(1) International Livestock Research Institute, PO Box 5689, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
(2) Tropical Veterinary Services Ltd, PO Box 266, Karatu, Tanzania
(3) DAI Global, LLC, House 3, First Floor, Road 23B, Gulshan 1, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
(4) Royal Veterinary College, 4 Royal College Street, London, NW1 0TU, United Kingdom
(5) Institute of Virology and Immunology, Sensemattstrasse 293, 3147 Mittelhäusern, Switzerland
(6) Department of Infectious Diseases and Pathobiology, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern, 3012, Bern,
*Corresponding author:
The veterinary profession has time and again successfully adapted to new
challenges and developments, with considerable evolution of the skills needed.
Different contexts, production systems and societal requirements continue
to shape the profession, resulting in an increasing demand for specialisation,
interdisciplinary collaboration along value chains, and preparedness for the
omnipresent risk of emerging diseases.
To keep up with changes, new insights, advances in research and novel ways
to address challenges, continuing professional development (CPD) and the
adaptation and updating of the veterinary curriculum have been essential to
maintain and enhance the quality and performance of Veterinary Services.
This paper reviews actors involved in the provision of Veterinary Services and
discusses how vital CPD is in addressing current and future challenges, by
focusing on veterinarians and allied veterinary professionals. The authors
examine how providers of CPD contribute to the system and how the internal and
external factors of a cohort or individual affect the quality and impact of capacity
development. The paper further examines the landscape of veterinary CPD in
terms of organisational structures, pedagogical approaches, the transition from
input- to outcome-based learning, modern delivery tools, and the demands on the
different actors involved in the delivery of animal health services.
The authors conclude that CPD is essential if the quality of Veterinary Services is to
keep pace with the ever-increasing and evolving demands of the 21st century. A CPD
programme should therefore be constructed in a way that is tailored to the needs of
veterinary professionals and to the requirements of their workplace, whether they work
with animal keepers, livestock value chains, national governments or international
regulatory bodies. An optimised and successful veterinary sector requires an evidence-
based CPD programme that keeps those professionals who are involved in the delivery
of animal health services both competent and relevant in a changing world.
Allied veterinary professionals – Continuing professional development – Curriculum –
Education – Professional development – Training – Veterinary continuing professional
development – Veterinary curriculum – Veterinary para professionals.
556 Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz., 40 (2)
Veterinary Services
Livestock keepers Animal source food value-chain actors
Pet owners Public
Emerging diseases Other service providers
Zoonoses Extrinsic motivators
Veterinary paraprofessionals
AMR Veterinary drug suppliers Intrinsic motivators
Animal welfare Extension system
System changes
Variety of capacity
Climate change development providers
Urbanisation Veterinary profession
Value chains Support of IGOs and donors
(public and private)
Societal changes
Conflicts Pedagogical approaches
Ethical values Government
New vet technologies
Digital resources
Education Veterinary
standards statutory
Table I
Simplified livestock-value chains related to animal health, listing the professionals involved and veterinary inputs and services
needed, from the point of production to consumption
The two examples given are intensive poultry production in Bangladesh and extensive beef production in Kenya
Veterinary skills and Oversight of medical Clinical and herd- Health checks Animal welfare Management of food
roles feed health services Certification Meat inspection safety risks
Oversight of drug Surveillance and Market inspection
Animal welfare Food safety diagnostics
quality and drug control programmes
dispensing Outbreak investigation
Vaccine provision Diagnostics
Coordination of Animal welfare
surveillance and
control programmes
Actors involved in Veterinary drug sellers Disease reporters Traders Slaughterhouse Butchers
Veterinary Services Community animal Private and public Holding ground and/or workers Sales personnel
provision health workers veterinarians quarantine personnel Veterinary inspectors
Researchers Veterinary inspectors Food safety inspectors
Private and public
Veterinary challenges Veterinary drugs Mortality of day-old Mixing multiple Humane slaughter Hygiene
Vaccines chicks species Slaughtering skills Cold chain
Nutrition and water Transport
Extensive beef production, Kenya
the CPD undertaken in a given country must reflect this Modern CPD programmes, including models from the
diversity, meaning that there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution. European Board of Veterinary Specialisation and the UK
The obligation of a veterinary professional to undertake Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (CertAVP), can
CPD, as seen in an increasing number of countries, has serve as examples to produce the veterinary specialists
developed over time. Initially, it was often simply noted needed by economically important livestock value chains
within professional codes of conduct as an expected activity. outside OECD countries. Twinning programmes offer
Nowadays, however, it has evolved into more formalised an opportunity to share such experiences with LMICs.
