SOR Road Works 2013

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With Effect From 15
May , 2013
Issued By
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 1-04-2013
S.No. Particulars Page
2 GENER! NO"ES # $ %
3 &'P"ER$1$ &RRIGE ND S(PP!) OF
11 + 12
, &'P"ER$2$ SI"E &!ERN&E 13 + 1#
# &'P"ER$3$ ER"' WOR-. EROSION &ON"RO!
1/ + 1%
/ &'P"ER$,$ S(B$BSES. BSE &O(RSE
22 + 22
23 + 24
4 &'P"ER$/$ &E*EN" &ON&RE"E P5E*EN"S 2% + 32
% &'P"ER$3$ GEOS)N"'E"I&S ND
31 + 32
12 &'P"ER$4$ "RFFI& SIGNS. *R-INGS 6 O"'ER
33 + ,1
11 &'P"ER$%$ PIPE &(!5ER"S ,2 + ,3
12 &'P"ER$12$ *IN"ENN&E OF RODS ,, + ,#
13 &'P"ER$11$ 'OR"I&(!"(RE ,/ + ,3
1, &'P"ER$12$ RBORI&(!"(RE 6
,4 + #2
1# !IS" OF (SEF(! S"NDRD "B!ES #1 + %#
1/ ROD *P OF &''""ISGR' S""E %3
SIRP(R B'5N . RIP(R 0&.G.1
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page
No. /#212$,1,7W 7SOR713 Rai8ur. dated 1,72#72213
1) The old schedule of rates for road works was prepared in 2010 and was in force w.e.f.
1/04/2010. Since then the rates of labour material and P.O.. ha!e chan"ed considerabl#.
$s such this schedule of rates has been re!ised takin" into consideration the current rates
for labour materials and P.O..
2) The %inistr# of &oad Transport and 'i"hwa#s has re!ised the specification for road (
brid"e works in $u"ust 2001 )*+th &e!ision1. 9Sta:dard Data Boo; <or :alysis o<
Rates9 of %inistr# of &oad Transport ( 'i"hwa#s, has also been published b# *ndian
&oads -on"ress. These specifications and SO& based on Standard .ata /ook are bein"
adopted "enerall# b# all the States of *ndia and hence the 0ew S.O.&. has been prepared
keepin" in !iew the specifications of &oad and /rid"e works )*+th &e!ision) and on the
basis of the Sta:dard Data Boo; o< *oR"6's.
1) This S.O.R. has been prepared on the basis of the 2Standard .ata /ook for $nal#sis of
&ates2 of %inistr# of &oad Transport ( 'i"hwa#s, published b# *ndian &oads -on"ress.
3ew of the *tems which do not find place in the Standard .ata /ook for $nal#sis of
&ates ha!e also been included in the new S.O.R. as these are re4uired and pro!ided in
the old S.O.R.
4) This Sc=edule o< Rates 0SOR1 for &oad works is brou"ht in force with effect from 1#
*ay. 2213. This SO& shall be applicable for maintenance and construction of roads and
cul!erts in entire Public 5orks .epartment in -hhattis"arh.
6) Some items ha!e been modified in their nomenclature as per re4uirements. The
description of the items is kept accordin" to %inistr# of &oad Transport ( 'i"hwa#s,
7o!ernment of *ndia, 2Specifications for &oad and /rid"e works2 )*+th &e!ision)
published b# the *ndian &oads -on"ress.
8) Standard Tables "i!en in the specifications are anne9ed with the S.O.&., so as to
facilitate eas# reference to the specifications durin" e9ecution.
:) * would like to commend Er. D.-.gra>al -hief ;n"ineer, Er. -.-.Pi8ri -hief
;n"ineer, Er.5.-.Ru:i?=a ;9ecuti!e ;n"ineer and Er. (.S.5er@a $ssistant ;n"ineer
who ha!e contributed considerabl# towards brin"in" out this Schedule of &ates into
effect. * would also like to commend all those who ha!e helped a lot directl# or
indirectl# in brin"in" out this schedule of rates.
<) Su""estions, if an#, towards further impro!ement to this Schedule of &ates for &oad and
/rid"e works will be hi"hl# welcomed.
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page
1) )a) 2Specifications2 would refer to the 2Specifications for road and brid"e works2 )4
&e!ision) published b# the *ndian roads -on"ress $u"ust=2001, on behalf of the
7o!ernment of *ndia, %inistr# of &oad Transport ( 'i"hwa#.
)b) 2-lause2 would refer to clauses of the specifications referred to in note )a) abo!e.
)c) 2;n"ineer>in>char"e2 would refer to the ;9ecuti!e ;n"ineer of the di!ision for the
time bein".
)d) 2Table2 would refer to the table of the aforesaid specifications.
2) The rates of all items include element of settin" out and carr#in" out the work in narrow or
part width of road, where directed.
1) *n the absence of an# stipulation to the contrar#, unit rates for different items of works are
for completin" the works to the specifications i/c full compensation for all operations
detailed in the rele!ant sections of the specifications under 2&ates2. The rates are to be
considered as the full inclusi!e rate for the finished work co!erin" all labour, material,
ro#alties, lease, rent, wasta"e, temporar# work, plant, e4uipment, o!erhead char"es and
profit, unless specified otherwise.
4) %ode of measurements shall be as per pro!isions contained in the rele!ant clauses of the
specifications unless specified otherwise.
6) The rates are inclusi!e of the element of hire and runnin" char"es of all t#pes of plant,
machiner# and e4uipment re4uired to complete the work unless specified otherwise.
&o#alt#, octroi>dut#, commercial and all other ta9es are included in the rates.
8) )i) The rates include makin" arran"ement of traffic as per clause 0o.112 e9cept for
initial treatment to !er"e, shoulders and construction of di!ersion.
)ii) The rates do not include the work of borin" and trial pits, which are to be measured
and paid separatel#.
:) )i) -ost of drums would be char"ed e9tra in case of suppl# of bitumen in packed
drums at &s.160/> each and &s.400/> each for the drum of bitumen and emulsion
respecti!el# if these materials are supplied departmentall#.
)ii) /itumen and modified bitumen shall be obtained from appro!ed 7o!t. petroleum
)iii) Onl# +7>10 "rade bitumen will be used in all bituminous works unless specified
)i!) ?5hen -ommercial +ehicles e9ceeds 2000 per da# per lane and the hi"hest dail#
mean temperature e9ceeds 40
-. +7>40 or modified bitumen of e4ui!alent
stiffness are recommended for /ituminous -oncrete and top la#ers of .ense
/ituminous %acadam.@ $s per note under Table>4 )selection criteria for "rade
modified bitumen) of *&-A 111>200B.
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page
<) $. Theoretical consumption of bitumen shall be worked out on the basis of the followin"
compacted densities of mi9 A
0i1 for /ituminous %acadam 2.20 "m/cc
0ii1 for ean /ituminous %acadam 2.00 "m/cc
)iii) for .ense /ituminous %acadam 2.10 "m/cc
)i!) for Semi>.ense /ituminous -oncrete 2.10 "m/cc
)!) for /ituminous -oncrete 2.18 "m/cc
/. .urin" construction, if the densit# of mi9 obtained b# Cob mi9 formula for items
mentioned in $)iii), $)i!) ( $)!) abo!e are found less, proportionate cost of bitumen,
at issue rate mentioned in SO& shall be reco!ered from the contractor.
B) 3or profile correcti!e course up to 60 mm thickness /ituminous %acadam with 7radin">2
material with 1.1D bitumen shall be pro!ided. /.E.S.7. shall be used in case the thickness
re4uired for profile correcti!e course is more than 60 mm.
10) The rates also include the element of testin" of samples of !arious materials brou"ht b# the
contractor for use on the work as well as other tests for items of work as stipulated in the
specifications as per clause B01 and its sub>clauses of specifications for road and brid"e
works of %O&T(' )4
re!ision). 3re4uenc# of such tests to be carried out must not be
less than the prescribed fre4uencies. -opies from &e"isters containin" records of tests
shall ha!e to be presented alon" with runnin" account bills. $ record of actual
consumption of materials like , bitumen, cement, steel etc. be maintained at site and cop#
submitted alon" with each runnin" bills and the same should be cross checked with
theoretical consumption before makin" pa#ment. &e"ister )ori"inal) shall ha!e to be
submitted alon" with the final bill. Tests shall ha!e to be conducted for the contractor=s
material b# his ;n"ineers under the super!ision of the ;n"ineer>in>-har"e or his
authoriFed representati!es in the field laborator# established b# the contractor. 'owe!er,
the ;n"ineer>in>-har"e ma# direct to carr# out tests in the departmental laborator# or an#
appro!ed laborator# for which the testin" char"es will be paid b# the contractor or ma# be
deducted from bills. /efore makin" an# pa#ment it will be the responsibilit# of the officer
makin" pa#ment to ensure that all tests as per prescribed fre4uencies ha!e been carried out
and the results are well within the scope of permissible limits.
11) The Sectio:$%22 of the specification mentions 9as reAuired9 a"ainst some of the tests.
To sta!e off disputes the followin" fre4uencies are specified A>
)a) .eleterious material. One test per 600 -um. or part thereof.
)b) -./.&. >>>>>>>>> do >>>>>>>>
12) *t will not be obli"ator# on the part of the ;n"ineer>in>-har"e to pro!ide an# assistance in
obtainin" lease/permits for e9traction of minor minerals. The contractor will not be entitled
to an# e9cuse whatsoe!er on account of an# dela#s in obtainin" minor minerals to be used
on the work.
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page
11) 3or comprehensi!e items, 4uantities of a""re"ates, screenin"s, "ranular materials and
bindin" materials etc. indicated in the specifications are loose. 0o e9tras on account of
an# !oids or bulka"es etc. will be paid separatel#. 5here it is proposed onl# to suppl#,
transport and stack the mineral a""re"ates for use in pa!ement courses, the 4uantities
indicated in the specifications shall be supplied but pa#ment for the same shall be
re"ulated on the basis of !olumes to be computed after deductions specified in -lause
614.6. The stackin" will ha!e to be in a trapeFoidal section ha!in" base 1.60 %., top width
0.60 %. and hei"ht 0.60 %. The len"th should be as lon" as con!enientl# possible.
14) 3or items 7ranular Sub>base, 5./.%., /.E.S.7., Surface .ressin" and Seal -oat t#pe>$
the a""re"ates shall be stacked at site b# the contractor which will be recorded in the
%easurement /ook and 100D check will be affected b# the Sub>.i!isional Officer prior
to their use on work. 0o separate pa#ment shall be made for stackin" as the same is
deemed to be inclusi!e in the rate of these items.
16) 3or construction of reinforced earth retainin" wall, back fillin" shall be paid separatel# as
per -hapter>1 2;arth work, erosion control and draina"e2
18) %etal to be used for all bituminous courses and cement concrete shall be crushed in
mechanical crushers.
1:) *f an# work is found to be sub>standard, but the ;n"ineer>in>-har"e is of the opinion that
the same can be accepted at a reduced rate, then the ;n"ineer>in>-har"e shall submit
proposals for the same, supported b# an anal#sis i.e. Custification of such reduction,
throu"h a ..O. letter to the Superintendin" ;n"ineer concerned, to obtain his appro!al
e9peditiousl# )ordinaril# within 16 da#s). The appro!ed anal#sis alon" with orders of the
Superintendin" ;n"ineer should be appended to the final bill of the contractor.
1<) &ota!ator or similar appro!ed e4uipment capable of mi9in" the material to the desired
de"ree is compulsor# for mi9in" the "raded material.
1B) The -./.&. for Sub>"rade soil )600 mm below the Sub>base ) shall not be less than 6D.
20) The use of !ibrator# roller is essential for all the items where e!er
compaction/consolidation is to be done with rollers unless specified otherwise. 3or narrow
and restricted areas plate compactors shall be used for compaction to achie!e the desired
21) The surface re"ularit# of the completed Sub>"rade, Sub>base, /ase courses, widenin" of
surfaces and /ituminous courses in the lon"itudinal and trans!erse directions shall be
within the tolerances indicated in the Table B00>1 of the Specifications. 3or checkin",
Specifications -lause B02 shall appl#. 3ailure to rectif# the same will call for similar
action as pro!ided for in note 1: abo!e.
22) "=e >or; o< s=oulders @ust 8recede t=e >or; o< SuB$Base a:d Base courses a:d
succeed t=e Bitu@i:ous courses a:d &e@e:t &o:crete 8aCe@e:t.
21) The rates for shoulders includes the operation of cleanin" and scrappin" of deleterious
material and preparin" of surface in 4D camber before la#in" of material for construction
of shoulders.
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page
24) &ates for the items of Semi>.ense /ituminous -oncrete, /ituminous -oncrete and .ense
/ituminous %acadam are based on the bitumen percenta"e in these items. $dditional
bitumen re4uired as per Cob mi9 formula will ha!e to be taken into account and be
accommodated b# the contractors in their tender rates. 0o separate pa#ment shall be made
on this account.

26) Onl# cement of re4uired specifications at the rate of 2D b# wei"ht of total a""re"ate will
be used as filler for Semi>.ense /ituminous -oncrete, /ituminous -oncrete and .ense
/ituminous %acadam is mandator#. ime will not be used as filler.
28) a) &ates of items would appl# for work order/piece work s#stem also.
b) &ates pa#able for an# work to be done departmentall# on work order/piece work
ma# either be at>par or below rates in this SO&.
2:) &ates for Transportation in -hapter 0o. 1 of 2-arria"e of %aterial2 include A>
i) oadin" and unloadin" into transport !ehicle with incidental leads up to 100 %. at
each place and all lifts.
ii) Stackin" at suitable places as directed b# the ;n"ineer>in>-har"e, the wei"hts of
the container of an# material shall be i"nored.
2<) The measurements of rock e9ca!ation are to be done as per -lause 101.<. 'owe!er, if the
e9ca!ated rock is utiliFed b# con!ersion into a""re"ates also, then a deduction at the rate
of 46D shall be made from the stacked 4uantit# of a""re"ates. To compute the !olumes of
rock e9ca!ation siFe of the stacks should be as lar"e as con!enient.
2B) &ubble a!ailable from e9ca!ation of hard rock shall be used for con!ersion into coarse
a""re"ates or for other constructions and shall be issued to the contractor at &s.200 per
cubic meter of rock e9ca!ated.
10) 5here!er an e9istin" boulder solin" or 5/% pa!ement is re4uired to be e9ca!ated, it
shall be presumed that the followin" 4uantities of rubble and coarse a""re"ates would be
a!ailable for re>use and issued to the contractor at the rate indicated a"ainst each A>
a) &ubble A> 1 -ubic meter of rubble for e!er# cubic meter of e9ca!ated boulder
solin" G&s.186 per cubic meter of solin".
b) -oarse $""re"ateA > 1.10 -ubic meter for e!er# cubic meter of e9ca!ated 5/%
G &s.200 per cubic meter of e9ca!ated 5/%. );9ca!ated 5/% should be
screened to se"re"ate metal from moorum before re>use).
11) The -ontractor will carr# out dismantlin" of utilities under the super!ision of the
concerned department with prior information to the users.
12) The actual 4uantities of materials shall be as per Cob mi9 formula for bituminous works.
11) The pa!ement camber or cross fall shall be pro!ided as per pro!isions of *&-A :1>1B<0.
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page
14) The Prime coat must be used o!er all "ranular surface before the use of tack coat.
16) The "irth of trees shall be measured at 1.00 meter )One meter) abo!e "round le!el.
18) &ates of site clearance include Cun"le clearance le!elin" and dressin".
1:) $ll wood obtained from the tree cuttin" shall be propert# of the "o!ernment and shall be
deposited at P.5... store as per direction of ;n"ineer>in>-har"e.
1<) atest *.&.-. -odes shall be followed.
1B) *n case of an# contradiction in the pro!isions of the Specifications and this Schedule of
&ates, the pro!isions of the SO& would take precedence.
40) The /asic rates at site for important materials considered in this SO& are as follows A
)a) /itumen +7>40 &s. ,%222.22 per %.T.
)b) /itumen +7>10 &s. ,%%#2.22 per %.T.
)c) /itumen +7>10 &s. ,4132.22 per %.T.
)d) /itumen ;mulsion )&S "rade) &s. ,/222.22 per %.T.
)e) /itumen ;mulsion )SS "rade) &s. ,,1%2.22 per %.T.
)f) -&%/>80 &s. #,144.22 per %.T.
41) *tem 0o. 6.20 ( 6.21 of -hapter>6 are applicable for the works of /astar Hone and these
items can be e9ecuted onl# with the prior written permission of -hief ;n"ineer.
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page
&'P"ER$ 1
Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
05olu@e to Be co@8uted as 8er 8roCisio:s i: clause #1,1
1.1 "ra:s8ortatio: o< @etal i7c loadi:g 0By @ec=a:ical
@ea:s1 6 u:loadi:g

i1 3or a lead upto 1 Im. &u@. #4.22
ii1 /e#ond 1 Ims. and upto 10 Ims. )$dd for e!er# 1 Im.) &u@. 2.#2
iii1 /e#ond 10 Ims. and upto 20 Ims. )$dd for e!er# 1 Im.) &u@. 2.22
iC1 /e#ond 20 Ims. and upto 60 Ims. )$dd for e!er# 1 Im.) &u@. 2.22
C1 /e#ond 60 Ims. )$dd for e!er# 1 Im.) &u@. 1.22
1.2 "ra:s8ortatio: o< di<<ere:t ot=er @aterial i7c loadi:g 6

&ate as Da"e of metal
transportation rates
a1 3la" Stone/cut stone &u@. ,2D aBoCe
B1 %asonr# stones &u@. 3#D aBoCe
c1 &ubble &u@. 1#D aBoCe
d1 oose moorum/sand/earth/surkhi/cement/stone dust/hot mi9
asphalt material
&u@. 12D Belo>
e1 ;9ca!ated/compacted ordinar# ( other soil measured as per
clause 101.<, 104.4 and 106.<
&u@. 22D aBoCe
<1 ;9ca!ated ordinar# rock measured as per clause 104.4 &u@. %2D aBoCe
g1 -oal/fuel wood/*ron work/steel/7.*. Sheets/ pipes/
lime/machiner# etc.
*.". 3.#D Belo>
=1 160 mm dia ballies R.*. 1.#D o< @etal
i1 :6/100 mm diameter ballies R.*. 2.3#D o< @etal
?1 Tar/paints/bitumen etc. *.". #D aBoCe
;1 'ume pipe/0P4
i) 1000mm dia R.*. 42D o< @etal
ii) 1200mm dia R.*. 112D o< @etal
1.3 "ra:s8ortatio: By truc;s o: =ire
i1 Trucks hired for full load e9cludin" loadin"/unloadin" and
stackin" for items not co!ered abo!e for distancesA

a) Ep to 10 kms. Per Im. 24.22
b) /e#ond 10 Ims. and up to 60 Ims. add e9tra o!er a)
Per Im. 22.22
c) /e#ond 60 Ims. add e9tra o!er b) abo!e. Per Im. 14.22
ii1 oadin" of trucks )b# manual means) &u@. /3.22
iii1 Enloadin" of trucks and stackin" )b# manual means) &u@. /3.22
1., 'ire c=arges <or @ac=i:eries E
i1 Tractor with trolle# 'our 232.22
ii1 Tractor mounted water tanker 'our ,#/.22
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 10
iii1 Truck mounted water tanker 'our 423.22
Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
iC1 -rane for liftin"
a) 40 T capacit# 'our 3#1.22
b) <0 T capacit# 'our 112/.22
!) '#draulic e9ca!ator of 1.0 -um bucket 'our <<2.00
Ci1 &oad rollers A
)a) Smooth wheeled roller < T 'our 3,2.22
)b) Tandem &oad roller 'our 4,%.22
)c) Pneumatic &oad roller 'our %22.22
)d) +ibrator# roller 'our 11,3.22
Cii1 Tipper 'our 232.22
Ciii1 Truck 'our 21,.22
iF1 7enerators A
a) 11 I+$ 'our 232.22
b) 81 I+$ 'our 23/.22
c) 100 I+$ 'our #,/.22
d) 260 I+$ 'our 1222.2#
F1 Pa!er 3inisher %echanical 'our 323.3#
1.# Su88ly o< @i:eral aggregate li;e Bro;e: sto:e7crus=ed
sto:e 0crus=ed i: @ec=a:ical crus=er1 as 8er clause #1, at
road site i:cludi:g all lead a:d stac;i:g etc. co@8lete.

i1 :6 mm standard siFe broken stone &u@. 3/2.22
ii1 81 mm standard siFe broken stone &u@. 41,.22
iii1 46 mm standard siFe broken stone &u@. 4#4.22
iC1 46 mm standard siFe -rushed stone &u@. 1113.22
C1 22.4 mm standard siFe -rushed stone &u@. 1123.22
Ci1 11.2 mm standard siFe -rushed stone &u@. 1214.22
Cii1 11.2 mm standard siFe -rushed stone &u@. 1214.22
Ciii1 8.: mm standard siFe -rushed stone &u@. #%4.22
1./ Su88ly as 8er clause #.1, i:cludi:g all lead a:d stac;i:g
etc. co@8lete

i1 -rusher stone dust )clause 60:.2.1) &u@. #,/.22
ii1 Sand/Shin"le/Ianker/aterite &u@. #,/.22
iii1 %oorum &u@. 3/,.22
*n case of suitable bindin" material ha!in" a P.*. +alue of less
than 8 is not a!ailable within reasonable distances. The
contractor )at his own cost) ma# add an admi9ture of lime to
lower down the P.*. to brin" it within the abo!e ran"e. $
factor of safet# of 2 should be applied to the results of
laborator# to decide the percenta"e of lime to be added.

