "Resistance: Can't". The or if the target does not have MP or already has 0 MP,
damage to be given depends on the mana stored at the time. all mana reserves are extinguished at the end of the turn
Once mana is released, all stored mana will be lost. (it is possible to release mana before the end of the turn).
The mana stored in this shield may not be used for
any purpose other than the effect of this shield.

Part 3 Items

Mighty Brittle Base Price: 3,000

Popularity 12 App. Big shield of iron made of bones Category (Rank) Shield B
Character Defense 0 on the automatic failure of an Evasion
Summary Era Magitech Civilization
This is a large shield produced in the Magitech Civilization Period, but If a character fails an automatic evasion check with this
contains a curse due to a flaw in the process. Due to the limited conditions shield equipped, the character's Defense is set to 0 and
of potential danger, many of them were manufactured and distributed damage must be applied without Defense (all Defense
before they were discovered. Therefore, many of them are still found in and its bonuses due to armor, combat feats, magic, etc.
ruins. are ignored). When this effect occurs, the shield is
Effect This shield has a curse with success value 15, and the character must destroyed and the curse is automatically removed. This
perform Willpower the first time they equip this shield. If the character fails, effect occurs even if the wearer is not cursed by the
they will not be able to equip any other shields. Even if the character shield. This effect cannot be prevented by using a Safety
succeeds in resisting once, they must perform the same check every time Helmet (see p. 151).
they equips this shield. A person equipped with this shield will automatically
know the effect of this shield without Appraise check.

Mirror Shield Base Price: 870

Popularity 0 App. Small circular shield with polished surface Category (Rank) Shield A
Summary It can be used as a mirror Era Ancient Magic Civilization
The surface of this shield is polished enough to be used as a mirror. If a character equips or holds this shield, they are considered
to be holding a mirror in their hand during combat.

Spiked Shield Base Price: 1,800

Popularity 0 App. A large circular shield with deadly spikes attached Category (Rank) Shield A
Summary It can be used as a weapon Era Current
Even if the wielder doesn’t know combat feat [Dual Wielding], the when the wielder uses it as a weapon.
wielder can make one attack at a time with the weapon in the other hand. If used in an attack, the shield's Defense is set to 0
Effect In this case, there is no penalty for Accuracy checks for attacks made with until the beginning of the next turn (the increased
weapons. On the other hand, if the wielder has acquired the combat feat Defense due to [Armor Proficiency/Shields] will not be
[Dual Technique], the penalty to the Accuracy check -2 will be removed lost).

Temsgard's Light Dock Base Price: 7,000

Temsgard's Heavy Dock Base Price: 8,000
Heater shield/large shield with magitech on the
Popularity 12 App. Category (Rank) Shield A
It is interconnected with “Temsgard's Chains” and
Summary Era Magitech Civilization
dramatically improves their usability
Temsgard's Light Dock or Temsgard's Heavy Dock is a shield to be used - Consuming 5 points of MP, wielder can use Minor
with Temsgard's Chains (see p. 129), linking the chain of the weapon to the Action to re-equip Temsgard's Chain. Shields can be
magitech structure of the shield. The magitech structure winds up the chain equipped with Effective Cartridge or Mana Cartridge.
of the weapon, dramatically improving the usability of the weapon. Of course, it is also possible to reload a weapon with a
These weapons and shields can be linked in any combination. The Major Action without expending MP.
linking and unlinking is done with the Major Action. The following effects - It is no longer be possible to drop only one of the
will appear when they are linked. weapon or shield (except for re-equipping a weapon
- The Temsgard's Chains becomes "Stance: 1H*". The power and other after an attack), the weapon and shield are considered a
numerical data remain unchanged. "Stance: 2H" item together. However, they cannot be
- When used in a Thrown Attack, the combat feat [Throwing II] and other stored in the Weapon Holder. They can only be stored
range extensions can no longer be used, and the range is always fixed at in Modified Weapon Holder, using both of its two slots.
"Range: 1(10m)".

Reflector Shield Base Price: 4,200

Popularity 8 App. Square shield with polished surface Category (Rank) Shield A
Summary Reflects “Area: Line” Era Magitech Civilization
If the wielder of this shield is the target of an “Area: Line” effect, the effect If the resistance check succeeds on "Resistance: Half",
is bounced back to its originator (such as a magic caster or one using a the attack is considered to have taken effect and a
breath). The effect originator rolls 1d and must receive the effect on 1-3. reflection will occur.
The effect originator cannot evade or resist this effect, and will be always Also, even if the first effect originator is equipped with
affected. this shield, the effect reflected back by this effect cannot
The effect of this shield occurs when the target is actually the target of the be reflected back further ("endless reflecting" does not
effect and is hit by it. The reflection does not occur when the wielder evades occur).
the first check to see if he is affected or not (4-6 on 1d in principle), or when
the wielder succeeds in the check against the “Resistance: Neg” (e.g. a
successful Evasion check against an attack of Dragon Bite's Arrow).

Total Reflector Base Price: 28,800
Popularity 8 App. Square shield with polished surface Category (Rank) Shield S
Summary Reflects “Area: Line” and “Area: Shot” Era Magitech Civilization
Like the Reflector Shield, the wielder can bounce the effect back to its As with Reflector Shield, the reflection occurs only
originator. In addition to "Area: Line", this shield can also reflect back effects when the effect is actually applied. The "endless
Effect of "Area: Shot" and "Target: 1 Character" back to their originator. In this reflecting" also does not occur.
case, the check with 1d is performed only if the “Area: Line” is reflected
back, otherwise, the effect is automatically given to the effect originator.

Everchanging Clothing Base Price: 18,000

Popularity 10 App. Clothing (not certain of its original form) Item Class Clothing
Summary Turns into all kinds of clothes Era Ancient Magic Civilization
This garment has the power to change into any garment with Minor Armor can also be altered, but no modification occurs
Action (no vocalization or gesture required), and changes by reading the to Evasion or Defense. Even if the wearer has learned
Effect wearer's thoughts (effect is not an illusion). [Armor Proficiency/**], the armor will not increase
The items that can be changed are limited to those that the wearer has Defense.
worn, and special effects cannot be reproduced.

Healing Potion +1 Base Price: 200

Popularity 8 App. Dark blue liquid in a small bottle. Item Class Potion
Summary Restores Power 20+1 HP Era Magitech Civilization
This healing potion uses more concentrated materials to enhance its The healing potion provides one extra point of
effectiveness. It is dark blue in color and carried in a small bottle. recovery compared to the normal healing potion. In
Effect other words, the target's HP is immediately recovered
by "Power 20 + Ranger Class Level + Intelligence
modifier + 1".

Magic Perfume Base Price: 600

Popularity 8 App. Perfume in a small bottle Item Class Potion
Summary Restores MP. ※can be sprinkled Era Magitech Civilization
Sprinkling this perfume on the “Target: 1 Character” (or yourself) instantly restores the target's MP by the user's Ranger level
+Intelligence modifier. It is not a drink potion, but all of the game's potion-like processes apply.

Scarlet Potion Base Price: 1,400

Popularity 8 App. Red potion Item Class Potion
Summary Temporarily +10 HP Era Magitech Civilization
Drinking this potion will increase the maximum HP by +10 for 1 minute Suppose the character drinks another bottle within the
(6 rounds). At the same time, the current value of HP is also restored by 10 duration. In that case, they will only get the effect of
points. The Ranger class influences the amount of recovery of the current recovering the current HP value.
HP value.

Frenzy Drink Base Price: 980

Popularity 8 App. Dark alcohol Item Class Potion
Summary Damage to HP can be redirected by MP Era Current
This potion is effective for 1 day after it is taken (until 6:00 AM the next If this is taken again within the duration, whether or
morning). If the character receives damage to HP during the duration, the not the effect has already been used, the character
character can choose to have some or all of the applied damage decrease immediately becomes unconscious and will not awaken
Effect MP instead of HP. In this case, MP cannot be reduced to less than 0. This for a period of 24 hours. However, those with the
effect can be used only once during the duration of the potion. combat feat [Indomitable] (see CR II, p. 210) do not
suffer this penalty and can again receive the same effect
within the next 24 hours.

Part 3 Items

Medicine of Dreams Base Price: 3,000

Popularity 18 App. Powder medicine Item Class Potion
Summary Recovery of MP after incapacitation for a certain time Era Ancient Magic Civilization
A character who has taken this drug must perform a Fortitude check with 1 or lower 2 3 4 5 6
Target Number 16 (they can willingly fail). If they fail, they will be enveloped 30 10
No natural 1 3 10
in a euphoric state and completely unconscious of action for a certain seconds (3 seconds (1
recovery day hours min.
period of time. This effect is poison type or psychic type (weak), with a r) r)
success value of 16. After this time has elapsed, the character will fully
The time the character is out of action is determined by 1d and then by recover its MP. If the Fortitude is successful and no
Effect the following table: if the second dose is taken within 24 hours, add -1 to incapacitation occurs, or if the effect is removed by
the result; if the third and fourth doses are taken, the modifier is -2, -3... and means of removing the poison type or the psychic type
so on, cumulatively getting worse. (weak), no MP is regained. The character can choose to
fail automatically without rolling any dice for the first
Fortitude. This decision must be made before rolling
the dice to determine the time disabled.

Smelling Salts Base Price: 20

Popularity 6 App. Potion in a vial Item Class Chemicals
Can make First Aid check on target with "Duration: Instant"
Summary Era Current
and gain +2 bonus
This chemical can be used when performing a First Aid check (see CR I, When used in combat, such First Aid check should
p. 102). The First Aid check can be performed with “Time Required: be made with Major Action within "Range: Touch".
Effect Instant", and the character will get a +2 bonus to the check. It cannot be
used again on the same target after a failure (it will not take effect until the
target regains consciousness).

ChlorOxygen Base Price: 50

Popularity 0 App. Powder in a bottle Item Class Chemicals
Summary Rarely results in high recovery with medicinal herbs Era Current
This chemical is used and consumed at the same time when trying to restore HP or MP with herbs (herbs only, potions are not
affected). When using the Power table, it gains Critical Threshold 10 and can become critical.

Sleeping Incense Base Price: 220

Popularity 8 App. Miffed incense Item Class Chemicals
Summary Increased HP recovery from sleep Era Current
If the user sleeps while burning this incense, the HP recovery (as a Success Value HP Recovery
percentage of the maximum HP) will be increased for 3 hours of sleep. The 9 or lower 10% (no effect)
amount of increase depends on the success value of the Ranger Technique 10 – 19 25%
Check of the character who uses this incense (automatic success is based on 20 or higher 50%
the +5 rule). The effect of incense is effective on all characters within a
radius of 10 meters.

Seven-colored Honey Base Price: 240

Popularity 6 App. Honey in a small bottle Item Class Chemicals
Summary For 3 hours +1 to Performance of Spellsongs Era Current
It is made by mixing mana leaves with nectar collected from the nests of The person who drinks this honey gains a +1 bonus
a rare insect called the seven-colored bees. It is good for the throat and is on Performance checks (see CR II, p. 40) when singing
used by the Bards for its ability to help improve the quality of their singing. Spellsong (not for Finales) for the next 3 hours.
It is also sometimes used to soothe a sore throat during a cold.

Strong Tabbit's Carrot Base Price: 1,600

Popularity 10 App. Red root vegetable similar to carrot Item Class Chemicals
Can cast spells without an implement and can make
Summary Era Current
Spellcasting checks with 1d+3. Tabbits Only
It is a special root vegetable that Tabbits like to eat, and it has a red color There are 12 bites in one carrot. This item has no
because it is cooked together with red berries. effect, even if a non-Tabbit character eats it. Also,
If a character uses it with Major Action and performs a Spellcasting check, Tabbit will always pass the Appraise check for this item.
they can cast a spell without using the implement for 3 hours. Also, during
this period, for each Spellcasting check, they can choose to roll 1d+3 instead
of 2d.

Wand of Endurance Base Price: 700
Popularity 10 App. The wand looking like two intertwined arrows Item Class Class-Specific Items
Summary 1 curse damage to self and target Era Ancient Magic Civilization
This wand can be used as a magical implement. If you use this wand to The effect of this wand does not occur if the spell is
cast Truespeech Magic or Spiritualism Magic, the target character and the cast on "Target: X area (radius YYY)/Space". It occurs
caster itself will be damaged by 1 curse fixed damage. If only the caster is when the spell has "/X" or "/All". In the case of "Target:
the target, this effect does not occur. 1 Entire Character” “Target: 1 Character X", if target is
When a spell targets multiple characters or sections at the same time, the a multi-section character, all sections will be damaged
damage to the caster is the "sum of the number of characters (number of and the caster must receive the corresponding damage
sections)". If the target includes a caster, the caster's portion (1) is excluded for each.
from the calculation.

Surveyor's Wand Base Price: 4,200

Popularity 10 App. Wand with engraved scales Item Class Class-Specific Items
The spells with "Area: Line" can be cast at any starting and
Summary Era Ancient Magic Civilization
ending point
This wand can be used as a magical implement. If a character uses this It is possible to specify "from 0m ahead to the full range"
wand to cast the spell with "Area: Line", they can launch the spell from any while only the starting point is visible.
point within the "Range" in any direction. The end point can also be - For Advanced Combat
arbitrarily defined in "Range". The starting point and the ending point can be
- For Simplified Combat arbitrarily set within the "Range". However, both must be
The "Frontline Area only" and "Enemy Rearguard Area only" can be within the "Range" from the caster, and the distance
Effect specified. To specify "Enemy Rearguard Area only", the area must be between the starting point and the end point must also
visible. be within the "Range". They must be visible to specify
- For Standard Combat the starting and ending points. It is possible to specify
The starting and ending points can be arbitrarily specified, e.g., "from 10m only the direction and the range full while only the
to 20m". The user cannot specify a section that deviates from the original starting point is visible. In this case, starting point should
"Range". These points must be visible to specify a starting and ending point. be within range, and the line should end at the end of
the range.

Tiny Armor Base Price: 2,120/6,120

Popularity 12 App. Small Armor Item Class Class-Specific Items
Summary Familiar's Defense +3/+6 Era Ancient Magic Civilization
This armor can be equipped with familiars created by [Familiar] and [Familiar II], regardless of the familiar type. There are two
kinds of armor, one is 2,120G, and the other is 6,120G. The former gives +3 points to Defense and the latter +6 points.

Command Stone Base Price: 100

Popularity 10 App. Lead-colored stone with magical power Item Class Class-Specific Items
Summary Change the given command of a Golem Era Ancient Magic Civilization
The user with Major Action of this item can change the commands given It has no effect on the monster made by others. Once
Effect to a Golem or Undead (see CR II, p. 90) within “Range: Touch” created used, this stone will crumble to dust.
via [Create Golem] or [Create Undead].

Portable Shrine Base Price: 9,120

An elaborate temple miniature just barely large
Popularity 0 App. Item Class Class-Specific Items
enough to be carried on one's back.
1/Day Specialized Divine Magic spell 0 MP. Removes
Summary penalties for casting outside of the sphere of influence (see CR Era Current
II, p. 93)
This accessory cannot be stored as baggage (see CR I, p. 150). It must be Furthermore, if a deity is a Minor or Major God,
equipped on the back or held with both hands as an item with "Stance: 2H". within a 50-meter radius of this, there will be no MP
Of course, it can be carried on a cart or horse, but it cannot be effective in increase due to different continents or regions (see CR
that state. II, p. 93) when the priest of this deity uses Divine Magic.
Effect This accessory honors a deity and can be regarded as a holy symbol for This item must be handled with care, and when it is
casting Divine Magic. Also, only once a day wielder can cast the Specialized picked up from the ground, it must be done with a
Divine Spell granted by the god (limited to what you yourself can use) for 0 Major Action (it is disrespectful to throw it on the
MP. However, the wielder cannot use any [Metamagic/**] (see CR I, p. 260 ground!) Removing the item from the back and placing
– 261) combat feats at this time. it on the ground requires two Major Actions.

Purifying Holy Symbol Base Price: 13,800

Popularity 11 App. Large holy symbol Item Class Class-Specific Items
Allows ignoring the increase of MP cost (see CR II, p. 93) due
Summary Era Ancient Magic Civilization
to different continents and regions
When Divine Magic is cast using this holy symbol, it allows ignoring the increase of MP cost due to different continents and regions
(see CR II, p. 93).

Part 3 Items

Fairy Drop Base Price: 1,000

Popularity 12 App. Droplet-shaped gemstone Item Class Class-Specific Items
Summary Substitutes for mako stone for [Summon Fairy] Era Ancient Magic Civilization
This gem can be used in place of the mako stone (5 pts.) required to Each Fairy Drop has a specific type of fairy that it can
summon a fairy by using various [Summon Fairy] spells (see CR II, p. 160+). summon. It cannot be used to summon a fairy of a
Effect The Fairy Tamer can use this gem and still use the mako stone as usual for different type or an olden fairy that requires more than
MP. However, even if this gem is used with a mako stone, it is not possible one type. Also, this Gem cannot replace mako stone (10
to summon multiple fairies at the same time. pts.)] consumed by [Fairy Lord] (see CR II, p. 162).
Mako Charge Crystal (1 – 5 pts.) Base Price: 500 per point
Popularity 10 App. The crystal that emits red light Item Class Class-Specific Items
Summary Mako stone that automatically MP refills Era Ancient Magic Civilization
This crystal is a type of mako stone and, like a regular mako stone, can the day has passed.
substitute some or all of a character's MP consumption. In principle, it is However, if there are multiple Mako Charge Crystals
impossible to use more than one of these crystals simultaneously, including in a 1 meter square (or in a character's possession) that
Effect the regular mako stones. The Mako Charge Crystal has the ability to suck are in a state of MP consumption, only one of them will
up mana from its surroundings and automatically refill the MP that it has be randomly selected to be recharged with MP.
expanded. When the Mako Charge Crystal is partially or fully depleted of The price of “Mako Charge Crystal” is “MP max x
MP, it will automatically refill itself to its maximum MP after a 500” G. It can have up to 5 points maximum.
Replenishing Arrow Case Base Price: 600
Popularity 8 App. Arrowhead engraved with words in magitech Item Class Class-Specific Items
Summary Arrows are automatically refilled with MP consumption Era Magitech Civilization
The person equipped with this Arrow Case can automatically replenish time is limited to 12 and can be replenished up to this
it with arrows and quarrels by spending MP 3 points with Minor Action. number.
When replenishing arrows or quarrels, arrows or quarrels needed should No matter how many arrows or quarrels character
Effect be selected from those carried in the character’s baggage, and they will be refills, the MP consumption remains the same. It is
moved into this Arrow Case. possible to make room in the Arrow Case by removing
The number of arrows and quarrels that can enter the Arrow Case at one and discarding unneeded arrows and quarrels before
replenishing (this can be done with Minor Action).
Precision Tool Set Base Price: 2,500
Popularity 0 App. A small box containing fine tools Item Class Class-Specific Items
Scout's Tools that add +1 to Scout Technique check breaks
Summary Era Current
on automatic failure
A set of precision-made tools or items that can be used as Scout's Tool used as general Scout's Tools by using the other tools in
granting a +1 bonus when performing a "Scout Technique check" with them. the set. There is no further disadvantage even, even if an
Effect The very high precision of this product makes it fragile. If automatic automatic failure occurs. 1.000 gamel is required to
failure is rolled during use, they will break. However, the tools can still be restore a damaged Precision Tool Set (regardless of the
number of automatic failures).
Mechanized Fingers Base Price: 7,080
Popularity 11 App. Complex machine in the shape of a glove Item Class Class-Specific Items
For 2 MP, adds +2 to the Disable Device check, which also
Summary Era Magitech Civilization
works as Scout's Tools
It is worn on the one hand and operates for 10 minutes by using 2 points This item can be used as an alternative to Scout's
Effect of MP. The glove moves precisely and helps the user. If a Disable Device Tools. This item requires 6 rounds (1 minute) to put on
check is performed while it is in operation, a +2 bonus can be gained. and take off.
Key Of Unlocking Base Price: 100
Popularity 0 App. The thin key with a blue jewel on the head Item Class Class-Specific Items
A Disable Device check can be attempted on magically closed
Summary Era Magitech Civilization
locks and doors
With this key, the wielder can attempt a Disable Device check (see p. 102) on a magically closed lock. The active side of the
Effect Disable Device check will be a user of the key and, on the successful result, will be able to unlock even magical locks. If the unlock
succeeds, the item is lost but is not expended if the unlock fails.
Apothecary's Tools Base Price: 200
Boxes containing various instruments, bandages,
Popularity 0 App. Item Class Class-Specific Items
Summary Stabilizes herb recovery (1d+4 on Power Table roll) Era Current
When attempting to recover HP or MP with herbs, the user can use this item to roll 1d+4 on the Power Table instead of 2d.
There is no effect if they do not use the Power table while using herbs.
Magic Pipe Base Price: 1,360
Popularity 0 App. Pipe made from mandrake roots Item Class Class-Specific Items
Summary +1 for recovery of herbs to self Era Current
When attempting to recover HP or MP using medicinal herbs, the recovery can be increased by “+1” by using this pipe to inhale
the smoke. This effect is only effective when the character using the pipe attempts to recover against themself.

Akane's Flute Base Price: 200
Popularity 0 App. Flute Item Class Class-Specific Items
Summary Flourish Value -1 Era Current
Effect When playing Spellsong with this flute, the generation of Extra Rhythm can be checked as if the Flourish Value were 1 lower.