and mandatory systems in which the quantity and quality The OIE Veterinary Education Twinning Programme,
of CPD that should be undertaken is a stated requirement, established in 2013 (10) within the wider OIE initiative to
especially for veterinarians although less so for allied improve the capacity of Veterinary Services in LMICs, has
veterinary professionals. Monitoring these programmes and led to 12 twinning projects between a parent establishment
assessment mechanisms is, in most cases, administered by (accredited and established) and a candidate establishment
a Veterinary Board or Council. Improvements have been (in a developing country, aspiring to international
shown in some CPD programmes − for example, in a large- accreditation), with evident success (11).
scale comparative study in the United Kingdom (UK),
in which graduates in the 2000s considered mandatory A weakness in some of the CPD systems adopted is that
CPD more effective than did graduates of the 1960s (4). the learning programme is not focused on an individual
Nonetheless, at a global scale, challenges remain. practitioner’s personal development needs or desired
career path, but is simply a points-gathering exercise
An independent review of OIE Performance of Veterinary from attendance at input-based ‘CPD events’, such as
Services (PVS) assessments found that continuing conferences, which cost money to attend. Likewise, while
education training and staff development programmes for there are often penalties in place, such as deregistration
all technical staff, including veterinarians, allied veterinary for non-compliance, there are rarely positive incentives,
professionals and community-based animal health workers, such as salary increments or preferential selection for
were almost universally poor, with 84% of the countries further training or promotion based on CPD performance.
assessed scoring levels of 1 or 2 on a scale of 1 to 5 for In addition, in some instances CPD is not a requirement
this critical competency (CC) (5). The review noted that for public-sector veterinary personnel, with consequent
CPD was mandatory in only a few countries and that most impacts on their competencies and readiness to consider
of the continuing education provided was through ad hoc and adopt new ideas, whereas in other countries, such
training from international agencies, non-governmental as Bangladesh, CPD is only mandatory for government
organisations and donors, who tended to focus on their veterinarians.
priorities, not necessarily those of the country or livestock
producers. Follow-on PVS assessments showed a marginal What counts as CPD varies from country to country,
improvement in continuing education CC scores, but still trending towards a more expansive attitude, as evidenced
fell short of level 4, the ideal level of achievement. by the latest Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS)
guidance, which states, ‘Anything that is relevant to you,
The OIE PVS assessments conducted globally show as a veterinary professional, can be counted as CPD so it
that different types of CPD programmes have been does not have to be clinically related or formal learning’.
set up in different countries, with varying degrees of Equally variable is the method of undertaking CPD, ranging
success. A considerable amount of evidence from the from face-to-face tuition to remote online e-learning, with
health professional sector suggests that commonly used the latter very much in the ascendancy for relevance,
‘input-based’ CPD activities are ineffective in improving affordability and convenience. While Internet accessibility
practitioner performance and health service outcomes (6, and speeds can still be challenging in both OECD Members
7, 8). Traditional input-based teaching for CPD includes and LMICs, the majority of users in both types of economy
lectures that are episodic and non-reinforcing, with minimal enjoy a rapidly improving online experience. This is
interaction between learners and providers, and with too opening the door to the increased use of digital tools and
much emphasis on the acquisition of CPD point targets platforms for information searches, knowledge transfer, the
or certificates. Recent developments in CPD emphasise exchange of ideas and communication in general.