1.3 Suppl# transportation and stackin" of hot premi9ed
bituminous macadam usin" crushed a""re"ate of "radin" >1
confirmin" to clause 604 with binder content 1.1D b# wei"ht
of from hot mi9 plant site to site inclusi!e of all leads. )3or
this item prior permission of -.;. shall be obtained)
&u@. ##%2.22
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 11
&'P"ER + 2
Descri8tio:s (:it Rate 0Rs.1
2.1 &utti:g o< trees, includin" cuttin" of trunks, branches and
remo!al of stumps, roots, stackin" of ser!iceable material with all
lifts and up to a lead of 1000 mtrs and earth fillin" in the
depression/pit and as per rele!ant clauses of section>200 for A>
7irth from 100 mm to 800 mm Eac=. 1,2.22
7irth be#ond 800 mm to B00 mm Eac=. 2#3.22
7irth be#ond B00 mm to 1<00 mm Eac=. ,4%.22
7irth abo!e 1<00 mm Eac=. %1/.22
2.2 &leari:g Grass a:d Re@oCal o< RuBBis= )clearin" "rass and
remo!al of rubbish up to a distance of 60 meters outsite the
peripher# of the area)
'ectare. %1//.22
2.3 &leari:g a:d gruBBi:g road land includin" uprootin" rank
!e"etation, "rass, bushes, shrubs, saplin"s and trees "irth up to 100
mm, remo!al of stumps of trees cut earlier and disposal of
unser!iceable materials and stackin" of ser!iceable material to be
used or auctioned up to a lead of 1000 meters includin" remo!al
and disposal of top or"anic soil not e9ceedin" 160 mm in thickness
if re4uired and as per rele!ant clauses of section>200.
*n area of li"ht Cun"le 'ectare. 23423.22
/ *n area of thorn# Cun"le
'ectare. 33233.22
2., Dis@a:tli:g o< eFisti:g structures like cul!erts, brid"es,
retainin" walls and other structure comprisin" of masonr#, cement
concrete, wood work, steel work, includin" T(P and scaffoldin"
where!er necessar#, sortin" the dismantled material, disposal of
unser!iceable material and stackin" the ser!iceable material with
all lifts and lead up to 1000 meters and as per rele!ant clauses of
section>200 in
0i1 !i@e 7 &e@e:t &o:crete

ime -oncrete, cement concrete "rade %>10 and below
&u@. 213.22
B -ement -oncrete 7rade %>16 ( %>20
&u@. 2,%.22
& Pre>stressed / &einforced cement concrete "rade %>20 ( abo!e
&u@. /22.22
0ii1 Bric; 7 "ile >or;

*n lime mortar
&u@. 13%.22
B *n cement mortar
&u@. 13/.22
& *n mud mortar
&u@. 12#.22
D .r# brick pitchin" or brick solin"
&u@. 113.22
0iii1 Sto:e *aso:ry

&ubble stone masonr# in lime mortar
&u@. 1#,.22
B &ubble stone masonr# in cement mortar.
&u@. 13/.22
& &ubble Stone %asonr# in mud mortar.
&u@. 13%.22
D .r# rubble masonr#
&u@. 132.22
E Stone pitchin"/ dr# stone spalls.
&u@. 12#.22
F /oulders laid in wire crates includin" openin" of crates and
stackin" dismantled materials.
&u@. 13%.22
Ite@ Descri8tio:s (:it Rate 0Rs.1
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 12
0iC1 5ood work wrou"ht framed and fi9ed in frames of trusses upto a
hei"ht of 6 m abo!e plinth le!el.
&u@. 2%3.22
0C1 Steel work in all t#pes of sections up to a hei"ht of 6 m abo!e
plinth le!el e9cludin" cuttin" of ri!et.
*ncludin" dismemberin" "o:e. 332.22
B ;9cludin" dismemberin". "o:e. ##3.22
& ;9tra o!er item 0o) + ) $ and) + ) / for cuttin" ri!ets. Eac=. #.22
0Ci1 Scra8i:g o< Bric;s dis@a:tled <ro@ Bric; >or; i:cludi:g
*n lime/-ement mortar 1222No. /,2.22
B *n mud mortar 1222No. 22%.22
0Cii1 Scra8i:g o< Sto:e <ro@ dis@a:tled sto:e @aso:ry
*n cement and lime mortar &u@. 2#3.22
B *n %ud mortar &u@. ##.22
0Ciii1 Scra8i:g 8laster i: li@e or ce@e:t @ortar <ro@ Bric;7 sto:e
SA@. 4.22
0iF1 &emo!in" all t#pe of hume pipes and stackin" within a lead up to
1000 meters includin" earthwork and dismantlin" of masonr#
works around pipes.
Ep to 1000 mm dia *eter. 233.22
B $bo!e 1000 mm dia *eter. 3/3.22
2.# Dis@a:tli:g o< <leFiBle 8aCe@e:ts and disposal of dismantled
materials up to a lead of 1000 meters, stackin" ser!iceable and
unser!iceable materials separatel# and as per rele!ant clauses of
$ /ituminous courses &u@. 3%1.22
/ 7ranular courses &u@. 24,.22
2./ Dis@a:tli:g o< ce@e:t concrete pa!ement i/c breakin" to pieces
not e9ceedin" 0.02 cum in !olume and stock pilin" at desi"nated
locations and disposal of dismantled materials up to a lead upto
1000 meters, stackin" ser!iceable and unser!iceable materials
separatel# and as per rele!ant clauses of section>200.
&u@. %22.22
2.3 Dis@a:tli:g guard rails b# manual means and disposal of
dismantled material with all lifts and up to a lead upto 1000
meters, stackin" ser!iceable materials and unser!iceable materials
separatel# and as per rele!ant clauses of section>200.
*eter. ,3.22
2.4 Dis@a:tli:g ;erB sto:e b# manual means and disposal of
dismantled material with all lifts and up to a lead upto 1000 meter
and as per rele!ant clauses of section>200.
*eter. %.22
2.% Dis@a:tli:g ;erB sto:e c=a::el b# manual means and disposal
of dismantled material with all lifts and up to a lead upto 1000
meter and as per rele!ant clauses of section>200
*eter. 13.22
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 11
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate 0Rs.1
2.12 Dis@a:tli:g o< ;ilo@eter sto:e includin" cuttin" of earth,
foundation and disposal of dismantled material with all lifts
and lead upto 1000 m and back fillin" of pit.

6th I% stone
Eac=. 222.22
Ordinar# I% Stone
Eac=. 122.22
'ectometer Stone
Eac=. 2,.22
2.11 Dis@a:tli:g o< BarBed >ire <e:ci:g7 >ire @es= <e:ci:g
includin" posts, foundation concrete, back fillin" of pit b#
manual means includin" disposal of dismantled material with
all lifts and up to a lead of 1000 meters, stackin" ser!iceable
material and unser!iceable material separatel#.
*eter. 2#.22
2.12 Dis@a:tli:g o< &I >ater 8i8e li:e 800 mm dia includin"
disposal with all lifts and lead up to 1000 meters and stackin"
of ser!iceable material and unser!iceable material separatel#
under super!ision of concerned department.
*eter. /3.22
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 14
&'P"ER$ 3
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
3.1 EFcaCatio: i: Soil 0By *a:ual *ea:s.1
;9ca!ation for roadwa# in soil usin" includin" loadin" in
tipper for carr#in" of cut earth to embankment site and
unloadin" with all lifts and lead upto1000 meters as per
rele!ant clauses of section 100.
&u@. 12/.22
3.2 EFcaCatio: i: Soil 0By *ec=a:ical *ea:s.1
;9ca!ation for roadwa# in soil usin" includin" loadin" in
tipper for carr#in" of cut earth to embankment site and
unloadin" with all lifts and lead upto 1000 meters as per
rele!ant clauses of section 100.
&u@. ,2.22
3.3 EFcaCatio: i: ordi:ary roc; includin" loadin" in a truck and
carr#in" of e9ca!ated material to embankment site with in all
lifts and leads upto 1000 meters as per rele!ant clauses of
section 100.
&u@. 12%.22
3., EFcaCatio: i: 'ard Roc; )re4uirin" blastin") with disposal
upto 1000 meters );9ca!ation for roadwa# in hard rock
)re4uirin" blastin") b# drillin", blastin" and breakin",
trimmin" of bottom and side slopes in accordance with
re4uirements of lines, "rades and cross sections, loadin" and
disposal of cut road with in all lifts and leads up to 1000 meters
as per rele!ant clauses of section 100.
&u@. 1%2.22
3.# EFcaCatio: i: 'ard Roc; 0Blasti:g 8ro=iBited1 );9ca!ation
for roadwa# in hard rock )blastin" prohibited) with rock
breakers includin" breakin" rock, loadin" in tippers and
disposal within all lifts and lead upto 1000 meters, trimmin"
bottom and side slopes in accordance with re4uirements of
lines, "rades and cross sections as per rele!ant clauses of
section 100.
&u@. 21#.22
3./ EFcaCatio: i: 'ard Roc; 0co:trolled Blasti:g1 with
disposal upto 1000 meters );9ca!ation for roadwa# in hard
rock with controlled blastin" b# drillin", blastin" and breakin",
trimmin" of bottom and side slopes in accordance with
re4uirements of lines, "rades and cross sections, loadin" and
disposal of cut road with in all lifts and leads up to 1000 meters
as per rele!ant clauses of section 100.
&u@. 2%4.22
3.3 EFcaCatio: i: *ars=y Soil );9ca!ation for roadwa# in
marsh# soil with h#draulic e9ca!ator 0.B cum bucket capacit#
includin" cuttin" and loadin" in tippers and disposal with in all
lifts and lead upto 1000 meters, trimmin" of bottom and side
slopes in accordance with re4uirements of lines, "rades and
cross sections.)
&u@. 3#.22
3.4 Re@oCal o< (:serCiceaBle Soil with .isposal up to 1000
meters )&emo!al of unser!iceable soil includin" loadin" and
disposal up to 1000 meters lead but e9cludin" replacement b#
suitable soil which shall be paid separatel# as per clause 106.)
&u@. 31.22
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 16
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
3.% Scari<yi:g EFisti:g Gra:ular Surface to a .epth of 60 mm
)Scarif#in" the e9istin" "ranular road surface to a depth of 60
mm and disposal of scarified material within all lifts and leads
up to 1000 meters. )
SA@. 1,.22
3.12 Scari<yi:g eFisti:g Bitu@i:ous surface to a depth of 60 mm
)Scarif#in" the e9istin" bituminous road surface to a depth of
60 mm and disposal of scarified material with in all lifts and
lead up to 1000 meters.)
SA@. 22.22
3.11 $dd e9tra o!er item 1.1to 1.2 ( 1.: to 1.10 abo!e for
transportation for disposal be#ond 1.0 Im lead.
&u@. 5ide ite@
No. 1.1 6
1.2 o<
3.12 &o:structio: o< e@Ba:;@e:t 7 suB$grade >it= *aterial
OBtai:ed <ro@ Borro> Pits )-onstruction of embankment
with appro!ed material/selected soil ha!in" -./.&. J 6 )unless
specified otherwise in the contract) obtained from borrow pits
with all lifts and leads, transportin" to site, spreadin", "radin"
to re4uired slope and compactin" to meet re4uirement of table
&u@. 1,#.22
3.13 &o:structio: o< E@Ba:;@e:t >it= *aterial De8osited
<ro@ Road>ay &utti:g )-onstruction of embankment with
appro!ed materials ha!in" -./.&. J 6 )unless specified
otherwise in the contract) deposited at site from roadwa#
cuttin" and e9ca!ation from drain and foundation of other
structures "raded and compacted to meet re4uirement of table
&u@. 3,.22
3.1, &o@8acti:g Origi:al Grou:d
0 i 1 &o@8acti:g Origi:al Grou:d su88orti:g suB$grade
oosenin" of the "round upto a le!el of 600 mm below the
sub"rade le!el , watered, "raded and compacted in la#ers to
meet re4uirement of table 100>2 for sub "rade construction
&u@. ,3.22
0 ii 1 &o@8acti:g Origi:al Grou:d su88orti:g e@Ba:;@e:t
oosenin", le!elin" and compactin" ori"inal "round to
facilitate placement of first la#er of embankment, scarified to a
depth of 160 mm, mi9ed with water at O.%.-. and then
compacted b# rollin" so as to achie!e minimum dr# densit# as
"i!en in table 100>2 for embankment construction.
&u@. 2/.22
3.1# Sur<ace Drai:s i: Soil )-onstruction of unlined surface drains
of a!era"e cross sectional area 0.40 s4m in soil to specified
lines, "rades, le!els and dimensions to the re4uirement of
clause 101 and 10B. ;9ca!ated material to be used in
embankment within a lead of 60 meters )a!era"e lead 26
*eter. ,1.22
3.1/ Sur<ace Drai:s i: Ordi:ary Roc; )-onstruction of unlined
surface drain of a!era"e cross sectional area 0.4 s4m in
ordinar# rock to specified lines, "rades, le!els and dimensions
as per appro!ed desi"n and to the re4uirement of clause 101 to
10B. ;9ca!ated material to be used in embankment at site.)
*eter. 43.22
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 18
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
3.13 SuB Sur<ace Drai:s >it= Per<orated Pi8e )-onstruction of
subsurface drain with perforated pipe of 100 mm internal
diameter of cement concrete closel# Cointed, perforations
ran"in" from 1 mm to 8 mm dependin" upon siFe of material
surroundin" the pipe, with 160 mm beddin" below the pipe and
100 mm cushion abo!e the pipe, cross section of e9ca!ation
460 9 660 mm. ;9ca!ated material to be utiliFed in roadwa# at
site )
*eter. ,,2.22
3.14 ggregate SuB$ Sur<ace Drai:s )-onstruction of a""re"ate
sub surface drain 100 mm 9 460 mm with a""re"ates
conformin" to table 100>4, e9ca!ated material to be utiliFed in
roadwa# )
*eter. 44.22
3.1% &o:structio: o< R&& o8e: drai:
0i1 &o:structio: o< R&& o8e: drai: 1.2@ F 1.2@ i:side
di@e:sio: lined with 160 mm thick &-- %>20 walls, 160 mm
thick -- %>20 foundation, o!er 100 mm thick )$!) le!elin"
course in P-- %>16 includin" e9ca!ation , dressin" of sides
and bottom, pro!ision of 'KS. reinforcement consistin" 10
mm dia horiFontal bars G 160 mm c/c and >shaped 10 mm
dia !ertical bars G 160 mm c/c )L1400 mm) includin" cuttin"
, bendin" and bindin" wire, placin" in position ,pro!idin"
shutterin" and concretin" b# usin" concrete mi9er, compaction
b# !ibration etc complete as per drawin"s and technical
*eter. 3331.22
0ii1 &o:structio: o< R&& o8e: drai: 2./2@ F 2./2@ i:side
di@e:sio: lined with 120 mm thick &-- %>20 walls, 120 mm
thick -- %>20 foundation, o!er 100 mm thick )$!) le!elin"
course in P-- %>16 includin" e9ca!ation , dressin" of sides
and bottom, pro!ision of 'KS. reinforcement consistin" <
mm dia horiFontal bars G 160 mm c/c and >shaped < mm dia
!ertical bars G 160 mm c/c )L <00 mm) includin" cuttin" ,
bendin" and bindin" wire, placin" in position , pro!idin"
shutterin" and concretin" b# usin" concrete mi9er, compaction
b# !ibration etc complete as per drawin"s and technical
*eter. 22/2.22
0iii1 Pro!idin" and la#in" 16 cm ) $!era"e ) thickness hammered
dressed dr# stone +>shaped road side surface drains as per
%O&T('s specifications with all leads and lifts complete.
) &efer to %anual for 'ill &oads *&-ASPA4<>1BB<.)
SA@. 32#.22
3.22 &o:structio: o< Roc; <ill E@Ba:;@e:t )-onstruction of
rock fill embankment with broken hard rock fra"ments
obtained from roadwa# e9ca!ation of siFe not e9ceedin" 100
mm laid in la#ers not e9ceedin" 600 mm thick includin" fillin"
of surface !oids with stone spalls, blindin" top la#er with
"ranular material, rolled with !ibrator# road roller, all complete
as per clause 111)
&u@. ,3.22
3.21 E@Ba:;@e:t &o:structio: >it= Fly as=7Po:d as= aCailaBle
<ro@ coal or lig:ite Bur:i:g "=er@al Pla:ts as >aste
@aterial. )-onstruction of embankment with fl# ash
conformin" to table 1 of *&-ASPA6<>2001 obtained from coal
or li"nite burnin" thermal power stations as waste material,
spread and compacted in la#er of 200mm thickness each at
&u@. 21/.22
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 1:
O%-, all as specified in *&-ASPA6<>2001 and as per appro!ed
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
3.22 ProCidi:g a:d layi:g aggregate a:d sa:d coCer <or
aggregate drai:s with all leads and lifts as per clause 10B.1.8
) onl# a""re"ate crushed in mechanical crusher shall be used
and measurement from outer ends of sand co!er.)
&u@. /3,.22
3.23 ProCidi:g &=ute drai:s consistin" of 0P>2 &-- half round,
100 mm dia pipes , laid o!er block of -.-. 1A1A8 ) 20mm and
down a""re"ates ) siFe 460 mm 9 286 mm laid o!er filter
media ) measured and paid separatel# ) includin" all false work
etc. complete.
*eter. 1,#/.22
3.2, &o:structio: o< R&& Drai:7&oCer7&=a@Ber
0i1 EFcaCatio: <or drai: );arth work in e9ca!ation for
drain/chamber as per drawin" and technical specification,
includin" settin" out, construction of shorin" and bracin",
remo!al of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressin" of
sides and bottom and backfillin" with appro!ed material.)
&u@. 12/.22
0ii1 -onstruction of &-- drain/co!er/chamber placin" in position,
pro!idin" shutterin" and concretin" b# usin" concrete mi9er,
compaction b# !ibration etc complete as per drawin"s and
technical specifications e9cludin" reinforcement.
with &-- %>20
&u@. ,22,.22
0iii1 Suppl#in", 3ittin" and Placin" un>coated 'KS. bar
&einforcement in drain/co!er/chamber complete as per
.rawin" and Technical Specifications.
*". ,43/2.22
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 1<
&'P"ER + ,
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
,.1 Gra:ular SuB$Base as 8er "aBleE$ ,22$1
-onstruction of "ranular sub>base b# pro!idin" close "raded
%aterial, , carria"e of mi9ed %aterial to work site, spreadin" in
uniform la#ers with motor "rader on prepared surface waterin",
rollin" and compactin" with !ibrator# power roller at O%- to
achie!e the desired densit#, complete as per clause 401

