Desarrollo de Clase. Tema 12
Desarrollo de Clase. Tema 12
Desarrollo de Clase. Tema 12
General purpose office programs, such as word processors, spreadsheets, and databases usually have many
features, many of which are rarely used. Users often need help to find out how to operate these features. In PC
systems it is also possible for memory problems to occur, particularly if the user is using many programs at the
same time. Memory problems can cause the computer to stop functioning. When this happens, the computer is
said to have hung or frozen, although the term frozen usually refers to the display screen.
It is important for the computing support staff to be able to communicate with users as well as keep up to
date with current technical knowledge about hardware and software. Computing is changing at an accelerating
pace, and it is difficult for support assistants to keep up with all the changes. Ways that this computing support
assistant uses to keep in touch with developments include attending courses, using the Internet, and reading
current magazines.
Adverbs of Frequency
We use these adverbs to show how often something is done, from something done very frequently (“always”) to
something not done at all (“never”).
Examples: I always watch TV at night. She is never late for work.
Study these extracts from the interview:
I: Are you bored?
A: No, not really: because it´s never the same things repeatedly: It´s different each time.
A: People have problems with the hardware, often with printers.... paper jamming. They also have problems finding
options in the programs. Mostly with word processing.
I: Are there any other hardware problems?
A: Occasionally a computer freezes. It hangs or freezes. It´s usually a memory problem.
I: Is it always the machine or is it sometimes the user?
A: Sometimes it is the user. The printer isn´t switched on, or there´s no paper in it.
The word in italics tells us how often something happens. For example:
I: How often does a computer crash?
A: Sometimes, not very often.
Pay attention!
The words EVER and NEVER are used a lot to talk about the frequencies of activities.
But remember that: NEVER is used to deny. EVER is used to ask.
If NEVER is present in the sentence, the verb is in AFFIRMATIVE. (Or else there would be a double negative)
• I don’t never buy CDs nowadays. ✗ -I never buy CDs nowadays. ✓
EVER = in negations means never. It is used when there is another negative element in the sentence.
Do you ever talk to Maria? = ¿Alguna vez hablas con Maria?
Does your boss ever do his job? = ¿Alguna vez hace su trabajo…?
Do you ever work out, or do you just sit around all day? = ¿Alguna vez haces ejercicio…?
1. Write the adverb of frequency in the right place.
Example: She doesn´t work at weekends. (usually)She usually doesn´t work at weekends.
2. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Pay attention to the position of the
frequency adverbs in the sentence.
4. Look at the chart and complete the sentences.
1 2 3 4 5
2. Read and choose TRUE or FALSE.
4. Fill in the blanks in the speech bubbles with the present simple of the verbs and the adverb of frequency.
ACTIVITY. Multiple choice exercise. 6p.
Glendinning,H.Eric,McEwan, John.(1999). Basic English for Computing. Oxford University Press,
Olejniczak, Maja, (2014). English for Information Technology, Vocacional English Course book. Pearson
Educational Limited,
Olejniczak, Maja, Series Editor David Bonamy, English for Information Technology 1 & 2.
Editor David Bonamy, English for Information Technology 1, Person.
Jordan, Geoff & Del Castillo, Beatríz, MacGraw-Hill, English through Computers.
Universidad Autónoma de Asunción (2019 & 2020) Programa de Inglés para Informática 1 (Semestres Primavera &
Universidad Autónoma de Asunción 2021 Programa de Inglés para Informática 1 (Semestres Primavera).
Universidad Autónoma de Asunción 2022 Programa de Inglés para Informática 1 (Semestres Otoño).
Macmillan Essential Dictionary,
Oxford pocket Dictionary English – Spanish and Spanish English
Appleton´s New Cuyás Dictionary – English – Spanish and Spanish English
Materiales multimedia de la Web.
Adverbios de Frecuencia.
Material elaborado por la Prof. Lic. Josefina Modica. Inglés Técnico para Informática 1 - Clase 12