an outcome-based model of learning and consider novel
or improved competencies as favourable outcomes (9). Good CPD practice is embodied in formal CPD frameworks
This is increasingly being recognised in newly developed that offer CPD credit hours towards postgraduate
CPD programmes, which use assessments and longer-term certificates and/or diplomas, setting the individual learner
study projects to ensure quality, and employ traditional on a pathway towards recognition and qualification as a
credit points to assess whether sufficient training has been specialist in a chosen area of the veterinary domain. Several
completed. Table II provides some examples of old and countries offer pathways towards specialisation in selected
newly developed CPD programmes. subjects open to veterinarians and these tend to be linked to
560 Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz., 40 (2)
Table II
Characteristics of examples of veterinary continuing professional development programmes
UK Royal College of Veterinary Universities, digital recording VS − 35 hrs per year Veterinary surgeons (VS)
Surgeons platform (1CPD), certified VN − 15 hrs per year Veterinary nurses (VNs) (AVP) assessment providers
South Africa South African Veterinary Council Universities, veterinary 60 CPs per 3-year cycle, of Veterinarians professional associations, which 20 points must be Veterinary specialists
regulatory bodies and accredited structured activities
Accreditation and monitoring of service providers Compulsory veterinary community service
CPD activities animal health technicians
Laboratory animal technologists
Veterinary nurses
Veterinary technologists
Veterinary physiotherapists
Bangladesh Bangladesh Veterinary Council Bangladesh College of Board examinations Public-sector veterinarians Veterinary Surgeons Public veterinarians: 60 hrs Board examinations to become a Member and per year Fellow of the College of Veterinary Surgeons
Kenya Kenya Veterinary Board Universities, veterinary VS – 20 CPs per year Veterinary surgeons (VS) professional associations, VP – minimum of 14 CPs Veterinary para professionals (VPs)
regulatory bodies and accredited per year
CPD accreditation and monitoring service providers Maximum number of Formal study for additional qualifications:
of CPD activities CPD hours that can be – short training and organisational activities
accredited for 1 day
is 8 hours – professional involvement in professional
associations, committees, etc.
– publication of scholarly articles in journals and
– book chapters
– mentorship of students and interns
– community service, e.g. extension activities,
among others
Namibia National Veterinary Council CPD in Namibia mainly VS – 60 CPs per 3 years Structured activities: courses, conferences,
organised by the Veterinary VP – 30 CPs per 3 years preparing and monitoring exams, review articles,
Association giving lectures, developing curricula, promoting
theses, online activities with written assessment
Tanzania Veterinary Council of Tanzania CPD courses organised by the VS – 30 CPs per 3 years CPD categories include: formal studies,
Tanzania Veterinary Association VP – 15 CPs per 3 years short training and organisational activities,
(TVA) and in association with professional involvement, authorship, mentoring,
Zoetis and WSAVA community involvement
AVP: advanced veterinary practice CPs: credit points VN: veterinary nurse
CE: continuing education CPD: continuing professional development VP: veterinary para professional
CONEVET: National Council for Veterinary Medicine UK: United Kingdom VS: veterinary surgeon
Education USA: United States of America WSAVA: World Small Animal Veterinary Association
Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz., 40 (2) 561
professional postgraduate programmes offered by veterinary and are looking for CPD training appropriate to help solve
schools, such as the programmes offered in Nigeria leading immediate and practical problems. All actors, however, have
to the award of a fellowship of the College of Veterinary the common need to balance the demands of work with
Surgeons ( CPD. They require bespoke training that is directly related
admission-form.html). Other programmes fulfil the given to their individual and employer needs. Designing and
criteria for recognition as a specialist, such as those listed by delivering effective CPD requires an in-depth understanding
the South African Veterinary Council ( of the problems in situ and the social and economic barriers
Similarly, in Asia, the newly established Bangladesh College facing potential trainees (16, 17). Arguably the most
of Veterinary Surgeons offers fellowship status through a effective form of CPD is through a system of ‘learning by
board examination process ( doing’, in which applied study is undertaken to enhance
knowledge and skills in the work being performed or
In addition to the introduction of systems to monitor and the area of intended specialisation. Ideally, this form of
assess compliance with CPD requirements, some countries learning should be mentored by an appropriate expert
appraise the quality of a given CPD programme, delivered and work assignments assessed and formally reviewed.