Statue of a Noble Jockey Base Price: 1,000 + 50 reputation

Statue of a Truly Noble Jockey Base Price: 3,000 + 200 reputation
Popularity 0 App. Bronze/Silver plated statue of a jockey Item Class Class-Specific Items
Summary Can postpone the return of a rented mount once Era Current
A jockey who owns these items will be granted a one-time deferral to Instead of returning the mount, the jockey
return a rented mount at the end of the adventure. This allows the jockey temporarily deposits the statue in the Rider's Guild for
to postpone the return of disabled sectioned mounts and destroyed one grace period. The mount is returned after the next
magitechs to avoid earning the Infamous Jockey Title. Also, the jockey can adventure, and the statue is returned to the jockey again
Effect return the mount during the next adventure. However, in case of the death (and the rider gets another ability to ask for deferral).
of a mount, the jockey is obliged to report it immediately, and the return A character can own only one each of Statue of a
cannot be postponed. Noble Jockey and Statue of a Truly Noble Jockey (if
they own both, they will be granted a total of two

Card Shooter Base Price: 1,500

Popularity 0 App. Pistol with an attached cardholder Item Class Class-Specific Items
Summary Increases range of Evocations Era Current
This is a handgun-type Alchemy Kit. The wielder can use Evocation with In that case, they can use Evocations with "Range:
Card Shooter that has "Range: X(Ym)." All Evocations are treated as "Range: 2(20m)," which initially had "Range: Touch."
Effect 2(Y+10m)." Suppose the wielder has learned the feat [Distant Evocations]. Note that the holster (see p. 109) is not attached to
this item.

Cymbal Shield Base Price: 1,020

Popularity 0 App. Cymbal, metal disk Category (Rank) Special Instrument/Shield A
Summary Generates "Rhythm:⮭ or ⮯" when used as Shield Era Current
This item can be used as a percussion instrument while equipped as a Also, if the wielder takes any physical damage while
shield. However, it is unsuitable for playing the melody and takes a -4 equipped with this (including cases where the applied
Effect penalty on Performance checks. If it succeeds on an Evasion Check while damage is "0"), they generate 1⮯ Rhythm.
equipped, it produces 1⮭ Rhythm.

Pallas's Maraca Base Price: 1,360

Popularity 0 App. Short-handled bludgeoning weapon Category (Rank) Special Instrument/Mace A
Summary Generates "Rhythm:⮭ or ⮯" when used as Weapon Era Current
This item can be used as a mace weapon or as a body-sounding When used as a weapon, it generates 1⮭ Rhythm for
Effect instrument that can be shaken to produce sound. However, it is unsuitable each successful Accuracy Check. On the other hand, it
for playing melodies and takes a -4 penalty on Performance checks. generates 1⮯ Rhythm for each failed Accuracy Check.

Percussion Flail Base Price: 1,380

Popularity 0 App. Two short rods strung together by a string Category (Rank) Special Instrument/Flail A
Summary Generates "Rhythm:⮭ or ⮯" when used as Weapon Era Current
This item can be used as a flail weapon or percussion instrument for When used as a weapon, it generates a "Rhythm: ⮭"
hitting sticks together. However, it is unsuitable for playing the melody and point for each successful Accuracy Check. On the other
Effect takes a -4 penalty on Performance checks. hand, it generates 1⮯ Rhythm for each failed Accuracy

String Bow Base Price: 1,880

Crossbow with attached "bow (violin)" that plays
Popularity 0 App. Category (Rank) Special Instrument/Crossbow A
Summary Generates "Rhythm: ♡" when used as a weapon Era Current
This item can be used as a crossbow weapon or as a string instrument. When used as a weapon, each time an Accuracy
Effect The bow, which is required to play as an Instrument, can be attached to the Check is made, a "Rhythm: ♡" is generated regardless of
instrument's body when not in use. whether the Accuracy Check is successful or not.

Part 3 Items

Fabled Lute Base Price: 9,200

String instrument consisting of an almond-shaped
Popularity 10 App. Category (Rank) Special Instrument
resonating body and a long neck
Reduce Rhythm by 1 from Spellsong's Conditions or Finale's
Summary Era Magitech Civilization
Rhythm Cost
There are three types of this Instrument, each of which can reduce For example, if you use Lute of Peace, you can
Spellsong's Effect Condition or Finale's Rhythm Cost by one specific type generate the effect of [Requiem] if "⮯1♡1" is satisfied.
of Rhythm. The effect can be generated with "⮯2" with Lute of
Effect Lute of Passion: Painted in a red tone. Reduces the ⮭Rhythm Cost by one Similarly, [Finale: Summer Fortitude] can be used
with only "♡1" for Lute of Passion and "⮭1" Rhythm Cost
Lute of Peace: Painted in blue. Reduces ⮯. for Lute of Elegance.
Lute of Elegance: Painted in yellow. It reduces ♡.

Fistulosum Base Price: 16,100

Popularity 14 App. Green wand with a two-way split at the tip Category (Rank) Special Instrument/Staff A
Summary Increase Spellsong's Target when used as an Instrument Era Magitech Civilization
This magical short staff is a replica of the pneumatic instrument used by If Spellsong is used with this as an Instrument, it can
a female bard who was extremely popular during the Magitech Civilization apply to a magitech character, even if it is of psychic or
Period. It can be used as a staff weapon and as a musical instrument with psychic (weak) types.
"Stance: 1H", as it is equipped with a mechanism that captures air and makes This item is not a magical implement, but it can be
a sound by waving it. modified for 100G to become a magical implement like
other non-staves weapons.

Horn of the Muse Base Price: 16,900

Popularity 12 App. Green wand with a two-way split at the tip Category (Rank) Special Instrument
Summary Generate Extra Rhythm on a Flourish Era Ancient Magic Civilization
It is a large brass instrument that is believed to be aided by sound fairies Only one Rhythm can be selected from the Base
flying around when blown. When Spellsong is played using this instrument, Rhythm or Extra Rhythm. The selected Rhythm will be
Effect and a Performance check is performed, if the Success Value is greater than generated in addition to one extra Rhythm.
or equal to the Flourish Value, Rhythm is generated in addition to the
original Extra Rhythm.

Signal Hand Flag Set Base Price: 50

Popularity 6 App. Two pairs of hand flags of two colors Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Used for flag signals Era Current
In Alfleim, it is widely used in railroads. For existing railroad signals, characters can find their meanings with the Insight check of
Target Number 12. It is sometimes used for secret communication among friends.

Sun Lantern Base Price: 120

Popularity 0 App. Large lantern Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary The lantern that illuminates all areas (20m radius) Era Current
This large lantern is brighter than the regular ones and can illuminate all areas (20m radius).
However, it consumes oil twice as fast as a normal lantern.

Pole of Trap Detection Base Price: 150

Popularity 0 App. 3 meters pole Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Makes traps easier to detect Era Current
It is a white stick about 3m long. When held in both hands, this rod gives a +1 bonus to Spot Trap checks against traps set on the
floor, ground, bushes, walls, ceiling, etc., in front of it. This bonus is cumulative with Protective Sandals (see p. 162).

Hearing Tube Base Price: 300

Popularity 6 App. Cylinder made of cardboard Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Listen checks +1 Era Current
The user can press presses this cylinder against a wall or other object to listen through it to improve listening accuracy. When this
item is used, the user gets a +1 bonus to Listen check.

Daemon's Blood Plate Base Price: 400
Daemon's Crystallized Blood Plate Base Price: 3,200
Great Daemon's Crystallized Blood Plate Base Price: 6,400
Popularity 10 App. Red and black disks decorated with magic characters Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Determines the threat level of the Shallow Abyss Era Ancient Magic Civilization
It is a disk of solidified Daemon's Blood that resonates with the threat If the GM’s side is higher, the disk is destroyed, and
lurking inside the Shallow Abyss. It can be held up near the Shallow Abyss the user must simultaneously take the difference in
with a Major Action and is used by chanting the password. The user needs success value as damage to HP and MP. The threat level
to roll “2d + Adventurer level + Intelligence modifier” to obtain the success is not directly known (but when GM calculates the
value. On the other hand, the GM determines the threat level of the Shallow success value, some approximation can be made).
Abyss (generally, the monster level of the strongest monster lurking in the These items are only valid for certain threat levels of
area is appropriate) and then adds the thread level to 2d to obtain the the Shallow Abyss. Daemon’s Blood Plate up to the 8th
success value. In this case, there is no automatic success on the GM side; in level, Daemon’s Crystallized Blood Plate up to the 13th
the case of double 6s, add 12 to the success value. level, and Great Daemon’s Crystallized Blood Plate up
The success values are compared, and if there is a tie or the success value to the 25th. If the threat level is higher than that, the
of the plate’s user party is higher, the threat level is known. The item itself plate crumbles away without rolling from the GM (but
remains in the user's possession without being destroyed. the user doesn’t suffer damage).
Lover's Flute Base Price: 400
Popularity 8 App. Little silver flute Item Class Adventure Tools
Produce a sound that can be heard by a specific “Lover's
Summary Era Current
The flute is of very simple construction and can only produce a single In addition, there are not so many tone patterns that
note. The flute was originally made for lovers to communicate secretly, and can be set (about 50 tones), and accidents sometimes
the sound it makes can only be heard by those equipped with a specific occur when the wrong person hears the wrong tone due
“Lover's Receiver” (see p. 154). The flute and receiver are usually treated to a mix-up in settings.
as a set, with the same specific “tone” set for each. This way, the sound of The flute can be blown with the Major Action, and
Effect the flute can only be heard by that particular receiver. the sound reaches a distance of about 500 meters. It is
In some cities, it has become a boom for lovers to send each other a set sometimes used by groups of adventurers, or sometimes
of “flute” and “receiver” set to each other. Since their tone setting can be criminals, to prepare several “receivers” with the same
changed as many times as desired and do not have to be done in sets, tone setting to simultaneously communicate a secret
sometimes there will be a lost love who laments that no matter how much alarm.
they call, lover no longer responds (the other party has changed the settings).
Disturbing Scarecrow I/II/III Base Price: 777/2,220/7,770
A small scarecrow that increases in size with a
Popularity 14 App. Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Can use [Taunting Strike I] Era Magitech Civilization
This small scarecrow doll becomes about human-sized at the same It has the same characteristics and resistances as
position (area, coordinates) as the user when the user says the password. magitech monsters. If it remains undestroyed, it can be
Then, it makes a melee attack against "Target: 1 Character" according to the downsized and reused by using the password (with
user's command. This attack does not deal any damage to the target but is Minor Action).
considered as if [Taunting Strike I] had been declared. This scarecrow can This scarecrow has three grades of rice (I, II, and
be used with a Minor Action and may only be used once per 10 seconds (1 III), each with a different success value of Accuracy
round). This scarecrow has 0 Defense and 1 HP and automatically fails check (14/18/22) and a different price
Evasion, Fortitude and Willpower checks. (777G/2,220G/7770G).
Mystic Ink Base Price: 800
Popularity 12 App. Ink in an inkwell Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Writing disappears. It can be read with Keen-Flash Glasses Era Magitech Civilization
Effect Letters written with this ink quickly fade away and become invisible. Keen-Flash Glasses can read them (see p. 153).
Wall Base Base Price: 900
Popularity 0 App. Support device consisting of thick steel rods Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Supports Great Wall. Defense +2 Era Current
This support is attached to the bottom of the Great Wall (see p. 114). It When stored, it has no effect. When deployed, the
can mitigate the impact on the shield by deploying it and grounding it. Great Wall attached to it gains +2 Defense. However, if
Effect This support has two states: retracted and deployed. Storing from the a user holds or has equipped a Great Wall, they can only
deployed state and unfolding from the stored state are both performed by make a Limited Move. Also, the character cannot carry
Major Action. it in baggage while deployed.
Auto Looter Base Price: 1,000
Popularity 8 App. Magitech packed in the box Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Automatically rake up loot Era Magitech Civilization
A large number of small loot-collecting magitechs appear to efficiently However, since they collect loot without any regard,
Effect collect loot from enemies. The loot can be collected from up to 10 all the loot rolls are just 2d6 and cannot be affected by
characters (sections) in 1 minute. divinations, combat feats, or items.

Part 3 Items

Northern Needles Base Price: 1,000

Popularity 13 App. A set of red-tipped needles and a small box Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Needle in the box always points north Era Magitech Civilization
A small wooden box and a set of small magic needles. When a needle is placed in the box, the red tip will always point north, no
matter where you are.
Telescope Base Price: 1,000
Popularity 8 App. Compact telescope Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Telescope with 5x magnification Era Magitech Civilization
From the Magitech Civilization Period, this Telescope is a favorite of military and sailors. It has a magnification of about 5x. Some
Effect telescopes are decorated with gorgeous ornaments.
When not in use, it can be folded down to a size that fits in a pouch or other container.
Magitorch Base Price: 1,000
Popularity 8 App. A short cane with a glass ball at the tip Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Brightly illuminates 10m in front of the wielder Era Magitech Civilization
The equipped can spend 1 MP to brightly illuminate an area of 10 meters The light can be turned off at will, but no matter how
in front of them for up to one hour (in Simplified Combat, two areas in short a time it was on, MP must still be expended to turn
total: the area where the user is and an area ahead of the user). it on again. Both turning lights on and off is done with
Minor Action.
Chalk of the Lost Base Price: 1,200
Popularity 10 App. White chalk Item Class Adventure Tools
When you pass in front of it again, it emits light to let you
Summary Era Ancient Magic Civilization
If a mark is left on a wall using this chalk, it will emit a strong light when One piece of chalk can be used more than 100
the person who made the mark passes by it again. The user will know that times. Also, the mark left behind will remain for about
this is the second time they have passed by. 1 month.
The light emits in the same way for three or more passes. The intensity
and color of the light do not change, and it is impossible to determine how
many times it has passed.
Hanger of the Sun God Base Price: 1,300
Popularity 10 App. Yellowish-white hanger Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Wet clothes dry in one hour Era Magitech Civilization
When clothes are hung on this hanger, they will dry in an hour, even if they are soaked. In order to dry, the clothes must be
hung properly, and they will not dry if they are folded or rolled up in the hanger.
Smoke Grapher Base Price: 1,700
Popularity 10 App. Thick-skinned pipe Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Reproduce short-duration images with smoke Era Magitech Civilization
The pipe allows the smoker to create the image they envision with the This smoke-induced image will persist indefinitely if
exhaled smoke. The images are not accompanied by color or sound, and nothing disturbs the air, but it is easily possible if the user
Effect the images that can be reproduced are limited to a repetition of about one wants to intentionally blow it away. It can be broken by
minute, about the size of a small room. It is also evident that it is made of anything more than a gentle breeze.
smoke and cannot be used to deceive others.
Bayonet Base Price: 1,960
Popularity 0 App. Spike to be attached to the end of the gun Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Gives the 2H gun the ability to attack at close range Era Current
Spike is attached to the end of a “Stance: 2H” gun to give it the ability to The effects and numerical data of the attached Gun
attack in melee without affecting its gun properties. It can be attached to any itself, except for minimal strength, are not referenced in
“Stance: 2H” “Gun” and detached with a Major Action. any of the melee attacks with Bayonet. For example,
Melee attacks with Bayonet-equipped guns use the stats below. Bullets are even if Bayonet is attached to a Smart Carbine (see p.
not used with these attacks, and the damage it inflicts is physical damage. 109), it cannot be used as a "Stance: 1H" while mounted.
Also, since it is a melee attack, it is possible to attack even if it is the user And even if the Gun is enhanced with Magic Weapon
moved with a Normal Move. +1, the Accuracy and Extra Damage of the melee attack
In addition to Fighter and Fencer classes, the Marksman class can be used with Bayonet will not change.
Effect for Accuracy checks and Extra Damage calculation (the Grappler class On the other hand, the Bayonet can have separate
cannot be used). [Weapon Proficiency/Gun] increases damage only when weapon enhancements, such as Magic Weapon +1 and
shooting with this gun. Fairy Weapon, which can be applied during a melee
attack. These enhancements cost the cost of a B-rank
Name Stance Min STR Acc. Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Add'l Dmg
Bayonet 2H ※ - 15 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 ⑩ -
※Same as the gun it is attached to.

Effect Cartridge Base Price: 2,000
Popularity 10 App. Rectangular cartridge Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Decrease the MP of magitech use by 1 point Era Magitech Civilization
This is an item that can be attached to a magitech. Only A magitech with this attached will have its MP consumption
one of these items can be attached to a magitech mount or an reduced by 1 point when operating it (minimum 1). Attaching and
Effect item from the "Magitech Civilization" or "Current" era, and removing an Effect Cartridge to an item or a mount requires 6 rounds
that consumes MP to use or exert its effect. It cannot be used (1 minute). However, a character with 1 or more levels of the Artificer
in conjunction with the "Mana Cartridge" (see p. 146). class can perform both of these actions with a single Major Action.

Repel Candle Base Price: 2,130

Popularity 10 App. Red candle Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Weakens the unique skills of the animals Era Magitech Civilization
When this candle is lit, its scent dampens the animal's To light the candle in combat Major Action is needed and blowing
ability to act. When an animal monster within 2-3 areas it out is a Minor Action. A candle can be lit for a cumulative total of 10
Effect (10m radius) from the candle's fire uses unique skills, its minutes (60 rounds). If the candle itself is exposed to attack, it is treated
success value is reduced by a -4 penalty. This effect has as a structure with 0 Defense and 1 HP (see CR III, p. 120).
"Resistance: Can't".

Stone of Vigilance Base Price: 2,480

Ornament consisting of light red and purple two
Popularity 11 App. Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Makes noise when touched by anyone other than the owner Era Magitech Civilization
This stone can be attached to any item. If anyone other than the person who attached it touches the item, it will make a piercing
sound for 30 seconds (3 round).

Stable Sight Base Price: 2,500

Popularity 8 App. Telescopic sight Item Class Adventure Tools
Sighting device for a crossbow, using 2 MP, increases
Summary Era Magitech Civilization
Accuracy check by +1
It was created at the dawn of Magitech Civilization, in the However, this bonus is only applied to shooting attacks with the
early days of magitech research, and its development led to crossbow, and the effect does not stack with the [Targeting Sight] spell.
the later magitech spell [Targeting Sight]. It is a targeting sight By the time the guns were developed, the [Targeting Sight] had
Effect that can be attached or detached to any crossbow with a Major become an established magitech spell (available to all gun users), and
Action. there was no need to attach one for the gun. This sight was used in the
This sight gives a +1 bonus to the Accuracy check as well as early days of Magitech Civilization.
[Targeting Sight] by spending 2 MP with a Minor Action.

Careless Tag Base Price: 2,800

Popularity 8 App. Sealed packing tags with bells Item Class Adventure Tools
Lost-and-found packing tags that make a loud noise when
Summary Era Magitech Civilization
These tags are to be signed by the user in their own This sound has the effect of [Curiosity] (see CR II, p. 192),
handwriting. Once signed, as soon as the signer is more than equivalent to a success value of 17.
Effect 30 meters away, the bell on the tag makes a loud sound that These tags are designed to be attached to other items. It can be
echoes in a 50-meter radius to assert its presence. The sound reapplied many times, but it is Major Action that applies or removes
will not cease until the signer touches it again. the tag.

Alarm Gong Base Price: 2,840

Popularity 10 App. Sealed packing tags with bells Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary It instantly awakens everyone that hears it Era Magitech Civilization
This gong can be used with Major Action, and its loud This effect has "Resistance: Can't" and removes any sleep of psychic or
Effect sound immediately wakes up all sleeping characters in the "all psychic (weak) type, including natural sleep. However, sleep caused
areas (100m Radius)". by “curse + psychic” type (see CR II, p. 128) can not be removed.

Permanent Ice Fragment Base Price: 3,000

Popularity 10 App. A green piece of ice about the size of a walnut Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Cools beverages, destroying it causes 10 fire magic damage Era Magitech Civilization
This piece of ice works to lower the temperature of the During the Magitech Civilization Period, this was used to enjoy
liquid into which it is put near the freezing point. It will not cold drinks during the summer months and in hot places. This item
melt when used for this purpose. The time it takes to bring a reduces the magic damage of a fire type by -10 points once. If this item
liquid to a cold temperature depends on the amount and the is used for this purpose, it will dissolve and disappear regardless of the
temperature of the liquid, but it can cool a liter of boiling amount of damage reduced. Users cannot use this item more than
water in about 10 minutes. once at a time.

Part 3 Items

Magic Cosmetics Base Price: 4,000

Popularity 13 App. Complete set of cosmetics in a box Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Allows applying perfect makeup. +2 to Disguise checks Era Magitech Civilization
This set of cosmetics has magic kneaded into it, allowing for a very colorful makeup application.
The use of this cosmetic product gives a +2 bonus to the Disguise check (see CR I, p. 103).

Horn of Magic Detection Base Price: 4,000

Popularity 11 App. Twisted black horn Item Class Adventure Tools
It glows red when it senses the magic power contained in an
Summary Era Magitech Civilization
Effect When this horn touches an object with some kind of magical power, its surface emits a red light to reveal it.

Puzzling Sign Base Price: 4,880

Popularity 8 App. Penlight magitech Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Baffle intelligent enemies Era Magitech Civilization
This item can be used with Major Action and consumes 3 The target receives a -2 penalty on all checks that use Intelligence,
MP per use. including casting spell checks, for the following “4 - 1d” rounds
It has “Range/Area: 1(10m)/Shot”. With “Resistance: (minimum 1).
Effect Can't,” 1 character (Section) is bombarded with illusions. This This effect only works on characters with an intellect of 12 or more
illusion takes the form of a puzzle or riddle that seems easy or an intellect of High or Average. It is also treated as a curse + psychic
but is surprisingly hard to solve and directs the target's type (see CR II, p. 128). When comparing success values, this effect
attention to it. is treated with a success value of 0.

