Design and Analysis of Pusher Arm Hub: Abstract

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 2 Issue 6, Nov – Dec 2016


Design and Analysis of Pusher Arm Hub

Rajani Shinde1, Prof. Nalawade S.P.2, Prof. N. Chandran3
(Department of Mechanical Engineering, Trinity Academy of Engineering, Pune)
(Department of Mechanical Engineering, Trinity Academy of Engineering, Pune)

Tilting of arm is easily available in existing design as working arm is for shifting the big sheetmetal body
from one station to another to get drilled. Now task is to design hub which allows turning of robotic arm along with
tilting without affecting its working behavior. In this study design and evaluation of hub body formed by weldment
sheet metal components is done. validation of strength is done by carrying out static structural analysis in ANSYS.

Keywords — Component; hub; weldment; sheetmetal; hub.

It is needed for the stability , 160 degree rotations

and structural strength to hold the arm assembly.
Features of drilling arm are, 1) Arm load Capacity
Generally a typical arm used for holding force is 3000 N ,
and performing operations have plate to plate 2) Motorised auto tilting and spot picking 3)Drilling
joints as they are made for only single movement application on diffusers body.
and operation. We are developing arm for making This is Completely a new
bottom to top machine drilling for object. Object is product development in customized assembly arm
of height 3.8 meter and mounted vertical on tool automation. In this study we will design vertical
set. robotic arm will hold the tool post and drilling cylindrical hollow body, flange mounting
tool which work from bottom and end on top. weldment on both sides, hub with gusseting plates
Holding of this arm is quite difficult with the and fasteners joints. Inner diameter of hub is 232
plates or flanges hence we are providing gussets mm and height is 290 mm. After applying the
between two flanges to divide forces in cylindrical appropriate boundry conditions sresses in the hub
shape body i.e. hub. So rotation and vertical linear will be evaluated
drilling will be easy for this arm. Because
of vertical angular tilting perfect holder with new
cylindrical hub is necessary here.

Fig. 1. Roller to be drilled by putting it vertically

We want new product development in Fig. 2. round flange hub

structure based model on bottom cylindrical body
weldment for robotic.

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 2 Issue 6, Nov – Dec 2016
II. LITERATURE REVIEW subjected to axial load and resting on Winkler-
Hui Yang, Jiazhen Hong, , Zhengyue Yu [1] has Pasternak foundations. Material properties of FGM
studied characteristics of a flexible hub-beam layer are varied continuously in thickness direction
system with a tip mass in their paper. Based on the according to a simple power distribution in terms of
Hamilton theory and the finite element the ceramic and metal volume fractions. The
discretization method, and in consideration of the modified Donnell type stability and compatibility
second-order coupling quantity of the axial equations on the Pasternak foundation are obtained.
displacement caused by the transverse displacement Applying Galerkin’s method analytic solutions are
of the beam, the rigid–flexible coupling dynamic obtained for the criti-cal axial load of three-layered
model (referred as the first-order approximation cylindrical shells containing an FGM layer with and
coupling (FOAC) model in their paper) and the without elastic foundation. The detailed parametric
corresponding model in non-inertial system for the studies are carried out to study the influences of
flexible hub-beam system with a tip mass are thickness variations of the FGM layer, radius-to-
presented firstly, then they have studied dynamic thickness ratio, material composition and material
characteristics of the system through numerical profile index, Winkler and Pasternak foundations
simulations under twos cases: the large motion of on the critical axial load of three-layered cylindrical
the system is known and is unknown. shells. Comparing results with those in the literature
To highlight the essential nature behind the validates the present analysis.
vibration phenomena, Zhen Zhao, Caishan Liu et Sofiyev and Avcar[2] has discussed in their paper
al.[4] have analyzed the steady vibration of a that under combined electro-thermo-mechanical
rotating Euler–Bernoulli beam with a quasi-steady- loadings, the nonlinear bending of piezoelectric
state stretch. They have used Newton‫׳‬s law is to cylindrical shell reinforced with boron nitride
derive the equations governing the beam‫׳‬s elastic nanotubes (BNNTs) . By employing nonlinear
motion and the hub‫׳‬s rotation. A combination of strains based on Donnell shell theory and utilizing
these equations results in a nonlinear partial piezoelectric theory including thermal effects, the
differential equation that fully reflects the mutual constitutive relations of the piezoelectric shell
interaction between the two kinds of motion. Via reinforced with BNNTs are established. Then the
the Fourier series expansion within a finite interval governing equations of the structure are derived
of time, we reduce the PDE into an infinite system through variation principle and resolved by
of a nonlinear ordinary differential equation (ODE) applying the finite difference method. In numerical
in spatial domain. they further nondimensionalize examples, the effects of geometric nonlinear,
the ODE and discretize it via a difference method. voltage, temperature, as well as volume fraction on
The frequencies and modal shapes of a general the deflection and bending moment of
rotating beam are then determined numerically. For axisymmetrical piezoelectric cylindrical shell
a low-speed beam where the ignorance of geometric reinforced with BNNTs are discussed in detail.
stiffening is feasible, the beam‫׳‬s vibration Chamat, Touache[3] has used two cylindrical
characteristics are solved analytically. Then they vessels under internal pressure for their work in
have validated their numerical method and the order to study the influence of the position and size
analytical solutions by comparing with either the of defects on their elastic and elastoplastic
past experiments or the past numerical findings behavior. One contains two external longitudinal
reported in existing literature. Finally, systematic semi-elliptic defects of different dimensions
simulations are performed to demonstrate how the realized diametrically opposed. The other contains
beam‫׳‬s eigen frequencies vary with the hub‫׳‬s inertia the same defects but is circumferential. These
and rotating speed defects are carried out by elect-erosion. Strain
In the study done by Reddy and Chin[6], they have gauges are placed in the neighborhood of the
investigated the stability of cylindrical shells that defects of which the purpose is to obtain the strain
composed of ceramic, FGM, and metal layers distribution. This work also allows the comparison
between two defects of different dimensions, which