Pla:t @iF @et=od )with %echanicall# crushed stone onl#)
0i1 for "radin"> * %aterial &u@. 1221.22
0ii1 for "radin"> ** %aterial &u@. 11%,.22
0iii1 for "radin">*** %aterial &u@. %%4.22
B By *iF i: 8lace @et=od
.isinte"rated rock i.e moorum ha!in" -/& !alue not less than
20 and P.*. and .. not more than 8 and 20 respecti!el#.
&u@. #,#.22
,.2 !i@e StaBiliGatio: <or I@8roCi:g SuB$grade )a#in" and
spreadin" a!ailable soil in the sub>"rade on a prepared surface,
pul!eriFin", mi9in" the spread soil in place with rota!ator with
1D slaked lime ha!in" minimum content of :0D of -aO,
"radin" with motor "rader and compactin" with the road roller
at O%- to the desired densit# to form a la#er of impro!ed sub>
&u@. 324.22
,.3 !i@e "reated Soil <or SuB$Base )Pro!idin", la#in" and
spreadin" soil on a prepared sub>"rade, pul!eriFin", mi9in" the
spread soil in place with rota!ator with 1 D slaked lime with
minimum content of :0D of -aO, "radin" with motor "rader
and compactin" with the road roller at O%- to achie!e at least
B<Dof the ma9 dr# densit# to form a la#er of sub base.)
&u@. 341.22
,., &e@e:t "reated Soil SuB$Base7 Base )Pro!idin", la#in" and
spreadin" soil on a prepared sub>"rade, pul!eriFin", addin" the
desi"ned 4uantit# of cement to the spread soil, mi9in" in place
with rota!ator, "radin" with the motor "rader and compactin"
with the road roller at O%- to achie!e the desired unconfined
compressi!e stren"th and to form a la#er of sub>base/base.)
&u@. #32.22
,.# &e@e:t "reated &rus=ed Roc; or co@Bi:atio: as 8er
clause ,23.2 a:d taBle ,22., i: SuB$Base7 Base )Pro!idin",
la#in" and spreadin" %aterial on a prepared sub>"rade, addin"
the desi"ned 4uantit# of cement to the spread %aterial, mi9in"
in place with rota!ator, "radin" with the motor "rader and
compactin" with the road roller at O%- to achie!e the desired
unconfined compressi!e stren"th and to form a la#er of sub>

0i1 3or Sub>/ase course &u@. 1#%4.22
0ii1 3or /ase course &u@. 1,14.22
,./ *a;i:g #2 @@ F #2 @@ Furro>s )%akin" 60 mm 9 60 mm
furrows, 26mm deep, 460 mm to the center line of the road and
at one meter inter!al in the e9istin" thin bituminous wearin"
coarse includin" sweepin" and disposal of e9ca!ated material
within 1000 meters lead)

)i) 26 mm deep furrow cuttin" SA@ ,.22
)ii) 60 mm deep furrow cuttin" SA@ 4.22
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 1B
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
,.3 I:Certed &=o;e )-onstruction of in!erted choke b# pro!idin",
la#in", spreadin" and compactin" screenin" / t#pe/ coarse
sand of specified "rade in uniform la#er on a prepared surface
with motor "rader and compactin" with power roller etc)
&u@ #/%.22
,.4 Water Bou:d *acada@ )Pro!idin", la#in", spreadin" and
compactin" stone a""re"ates of specific siFes to water bound
macadam specification includin" spreadin" in uniform
thickness, hand packin", rollin" with !ibrator# roller <>10
tonnes in sta"es to proper "rade and camber, appl#in" and
broomin" re4uisite t#pe of screenin"/ bindin" %aterials to fill
up the interstices of coarse a""re"ate, waterin" and compactin"
to the re4uired densit#.)

Gradi:g$ II 0(si:g Scree:i:g &rus=aBle ty8e suc= as
*ooru@ or GraCel1

0i1 Esin" Screenin" -rushable t#pe such as %oorum or 7ra!el &u@ 13#4.22
0ii1 Esin" Screenin" T#pe>$ )11.2mm $"".) &u@ 1,#2.22
0iii1 Esin" Screenin" T#pe>/ )11.2mm $"".) &u@ 1#2#.22
B Gradi:g$ III 0(si:g Scree:i:g &rus=aBle ty8e suc= as
*ooru@ or GraCel1

0i1 Esin" Screenin" -rushable t#pe such as %oorum or 7ra!el &u@ 13#4.22
0ii1 Esin" Screenin" T#pe>/ )11.2mm $"".) &u@ 1#2#.22
,.% &rus=ed &e@e:t &o:crete SuB$Base 7 Base )/reakin" and
crushin" of material obtained b# breakin" dama"ed cement
concrete slabs to siFe ran"e not e9ceedin" :6 mm as specified
in table 400.: transportin" the a""re"ates obtained from
breakin" of cement concrete slabs., la#in" and compactin" the
same as sub base/ base course, constructed as 5/% to clause
404 e9cept the use of screenin" or bindin" %aterial.)
&u@ 14/.22
,.12 Pe:etratio: &oat OCer "o8 !ayer o< &rus=ed &e@e:t
&o:crete Base )Spra#in" of bitumen o!er cleaned dr# surface
of crushed cement concrete base at the rate of 26 k" per 10 s4m
b# a bitumen pressure distributor, spreadin" of ke# a""re"ates
at the rate of 0.11 cum per 10 s4m b# a mechanical "ritter and
rollin" the surface as per clause 608.1.<)
SA@ 14.22
,.11 Wet *iF *acada@ )Pro!idin", la#in", spreadin" and
compactin" "raded stone a""re"ate to wet mi9 macadam
specification includin" premi9in" the %aterial with water at
O%- in mechanical mi9 plant carria"e of mi9ed %aterial b#
tipper to site, la#in" in uniform la#ers with pa!er in sub> base /
base course on well prepared surface and compactin" with
!ibrator# roller to achie!e the desired densit#.)
&u@ 1243.22
,.12 &o:structio: o< *edia: a:d Isla:d >it= Soil "a;e: <ro@
Road>ay &utti:g )-onstruction of %edian and *sland abo!e
road le!el with appro!ed material deposited at site from
roadwa# cuttin" and e9ca!ation for drain and foundation of
other structures, spread, "raded and compacted as per clause>
&u@ 13,.22
,.13 &o:structio: o< *edia: a:d Isla:d >it= Soil "a;e: <ro@
Borro> reas )-onstruction of median and *sland abo!e road
le!el with appro!ed material brou"ht from borrow pits, spread,
sloped and compacted as per clause>40:)
&u@ 2,2.22
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 20
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
,.1, &o:structio: o< S=oulders )-onstruction of shoulders as per
clause 40: with selected soil from borrow pits / borrow areas
ha!in" -/& not less than 12 and shall ha!e .. and P.*. not
more than 26D and 8D respecti!el#, inclusi!e of all leads and
lifts, includin" clearin" and scrappin" of e9istin" surface,
pro!idin" 4D camber, compactin". waterin" rollin" and ro#alt#
char"es etc. complete.
$ 5ith !ibrator# roller &u@ 1%3.22
/ 5ith smooth wheeled roller &u@ 13%.22
,.1# ProCidi:g 222 @@ t=ic; 0 Cerage 1 sto:e 8aCi:g to
s=oulders includin" dressin", le!elin" to camber and
compactin" the base etc. with A

0i1 'ammer dressed stones, "aps to be filled with spalls hammered
and ri!er sand.
SA@ ,/,.22
0ii1 /ricks )laid in 100 to 112 mm thickness) of crushin" stren"th
not less than :0 k"/cm
when tested to *ndian Standards with
Coints filled with ri!er sand.
SA@ 32,.22
,.1/ Foot8at=s a:d Se8arators )-onstruction of footpath/separator
b# pro!idin" a 160 mm compacted "ranular sub base as per
clause 401 and 26 mm thick cement concrete "rade %>16, o!er
laid with precast concrete tiles in cement mortar 1A1 includin"
pro!ision of all draina"e arran"ements but e9cludin" kerb
SA@ 1#34.22
,.13 ProCidi:g a:d <iFi:g guard sto:es 200 9 200 9 B00 mm made
of precast &-- %>20 "rade fi9ed at 100 mm into the "round in
P.-.-. 1A1A8 blocks of siFe 400 9 400 9 400 mm and "i!en two
coats of paint with white and black bands includin" e9ca!ation.
Eac= ,13.22
,.14 ProCidi:g a:d <iFi:g ;erB sto:es 100 mm thick and 800 mm
wide chisel dressed cut stones fi9ed in -- 1A1A8 )block siFe
260 9 226 mm) includin" all e9ca!ation.
R* 232.22
,.1% ProCidi:g #2 @@ t=ic; <lag sto:e <loori:g includin"
beddin" in -% 1A8 o!er 100 mm thick -- 1A1A8 includin"
cement pointin" 1A1 dressin" of stones and all e9ca!ation.
SA@ #%2.22
,.22 !i@e. Fly as= staBiliGed soil suB$Base )-onstruction of Sub>
base usin" lime>fl# ash admi9ture with "ranular soil, free from
or"anic matter/ deleterious material or cla#e# silts and low
plasticit# cla#s ha!in" P* between 6 and 20 and li4uid limit
less than 26 and commercial dr# lime, slaked at site or pre>
slaked with -aO content not less than 60D, fl# ash to conform
to "radation as per clause 4.1 of *&-A <<>1B<4, lime M fl# ash
content ran"in" between 10 to 10D, the minimum un>confined
compressi!e stren"th and -/& !alue after 2< da#s curin" and 4
da#s soakin" to be :.6k"/cm
and 26D respecti!el#, all as
specified in *&-A <<A1B<4. )
&u@ 34,.22
&'P"ER$ #
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 21
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
#.1 Pri@e coat )Pro!idin" and appl#in" primer coat with bitumen
emulsion )SS>1) on prepared surface of "ranular /ase
includin" clearin" of road surface and spra#in" primer at the
rate of 0.<6 k"/s4m usin" mechanical means)
SA@ ,,.22
#.2 "ac; coat Pro!idin" and appl#in" tack coat with bitumen
emulsion )&S>1) usin" emulsion pressure distributor on the
prepared bituminous/"ranular surface cleaned with mechanical
broom and as per clause 601 of section 600

0i1 0ormal bituminous surface G 0.26 k" / S4m SA@ 1,.22
)ii) .r# and hun"r# bituminous surfaces/ "ranular surfaces
treated with primes G 0.10 k" / S4m
SA@ 13.22
0iii1 )0on>bituminous surface) 7ranular base not SA@ 22.22
primed G 0.40 k" / S4m
0iC1 )0on>bituminous surface) -ement concrete G 0.16 k"/
SA@ 1%.22
#.3 "ac; coat Pro!idin" and appl#in" tack coat with bitumen
usin" pressure distributor on the prepared bituminous/"ranular
surface cleaned with mechanical broom.

0i1 0ormal bituminous surface G 0.16 k" / S4m SA@ 22.22
0ii1 7ranular surfaces treated with primes G 0.46 k" / S4m SA@ 2/.22
)iii) )0on>bituminous surface) -ement concrete G 0.60
k" /S4m
SA@ 24.22
#., Bitu@i:ous *acada@ )Pro!idin" and la#in" bituminous
macadam with minimum 40>80 TP' capacit# hot mi9 plant
usin" crushed a""re"ates of specified "radin" premi9ed with
bituminous binder, transported to site, laid o!er a pre!iousl#
prepared surface with pa!er finisher to the re4uired "rade, le!el
and ali"nment and rolled as per clauses>601.8 and 601.: to
achie!e the desired compaction)

Wit= se:sor 8aCer <i:is=er
0i1 for 7radin" * )40 mm nominal siFe, bitumen content 1.26D ) &u@ #%21.22
0ii1 for 7radin" ** )1B mm nominal siFe, bitumen content 1.40D) &u@ /2,,.22
B Wit= @ec=a:ical 8aCer <i:is=er
0i1 for 7radin" * )40 mm nominal siFe, bitumen content 1.26D ) &u@ #43%.22
0ii1 for 7radin" ** )1B mm nominal siFe, bitumen content 1.40D) &u@ /222.22
#.# ProCidi:g a:d layi:g leCeli:g course 7 8ro<ile correctiCe
course >it= Bitu@i:ous @acada@
5ith minimum 40>80 TP' capacit# hot mi9 plant usin"
crushed a""re"ates of 7radin">1 premi9ed with bituminous
binder G 1.1D transported to site and laid o!er a pre!iousl#
prepared surface with pa!er finisher to the re4uired "rade, le!el
and ali"nment and rolled as per clause>601.8 and 601.: to
achie!e the desired compaction complete in all respect and as
per rele!ant clause section 600.
5ith sensor pa!er finisher &u@ #3%%.22
B 5ith mechanical pa!er finisher &u@ #3/1.22
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 22
#./ Bitu@i:ous Pe:etratio: *acada@ )-onstruction of
penetration macadam o!er prepared /ase b# pro!idin" a la#er
of compacted crushed coarse a""re"ate usin" chips spreader
with alternate applications of bituminous binder and ke#
a""re"ates and rollin" with a smooth wheeled steel roller <>10
tonne capacit# to achie!e the desired de"ree of compaction)

0i1 60 mm thick SA@ 3/2.22
0ii1 :6 mm thick SA@ ,%2.22
#.3 Built$(8$S8ray Grout )Pro!idin", la#in" and rollin" of built>
up>spra# "rout la#er o!er prepared base consistin" of a two
la#er composite construction of compacted crushed coarse
a""re"ates usin" motor "rader for a""re"ates. ke# stone chips
spreader ma# be used with application of bituminous binder
after each la#er, and with ke# a""re"ates placed on top of the
second la#er to ser!e as a /ase conformin" to the line, "rades
and cross>section specified, the compacted la#er thickness
bein" :6 mm)
SA@ 24,.22
#.4 Built$(8$S8ray Grout )Pro!idin", la#in" and rollin" of built>
up>spra# "rout la#er o!er prepared base for profile correcti!e
course/ le!elin" course)
&u@ 3343.22
#.% De:se Graded Bitu@i:ous *acada@ )Pro!idin" and la#in"
dense bituminous macadam with minimum 40>80 TP'
capacit# '%P usin" crushed a""re"ates of specified "radin",
premi9ed with bituminous binder G 4.0 to 4.6D b# wei"ht of
total mi9 of mi9 and filler, transportin" the hot mi9 to work
site, la#in" with a h#drostatic pa!er finisher to the re4uired
"rade, le!el and ali"nment, rollin" with smooth wheeled,
!ibrator# and tandem rollers to achie!e the desired compaction
as per %O&T' specification clause 0o. 60: complete in all

Wit= se:sor 8aCer <i:is=er
0i1 for 7radin" * )40 mm nominal siFe, bitumen content 4.26D) &u@ 3,4%.22
0ii1 for 7radin" ** )1B mm nominal siFe bitumen content 4.60D) &u@ 34,3.22
Wit= @ec=a:ical 8aCer <i:is=er
0i1 for 7radin" * )40 mm nominal siFe, bitumen content 4.26D) &u@ 3,,%.22
0ii1 for 7radin" ** )1B mm nominal siFe bitumen content 4.60D) &u@ 342#.22
#.12 Se@i$De:se Bitu@i:ous &o:crete )Pro!idin" and la#in"
semi>dense bituminous concrete with minimum 40>80 TP'
capacit# usin" crushed a""re"ates of specified "radin",
premi9ed with bituminous binder G 4.60 to 6 D of mi9 and
filler, transportin" the hot mi9 to work site, la#in" with a
h#drostatic pa!er finisher with sensor control to the re4uired
"rade, le!el and ali"nment, rollin" with smooth wheeled,
!ibrator# and tandem rollers to achie!e the desired compaction
as per %O&T(' specification clause 0o. 60< complete in all

Wit= se:sor 8aCer <i:is=er
0i1 for 7radin" * )11 mm nominal siFe) with bitumen 4.6 D &u@ 342/.22
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
0ii1 for 7radin" * )11 mm nominal siFe) with -&%/ 80> 4.6 D &u@ 42%%.22
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 21
0iii1 for 7radin" ** )10 mm nominal siFe) with bitumen 6.0 D &u@ 4,/1.22
0iC1 for 7radin" ** )10 mm nominal siFe) with -&%/ 80 > 6.0D &u@ %212.22
B Wit= @ec=a:ical 8aCer <i:is=er
0i1 for 7radin" * )11 mm nominal siFe) with bitumen 4.6 D &u@ 33/2.22
0ii1 for 7radin" * )11 mm nominal siFe) with -&%/ 80> 4.6 D &u@ 42##.22
0iii1 for 7radin" ** )10 mm nominal siFe) with bitumen 6.0 D &u@ 4,14.22
0iC1 for 7radin" ** )10 mm nominal siFe) with -&%/ 80 > 6.0D &u@ 4%//.22
#.11 Bitu@i:ous &o:crete )Pro!idin" and la#in" bituminous
concrete with minimum 40>80 TP' capacit# hot mi9 plant
usin" crushed a""re"ates of specified "radin", premi9ed with
bituminous binder G 6.0 to 8.0D of mi9 and filler, transportin"
the hot mi9 to work site, la#in" with a h#drostatic pa!er
finisher with sensor control to the re4uired "rade, le!el and
ali"nment, rollin" with smooth wheeled, !ibrator# and tandem
rollers to achie!e the desired compaction as per %O&T'
specification clause 0o. 60B complete in all respects)

Wit= se:sor 8aCer <i:is=er
0i1 for 7radin">*)1B mm nominal siFe) with bitumen 6.6 D &u@ %232.22
0ii1 for 7radin" *)1B mm nominal siFe) with -&%/ 80> 6.6 D &u@ %4,2.22
0iii1 for 7radin" ** )11 mm nominal siFe) with bitumen 8.0 D &u@ %423.22
0iC1 for 7radin" ** )11 mm nominal siFe) with -&%/ 80> 8.0 D &u@ 12,/%.22
B Wit= @ec=a:ical 8aCer <i:is=er
0i1 for 7radin" * )1B mm nominal siFe) with bitumen 6.6 D &u@ %144.22
0ii1 for 7radin" *)1B mm nominal siFe) with -&%/ 80> 6.6 D &u@ %3%3.22
0iii1 for 7radin" ** )11 mm nominal siFe) with bitumen 8.0 D &u@ %3#%.22
0iC1 for 7radin" ** )11 mm nominal siFe) with -&%/ 80> 8.0 D &u@ 12,2,.22
#.12 Sur<ace Dressi:g )Pro!idin" and la#in" surface dressin" as
wearin" course in sin"le coat usin" crushed stone a""re"ates of
specified siFe on a la#er of bituminous binder laid on prepared
surface and rollin" with <>10 tonne smooth wheeled steel

0i1 1B mm nominal siFe chippin" SA@ 122.22
0ii1 11 mm nominal siFe chippin" SA@ 42.22
#.13 O8e: $ Graded Pre@iF Sur<aci:g )Pro!idin", la#in" and
rollin" of open > "raded premi9 surfacin" of 20 mm thickness
composed of 11.2 mm to 6.8 mm a""re"ates either usin"
bitumen or cut>back or emulsion to re4uired line, "rade and
le!el to ser!e as wearin" course on a pre!iousl# prepared base,
includin" mi9in" in a suitable plant, la#in" and rollin" with a
smooth wheeled roller <>10 tonne capacit#, finished to re4uired
le!el and "rades.)