Mana Cartridge Base Price: 5,200/17,200 (+50 reputation)

Popularity 8 App. Rectangular cartridges Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Adds MP to magitech Era Current
This processed item can be attached to magitech. Only one It takes 1 minute (6 rounds) to attach or detach the Mana
cartridge can be attached to a magitech mount or an item Cartridge from an item or mount. A character with 1 level or higher
whose Era is Magitech Civilization or Current, and that in the Artificer can do this with a single Major Action and fill it with
consumes MP to use or activate its effect (There are several MP from their own MP, the mako stone, or other Mana Cartridges.
types of Mana Cartridge, but only one of them can be used). Four types differ in whether they require MP, money, or
It can be attached to weapons, armor, and all from this reputation.
Effect rulebook, including Quadblaze, Le Indalia, Sortrel, and Type MP Price Reputation
Powered Plates. They cannot be attached to Uroboros X 10 5,200 -
because their era does not match. XI 11 5,200 50 reputation
User can consume some or all of the MP from this cartridge XX 20 17,200 -
when operating them. MP can only be used to run the XXI 21 17,200 50 reputation
magitech. In the case of a magitech that has its own MP, the
MP is added by this cartridge.

Careful Auto Looter Base Price: 9,600

Popularity 8 App. Magitech packed in the box Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Automatically rake up loot Era Magitech Civilization
A large number of small loot-collecting magitechs appear to Fast Mode:
efficiently collect loot from enemies. At this time, two modes It works exactly the same way as the Auto Looter (see p. 142), and
can be selected. The same loot can be collected from up to it takes only a minute to complete, but the loot rolls are always 6.
one body (section), but the time and the fixed loot rolls are Care Mode:
different. The fixed rolls of loot decisions cannot be modified It takes 10 minutes to complete. A certain degree of examination
by combat feats or items. is performed, and the loot rolls are fixed at 9.

Detoxification Spoon Base Price: 10,000

Popularity 10 App. White spoon decorated with a unicorn Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Immunity for all poisons with a success value of 17 or less Era Magitech Civilization
This spoon neutralizes the poison contained in the food Even if the spoon neutralizes the poison, the user cannot know it.
or drink scooped with it. Poison type effects with a success This item was favored by aristocrats, royalty, and wealthy
value of 17 or less are immediately removed and have no merchants.
effect on the user.

Fairy Lantern Base Price: 10,000

Popularity 14 App. Silver lantern Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Its light is invisible to those who have soulscars Era Magitech Civilization
The person holding the lantern who chants the password This light illuminates 2-3 areas (10m radius) but is entirely invisible
Effect with Major Action and uses 3 MP will make the lantern emit to those with soulscar. If they do not have the ability of Darkvision,
magic fire for 12 hours. No tinderbox or oil is needed. they will remain in the dark even within the illuminated area.

Immovable Rod Base Price: 19,000
Rod less than one meter long with a small rune
Popularity 14 App. Item Class Adventure Tools
engraved on the end
Summary Fixes in place with a password Era Ancient Magic Civilization
This rod can be fixed in space by holding it in hand and It can withstand the weight of nearly one ton and can be used as a
Effect chanting the password. Though it is normally a simple rod, it ladder by attaching a rope or using several rods.
becomes extraordinarily strong after it is fixed in place. A password is needed to release the rod from its space.

Honeymoon Carpet: Complete Base Price: 2,000 – 120,000 (Not of Sale)

Popularity 10 App. A carpet about 2m square Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary A magic carpet that can fly carrying up to two people Era Ancient Magic Civilization
This magic carpet was a gift to two people married during The carpet flies according to the instructions of the users in
the Ancient Magic Civilization era. It is initially divided into arcana. It can fly with Minor Action. Users are considered to be riding
two parts, "Static" and "Moving," each of which is highly (see CR III, p. 87) a carpet with 20 movement speed. If there are two
problematic for practical use. Only one person at a time can passengers, the first passenger to make a move in the round decides
ride on them (see individual data). the move. The last passenger cannot make their own move.
While those who gave this gift watched, a ceremony was If the two carpets have not yet been assembled, the base price for
held where those who rode “Moving” struggled to approach a set of two is 120,000 gamel (sale price 60,000 gamel). Once the
those who waited on “Static,” pledging their love. pieces are assembled, they have almost no commercial value (since
The two carpets can be combined into a single carpet by they can be used by original owners), and owners can only hope that
two people saying the words of love to each other. The carpet a collector will buy it for about 1,000 gamels.
can be carried in baggage when rolled up, and when spread
out, it floats about 1 m above the ground. 2 people can ride
on the carpet, and only 2 people who have chanted the words
of mutual love can ride on the carpet.

Honeymoon Carpet: Static Base Price: 20,000 (Not of Sale)

Popularity 10 App. A carpet of about 1m x 2m in area Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Magic flying carpet that moves very slowly Era Ancient Magic Civilization
It is a magic carpet that can fly. When rolled up, it can be The carpet flies according to the instructions of the user in arcana.
carried in baggage, and when spread out, it floats about 1 It can fly with Minor Action. The user is considered to be riding (see
meter above the ground. It cannot fly higher than that, its CR III, p. 87). Getting on the carpet is the Major Action, and getting
movement speed is 5, and it cannot perform Full Move. off is the Minor Action.

Honeymoon Carpet: Moving Base Price: 20,000 (Not of Sale)

Popularity 10 App. A carpet of about 1m x 2m in area Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Magic flying carpet that is difficult to control Era Ancient Magic Civilization
It is a magic carpet that can fly. When rolled up, it can be However, if a user is on the carpet, they must make a Full Move
carried in baggage, and when spread out, it floats about 1 on their turn (this restriction does not apply if they get off the carpet
meter above the ground. before they move on their turn). The carpet can move only in a straight
The carpet flies according to the instructions of the user in line in a specific direction with 60 movement speed. Also, it moves up
Effect arcana. It can fly with Minor Action. The user is considered or down in a random altitude range of ±20 meters (but not lower than
to be riding (see CR III, p. 87). Getting on the carpet is the 1 meter from the ground). If there is a structure in the middle of the
Major Action, and getting off is the Minor Action. carpet, it will collide with it. GMs should refer to the rules with "Area:
Breakthrough" (see CR III, p. 114). However, the carpet can move
even if a user is in melee.

Potion Ball Base Price: 20

Popularity 10 App. Soft ball the size of a palm Item Class Adventure Tools (Consumables)
Allows throwing potion as a thrown weapon. Requires
Summary Era Current
[Throwing I] combat feat
This is a ball that can have potions inside. To use this item, Throwing this item is treated as a thrown weapon attack, and the
the user must have acquired the combat feat [Throwing] (see potion's effect inside is treated as "Resistance: Any." Target can choose
p. 201). The ball is fragile, and when it hits something, it bursts to be hit without making an Evasion check against it (in this case, it is
Effect to give the effect of the potion or potion-like substance it not treated as a failure of Evasion check).
contains. This allows the effects of potions such as Healing The item will not break only by carrying it. Filling a ball with a
Potions and Awake Potions to be applied to a remote potion can be done with Major Action.

Part 3 Items

Sake Seeds (x10) Base Price: 100

Popularity 6 App. Sake-scented grain seeds Item Class Adventure Tools (Consumables)
Summary Turns water into sake Era Ancient Magic Civilization
It is a grain fruit bred by magic so that it can be drunk There are fruits that can produce different liquors as well, and rare
anywhere and at any time. In some regions, it is a local Sake Seeds will fetch a high price at the market.
Effect specialty, sold in small leather bags. One seed changes a mug The more Sake Seeds you put in, the stronger the alcohol will be.
full of water, dissolving completely, though multiple seeds will Sake Seeds used will dissolve in water and disappear.
create stronger alcohol.

Jack Beans Base Price: 100

Popularity 15 App. Green beans the size of a fingertip Item Class Adventure Tools (Consumables)
Summary Can grow a sturdy vine Era Ancient Magic Civilization
This magical seed, no larger than the tip of a pinky finger, The vine extending from this bean can support a weight of up to
can be used with a Major Action and requires the user to give 300 kg, and it is possible to climb up and down through it.
Effect it 1 MP. When used, it grows a sturdy vine at the user's will. Vine takes 10 seconds (1 round) to grow 1 meter and withers after
This vine can grow independently, up to 10cm in thickness 24 hours. After dying, the vine cannot stand on its own and collapses,
(diameter) and 20m in length. but it can still be used as a simple rope.

Guardian Stone Base Price: 100+

Popularity 13 App. Glossy small blue stone Item Class Adventure Tools (Consumables)
Summary Reduce Magic Damage Era Magitech Civilization
A shiny blue stone, about the size of the tip of a thumb, this If the owner suffers magic damage, some or all of the applied
stone is able to absorb magical damage that would otherwise damage can be allocated to this item at will. However, it can only be
affect the caster. allocated to one item at a time, and it cannot be allocated to reduce
The price of this item is determined by the amount of HP the HP of this item to less than 0. This item's HP cannot be recovered,
it has, with “HP x HP x 100G” being the base price (for and when it reaches 0, it will crumble into dust.
example, 5 HP stone would cost 2,500 G).

Mouse Ball Base Price: 100

Popularity 10 App. Small gray balls Item Class Adventure Tools (Consumables)
Summary Dazzle with the illusion of a mouse, +1 to Hide checks Era Magitech Civilization
When the ball is thrown with a Minor Action, it rolls and This item is used by spies and scouts to distract others. When
projects an illusion of a mouse over itself, and simultaneously comparing the success value of another's Search check or Danger
Effect generates a squeal. Thus, it seems as if the mouse is running Sense check against user’s Hide check, this item provides a +1 bonus
away. After a very short period of time, the item disappears, to the Hide check.
leaving no trace.

Joints Lubricants Base Price: 160

Popularity 6 App. Sticky liquid Item Class Adventure Tools (Consumables)
Smooth the movement of the joints of the armor and muffles
Summary Era Current
the sound
This is a lubricant that is applied to the inside of the Metal Tumble, Hide, Acrobatics, and Follow will be reduced to -2.
Effect Armor or to joints to muffle the sound made by the metal. Lubricant, once applied, lasts for 1 day (until 06:00 the next
When wearing armor with this coating, the -4 penalty on morning).

White-Flame Ball Base Price: 200

Popularity 10 App. A ball the size of a fist with a fuse Item Class Adventure Tools (Consumables)
Summary Burns brightly illuminating a radius of 30m Era Magitech Civilization
When user lights it with Minor Action, it starts to burn with a very bright fire. This fire will not extinguish even if it is underwater,
Effect and will continue to illuminate the surrounding area until it has burned for 3 minutes (18 rounds). It illuminated all areas (30m

Secret Sealing Wax Base Price: 280

Popularity 11 App. Pink wax stick Item Class Adventure Tools (Consumables)
Summary Sealing can only be opened by a specific person Era Ancient Magic Civilization
This seal can be melted and used to seal a specific envelope. Other parts of the envelope cannot be cut or torn. If the envelope
This makes it impossible for anyone other than that person is heated above the level at which the envelope melts, the contents will
Effect to open the envelope. burn up at once.
This seal is treated as having a success value 14. It can be broken
with [Dispel Magic] (see CR I, p. 220) with a contested check.

Moonlight Charm Base Price: 500/1,500/5,000
Sunlight Charm Base Price: 500/1,500/5,000
Popularity 10 App. Palm-sized charm with crescent moon/sun Item Class Adventure Tools (Consumables)
Summary Bonus to Willpower/Fortitude. It can be used after rolling dice Era Current
Immediately after performing a Willpower or Fortitude There are three types of charms: 500G/1,500G/5,000G, which
check, user can declare they are breaking the charm to gain a give a bonus modifier of +1/+2/+3, respectively. You can only use one
bonus to their check value. The Moonlight Charm affects charm at a time.
Willpower, and the Sunlight Charm affects Fortitude.

Protective Holy Water Base Price: 700/2,000/5,700

Popularity 8 App. Holy water in a bottle Item Class Adventure Tools (Consumables)
Summary Create a ward to afflict those with soulscar Era Current
This holy water can be used to draw a line around an area A Protective Holy Water with a base price of 700 gamel is effective
up to 200 meters in circumference while dripping it on the only for characters 3rd level and below, with a base price of 2,000
ground. This act must be performed with a clear and vocal gamel is effective for characters 6th level and below, and with a base
prayer to Lyphos and requires 1 minute (6 rounds) to price of 5,700 gamel is effective for characters 9th level or below, and
complete. characters above those levels are not affected at all.
If a character with a soulscar enters into the area, the This effect lasts for 6 hours.
character takes a fixed damage to their HP equal to number When the perimeter is first drawn, one (and only one) area must
of their soulscars at the end of their turn each round as long be definable. If there is a break or intersection and the area cannot be
as the character remains in the area. However, this effect does determined, this effect will not occur. Also, if a character with soulscar
not occur if the level of the target character (adventurer level (level is irrelevant) already exists in the area when the enclosure is
or monster level) is not less than a certain level. established, this effect will not occur. The user of the item will not be
aware of any failure due to this.

Bonding Moonlight Charm Base Price: 1,000/2,000/6,000

Bonding Sunlight Charm Base Price: 1,000/2,000/6,000
A palm-sized charm with a horse against the
Popularity 10 App. Item Class Adventure Tools (Consumables)
background of the crescent moon/sun
A Moonlight Charm/Sunlight Charm that can also be used on
Summary Era Current
a mount
This is a Moonlight Charm/Sunlight Charm that can also There are three types of charms: 1,000G/2,000G/6,000G, which
be used on mounts. Immediately after the jockey or its mount give a bonus modifier of +1/+2/+3, respectively. It cannot be used in
performs a Willpower or Fortitude check, the jockey can combination with the Moonlight Charm or the Sunlight Charm.
declare they are breaking the charm to gain/give a bonus to
check value. When used on a mount, it must be in the same
position (area, coordinate) as the jockey.

Message Rouge Base Price: 1,000

Popularity 14 App. Light-colored lipstick in a small shell Item Class Adventure Tools (Consumables)
Summary Leave a message up to 30 seconds long Era Ancient Magic Civilization
This lipstick is used by lovers to leave messages for one This message will remain forever until the kiss mark disappears,
another. Occasionally, someone may stumble across these the kiss mark itself has the same retention value as that of a normal
messages and find a particularly sordid secret. rouge.
By making a kiss mark with Message Rouge on your lips, a To hear the stored message, all one has to do is point a finger at
message of up to 30 seconds (3 rounds) long can be stored in the kiss mark with the mental intention of hearing any message inside,
the mark. and the magic of the rouge will allow the message to be heard.

Informer’s Sticker Base Price: 2,000

Popularity 12 App. Sticker with doodle-like pair of eyes and mouth Item Class Adventure Tools (Consumables)
Summary Have an inanimate object keep watch and report back Era Ancient Magic Civilization
This sticker is applied to inanimate objects such as walls and Memories will be perfect, but the ability to express them in words,
fragile objects; it cannot be applied to characters or objects to understand the answers to the questions, and to identify the
that have the ability to move of their own volition (it can be sightings are at the level of a 10 years old child. If the subject has
applied to objects that can be moved by others, such as witnessed a monster or an object causing a special effect, the Monster
handcarts). Knowledge check or the Appraise check will have a -2 penalty to
When this sticker is applied, the eye remembers what it saw identify the object from the stickers description. Also, it can speak and
until the next day (until 6:00 the next morning) while it was understand only words in arcana.
opened. When the sticker is placed, the user can specify the When the eyes are open, the stickers look like a child's scribble
time the eye is open in hourly increments. The time may be (an Insight check will reveal their true identity). When the eyes are
skipped. closed, the seal is completely concealed, including the mouth, and can
The character can retrieve what the sticker has witnessed by only be detected by means such as [Sense Magic] (see CR I, p. 220).
going to the place with the sticker while the sticker's eyes are The sticker will disappear after one day, even if the information is
open and chanting the password. not taken out. It is possible to make it disappear before that time by
using a password.

Part 3 Items

Escape Marbles Base Price: 2,840

Popularity 8 App. Dull red palm-sized balls Item Class Adventure Tools (Consumables)
Summary Escape close enemy contact on impact Era Current
User can drop marble that causes a large shock to the Can be activated with Major Action or Minor Action. If used with
character with 1 MP and allows the user under the effect of a Minor Action, all Escape Marbles will be used at the same time and
unique skill such as [Entanglement] or [Engulf] by a monster two or more items will be consumed unnecessarily.
to forcefully break the effect of those unique skills that block When used in Major Action, it is used as a “Stance: 1H” item and
movement or actions. User can use this item regardless to the can be used with another item in the same hand.
restrictions imposed by these unique skills.

Unicorn Horn Base Price: Remaining Uses x 6,000

Popularity 12 App. Conical horn about 50 cm long Item Class Adventure Tools (Consumables)
Summary Cures poison, disease, or deals damage to undead on touch Era Various
A horn poached from a Unicorn (see CR II, p. 391). Acts Undead touched by the horn must make a Fortitude check against
as a panacea for illnesses and injuries. a value of 17. If it fails, the target immediately takes 50 magic damage.
The item restores 50 HP to the target it touches and If sold on the open market, anywhere from 1-8 uses may remain.
Effect completely cures poison, disease, curse, petrification, etc., After it is used that number of times, it will shatter and become
effects with success a success value of 17 or less. However, unusable. There is no way to recover the number of uses.
this effect does not work on Undead, Constructs, and
Magitech characters.

Smaltier's Accessories Base Price: 250+

Popularity 8 App. Various Item Class Accessories
Magitech Civilization Period branded product. Equipping 3 or
Summary Era Magitech Civilization
more items increases Vitality.
Smaltier brand produced a number of accessories during Smaltier’s products were characterized by their sporty impression,
Magitech Civilization Period. They are still being excavated which was also their selling point. In order to further enhance the
from many ruins today. brand value, Smaltier items were enhanced that increase the health of
Smaltier’s Accessories come in various shapes and designs the wearer when equipped with several of these products at the same
for all body parts: head, face, ears, neck, back, hands, waist, time. When three or more of these accessories are equipped in
and feet. Players can purchase existing accessories that do not different sections, the wearer’s Vitality will be increased. The value is
have special effects and make them “Smaltier’s…” by calculated as “the number of types of accessories equipped - 2”, so
increasing their price by 250 gamel. For example, “Hairpins equipping a maximum of 8 will increase by +6 points. In this case,
Effect of Smaltier” (which will be a magical “Accessory: Head” item equipping the right hand and the left hand, or equipping “Section:
for 253 gamel). Other” with items of the same section as those already equipped in
Alternatively, the player may freely decide their preferred another section, are not considered different. (Conversely, if
design and shape in consultation with the GM. In this case, Leprechaun has more than one item in “Section: Other” with different
the minimum price is 250 gamel. In addition, there is no original equipment sections, they will be counted as different items.)
“Equipment Section: Any”, but the player may create the data Some of Smaltier’s Accessories are expensive items with very
by limiting the section. For example, “Smaltier’s Head Braid” special effects (see the data below). These have special effects specific
(which will be a magical “Accessory: Head” item for 251 to the item and also affect bonuses for multiple for several accessories.

Lal-Veine's Jewelry Base Price: 500+

Popularity 10 App. Various Item Class Accessories
Ancient Magic Civilization branded product. Equipping 3 or
Summary Era Ancient Magic Civilization
more items increases Spirit.
Lal-Veine was a brand of accessories that were popular Lal-Veine's Jewelry was completed by wizard-king Lal, enhancing
during the Ancient Magic Civilization era. The Veine line of the magic of the wielder's spirit in Veine's craft. When three or more
jewelers served the wizard-king Lal, and the name is a of these jewelry items of different sections are equipped, the wielder's
combination of the two. Spirit is increased. The value of the increase is calculated as "the
There are various types of Lal-Veine's Jewelry. As with number of jewelry types equipped - 2," so equipping a maximum of 8
Smaltier's Accessories, player may increase the price of any types of jewelry will result in an increase by +6 points. This is the same
existing non-special-effects jewelry. However, the minimum as the case of Smartier's Accessories.
or added price is 500 gems. As the name "Jewelry" implies, it And, as with Smaltier's Accessories, there is also expensive Lal-
must contain gems or jewelry. The gem of the jewelry cannot Veine's Jewelry that has unique special effects. Please refer to their
be used as a Fairy Tamer's Gem (because the magic of the data for more details.
wizard-king Lal (described below) will interfere with the

Headband of Concentration Base Price: 200 + 10 reputation
Popularity 8 App. Elongated white cloth headband Item Class Accessory: Head
Knowledge check package can be retried in half the time.
Summary Era Magitech Civilization
Requires Level 3 Sage
A character equipped with this headband can reroll Skill For example, if the first check takes 10 minutes (60 rounds), the
Checks from the Knowledge Check Package in half the time second attempt can be made in 30 minutes, and the third attempt in
Effect required for rerolling (see CR II, p. 43). The time required 3 hours.
for the first check remains the same; the third and subsequent
attempts are also halved for their respective times.

Lightning-Bolt Hairpin Base Price: 1,500

Salamander Hairpin Base Price: 1,500
Snowflake Hairpin Base Price: 1,500
Hair ornament in the shape of a
Popularity 7 App. Item Class Accessory: Head
Summary When thrown, deals Power 20 + 5 Era Magitech Civilization
Throwing a hairpin using Minor Action with a design of Damage has a type according to the type of hairpin. Lightning-bolt
lightning or salamander, or snowflakes will cause it to explode hairpin deals lightning, Salamander Hairpin deals fire, and Snowflake
on hit with lightning, fire, or ice. hairpin deals water/ice type.
Throwing it will result in an arrow spell-like effect, which Stray shot will not occur even if the user does not have the combat
Effect will fly to a chosen “Target: 1 Character” and “Range/Area: 1 feat [Targeting]. However, it cannot be fired through an obstacle
(10m)/Shot”. The standard value of the Spellcasting check is without [Hawk Eye].
12 (2d+12) versus the target's Willpower. Target takes full
Power 20 +5 magic damage on a fail and half the damage on
a success.

