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Groupement Berkine Document No. GBM-11-PRC-0011

Medical Evacuation (MedEvac)
Revision: A8
Date: 18 Mar 2023

Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Scope ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Policy ............................................................................................................................................ 2
2.0 Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 2
HBNS / ELM / Drilling - Field Personnel ...................................................................................... 2
Hassi Messaoud Personnel ......................................................................................................... 4
Contacting ISOS (RedMed) .......................................................................................................... 6
3.0 NIGHT MEDEVAC INSTRUCTIONS FOR GB OPERATIONS – ALGERIA .......................................... 6
4.0 Training and Competency .................................................................................................................. 8
5.0 Glossary ............................................................................................................................................... 8
6.0 References ........................................................................................................................................... 8
GB Documents ............................................................................................................................. 8
7.0 Documentation Administration .......................................................................................................... 8
Document Owner ......................................................................................................................... 8
Document Review and Revision ................................................................................................. 8
8.0 Appendices .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Appendix 1 – Medical Information – In Case of Accident ................................................................. 8
Appendix 2 – Medical Information – In Case of Illness ..................................................................... 8
Appendix 3 – ELM / HBNS Field Med - Evac Flow Chart ................................................................... 8
Appendix 4 – HMD Med - Evac Flow Chart ........................................................................................ 8
Appendix 5 – International SOS Contact Information ....................................................................... 8
Appendix 6 – Aircraft Medical Evacuation Form ............................................................................... 8

© Copyright, This Document and its contents including appendices/attachments, solely belongs to Groupement Berkine Algeria.
Any such use by third parties must obtain written permission by the Administrateur General.
Page 2 of 14
Groupement Berkine Document No. GBM-11-PRC-0011
Medical Evacuation (MedEvac)
Revision: A8
Date: 18 Mar 2023

1.0 Introduction
The purpose of this procedure is to establish the required response (either contractually or by duty of
care) activities that GB personnel must adopt in the event of a Medical Evacuation (MedEvac).

This procedure applies to all GB Assets.

A Medical Evacuation (MedEvac) is defined as an event that requires an injured or ill person to be
transported from a field location, either to Hassi Messaoud for further treatment or observation, or
alternatively by regular scheduled aircraft to his or her country of repatriation. Their condition may or
may not be life threatening.

The HMD, HBNS or ELM Doctor - depending upon the location - must evaluate the seriousness of the
condition of the injured or ill person, to determine whether a MedEvac is required.

2.0 Requirements
This section covers the practical measures to be carried out in the event of a serious injury or illness
to casualties at GB Fields and Facilities.

HBNS / ELM / Drilling - Field Personnel

HBNS/ELM Chef Division HSE

• Ensure the field ambulance driver are placed on stand-by and ready to receive instructions to
transport the casualty.
• For a night air MedEvac mobilize the fast response fire truck to the HBNS/ELM runway, if not
required elsewhere, in order to provide support to the MedEvac operation at the HBNS/ELM
runway (lighting, fire cover etc.).
• Make arrangements to mobilize the HBNS/ELM ambulance to the injured person, to conduct
first response, prior to transporting the casualty to HBNS/ELM Clinic.
• Contact the HMD Duty Manager to notify him of the incident.

• Will receive the initial condition of the injured or ill person by telephone or other means.
• Any national personnel who may need to go to an Algerian hospital needs to be met by
Sonatrach or the contractor’s representative in Hassi Messaoud. Contact for SH employees
will need to be made with the SH Emergency (DOS) Centre in Hassi Messaoud to arrange
transfer to specialized treatment. Arrange for liaison with the HMD Duty Manager to make
these arrangements.
• For expatriate staff and International Contractors, contact the ISOS Medical Clinic via the
Directeur de Champ and request placing personnel on stand-by to receive the patient at Hassi
• Ensure that the information requirement for the injured / ill person(s) is completed and passed
to the ISOS or DOS Doctor (see Appendices 1 and 2).
© Copyright, This Document and its contents including appendices/attachments, solely belongs to Groupement Berkine Algeria.
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Groupement Berkine Document No. GBM-11-PRC-0011
Medical Evacuation (MedEvac)
Revision: A8
Date: 18 Mar 2023