by a CPD provider, to certify that it is current and meets There is a ‘win-win’ opportunity for such experts, usually
fundamental quality and relevance standards (Table II). employed by academic and research institutions, to become
This can be the function of a given country’s Veterinary actively engaged in updating their own knowledge base by
Board or Council, as is the case in Kenya, where the Kenya mentoring practitioners towards acquiring expertise in their
Veterinary Board requires that every continuous professional chosen field of study.
development provider must be registered with the Board
and apply for approval and determination of the worth (in Another model for the delivery of CPD to other actors
credit points) of the intended activity ( involved in providing Veterinary Services can be built
continuous-professional-development-cpd/). Elsewhere, around a system of recognition and support for veterinarians
this process is coordinated through an independent who cascade new skills and knowledge to allied veterinary
regional authority, as is the case with Veterinary Continuous professionals, who in turn cascade them to community-
Education in Europe (VETCEE), which runs an accreditation based personnel. This approach has both practical and
scheme for structured CPD for veterinarians ( cost-efficient benefits, and merits being widely adopted as
vetcee/). the CPD method of choice for livestock value chains and
extensive livestock production systems. Inherent in this
approach is the need for ‘training of trainer’ skills and an
Enablers of continuing
understanding of the pedagogical approaches appropriate
for and sensitive to language barriers and illiteracy, adult
professional development
learning and the environment in which these ‘training
of trainer’ skills are best imparted. This approach can,
for example, be integrated into CPD programmes for
The CPD programmes that focus on the individual learner veterinarians, and practised across various systems of
need to take other factors into consideration that are essential delivery, including face-to-face teaching, online teaching
for making a change. Veterinary Services are social acts that and workplace environments. Peer guidance for ‘on-the-
take place in highly complex systems, involving different job training’ and ‘learning by doing’ has the added value
actors, and thus require a team approach to training (12). of strengthening interprofessional working relationships,
enhancing complementarity, and reducing conflict over
When considering CPD for different actors in the value roles and responsibilities.
chain, different skills and competencies must be identified.
The underlying pedagogical approaches should also reflect It is well established that reflection is an important
these differences. Although all the actors in the value chain component in learning for personal and professional
can be considered adult learners, the same andragogical development (18, 19, 20). In addition, it is sometimes
(i.e. adult learning) assumptions and principles (13, 14) necessary to ‘unlearn’ some behaviours and beliefs in order
cannot be applied to all of these students, given the likely to develop and improve (21). Reflections by the student on
differences in their levels of academic development and their own assumptions and practice are therefore essential
working perspectives. Some veterinary professionals in the in CPD. Developing reflective practitioners is the central
value chain may have an interest in their own development philosophy of the new approach proposed for CPD by the
and an ability for self-directed learning (15). They may RCVS in the UK. This new programme, which builds on
also be more experienced in learning and assessment. the four-stage model of self-assessment, career exploration,
The same cannot be assumed for other actors in the value decision-making and implementation planning, is used in
chain, for example, farmers or community animal health training medical graduates (22). Under this framework,
workers. They may have a wealth of ‘hands-on’ experience the way in which CPD compliance for veterinarians
562 Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz., 40 (2)
and veterinary nurses is assessed has changed, with the method of learning for health professions (29), offering
introduction of a new outcome-based learning model. This the opportunity to access training materials from different
outcome-based approach comprises four elements – ‘plan, countries and allowing more flexibility. The benefits of
do, record and reflect’ – with a focus on the quality, impact veterinary CPD distance learning have been recognised at
and relevance of the CPD being undertaken (23). Setting both the personal and societal level (30). There is a wealth
out a CPD plan and providing a written or oral reflection of information available to support self-study, accessed by
on the learning impact once it has been completed are key online search engines. These channels depend on the speed,
innovations introduced by the new assessment model. The distribution and affordability of Internet services available,
reflective element on the learning impact seeks information which can be variable and challenging in both OECD
on: countries and LMICs (though, as noted above, less and
− how well the CPD related to the learning needs and less so as the technology driving these services continues
CPD plan to rapidly improve). The Commonwealth Veterinary
Association provides a comprehensive list of online self-
− what key things were learned
learning sites (
− what impact the CPD has had, in terms of professional Other CPD opportunities are provided by more than 60 OIE
development or work performed. Collaborating Centres, which offer scientific expertise and
training opportunities, either within countries or globally,
Evidence from other health professionals also provides on a variety of topics relevant to the veterinary sector (www.
