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HAZOP Recommendations

Recommendations Responsibility

1. 6-inch manual isolation valve (Line 6"-BD-XXX2-1CA1P) to be CSO SLFE 8

2. Evaluate removing NRV (line 6"-BD-XXX2-1CA1P) on inlet line to Blowdown degassing vessel SLFE 8
3. PCV-1001B (2"-RL-XX24-1CA1P) to flare KO drum shall be AFO SLFE 5
4. 4-inch manual isolation valve (at Degassing Tank outlet condensate line 4"-BD-XXX3-1CA1P) SLFE 5
to be CSO
5. Configure low suction pressure alarm on PIT-1022/1024 for blowdown degassing vessel pumps SLFE 6
6. Relocate NRV to downstream of PIT-1023/1025 (PAHH) for blowdown degassing vessel pumps SLFE 5
7. Configure high discharge pressure alarm on PIT-1002/1003 for blowdown degassing pumps SLFE 5
8. Provide high differential pressure alarm across suction strainer of degassing vessel pump X89- SLFE 6
9. Update P&ID (VA-PP1061-001 Rev. A) to include suction strainer for degassing drum pump SLFE 6
10. Provide level control on LIT-0027 to stop degassing drum pump G89-0016A/B on high level of SLFE 8
Condensate Surge drum D-0002
11. Configure low suction pressure alarm on PAL-1034/1039 for Produced Water Pumps X89-G- SLFE 2
12. Configure high level alarm on LIT-1007 for degassing drum water boot SLFE 3
13. Relocate NRV to downstream of PIT-1038 for Produced Water Pumps X89-G-XXX3A/B SLFE 3
14. Configure high pressure alarm on PIT-1038 for Produced Water Pumps X89-G-XXX3A/B SLFE 3
15. For permanent flare, ensure flame stability in the pilot in case when PCV on the fuel gas line is Zeeco 3
fully open
16. Evaluate cutting fuel gas supply to pilot in order to avoid formation flammable gas cloud within Zeeco 3
enclosed flare
17. Evaluate provision of protection measures for flame flash back to flare piping Zeeco 7
18. Provide isolation valve (line 24"-RL-XX39-1CA1P) to new flare and this valve shall be marked SLFE
as CSO when new permanent flare is operational
19. Evaluate selection of valve type within flare package to ensure reliable and positive isolation SLFE/ Zeeco
20. Evaluate provision of back-up fuel supply to pilot in case the main fuel gas supply is John Zink 3
21. Fuel gas supply PCV-003 isolation valves shall be CSO John Zink 3
22. For temporary mobile flare, ensure flame stability in the pilot in case when PCV-003 on the John Zink 3
fuel gas line is fully open
23. Provide isolation valve on fuel gas line (1"-FG-XX40-1CS1P) to permanent flare & this should SLFE
be marked as CSO when new flare is in operation

File Name: S22452-SLF HAZOP 1 of 1

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