0i1 -ase N *A> %echanical method usin" /itumen and minimum
40>80 TP' capacit# hot mi9 plant.
$ 5ith sensor pa!er finisher SA@ 11%.22
/ 5ith mechanical pa!er finisher SA@ 114.22
0ii1 -ase N** A> Open>7raded Premi9 Surfacin" usin" cationic
/itumen ;mulsion
SA@ 1,2.22
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
#.1, &lose Graded Pre@iF Sur<aci:g 7 *iFed Seal Sur<aci:g
)%echanical means usin" minimum 40>80 TP' '%P of
appropriate capacit# not less than 16 tonnes/hour. Pro!idin",

SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 24
la#in" and rollin" of close>"raded premi9 surfacin" material of
20 mm thickness usin" bitumen to the re4uired line, "rade and
le!el to ser!e as wearin" course on a pre!iousl# prepared base,
includin" mi9in" in a suitable plant, la#in" and rollin" with a
Smooth wheeled roller <>10 tonne capacit#, and finishin" to
re4uired le!el and "rade. )
I. Wit= se:sor 8aCer <i:is=er
5ith bitumen
i1 T#pe $ ) 11.2 mm to 0.0B mm siFe a""re"ates ) SA@ 1/1.22
ii1 T#pe / ) 11.2 mm to 0.0B mm siFe a""re"ates ) SA@ 1,,.22
B 5ith -&%/>80
i1 T#pe $ ) 11.2 mm to 0.0B mm siFe a""re"ates ) SA@ 132.22
ii1 T#pe / ) 11.2 mm to 0.0B mm siFe a""re"ates ) SA@ 1#3.22
II. Wit= @ec=a:ical 8aCer <i:is=er
5ith bitumen
i1 T#pe $ ) 11.2 mm to 0.0B mm siFe a""re"ates ) SA@ 1/2.22
ii1 T#pe / ) 11.2 mm to 0.0B mm siFe a""re"ates ) SA@ 1,3.22
B 5ith -&%/>80
i1 T#pe $ ) 11.2 mm to 0.0B mm siFe a""re"ates ) SA@ 131.22
ii1 T#pe / ) 11.2 mm to 0.0B mm siFe a""re"ates SA@ 1#2.22
#.1# Seal &oat )Pro!idin" and la#in" seal coat sealin" the !oids in a
bituminous surface laid to the specified le!els, "rade and cross
fall usin" T#pe $ and / seal coats)

0i1 T#pe $ SA@ /2.22
0ii1 T#pe / )Pro!idin" and la#in" of premi9 sand seal coat with
minimum 40>80 TP' '%P of appropriate capacit# not less
than 16 tonnes/ hours usin" crushed stone chippin" 8.: mm
siFe and bitumen.)
SA@ ,/.22
#.1/ *astic s8=alt )Pro!idin" and la#in" 2#@@ t=ic; mastic
asphalt wearin" course with pa!in" "rade bitumen meetin" the
re4uirements "i!en in table 600>2B, prepared b# usin" mastic
cooker and laid to re4uired le!el and slope after cleanin" the
surface, includin" pro!idin" antiskid surface with bitumen pre>
coated fine>"rained hard stone chippin" of 11.2 mm nominal
siFe at the rate of 0.006cum per 10 s4m and at an appro9imate
spacin" of 10 cm center to center in both directions, pressed
into surface when the temperature of surfaces not less than
-, protrudin" 1 mm to 4 mm o!er mastic surface, all
complete as per clause>616.)
SA@ ,44.22
#.13 *astic s8=alt )Pro!idin" and la#in" 12@@ t=ic; mastic
asphalt wearin" course with pa!in" "rade bitumen meetin" the
re4uirements "i!en in table 600>2B, prepared b# usin" mastic
cooker and laid to re4uired le!el and slope after cleanin" the
surface, includin" pro!idin" antiskid surface with bitumen pre>
coated fine>"rained hard stone chippin" of B.6 mm nominal
siFe at the rate of 0.006cum per 10 s4m and at an appro9imate
SA@ 24,.22
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
spacin" of 10 cm center to center in both directions, pressed
into surface when the temperature of surfaces not less than
-, protrudin" 1 mm to 4 mm o!er mastic surface, all
complete as per clause>616.)
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 26
#.13 Slurry Seal Pro!idin" and la#in" slurr# seal consistin" of a
mi9ture of fine a""re"ates, Portland cement filler, bituminous
emulsion and water on a road surface includin" cleanin" of
surface, mi9in" of slurr# seal in a suitable mobile plant, la#in"
and compactin" to pro!ide e!en ridin" surface)

0i1 1.6 mm thickness SA@ 2%.22
0ii1 1 mm thickness SA@ ,4.22
0iii1 6 mm thickness SA@ /4.22
#.14 Fog S8ray 0Pro!idin" and appl#in" low !iscosit# bitumen
emulsion for sealin" cracks less than 1 mm wide or incipient
frettin" or disinte"ration in an e9istin" bituminous surfacin" )
SA@ ,2.22
$dd e9tra in case it is decided b# the en"ineer to blind the fo"
SA@ #.22
&rac; PreCe:tio: &ourses

0i1 Stress BsorBi:g *e@Bra:e 0S*1 crac; >idt= less t=a: /
@@ )Pro!idin" and la#in" of a stress absorbin" membrane
o!er a cracked road surface, with crack width below 8 mm
after cleanin" with a mechanical broom, usin" modified binder
compl#in" with clause>621, spra#ed at the rate of B k" per 10
s4m and spreadin" 6.8 mm crushed stone a""re"ates G 0.11
cum per 10 s4m with h#draulic chip spreader, sweepin" the
surface for uniform spread of a""re"ates and surface finished
to conform to clause>B02.)
SA@ /2.22
0ii1 Stress BsorBi:g *e@Bra:e 0S*1 >it= crac; >idt= / @@
to % @@ )Pro!idin" and la#in" of a stress absorbin" membrane
o!er a cracked road surface, with crack width 8 to B mm after
cleanin" with a mechanical broom, usin" modified binder
compl#in" with clause>621, spra#ed at the rate of 11 k" per 10
s4m and spreadin" 11.2 mm crushed stone a""re"ates G 0.12
cum per 10 s4m, sweepin" the surface for uniform spread of
a""re"ates and surface finished to conform to clause>B02.)
SA@ 3%.22
0iii1 Stress BsorBi:g *e@Bra:e 0S*1 crac; >idt= aBoCe %
@@ a:d crac;ed area aBoCe #2 D )Pro!idin" and la#in" a
sin"le coat of a stress absorbin" membrane o!er a cracked road
surface, with crack width abo!e B mm and cracked area abo!e
60 D after cleanin" with a mechanical broom, usin" modified
binder compl#in" with clause>621, spra#ed at the rate of 16 k"
per 10 s4m and spreadin" 11.2 mm crushed stone a""re"ates G
0.12 cum per 10 s4m, sweepin" the surface for uniform spread
of a""re"ates and surface finished to conform to clause>B02.)
SA@ 12/.22
0iC1 Bitu@e: I@8reg:ated GeoteFtile )Pro!idin" and la#in" a
bitumen impre"nated "eote9tile la#er after cleanin" the road
surface, "eote9tile conformin" to re4uirements of clause>:04.1,
laid o!er a tack coat with 1.06 k" per s4m of pa!in" "rade
bitumen <0/100 penetration and constructed to the re4uirement
of clause>:04.4.6)
SA@ 24,.22
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 28
#.22 O8e:$Graded Pre@iF Sur<aci:g 0By @a:ual @ea:s1
)Pro!idin", la#in" and rollin" of open>"raded premi9 surfacin"
of 20 mm thickness composed of 11.2 mm to 6.8 mm
a""re"ates usin" bitumen to re4uired line, "rade and le!el to
ser!e as wearin" course on a pre!iousl# prepared base,
includin" mi9in", la#in" and rollin" with a smooth wheeled
roller <>10 tonne capacit#, finished to re4uired le!el and
SA@ 114.22
#.21 Seal &oat "y8e$B 0By @a:ual @ea:s1
)Pro!idin" and la#in" seal coat sealin" the !oids in a
bituminous surface laid to the specified le!els, "rade and cross
fall usin" T#pe>/ seal coat usin" crushed stone chippin" 8.:
mm siFe and bitumen.)
SA@ ,#.22
#.22 Bitu@i:ous &old *iF 0i:cludi:g GraCel E@ulsio:1
)Pro!idin", la#in" and rollin" of bituminous cold mi9 on
prepared base consistin" of a mi9ture of unheated mineral
a""re"ate and emulsified or cutback bitumen, includin" mi9in"
in a plant of suitable t#pe and capacit#, transportin", la#in",
compactin" and finishin" to specified "rades, le!els and
ali"nment, rollin" with smooth wheeled, !ibrator# and tandem
rollers to achie!e the desired compaction as per %O&T('
specification clause 0o. 61B complete in all respects)
Wit= se:sor 8aCer <i:is=er
)i) Esin" bitumen emulsion and B.6 mm or 11.2 mm siFe
&u@ 12/1/.22
)ii) Esin" bitumen emulsion and 1B mm or 28.6 mm nominal siFe
&u@ 12/23.22
Wit= @ec=a:ical 8aCer <i:is=er
)i) Esin" bitumen emulsion and B.6 mm or 11.2 mm siFe
&u@ 12232.22
)ii) Esin" bitumen emulsion and 1B mm or 28.6 mm nominal siFe
&u@ 12#41.22
&'P"ER$ /
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 2:
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
/.1 Dry !ea: &e@e:t &o:crete SuB$Base )-onstruction of dr#
lean cement concrete Sub>base o!er a prepared sub>"rade with
coarse and fine a""re"ate conformin" to *SA 1<1, the siFe of
coarse a""re"ate not e9ceedin" 26 mm, a""re"ate cement ratio
not to e9ceed 16A1, a""re"ate "radation after blendin" to be as
per table 800>1, cement content not to be less than 160 k"/
cum, optimum moisture content to be determined durin" trial
len"th construction, concrete stren"th not to be less than 10
%pa at : da#s, mi9ed in a batchin" plant, transported to site,
laid with a pa!er with electronic sensor, compactin" with <>10
tonnes !ibrator# roller, finishin" and curin".)
&u@ 2114.22
/.2 &e@e:t &o:crete PaCe@e:t 0Grade *$,21 )-onstruction of
un>reinforced, dowel Cointed, plain cement concrete pa!ement
o!er a prepared sub base with minimum cement G 400 k" per
cum, coarse and fine a""re"ate conformin" to *SA1<1,
ma9imum siFe of coarse a""re"ate not e9ceedin" 26 mm,
mi9ed in a batchin" and mi9in" plant as per appro!ed mi9
desi"n, transported to site, laid with a fi9ed form or slip form
pa!er, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous
operation includin" pro!ision of contraction, e9pansion,
construction and lon"itudinal Coints, Coint filler, separation
membrane, sealant primer, Coint sealant, debondin" strip, dowel
bar, tie rod, admi9tures as appro!ed, curin" compound,
finishin" to lines and "rades as per drawin")
&u@ ,,#1.22
/.3 &e@e:t &o:crete PaCe@e:t 0Grade *$,21 )-onstruction of
un>reinforced, cement concrete pa!ement o!er a prepared sub
base with minimum cement G 400 k" per cum, coarse and fine
a""re"ate conformin" to *SA1<1, ma9imum siFe of coarse
a""re"ate not e9ceedin" 26 mm, mi9ed as per appro!ed mi9
desi"n, transported to site, laid, spread, !ibrated, compacted
and finished in a continuous operation includin" pro!ision of
contraction, e9pansion, construction and lon"itudinal Coints,
Coint filler, separation membrane, sealant primer, Coint sealant,
de>bondin" strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admi9tures as appro!ed,
curin" compound, finishin" to lines and "rades as per
&u@ ,,34.22
/., Rolled &e@e:t &o:crete Base )-onstruction of rolled cement
concrete base course with coarse and fine a""re"ate
conformin" to *SA1<1, the siFe of coarse a""re"ate not
e9ceedin" 26 mm with minimum, a""re"ate cement ratio 16A1
and minimum cement content of 200 k"/cum, a""re"ate
"radation to be as per tableA 800>4 after blendin", mi9in" in
batchin" plant at optimum moisture content, transportin" to
site, la#in" with a pa!er with electronic sensor, compactin"
with <>10 tonnes smooth wheeled !ibrator# roller to achie!e,
the desi"ned fle9ural stren"th, finishin" and curin".)
&u@ 2,23.22
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 2<
/.# &o:structio: o< Base7SuB$Base o< 8aCe@e:t >it= lea:
co:crete+<ly as=. )-onstruction of /ase/sub>base usin"
cement, sand, fl# ash and coarse a""re"ates proportioned as per
table>4 of *&-A:4A1B:B and with water content ratio, slump and
compressi!e stren"th as defined in the said table, mi9 prepared
in a batchin" and mi9in" plant and compacted with a !ibrator#
roller <>10 tonnes capacit# within the time limit laid down !ide
clause :.8.1 of *&-A:4A1B:B, construction Coints properl#
formed at the end of da#=s work, cured for 14 da#s, all as
specified in *&-A:4A1B:B and as per appro!ed plans.)
&u@ 22/4.22
/./ &e@e:t+Fly as= co:crete 8aCe@e:t. )-onstruction
reinforced>reinforced, dowel Cointed, plain cement concrete
pa!ement o!er a prepared sub base with cement, coarse and
fine a""re"ate conformin" to *SA1<1, ma9imum siFe of coarse
a""re"ate not e9ceedin" 26 mm, replacin" cement b# fl# ash to
the e9tent of 16D and sand b# 10D, mi9ed in a batchin" and
mi9in" plant as per appro!ed mi9 desi"n, transported to site,
laid with a fi9ed form or slip form pa!er, spread, compacted
and finished in a continuous operation includin" pro!ision of
contraction, e9pansion, construction and lon"itudinal Coints,
Coint filler, separation membrane, sealant primer, Coint sealant,
debondin" strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admi9tures as appro!ed,
curin" compound, finishin" to lines and "rades as per
&u@ ,3#3.22
/.3 ProCidi:g a:d layi:g ce@e:t co:crete for plain concrete/
reinforced concrete i/c form work, shutterin" complete in as
per drawin"s and specifications.) 3or +illa"e roads)
0i1 P.-.-. %>10 &u@ 2341.22
0ii1 P.-.-. %>16 &u@ 333#.22
0iii1 P.-.-. %>20 &u@ ,141.22
0iC1 P.-.-. %>26 &u@ ,343.22
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 2B
&'P"ER$ 3
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
3.1 SuB$Sur<ace Drai: >it= GeoteFtiles
-onstruction of sub surface drain 200 mm dia usin" "eote9tiles
treated with carbon black with ph#sical properties as "i!en in
clause :02.2.1 formed in to a stable network and a planar
"eocomposite structure, Coints wrapped with "eote9tile to
pre!ent in"ress of soil, all as per clause :02 and appro!ed
drawin"s includin" e9ca!ation and backfillin"
R* //,.22
3.2 Narro> Filter SuB$Sur<ace Drai:
-onstruction of a narrow filter sub>surface drain consistin"
of porous or perforated pipe laid in narrow trench
surrounded b# a "eote9tile filter fabric, with a minimum of
460 mm o!erlap of fabric and installed as per clause :02.1
and 10B.1.6 includin" e9ca!ation and backfillin"
R* /1#.22
3.3 !ayi:g PaCi:g FaBric Be:eat= a PaCe@e:t OCerlay
)Pro!idin" and la#in" pa!in" fabric with ph#sical re4uirements
as per tableA :04>2 o!er a tack coat of pa!in" "rade /itumen>
80/:0 penetration, laid at the rate of 1 k"/ s4m o!er thorou"hl#
cleaned and repaired surface to pro!ide a water resistant
membrane and crack retardin" la#er. Pa!in" fabric to be free of
wrinklin" and foldin" and to be laid before coolin" of tack
coat, broomin" and rollin" of surface with pneumatic roller to
ma9imiFe pa!in" fabric contact with pa!ement surface)
SA@ 13/.22
3., !ayi:g Boulder 8ro: i: &rates o< Sy:t=etic Geogrids
)Pro!idin", preparin" and la#in" of "eo"rid crated apron 1 m 9
6 m, 800 mm thick includin" e9ca!ation and backfillin" with
baffles at 1.0 meter inter!al, made with "eo"rids ha!in"
characteristics as per clause :04.2, Coinin" sides with
connectors/rin" staples, top corners to be tie tensioned, placin"
of suitable cross inter!al ties in la#ers of 100 mm connectin"
opposite side with lateral braces and tied with pol#mer braids
to a!oid bul"in", constructed as per clause :04.1. filled with
stone with minimum siFe of 200 mm and specific "ra!it# not
less than 2.86, packed with stone spalls, ke#ed to the
foundation recess in case of slopin" "round and laid o!er a
la#er of "eote9tile to pre!ent mi"ration of fines, all as per
clause :04 and laid as per clause 2601.1 and appro!ed desi"n.)
&u@ 32/3.22
3.# Rei:<orced Eart= Retai:i:g Wall )&einforced earth retainin"
walls ha!e four main components as underA a) ;9ca!ation for
foundation, foundation concrete and cement concrete "roo!ed
seatin" in the foundation for facin" elements )facia material).
b) 3acia material and its placement. c) $ssemblin", Coinin"
with facin" elements and la#in" of the reinforcin" elements.
d) ;arth fill with "ranular material which is to be retained b#
the wall.)

SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 10
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
01 $ssemblin" Coinin" and la#in" of reinforcin" elements with
0i1 7al!aniFed carbon steel strips *eter ,32.22
0ii1 -opper Strips *eter 3,3.22
0iii1 $luminum Strips *eter 2,,.22
0iC1 Stainless steel strips *eter ,1#.22
0C1 7lass reinforced pol#mer/fibre reinforced pol#mer/pol#meric
*eter #2#.22
0Ci1 S#nthetic "eo"rids / "eote9tiles SA@ 32#.22
0B1 3acin" elements of &-- SA@ 122%.22
Note: The compacted earth filling to be retained shall form part of
embankment and the same is to be worked out and provided
separately as per clause 305.

SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 11
&'P"ER$ 4
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
4.1 &ast i: Situ &e@e:t &o:crete *22 ;erB )-onstruction of
cement concrete kerb with top and bottom width 116 and 186
mm respecti!el#, 260 mm hi"h in %20 "rade P-- on %10
"rade foundation 160 mm thick, foundation ha!in" 60 mm
proCection be#ond kerb stone, kerb stone laid with kerb la#in"
machine, foundation concrete laid manuall#, all complete as
per clause 40<)
*eter 1%2.22
4.2 &ast i: Situ &e@e:t &o:crete *22 -erB >it= &=a::el
)-onstruction of cement concrete kerb with channel with top
and bottom width 116 and 186 mm respecti!el#, 260 mm hi"h
in %20 "rade P-- on %10 "rade foundation 160 mm thick,
kerb channel 100 mm wide, 60 mm thick in P-- %20 "rade,
sloped towards the kerb, kerb stone with channel laid with kerb
la#in" machine, foundation concrete laid manuall#, all
complete as per clause 40<)
*eter 3#4.22
4.3 Pri:ti:g :e> letters a:d <igures of an# shade. )Printin" new
letters and fi"ures of an# shade with s#nthetic enamel paint,
/lack or other appro!ed colour to "i!e an e!en shade.

)i) 'indiA ) %atras, -omas and the like not to be measured and
paid for half letter shall be counted as half letter.
per cm
)ii) ;n"lish and &oman A) '#phens and the like not to be
per cm
4., Retro$ re<lectroriGed "ra<<ic sig:s )Pro!idin" and fi9in" of
retro> reflectroriFed cautionar#, mandator# and informator#
si"n as per *&-A8:>2012 made of encapsulated lens t#pe
reflecti!e sheetin" !ide clause <01.1, fi9ed o!er aluminum
sheetin", 1.6 mm thick supported on a mild steel frame of siFe
40 9 40 9 6 mm and mild steel an"le iron post :6 mm 9:6 mm
9 8mm firml# fi9ed to the "round b# means of properl#
desi"ned foundation with %16 "rade cement concrete 46 cm 9
46cm 9 80cm, 80 cm below "round le!el as per appro!ed

0 i 1 B0 cm e4uilateral trian"le Eac= 3%2%.22
0 ii 1 80 cm e4uilateral trian"le Eac= 2#3%.22
0 iii 1 80 cm circular Eac= 3,31.22
0 iC 1 <0 cm 9 80 cm rectan"ular Eac= ,423.22
0 C 1 80 cm 9 46 cm rectan"ular Eac= 33,3.22
0Ci 1 80 cm 9 80 cm s4uare Eac= 3%33.22
0 Cii 1 B0 cm hi"h octa"on Eac= /133.22
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 12
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
4.# Directio: a:d Place Ide:ti<icatio: sig:s u8to 2.% sA@ siGe
Board. )Pro!idin" and erectin" direction and place
identification retro>reflectoriFed si"n as per *&-A8:>2012 made
of encapsulated lens t#pe reflecti!e sheetin" !ide clause <01.1,
fi9ed o!er aluminum sheetin", 2 mm thick with area not
e9ceedin" 0.B s4m supported on a mild steel sin"le an"le iron
post :6 9 :6 9 8 mm firml# fi9ed to the "round b# means of
properl# desi"ned foundation with %16 "rade cement concrete
46 9 46 9 80cm, 80cm below "round le!el as per appro!ed
SA@ 4/1,.22
4./ Directio: a:d Place Ide:ti<icatio: sig:s >it= siGe @ore t=a:
2.% sA@ siGe Board. )Pro!idin" and erectin" direction and
place identification retro> reflectoriFed si"n as per *&-A8:>
2012 made of encapsulated lens t#pe reflecti!e sheetin" !ide
clause <01.1, fi9ed o!er aluminum sheetin", 2 mm thick with
area e9ceedin" 0.B s4m supported on a mild steel an"le iron
post :6mm 9 :6mm 9 8mm, 2 0os. firml# fi9ed to the "round
b# means of properl# desi"ned foundation with %16 "rade
cement concrete 46cm 9 46cm 9 80cm, 80cm below "round
le!el as per appro!ed drawin")
SA@ 1,4#2.22
4.3 OCer=ead Sig:s )Pro!idin" and erectin" o!erhead si"ns with a
corrosion resistant aluminum allo# sheet reflectoriFed with
hi"h intensit# retro>reflecti!e sheetin" of encapsulated lens
t#pe with !ertical and lateral clearance "i!en in clause <02.2
and <02.1 and installed as per clause <02.: o!er a desi"ned
support s#stem of aluminum allo# or "al!aniFed steel trestles
and trusses of sections and t#pe as per structural desi"n
re4uirements and appro!ed plans)

Truss and +ertical Support "o::e 3,241.22
B $luminum allo# plate for o!er head si"n SA@ 132/2.22
4.4 Pai:ti:g o: &o:crete Sur<aces
">o coats o: :e> sur<aces )Paintin" two coats after fillin"
the surface with s#nthetic enamel paint in all shades on new
plastered concrete surfaces)
SA@ #/.22
B O:e coat o: old sur<aces ) Paintin" one or two coats after
cleanin" all dirt ( dust, fillin" the surface with s#nthetic
enamel paint in all shades on old concrete surfaces)
SA@ ,2.22
4.% Pai:ti:g o: Steel Sur<aces )Pro!idin" and appl#in" two coats
of read# mi9 paint of appro!ed brand on steel surface after
throu"h cleanin" of surface to "i!e an e!en shade)
SA@ ,,.22
Pai:ti:g o: Wood Sur<aces

Pro!idin" and appl#in" two coats of read# mi9 paint of
appro!ed brand on wood surface after thorou"h cleanin" of
surface to "i!e an e!en shade
SA@ #2.22
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 11
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
4.11 Pai:ti:g !i:es. Das=es. rro>s etc o: Roads i: ">o &oats
o: Ne> Wor; )Paintin" lines, dashes, arrows etc on roads in
two coats on new work with read# mi9ed road markin" paint
conformin" to *SA184 on bituminous surface, includin"
cleanin" the surface of all dirt, dust and other forei"n matter,
demarcation at site and traffic control )

0i1 O!er 10 cm in width SA@ 33.22
0ii1 Ep to 10 cm in width SA@ 32.22
4.12 Pai:ti:g !i:es. Das=es. rro>s etc o: Roads i: ">o &oats
o: Old Wor; )Paintin" lines, dashes, arrows etc on roads in
two coats on old work with read# mi9ed road markin" paint
confirmin" to *SA184 on bituminous surface, includin" cleanin"
the surface of all dirt, dust and other forei"n matter,
demarcation at site and traffic control )

0i1 O!er 10 cm in width SA@ #2.22
0ii1 Ep to 10 cm in width SA@ ##.22
4.13 Road *ar;i:g >it= 'ot 88lied "=er@o8lastic &o@8ou:d
>it= Re<lectoriGi:g Glass Beads o: Bitu@i:ous Sur<ace
)Pro!idin" and la#in" of hot applied thermoplastic compound
2.6 mm thick includin" reflectoriFin" "lass beads G 260 "ms
per s4m area, thickness of 2.6 mm is e9clusi!e of surface
applied "lass beads as per *&-A16>1BB:. The finished surface
to be le!el, uniform and free from streaks and holes.)
SA@ /33.22
4.1, -ilo *eter Sto:e )&einforced cement concrete %16"rade
kilometer stone of standard desi"n as per *&-A<>1B<0, fi9in" in
position includin" paintin" and printin" etc)

6th kilometer stone )precast)
Eac= 23,4.22
Ordinar# Iilometer stone )Precast)
Eac= 1,32.22
0iii1 'ectometer stone )Precast) Eac= 344.22
4.1# ProCidi:g 8ai:ti:g <iguri:g a:d :u@Beri:g as 8er IR&
s8eci<icatio: co@8lete <or

0i1 6th kilometer stone
Eac= 21,.22
Ordinar# Iilometer stone
Eac= %/.22
'ectometer stone
Eac= 1/.22
/oundar# stone
Eac= 1%.22
4.1/ ProCidi:g 8ai:ti:g <iguri:g a:d :u@Beri:g to culCerts u8to
/ @ span complete as per *&- specification
Eac= 1//.22
4.13 ProCidi:g 8ai:ti:g <iguri:g a:d :u@Beri:g to @i:or Bridge
u8 to 32 @ linear waterwa# complete as per *&- specification.
Eac= 133.22
4.14 ProCidi:g 8ai:ti:g <iguri:g a:d :u@Beri:g to @a?or
Bridge. li:ear >ater>ay eFceedi:g 32 @ complete as per *&-
Eac= 1#3.22
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 14
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
4.1% ProCidi:g 6 FiFi:g Deli:eator made of %.S. 'ollow
&ectan"ular Pipe )-onformin" to *SA 4B21) of cross section
B8mm9 4<mm of 1.20 meter len"th. The top of the hollow
pipe, welded and closed with 18 "au"e %.S. Sheet. The hei"ht
of the .elineator abo!e "round le!el should be between 0.<
meter and 1.0 meter. The bottom of the delineator should be
pro!ided with holdfast of len"th 16cm on each side. .elineator
should be painted with coat of Hinc -hromate sto!in" Prime
and two coats of /lack Sto!e ;namel )O!en /aked) paint with
1nos. 16 cm bands of white &etro>reflecti!e Sheetin" of
;n"ineerin" 7rade pasted around the pipe and 2 0os. 'i"h
intensit# 7rade &etro>reflecti!e Sheetin" of siFe < cm 9 10cm
pasted on the top of each side of .elineator and treated 5ith
'+$ ( fi9in" the same in %>16 "rade concrete block of siFe
10910910cms includin" transportation etc. complete. The
construction and placement of the delineator must be as per
*&-A :B>1B<1.
Eac=. 1422.22
4.22 ProCidi:g 6 FiFi:g 'aGard *ar;er T#pe>2 Partial &etro
&eflecti!e SiFe 0.10 9 0.B0% made of 18 "au"e )1.8 mm) thick
mild steel sheet -onfirmin" to *SA2082 Painted with one cast of
Hinc -hromate Sto!in" Primer and two coats of /lack Sto!e
;namel )O!en /aked) paint with 10 cm bands of #ellow &etro>
&eflecti!e Sheetin" of ;n"ineerin" 7rade pasted a per *&-A:B>
1B<1 includin" one %S an"le *ron post of siFe 6096096 mm of
1.86 meter lon" dul# painted with s#nthetic enameled paint
block includin" bolts and fi9in" the same in %>16 concrete
black of siFe 10910910cm, includin" transportation etc.
Eac=. 1,22.22
4.21 ProCidi:g 6 FiFi:gH OB?ect *ar;er of siFe 10 cm e4uilateral
Trian"le made of 1.6 mm thick $luminum sheet pasted with
'i"h intensit# 7rade &etro &eflecti!e Sheetin" dul# treated
with '+$ complete with post of an"le siFe 6096096 mm of
0.:6 m and fi9in" the same in % 16 concrete block of siFe
10910910cm includin" transportation etc. complete.
Eac=. 442.22
4.22 ProCidi:g a:d FiFi:g !i:ear Deli:eator S#stem as per
%OST clause <06 of specification for &oads and /rid"es, of
siFe 11O=9 4@ made with corru"ate $luminum )-onfirmin" to
*SA:18 >%aterial .esi"nation, 24146P or 1B00) and reflecti!e
sheetin" of %icro prismatic ens sheetin" as stipulated in
%OST circular )&5/0'>11021/11/<<>.O.iii) confirmin" to
$ST% .4B68>01 T#pe *Q and fi9in" the same with bracket
made of "al!aniFed steel fi9ed with 8 0os. hi"h precision
Screws confirmin" to *SA1184.
Eac=. 2,22.22
4.23 Pro!idin" ( 3i9in" tree studs in S4uare/ &ound shape of 4@
side/diameter made of 2 mm aluminum substrate )-onfirmin"
to *SA:18 >%aterial .esi"nation, 24146 or 1B00) end reflecti!e
surface of 'i"h *ntensit# "rade as specified in section <00.1.1
of %O&T(' dul# treated with '+$ and fi9in" the same
with four 0os. hi"h stren"th nails confirmin" to 1SA118: on
trees at site each.
Eac=. /,.22
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 16
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
4.2, Bou:dary 8illar )&einforced cement concrete %16 "rade
boundar# pillars of standard desi"n as per *&-A26>1B8:, fi9ed
in position includin" finishin" and letterin" but e9cludin"
Eac=. 313.22
4.2# G.I BarBed >ire Fe:ci:g 1.2 @eter =ig= )Pro!idin" and
fi9in" 1.2 meters hi"h 7* barbed wire fencin" with 1.< m an"le
iron posts 40 mm 9 40 mm 9 8 mm placed e!er# 1 meters
center to center founded in %16 "rade cement concrete, 0.8
meter below "round le!el, e!er# 16th post, last but one end
post and corner post shall be strutted on both sides and end post
on one side onl# and pro!ided with B horiFontal lines and 2
dia"onals interwo!en with horiFontal wires, fi9ed with 7*
staples, turn buckles etc complete as per clause <0: )
*eter. 22%.22
4.2/ G.I BarBed >ire Fe:ci:g 1.4 @eter =ig= )Pro!idin" and
fi9in" 1.< meters hi"h 7* barbed wire fencin" with 2.4 m an"le
iron posts 60 mm 9 60 mm 9 8 mm placed e!er# 1 meters
center to center founded in %16 "rade cement concrete, 0.8
meter below "round le!el, e!er# 16th post, last but one end
post and corner post shall be strutted on both sides and end post
on one side onl# and pro!ided with 12 horiFontal lines and 2
dia"onals interwo!en with horiFontal wires, fi9ed with 7*
staples, turn buckles etc complete as per clause <0: )
*eter 332.22
4.23 "uBular Steel Raili:g o: *ediu@ Weig=t steel c=a::el
0IS*& series1 122@@ F #2@@ )Pro!idin", fi9in" and
erectin" 60 mm dia steel pipe railin" in 1 rows dul# painted on
medium wei"ht steel channels )*S%- series) 100 mm 9 60
mm, 1.2 meters hi"h abo!e "round, 2 m centre to centre,
complete as per appro!ed drawin"s)
*eter 1#%2.22
4.24 "uBular Steel Raili:g o: Precast R&& 8osts. 1.2 @ =ig=
aBoCe grou:d leCel )Pro!idin", fencin" and erectin" 60 mm
dia painted steel pipe railin" in 1 rows on precast %20 "rade
&-- !ertical posts1.< meters hi"h )1.2 m abo!e 7) with 1
holes 60 mm dia for pipe, fi9ed 2 meters centre to, complete as
per appro!ed drawin")
*eter 121#.22
4.2% Rei:<orced &e@e:t &o:crete &ras= Barrier )Pro!ision of an
&einforced cement concrete crash barrier at the ed"es of the
road, approaches to brid"e structures and medians, constructed
with %>20 "rade concrete with 'KS. reinforcement
conformin" to *&-A21>2000 and dowel bars 26 mm dia, 460
mm lon" at e9pansion Coints filled with pre>moulded asphalt
filler board, ke#ed to the structure on which it is built and
installed as per desi"n "i!en in the enclosure to %OST circular
0o. &5/0'>11022/1/B4>.O *** dated 24 Rune, 1BB4 as per
dimensions in the appro!ed drawin" and at locations directed
b# the ;n"ineer, all as specified)
*eter 2/#2.22
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 18
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
4.32 *etal Bea@ &ras= Barrier
"y8e $ . 9W9 E *etal Bea@ &ras= Barrier )Pro!idin" and
erectin" a 252 metal beam crash barrier comprisin" of 1 mm
thick corru"ated sheet metal beam rail, :0 cm abo!e
road/"round le!el, fi9ed on *S%- series channel !ertical post,
160 9 :6 9 6 mm spaced 2 m centre to centre, 1.< m hi"h, 1.1
m below "round/road le!el, all steel parts and fitments to be
"al!aniFed b# hot dip process, all fittin"s to conform to
*SA118: and *SA1184, metal beam rail to be fi9ed on the !ertical
post with a spacer of channel section 160 9 :6 9 6 mm, 110
mm lon" complete as per clause <10)
*eter 2,/2.22
B "y8e $ B. 9"'RIE9 E *etal Bea@ &ras= Barrier )Pro!idin"
and erectin" a 2Thrie2 metal beam crash barrier comprisin" of
1 mm thick corru"ated sheet metal beam rail, <6 cm abo!e
road/"round le!el, fi9ed on *S%- series channel !ertical post,
160 9 :6 9 6 mm spaced 2 m centre to centre, 2 m hi"h with
1.16 m below "round le!el, all steel parts and fitments to be
"al!aniFed b# hot dip process, all fittin"s to conform to
*SA118: and *SA1184, metal beam rail to be fi9ed on the !ertical
post with a space of channel section 160 9 :6 9 6 mm, 648 mm
lon" complete as per clause <10)
*eter 34,2.22
4.31 FleFiBle &ras= Barrier. Wire Ro8e Sa<ety Barrier
)Pro!idin" and erectin" a wire rope safet# barrier with !ertical
posts of medium wei"ht &S Roist )*S%/ series) 100 mm 9 :6
mm )11.60 k"/m), 1.60 m lon" 0.<6 m abo!e "round and 0.86
m below "round le!el, split at the bottom for better "rip,
embedded in %16 "rade cement concrete 460 9 460 9 460 mm,
1.60 m center to center and with 4 horiFontal steel wire rope
40 mm dia and anchored at terminal posts 16 m apart. Terminal
post to be embedded in %16 "rade cement concrete foundation
2400 9 460 9 B00 mm )depth), stren"thened b# a strut of &S
Coist 100 9 :6 mm, 2 m lon" at 460 inclination and a tie 100 9 <
mm, 1.60 m lon" at the bottom, all embedded in foundation
concrete as per appro!ed desi"n and drawin", rate e9cludin"
e9ca!ation and cement concrete.)
*eter #13,.22
4.32 !ig=ti:g o: Bridges )Pro!idin" and fi9in" li"htin" on brid"es,
mounted on steel hollow circular poles of standard
specifications, 6 m hi"h fi9ed on parapets with cement
concrete, 20 m apart and fitted with sodium !apour lamp)
Eac= 11,#,.22
4.33 Road *ar;ers7Road Stud >it= !e:s Re<lector )Pro!idin"
and fi9in" of road stud 1009 100 mm, die cast in aluminum,
resistant to corrosi!e effect of salt and "rit, fitted with lens
reflectors, installed in concrete or asphaltic surface b# drillin"
hole 10 mm upto a depth of 80 mm and bedded in a suitable
bituminous "rout or epo9# mortar, all as per /*SA<:1, part>
Eac= 2#3.22
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 1:
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
4.3, "ra<<ic &o:e )Pro!ision of red fluorescent with white
reflecti!e slee!e traffic cone made of low densit# pol#eth#lene
).P;) material with a s4uare base of 1B0 9 1B0 9 16 mm and
a hei"ht of ::0 mm, 4 k" in wei"ht, placed at 1.6 m inter!al, all
as per /*SA <:1)
Eac= /1,.22
4.3# PortaBle Barricade i: &o:structio: Io:e )*nstallation of a
steel portable barricade with horiFontal rail 100 mm wide, 2.6
m in len"th fitted on a =$= frame made with 46 9 46 9 6 mm
an"le iron section, 1.6 m in hei"ht, horiFontal rail painted )2
coats) with #ellow and white stripes, 160 mm in width at an
an"le of 46
, =$= frame painted with 2 coats of #ellow paint,
complete as per *&-ASPA66>2001)
Eac= 222,.22
Per@a:e:t "y8e Barricade i: &o:structio: Io:e