support for this approach (24).
Novel CPD structures also allow different modes of delivery,
such as face-to-face workshops, online courses (25),
When planning and running CPD programmes, it is
Webinars combined with discussions, recorded lectures,
important to understand the motivation of trainees
podcasts, audio-based radio programmes, and blended
to participate in the programme. These factors can be
learning approaches based on face-to-face workshops and
classified as extrinsic and intrinsic motivators (4, 31).
hands-on training. Mobile phones or Web-based platforms
Intrinsic motivators relate to self-motivation for professional
offer new opportunities to avoid heavy bureaucracy in
development and wanting to improve one’s skills and
monitoring the progress of registered veterinarians in their
knowledge. Programmes that allow individual preferences
CPD. Such an example is the ‘1CPD’ recording platform
to be addressed have a positive impact on the trainee’s
in the UK (
motivation. Recent advances in veterinary curricula focus
on fostering skills related to lifelong learning, with the aim
of strengthening the individual’s motivation to seek CPD,
Successful models using participatory approaches have and not having to rely on external motivating factors.
also been described from the health sector (16, 26).
Continuing professional development for the veterinary
External motivators include penalties or deregistration if
sector is designed and delivered by private corporations,
CPD targets are not met. Positive external factors could
universities, international organisations and relevant
include the prospect of promotion, increased respect
government departments (see Table II for examples).
and recognition from clients, or receiving payments for
The trainers who develop CPD for field veterinarians are
participating in and concluding training programmes.
often university-based educators and researchers, and
Specialisation diplomas and certification are routes by
they sometimes lack the same in-depth understanding of
which veterinary professionals can focus their CPD towards
in situ issues. These trainers are, however, well placed to
gaining specialist status and furthering their careers.
develop the confidence and skills in field veterinarians to
construct their own knowledge, which then influences their
practice (27). Perceived barriers to participating in CPD include the
timing and relevance of events, travelling distance,
money, workload, stage of career, family demands, lack
A cost-efficient method for face-to-face workshops was
of information about available courses, and poor previous
found in Bangladesh, in the form of a conference, which
experiences (32, 33, 34).
brought together hundreds of veterinarians with different
job descriptions (28). The conference consisted of plenary
sessions and specialised lectures on relevant topics for It is also important to note the efforts of the OIE in supporting
the evolving veterinary sector in the country. Although CPD for veterinarians and veterinary para professionals, by
interactive, face-to-face workshops, based on hands-on providing guidelines and recommending competencies to
practice, are considered more effective in CPD delivery, prioritise. This has also helped to focus investment from
distance learning has been evaluated as a satisfactory funders to strengthen such systems in LMICs.
Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz., 40 (2) 563
La profession vétérinaire s’est adaptée à maintes reprises et avec succès à
de nouveaux défis et évolutions qui ont nécessité la mobilisation d’un grand
nombre de compétences nouvelles. La diversité des contextes, des systèmes de
production et des exigences sociétales impose à la profession vétérinaire des
transformations continues, avec pour conséquences une demande croissante
de spécialisation et de collaborations interdisciplinaires le long des chaînes de
valeur et la nécessité de mieux se préparer au risque omniprésent de maladies
émergentes. Face aux changements intervenus, aux nouvelles connaissances,
aux progrès de la recherche et aux nouvelles manières de relever les défis, la
formation professionnelle continue (FPC) et l’adaptation et actualisation des
cursus d’enseignement vétérinaire ont joué un rôle déterminant pour maintenir et
améliorer la qualité et les performances des Services vétérinaires.