• The HBNS/ELM Doctor must be able to communicate with the Rig or HBBC/EMBC medic. If
the medic is required to stay with the patient, then suitable means of communication shall be
established to relay messages and updates.
• If necessary, the HBNS/ELM Doctor will travel to the field to stabilize the patient prior to air
MedEvac from the field.
• The HBNS/ELM Doctor will provide authorization for air MedEvac, in agreement with the
Directeur de Champ and flight coordinator / pilots.
• For certain injuries, where flying could impact the patient’s condition, evacuation from the field
may have to be conducted by road.
• All air MedEvacs require a medic to travel with the patient.

HBNS/ELM Chef Division Logistics

• Contact the Radio Operator and Flight Coordinator and request that they assume their work
• If the aircraft is located at HBNS/ELM, check that the Groupement aviation pilots in
HBNS/ELM have been placed on stand-by, and ensure that advance notice of the flight has
been arranged via the Radio Operator and Flight Coordinator with Air Traffic Control.

HBNS/ELM Flight Coordinator

• Assure transport of the Pilots to the plane, manifest preparation and medical evacuation
documents are in order. Proceed to the airstrip with suitable means of communication and
stand-by to receive instructions.
• Coordinate lighting arrangements at the HBNS/ELM airstrip for night MedEvac.
• For nighttime MedEvacs, aircraft is allowed to take off from field locations.
• Aircraft landing at night in field locations is prohibited.

HBNS/ELM Directeur de Champ

• Support the MedEvac in the HBNS/ELM Fields with the responsible personnel.
• Ensure regular communication and transfer of information is made between field location and
HMD Duty Manager regarding the MedEvac.
• If an air MedEvac is required from HBNS/ELM, ensure that the flight has been agreed with
the HMD Duty Manager. The different locations of the plane (Hassi Messaoud, HBNS or ELM)
needs to be considered.
• Transfer of a seriously injured or ill person between planes should be avoided wherever
• For MedEvacs from any other locations, ensure the Supervisor of any team working there is
in direct contact with the HBNS/ELM Radio Operator.
• The nationality of the casualty and the possibility of road medical evacuation, should be
considered when deciding if the casualty can be evacuated by road.
• For non-urgent cases, nationals from non-GB companies may be evacuated by road, at the
doctor's discretion.
• Ensure that the Aircraft Medical Evacuation Form (Appendix 6) has been completed, signed
and stamped.

© Copyright, This Document and its contents including appendices/attachments, solely belongs to Groupement Berkine Algeria.
Any such use by third parties must obtain written permission by the Administrateur General.
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Groupement Berkine Document No. GBM-11-PRC-0011
Medical Evacuation (MedEvac)
Revision: A8
Date: 18 Mar 2023

• If the person is an expatriate employee or contractor without an in-country support

organization, and needs to be MedEvac’d from the country, ensure that the HMD Duty
Manager contacts the Emergency Medical Clinic (ISOS) and co-ordinates with the injured
persons company of employment.

HBNS/ELM Chef Department Svc Soutien

• Liaise with SIE as necessary. SIE will communicate with the Military and guards.
• To avoid unnecessary delays by road or air due to bureaucratic difficulties, confirm the
casualty has the necessary paperwork (for example but not limited to the following items:
passport or other forms of identification, notes, evaluation forms, medical history, blood type,
etc.) placed in his possession before departure.
• If the casualty is an expatriate, inform the HMD Directeur Soutien the method of transport the
casualty will be moved (by air or road) to Hassi Messaoud.