Wit= Steel &o@8o:e:ts )-onstruction of a permanent t#pe
barricade made of steel components, 1.6 m hi"h from road
le!el, fitted with 1 horiFontal rails 200 mm wide and 4 m lon"
on 60 9 60 9 6 mm an"le iron !ertical support, painted with
#ellow and white strips, 160 mm in width at an an"le of 46
complete as per *&-ASPA66>2001 )
Eac= 3#,/.22
B Wit= Woode: &o@8o:e:ts )-onstruction of a permanent t#pe
barricade made of wooden components, 1.6 m hi"h from road
le!el, fitted with 1 horiFontal planks 200 mm wide and 1.88 m
lon" on 100 9 100mm wooden !ertical post, painted with
#ellow and white stirrups, 160 mm in width at an an"le of46
complete as per *&-ASPA66>2001 )
Eac= 132,.22
& Wit= Bric;s )-onstruction of a permanent t#pe barricade
made with brick work in mud mortar, 1.6 m hi"h, 4 m lon",
800 mm thick, plastered with cement mortar 1A8, painted with
#ellow and white strips)
Eac= %3#%.22
4.33 Dru@ Deli:eator i: &o:structio: Io:e )Pro!ision of metal
drum, 100 mm in diameter, <00 mm hi"h, filled with earth
for stabilit#, painted in circumferential strips of alternate black
and white 100 mm wide fitted with reflectors 1 0os. of :.6 cm
dia, all as per *&-ASPA66>2001)
Eac= 3#%.22
4.34 ProCidi:g a:d <iFi:g Raised PaCe@e:t *ar;ers made of
pol#carbonate $/S moulded bod# and reflecti!e panels with
micro prismatic lens capable of pro!idin" total internal
reflection of the li"ht enterin" the lens face and shall support a
load of 18000 I" tested in accordance to $ST% . 42<0 t#pe
' and compl#in" to specifications of cate"or# $ of %O&T('
)&5/0'>11021/10/B:>.O *** .td. 11.08.1BB:). The pa!ement
markers will be auto moulded b# dual pol#mer shanks and
must compl# with all the %o&T(' specifications. The hei"ht,
width and shall not e9ceed 60 mm, 100 mm and 100 mm
respecti!el# and with minimum reflecti!e area of 11 on
each side and slope to the base shall be 16 M/>6 de"ree. The
stren"th of detachment of the inte"rated c#lindrical shanks )of
diameter not less than 1B M/> 2 mm and hei"ht not less than 10
Eac= ,,2.22
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 1<
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
M/> 2 mm) from the bod# is to be a minimum !alue of 600 k"f.
3i9in" will be b# drillin" holes on road for the shanks to "o
inside, without nails and usin" epo9# resin based adhesi!e and
complete as directed b# the ;n"ineer>in>char"e.
4.3% ProCidi:g a:d <iFi:g o< Route *ar;er Sig: Board with
'i"h *ntensit# 7rade &etro>reflecti!e Sheetin" ) as per section
<00.1.1 ) made of 1.6 mm thick aluminum sheet. The sin"le
!ertical post made from %.S. an"le post ):6 mm 9 :6 mm 9 8
mm) firml# fi9ed to the "round b# means of properl# desi"ned
foundation with %16 "rade cement concrete 46 cm 9 46 cm 9
80 cm, 80 cm below "round le!el as per appro!ed drawin".
SiFe of board 800 mm 9 440 mm for the upper board and 100
mm 9 260 mm for the lower plate as per *&- Specifications.
Eac= 23,2.22
4.,2 ProCidi:g a:d <iFi:g oCer=ead co:crete sig: Board of siFe
1200 9 1000 mm on road side made of &-- %20 "rade of 60
mm thick with 10 mm. dia. bar reinforcement G 160 mm c/c in
both directions fi9ed on two !ertical post made of &-- %20
"rade makin" "roo!es at top for fi9in" of boards with 4 nos.
!ertical bars of 10 mm dia and stirrups with < mm dia bars G
160 mm c/c . The post to be embedded and fi9ed to a depth of
800 mm below "round le!el in P-- of %16 "rade, block of
siFe 600 9 600 9 :00 mm and the hei"ht of post at the bottom
of the si"n board from crown of the road is not less than 1.6 m.
$ll components of si"n and support shall be primed and
painted with two coats of s#nthetic enamel paint with all
rele!ant specifications. The rates shall include cost of
e9ca!ation , suppl# of all materials, labour, T ( P, paintin" and
fi"urin", carria"e to site and fi9in" complete as directed b# the
Eac= ,%%3.22
4.,1 ProCidi:g a:d <iFi:g co:crete sig: Boards resti:g o:
grou:d pre>cast/ cast>in>situ in P-- %20 "rade with surface
reinforcement of < mm dia bars G 166 mm c/c o!er 100 mm
thick P-- %16 "rade foundation concrete i/c cost of
e9ca!ation, plasterin" with -% 1A1 ( finishin" with neat slurr#
cement, paintin" two or more coats to "i!e an e!en shade and
fi"urin" as directed b# ;n"ineer>in>char"e.
0i1 "y8e E 5illage Boards )800 mm lon", 100 mm wide at
bottom ( 100 mm wide at top, and hei"ht 800 mm abo!e 600
mm thick block of siFe :00 9 400 9 600 mm with both faces
inclined )
Eac= 31#2.22
0ii1 "y8e B E Desti:atio: Boards ):00 mm lon", 100 mm wide at
bottom ( 100 mm wide at top, and hei"ht <00 mm abo!e 600
mm thick block of siFe <00 9 400 9 600 mm with one face
!ertical )
Eac= 34%2.22
0iii1 "y8e & E &autio:ary Boards )600 9 600 9 600 mm at bottom
( 600 9 )600 M 100)/2 9 600 mm at top o!er 100 mm thick
block of siFe 600 9 600 9 100 mm with one face !ertical )
Eac= ,2#3.22
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 1B
Ite@ No.
Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
4.,2 ProCidi:g a:d <iFi:g o< e@8ty @aF8=alt dru@s on road
sides, fillin" it with earth/moorum/boulders etc. includin"
makin" holes with pick a9es a!ailable within 60 m lead, white
washin" two coats etc complete.
Eac= 233.22
4.,3 &o:structio: o< Boulder 7 sto:e @aso:ry >all 80 cm thick
and <0 cm hei"ht, includin" white washin" 1 coats on one side
of the wall for temporar# di!ersion / "uard walls includin" all
materials complete.
0i1 I: @ud @ortar R@. /,4.22
0ii1 I: ce@e:t @ortar &.*. 1E/ R@. %21.22
4.,, &o:structio: o< R.R. @aso:ry >alls 0.46 m thick and 0.80 m
hei"ht in -% 1A 1 includin" e9ca!ation , white washin" two
coats on one side of wall for "uard wall / protection wall o!er
100 mm thick base concrete of P-- 1A1A8 etc complete.
R@. 444.22
4.,# ProCidi:g a:d layi:g o< a rei:<orced ce@e:t co:crete 8i8e
duct. 322 @@ dia.. across t=e road 0 :e> co:structio: 1 .
e9tendin" from drain to drain in cuts and toe of slopes to toe of
slopes in fills, constructin" head walls at both ends, pro!idin" a
minimum fill of "ranular material o!er top and sides of &--
pipes as per *&-A B<>2011, bedded on a 0.1 m thick la#er of
"ranular material free of rock pieces , outer to outer distance of
pipes at least half dia of pipe subCect to minimum 460 mm in
case of double and triple row ducts , Coints to be made leak
proof, in!ert le!el of duct to be abo!e hi"her than "round le!el
to pre!ent entr# of water and dirt, all as per *&-A B<>2011 and
appro!ed drawin"s.
0i1 Sin"le row for one utilit# ser!ice *eter #23.22
0ii1 .ouble row for two utilit# ser!ice *eter %3,.22
0iii1 Triple row for three utilit# ser!ice *eter 1,13.22
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 40
&'P"ER$ %
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
%.1 EFcaCatio: <or Structures );arth work in e9ca!ation of
foundation of structures as per drawin" and technical
specification, includin" settin" out, construction of shorin"
and bracin", remo!al of stumps and other deleterious matter,
dressin" of sides and bottom and backfillin" with appro!ed

Ordi:ary soil
Ep to 1 m depth &u@. 114.22
%.2 P&& 1E3E/ i: Fou:datio: )Plain cement concrete 1A1A8 mi9
with crushed stone a""re"ate 40 mm nominal siFe
mechanicall# mi9ed, placed in foundation and compacted b#
!ibration includin" curin" for 14 da#s.)
&u@. 2432.22
%.3 ProCidi:g a:d layi:g Rei:<orced &e@e:t &o:crete 8i8e NP
, 7 8restrssed co:crete 8i8e o: <irst class Beddi:g )a#in"
&einforced cement concrete pipe 0P4 /prestressed concrete
pipe for cul!erts on first class beddin" of "ranular material
includin" fi9in" collar with cement mortar 1A2 but e9cludin"
e9ca!ation, protection works, backfillin", concrete and
masonr# works in head walls and parapets . )

A 800 mm dia *eter 2//4.22
B B00 mm dia *eter 343,.22
C 1000 mm dia *eter #312.22
D 1200 mm dia *eter 3311.22
%., ProCidi:g a:d layi:g Rei:<orced &e@e:t &o:crete 8i8e NP
, 7 8restressed co:crete 8i8e )a#in" &einforced cement
concrete pipe 0P4 /prestressed concrete pipe for cul!erts
includin" fi9in" collar with cement mortar 1A2 But eFcludi:g
Beddi:g Belo> 8i8e , e9ca!ation, protection works,
backfillin", concrete and masonr# works in head walls and
parapets . )

A 800 mm dia *eter 2#22.22
B B00 mm dia *eter 3324.22
C 1000 mm dia *eter #1/#.22
D 1200 mm dia *eter 31#1.22
%.# ProCidi:g a:d layi:g Rei:<orced &e@e:t &o:crete 8i8e NP
3 7 8restressed co:crete 8i8e o: <irst class Beddi:g. )a#in"
&einforced cement concrete pipe 0P1 /prestressed concrete
pipe for cul!erts on first class beddin" of "ranular material
includin" fi9in" collar with cement mortar 1A2 but e9cludin"
e9ca!ation, protection works, backfillin", concrete and
masonr# works in head walls and parapets . )

A 460 mm dia *eter 2233.22
B 800 mm dia *eter 2//4.22
C B00 mm dia *eter 32/#.22
D 1000 mm dia *eter 3341.22
E 1200 mm dia *eter #1#3.22
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 41
%./ ProCidi:g a:d layi:g Rei:<orced &e@e:t &o:crete 8i8e NP
3 7 8restressed co:crete 8i8e. )a#in" &einforced cement
concrete pipe 0P1 /prestressed concrete pipe for cul!erts
includin" fi9in" collar with cement mortar 1A2 but e9cludin"
beddin" below pipes, e9ca!ation, protection works, backfillin",
concrete and masonr# works in head walls and parapets . )

A 460 mm dia *eter 1%/,.22
B 800 mm dia *eter 2#22.22
C B00 mm dia *eter 3122.22
D 1000 mm dia *eter 3/3#.22
E 1200 mm dia *eter ,%%3.22
%.3 ProCidi:g 1
class Beddi:g Belo> 8i8es >it= graded sa:d or
ot=er gra:ular @aterials 8assi:g t=roug= #./ @@ sieCe as
8er clause 2%2,.
&u@. //2.22
%.4 Sto:e @aso:ry >or; i: ce@e:t @ortar 1E3 <or =ead >all
complete as per drawin" and Technical Specifications section
1400 and 2200

0i1 &andom &ubble %asonr# ) coursed or uncoursed ) &u@. 323%.22
0ii1 -oursed rubble masonr# )first sort ) &u@. 313,.22
0iii1 $shlar masonr# ) first sort ) &u@. 3/23.22
%.% Poi:ti:g >it= ce@e:t @ortar 01E3 1 o: sto:e @aso:ry =ead
>alls as per Technical specifications section 1100 and 2200
SA@. 2/.22
%.12 Plai: ce@e:t co:crete i: suB$structure complete as per
drawin" and Technical Specifications