Reckless Headband Base Price: 2,000

Popularity 14 App. White band cloth wrapped around the head Item Class Accessory: Head
Summary Allows using [Reckless Counter] Era Magitech Civilization
Those who acquire this feat and wear it can use the combat [Reckless Counter] can be used only once per round and not in
feat [Reckless Counter]. The [Reckless Counter], like the the same round in which [Counter] is used. The same goes for the
[Counter] feat (see CR II, p. 209), can be used in response to other way around: user cannot use [Counter] in the round in which
a melee attack. they used [Reckless Counter.
Unlike [Counter], [Reckless Counter] user doesn’t need to [Reckless Counter] can be used by any Warrior-Type Classes, not
make an Accuracy check. The character's attack automatically only the Grappler class.
hits the user of [Reckless Counter]. However, at the same This item will be destroyed once the [Reckless Counter] was
time, the attack from the opponent is also automatically hit. performed.
As in the case of a failure of [Counter], the Power Table result
is treated as a roll of 12 (resolve any criticals as normal).

Safety Helmet Base Price: 2,000

Helmet with inner lining covered by a brittle hard
Popularity 8 App. Item Class Accessory: Head
outer shell
Summary Allows to evade heavy damage once Era Magitech Civilization
The helmet absorbs impact by breaking the outer shell [Sword's Grace /Change Fate]: Changes back effect of Change Fate to
when it takes a heavy blow, preventing damage to the wearer. the original result (Change Fate] is used.)
Whenever a person equipped with this item suffers physical Monster Unique Skill [〇Painful Strike]: Damage added by this ability
damage from a weapon or similar attack, they may, once and is set to 0.
only once, revert effects that can deal additional damage to
the wearer as a result of the dice roll as described below. The GM may apply this effect to any other dice rolls that they
consider to be an unintentional damage.
Critical on Power Table: After rolling the first 2d roll, the When this effect is used, the equipped Safety Helmet is destroyed.
attack can be changed to having Critical Threshold None (so
it cannot be crit).

Wig of Chills Base Price: 2,500

Popularity 10 App. Black wig Item Class Accessory: Head
Summary +1 to Danger Sense checks Era Magitech Civilization
A character equipped with this wig gains a +1 bonus to the success value of any Danger Sense check. This causes all hair on this
wig to stand back for 10 seconds (1 round) on a successful Danger Sense check.

Part 3 Items

Pointed Hat Base Price: 3,000

Pointed Hat of Wisdom Base Price: 12,000
Popularity 10 App. Tall conical hat Item Class Accessory: Head
Summary Monster Knowledge checks +1 or +2 Era Magitech Civilization
The wielder gains a bonus to Monster Knowledge checks. The effects of Pointed Hat and Pointed Hat of Wisdom are not
Pointed Hat increases them by +1, and Pointed Hat of cumulative. When both are equipped, only the effect of the Pointed
Effect Wisdom increases them by +2. The Pointed Hat is Hat of Wisdom will be active.
embroidered on the rim with the words “Monster Master I
am” and the second with “Best Monster Master I am.”

Holy Parrot Base Price: 4,106

Popularity 12 App. Hat with a large toy parrot on top Item Class Accessory: Head
Summary Repeats caster's Divine Magic with Magic Power 0. Cannot hide Era Magitech Civilization
The parrot recasts the Divine Magic that the user cast in the If the user has cast more than one Divine Magic in that round, any
round with Magic Power 0 at the end of their turn. In this one of them may be chosen to be cast.
case, the target can be chosen separately. However, this This parrot is very loud and annoying, continuously imitating the
parrot's magical use is not affected by any active combat feat. person equipping it (especially the last words). With it equipped, Hide
MP is expended as usual, and a mako stone may be used as a checks automatically fail, and Listen checks are subject to a penalty of
substitute. -4.

Smaltier's Headband Base Price: 6,000

Popularity 10 App. Colored thick headband Item Class Accessory: Head
Summary MP recovers 1 point when receiving HP recovery effects Era Magitech Civilization
When a character equipped with this headband is affected level per day, per wearer (it does not matter if the character re-equips
by the HP recovery effect, it can recover 1 point of MP. This a different "Smaltier's Headband").
effect will only restore MP up to the character's adventurer This item is considered to be one of Smaltier's Accessories (see p.

Crown of the Saint Base Price: 10,000

Popularity 14 App. Majestic crown Item Class Accessory: Head
When using the power table for healing magic, even double 1s
Summary Era Ancient Magic Civilization
will recover the Magic Power of HP
The wearer of this crown can recover Magic Power points (plus any additional modifiers) when they apply an HP recovery spell,
Effect even if the roll resulting from the power table is double 1s’. In this case, no experience points (50 points) are awarded for automatic

Scavenger Hat Base Price: 18,000

Popularity 10 App. Colored thick headband Item Class Accessory: Head
Summary For a monster with rare loot, action check, or loot roll +2 (only once) Era Magitech Civilization
When the wearer of this hat fights a monster that has 13 When using this effect in an attack, spell, or effect that targets
or higher to get its highest loot, the wearer once can get a +2 multiple targets at the same time, the wearer chooses whether or not
bonus on a check against the monster (Initiative against the effect is applied to each monster that satisfies the prerequisites.
monster’s faction, Accuracy check to hit the monster, Evasion This effect can be used only once for each monster (even if the
check to dodge the monster’s attack, Spellcasting check to monster has multiple sections, it can be used only once in total). If the
target the monster, Fortitude/Willpower against the monster, monster is killed without using the effect, the player gains +2 in the
and loot checks for the monster’s loot). However, this loot acquisition (only once, even if the monster has multiple sections).
requires the monster’s data to be known (i.e., someone in the In this case, the effect can be applied even if the data is unknown.
wearer’s team has successfully completed a Monster
Knowledge check).

Cattleya Garland Base Price: 20,000

Popularity 14 App. Circlet with engraved cattleya flowers Item Class Accessory: Head
Summary Increases range of Fairy Magic Era Ancient Magic Civilization
This circlet has tiny bells that, while inaudible to most humanoids, are quite pleasing to fairies. When the wearer of this circlet
casts Fairy Magic with "Range: X(Ym)", it is treated as if it had "Range: 2(Y+10m)".

Goddess's Veil Base Price: 20,000

Popularity 14 App. Pure white veil with ribbons Item Class Accessory: Head
Summary Rarely make healing magic hyper-effective. Women only Era Ancient Magic Civilization
It is a gorgeous, pure white veil. It is a symbol of grace and Men may also wear the Goddess's Veil but do not gain any benefits
charity throughout Raxia. from doing so.
Effect A woman who wears the Goddess's Veil can treat healing
magic as though it had a Critical Threshold of 10; i.e., healing
spells can be critical and will heal more than usual.

Crown of Riches Base Price: 25,000
Popularity 14 App. Crown decorated with gemstones in the shape of a cross Item Class Accessory: Head
You can roll for each target when healing multiple targets and then
Summary Era Ancient Magic Civilization
distribute the results. Men only
The effect of this item appears when the magic that recovers It is also useful when magic such as [Cure Wounds] is used to
HP using a power table such as [Cure Wounds] is cast on damage the undead. The result of the resistances can be determined
multiple targets simultaneously, such as with before the sorting (for example, dealing the most damage to targets
Effect [Metamagic/Targets]. In this case, the wearer can determine that failed resistance).
the amount of recovery for all the targets first and then This effect only works when equipped by male characters.
distribute the result to any targets one by one. This effect is
limited to the case of recovery by Divine Magic spells.

Lal-Veine's Feather Crown Base Price: 60,000

Popularity 12 App. Golden tiara with ornaments resembling bird's wings on the sides Item Class Accessory: Head
Summary Can make additional Major Action Era Ancient Magic Civilization
The one equipped with this crown may take an additional Also, if they are under the effect of [Haste] (see CR III, p. 139),
Major Action on their turn. If they wish to do so, they must they may not attempt this action.
Effect spend 9 MP at the end of their turn and roll 1d. If the roll is This item is considered one of the Lal-Veine's Jewelry (p. 150).
5 or 6, they may take one additional Major Action. This
attempt can be made only once in 10 seconds (1 round).

Irritating Mask Base Price: 2,000

Popularity 10 App. Masks with expressions that irritate the viewer Item Class Accessory: Face
Summary Defense +1 attracts ranged attacks Era Magitech Civilization
The wearer of this mask has +1 to their Defense. This effect occurs only once every 10 seconds (1 round),
This mask irritates the viewer and makes them want to regardless of whether or not a target change has occurred. Also, a
attack the wearer. During combat, if a ranged attack or “Area: character whose level (adventurer level or monster level ) is 7 or more
Shot” spell or effect with “Target: 1 Character” is made is not affected by this effect and can aim at the target as initially
Effect against another character of the wearer’s team in the same determined.
skirmish as the wearer, a character must roll 1d. If the roll is If there are multiple characters of the same faction equipped with
1-3, the wearer of the mask becomes the target of such attack, this mask in the same skirmish, the effect of changing the target will
spell, or effect. only occur against character with the lowest Defense (or against a
random character whose values are the same).

Ruby Glasses Base Price: 2,000

Popularity 12 App. Glasses with ruby lenses Item Class Accessory: Face
Nullifies a Fortitude and Willpower check for effects that cause sleep can be
Summary Era Magitech Civilization
changed from a failure to a success
If the wearer of the glasses fails the Fortitude and Willpower effect check for effects that cause sleep, destroying the glasses
changes the check to automatic success.

Taste Piercing Base Price: 2,000

Popularity 11 App. Round and small tongue piercing Item Class Accessory: Face
Summary Sensitizes taste buds, +2 to Herbology check Era Magitech Civilization
It sharpens the wearer's sense of taste and allows them to enjoy flavors more deeply. At the same time, they gain a +2 bonus to
Herbology checks that are made by tasting (licking, sipping).

Night Goggles Base Price: 3,000

Popularity 10 App. Goggles with yellow lenses Item Class Accessory: Face
Summary See in darkness as though it were daytime Era Magitech Civilization
The wearer can gain the effect of [Darkvision] for 10 The MP stored in this item can only activate the effects of
seconds (1 round) by consuming 1 point of MP with Minor [Darkvision]. The MP of this item can be replenished by a character
Action. The MP consumed can be either the item's own 10 with the Artificer class by using MP from themself or the mako stone.
points of MP or the wearer's own MP each time it is used. This MP replenishment is performed as a Major Action and requires
Wearer can also use the Mana Cartridge (see p. 146) with this a magisphere (small).

Keen-Flash Glasses Base Price: 4,000

Popularity 14 App. Gold-framed glasses Item Class Accessory: Face
Summary +1 to Insight and Search checks Era Magitech Civilization
The wearer of these glasses receives a +1 bonus to both their Insight and Search checks.
Also allows to read the text written with Mystic Ink (see p. 143).

Part 3 Items

Mask of the Fearless Base Price: 4,520

Popularity 11 App. Mask of the mythical beast with a prominent golden mane Item Class Accessory: Face
When recovering from 0 HP or less to 1 or more, an additional 10 points of
Summary Era Ancient Magic Civilization
HP are recovered
Those equipped with this will recover an additional 10 points of HP as soon as their HP recovers from 0 or less to 1 or more.
This also includes the case of recovery with the [Awaken] spell (see CR I, p. 232).

Waterfowl Mask Base Price: 6,000

Popularity 8 App. Mask of the mythical beast with a prominent golden mane Item Class Accessory: Face
Summary Gives bonus for all checks against poison and disease Era Ancient Magic Civilization
The wearer of this mask gains knowledge and resistance against poison and disease. The wearer gains a +2 bonus for Fortitude,
Willpower, Herbology, and Insight checks against poison and disease-type effects.
Keen Glasses Base Price: 7,200
Popularity 10 App. Double-lens glasses Item Class Accessory: Face
A single character can be additionally guaranteed to be hit by Line and
Summary Era Magitech Civilization
Breakthrough effects
When a character equipped with these glasses casts an The character (section) thus specified is automatically affected by
"Area: Line" or "Area: Breakthrough" spell or uses such an the effect without the usual 1d check to see if it is affected or not.
Effect effect, they can also select another character (section) apart
from the target (see CR I, p. 163 and CR III, p. 114), that
satisfy the conditions to be a target.
Hunter's Eyes Base Price: 9,600
Popularity 13 App. One pair of glasses with hooks for the ears Item Class Accessory: Face
When the Monster Knowledge check fails, the level of the target is known.
Summary Era Ancient Magic Civilization
On success, +1 is added to the Accuracy check
A character equipped with these glasses can know the target's level (monster level or adventurer level) even if they fail the Monster
Effect Knowledge check. If the character succeeds in the Monster Knowledge check, the character gains a +1 bonus for the Accuracy check
against the monster.
Smaltier's Eye Guard Base Price: 12,000
Popularity 10 App. One pair of glasses with hooks for the ears Item Class Accessory: Face
Summary Energy magic damage -4 Era Ancient Magic Civilization
Energy magic damage suffered by the wearer can be reduced by -4.
This item is considered to be one of Smaltier's Accessories (see p. 150).
Lal-Veine's Monocle Base Price: 20,000
Popularity 12 App. Decorated rimmed monocle Item Class Accessory: Face
Summary Make the monster's weak point 4 points lower Era Ancient Magic Civilization
When the monocle wearer performs a Monster Knowledge When a Weakness check (see CR III, p. 86) is made against the
check, the weakness of all target monsters is treated as 4 points wearer’s Monster Knowledge, the success value of the Weakness
lower (but cannot be less than its reputation). check has a penalty of -4.
This item is considered one of the Lal-Veine’s Jewelry (p. 150).

Lover's Receiver Base Price: 100

Popularity 8 App. Silver earrings Item Class Accessory: Ear
Summary Hear the sound of a particular Lover's Flute Era Current
The person equipped with this will be able to hear the sound of the “Lover's Flute” set to the same tone. For more information,
see Lover's Flute (see p. 142).
Recording Earrings Base Price: 1,600
Popularity 16 App. Earrings with swinging orbs Item Class Accessory: Ear
Summary Continuously records an hour's worth of sound at all times Era Magitech Civilization
This earpiece is constantly recording. It can record up to 1 When the earpiece wearer dies, the recording stops. By replaying
Effect hour, but it is always overwritten from the oldest to the newest the recording, it is possible to know the circumstances of the death,
so that the most recent hour is always recorded. but only in audio form.
Golden Earplugs Base Price: 2,000
Popularity 12 App. Gold earplugs Item Class Accessory: Ear
Summary Resistance +2 vs. Spellsongs and Finales Era Magitech Civilization
The wearer gains a +2 bonus to Willpower against Spellsongs and Finales.
The wearer can still hear other sounds normally.

Smaltier's Listening Device Base Price: 2,200
Popularity 10 App. Silver, half-moon-shaped ear accessory Item Class Accessory: Ear
Summary Listen check can be performed from 10m farther Era Magitech Civilization
If the wielder wants to make a Listen check for sounds coming from behind a door or wall, they can do so from 10 meters away.
This item is considered to be one of Smaltier's Accessories (see p. 150).

Watchful Doll Base Price: 2,800

Popularity 13 App. Large dangling earrings in the form of a doll Item Class Accessory: Ear
Summary +2 to Accuracy with [Aimed Shot] Era Magitech Civilization
This earpiece assists the [Aimed Shot] by whispering precise instructions in the wearer’s ear while in the crosshairs.
The wearer of this item gains a +2 bonus on Accuracy checks for shooting that would otherwise be affected by [Aimed Shot].

Linkpearls Holder Base Price: 3,000+

Popularity 8 App. Earrings that can be fitted into earrings as decoration Item Class Accessory: Ear
Summary Multiple Linkpearls can be equipped at the same time Era Current
These earrings can be fitted with multiple Linkpearls (see be removed for speaking, or else the other earrings will be activated
CR II, p. 236), allowing multiple pieces to work simultaneously.
simultaneously. It does not expand the capabilities of the The price of this item depends on how many can be inserted
Effect Linkpearls. It does not change the limitation that only one simultaneously: two can be inserted for 3,000G and three for 6,000G.
pair of earrings can speak to each other at a time. Also, while Each additional Linkpearls costs 1,000G more than the total number
the holder can be left in place for listening, the holder must of Linkpearls. In other words, four is 10,000 G, five is 15,000 G, and
so on.

Bat's Earrings Base Price: 3,500

Popularity 14 App. Bat-shaped earrings Item Class Accessory: Ear
Summary Able to act even when blind Era Magitech Civilization
The earpiece enables the wearer to recognize their are blind, reducing the penalty to -2 when they attack, etc.
Effect surroundings by emitting an ultrasonic sound like a bat and It works the same against invisible opponents reducing the penalty
hearing the echoes. As a result, they can act even when they against them.

Tongues Earpiece Base Price: 5,000+

Popularity 14 App. White ring-shaped earrings Item Class Accessory: Ear
Summary Able to understand a specific language Era Ancient Magic Civilization
The wearer of these earrings will be able to listen to and Once a language is chosen, it cannot be removed. The wearer does
understand up to five different spoken languages. If the not gain the ability to read or write any of the chosen languages
earring has not already chosen five languages, the wearer can through the magic of these earrings.
choose which languages should be translated. The base price for this earring is 5,000G with five preselected
languages. For every language that has not been set, the price increases
by 5,000G.

Stone Man's Earring Base Price: 6,640

Popularity 15 App. Earrings with dangling round stones Item Class Accessory: Ear
The body becomes covered with stone and increases Defense in exchange
Summary Era Ancient Magic Civilization
for body movement
When equipped with this earring, the wearer’s body becomes slightly petrified. Therefore, the dexterity or agility (which is
determined for each individual earring) is reduced by -6. Instead, the character gains +1 to Defense.

Lal-Veine's Golden Chain Base Price: 7,500

Popularity 12 App. White ring-shaped earrings Item Class Accessory: Ear
Summary Get “Accessory section: Other” Era Ancient Magic Civilization
The wearer can equip an additional Accessory: Other. This item is considered one of the Lal-Veine's Jewelry (p. 150).
When this item is unequipped, any accessory equipped by the
effect of this item also becomes unequipped and falls to the
ground at the same time.

Dead Man's Earring Base Price: 10,640

Popularity 15 App. Earrings with dangling bone fragments Item Class Accessory: Ear
Summary Misleads the undead into believing that the wearer is undead Era Ancient Magic Civilization
The wearer of this earring will be misidentified as Undead This does not apply in the case of undead who are acting under
by Undead with “Intellect: None”, “Intellect: Animal”, or the direct instruction of others. The content of the instructions takes
“Intellect: Low”. This means that these monsters will not precedence.
Effect consider the wearer of the earring to be an attack target. If a In addition, if the person equipping this item inflicts damage on
monster with the combat feat [Magic Control] uses magic that an undead in any way, all undead on the battlefield will no longer be
affects range for the purpose of damage, the earring wearer affected by this effect.
will be excluded from the target.

Part 3 Items

Mutual Follow-up Earrings Base Price: 12,000

Popularity 12 App. Earrings with dangling bone fragments Item Class Accessory: Ear
Immediately after the partner's double 1s, they can roll 10 on the next roll.
Summary Era Ancient Magic Civilization
Price for a set
This accessory is a set of two pieces, one for each of the This effect does not occur if automatic failure is not caused by
other characters, and is ineffective if only equipped by a single double 1s or if automatic failure or damage is avoided by changing the
character. Also, each character can equip only one of them at roll or by the effect of a special magic or item, even if there is a double
the same time. 1s roll.
If the wearer of this earring rolls a double 1s on an action Also, this effect can be used within the next 10 seconds (1 round)
check or in the use of the power table, and an automatic and only once. During the duration of the effect, if the second wearer
failure or no damage or healing is determined, the second gets double 1s, they can either choose to replace it with “10” or
wearer of the corresponding earring can declare that they get transfer their right to roll 10 to the first wearer.
a 10 without rolling dice when they do an action check or
when they use the power table.

Linkpearls Base Price: 20,000

Popularity 14 App. Black drop earrings (2 pairs) Item Class Accessory: Ear
Summary Wearers can talk to each other Era Magitech Civilization
When each pair of earrings are worn, the wearer of one can However, a person cannot wear two complete sets using another
talk to the wearer of the other and speak freely once per day, slot (thus having four earrings total) and talk between both pairs.
up to a maximum of 10 minutes. This magic functions
regardless of the distance between the two wearers.

Squealing Choker Base Price: 1,500

Popularity 12 App. Choker with animal design Item Class Accessory: Neck
Summary Can make animal noises Era Magitech Civilization
This choker is decorated with a single design featuring an animal. The wearer can make the animal cry by pressing it and
speaking. The sound is always the same and cannot have any meaning.

Ribbon of Lovely Transformation Base Price: 1,700

Popularity 12 App. Ribbon-shaped tie Item Class Accessory: Neck
Summary Appearing to be clothed in any garment Era Magitech Civilization
When the wearer says the command word, makes a specific The effect can be canceled with Minor Action.
gesture and expends 1 MP with Major Action it creates an In the Magitech Civilization Period, it was one of children's toys.
illusion and makes the wearer appear to be wearing a garment When a Detect check (see CR I, p. 111) is performed against this
of their choice for one hour. No special effects, modifications illusion, no dice are rolled and the appearance is revealed to be an
to Evasion, Defense, etc. will be granted. It also will not pass illusion.
a physical inspection.

Lucky Charm Base Price: 2,000

Popularity 10 App. A pendant with a picture of a bluebird Item Class Accessory: Neck
Summary Loot Determination rolls +1 Era Magitech Civilization
The wearer of this item gains +1 on the 2d roll to gain loot and must be equipped with this item both in the encounter with the
monster who gains loot and when the monster is defeated to receive this effect.

Crystal Necklace Base Price: 3,000

Popularity 12 App. Necklace with hanging crystals Item Class Accessory: Neck
Summary Increases Poison, Disease resistance by +1 Era Magitech Civilization
The wearer of this necklace gains a +1 bonus to Fortitude and Willpower checks to resist any Poison or Disease effects.
The crystal used in this necklace is specially enchanted to reflect in rainbow colors when held over light.