Rig Supervisor (if Rig MedEvac is necessary)

• Ensure mobilization of the Rig Medic to the injured person, and conduct first response on the
• Provide the necessary resource support to the medic, utilize the medical response kit and any
other appropriate medical kits at the Rig.
• Ensure the Rig Radio Operator is in position to monitor radio operation during the MedEvac
• Maintain regular contact with the HBNS/ELM Doctor, HBNS/ELM Chef Dept HSE and
HBNS/ELM-Chef Dept. Svc Soutien, who will coordinate the MedEvac.

Accompany the Injured Person

• It may be necessary for the field medic or the doctor (or both) to accompany the injured person
to HMD. The personnel accompanying the patient is to be approved by both the field doctor
and pilot.
• In the event the field doctor must accompany the injured person, by his own assessment, then
the doctor at the other facility (either ELM or HBNS) may be required to be on standby until
the doctor returns to his field location.
• It is mandatory all MedEvacs have, at minimum, a medic accompany the patient.
• It may be necessary for a colleague to accompany the injured person. This accompaniment
must be approved by both the Directeur de Champ and the aircraft pilot.

Hassi Messaoud Personnel

HMD-Duty Manager (Directeur HSE)

• The HMD Duty Manager will co-ordinate the Hassi Messaoud response to the accident or
• The Duty Manager at HMD will organize the intervention to an accident or incident at the level
of Hassi Messaoud with the assistance of the other members of the Management Team.

© Copyright, This Document and its contents including appendices/attachments, solely belongs to Groupement Berkine Algeria.
Any such use by third parties must obtain written permission by the Administrateur General.
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Groupement Berkine Document No. GBM-11-PRC-0011
Medical Evacuation (MedEvac)
Revision: A8
Date: 18 Mar 2023

• Depending upon the nature of the MedEvac, the Duty Manager may delegate some of the
following tasks to Transport Aerien / Moyens staff who are best placed to deal with the vast
majority of MedEvac situations.
• Contact the HMD Radio Operator and the HMD Emergency Medical Clinic (ISOS). Ensure
that the HMD Radio Room is manned, and that radio communication with HBNS/ELM Radio
Room is monitored continuously.
• Contact HMD-Resp Moyens Generaux.
• Obtain full details of the accident or incident from the HBNS/ELM Directeur de Champ and
assess the nature and the severity of the injury.
• If the person is an Algerian National employee or contractor, and the casualty requires hospital
treatment, the HMD Duty Manager (via SH) makes initial contact with DOS for SH personnel,
or the HMD Hospital for non-SH personnel. In certain circumstances where the Algerian
National employee or contractor may require specialized treatment (e.g. burns), liase with the
SH Emergency (DOS) Centre in Hassi Messaoud to arrange transfer to specialized treatment.
• If MedEvac to Europe is required, the Duty Manager (in agreement with Oxy HR and the
Administrator or his delegate) is to place International SOS on stand-by (see Section 2.3) to
mobilize an air ambulance if necessary. The ISOS, DOS, ELM or HBNS doctor - depending
upon the location - must always be consulted on the seriousness of the condition of the injured
or ill person, to determine whether a MedEvac is required.
• For non-GB personnel whose companies have their own support bases in HMD, should have
their own Air Ambulance arrangements established. They are to be contacted by the HMD
Duty Manager to arrange external support accordingly.
• If the aircraft is located in Hassi Messaoud, check that the pilot has been placed on stand-by,
and ensure that advance notice of the flight has been arranged via Air Traffic Control. The
HMD Duty Manager (in agreement with the Administrator or his delegate) and pilot will provide
operational authorization for air MedEvac from HBNS/ELM to Hassi Messaoud as necessary.
Night-time MedEvac’s from Hassi Messaoud to the field are not allowed.
• If the person is an expatriate employee or contractor and needs to be MedEvac’d from the
country, ensure that the ISOS Doctor has been contacted and is aware of the accident or
incident. The doctor may need to be mobilized depending on the condition of the casualty.
Details of the information required by the ISOS Doctor are laid out in Appendices 1 and 2.
• In the event of extreme weather conditions or if the aircraft is unable to depart to Hassi
Messaoud, consideration should be given to contacting other Operators (Ourhoud Field, Agip
– BRN, or Cepsa – RKF) or contractor teams in the area for medical assistance. Weather
conditions for the decision to fly remain at the pilot’s discretion.
• If practicable, dispatch appropriate person(s) to HMD airport to assist in the MedEvac, in
conjunction with the HMD-Directeur Soutien or his delegate to assist with airport access.
• Utilize all responsible individuals in the Siege to assist with MedEvac arrangements. Ensure
all personnel have access to communications.
• GB HR (Oxy Human Resources if expatriate) will maintain regular contact with the spouse or
relative of the patient, to keep them up to date with the condition of the injured person, and
the status of the MedEvac.
• In coordination with the HMD Doctor, ensure air MedEvacs to HMD are met by the HMD GB
ambulance. The HMD GB ambulance is to be sent to the airport for all MedEvacs from the
field regardless if the casualty is a GB employee or contractor. The GB ambulance may return
to the Base De Vie after transportation of the casualty or if another company’s ambulance