0i1 P&& Grade * 1# &u@. 3%#2.22
0ii1 P&& Grade * 22 &u@. ,,23.22
%.11 ProCidi:g a:d layi:g Boulders a8ro: o: riCer Bed for
protection a"ainst scour with stone boulders wei"hin" not less
than 40 k" each complete as per drawin" and Technical
&u@. 1234.22
%.12 ProCidi:g a:d layi:g Pitc=i:g o: slopes laid o!er prepared
filter media includin" boulder apron laid dr# in front of toe of
embankment complete as per drawin" and Technical
&u@. 1234.22
%.13 ProCidi:g a:d layi:g Filter @aterial u:der:eat= 8itc=i:g i:
slo8es complete as per drawin" and Technical specification.
&u@. 334.22
&'P"ER$ 12
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 42
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
12.1 Restoratio: o< Rai: &uts )&estoration of rain cuts with soil,
moorum, "ra!el or a mi9ture of these, clearin" the loose soil,
benchin" for 100 mm width, la#in" fresh material in la#ers not
e9ceedin" 260 mm and compactin" with plate compactor or
power rammers to restore the ori"inal ali"nment, le!els and
&u@. %#.22
12.2 Filli:g Pot$=oles a:d Patc= Re8airs >it= O8e:$Graded
Pre@iF Sur<aci:g. 22@@. )&emo!al of all failed material,
trimmin" of completed e9ca!ation to pro!ide firm !ertical
faces, cleanin" of surface, paintin" of tack coat on the sides
and base of e9ca!ation as per clause 601, back fillin" the pot
holes with hot bituminous material as per clause 611,
compactin", trimmin" and finishin" the surface to form a
smooth continuous surface, all as per clause 1004.2 i/c tack
SA@. 132.22
12.3 Filli:g Pot$=oles a:d Patc= Re8airs >it= &lose Graded
Pre@iF Sur<aci:g 7 *iFed Seal Sur<aci:g. 22@@. )&emo!al
of all failed material, trimmin" of completed e9ca!ation to
pro!ide firm !ertical faces, cleanin" of surface, paintin" of
tack coat on the sides and base of e9ca!ation as per clause 601,
back fillin" the pot>holes with hot bituminous material as per
clause 612, compactin", trimmin" and finishin" the surface to
form a smooth continuous surface, all as per clause 1004.2 i/c
tack coat.)
SA@. 1#3.22
12., &rac; Filli:g )3illin" of crack usin" slow > curin" bitumen
emulsion and appl#in" crusher dust in case crack are wider
than 1mm.)
*eter ,.22
12.# Dusti:g )$ppl#in" crusher dust to areas of road where
bleedin" of e9cess bitumen has occurred.)
SA@. 2.42
12./ Re8air o< ?oi:t GrooCes >it= E8oFy *ortar &epair of
spalled Coint "roo!es of contraction Coints, lon"itudinal Coints
and e9pansion Coints in concrete pa!ements usin" epo9# mortar
or epo9# concrete)
*eter 12/%.22
12.3 Re8air o< old Joi:ts Seala:t )&emo!al of e9istin" sealant and
re>sealin" of contraction, lon"itudinal or e9pansion Coints in
concrete pa!ement with fresh sealant material)
*eter 21.22
12.4 'ill Side Drai: &leara:ce )&emo!al of earth from the choked
hill side drain and disposin" it on the !alle# side manuall#)
*eter 1%.22
12.% !a:d Slide &leara:ce i: soil )-learance of land slides in soil
and ordinar# rock b# a bull>doFer . <0 $>12, 1<0 'P and
disposal of the same on the !alle# side)
&u@. #,.22
12.12 !a:d slide &leara:ce i: 'ard Roc; ReAuiri:g Blasti:g
)-learin" of land slide in hard rock re4uirin" blastin" for 60D
of the boulders and disposal of the same on the !alle# side.)
&u@. 112.22
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 41
12.11 Detailed surCey o< eFisti:g road includin" chainin", le!elin",
with cross section at 26.0 m inter!als and closin" sur!e# each
da#=s work, fi9in" bench marks, paintin", takin" trial pits and
submission of road cross sections, >sections, 4uantit#
statements in computeriFed prints in fi!e copies in proper files
and all t#pe of compliance re4uired b# the ;n"ineer>in>char"e.
-@. 1,13#.22
&'P"ER$ 11
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 44
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
11.1 *ai:te:a:ce o< !a>:s or "ur<i:g o< Slo8es )%aintenance of
lawns or Turfin" of slopes )rou"h "rassin") for a period of one
#ear includin" waterin" etc.)
SA@ 124.22
11.2 0a1 Pla:ti:g Per@a:e:t 'edges i:cludi:g Diggi:g o< "re:c=es
)Plantin" permanent hed"es includin" di""in" of trenches, 80
cm wide and 46 cm deep, refillin" the e9ca!ated earth mi9ed
with farm#ard manure, supplied at the rate of 4.86 cum per
100 meters and suppl#in" and plantin" hed"e plants at 10 cm
*eter 1,%.22
0B1 *ai:te:a:ce o< 'edge <or o:e year *eter 111.22
11.3 Pla:ti:g a:d *ai:tai:i:g o< Flo>eri:g Pla:ts a:d S=ruBs
)a) Plantin" flowerin" plants and shrubs in central !er"e -@ ,3,42.22
0B1 %aintenance of flowerin" plants and shrubs in central !er"e for
one #ear
-@ 111,3/.22
11., Pla:ti:g o< "rees a:d t=eir *ai:te:a:ce <or o:e )ear
)Plantin" of trees b# the road side )$!enue trees) in 0.80 m dia.
holes, 1 m. deep du" in the "round, mi9in" the soil with
deca#ed farm #ard/slud"e manure, plantin" the saplin"s,
backfillin" the trench, waterin", fi9in" the tree "uard and
maintainin" the plants for one #ear)
Eac= /2,.22
11.# 'al< Bric; &ircular "ree Guard. i: 2:d class Bric;.
i:ter:al dia@eter 1.2# @eters. a:d =eig=t 1.2 @eters.
aBoCe grou:d a:d 2.22 @eter Belo> grou:d )'alf brick
circular tree "uard, in 2nd class brick, internal diameter 1.26
meters, and hei"ht 1.2 meters, abo!e "round and 0.20 meter
below "round, bottom two courses laid dr#, and top three
courses in cement mortar 1A8 )1 cement A 8 sand) and the
intermediate courses bein" in dr# hone# comb masonr#, as per
desi"n complete)
Eac= 1222.22
11./ Edgi:g >it= 2
class Bric;s. laid dry le:gt=>ise );d"in"
with 2
class bricks, laid dr# len"thwise, includin"
e9ca!ation, refillin", consolidation, with a hand packin" and
spreadin" nearl# surplus earth within a lead of 60 meters.)
*eter 2/.22
11.3 *a;i:g "ree Guard #3 c@ dia. a:d 1.3 @ =ig= as 8er
desig: <ro@ e@8ty Bitu@e: dru@ )%akin" tree "uard 61 cm
dia. and 1.1 m hi"h as per desi"n from empt# bitumen drum,
slit suitabl# to permit sun and air, )supplied b# the department
at stock issue rate) includin" pro!idin" and fi9in" 2 nos. %S
sheet rin"s 60 9 0.6 mm with ri!ets, complete in all respect)
Eac= 333.22
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 46
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
11.4 *a;i:g "ree Guard #3 c@ dia. a:d 2 @eters =ig= as 8er
desig: <ro@ e@8ty Bitu@e: dru@s )%akin" tree "uard 61
cm dia and 2 meters hi"h as per desi"n from empt# bitumen
drums, slit suitabl# to permit sun and air, ) supplied b# the
department at stock issue rate) includin" pro!idin" and fi9in"
four le"s 40 cm lon" of 10 9 1 mm %S ri!eted to tree "uard
and pro!idin" and fi9in" 2 nos. %S sheet rin"s 60 9 0.6 mm
with ri!ets complete in all respects.)
Eac= //1.22
11.% "ree Guard >it= *S :gle Iro: a:d Steel Wire )Pro!idin"
and fi9in" tree "uard 0.80 meter s4uare, 2.00 meter hi"h
fabricated with %S an"le iron 10 9 10 9 1 mm, %S iron 26 9 1
mm and steel wire 1 mm dia. welded and fabricated as per
desi"n in two hal!es bolted to"ether.)
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 48
&'P"ER$ 12
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
12.1 %anufacturin", suppl# ( fi9in" of precast &-- collar of siFe
60 cm. inner dia. and 60 cm. hei"ht, :.60 cm. thickness with (
"au"e 4 mm thick %S wire casted with %>20 concrete of
appro!ed desi"n, i/c transportation, labour ( all material
Eac= 132#.22
12.2 %anufacturin", suppl# ( fi9in" of precast &-- Caali for tree
"uard of siFe :6 cm. width and 10 cm. hei"ht, 6.0 cm.
thickness with ( "au"e 4 mm thick %S wire casted with %>20
concrete of appro!ed desi"n, i/c cost of all material complete.
Caali tree
12.3 3abricatin", suppl# ( fi9in" of %S circular tree "uard of :6
cm. dia. and 120 cm. hei"ht )abo!e 7), %S tree "uard made
with 1 no. 26 9 26 9 6 mm %S an"le iron 160 cm. lon" fi9ed
!erticall# and 1 nos. 20 9 6 mm %S flat fi9ed circumferentiall#
around %S an"le, with support of %S an"le and flat 11 "au"e
%S wire mesh welded in s4uare "rid pattern with an openin"
of 2@ 9 2@. This item includes finished b# fillin" putt# and
appl#in" primer coat of Finc chromate includin" cost of all
materials ( labour complete.
Eac= 2,/2.22
12., Pro!idin" and fi9in" of 800 mm dia. clear openin" 7ranite
finish E.+. stabiliFed abrasion resistance top la#er composite
rein manhole co!er with frame reinforcement with hi"h
performance "lass fibre load desi"nation ;'.>40 )40 Ton load
capacit#) confirmin" to testin" procedure as per *SA1:28.
.eflection at full load should not be more than 12mm.
Eac= 222%#.22
12.# Pro!idin" and fi9in" steel railin" made of 60mm. dia. medium
t#pe %S pipe of appro!ed desi"n with cuttin", electric
weldin", "rindin" welded surface with electric "rinder to
obtain smooth surface, smooth bendin" the end with h#draulic
bendin" machine and pro!idin" %S butt hin"es, 6mm thick flat
of siFe 1009100mm ( 1691696mm an"le for fi9in". 3inished
b# fillin" putt# and appl#in" primer coat of red o9ide Finc
chromate primer ( includin" cost of all materials T(P and
labour etc. complete.
;g 12,.22
12./ %anufacturin", suppl# ( fi9in" of precast kerb stone of siFe
400mm926Bmm9200mm thick made of %>20 concrete
rectan"ular in shape with one corner chamfered b# 100 mm 9
100 mm as appro!ed desi"n i/c cost of all material, labour and
curin" etc. complete.
Eac= #24.22
12.3 Pro!idin" and plantin" of 1O0@ to 4O0@ hei"hted wasin"tonia,
filipheria/bismarkia no!elist plam plants with 1O8@ 9 1O8@ depth
pit formation and soil preparation, )%i9in" or"anic manure and
plantOs protection insecticide). Ep to 4 month maintenance.
Eac= %3#.22
12.4 Pro!idin" and plantin" of 4O0@ to 6O0@ hei"hted 3icus
presti"e//lackiana plants with 1O8@ 9 1O8@ depth pit formation
and soil preparation, )%i9in" or"anic manure and plantOs
protection insecticide). Ep to 4 month maintenance.
Eac= //2.22
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 4:
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
12.% Pro!idin" and plantin" of 6O0@ to 8O0@ hei"hted ?chatim@
plants with 1O0@ 9 1O0@ depth pit formation and soil preparation
workOs, )%i9in" or"anic manure and plantOs protection
insecticide). Ep to 4 month maintenance.
Eac= %,.22
12.12 Pro!idin" and plantin" of /o"enbelia dwarf, chandni dwarf,
kaner dwarf !r flower bearin" plants with 0OB@ 9 0OB@ depth pit
formation and soil preparation workOs, )%i9in" or"anic manure
and plantOs protection insecticide). Ep to 4 month maintenance.
Eac= 44.22
12.11 Pro!idin" and plantin" of dwarf red ;kal#ha plants showin"
mass effect !iew with 0OB@ 9 0OB@ depth pit formation and soil
preparation workOs, )%i9in" or"anic manure and plantOs
protection insecticide). Ep to 4 month maintenance.
Eac= 32.22
12.12 Pro!idin" and plantin" of plumeria )-hampa) 2O0@ to 1O0@
hei"hted plants with 1O0@ 9 1O0@ depth pit formation and soil
preparation workOs, )%i9in" or"anic manure and plantOs
protection insecticide). Ep to 4 month maintenance.
Eac= 342.22
12.13 Pro!idin" and plantin" of 7olden durenta multi branches plants
for showin" mass effect in 0O8@ 9 0O8@ distance with soil
preparation workOs, )%i9in" or"anic manure and plantOs
protection insecticide). Ep to 4 month maintenance.
Eac= 142.22
12.1, Pro!idin" and plantin" ma9ican carpet "rass in mount with soil
preparation )with or"anic manure and plants protection
insecticide) and escapin" works. Ep to 4 month maintenance.
Eac= ,,.22
12.1# 'u@a: a:d ot=er scul8tures
)a) 6 to : feet Eac= 3#222.22
) b) 2 to 6 feet Eac= 32222.22
12.1/ &e@e:t art *ural >or; SA@. 3#22.22
12.13 Pro!idin" and fi9in" of iron partition for separation from road
to inhabitance as per appro!ed desi"n includin" cuttin",
electric weldin", "rindin" welded surface with electric "rinder
to obtain smooth surface. %akin" of iron partition made b#
!ertical supported an"le 60 9 60 9 6mm, horiFontal support b#
flat 60 9 6mm )both side of iron partition), 18mm s4uare bars
!erticall# fi9ed ( as per appro!ed desi"n @/hala@ is made at
top of !ertical bars. 5hole iron partition area is finished b#
appl#in" primer coat of red o9ide Finc chromate primer (
includin" cost of all materials, T(P, transportation and labour
etc. complete.
-g. 12,.22
12.14 Pro!idin" and appl#in" of metallic enamel paint )-opper) two
or more coats at railin" and "rill fi9ed, prepared and applied as
per specifications ( instructions "i!en b# ;n"ineer>in>-har"e
includin" preparation of surface, all materials, T(P,
transportation and labour etc. complete.
SA@. 111.22
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 4<
Ite@ No. Descri8tio:s (:it Rate
12.1% Pro!idin" of steel work in built up section at road di!ider b#
manual/"as cuttin"/electrical cuttin" includin" dismemberin"
and stakin" as directed b# ;n"ineer>in>-har"e
R@. /22.22
12.22 Pro!idin" and la#in" <0 mm thick precast interlock concrete
blocks manufactured b# electro>h#draulicall# operated block
makin" machines of appropriate siFe )ma9imum 106
and shape o!er 10<mm of 1mm thick filled b# fine sand
includin" le!elin" tempin" and sweepin" etc. complete of
a!era"e compressi!e stren"th of 460k"/ for other colour
)e9cept "re# colour).
SA@. /%3.22
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 4B
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 60
SOR (Road Works), 1
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 61
121.3 !aBoratory eAui8@e:t
The followin" items of laborator# e4uipment shall be pro!ided in the field laborator#
121.3.1 Ge:eral
)i) O!en > ;lectricall# operated, thermoplastic all# controlled ran"e upto 200
sensiti!it# 1
- 1 0o.
)ii) Platform balance 100 k" capacit# 1 0o.
)iii) ;lectronic 20 k" capacit#>self indicatin" t#pe 1 0o.
)i!) ;lectronic /alance 6 k" capacit# accurac# 0.6 "m 2 0os.
)!) 5ater bath>electricall# operated and thermoplasticall# controlled with
adCustable shel!es, sensiti!it# 1
1 0o.
)!i) Thermometers A
%ercur#>in>"lass thermometer ran"e 0
to 260
%ercur#>in>steel thermometer with 10 cm
stem, ran"e upto 100
)!ii) Ierosene or "as sto!e or electric hot plate 1 0o.
)!iii) 7lassware, spatulas, wire "auFes, steel scales, measurin" tape, casseroles,
karahis, enameled tra#s of assorted siFes, pestle>mortar, porcelain, dishes,
"unn# ba"s, plastic ba"s, chemical, di""in" tools like picka9es, sho!els etc.
)i9) Set of *S sie!es with lid and panA
460 mm diameter
81 mm, 61 mm, 1:.6 mm, 28.6 mm, 11.2 mm, B.6 mm, 8.: mm and 4.:6 mm
1 set
200 mm diameterA
2.18 mm, 2.0 mm, 1.1< mm, 800 micron, 426 micron, 100 micron, 160
micron and :6 micron
2 sets
)9) 5ater testin" kit 1 set
)9i) 3irst aid bo9 1 set
121.3.2 For soils a:d aggregates
)i) &iffle /o9 1 0o.
)ii) $tterber" imits )li4uid and plastic limits) determination apparatus
1 set
)iii) -ompaction Test ;4uipment both 2.6 k" and 4.6 k" rammers )i"ht and
'ea!# compacti!e efforts) 1 set
)i!) dr# /ulk .ensit# Test apparatus )sand pourin" c#linder, tra#, can etc.)
complete 1 set
)!) Speed# %oisture %eter complete with chemicals 1 set
)!i) Post hole $u"er with e9tensions 1 set
)!ii) -ore cutter apparatus 10 cm dia, 10/16 cm hei"ht, complete with doll#,
rammer etc. 1 set
)!iii) $""re"ate *mpact +alue Test apparatus/os$n"eles $brasion Test apparatus
1 set
)i9) 3lakiness and ;lon"ation Test 7au"es 1 set
)9) Standard measures of 10, 16 and 1 litres capacit# alon" with standard
tampin" rod 1 set
)9i) -alifornia /earin" ratio test apparatus 1 set
)9ii) Enconfined compression test apparatus 1 set
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 62
121.3.3 For Bitu@e: a:d Bitu@i:ous @iFes
)i) Penetrometer with standard needles 1 set
)ii) &iffle bo9 > small siFe 1 0o.
)iii) -entrifu"e t#pe bitumen e9tractor, hand operated, complete with
petrol/commercial benFene
1 set
)i!) %arshall stabilit# test apparatus, complete with all accessories 1 set
)!) 3iled densit# bottle alon" with cuttin" tra#, chisel, hammer and standard
2 0os.
)!i) 1 m strai"ht ed"e 1 0o.
)!ii) -amber board 1 0o.
)!iii) core cuttin" machine with 10 cm dia diamond cuttin" ed"e 1 set
)i9) +acuum pump and 1 specific "ra!it# bottles 1 set
121.3., For ce@e:t a:d ce@e:t co:crete
)i) +icat apparatus for testin" settin" times 1 set
)ii) slump testin" apparatus 4 sets
)iii) -ompression and 3le9ual stren"th testin" machine of 200 tonne capacit#
with additional dial for fle9ural testin" 1 0o.
)i!) 0eedle +ibrator 2 0os.
)!) $ir %eter 1 0o.
)!i) +ibratin" hammer for !ibratin" dr# mi9 as for .r# ean -ement concrete
1 0o.
"B!E 122$/
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 61
"est "est @et=od ReAuire@e:ts
1. S os $n"eles $brasion !alue
S $""re"ate *mpact +alue
*S A 21<8
)Part>4) or *SA6840SS
40 per cent )%a9)
10 per cent )%a9)
2. -ombined 3lakiness and
;lon"ation *ndices )Total)
10 per cent )%a9)
L $""re"ate ma# satisf# re4uirements of either of the two test.
LL $""re"ates like brick metal, kankar, laterite etc. which "et softened in presences of water
shall be tested for *mpact !alue under wet conditions in accordance with *S A 6840.
LLL The re4uirement of flakiness inde9 and elon"ation inde9 shall be enforced onl# in the
case of crushed broken stone and crushed sla".
"aBle 322$1
De:sity ReAuire@e:ts o< E@Ba:;@e:t a:d SuB$Grade *aterials.
S.No. "y8e o< >or; *aFi@u@ laBoratory dry u:it >eig=t
>=e: tested as 8er ISE2322 0Part 41
;mbankments upto 1 meters hei"ht, not subCected
to e9tensi!e floodin".
;mbankments e9ceedin" 1 meters hei"ht or
embankments of an# hei"ht subCect to lon"
periods of inundation
Sub>"rade and earthen shoulders/!er"es/ backfill
0ot less than 16.2 k0/m
0ot less then 18.0 k0/m
0ot less then 1:.6 k0/m
Note E 1. This table is not applicable for lightweight fill materials, e.g. cinder, fly ash etc.
2. The ngineer may rela! these re"uirements at his discretion taking into account the
availability of materials for construction and other relevant factors.
3. The materials to be used in sub#grade should also satisfy design $%& at the ,dry unit weight
applicable as per Table 300#2.
"aBle 322$2
&o@8actio: ReAuire@e:ts <or E@Ba:;@e:t a:d SuB$grade.
S.No. "y8e o< >or; RelatiCe co@8actio: as 8erce:tage o<
*aF. laBoratory dry de:sity as 8er
ISE2322 0Part 41
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 64
Sub>"rade and earthen shoulders.
;9pansion cla#s.
)a) Sub>"rade and 600mm portion Cust
below the sub>"rade.
)b) &emainin" portion of embankment
0ot less than B:
0ot less then B6
0ot allowed
0ot less than B0
The contractor shall, at least ' working days before commencement of compaction, submit the following
to the ngineer for approval.
1. The values of ma!imum dry density and (ptimum )oisture $ontent obtained in accordance
with *+,2'20 ' or .ara /0, as the case may be, appropriate for each of the fill
materials he intends to use.
2. 1 graph of density plotted against moisture content from which each of the values in 2i3
above of ma!imum dry density and (ptimum )oisture $ontent were determined.
3. The dry density 4 moisture content 4 $%& relationship for light, intermediate and heavy
compactive efforts -5ight corresponding to *+,2'20 '0. 6eavy corresponding to
*+,2'20 /0 ad intermediate in between the two0 for each of the fill materials he intends
to use in the sub#grade.
"aBle 322$23
Gradi:g ReAuire@e:t <or Filter *aterial.
SieCe Desig:atio: Perce:tage 8assi:g By >eig=t
&lass I &lass II &lass III
61 mm > > 100
46 mm > > B:>100
28.6 mm > 100 >
22.4 mm > B6>100 6<>100
11.2 mm 100 4<>100 20>80
6.8 mm B2>100 2<>64 4>12
2.< mm <1>100 20>16 0>10
1.4 mm 6B>B8 > 0>6
:10 micron 16><0 8>1< >
166 micron 14>40 2>B >
1<0 micron 1>16 > >
B0 micron 0>6 0>4 0>1
"B!E 322$,
Sie!e SiFe Percent passin" b# wei"ht
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 66
T#pe $ T#pe /
81 mm > 100
1:.6 mm 100 <6>100
1B mm > 0>20
B.6 mm 46>100 0>6
1.16 mm 26><0 >
800 micron <>46 >
160 micron 0>10 >
:6 micron 0>6 >
"aBle ,22$1
Gradi:g <or closed$graded gra:ular suB$Base @aterials.
IS SieCe Desig:atio: Perce:tage By >eig=t 8assi:g t=e IS sieCe
Gradi:g I Gradi:g II Gradi:g III
:6 mm 100 > >
61 mm <0>100 100 >
28.60 mm 66>B0 :0>100 100
B.60 mm 16>86 60><0 86>B6
4.:6 mm 26>66 40>86 60><0
2.18 mm 20>40 10>60 40>86
0.426 mm 10>26 16>26 20>16
0.0:6 mm 1>10 1>10 1>10
&BR 5alue 0*i:i@u@1 32 2# 22
"aBle ,22$2
Gradi:g <or coarse$graded gra:ular suB$Base @aterials.
IS SieCe Desig:atio: Perce:tage By >eig=t 8assi:g t=e IS sieCe
Gradi:g I Gradi:g II Gradi:g II
:6 mm 100 > >
61 mm > 100 >
28.60 mm 66>:6 60><0 100
B.60 mm > > >
4.:6 mm 10>10 16>16 26>46
2.18 mm > > >
0.426 mm > > >
0.0:6 mm T10 T10 T10
&BR 5alue 0*i:i@u@1 32 2# 22
NoteE The materials passing 725 micron -0.725 mm0 sieve for all the three grading when tested
according to *+,2'20 50 shall have li"uid limit ad plasticity inde! not more than 258 and
98 respectivel
"aBle ,22$3
Gradi:g reAuire@e:t o< &oarse ggregate.
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 68
IS SieCe Desig:atio: SiGe Ra:ge IS SieCe Desig:atio: Perce:t By >eig=t 8assi:g
1. B0 mm to 46 mm 126 mm 100
B0 mm B0>100
81 mm 26>80
46 mm 0>16
22.4 mm 0>6
2. 81 mm to 46 mm B0 mm 100
81 mm B0>100
61 mm 26>:6
46 mm 0>16
22.4 mm 0>6
1. 61 mm to 22.4 mm 81 mm 100
61 mm B6>100
46 mm 86>B0
22.4 mm 0>10
11.2 mm 0>6
Note E The compacted thickness for a layer with :rading * shall be 100 mm while for layer with other :rading
i.e. ** ; **, it shall be '5 mm.
"aBle ,22$4
Gradi:g <or Scree:i:gs.
IS SieCe Desig:atio: SiGe Ra:ge IS SieCe Desig:atio: Perce:t By >eig=t 8assi:g
$. 11.2 mm 11.2 mm 100
11.2 mm B6>100
6.8 mm 16>16
1<0 micron 0>10
/. 11.2 mm 11.2 mm 100
6.8 mm B0>100
1<0 micron 16>16
"aBle ,22$%
88roFi@ate Kua:tities o< &oarse ggregate a:d Scree:i:g ReAuired <or 12273# @@ co@8acted t=ic;:ess o<
Water Bou:d *acada@ 0WB*1 suB$Base7Base course <or 12 @
&lassi<icatio: SiGe ra:ge &o@8acted
Sto:e Scree:i:gs &rus=aBle ty8e suc= as
*ooru@ or GraCel
6 siGe
For WB*
Base course
0!oose Kty.1
6 siGe
7radin">* B0mm to
100 mm 1.21 to
1.41 m
T#pe $ 11.2
0.2: to 0.10
0ot uniform 0.10 to
0.12 m
7radin">** 81mm to
46 mm
:6mm 0.B1 to
1.0: m
T#pe $ 11.2
0.12 to 0.16
0ot uniform 0.22 to
0.24 m
7radin">** 81mm to
46 mm
:6mm 0.B1 to
1.0: m
T#pe / 11.2
0.20 to 0.22
0ot uniform 0.22 to
0.24 m
7radin">*** 61mm to
22.4 mm
:6mm 0.B1 to
1.0: m
T#pe / 11.2
0.1< to 0.21
0ot uniform 0.22 to
0.24 m
"aBle ,22$12
P=ysical reAuire@e:ts o< coarse aggregate >et @iF @acada@ <or suB$Base7Base course.
S.0o. Test Test %ethod &e4uirements
1. Sos $n"les $brasion +alue *S A 21<8 )Part 4) 40 percent )%a9.)
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 6:
S$""re"ate *mpact +alue *S A 21<8 )Part 4) or
*S 6840
10 percent )%a9.)
2. -ombined 3lakiness and ;lon"ation
*ndices )Total)
*S A 21<8 )Part 1) 10 percent )%a9.)SS
S 1ggregate may satisfy re"uirements of either of the two tests.
SS To determine this combined proportion, the flaky stone from a representative sample should first be
separated out. <lakiness inde! is weight of flaky stone metal divided by weight of stone sample.
(nly the elongated particles be separated out from the remaining -non#flaky0 stone metal.
longation inde! is weight of elongated particles divided by total non#flaky particles. The value of
flakiness inde! and elongation inde! so found are added up.
"aBle ,22$11
Gradi:g ReAuire@e:ts o< ggregate <or Wet *iF *acada@
*S Sie!e
Percent b# wei"ht
Passin" the *S Sie!e
61.00 mm 100
46.00 mm B6>100
28.60 mm >
22.40 mm 80><0
11.20 mm 40>80
4.:6 mm 26>40
2.18 mm 16>10
800 micron <>22
:6 micron 0><
"B!E #22$1
"y8e o< sur<ace -i:e@atic 5iscosity
o< Pri@er at t=e /2M&
Kua:tity o< !iAuid
Bitu@i:ous *aterial
8er 12 SA.@.
ow prosit# 10>80 8 to B
%idium porosit# :0>140 B to 12
'i"h porosit# 260>600 12 to 16
"B!E #22$3
BI"(*INO(S *&D*
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 6<
Pro8erty "est S8eci<icatio:
-leanliness 7rain siFe anal#sis
%a9 6 D passin" 0.0:6 mm sie!e
Particle Shape 3lakiness and ;lon"ation *nde9
%a9 10 D
Stren"thS os $n"eles $brasion +alue

