Analysis of Three Dimensional Horizontal
Analysis of Three Dimensional Horizontal
Analysis of Three Dimensional Horizontal
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 6( Version 6), June 2014, pp.156-161
Reinforced concrete horizontally curved beams are extensively used in many fields, such as in the construction
of modern highway intersections, elevated freeways, the rounded corners of buildings, circular balconies,….etc.
In some of these cases, large depths are needed for curved beams in order to resist high loads or to fulfill some
aesthetic purposes. The analytical analysis of such members is very complex due to the fact that those members
are subjected to combined action of bending, shear and torsion. Furthermore, non homogeneous nature of the
materials involved contributes to the complexity of the problem. Therefore, it becomes necessary to employ
numerical analysis procedures, such as the finite element method, to satisfy the safety and the economy
requirements.A horizontally curved beam, loaded transversely to its plane, is subjected to torsion in addition to
bending and shear. Furthermore, in deep beam the plane section does not remain plane after bending because of
high stresses and warping occurs. Therefore, special features of analysis and design for horizontally curved deep
beams is necessary to include the effect of above mentioned factors. Several methods of collapse analysis
(Khalifa 1972, Jordaan et al. 1974, Badawy et al. 1977, Hsu et al. 1978, and Abul Mansur and Rangan 1981. )
were proposed for analysis of specific cases of reinforced concrete curved beams. However, till yet studies
concerning reinforced concrete horizontally curved deep beams are rare. At present, with the application of
digital computers beside the development of numerical methods, the mathematical difficulties associated with
curved deep beam have been largely overcome. One of the most effective numerical methods utilized for
analyzing reinforced concrete members is the finite element method. Using this method, many aspects of the
phenomenological behaviour of reinforced concrete structures can be modelled rationally. These aspects include
the tension-stiffening, non-linear multiaxial material properties, modelling of cracking and crushing, and many
other properties related to the behaviour of reinforced concrete members under stresses. An important utilization
of the finite element method is the modelling of the degradation of concrete compressive strength in the
presence of transverse tensile straining as happens in members subjected dominantly to torsion or shear
stresses. Therefore, the present study adopted a three dimensional non-linear finite element model to investigate
the behaviour and the load carrying capacity of reinforced concrete horizontally curved deep beams.
KEYWORDS: Analysis , Three Dimensional, Horizontal Reinforced Concrete, Curved Beam, Ansys
material and solution parameters that affect the
I. INTRODUCTION structure behaviour are studied. These include the
In this study, a nonlinear three dimensional slab thickness, support condition, compressive
finite element analysis has been used to conduct an strength of concrete and the percentage of steel across
analytical investigation on the behaviour of curved in the interface between the stem and the slab of the
plan composite concrete-concrete beam using the composite beam. This article contains the results of a
analysis system computer program (ANSYS v.9.0 study aimed at examining the stress analysis of a
2004). Various types of beams, with available curved beam with a rectangular cross section with a
experimental results are chosen to check the validity neutral-line which is contained in a plane π. The
and the accuracy of the adopted models. In general forces that load the beam are located in the plane π.
good agreement is obtained. The maximum Bending moments have pseudo-vectors perpendicular
percentage difference in ultimate load carrying to the same plane. These kinds of loads do not stress
capacity is 12%. Parametric studies are carried out to the beam with any torsion effect. Bending moment M,
study the influence of the curvature (L/R ratio of 0, shear force T and axial force N are available at each
0.1, 0.15 and 0.2) on the behaviour of the curved in point P of the beam. Stresses and are obtained
plan composite concrete beams. Also, some important without calculating the deformed line (today, 156 | P a g e
T. Subramani et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 6( Version 6), June 2014, pp.156-161
however, the Finite Element Method demands this references some arbitrary point of area element dA on
kind of calculation). In fact, non standard stress the cross section.
analysis allows to calculate all the strains and stresses
whilst only knowing the values of M, N, T and of the III. CURVED BEAM AND FRAME
bending-radius ρn of the neutral-line at a given point ANALYSYS
in the neutral-line. 3.1 Stress in curved beams
Deformation analysis stress and strain distribution
One of the assumptions of the development of
the beam bending relations is that all longitudinal
elements of the bean have the same length, thus
restricting the theory to initially straight beams of
constant cross section. Although considerable
deviations from this restriction can be tolerated in real
problems, when the initial curvature of the beams
becomes significant, the linear variations of strain
over the cross section is no longer valid, even though
the assumption of plane cross sections remaining
plane is valid.
A theory for a beam subjected to pure bending
having a constant cross section and a constant or Any transverse plane section (containing C)
slowly varying initial radius of curvature in the plane
remain plane
of bending is developed as follows. Typical examples A neutral surface must exist in the
of curved beams include hooks and chain links. In member(Rq=R’q’)
these cases the members are not slender but rather Elongation of the arc JKàJ’K’, d=r’q’-rq
have a sharp curve and their cross sectional
dimensions are large compared with their radius of
curvature. 3.2 Curved Beam Stress Analysis 157 | P a g e
T. Subramani et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 6( Version 6), June 2014, pp.156-161
u , , Ni , , ui ,
of the brick element is(Al- Shaarbaf, 1990): REINFORCED CONCRETE
This section illustrates a numerical study that
v , , Ni , , vi
i 1
was carried out on reinforced concrete horizontally
curved beams with different depths to investigate the
i 1
effect of some important parameters on the load-
w , , Ni , , wi
deflection response of curved beams and the ultimate
load resisted by those beams. The parameters
(1) included in this study were the total depth of the
i 1 beam, subtended angle, boundary conditions, amount
where Ni (ξ, , ) is the shape function at the i-th of transverse steel reinforcement ,use additional
node and ui, vi, wi are the corresponding nodal longitudinal bars, besides change the location of load.
displacements. The shape functions for the 20 node The reinforced concrete horizontally curved beam
brick element which are adopted to map the element tested by (Jordaan et al., 1974), subjected to single
are given in Table. point load was adopted in this numerical study.
The Gauss-Legender quadrature numerical
integration scheme has been found to be accurate and 5.1 The Influence of the Depth of the Beam
a convenient technique to carry out the finite element The effect of increasing the total depth (h) on the
analysis. The integration rule, which has been used in load-deflection response and the ultimate load was
this study , is the 15-point rule. The weights and investigated. In this section the total depth (h) was
abscissa of the sampling points are listed in Table.4.1 increased from (305 mm) to (400 mm), (500 mm),
.The relative distribution of the Gaussion points over (600 mm), (700 mm), and (750 mm). The result of
the element is given fig 4.1 this study leads to the conclusion that increasing the
total depth has a significant rule on load-deflection
and ultimate load of curved beams. This effect of
increasing the total depth becomes more significant
when the total depth exceeds 600 mm. 158 | P a g e
T. Subramani et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 6( Version 6), June 2014, pp.156-161 160 | P a g e
T. Subramani et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 6( Version 6), June 2014, pp.156-161
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