© Copyright, This Document and its contents including appendices/attachments, solely belongs to Groupement Berkine Algeria.
Any such use by third parties must obtain written permission by the Administrateur General.
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Groupement Berkine Document No. GBM-11-PRC-0011
Medical Evacuation (MedEvac)
Revision: A8
Date: 18 Mar 2023

takes over transportation. Under no circumstances should the MedEvac plane arrive and not
have an ambulance waiting and ready for transport.

HMD – Radio Operator

• Ensure that communication with HBNS/ELM Radio Room is maintained continuously.
• Can provide a local weather forecast if requested by the pilot.

HMD – Doctor
• When instructed by HMD HR Directeur or HMD HSE Directeur ensure the GB ambulance is
dispatched to the airport with all necessary paperwork to access the runway. The GB
ambulance is required to be dispatched from the Base De Vie for all aviation Medi-Vac’s from
the field to Hassi Messaoud.

Contacting ISOS (RedMed)

The caller should communicate:
1. ISOS membership number and contact information can be found in Appendix 5
2. Give their full name.
3. State that they are calling on behalf of GB / Oxy.
4. Give their contact information (Membership Ref. Number) and location.
5. State the reason for the call.
6. Identify the doctor who will be consulting with ISOS. State whether or not a doctor is available
locally to treat the patient.
7. Respond briefly and accurately to any questions posed by the SOS Call Centre personnel.

The local on-site doctor and the ISOS doctor should agree on the best course of action.

If either doctor determines that an air ambulance is required, authorize it.

If neither doctor recommends an air ambulance, the senior Oxy person present may still
take the initiative to authorize an air ambulance. Oxy HR (Oxy Human Resources) will
need to be advised of the decision to mobilize the air ambulance as soon as is reasonable.


This Section is Adopted Directly from Star Aviation

It is the responsibility of GB to request the MedEvac flight.

• Before initiating the MedEvac Flight - The Medical Evacuation Report is to be completed and
signed by the GB's designated representative and medical professional (Doctor, Medic,
• After completion of the MedEvac Flight, the Captain should complete the Medical Evacuation
Report with comments and signature.
• The original should be sent to Aviation Contractor and the copy to GB.
• In the case of death on board the aircraft - the Death on Board (DOB) Report is to be filled,
signed by the Captain and reported to Air Traffic Control at the next point of landing, to the local
© Copyright, This Document and its contents including appendices/attachments, solely belongs to Groupement Berkine Algeria.
Any such use by third parties must obtain written permission by the Administrateur General.
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Groupement Berkine Document No. GBM-11-PRC-0011
Medical Evacuation (MedEvac)
Revision: A8
Date: 18 Mar 2023

police authorities and a copy to the Aviation contractor. The responsibility for completing the
DOB report is with the aviation contractor.