Amulet Of Light Base Price: 3,000

Popularity 10 App. Low-hanging necklace with white jewels Item Class Accessory: Neck
Summary +1 Fortitude, Willpower, and Evasion vs. Undead attacks Era Magitech Civilization
Effect When attacked by Undead monsters, the wearer receives a +1 bonus to Evasion, Fortitude, and Willpower.

Minor Curse Rebellion Base Price: 4,500
Curse Rebellion Base Price: 40,000
Popularity 13 App. Simple necklace Item Class Accessory: Neck
Summary Damage dealt to Daemons +1/+3; damage taken from Daemons -1/-3 Era Ancient Magic Civilization
Increases any physical or magical damage that the wearer The damage increase/reduction is 1 point for the Minor Curse
deals against Daemon characters. Rebellion and 3 points for the Curse Rebellion. The effects of each
Also, when the wielder is attacked by a Daemon character, are not cumulative, and only the effect of the Curse Rebellion will be
it reduces any physical or magical damage from the attack. present if both are equipped at the same time.

Bear Claws Base Price: 6,000

Popularity 10 App. Bear-claw necklace decorated with patterns Item Class Accessory: Neck
Summary Increase the effect of [Bear Muscle] by +1 Era Ancient Magic Civilization
While worn, the effect of the Enhancer Technique [Bear Muscle] (see CR II, p. 184) is increased by +1 (so the user's Strength
Bonus is increased by +3 instead of +2).

Smaltier's Bell Base Price: 7,500

Popularity 10 App. Bear-claw necklace decorated with patterns Item Class Accessory: Neck
Summary Get “Accessory section: Other” Era Magitech Civilization
The wearer can equip an additional Accessory: Other. When this item is unequipped, any accessory equipped by the effect of
Effect this item also becomes unequipped and falls to the ground at the same time.
This item is considered to be one of Smaltier's Accessories (see p. 150).

Miracle Necklace Base Price: 10,000

Popularity 12 App. Necklace with magical stones embedded Item Class Accessory: Neck
Summary Re-roll a failed Death Check Era Magitech Civilization
If the wearer of this necklace is unconscious and fails a Death Check, they can choose to have this item shatter. If they do, they
may re-roll that Death Check but must take the result of this second roll.

Lal-Veine's Magic Belt Base Price: 25,000

Popularity 12 App. Wide necklace lined with stones Item Class Accessory: Neck
Summary HP is restored when 10 or more MP are consumed with Major Action Era Ancient Magic Civilization
If the wearer performs a Major Action that consumes is reduced to 9 points or less due to the combat feat [MP Save/**] or
more than 10 points of their MP, they immediately recover by substituting from a mako stone, the effect will not occur.
10 points of their HP. This decision is based on how much of This item is considered one of the Lal-Veine's Jewelry (p. 150).
their own MP is consumed; if their MP consumption

Survival Coat Base Price: 180

Popularity 0 App. Long coat with a bright white surface Item Class Accessory: Back
Summary The coat can be used for both heat and cold protection Era Current
It is a coat that covers the entire body and is made of highly But it is not capable of reducing or hindering the damage or effects
insulating material. In extremely hot deserts, it blocks the hot of fire type or water/ice type.
Effect sunlight, and in extremely cold ice fields, it prevents the
outflow of body heat. For this reason, it is a favorite of
adventurers who challenge such harsh terrain.

Weapon Holder Base Price: 1,000

Modified Weapon Holder Base Price: 5,000
Popularity 6 App. Backpack with hooked projections Item Class Accessory: Back
Summary Can hold weapons and shields on the back Era Current
This is a backpack-like accessory to be worn on the back. The wearer can attach up to one weapon with Weapon Holder and
The backpack has a hook-shaped protrusion to hold a up to two weapons with a Modified Weapon Holder at the same time
weapon, shield or "Stance: 1H/2H" item. (Even "Stance: 2H" weapon is counted as one weapon.).
Any kind of weapon or shield can be attached to or Weapon Holder and Modified Weapon Holder can be used
Effect removed from the back during Combat Preparation or with a simultaneously if they are both equipped. Therefore, the number of
Minor Action in combat. However, this action is treated as an weapons, shields, and/or items that can be attached should be added
equipment change and must be done before performing a up. For example, if a character equips two Modified Weapon
Major Action (see CR I, p. 151). Holders, they can attach up to four weapons, shields, and/or items in

Part 3 Items

Rangers' Cloak Base Price: 1,000 + 20 reputation

Popularity 0 App. Cloak (various) Item Class Accessory: Back
Requires Level 3 Ranger. Allows one Accessory to be equipped in the Back
Summary Era Various
A cloak modification that allows the wearer to equip an This item requires an extra 1,000G and 20 reputation on top of the
additional non-cloak Accessory in the Back Slot. A cloak with normal market price of the cloak to be modified.
this modification will have a new name, such as “Rangers’
Thermal Mantle”.
Inverness, a Beautiful Star Base Price: 3,000
Popularity 11 App. Dark Inverness cape with a star pattern Item Class Accessory: Back
Summary Creates Throwing Stars Era Magitech Civilization
The wearer may use a Minor Action to create a Throwing This effect can be used as many times as necessary. Still, the
Star B-rank thrown (see p. 130). This is treated as equipping Throwing Star created by this effect will disappear after 10 seconds (1
a weapon (see CR I, p. 141) and cannot be done after a Major round).
Action has been taken.
Little Wing Base Price: 3,000
Popularity 12 App. Ornament of small white wings Item Class Accessory: Back
Summary Reduces damage from a fall by -20 Era Magitech Civilization
Whenever the wearer falls a great distance, a gentle breeze buffers him and blunts the impact of his fall.
All falling damage taken by the wearer is reduced by -20.
Thermal Mantle Base Price: 3,500
Popularity 12 App. Cloak made of thick, magical cloth Item Class Accessory: Back
Summary Reduces fire, water/ice damage Era Magitech Civilization
This cloak is designed to protect against extreme Additionally, the wearer will prevent -1 damage from all Fire and
Effect temperatures. Whether heading to the desert or the middle Water/Ice sources.
of the arctic, the wearer will always be comfortable.
Penguin Cape Base Price: 6,000
Popularity 10 App. Penguin-patterned cape Item Class Accessory: Back
Summary Ignore water/ice type effects. Swim check +4 Era Magitech Civilization
The wearer of this cloak can negate any water/ice special Magic that causes damage and special effects of water/ice type can
Effect effects that they do not wish to have. However, it does not only deal damage.
negate or reduce damage to HP or MP. Additionally, the wearer gains a +4 bonus to Swim checks.
Saving Cloak Base Price: 8,000
Popularity 13 App. Cloak with a red pattern on the fabric Item Class Accessory: Back
Summary Reduces magic damage by -4 on failed Evasion or Resistance check Era Ancient Magic Civilization
If the wearer of this cloak fails an Evasion, Fortitude, or This item has no effect on effects that do not require Evasion,
Effect Willpower, check against an effect that deals magic damage Fortitude, or Willpower check.
and will be reduced by -4.
Smart Animal Sack Base Price: 9,000
Popularity 14 App. Backpack with an animal fur pattern Item Class Accessory: Back
Warns and guides by arcana. +1 to Search, Monster knowledge, Danger
Summary Era Ancient Magic Civilization
Sense, and Trap Detection checks
This sack speaks to the wearer in arcana, treating them as is knowledgeable and aware, if the wearer can speak arcana, they gain
Effect friends. The conversation is pleasant, but the attention and a +1 bonus on Search check, Monster Knowledge, Notice, Danger
guidance from the top are too frequent to ignore. Because it Sense, and Find Trap checks.
Hero's Mantle Base Price: 10,000
Popularity 12 App. Long cloak Item Class Accessory: Back
Summary Breath attacks damage -2 Era Magitech Civilization
This is a replica of the cloak used by the famous Dragon The wearer receives reduced by -2 damage from attacks whose
Effect Slayer, an ancient hero. It is available in a variety of colors and name ends with "[… Breath] (e.g. [►Fire Breath], [►Energy Breath]).
Lal-Veine's Shoulder Strap Base Price: 15,000
Popularity 12 App. Long cloak Item Class Accessory: Back
Summary Get protection against the damage type Era Ancient Magic Civilization
The wearer may say the password with a Minor Action, or the same type, it gains a +1 bonus to Fortitude and Willpower checks
during Combat Preparation, select one of the following types: made against it, and the physical and magical damage to HP and MP
earth, water/ice, fire, wind, lightning, bludgeoning, or slashing. from them is reduced by -1 point.
They gain protection against them for the next 10 seconds (1 This effect is overwritten each time it is used, so the wearer cannot
round). When the wearer becomes a target of a spell or effect gain protection from more than one type at the same time.
of This item is considered one of the Lal-Veine's Jewelry (p. 150).

Smaltier's Windbreaking Cloth Base Price: 25,000
Popularity 10 App. Colorful cloth belt Item Class Accessory: Back
Summary +2 to Accuracy check and Evasion check for 10 seconds (1 round) Era Magitech Civilization
This long cloth belt is wrapped around the neck, with two password with Minor Action or during Combat Preparation. This
long strips hanging down the back at the ends. effect can be used only once every 3 minutes (18 rounds).
The wielder gains a +2 bonus to Accuracy checks and This item is considered to be one of Smaltier's Accessories (see p.
Evasion checks for 10 seconds (1 round) by saying the 150).

Smaltier's Ability-Enhancing Ring Base Price: 400

Smaltier's Ability-Enhancing Bracelet Base Price: 900
Popularity 10 App. Jeweled silver ring/bracelet Item Class Accessory: Hand
Summary +1/+2 to a specific ability score Era Magitech Civilization
It gives +1 or +2 points to the ability score, just like the cumulate for the same ability score among them and among other
Ability-Enhancing Ring/Bracelet, corresponding to Dexterity, Smaltier’s Ability-Enhancing Rings/Bracelets.
Agility, Strength, and Intelligence, and the color of the Gem This ring/bracelet does not have the effect of temporarily increasing
Effect follows the same logic. They also follow the same naming the ability score by destroying it.
patterns, like “Smaltier’s Ring Of Skill.” This item is considered to be one of Smaltier's Accessories (see p.
The effect of this ring/bracelet, as well as the Ability- 150).
Enhancing Ring and the Ability-Enhancing Bracelet, do not

Ability-Enhancing Ring Base Price: 500

Ability-Enhancing Bracelet Base Price: 1,000
Popularity 8 App. Stylized silver rings/bracelets with gems of various colors Item Class Accessory: Hand
Summary +1/2 to a specific ability score, +13/14 if broken Era Magitech Civilization
The wearer receives +1 (ring) or +2 (bracelet) for one ability Rings and bracelets that enhance different ability scores work
score (excluding vitality and spirit). independently of each other.
After making a roll, the wearer may choose to break the The rings/bracelets are referred to as follows for each enhanced
ring/bracelet. If they do, the ability increase for that roll is ability score.
increased by 13/14 points instead. Only one ring or bracelet Ability score to Gem
Name of Ring/Bracelet
can be broken per check. Strengthen Color
Even if multiple rings/bracelets are equipped for the same Dexterity Ring of Skill/Master's Bracelet Green
ability score, the effects are not cumulative, and the temporary Ring of the Fleet-footed/Gale
Agility Purple
Effect increase from breaking them will not overlap with the Bracelet
permanent increase. For example, simultaneously equipping Herculean Ring/ Super Strong
a Ring Of Skill (Dexterity +1) and a Master's Bracelet Strength Red
(Dexterity +2) will only increase Dexterity by +2. Temporary Ring of Intelligence/ Wisdom
enhancement by breaking these items will not overlap with Intelligence Blue
permanent enhancement. If the Ring of Skill is broken, the
Dexterity will be temporarily increased by +13 from its
original value, ignoring the increment from the Master's

Level Ring Base Price: 500

Popularity 10 App. Black ring Item Class Accessory: Hand
The highest ability score is decreased by -1. The lowest ability score is
Summary Era Magitech Civilization
increased by +2
When this ring is equipped, the highest character's ability decreased ability score instead. This decision can be made after the
score is decreased by -1. The lowest is increased by +2 dice roll of the action check.
simultaneously (if there is more than one of each, the wearer You cannot equip more than one of these rings at the same time.
Effect chooses one at their discretion). Also, Ability-Enhancing Ring/Bracelet loses its effect when equipped
By destroying this ring as soon as the wearer performs an with this ring. A temporary increase in ability score by destroying the
action check that uses an increased ability score, they can Ability-Enhancing Ring/Bracelet is possible. Still, the effect cannot be
determine the success value by applying the value of the accumulated by destroying them simultaneously.

Droplet Bracelet Base Price: 5,000

Popularity 12 App. A bracelet set with a blue jewel Item Class Accessory: Hand
Summary It makes water spring up. Also, Water/Ice damage -1 Era Magitech Civilization
The wearer of the bracelet can speak a command word and Also, the wearer takes -1 water/ice damage while wearing the
cause water to issue forth from the inset gem. This ability can bracelet.
only be activated three times per day, and each activation
produces one liter of water.

Part 3 Items

Ring Of The Mind Base Price: 5,000

Ring of Righteous Belief Base Price: 30,000
Popularity 12 App. Silver ring/thin silver ring Item Class Accessory: Hand
Magitech Civilization/
Summary Willpower +1/+2 Era
Ancient Magic Civilization
Wearing this item gives a bonus to Willpower. The modifier is +1 for Ring Of The Mind and +2 for Ring Of The Mind. The
Effect effects of wearing both of these items at the same time are not cumulative, and only the effect of the Ring Of The Mind will be in

Rainbow Ring Base Price: 5,000

Popularity 10 App. Metal ring with iridescent reflections on its surface Item Class Accessory: Hand
Summary Emits light of various colors to illuminate the surroundings Era Magitech Civilization
This ring emits light when the person equipped with the ring a [Light] spell (see CR I, p. 219).
chants the command word with a Minor Action, illuminating However, this effect only works while the ring is worn. If removed,
Effect 2-3 areas (10m radius) around the ring. By using different the ring stops shedding light. The light cannot be turned off by any
words, the ring can emit light of various colors. If it is action other than removing the ring.
illuminated with white light, it is considered to be the same as

Big Gloves Base Price: 8,000

Popularity 13 App. Gloves that are too big for hands Item Class Accessory: Hand
Allows equipping a weapon or shield with a minimal strength of 5 more than
Summary Era Magitech Civilization
the original. Equipped at both hands and priced as a set
This accessory cannot be equipped in the other “Other” with a minimal strength 5 higher than their own strength, or in the case
section. It should be equipped on both Right Hand and Left of the Fencer class, up to “half strength (rounded up) + 5” (for
Hand parts (price is for both hands). example, if strength is 7, they can equip a weapon or shield with a
The wearer of these gloves may equip a weapon or shield minimum strength of 9).

Mana Ring Base Price: 10,000

Popularity 14 App. Silver bangle engraved with Arcana words Item Class Accessory: Hand
Summary Magic damage +1. Counts as Magic Implement Era Ancient Magic Civilization
A facsimile of bracelets worn by old court magicians, this to the target. For example, the ring will not increase the damage of
ring still holds significant magical power inside. [Enchant Weapon] (see CR I, p. 225) or [Solid Bullet] (see CR I, p.
The wearer increases any magic damage they deal by +1 242).
point. This effect is limited to spells that directly deal damage The ring can also be treated as a Magical Implement.

Bracelet of Manipulation Base Price: 24,800

Popularity 16 App. Intricately decorated bracelet Item Class Accessory: Hand
Summary Control invisible hand Era Current
A person equipped with this bracelet creates an invisible bracelet hand. Again, the weapon and shield cannot be used.
hand that can be used at will. This invisible hand may be The bracelet can generate many extra hands if more than one
equipped and used with any 1H Stance item other than bracelet is equipped. As previously stated, 2H Stance items can also
weapons and shields. Items with 2H Stance can also be used be equipped and used with these two invisible hands.
if they are used with the help of the wearer's original hand or

Lal-Veine's Mana Ring Base Price: 40,000

Popularity 16 App. Intricately decorated bracelet Item Class Accessory: Hand
Summary Magic damage +2. Counts as Magic Implement Era Ancient Magic Civilization
It has the same effect as a Mana Ring and can also be used the Mana Ring, and if worn at the same time, only the effect of this
Effect as a magical implement. However, the increase in damage item will appear.
from this bracelet is +2 points. This item does not stack with This item is considered one of the Lal-Veine's Jewelry (p. 150).

Utility Belt Base Price: 1,000 + 20 reputation

Popularity 0 App. Belt (Various) Item Class Accessory: Waist
Requires Level 3 Scout. Allows one Accessory to be equipped in the
Summary Era Various
“Waist” slot
A belt modification that allows the wearer to equip an This item requires an extra 1,000G and 20 reputation on top of the
additional non-belt Accessory in the Waist Slot. A belt with normal market price of the belt to be modified.
this modification will have a new name, such as “Utility Gun

Coward Belt Base Price: 1,500
Popularity 12 App. White belt with red trim Item Class Accessory: Waist
Summary Propels the wearer 20m Era Magitech Civilization
The person equipped with this belt can propel themselves The wearer also automatically withdraws from the skirmish when
a distance of 20 meters by saying a password with a Major being propelled by this belt.
Action. However, a safe landing is not guaranteed, and the In Simplified Combat, the wearer can only propel backward, and
Effect belt wearer must suffer a 20 points fall damage if they use this the destination is always their own rear area; in Standard Combat, the
function. wearer can propel themselves in any direction, but the distance is not
adjustable. In Advanced Combat, direction is completely arbitrary and
the distance is not adjustable.

Sunflower Buckle Base Price: 1,500

Popularity 10 App. Buckle in the shape of a circle Item Class Accessory: Waist
Summary Fortitude and Willpower checks against undead +1 Era Magitech Civilization
The wielder of this item gains a bonus to Fortitude and Willpower of +1 when targeted by a spell or unique skill by the undead

Invincible Transformation Belt Base Price: 1,500

Popularity 12 App. White belt with red trim Item Class Accessory: Waist
Summary Appear to be wearing any armor Era Magitech Civilization
When the wearer says the command word, makes a specific The effect can be canceled with Minor Action.
gesture and expends 1 MP with Major Action it creates an In the Magitech Civilization Period, it was one of the children's toys.
illusion and makes the wearer appear to be wearing the armor When a Detect check (see CR I, p. 111) is performed against this
of their choice for one hour. No special effects, modifications illusion, no dice are rolled, and the appearance is revealed to be an
to Evasion, Defense, etc. will be granted. It also will not pass illusion.
a physical inspection.

Missile Trapper Base Price: 1,660

Popularity 10 App. Closed umbrella Item Class Accessory: Waist
Protects the equipped person from flying attacks as well as [Missile
Summary Era Current
When attacked by a ranged weapon attack, the umbrella Roll 1d. On a 1-3, the umbrella fails to take effect but can be used
can be deployed before the Evasion check is made. If again after closing it with a Major Action. On a 4-6, the player
Effect deployed, attacks from ranged weapons and similar attacks automatically avoids the attack, and this equipment is destroyed.
are handled in the same way as the [Missile Protection] spell
(see CR II, p. 174).

Black Belt Base Price: 3,000

Popularity 8 App. Black leather belt Item Class Accessory: Waist
Summary Defense +1 Era Magitech Civilization
It is said this belt is made from tanning a special leather.
The wearer of this belt has +1 Defense. This item does not stack with the True Black Belt.

Blade Skirt Base Price: 4,580

Popularity 6 App. Skirts with thorns sticking out all over it Item Class Adventure Tools
Summary Damage to the enemy during perfect evasion Era Current
If the person equipped with this skirt succeeds in an Evasion check against In case of automatic success in the Evasion check,
a melee attack by 4 or more, the attacker is given physical damage as if they the decision should be made according to the success
had been hit with a melee attack with the following data. value + 5 rule (see CR I, p. 92).
The Extra Damage of this hit is “Warrior-Type Class used for Evasion
Effect (including Marksman class with combat feat [Archer's Grace]) + Strength
Name Power ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ Crit Rate Add'l Dmg
Blade Skirt 10 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 ⑩ -

Champion's Buckle Base Price: 5,000

Popularity 10 App. Buckle molded in hero's likeness Item Class Accessory: Waist
Summary May cast [Lightning] with Magic Power 6 Era Magitech Civilization
When the wearer speaks the command word with Major Action, the [Lightning] spell (see CR I, p. 219) fires out of the hero's
mouth with Magic Power 6. It also requires MP to pay for the spell. The wearer cannot use combat feats for this spell.

Smaltier's Martial Arts Belt Base Price: 6,000

Popularity 10 App. Vividly colored cloth belt Item Class Accessory: Waist
Summary Vitality modifier added to [Recovery] Technique Era Magitech Civilization
When the wearer uses Technique [Recovery] (see CR II, p. 187), they can add their Vitality modifier to it.
This item is considered to be one of Smaltier's Accessories (see p. 150).

Part 3 Items

Unbending Buckle Base Price: 12,300

Popularity 16 App. Stern buckle Item Class Accessory: Waist
Summary Allows rolling Willpower against Guns Era Magitech Civilization
When the wearer of this buckle is attacked by a Gun or with If Willpower succeeds, they can halve the calculated damage (if they
a Magic Arrow/Quarrel (see p. 132) as ammunition, they may have [Mana Interference] racial ability, they will not suffer any
choose to roll Willpower instead of Evasion to avoid the damage). If a check fails, it will take the same damage as before.

True Black Belt Base Price: 20,000 + 80 reputation

Popularity 8 App. A black belt worn around the waist Item Class Accessory: Waist
Summary Requires Level 3 Grappler. Defense +2 Era Magitech Civilization
Effect The wearer of this belt gains +2 to Defense. This item does not stack with the Black Belt.