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 2 Issue 6, Nov – Dec 2016
are of the same shape or different shapes. These
defects are longitudinal and circumferential semi-
elliptical. The position of these defects relative to
the inner radius of a cylindrical pressure vessel is
considered. The deformations results are then
discussed. The experimental study is performed on
models consist of a cylindrical shell closed by two
semi spherical fund large square radius The external
and internal diameters are 406.4 mm and 386.4 mm,
M.N. Hamdan, , A.H. El-Sinawi [5] in their work
deals with the development of a dynamic model for
a slender flexible arm undergoing relatively large
Fig.4. Dimensions of base
planar flexural deformations, and clamped with a
. Calculations involved for hub drum are,
setting angle to a compliant rotating hub. The
model is derived assuming an inextensible Euler– Inner diameter (d) = 160mm
Bernoulli beam, but takes into account the axial Outer diameter (D) = 180 mm
inertia and nonlinear curvature. Height(L) = 250mm
Load(W) = 30KN
III. DESIGN AND DEVELOPEMENT Maximum deflection will be at free end and given
A. Hub
Material used for hub is AISI316. Hub will having =
base mount arrangement, vertical stability with 3
multiple loading conditions, revolving flange on Where ,
flange mechanism and customized bushing for long E = Modulus of Elasticity = 200 GPa
vertical arm bottom.
I = Moment of Inertia
= ( − )
I = 19360064.73 mm4

= .

Fig. 3. Base for hub

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 2 Issue 6, Nov – Dec 2016
Z = Section Modulus

= ( )

180 − 160
= ( )
32 180 3
Z = 215111.83 mm

Maximum Stress

= . /

Fig 5 Dimensions for hub Since we are providing welding joint between
drum hub and base mount. In observation it is
found that it must be having gusseting to support
against arm work bending force. so we will design

B. Gussete mounting
Four gussets are capable to hold bending load.
when arm is loaded and activated against gusset,
hub body load comes on single side and it acts on
to bend on arm acting side so we are providing
gusset to retrieve the normal condition against
load. Now loads are expecting on four sides since
arm is to be rotate and worked for 360 degree. So
we used 4 gussets

. Fig, 6 Basic Mechanical Components in hub design

Maximum Stress will be at support and is given by


M = Maximum bending moment
= 30000 x 250
M = 7500000 N mm Fig.7. Gussete geometry

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 2 Issue 6, Nov – Dec 2016
Stresses in Gusset Z = Section Modulus
Z = 625 mm3
Maximum Total load on the gusset is approximate Hence,
Maximum Stress
30 kN 3750000
Maximum deflection will be at free end and given
by = 6000 /
This value of maximum stress is too large and is not
= practical.It is found that the deflection and the stress
developed in the gusset are exceeding the safe value.
Where , Hence the gussets are not safe and need to
E = Modulus of Elasticity = 200 GPa redesign.Now as Yeild strength for steel is 215 MPa,
I = Moment of Inertia the Maximum permissible stress for gusset should
be 215 MPa
= Hence,

I = 7812.5 mm4 215 =

215 =
= 12.5
= 17441.86
Maximum Stress will be at support and given by,
d = 60 mm
M = Maximum bending moment
= WL 17441.86 =
= (30000 x 125) 6
M = 3750000 N mm b = 29. 06 mm
Hence ,
b = 30 mm and
d = 60 mm

Fig. 8 Dimensions of gusset

Fig. 9. Dimensions of new guesset

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 2 Issue 6, Nov – Dec 2016

Maximum deflection will be at free end and given

by =

Where ,
E = Modulus of Elasticity = 200 GPa
I = Moment of Inertia

I = 540000 mm4
= 0.18
Fig. 11. Meshing body
And maximum Stress will be, Table 1. meshing details

Fig. 13. Bending stress found 24 MPA


M = Maximum bending moment
M = WL
M = (30000 x 125)
M = 3750000 N mm
Z = Section Modulus
Z = 18000 mm3
Hence maximum Stress,
= 208.33 /

Fig.10. positioning of gussets

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 2 Issue 6, Nov – Dec 2016

Fig. 11. Loading parameters

Fig. 14. Meshing model of guessets

Table. 2 Details of meshing (guessets)

Fig. 12. Deflection max 0.06 mm

Fig. 13. Bending stress found 24 MPA

Individual loads for guessets are shown below.

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 2 Issue 6, Nov – Dec 2016

Table.3 Cylindrical hub

Design CAE

Stress (mpa) 34.87 24

Deflection(mm) 0.04 0.06

Table 4 Results of guessets

Parameters Design CAE

Fig. 15.Stress zones and Max value of stress 178 Stress(mpa) 208 178

Deflection(mm) 0.18 0.1

From the results obtained from design of hub and

guessets and the CAE validation it is found that
cylindrical vessel shaped hub can be feasible to
make rotary movement and indexing arm for
operating and fixing in this hub. Only welding
efficiency need to be taken in care
I take this opportunity to express deep sense of
gratitude and sincere thanks for valuable assistance
that I have received, at worthy hands of guide Prof.
N. Chandran. I express my sincere thanks to our
HOD of Mechanical Department Prof. S.S Mulik,
Prof. S. P Nalawade for permitting me to present
this paper and also to all staff members who have
help me directly and indirectly.
I also express thanks to my friends, well
wishers for their underlying support show during
preparation of this paper.
Fig. 16 0.1 mm max deflection found at shown zone REFERENCES
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