ONLY THE CAPTAIN decides if it is feasible to carry out Night MedEvac in a safe manner based on
the following conditions: (Keep in mind that it is the Captain’s intention to save the life not to endanger
it, therefore please respect his decision).
• Is the patient stable?
• Can the patient fly in a non-pressurized aircraft?
• Oxygen requirements?
• What are the risks with turbulence?
• Will a medic accompany the patient?
• Has a Doctor been consulted?
• Is there a medically trained person and ambulance-car waiting at the destination?
• Should any special precautions have been carried out?
• Can the patient wait for daylight operations?
Sufficient fuel (Full main tanks-recommended) for the flight with Ouargla airport as alternate.
NOTE: For Ouargla airport, special permission is to be obtained by GB (Military airport).
Airport Authorities
Destination or departure airport authorities and their security should be advised about the MedEvac
flight, with the approximate time of departure and arrival. Check if any immediate or short-term
restrictions exist at the destination and alternate airports.
At the destination airport, the medically trained person and ambulance should be waiting, and all the
necessary security preparations for the aircraft’s arrival should be carried out.
Latest Satellite Weather image to be printed if available. Weather is also available using the aircraft's
radios on Algiers INFO HF 8894 usb, VHF 124.1 131.3.

All GB field-stations to report the actual weather conditions.

Minimum Weather conditions at the field at NIGHT
- Wind 15 knots or less
- Not overcast, no dust
- Visibility 8 km or better
- Airstrip must be preapproved for night operations
Runway Lights
Must be operational before starting approach or take-off. All GB field-locations to be ready to deploy
the Runway lights if aircraft has to divert from the planned route.
Ground Preparation
The Ground Crew on site shall be trained and responsible to carry out all preparations for the night
landing / take-off, including setting up the lighting system.

© Copyright, This Document and its contents including appendices/attachments, solely belongs to Groupement Berkine Algeria.
Any such use by third parties must obtain written permission by the Administrateur General.
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Groupement Berkine Document No. GBM-11-PRC-0011
Medical Evacuation (MedEvac)
Revision: A8
Date: 18 Mar 2023

At the destination, an Ambulance with medically trained person, local security and GB security should
be waiting for the aircraft arrival.
When aircraft is on the approach or the aircraft engine has been started for departure, no further
movements of vehicles and personnel are allowed on the strip and parking area.
After parking the aircraft and the PROPELLER HAS STOPPED, only the pilots can authorize
movement of the vehicle or personnel onto the parking area.
Portable Lights
It is recommended to store the portable lights in an air-conditioned container in order to maintain the
shelf life. For easy and quick loading, keep the lights in wooden boxes. Make sure the lights are turned
OFF while not in use.

4.0 Training and Competency

There are no training or competency requirements for this procedure.

5.0 Glossary
Term Definition/Abbreviation
DOS Direction des œuvres sociales
ISOS International SOS – Health and Security service company

6.0 References
GB Documents
Emergency Management Procedure – GBM-11-PRC-0008

7.0 Documentation Administration

Document Owner
The HMD-Directeur HSE shall serve as the procedure owner.
Document Review and Revision
This procedure shall be reviewed and revised every 3 years.

8.0 Appendices
Appendix 1 – Medical Information – In Case of Accident
Appendix 2 – Medical Information – In Case of Illness
Appendix 3 – ELM / HBNS Field Med - Evac Flow Chart
Appendix 4 – HMD Med - Evac Flow Chart
Appendix 5 – International SOS Contact Information
Appendix 6 – Aircraft Medical Evacuation Form

© Copyright, This Document and its contents including appendices/attachments, solely belongs to Groupement Berkine Algeria.
Any such use by third parties must obtain written permission by the Administrateur General.
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Groupement Berkine Document No. GBM-11-PRC-0011
Medical Evacuation (MedEvac)
Revision: A8
Date: 18 Mar 2023