Lal-Veine's Kneaded Magic Belt Base Price: 26,000

Popularity 12 App. Jeweled belly band Item Class Accessory: Waist
Summary Magic Power +1 for spells cast with Major Action (max +3) Era Ancient Magic Civilization
The wielder of this belt can perform a Major Action to Once the wearer casts a spell with increased Magic Power, all the
increase their Magic Power on their turn when they move with increase in Magic Power will be removed. In addition, the wearer's
Limited Move. If they do this, all their Magic Power is maximum MP is reduced by "Magic Power increased x 3". The
increased by +1. Even if the wearer can perform multiple reduction of maximum MP will not be recovered even if the belt is
Major Actions in turn, this attempt can be made only once in unequipped, but will last for one day (until 6:00 AM of the next day).
a turn. If this item is removed forcibly by any means, the Magic Power bonus
The maximum increase in Magic Power is +3. If the wearer from this item will be removed immediately.
tries to increase Magic Power beyond +3, the magic will This item is considered one of the Lal-Veine's Jewelry (p. 150).
overload, dealing 6 fixed damage to HP while the Magic
Power increase remains unchanged. On the other hand, if no
attempt is made to increase Magic Power on the wearer’s turn,
the Magic Power increase is reduced by -1.

Green Belt Base Price: 35,000

Popularity 14 App. Wide green belt Item Class Accessory: Waist
Summary Assume that the wearer is in a natural environment Era Magitech Civilization
character equipped with this belt can use classes and abilities under any circumstances and in any location and receive effects as if
they or the target were in the natural environment (see CR I, p. 101).

Upright Leggings Base Price: 500

Popularity 8 App. Armored leggings supporting the back of the heel Item Class Accessory: Foot
Summary Can sleep or be unconscious standing Era Current
When a person equipped with this item is affected by sleep awakened prone without suffering any disadvantage from falling
or becomes unconscious with HP below 0, they will remain prone.
standing without falling down. If the wearer is awakened by a It does not prevent falling prone caused by other effects.
spell such as [Awaken] (see CR I, p. 232), they will not be

Skanda Boots Base Price: 2,000

Popularity 10 App. Boots made of blue and white leather straps Item Class Accessory: Foot
Summary Movement +5 Era Magitech Civilization
These boots have wind magic woven into them. The wearer In Simplified Combat, this item will not change the rule for moving
will be able to walk more lightly than usual. between areas.
Effect The wearer of this item gains +5 in movement. That is, the
distance of Full Move is increased by +15m, and that of
Normal Move by +5m.

Water Spider Sandals Base Price: 2,000

Popularity 8 App. Wide sandals Item Class Accessory: Foot
Summary Can stand on the surface of the water Era Magitech Civilization
The wearer can stand on the surface of the water when they Once activated, the effect lasts for 3 minutes. In this case, no matter
say the password, pays 1 MP, and activates them. When the effect duration, the wearer needs to spend MP1 again to activate
Effect activated, the Sandals restrict the wearer's movement (both on them again.
the ground and on the water), and the wearer cannot perform
Full Move and suffers a -1 penalty on Evasion checks.

Protective Sandals Base Price: 2,000
Popularity 12 App. Leather sandals with shiny blue gemstones on the toes Item Class Accessory: Foot
Summary +2 to Spot Trap check for foot triggers Era Ancient Magic Civilization
These Sandals are sensitive to traps triggered by stepping in against these traps that are triggered by foot triggers.
Effect or tripping on them, such as pitfalls, stepboard switches, and This bonus is cumulative with the Pole of Trap Detection (see p.
trip wires. The wearer gains a +2 bonus to Spot Trap checks 142) (both add sense of discomfort against traps).

Trackless Boots Base Price: 2,800

Popularity 12 App. Thin cloth shoes that fit the foot Item Class Accessory: Foot
Summary Leave no footprints Era Ancient Magic Civilization
The wearer of this item does not leave any footprints after walking or running. This effect is always present, and the wearer cannot
intentionally leave footprints on the ground.

Golden Spurs Base Price: 3,000

Popularity 12 App. Golden spurs Item Class Accessory: Foot
Summary +5 movement to mount (Animals, Mythical Beast) Era Ancient Magic Civilization
When riding with these spurs equipped, the mount's Full Move increases their speed by 15m, while those taking a Normal Move
increase their speed by 5m. This effect is effective with Animal and Mythical Beast mounts.

Smaltier's Ankle Sleeves Base Price: 4,500

Popularity 10 App. Ankle supporter Item Class Accessory: Foot
Summary Reduced penalty when getting up from being prone Era Magitech Civilization
The wielder may reduce the penalty to an action check to -1 on the turn the wielder rises from a being prone (see CR I, p. 97).
This item is considered to be one of Smaltier's Accessories (see p. 150).

Silent Shoes Base Price: 5,000

Popularity 14 App. Shoes sewed from magical cloth Item Class Accessory: Foot
Summary +2 to Hide checks Era Magitech Civilization
These shoes are constructed from a special material that creates no sound.
Anyone wearing these shoes receives a +2 bonus to Hide checks.

Lucky Feathers Base Price: 10,800

Popularity 12 App. Short boots with feathered cuffs Item Class Accessory: Foot
Summary Makes it easier to dodge the Line and Breakthrough effects Era Ancient Magic Civilization
When deciding whether or not a wearer is involved in an effect with “Area: Line,” or “Area: Breakthrough” only on 1-2 wearer
will be affected (instead of 1-3).

Light Boots Base Price: 11,600

Popularity 11 App. Boots with feathers Item Class Accessory: Foot
Summary Cannot fall prone Era Magitech Civilization
The one equipped with these boots can get up immediately after falling down. They do not suffer the penalty for falling prone and
getting up (see CR I, p. 97). Falling prone itself cannot be avoided, nor can damage caused by attacks similar to Throw be prevented.

Thieves Boots Base Price: 20,000

Popularity 14 App. Black leather boots Item Class Accessory: Foot
Summary Teleport 2m Era Ancient Magic Civilization
A wearer can move coordinates up to 2 meters using Major Suppose there is another character or object at the specified
Action, regardless of obstacles, by casting the password and coordinates. In that case, the wearer cannot appear there and will
10 MP. The target point need not be visible; the direction and rematerialize at their original position.
distance (2 meters) should be specified aloud in arcana. If the wearer tries to use this effect more than once a day, the MP
After the effect is used, the wearer temporarily disappears cost will increase by 10 points, to 20, 30...
and appears at the specified coordinates at the beginning of
the next wearer’s turn. During this one round (10 seconds),
the equipped person is immune to any effect.

Lal-Veine's Downlooker Base Price: 28,000

Popularity 14 App. High-heeled fancy shoes Item Class Accessory: Foot
Summary Magic Power +1, always in a poor footing state Era Ancient Magic Civilization
The wearer's Magic Power is increased by +1. However, the riding, etc.), they do not receive this penalty. Also, it is not cumulative
Effect wielder always receives the penalty for bad footing (see CR I, with other penalties due to the poor footing.
p. 97). If the wearer does not need to be on the ground (flying, This item is considered one of the Lal-Veine's Jewelry (p. 150).

Part 3 Items

Displacer Gadget Base Price: 5,000

Popularity 10 App. Little green doll Item Class Accessory: Any
Summary Get “Accessory section: Other” Era Magitech Civilization
The wearer can equip an additional Accessory: Other. When this item is unequipped, any accessory equipped by the effect of this
item also becomes unequipped and falls to the ground at the same time.

Sign of Valor Base Price: 10,000

Popularity 17 App. Elaborately designed badge Item Class Accessory: Any
Summary Control the growth of the ability score to some extent Era Divine Civilization
In order to benefit from this item, it must be kept equipped There are three types of Signs of Valor. Each of them has different
for the session duration. conditions for additional dice rolls. It is impossible to equip more than
Suppose the dice roll used to determine the ability score one Sign of Valor with different effects.
growth after the session does not include a specified roll (see
below). In that case, the wearer can roll an additional die to “Sign of Valor: Skill”: Wearer can reroll if results do not contain a 1
determine the ability score and use it to determine the ability or 2.
score. “Sign of Valor: Body”: Wearer can reroll if results do not contain a 3
or 4.
“Sign of Valor: Mind”: Wearer can reroll if results do not contain a
5 or 6.

SMoSRP - Secret Medicine of Section Regeneration Price.

Name Appropriate Level Purchase Price Rental Price SMoSRP Notes

Horse 1–4 5,000 250 - (Details p. 169)
Fast Horse 1–4 5,000 + 30 reputation - - Horse with +5 movement, purchase only
War Horse 4–7 10,000 1,000 - (Details p. 169)
Exceptional Horse 4-7 10,000 + 60 reputation - - War Horse with +5 movement, purchase only
Legendary Horse 7 – 10 20,000 2,000 - (Details p. 169)
Daredevil Horse 7 – 10 20,000 + 100 reputation - - Legendary Horse with +5 movement, purchase only
Divine Horse 10 – 13 50,000 5,000 - (Details p. 169)
King of Horses 10 – 13 50,000 + 150 reputation - - Divine Horse with +5 movement, purchase only
Dowles 2-4 4,500 300 - (Details p. 169)
Dondowles 5-7 9,000 900 - (Details p. 170)
Mordondowles 10 - 12 30,000 3,000 - (Details p. 170)
Dolphin 2–5 6,000 600 - (Details p. 170)
Giant Lizard 2–4 2,000 200 - (Details p. 170)
Dinos 4–6 10,000 1,000 500 (Details p. 171)
Plain Centipede 6–8 15,000 1,500 500 (Details p. 171)
Sky Whale 10 – 12 40,000 4,000 1,200 (Details p. 171)

Name Appropriate Level Purchase Price Rental Price SMoSRP Notes

Pegasus 5–7 20,000 2,000 - (Details p. 172)
Emerald Raccoon 6-8 25,000 2,500 - (Details p. 172)
Tilgris 8 - 10 60,000 6,000 3,000 (Details p. 172)
Gryphon 7–9 30,000 3,000 1,000 (Details p. 173)
Gurangatch 11 – 13 55,000 5,500 2,500 (Details p. 173)
Dragon Infant 4–7 20,000 2,000 - (Details p. 174)
Draconet 10 – 12 120,000 12,000 3,000 (Details p. 174)
Lesser Dragon 13 - 15 360,000 36,000 9,000 (Details p. 175)

Name Appropriate Level Purchase Price Rental Price Notes

Mini Manabike 1–2 3,000 300 (Details p. 176)
Manabike 3–6 10,000 1,000 (Details p. 176)
Manabike G 3–6 10,000 + 60 reputation - Manabike with +5 movement, purchase only
Superior Manabike 7–9 20,000 2,000 (Details p. 176)
Superior Manabike K 7–9 20,000 + 100 reputation - Superior Manabike with +5 movement, purchase only
Skybike 11 – 13 60,000 6,000 (Details p. 176)
Skybike S 11 – 13 60,000 + 150 reputation - Skybike with +5 movement, purchase only
Floating Board 1–3 2,000 200 (Details p. 177)
Advanced Floating Board 4–6 7,000 700 (Details p. 177)
Exceed Board 7–9 15,000 1,500 (Details p. 177)
Kalkinos 5–7 15,000 1,500 (Details p. 178)
Great Kalkinos 8 – 10 30,000 3,000 (Details p. 178)
Flying Kalkinos 11 – 14 150,000 15,000 (Details p. 179)

Part 3 Items

These items used to rent or carry mounts. For details, please refer to the Core Rulebook III.
Name Price Note
Mount Contract 200+ Allows to rent and carry animal or mythical beast mount (Details CR III, p. 93)
Mount Contract Sphere 200+ Allows to rent and carry magitech mount (Details CR III, p. 93)
Proprietary Mount
0 Allows to carry bought animal or mythical beast mount (Details CR III, p. 93)
Proprietary Mount
0 Allows to carry bought magitech mount (Details CR III, p. 97)
Carry an Animal or Mythical Beast of 3 levels or lower, and return them to their original positions with Minor
Mount Reduction Tag I 100
Action (Details CR III, p. 97)
Mount Reduction Tag Carry an Animal or Mythical Beast of 7 levels or lower, and return them to their original positions with Minor
II Action (Details CR III, p. 97)
Mount Reduction Tag Carry an Animal or Mythical Beast of 13 levels or lower, and return them to their original positions with Minor
III Action (Details CR III, p. 97)
Manabike Storage
10,000 Carry Magitech and use Minor Action to put it in and out (Details CR III, p. 97)

These items are used to regenerate disabled sections of Animals or Mythical Beasts or to repair a destroyed magitech. When
used, it regenerates the function of the section and restores HP to 1 point.
Name Classification Price Note
Secret Medicine of Section Regeneration Animal, Mythical Beast Various Regenerates in 10 minutes
Restore Kit Magitech 5,000 Repairs in 1 hour

Mounts with them can be equipped and affect their It is possible to reuse one item between multiple mounts
capabilities. Depending on the classification of the mount, it (section) (e.g., to replace the item used for Horse with
may or may not be equipped. Dowles).
There are weapons and armor, and the mount can equip If a weapon is marked with , the attack on that mount
one of each. In the case of a mount with multiple sections, (section) is treated as if it were made by a Magic Weapon.
each section can equip one weapon and one armor, affecting Armaments with “proprietary mounts only” cannot be
only the section in which it is equipped. equipped on rental mounts. You cannot enhance mount
weapons and armor (see CR II, p. 241).
Mount Weapons
Name Classification Price Note
Big Horn Animal, Mythical Beast 800 Damage +1
Sideblade Magitech 800 Accuracy check -1, Damage +2
Iron Rivet Animal, Mythical Beast 2,000 Damage +2
Flicker Hammer Animal, Mythical Beast, Magitech 3,000 Accuracy +1
Flicker Star Animal, Mythical Beast, Magitech 3,000 + 20 reputation Accuracy +1 ※Proprietary mounts only
Blade Horn Animal, Mythical Beast 5,000 Damage +3
Metal Horn Animal, Mythical Beast 5,000 + 20 reputation Damage +3 ※Proprietary mounts only
Manatite Plating Animal, Mythical Beast, Magitech 15,000 Damage +4
Manatite Horn Animal, Mythical Beast, Magitech 15,000 + 50 reputation Damage +4 ※Proprietary mounts only
Mount Armor
Name Classification Price Note
Leather Barding Animal, Mythical Beast 300 Defense +1
Chain Barding Animal, Mythical Beast 1,000 Defense +2
Anti-Magic Seal Magitech 2,000 Magic Damage -1
Plate Barding Animal, Mythical Beast 3,000 Defense +3
Blank Plate Magitech 3,000 Maximum HP +10
Wind Coat Animal, Mythical Beast 4,000 Evasion +1, Defense +2
Resist Barrier Magitech 8,000 Magic Damage -2
Animal, Mythical Beast,
Gardner Shell 12,000 Evasion -1, Defense +4
Magic Expansion Badge I Animal, Mythical Beast 800 Defense +1, Maximum MP +1
Defense +1, Maximum MP +2 ※Proprietary mounts
Magic Expansion Emblem I Animal, Mythical Beast 800 + 20 reputation

Magic Expansion Badge II Animal, Mythical Beast 2,500 Defense +2, Maximum MP +3
Magic Expansion Emblem Defense +2, Maximum MP +4 ※Proprietary mounts
Animal, Mythical Beast 2,500 + 50 reputation
II only

The name of the mount. If there is a reference page after
the name, it indicates the page where you can find its monster

②Purchase Price / Price of Mount Contract / (Regeneration

Cost of the mount. The first number is the price for
purchasing the mount outright. In contrast, the second price
is the cost for a "Mount Contract" or "Mount Contract Sphere"
(rental price), and the last it the price of a "Secret Medicine of
Section Regeneration” (see p. 166) to restore the disabled
The price of Secret Medicine of Section Regeneration is
only listed in the mounts of the sections that have the main

③Appropriate Level
The range of levels possible for the mount. The lowest
value is the minimal Rider level needed to handle the mount.
If the value meets the minimum, the mount can be handled
with each value of the mount level equal to the adventurer
level of the jockey.
The higher value is the maximum level, and even if the
jockey's adventurer level exceeds the maximum level, the
value of the mount will be that of the maximum level.

The Intelligence of the mount. As a general rule, as long
as a jockey can give instructions, the mount will act according
to those instructions but revert to instincts when not
If “None” is indicated, the mount has no will and will not
perform any action unless commanded by the jockey.
If “Animal” or “Low” are used, the mount protects its own
life. In most cases, they try to escape from danger or battle.
If “Average” or “High” are used, the mount puts the
jockey's safety before its own life.

The means of perception the mount has available. The
jockey and mount perceptions are, in principle, independent.

The languages the mount can speak. If the jockey and
mount can speak the same language, communication between
the two is possible.

⑦Weak Point
The weak point of mount. Whether or not the weak point
of the mount is detected is done during the Combat
Preparation by means of the Weakness check (see CR III, p.

Part 3 Items

⑧Movement Speed ⑪Unique Skills

How fast the mount moves. The same as in monster data. Unique skills used by mount, including icons, to classify
⑨Mount Data the unique skills and refer to them in the same way as the
Data by mount levels. The referenced mount level is the monster's unique skills.
same as the adventurer level of the jockey. Suppose the Also, if the unique skill mentions Rider class level or
adventurer level of a jockey is higher than the maximum value Intelligence Bonus, the jockey's stats are used unless
of the appropriate level. In that case, the mount level should mentioned otherwise.
be the maximum listed value. If there is a “Prerequisite: (Stunt Name)” before the name
In principle, it is the same as the monster data, but it is of the unique skill, the jockey must have mastered the stated
assumed that the dice are always rolled to check, and fixed stunt to use it. If the unique skill name has “Enhance : (Stunt
success values are not shown. Fortitude and Willpower, which Name)” before it, the unique skill can be further enhanced
are different for each level, are also shown here (in the case of and used effectively if the jockey has mastered the indicated
a multi-section monster, only one section is shown. The stunt. See the description of each unique skill.
resistance check should be rolled once when multiple sections
are affected). ⑫Description
This is the description of the mount.
⑩Sections/Main Section
If a mount has multiple sections, the number of sections
is listed, with the Main Section specifically noted.

Horse Divine Horse
Price: 5,000G/250G Appropriate Level: 1 – 4 Price: 50,000G/5,000G Appropriate Level: 10 – 13
Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five Senses Language: None Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five Senses Language: None
Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts. Movement Speed: 30 (4 Legs)/- Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts. Movement Speed: 30 (4 Legs)/-

F Style F Style
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
(section) (section)
1 Hoof 3 2d 2 1 22 8 4 3 7 Hoof 10 2d+10 9 8 62 25 11 11
2 Hoof 4 2d+1 3 2 26 9 5 4 8 Hoof 11 2d+12 10 9 68 28 12 12
3 Hoof 5 2d+2 4 3 30 10 6 5 9 Hoof 13 2d+13 12 10 74 31 13 13
4 Hoof 6 2d+3 5 4 34 11 7 6 10 Hoof 14 2d+15 13 11 80 34 15 14

Unique Skills Unique Skills

None. ⏩△Techniques / Prerequisite: [Unique Skill Release]
Can use the [Strong Blood], [Beetleskin], [Recovery (5 HP)], and [Bear
Muscle] Techniques.
A typical horse, built for running long distances. Horses that allow riders ◯Indomitable [Prerequisite: Unique Skill Perfect Release]
have been well trained and will listen to the commands of the rider without If the Divine Horse's HP drops to 0 or less, it may make a Death Check
fail. to stay standing, taking actions as normal. However, if it fails a Death Check,
it dies.
War Horse
Price: 10,000G/1,000G Appropriate Level: 4 – 7
Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five Senses Language: None Description
Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts. Movement Speed: 25 (4 Legs)/- A horse consecrated by the gods; it is believed that it will return from
combat unharmed in order to protect its master. However, it will not allow
F Style anyone to ride it unless the rider is also without equal.
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
4 Hoof 6 2d+4 5 4 40 15 7 7
5 Hoof 7 2d+6 6 5 45 17 8 8 Dowles
6 Hoof 8 2d+7 7 6 50 19 10 9 Price: 4,500G/300G Appropriate Level: 2 – 4
7 Hoof 9 2d+9 8 7 55 21 11 10 Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five Senses Language: None
Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 pts. Movement Speed: 20/-
Unique Skills
F Style
⏩△Techniques / Prerequisite: [Unique Skill Release] Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
Can use the [Beetleskin] and [Bear Muscle] Techniques.
2 Tail 4 2d+3 2 4 20 5 4 2
3 Tail 5 2d+4 3 5 24 6 5 4
Description 4 Tail 6 2d+5 4 6 28 7 6 5
A professionally trained horse for combat. Under the command of an
expert jockey, it is strong enough to send weak monsters scattering. Unique Skills
🗨Tail Sweep
The monster can use its tail to attack up to 5 targets in the same skirmish.
Legendary Horse This ability cannot be used on consecutive turns.
Price: 20,000G/2,000G Appropriate Level: 7 – 10
Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five Senses Language: None
Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts. Movement Speed: 25 (4 Legs)/-
Dowles is a large bipedal reptile (more than 2m tall) that inhabits the
plains of the Alfleim continent. They are herbivorous and mild-mannered,
F Style
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will and tend to stay in groups. In the wild, they move slowly, but those acclimated
and rented out at Rider's Guild are as agile as small horses after training.
7 Hoof 10 2d+10 9 8 62 25 11 11
8 Hoof 11 2d+12 10 9 68 28 12 12
9 Hoof 13 2d+13 12 10 74 31 13 13
10 Hoof 14 2d+15 13 11 80 34 15 14

Unique Skills
⏩△Techniques / Prerequisite: [Unique Skill Release]
Can use the [Beetleskin] and [Bear Muscle] Techniques.

◯Indomitable [Prerequisite: Unique Skill Perfect Release]

If the Legendary Horse's HP drops to 0 or less, it may make a Death
Check to stay standing, taking actions as normal. However, if it fails a Death
Check, it dies.