Les auteurs font le point sur les divers prestataires de services vétérinaires et
examinent le rôle essentiel de la FPC pour relever les défis actuels et futurs, en
mettant l’accent sur les vétérinaires et les professions connexes travaillant en
lien avec les vétérinaires. Ils analysent la contribution des fournisseurs de FPC
au système de santé animale, ainsi que l’influence sur la qualité et l’impact du
renforcement des capacités d’un certain nombre de facteurs internes et externes
à l’échelle des cohortes ou des individus. Les auteurs décrivent également
le paysage de la FPC dans le domaine vétérinaire et plus particulièrement les
structures organisationnelles, les approches pédagogiques, la transition d’un
apprentissage axé sur les contenus à un apprentissage axé sur les résultats,
les outils modernes de formation et les exigences imposées aux différents
prestataires de services de santé animale dans un monde en constante évolution.
En conclusion, les auteurs insistent sur l’importance cruciale de mettre en place des
dispositifs de formation professionnelle continue destinés au secteur vétérinaire,
afin que la qualité des services fournis soit à la hauteur des exigences croissantes
et en constante évolution du 21e siècle. Les programmes de FPC doivent donc être
conçus en veillant à s’adapter aux besoins des vétérinaires et des professionnels
564 Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz., 40 (2)
Enseignement – Formation professionnelle continue des vétérinaires – Paraprofessionnels
vétérinaires – Professionnels des secteurs travaillant en lien avec les vétérinaires.
La profesión veterinaria siempre ha sabido adaptarse con éxito a las novedades
y nuevos problemas que han ido surgiendo, y que requieren la adquisición
de nuevos conocimientos y aptitudes. Los diferentes contextos, sistemas
productivos y necesidades sociales siguen configurando la profesión veterinaria
y generando una creciente demanda de especialización, de colaboración
interdisciplinar en todos los eslabones de las cadenas de valor y de preparación
ante el omnipresente riesgo que plantean las enfermedades emergentes. El
perfeccionamiento profesional continuo (PPC) y la adaptación y actualización
de los planes de estudios veterinarios han sido factores esenciales para seguir
el ritmo de las transformaciones, las nuevas ideas, los avances científicos y las
novedosas respuestas a los problemas y, gracias a ello, mantener y mejorar la
calidad y el desempeño de los Servicios Veterinarios.
Los autores pasan revista a cuantos agentes intervienen en la prestación de
servicios veterinarios y, centrándose en los veterinarios y cuerpos profesionales
conexos, exponen la función crucial que cumple el PPC para hacer frente a los
problemas de hoy y de mañana. También explican cómo contribuyen al sistema
los proveedores de PPC y cómo los factores internos y externos de una cohorte o
un individuo afectan a la calidad y la repercusión del desarrollo de capacidades.
Además, describen el panorama que ofrece el PPC en veterinaria desde el punto
de vista de las estructuras organizativas, los planteamientos pedagógicos, la
transición del aprendizaje de asimilación al aprendizaje por resultados, las
modernas herramientas de trabajo y las exigencias que deben satisfacer los
distintos agentes que intervienen en la prestación de servicios zoosanitarios en
un mundo en plena evolución.
Los autores concluyen que es de la máxima importancia ocuparse del PPC para
que los servicios veterinarios dispensados sigan siendo de calidad y respondiendo
a las crecientes y mudables exigencias que trae consigo el siglo XXI. Hay que
establecer pues un programa de PPC especialmente adaptado a las necesidades
de los veterinarios y cuerpos profesionales conexos, pensando en dotarlos de
las competencias necesarias para satisfacer los requisitos propios de su lugar
Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz., 40 (2) 565
Palabras clave
Enseñanza – Perfeccionamiento profesional continuo veterinario – Profesionales
paraveterinarios – Profesionales relacionados con la veterinaria.
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