Appendix 1 - Medical Information – In Case of Accident

Medical Information Required by ISOS / DOS Doctor – In Case of Accident

General Information

Name of Company –
Location of the site / rig –
Speakers name and position –
Contact phone number or Inmarsat number –
Number of casualties –
Nationality of casualty(s) –
Time of the accident –
Type of accident –
Additional Details –

State of the Patient (required for each individual patient) / (To be completed by Field Doctor / Medic)

1. Consciousness – Conscious ☐ Semi-Conscious (drowsy) ☐ Unconscious ☐

2. Circulation – Blood Pressure …………. Pulse …………

3. Breathing – Yes ☐ No ☐ Number of Breaths a minute ……….

4. Injury – Trauma ☐ Fracture ☐ Wound ☐ Hemorrhage ☐ Other ………………………………..

5. IP Injury Area – Skull ☐ Face ☐ Neck, Spine ☐ Thorax ☐ Abdomen ☐ Pelvis ☐ Upper Limb ☐ Lower Limb ☐

6. Detail of Treatment Given - ………………………………………………………………………………………………….



© Copyright, This Document and its contents including appendices/attachments, solely belongs to Groupement Berkine Algeria.
Any such use by third parties must obtain written permission by the Administrateur General.
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Groupement Berkine Document No. GBM-11-PRC-0011
Medical Evacuation (MedEvac)
Revision: A8
Date: 18 Mar 2023

Appendix 2 - Medical Information – In Case of Illness

Medical Information Required by ISOS / DOS Doctor – In Case of Illness

General Information

Name of Company –
Location of the site / rig –
Speakers name and position –
Contact phone number or Inmarsat number –
Number of sick persons –
Nationality of person(s) –
How long has the patient been sick –
Additional Details –

Patient Symptoms / Condition (To be completed by Field Doctor / Medic)

1. Symptoms – Chills / Cough ☐ Fever ☐ Vomiting ☐ Pain ☐ Skin Rash ☐ Hemorrhaging ☐ Paralysis ☐

Coma ☐ Other ………………………………..

2. Consciousness – Conscious ☐ Semi-Conscious (drowsy) ☐ Unconscious ☐

3. Vitals – Blood Pressure …………. Pulse ………… Temperature …………

4. Detail of Treatment Given - ………………………………………………………………………………………………….



© Copyright, This Document and its contents including appendices/attachments, solely belongs to Groupement Berkine Algeria.
Any such use by third parties must obtain written permission by the Administrateur General.
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Groupement Berkine Document No. GBM-11-PRC-0011
Medical Evacuation (MedEvac)
Revision: A8
Date: 18 Mar 2023

Appendix 3 – ELM / HBNS Field MedEvac Flowchart

Refer to HBNS & ELM Emergency Call lists for up-to-date contact numbers

© Copyright, This Document and its contents including appendices/attachments, solely belongs to Groupement Berkine Algeria.
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Groupement Berkine Document No. GBM-11-PRC-0011
Medical Evacuation (MedEvac)
Revision: A8
Date: 18 Mar 2023

Appendix 4 – HMD MedEvac Flowchart

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Any such use by third parties must obtain written permission by the Administrateur General.
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Groupement Berkine Document No. GBM-11-PRC-0011
Medical Evacuation (MedEvac)
Revision: A8
Date: 18 Mar 2023

Appendix 5 – International SOS Contact Information

© Copyright, This Document and its contents including appendices/attachments, solely belongs to Groupement Berkine Algeria.
Any such use by third parties must obtain written permission by the Administrateur General.
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Groupement Berkine Document No. GBM-11-PRC-0011
Medical Evacuation (MedEvac)
Revision: A8
Date: 18 Mar 2023

Appendix 6 – Aircraft Medical Evacuation Form

© Copyright, This Document and its contents including appendices/attachments, solely belongs to Groupement Berkine Algeria.
Any such use by third parties must obtain written permission by the Administrateur General.

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