A well-traveled war horse that grew into a legendary figure. It has
excellent capabilities when it comes to defending its rider and are often seen
in the service of high-ranking generals and aristocrats.

Part 3 Items

Dondowles Dolphin (see CR III, p. 343)

Price: 9,000G/900G Appropriate Level: 5 – 7 Price: 5,000G/600G Appropriate Level: 2 – 5
Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five Senses Language: None Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five Senses Language: Sea Animal
Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 pts. Movement Speed: 20/- Weak Point: Fire Damage +3 pts. Movement Speed: -/25 (Swimming)

F Style F Style
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
(section) (section)
5 Tail 8 2d+8 5 8 39 10 8 6 2 Tackle 4 2d+2 3 3 23 9 4 4
6 Tail 9 2d+9 6 9 45 12 9 8 3 Tackle 5 2d+3 4 3 30 11 5 5
7 Tail 10 2d+10 7 10 51 14 10 9 4 Tackle 6 2d+4 5 4 37 13 6 6
5 Tackle 7 2d+5 6 5 44 15 7 7
Unique Skills
🗨Tail Sweep Unique Skills
The monster can use its tail to attack up to 5 targets in the same skirmish. ◯Underwater
This ability cannot be used on consecutive turns. It cannot move outside of the water and cannot act outside of the water,
but it does not suffer any restrictions or penalties for actions in the water.
►Wind Breath [Prerequisite: Unique Skill Release]/Rider Level + The jockey can ride either on the water or underwater while keeping this
Intelligence Modifier/Fortitude/Half mount in the water. In either case, the jockey does not receive any penalty for
It spits mass of wind with “Range/Area: 2(20m)/Shot" to "Target: 1 the action checks for being in the water. Still, as a rule, the jockey cannot
Character.” It deals “Power 10/Critical Threshold 10 + (Rider Level + breathe or speak when in the water.
Intelligence Modifier)” wind magic damage.
5 points of the mount's MP must be consumed to use this ability.
It is a mount that allows the jockey to move freely underwater. It is
Description available for rent at Rider's Guild in some seaside towns.
Dowles are by nature quiet, but some have extremely powerful lungs,
which they can use to exhale air and damage enemies. These are called
Dondowles. Giant Lizard (see CR I, p. 411)
Price: 2,000G/200G Appropriate Level: 2 – 4
Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five Senses Language: None
Mordondowles Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts. Movement Speed: 12 (4 Legs)/-
Price: 30,000G/3,000G Appropriate Level: 10 – 12
Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five Senses Language: None F Style
Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 pts. Movement Speed: 20/- Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
2 Bite 3 2d+2 2 2 20 8 5 3
F Style 3 Bite 4 2d+4 3 4 31 10 6 4
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
(section) 4 Bite 5 2d+6 4 6 42 12 7 5
10 Tail 14 2d+15 12 13 84 15 14 12
11 Tail 15 2d+17 13 14 91 18 15 13
12 Tail 16 2d+19 14 15 98 21 16 14 Unique Skills
►Defensive Stance
Giant Lizard takes a stance to protect itself and the jockey, and raises
Unique Skills Defense of itself, the jockey and the passenger by +2 points for 10 seconds (1
🗨Tail Sweep round).
The monster can use its tail to attack up to 5 targets in the same skirmish.
This ability cannot be used on consecutive turns.
►Wind Breath [Prerequisite: Unique Skill Release]/Rider Level + In the central part of the Alfleim Continent, there is a good environment
Intelligence Modifier/Fortitude/Half for breeding scaled Animals and Mythical Beasts, and those with well-
It spits mass of wind with “Range/Area: 2(20m)/Shot" to "Target: 1 developed and hardened scales are sometimes trained mounts.
Character.” It deals “Power 10/Critical Threshold 10 + (Rider Level +
Intelligence Modifier)” wind magic damage.
5 points of the mount's MP must be consumed to use this ability.

►Gale Breath [Prerequisite: Unique Skill Perfect Release]/Rider Level +

Intelligence Modifier/Fortitude/Half
It spits mass of wind with “Range/Area: 2(20m)/Shot" to "Target: 1 area
(3m Radius)/5.” It deals “Power 10/Critical Threshold 10 + Rider Level +
Intelligence Modifier” wind magic damage.
To use this ability, 7 points of the mount's MP must be consumed.

And among Dowles, some rare individuals are bred for a long period of
time and grow up to 3m in height, which does not exist in the wild. These are
Mordondowles and have a reputation as powerful mounts that can
accompany Swords of Genesis rank adventurers on their tough adventures.

Plain Centipedes in the wild, but presented here are currently used for riding
Dinos (see CR I, p. 413) because larger ones are extremely difficult to teach and ride.
Price: 10,000G/1,000G/500G Appropriate Level: 4 – 6
Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five Senses Language: None
Weak Point: Bludgeoning Damage +3 pts. Movement Speed: 13/- Sky Whale (see CR II, p. 361)
Price: 40,000G/4,000G/1,200G Appropriate Level: 10 – 12
Level F Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five Senses Language: Sea Animal
Bite (Head) 6 2d+6 5 3 26 26 7 5 Weak Point: Wind Damage +3 pts. Movement Speed: -/20 (Floating)
Kick (Body) 7 2d+5 5 4 34 34 - -
Bite (Head) 7 2d+8 7 5 34 34 9 6 Level F Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
Kick (Body) 8 2d+7 6 6 43 43 - - Bite (Head) 13 2d+14 12 10 96 33 13 13
Bite (Head) 8 2d+10 8 7 42 42 10 8 10 Slam (Body) 12 2d+16 12 8 88 31 - -
Kick (Body) 9 2d+9 7 9 52 52 - - Tail (Tail) 13 2d+12 13 7 68 25 - -
Bite (Head) 14 2d+16 14 12 109 39 15 14
Sections: 2 (Head/Body) Main Section: Head 11 Slam (Body) 13 2d+18 13 10 98 36 - -
Tail (Tail) 15 2d+13 14 9 77 30 - -
Unique Skills Bite (Head) 16 2d+17 15 14 122 45 16 16
●Head 12 Slam (Body) 14 2d+20 14 12 108 41 - -
►Freezing Breath [Prerequisite: Unique Skill Release]/Rider Level + Tail (Tail) 17 2d+15 16 11 86 35 - -
Intelligence modifier/Fortitude/Half
Spits mass of cold air with “Range/Area: 2 (20m)/Shot” at “Target: 1 Sections: 3 (Head / Body / Tail) Main Section: Head
Character”, dealing “Power 20/Critical Threshold 10 + (Rider Level +
Intelligence Modifier)” water/ice magic damage. Unique Skills
This ability cannot be used on consecutive turns. Also, the Head section ●Head
must spend 5 MP to use it. ►Ultrasonic Attack [Enhance: Unique Skill Perfect Release]/Rider Level +
Intelligence modifier/Fortitude/ Neg
●Body With "Range/Area: 1(10m)/Shot", the target is hit with a highly directional
◯Attack Obstacle = +4 • None ultrasonic blast that paralyzes “Target: 1 Character”. Target will have -2 on all
Dinos' height prevents enemies from attacking them. The Head receives action checks for 30 seconds (3 rounds). This effect is not cumulative.
a +4 bonus to Evasion checks against melee attacks. A character who is deafened (see CR II, p. 71) is immune to this effect.
When the Body falls to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears. If the jockey has learned [Unique Skill Perfect Release], the range
becomes 2(30m) is set, and the duration is 30 seconds (3 rounds).
Description The Head section must spend 10 MP to use it.
It is a giant animal widely y spread in the cold regions of the Alfleim
continent and is classified as a false-dragon. Their eggs are sometimes brought ●Body
back from the wild, incubated, and grown as mounts. ►Mist Breath [Prerequisite: Unique Skill Release]/Rider Level + Intelligence
With "Range/Area: 2(20m)/Shot" and “Target: 1 area (5m Radius)/15" is
Plain Centipede (see CR II, p. 356) dealt “Power 20/Critical Threshold 10 + (Rider Level + Intelligence
Modifier)” water/ice magic damage. In addition, a target that fails a resistance
Price: 15,000G/1,500G/500G Appropriate Level: 6 – 8 check suffers a -2 penalty on Accuracy checks and Evasion checks for 10
Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five Senses Language: None seconds (1 round).
Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts. Movement Speed: 20 (4 Legs)/- This ability cannot be used on consecutive turns. Also, the Body section
must spend 10 MP to use it.
Level F Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
Jaws (Head) 9 2d+8 8 6 56 17 9 7 ●Tail
6 Legs (Body) 8 2d+6 7 6 44 14 - - 🗨Tail Sweep
Legs (Body) 8 2d+6 7 6 44 14 - - The monster can use its Tail to attack up to 5 targets in the same
Jaws (Head) 10 2d+10 9 8 63 21 10 9 skirmish. Accuracy should be rolled once, while damage should be
7 Legs (Body) 10 2d+7 9 8 50 17 - - determined individually if multiple characters are hit. This attack cannot be
Legs (Body) 10 2d+7 9 8 50 17 - - used in consecutive rounds.
Jaws (Head) 12 2d+11 11 10 79 25 12 10
8 Legs (Body) 11 2d+9 10 10 56 20 - - Description
Legs (Body) 11 2d+9 10 10 56 20 - - These flying whales are sometimes used as transportation to Floating
Masses. They have gentle characters, and it is not so difficult to teach them.
Sections: 3 (Head / Body x 2) Main Section: Head However, they do not like to be restrained, so they sometimes fly away when
they find themselves in the company of a jockey whom they do not like.
Unique Skills
◯Deadly Poison/Rider Level + Intelligence modifier/Fortitude/Neg
If the Jaw attack hits and deals 1 applied damage, it deals additional 2d+6
poison magic damage to the target.

🗨Decoy Attack I/[Prerequisite: Unique Skill Release]
It gains -2 to Accuracy checks, but the damage is increased by +2 on hit.
If the declared attack is evaded, the enemy receives a -1 penalty to
Evasion checks for the next 10 seconds (1 round). This effect is cumulative
up to -4 but is lost if the target fails an Evasion check even once.

These wild centipedes interfere with railroad tracks. Some of them are
captured, fed, and trained as mounts.
They are difficult to control and are considered to be difficult to master
unless the jockey is familiar with them. There are larger (with more sections)

Part 3 Items

Pegasus (see CR III, p. 392) Tilgris (see CR III, p. 394)

Price: 20,000G/2,000G Appropriate Level: 5 – 7 Price: 60,000G/6,000G/3,000G Appropriate Level: 8 – 10
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five Senses Language: None Intelligence: Animal Perception: Five Senses Language: None
Weak Point: Accuracy +1 Movement Speed: 20 (4 Legs)/40 (Flying) Weak Point: Slashing Damage +3 pts. Movement Speed: 30 (4 Legs)/-

F Style F Style
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
(section) (section)
5 Hoof 7 2d+5 6 3 41 23 7 7 Claws (Front) 11 2d+8 11 8 69 24 11 10
6 Hoof 8 2d+6 7 5 46 26 8 8 Tail (Back) 10 2d+10 10 8 77 12 - -
7 Hoof 9 2d+8 8 6 51 29 9 9 Claws (Front) 12 2d+9 12 9 76 28 12 11
Tail (Back) 11 2d+12 11 9 84 14 - -
Claws (Front) 13 2d+11 13 10 83 32 13 12
Unique Skills 10
Tail (Back) 12 2d+14 12 10 93 16 - -
Grants a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion to
Sections: 2 (Front / Back) Main Section: Front
both jockey and mount.

◯Poison/Disease Immunity Unique Skills

When the mount is subjected to a poison or disease-type effect or ●Front
damage, it can always be resisted as "Resistance: Optional." ◯Double Attack [Prerequisite: Unique Skill Release]
Can make two Claws attacks with one Major Action.
◯Mounted = 1 Character [Prerequisite: Unique Skill Release]
One character, except for the jockey, can be carried and moved on this ►Lightning Breath/Rider Level + Intelligence Modifier/Fortitude/Half
mount (see CR III, p. 91). It spits lightning with “Range/Area: 2(20m)/Shot" to "Target: 1 area (3m
Radius)/5.” It deals “Power 20/Critical Threshold 10 + Rider Level +
Intelligence Modifier” lightning and water/ice magic damage.
Description This ability cannot be used on consecutive turns.
A white horse with wings on its back, a Pegasus isn't as capable in combat
as other mounts. However, they compensate by allowing a passenger to ride ●Back
as well. ◯Long Tail
Tail attacks can be made with "Range/Area: 1(10m)/Target".

Emerald Raccoon (see CR III, p. 392) ◯Painful Strike

Price: 25,000G/2,500G Appropriate Level: 6 – 8 If the 2d roll of the damage roll is 10 or more, the damage is increased
Intelligence: Average Perception: Five Senses (Darkvision) by an additional +7 points.
Language: Lycan, Lycant, Sylvan
Weak Point: Earth Damage +3 pts. Movement Speed: 16 (4 Legs)/- Description
Tilgris resembles a large tiger and is known as a territorial and reclusive
F Style Mythical Beast. They live in deep forests and mountains. However, it is also
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
(section) known to be an excellent mount, willing to let its backs to those with whom it
6 Arm 8 2d+8 8 6 52 48 8 9 has a rapport.
7 Arm 9 2d+9 9 7 57 51 9 10
8 Arm 11 2d+10 10 8 62 54 10 11

Unique Skills
◯Fairy Magic 6 Level [Prerequisite: Magic Command]/Magic Power 9
It can use earth, water/ice, wind, and light types.

◯Magic Aptitude [Prerequisite: Unique Skill Release]

They can use the Combat Feats [Targeting], [Metamagic/Targets].

It is a Mythical Beast that resembles a raccoon with green body hair.
These ones have established a friendship with Humanoids or one that has
been bred as a mount after coming down to a Humanoid village. They are
not good at attacking but can cast effective Fairy Magic.

Gryphon (see CR I, p. 428) Gurangatch (see CR II, p. 395)
Price: 30,000G/3,000G/1,000G Appropriate Level: 7 – 9 Price: 55,000G/5,500G/2,500G Appropriate Level: 11 – 13
Intelligence: Low Perception: Five Senses Language: None Intelligence: Low Perception: Five Senses (Darkvision)
Weak Point: Wind Damage +3 pts. Movement Speed: 20 (4 Legs)/40 (Flying) Language: Sea Anima, Sylvan Weak Point: Earth Damage +3 pts.
Movement Speed: 20(Crawling)/40(Swimming)
Level F Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
Beak (Body) 9 2d+11 11 5 58 26 12 9 F Style
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
7 Wing (Wing) 10 2d+8 9 4 39 11 - - (section)
Wing (Wing) 10 2d+8 9 4 39 11 - - Front Legs
14 2d+15 13 14 105 66 14 13
Beak (Body) 11 2d+12 12 7 69 32 13 10 11 (Front)
8 Wing (Wing) 12 2d+9 10 6 47 14 - - Tail (Back) 13 2d+12 14 10 92 23 - -
Wing (Wing) 12 2d+9 10 6 47 14 - - Front Legs
15 2d+16 15 15 118 73 15 15
Beak (Body) 12 2d+14 13 9 80 38 14 12 12 (Front)
9 Wing (Wing) 13 2d+11 11 8 55 17 - - Tail (Back) 15 2d+13 15 11 101 28 - -
Wing (Wing) 13 2d+11 11 8 55 17 - - Front Legs
17 2d+18 16 16 131 80 17 16
13 (Front)
Sections: 3 (Head / Body x 2) Main Section: Head Tail (Back) 16 2d+15 17 12 110 38 - -

Sections: 2 (Front / Back) Main Section: Front

Unique Skills
●All Sections
◯Continuous Attack Unique Skills
If a Gryphon successfully hits a target in melee, they may make a second ●All Sections
attack against the same target. ◯Underwater Aptitude
Can move in water without penalties and restrictions.
◯Flight [Prerequisite: Unique Skill Release] ●Front
A Gryphon receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion only for melee ◯🗨►Magic Aptitude
attacks. If one of the Wings falls to 0 HP or lower, this unique skill cannot be They can use the Combat Feats [Multi-Action], [Targeting],
used. [Metamagic/Targets], and [Wordbreak].

►Twin Strike & Double Attack

Description It can make two Front Legs attacks each round, though each attack
A mythical beast with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a requires its accuracy check. They may choose to attack different characters
lion. with each attack.
In some cities that have contact with Floating Masses, they are useful as
mounts for transportation and base defense. ►Fairy Magic 10 Level [Prerequisite: Magic Command]/Magic Power 12(19)
Although they have outstanding melee attack power, they are less durable It can use water/ice, wind, light, and dark types.
than other mounts and require a good understanding in order to handle them.
►Onslaught [Prerequisite: Magic Command] [Prerequisite: Unique Skill
Perfect Release]
To use this ability, jockey must perform [Magic Command], and counted
as the number of times the command is used.
The jockey may decide whether to make two melee attacks with the Front
Legs first and then cast one spell or cast a spell and then attack twice with
Front Legs.
In turn, when this ability is used, the Back section cannot perform Major
Actions, and in turn, when the Back section performs Major Action, this
ability cannot be used.

►Jaw Bite [Prerequisite: Unique Skill Release]/Rider Level + Intelligence

modifier/Danger Sense/Neg
It feints with its arms and attack by biting with its jaws.
Within “Range: Touch” deals with a “Target: 1 Character” 2d+25
physical damage. If the target is a character in monster data format, use a
monster level or its Magic Power as Standard Value.
This unique skill cannot be used in consecutive turns, and the Front
section must spend 5 MP to use it.
Once a character becomes a target of this effect, they gain a +4 bonus on
Danger Sense checks to resist this effect until the end of combat.

🗨 All-Out Attack
A Tail can deal an additional 8 damage on its next attack. However, any
Evasion check made by this section this turn receives a -3 penalty as a risk.

The Gurangatch is a mythical beast that inhabits both the sea and rivers.
It has the upper half of a crocodile and the lower half of a fish. It roams over
a large territory and violently attacks those it perceives as violating its domain.
However, it is neutral towards those it deems neither enemies nor prey and
not interested in unnecessary prey. The Rider's Guild takes advantage of this
and breeds Gurangatches that cooperate with Humanoids.
Their combat abilities are remarkable, and they can use various useful
spells, especially in water and underwater battles.

Part 3 Items

Dragon Infant Draconet (see CR III, p. 396)

Price: 20,000G/2,000G Appropriate Level: 4 – 7 Intelligence: Average Price: 120,000G/12,000G/4,000G Appropriate Level: 10 – 12
Perception: Five Senses (Darkvision) Language: Dragonic Intelligence: Average Perception: Five Senses (Darkvision)
Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts. Movement Speed: 10/20 (Flying) Language: Dragonic Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts.
Movement Speed: 13/25 (Flying)
F Style
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
(section) F Style
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
4 Bite 5 2d+6 4 3 35 20 6 5 (section)
5 Bite 6 2d+7 6 4 44 25 7 7 Bite (Body) 13 2d+14 12 12 105 32 13 12
6 Bite 8 2d+9 7 6 53 30 8 8 10 Wing
12 2d+9 10 10 66 16 - -
7 Bite 9 2d+11 8 7 62 35 10 9 (Wing) x 2
Bite (Body) 14 2d+15 13 13 113 36 14 14
11 Wing
Unique Skills (Wing) x 2
13 2d+11 11 11 71 18 - -
◯** Immunity Bite (Body) 15 2d+17 14 14 121 40 15 15
Immunity is selected at the time of rental or purchase from one of the 12 Wing
following types: fire, water/ice, wind, earth, lightning, or energy. 14 2d+12 12 12 76 20 - -
(Wing) x 2
◯Flight Sections: 3 (Body / Wing x 2) Main Section: Body
Grants a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion to
both jockey and passenger.
Unique Skills
►** Breath [Prerequisite: Unique Skill Release]/Rider Level + Intelligence ●All Sections
Modifier/Fortitude/Half ◯** Immunity
Dragon Infant spits elemental mass within “Range/Area: 2(20m)/Shot” Immunity is selected at the time of rental or purchase from one of the
to “Target: 1 Character” dealing “Power 20/Critical Threshold 10 + (Rider following types: fire, water/ice, wind, earth, lightning, or energy.
level + Intelligence modifier)” magic damage. The type of Breath and type of
damage is the same as the type selected in [** Immunity]. ●Body
This ability cannot be used on consecutive turns. Also, it costs 5 MP for ►**Breath [Enhance: Unique Skill Perfect Release]/Rider Level +
this mount of use. Intelligence Bonus/Fortitude/Half
It spits elemental mass with “Range/Area: 2(20m)/Shot" to "Target: 1 area
(3m Radius)/5.” It deals “Power 20/Critical Threshold 10 + Rider Level +
Description Intelligence Modifier” magic damage. The type of Breath is the same as the
This is a baby dragon, at least 30 years old and still in the early stages of type selected in [**Immunity].
development. This ability cannot be used on consecutive turns.
Dragons can be found in various parts of the Alfleim Continent, but their Suppose the jockey has the Stunt [Unique Skill Perfect Release]. In that
populations are small, and they are rarely seen mounted due to their rarity. case, the unique skill can change to “Target: 1 Character” (Note that this
ability might cause a stray shot because Draconet doesn’t have [Targeting]).

Grants a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion to
both jockey and mount. This ability cannot be used if either Wing is reduced
to 0 HP or lower.

🗨All-Out Attack [Prerequisite: Unique Skill Release]

A Wing can ready itself to deal an additional 8 damage on its next attack.
However, any Evasion Check made by either of the Wings that used this
ability this turn receives a -3 penalty.

An incredibly young dragon, difficult to ride due to its fiery temperament.
Only very skilled jockeys can attempt to ride one of these rare mounts, and
only a few branches of the Riders' Guild even have a Draconet available.
However, they are smart enough to communicate with the jockey,
assuming a common language is used.

►**Breath [Enhance: Unique Skill Perfect Release ]/Rider Class Level +
Lesser Dragon (see CR II, p. 396) Intelligence Bonus/Fortitude/Half
Price: 360,000G/36,000G/9,000G Appropriate Level: 13 – 15 It spits elemental mass with “Range/Area: 2(20m)/Shot" to "Target: 1 area
Intelligence: High Perception: Five Senses (Darkvision) (6m Radius)/5.” It deals “Power 30/Critical Threshold 10 + Rider Level +
Language: Trade Common, Arcana, Dragonic Intelligence Modifier” magic damage. The type of Breath is the same as the
Weak Point: Physical Damage +2 pts. Movement Speed: 15/25 (Flying) type selected in [**Immunity]. This ability cannot be used on consecutive
F Style If the jockey has the Stunt [Unique Skill Perfect Release], the unique skill
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will can change to “Target: 1 Character.”
Bite (Head) 17 2d+18 15 14 119 84 17 17
Tail (Body) 16 2d+16 13 16 133 30 - - ●Body
13 ◯Mounted = 2 Character [Prerequisite: Unique Skill Release]
15 2d+14 13 13 84 28 - - Two characters, except for the jockey, can be carried and moved on this
(Wings) x 2
Bite (Head) 18 2d+20 16 15 128 90 18 18 mount (see CR III, p. 92).
Tail (Body) 17 2d+17 14 18 142 36 - -
14 🗨Tail Sweep
17 2d+16 14 14 90 32 - - The monster can use its tail to attack up to 5 targets in the same skirmish.
(Wings) x 2
Bite (Head) 19 2d+22 17 16 137 96 19 19 This ability cannot be used on consecutive turns.
Tail (Body) 18 2d+18 15 20 151 42 - -
15 ◯Attack Obstacle = Impossible • None
18 2d+18 15 15 96 36 - - The Head cannot be attacked with melee and ranged attacks. When the
(Wings) x 2
Body falls to 0 HP or lower, this effect disappears.
Sections: 4 (Head / Body / Wings x 2) Main Section: Head
Unique Skills Grants a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion to
●All Sections jockey and mount. This ability cannot be used if either Wing is reduced to 0
◯** Immunity HP or lower.
Immunity is selected at the time of rental or purchase from one of the
following types: fire, water/ice, wind, earth, lightning, or energy. 🗨All-Out Attack [Prerequisite: Unique Skill Release]
A Wing can ready itself to deal an additional 8 damage on its next attack.
⏩△Techniques However, any Evasion Check made by either of the Wings that used this
Can use the [Strong Blood], [Beetleskin], and [Recovery (7 HP)] ability this turn receives a -3 penalty.

►Truespeech Magic, Spiritualism Magic 10 Level [Prerequisite: Magic
Command]/Magic Power 14 This dragon has recently grown from a Draconet but is still younger than
500 years old. The few jockeys who can tame these massive beasts are called
“Dragoons,” and the combined combat power is simply unmatched. Whole
◯🗨►Magic Aptitude/Prerequisite: [Unique Skill Perfect Release]
battlefields can be scorched with minimal effort, and even entire counties will
Knows the Combat Feats [Targeting], [Magic Convergence], [Magic
respect dragoons and their mounts.
Control], [Universal Metamagic], and [Wordbreak].

Part 3 Items

Mini Manabike Superior Manabike

Price: 3,000G/300G Appropriate Level: 1 – 2 Price: 20,000G/2,000G Appropriate Level: 7 – 9
Intelligence: None Perception: Mechanical Language: None Intelligence: None Perception: Mechanical Language: None
Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 pts. Movement Speed: 30 (Wheels)/- Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 pts. Movement Speed: 50 (Wheels)/-

F Style F Style
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
(section) (section)
1 Tackle 3 2d+2 1 3 25 - 3 3 7 Tackle 9 2d+10 9 9 75 - 10 10
2 Tackle 4 2d+3 2 3 25 - 3 3 8 Tackle 11 2d+12 11 9 75 - 10 10
9 Tackle 12 2d+14 12 9 75 - 10 10
Unique Skills
◯Off-Road Handling Unique Skills
Ignore all -2 penalties for poor mobility. ◯Off-Road Handling
Ignore all -2 penalties for poor mobility.
Description ►Grenade Launcher [Enhance: Unique Skill Release]/Rider Level +
It is a small, easy-to-use magitech for beginner riders and is available Dexterity Modifier/Willpower/Half
outside of the Rider's Guild. To use this ability, the mount can only take Limited Move. However, if
the jockey has learned [Unique Skill Release], this ability can be used with
Normal Move.
Manabike Launches a grenade with “Range/Area: 1(10m)/Shot” and “Target: 1 area
Price: 10,000G/1,000G Appropriate Level: 3 – 6 (3m Radius)/5)” It deals “Power 10/Critical Threshold 10 + Rider Level +
Intelligence: None Perception: Mechanical Language: None Intelligence Modifier” fire magic damage.
Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 pts. Movement Speed: 50 (Wheels)/- To use this ability, the jockey must spend 10 MP.
Once this ability is used, it cannot be used again unless the jockey reloads
F Style the Grenade with a Major Action (for game purposes mount has an unlimited
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will number of Grenades).
3 Tackle 5 2d+4 5 5 40 - 6 6
4 Tackle 7 2d+6 7 5 40 - 6 6 Description
5 Tackle 8 2d+8 8 5 40 - 6 6 A high-performance manabike, these machines can be exclusively
6 Tackle 9 2d+10 9 5 40 - 6 6 purchased from the Riders' Guild. Larger than the standard manabike, it also
had improved operations and durability. It can withstand the rigors of combat
Unique Skills quite well.
◯Off-Road Handling
Ignore all -2 penalties for poor mobility. Skybike
Price: 60,000G/6,000G Appropriate Level: 11 – 13
►Grenade Launcher [Enhance: Unique Skill Release]/Rider Level + Intelligence: None Perception: Mechanical Language: None
Dexterity Modifier/Willpower/Half Weak Point: Magic Damage +2 pts. Movement Speed: -/50 (Flying)
To use this ability, the mount can only take Limited Move. However, if
the jockey has learned [Unique Skill Release], this ability can be used with F Style
Normal Move. Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
Launches a grenade with “Range/Area: 1(10m)/Shot” and “Target: 1 area 11 Tackle 14 2d+14 14 14 120 - 14 14
(3m Radius)/5)” It deals “Power 10/Critical Threshold 10 + Rider Level +
12 Tackle 16 2d+16 16 14 120 - 14 14
Intelligence Modifier” fire magic damage.
To use this ability, the jockey must spend 10 MP. 13 Tackle 17 2d+18 17 14 120 - 14 14
Once this ability is used, it cannot be used again unless the jockey reloads
the Grenade with a Major Action (for game purposes mount has an unlimited Unique Skills
number of Grenades). ◯Flight
Grants a +1 bonus to Accuracy (only for melee attacks) and Evasion to
Description both jockey and mount.
A Magitech-type mount that can be found on the market and at the
◯High Speed Retreat/Prerequisite: [Unique Skill Release]
Riders' Guild. They are loved by riders as a casual model that combines
To use this ability, the mount can only take Full Move. The jockey and
sufficient travel speed with easy maneuverability.
mount can move as they have Combat Feat [Shadow Sneak] (see CR II, p.
When this ability is used, the mount receives 40 points of fixed damage
at the end of the movement.

►Laser Gun [Enhance: Unique Skill Perfect Release]/Rider Level +

Dexterity Modifier/Willpower/Half
To use this ability, the mount can only take Limited Move. However, if
the jockey has learned [Unique Skill Perfect Release], this ability can be used
with Normal Move.
It fires a laser with “Range/Area: 2(30m)/Line” and deals “Power
30/Critical Threshold 10 + Rider Level + Intelligence Modifier” energy magic
To use this ability, the jockey must spend 15 MP.

The Rider's Guild offers this manabike that can fly powered by manatite.

Floating Board Exceed Board
Price: 2,000G/200G Appropriate Level: 1 – 3 Price: 15,000G/1,500G Appropriate Level: 7 – 9
Intelligence: None Perception: None Language: None Intelligence: None Perception: None Language: None
Weak Point: Lightning damage +3 pts. Movement Speed: - /15 (Floating) Weak Point: Lightning damage +3 pts. Movement Speed: - /20 (Floating)

F Style F Style
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
(section) (section)
1 None - - 2 2 20 - 4 4 7 None - - 10 7 60 - 11 11
2 None - - 3 2 20 - 4 4 8 None - - 11 7 60 - 11 11
3 None - - 4 2 20 - 4 4 9 None - - 12 7 60 - 11 11

Unique Skills Unique Skills

◯Maneuverability ◯Maneuverability II
If the jockey performs Normal Move with this mount and moves 1 area If the jockey performs Normal Move with this mount and moves 1 area
(Simplified Combat) or 10m or more (Standard Combat, Advanced Combat), (Simplified Combat) or 10m or more (Standard Combat, Advanced Combat),
the jockey gains a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion checks for 10 seconds the jockey gains a +2 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion checks for 10 seconds
(1 round). (1 round).

◯Emergency Precautions/[Prerequisite: Riding As One]

When the jockey or mount performs an Evasion check, they can reroll
This floating magitech is 2m long and 50cm wide, with a tube-like control the check once after the jockey or mount has made an Evasion check.
rod attached to it. Several small magispheres are attached to the bottom of This effect can only be used once per day.
the board, allowing it to float up to 50cm above the ground or water.
While it lacks offensive capabilities, it can maneuver within a small radius ►Air Bullet II/[Prerequisite: Unique Skill Release ]/Rider Level +
and can be used as a mount. Intelligence Modifier/Fortitude/Half
It shoots a “Target: 1 Character” within "Range/Area: 1(10m)/Shot" with

Advanced Floating Board

an air spray dealing "Power 20/Critical Threshold 10 + (Rider Level +
Intelligence Modifier)" wind magic damage.
Price: 7,000G/700G Appropriate Level: 4 – 6 To use this ability, the jockey must spend 7 MP.
Intelligence: None Perception: None Language: None
Weak Point: Lightning damage +3 pts. Movement Speed: - /20 (Floating)
F Style This is a high-class floating board with excellent acceleration,
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will deceleration, and the ability to change direction efficiently and quickly.
4 None - - 6 4 35 - 7 7
5 None - - 7 4 35 - 7 7
6 None - - 8 4 35 - 7 7

Unique Skills
If the jockey performs Normal Move with this mount and moves 1 area
(Simplified Combat) or 10m or more (Standard Combat, Advanced Combat),
the jockey gains a +1 bonus to Accuracy and Evasion checks for 10 seconds
(1 round).

►Air Bullet/[Prerequisite: Unique Skill Release ]/Rider Level + Intelligence

It shoots a “Target: 1 Character” within "Range/Area: 1(10m)/Shot" with
an air spray dealing "Power 10/Critical Threshold 10 + (Rider Level +
Intelligence Modifier)" wind magic damage.
To use this ability, the jockey must spend 5 MP.

It is a Floating Board with increased performance. It has a built-in
mechanism that can shoot a mass of air.

Part 3 Items

Kalkinos Great Kalkinos

Price: 15,000G/1,500G Appropriate Level: 5 – 7 Price: 30,000G/3,000G Appropriate Level: 8 – 10
Intelligence: Servant Perception: Mechanical Language: None Intelligence: Servant Perception: Mechanical Language: None
Weak Point: Bludgeoning damage +3 pts. Movement Speed: 30 (Wheels)/- Weak Point: Bludgeoning damage +3 pts. Movement Speed: 30 (Wheels)/-

F Style Level F Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
Level Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will
(section) Legs (Body) 11 2d+10 10 10 90 - 13 12
Legs Scissors
7 2d+5 7 7 65 - 9 8 12 2d+13 12 5 60 - - -
(Body) 8 (Right Scissors)
Scissors Scissors
8 2d+8 6 5 50 - - - 12 2d+13 12 5 60 - - -
(Scissors) (Left Scissors)
Legs Legs (Body) 12 2d+12 11 10 90 - 13 12
8 2d+6 8 7 65 - 9 8
(Body) Scissors
6 13 2d+14 13 5 60 - - -
Scissors 9 (Right Scissors)
9 2d+9 7 5 50 - - -
(Scissors) Scissors
13 2d+14 13 5 60 - - -
Legs (Left Scissors)
9 2d+8 9 7 65 - 9 8
(Body) Legs (Body) 13 2d+13 12 10 90 - 13 12
Scissors Scissors
10 2d+10 8 5 50 - - 14 2d+16 14 5 60 - - -
(Scissors) 10 (Right Scissors)
Sections: 2 (Body / Scissors) Main Section: None 14 2d+16 14 5 60 - - -
(Left Scissors)

Unique Skills Sections: 3 (Body / Right Scissors / Left Scissors) Main Section: None
►Protective Foam/[Prerequisite: Unique Skill Release] Unique Skills
Within “Range: Touch,” wraps the “Target :1 Character” in foam and ●Body
protects it. The target can be a jockey or a section of the mount itself. ►Protective Foam/[Prerequisite: Unique Skill Release]
The target takes -2 points of physical and magic damage for 10 seconds Within “Range: Touch,” wraps the “Target :1 Character” in foam and
(1 round). protects it. The target can be a jockey or a section of the mount itself.
It has no effect on lightning physical or magic damage. The target takes -2 points of physical and magic damage for 10 seconds
(1 round).
◯Driving Engine It has no effect on lightning physical or magic damage.
When the HP of the Body section falls to 0 or below, Kalkinos cannot
move. It also loses all the abilities obtained in the [Multi-legged Form] (see ◯Driving Engine
below). When the HP of the Body section falls to 0 or below, Great Kalkinos
cannot move. It also loses all the abilities obtained in the [Multi-legged Form]
◯Multi-legged Form (see below).
This mount has two forms: a “Wheeled Form,” which moves with wheels
by deploying its legs, and a “Multi-legged Form,” which moves by retracting ◯Multi-legged Form
its wheels and directly grounding its feet. This mount has two forms: a “Wheeled Form,” in which it moves with
The change between the two forms can be made with Major Action. wheels by deploying its legs, and a “Multi-legged Form,” in which it moves by
When released from the “Mount Sphere” or the “Proprietary Mount retracting its wheels and directly grounding its feet.
Sphere,” characters can choose either form as they wish. The change between the two forms can be made with Major Action.
In the [Multi-legged Form], the following three abilities are obtained. When released from the “Mount Sphere” or the “Proprietary Mount
Sphere,” characters can choose either form as they wish.
◯Underwater Movement/Underwater Suitability In the [Multi-legged Form], the following three abilities are obtained.
It gains “Movement Speed: 15 (Many Legs)/15 (Swimming)".
All sections of the mount are immune to restrictions or penalties because ◯Underwater Movement/Underwater Suitability
of the underwater activities. It gains “Movement Speed: 15 (Many Legs)/15 (Swimming)".
The jockey can ride either on the water or in the water while keeping the All sections of the mount are immune to restrictions or penalties because
mount in the water. In either case, the jockey will not be penalized for being of the underwater activities.
in the water but will not be able to breathe or speak when in the water. The jockey can ride either on the water or in the water while keeping the
mount in the water. In either case, the jockey will not be penalized for being
◯Attitude Control in the water but will not be able to breathe or speak when in the water.
All sections of the jockey and the mount are not subject to any adverse
effects because of the poor footing and cannot be knocked prone. ◯Attitude Control
All jockey and mount sections are not subject to any adverse effects
◯Scissors Continuous Attack because of the poor footing and cannot be knocked prone.
Scissors can attack the same target one more time if the first attack hits.
◯Scissors Continuous Attack
Description Right Scissors and Left Scissors sections can attack the same target one
more time if the first attack hits (separately).
The magitech is a crab-like mount with four pairs of slender legs that
enable it to move freely over rough terrain and poor footing.
Additionally, small wheels are built into the end of the legs, which can be Description
deployed to increase its speed. However, as it can only move in a left and This is a large Kalkinos. The left and right scissors can be operated
right motion, it is not very agile. separately, and each can [Continuous Attack] when in Multi-Legged Form.
The large scissors attached to either side of the body are known for their It is a powerful mount with high durability, but at the same time, it
striking power. requires a skilled jockey.

◯Driving Engine
Flying Kalkinos When the HP of the Body section falls to 0 or below, Flying Kalkinos
Price: 150,000G/15,000G Appropriate Level: 11 – 14 cannot move. It also loses all the abilities obtained in the [Flying Form] (see
Intelligence: Servant Perception: Mechanical Language: None below).
Weak Point: Bludgeoning damage +3 pts. Movement Speed: 30 (Wheels)/-
◯Flying Form
Level F Style (section) Accuracy Damage Evasion Defense HP MP Fort Will This mount has two forms: a “Wheeled Form,” in which it moves with
Legs (Body) 15 2d+14 14 15 130 - 16 15 wheels by deploying its legs, and a “Flying Form,” in which it flies.
Scissors The change between the two forms can be made with Major Action.
16 2d+17 15 10 80 - - - When released from the “Mount Sphere” or the “Proprietary Mount
11 (Right Scissors)
Sphere,” characters can choose either form as they wish.
16 2d+17 15 10 80 - - - In the [Flying Form], the following three abilities are obtained.
(Left Scissors)
Legs (Body) 16 2d+16 15 15 130 - 16 15
17 2d+18 16 10 80 - - - It gains “Movement Speed: -/20 (Flying)".
12 (Right Scissors)
All jockey and mount sections gain a +1 bonus to Accuracy check
Scissors Evasion checks for and against melee attacks.
17 2d+18 16 10 80 - - -
(Left Scissors)
Legs (Body) 17 2d+17 16 15 130 - 16 15 ◯Suspended (Mounted =1)[Prerequisite: Unique Skill Perfect Release]
Scissors It can use its multiple-wheeled arms as a crane.
19 2d+19 17 10 80 - - -
13 (Right Scissors) One character can be suspended and moved as [Mounted = 1 Character]
Scissors (see CR III, p. 91). However, the suspended character gains a -1 penalty on
19 2d+19 17 10 80 - - -
(Left Scissors) all action checks.
Legs (Body) 18 2d+19 18 15 130 - 16 15 Instead of a character, a single object weighing up to 250 kg can be
Scissors suspended instead.
20 2d+20 19 10 80 - - -
14 (Right Scissors)
Scissors ◯Scissors Continuous Attack
20 2d+20 19 10 80 - - -
(Left Scissors) Right Scissors and Left Scissors sections can attack the same target one
more time if the first attack hits (separately).
Sections: 3 (Body / Right Scissors / Left Scissors) Main Section: None
Unique Skills These are large Kalkinos that have the ability to fly. Their legs have been
●Body replaced by support arms for suspending loads, similar to those of the Barba
►Protective Foam/[Prerequisite: Unique Skill Release] (see CR III, p. 384) series.
Within “Range: Touch,” wraps the “Target :1 Character” in foam and Basically, they can either fly or move on land using wheels.
protects it. The target can be a jockey or a section of the mount itself.
The target takes -2 points of physical and magic damage for 10 seconds
(1 round).
It has no effect on lightning physical or magic damage.

Part 3 Items

Designer's Notebook
Kei Kitazawa Tanaka Kouji
Finally, a large supplement is now available for Sword After almost a year after the release of Core Rulebook I,
World 2.5. we are pleased to present a large supplement with expanded
The first issue is a "Collection of Items" that everyone wants data.
to have! If you've been eagerly anticipating this book, we apologize
This collection includes items from the rulebook, items for the wait. This book will significantly impact your
from the SW 2.0 era, and new items, creating a truly “Epic character, friends, and enemies. Please check it out.
Treasure Trove.” On the other hand, some of you may feel that this book is
The book was conceived by the entire SW team and then "too early," or you may be overwhelmed by the amount of
converted into data by Kouji Tanaka and Miyuki Kiyomatsu. data. For those people, please take a look at the "Treasure
It was then written and test-played by all team members, with Trove" first. If you find a name, illustration, or effect you like,
special thanks to Miyuki Kiyomatsu for his active feel free to introduce them one by one. It's not necessary to
contribution in the writing aspect. use all of them at once.
Thanks to the cooperation of many people, this book was I would like to thank Miyuki Kiyomatsu, Kei Kitazawa,
completed. With its release, the Sword World 2.5 SNE staff, and editors for their hard work in producing this
environment will be greatly expanded in scope and color. book. Thank you very much.
So, once you've enjoyed the value of this treasury of the
Alfleim Continent, we hope to see you again soon.

Staff List Web Content

Supervision:……………………………….. Kei Kitazawa
(Group SNE site)
Writers:……..……………………………... Kei Kitazawa, Miyuki
Kiyomatsu, Tanaka You can find here errata and FAQ, and interviews.
Data Preparation:………………………. Miyuki Kiyomatsu, (Fujimi Shobo official TRPG ONLINE Introduction page
Tanaka Kouji of “Sword World 2.5”)
Development: …………………………… Group SNE https://fujimi-trpg-online.jp/game/sw25.html
Cover Illustration:………………………. Crete This page contains information on downloads for various
Frontispiece Illustration:……………… Mira Aizawa, Oka, sheets and new releases.
Kawasumi, Kankuro,
Tai Nakajima, Mikako
Mikaki, Morechand
Text Illustrations:………………….…… Usui Rina, Kawasumi, Original Release Date: 2019/10
Kankuro, Yuya Translation Release Date: 2023/02
Kobayashi, Shiroichi
Ohno, Mikako Mikaki
Text Design:…………………………….... Takahiro Sato
New Gods Diagram:……………………. Koki Emoto
This is a free, unofficial, fan-based translation.
Editing: …………………………………….. Tomonori Kaihatsu,
Please support original creators by buying Sword
Ryosuke Takeda World books and supplements.

Translation & Editing:…................... Auquid

Translation of SW 2.0 Alchemist
Works reused in this book:………….. Aniodia, Momo,
Proofreading:……………………………… essenbee


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