$""re"ate *mpact +alue
%a9 40 D
%a9 10 D
.urabilit# SoundnessA
Sodium Sulphate
%a"nesium Sulphate
%a9 12 D
%a9 1< D
5ater $bsorption 5ater absorption
%a9 2 D
Strippin" -oatin" and Strippin" of /itumen
$""re"ate %i9tures
%inimum retained coatin"
B6 D
5ater Sensiti!it#
&etained tensile Stren"th %in <0 D
NotesE 1. *SA 21<8 Part 1 4. *SA 21<8 Part 6
2. *SA 21<8 Part 1 6. *SA 21<8 Part 1
)The elon"ation test to be done onl# on non>flak# a""re"ate in the sample)
1. *SA 21<8 Part 4S 8. *SA 8241
:. The water sensiti!it# test is onl# to be carried out if the minimum retained
in the strippin" test is less than B6D
S $""re"ate ma# satisf# re4uirements of either of these two tests.
Table 500-4
Composition of Bituminous Macadam
*iF desig:atio: :o@i:al
ggregate siGe layer
"=ic;:ess IS SieCe 0@@1
42$122 @@
#2$3# @@
&u@ulatiCe D By Weig=t o< .total aggregate 8assi:g
46 100 >
1:.6 B0>100 >
28.6 :6>100 100
1B > B0>100
11.2 16>81 68><<
4.:6 11>22 18>18
2.18 4>1B 4>1B
0.1 2>10 2>10
0.0:6 0>< 0><
/itumen content D b# wei"ht
Of total mi9ture
1.1 N 1.4 1.1 N 1.6
/itumen 7rade 16 N B0 16 > B0
NoteE 1. 1ppropriate bitumen contents for conditions in cooler areas of *ndia may be upto 0.58 higher
sub=ect to the approval of the ngineer.
Table 500-5
Manufacturin and !ollin Temperatures.
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 6B
16 180>1:0 180>1:6 1:0 %a9imum 100 %inimum 110 %inimum
86 160>186 160>1:0 186 %a9imum B0 %inimum 126 %inimum
B0 140>180 140>186 166 %a9imum <0 %inimum 116 %inimum
Table 500-"
Composition of #enetration Macadam
IS SieCe
Desig:atio: 0@@1
&u@ulatiCe 8erce:t By >eig=t o< total aggregate 8assi:g
For #2@@ co@8acted t=ic;:ess For 3#@@ co@8acted t=ic;:ess
-ey ggregate &oarse
-ey ggregate
81 > > 100 >
46 100 > 6< N <2 >
28.6 1: >:2 > > 100
22.4 > 100 6 N 2: 60 > :6
11.2 2 N 20 60 N :6 > >
11.2 > > > 6 N 26
6.8 > 6 >26 > >
2.< 0 N 6 0 N 6 0 N 6 0 N 6
$ppro9. oose
$""re"ate Uuantities
0.08 0.016 0.0B 0.01<
/inder 4uantit#
)penetration "rade)
6 8.<
NoteE 1. *f cutback bitumen is used, ad=ust binder "uantity such that the residual bitumen is e"ual to the
values in this table.
Table 500-$
%radin re&uirements for coarse ' (e) areates for built-up spra) rout.
IS SieCe Desig:atio: &u@ulatiCe 8erce:t By >eig=t o< total aggregate 8assi:g
&oarse ggregate -ey ggregate
61.0 mm 100 >
28.6 mm 40>:6 >
22.4 mm > 100
11.2 mm 0>20 40>:6
6.8 mm > 0>20
2.< mm 0>6 0>6

Table 500-*
%radin re&uirements for mineral filler.
IS SieCe &u@ulatiCe 8erce:t 8assi:g By >eig=t o< total
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 80
0.8 100
0.1 B6>100
0.0:6 <6>100
Table 500-+0
Composition of Dense %raded Bituminous Macadam #a,ement -a)ers.
Gradi:g 1 2
No@i:al ggregate siGe ,2 @@ 2# @@
!ayer "=ic;:ess 42$122 @@ #2$3# @@
IS SieCe1 0@@1 &u@ulatiCe D By >eig=t o< total aggregate 8assi:g
46 100 >
1:.6 B6>100 100
28.6 81>B1 B0>100
1B > :1>B6
11.2 66>:6 68><0
B.6 > >
4.:6 1<>64 1<>64
2.18 2<>42 2<>42
1.1< > >
0.8 > >
0.1 :>21 :>21
0.16 > >
0.0:6 2>< 2><
/itumen content D b# mass
Of total mi9
%in 4.0 %in 4.6
/itumen "rade )pen.) 86 or B0 86 or B0
NoteE1. The combined aggregate grading shall not vary from the low limit on one sieve to the
high limit on the ad=acent sieve.
2. >etermined by the )arshall method.
Table 500-++
!e&uirements Dense %raded Bituminous Macadam Mi..
%inimum stabilit# k0 at 80
- B.0
%inimum flow )mm) 2
%a9imum flow )mm) 4
-ompaction le!el )0umber of blows) :6 blows on each of the two faces of he specimen
Percent air !oids 1>8
Percent !oids in mineral a""re"ate )+%$) See Table 600>12 below
Percent !oids filled with bitumen )+3/) 86>:6
Table 500-+/
Minimum percent 0oids in Mineral Areate 10MA2.
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 81
No@i:al *aFi@u@
Particle siGe
*i:i@u@ 5*. 8erce:t related to Desig: ir 5oids. Perc<e:t
3.2 ,.2 #.2
B.6 14.0 1.60 18.0
12.6 11.0 14.0 16.0
1B.0 12.0 11.0 14.0
26.0 11.0 12.0 11.0
1:.6 10.0 11.0 12.0
NoteE1. The nominal ma!imum particle si?e is one si?e larger than the first sieve to retain more than 10
2. *nterpolate minimum voids in the mineral aggregate -@)10 for design air voids values between
those listed.
Table 500-+3
#ermissible ,ariations from t4e 5ob Mi. 6ormula.
Descri8tio: Per@issiBle 5ariatio:
Base7Bi:der course Weari:g &ourse
$""re"ate passin" 1Bmm sie!e or lar"er V <D V :D
$""re"ate passin" 11.2mm, B.6 mm V :D V 8D
$""re"ate passin" 4.:6 mm V 8D V 6D
$""re"ate passin" 2.18mm, 1.1<mm, 0.8mm V 6D V 4D
$""re"ate passin" 0.1mm, 0.16 mm V 4D V 1D
$""re"ate passin" 0.0:6 mm V 2D V 1.6D
/inder content V 0.1D V 0.1D
%i9in" temperature V 10
- V 10
Table 500-+5
Composition of 7emi-Dense Bituminous Concrete #a,ement -a)ers.
Gradi:g 1 2
No@i:al ggregate siGe 13 @@ 12 @@
!ayer "=ic;:ess 3#$ ,2 @@ 2#$32 @@
IS SieCe
0@@1 &u@ulatiCe D By >eig=t o< total aggregate 8assi:g
46 > >
1:.6 > >
28.6 > >
1B 100 >
11.2 B0>100 100
B.6 :0>B0 B0>100
4.:6 16>61 16>61
2.18 24>1B 24>1B
1.1< 16>10 16>10
0.8 > >
0.1 B>1B B>1B
0.16 > >
0.0:6 1>< 1><
/itumen content D b# mass
Of total mi9
%in 4.6 %in 6.00
/itumen "rade )pen.) 86 86
NoteE 1.The combined aggregate grading shall not vary from the low limit on one sieve to the high limit on the
ad=acent sieve.
2. >etermined by the )arshall method.
Table 500-+"
!e&uirements for 7emi-Dense Bituminous #a,ement -a)ers.
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 82
%inimum stabilit# k0 at 80
- <.2
%inimum flow )mm) 2
%a9imum flow )mm) 4
-ompaction le!el )0umber of blows) :6 blows on each of the two faces of the specimen
Percent air !oids 1>6
Percent !oids in mineral a""re"ate )+%$) See Table 600>12
Percent !oids filled with bitumen )+3/) 86>:<
Table 500-+8
Composition of Bituminous Concrete #a,ement -a)ers.
Gradi:g 1 2
No@i:al ggregate siGe 1% @@ 13 @@
!ayer "=ic;:ess #2$/# @@ 32$,# @@
IS SieCe
0@@1 &u@ulatiCe D By >eig=t o< total aggregate 8assi:g
46 > >
1:.6 > >
28.6 100 >
1B :B>100 100
11.2 6B>:B :B>100
B.6 62>:2 :0><<
4.:6 16>66 61>:1
2.18 2<>44 42>6<
1.1< 20>14 14>4<
0.8 16>2: 28>1<
0.1 10>20 1<>2<
0.16 6>11 12>20
0.0:6 2>< 4>10
/itumen content D b# mass
Of total mi9
6.0 N 8.0 6.0 N :.0
/itumen "rade )pen.) 86 86
NoteE1. The combined aggregate grading shall not vary from the low limit on one sieve to the
high limit on the ad=acent sieve.
2. >etermined by the )arshall method.
Table 500-+*
!e&uirements for Bituminous #a,ement -a)ers.
%inimum stabilit# k0 at 80
- B.0
%inimum flow )mm) 2
%a9imum flow )mm) 4
-ompaction le!el )0umber of blows) :6 blows on each of the two faces of the specimen
Percent air !oids 1>8
Percent !oids in mineral a""re"ate )+%$) See Table 600>12
Percent !oids filled with bitumen )+3/) 86>:6
oss of stabilit# on immersion in water at 80
)$ST% . 10:6)
%in. :6 percent retained stren"th
Table 500-/0
Nominal !ates of spread for Binder and C4ippins.
No@i:al &=i88i:g SiGe @@ Bi:der 0Pe:etratio: grade &=i8s
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 81
Bitu@e:1 0;g7@
1 &u@7@
1B 1.2 0.016
11 1.0 0.010
10 0.B 0.00<
8 0.:6 0.004
Note E
1. These rates of spread are for pricing purpose 4 see clause 510.23 and clause 510./
2. <or emulsion, these rates of spread are for the residual bitumen and appropriate
ad=ustment must be made to determine the total "uantity.
3. &efer to )anual for $onstruction and +upervision of %ituminous Aorks for the
procedure of determining the rates of spread of binder and chips.
Table 500-/+
%radin re&uirements for C4ips for 7urface Dressin.
IS SieCe
&u@ulatiCe 8erce:t By >eig=t o< total aggregate 8assi:g <or t=e <ollo>i:g
:o@i:al siGes 0@@1
1% 13 12 /
28.6 100 > > >
1B.0 <6>100 100 > >
11.2 0>40 <6>100 100 >
B.6 0>: 0>40 <6>100 100
8.1 > 0>: 0>16 <6>100
4.:6 > > 0>10 >
1.16 > > > 0>16
2.18 0>2 0>2 0>2 0>10
0.80 > > > 0>2
0.0:6 0>1.6 0>1.6 0>1.6 0>1.6
%inimum 86D
/# wei"ht of
Passin" 1B mm
retained 11.2mm
Passin" 11.2mm
retained B.6mm
Passin" B.6mm
retained 8.1mm
Passin" 8.1mm
retained 1.16mm
Table 500-//
7pra)in Temperatures for Binders.
Bi:der grades W=irli:g s8ray ?ets Slot ?ets
& *aF
& *i:.
& *aF
400/600 180 1:0 140 160
2<0/120 186 1:6 160 180
1<0/200 1:0 1B0 166 186
<0/100 1<0 200 186 1:6
Table 500-/3
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 84
9uantities of materials !e&uired for +0 7&m. of !oad surface for /0mm T4ic( open raded premi.
surfacin usin penetration bitumen or cutbac(.
0ominal Stone siFe 11.2mm )passin" 22.4mm sie!e and
retained on 11.2mm sie!e)
0ominal Stone siFe 11.2mm )passin" 11.2mm sie!e and
retained on 6.8mm sie!e)
"otal 2.23 @
)4uantities in terms of Strai"ht run bitumen)
3or 0.1<m
of 11.2mm nominal siFe stone at 62 k"
bitumen per m
3or 0.0B m
of 11.2mm nominal siFe stone at 68 k"
bitumen per m
"otal 1,./ ;g.
Table 500-/4
9uantities of areate for +0m
Pre@iF &ar8et
)a) -oarse a""re"ate nominal 11.2mm siFe, passin" *S
22.4mm sie!e and retained on *S 11.2mm sie!e.
)b) -oarse a""re"ate nominal 11.2mm siFe )passin" *S
11.2mm sie!e and retained on *S 6.8mm sie!e)
For Seal &oat E
&efer to -lause 611
0.1< m
0.0B m
Table 500-/5
9uantities of emulsion Binder.
For Pre@iF &ar8et
For Seal &oat E
)a) for li4uid seal coat
)b) for premi9 seal coat
For 12@
20 to 21 k"
12 to 14 k"
10 to 12 k"
Table 500-/"
Areate %radation
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 86
IS SieCe Desig:atio: 0@@1 &u@ulatiCe 8erce:t By >eig=t o< total aggregate 8assi:g
"y8e "y8e B
11.2 mm > 100
11.2 mm 100 <<>100
6.8 mm 62><< 11>62
2.< mm 14>1< 6>26
0.0B0 mm 0>6 0>6
Table 500-/$
7i:e re&uirements for Coarse 7tone Areates.
S.No. No@i:al siGe o< aggregate Desig:atio: o< sieCe t=roug=
>=ic= t=e aggregates s=all
>=olly 8ass
Desig:atio: o< sieCe o: >=ic=
t=e aggregates s=all Be >=olly
)i) :6 mm 108 mm 81 mm
)ii) 81 mm B0 mm 61 mm
)iii) 46 mm 61 mm 28.6 mm
)i!) 28.6 mm 46 mm 22.4 mm
)!) 22.4 mm 28.6 mm 11.2 mm
)!i) 11.2 mm 22.4 mm 11.2 mm
)!ii) 11.2 mm 11.2 mm 8.: mm
)!iii) 8.: mm 11.2 mm 2.< mm
Table 500-/8
#ercentae !eduction in 0olume of Areates.
S.No. Sta:dard siGe o< aggregates Perce:tage reductio: i: Colu@e
co@8uted By stac; @easure@e:ts to
arriCe at t=e Colu@e to Be 8aid <or
1. :6 mm and 81 mm 12.6
2. 46 mm and 28.6 mm 10.0
1. 22.4 mm, 11.2 mm, 11.2 mm and 8.: mm 6.0
4. 3ine a""re"ate 6.0
Table 500-/*
!e&uirements for #4)sical #roperties of Binder.
Pro8erty "est @et=od ReAuire@e:t
Penetration at 26
- *S 1201 16 V 6S
Softenin" point,
- *S 1206 86 V 10
oss on heatin" for 6h at 181
-, D of mass %a9. *S 1212 2.0
Solubilit# in trichloroeth#lene, D b# mass %in. *S 1218 B6
$sh )mineral matter), D b# mass %a9 *S 121: 1.0
L *n cold climatic regions -temperature B 10
$0, a softer penetration grade of 30C70 may be used.
Table 500-30
%rade and T4ic(ness of Mastic Asp4alt pa,in and %radin of Coarse Areate.
88licatio: "=ic;:ess
Ra:ge 0@@1
No@i:al siGe o< coarse
aggregate 0@@1
&oarse aggregate
co:te:t. D By @ass o<
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 88
total @iF
&oads and carria"ewa#s 26>60 11 40 V 10
'ea!il# stressed areas i.e.
Cunctions and toll plaFas
40>60 11 46 V 10
0ominal siFe of coarse a""re"ate 11 mm
*S Sie!e )mm) -umulati!e D passin" b# wei"ht
1B 100
11.2 <<>B8
2.18 0>6
Table 500-3+
%radin of 6ine Areates 1;nclusi,e of 6iller2
S.No. IS SieCe Perce:tage By >eig=t o<
1. Passin" 2.18 mm but retained on 0.80 mm 0>26
2. Passin" 0.800 mm but retained on 0.212 mm 10>10
1. Passin" 0.212 mm but retained on 0.0:6 mm 10>10
4. Passin" 0.0:6 mm 10>16
Table 500-3/
Composition of Mastic Asp4alt Bloc(s <it4out Coarse Areates.
S.No. IS SieCe Perce:tage By >eig=t o< aggregate
%inimum %a9imum
1. Passin" 2.18 mm but retained on 0.80 mm 0 22
2. Passin" 0.800 mm but retained on 0.212 mm 4 10
1. Passin" 0.212 mm but retained on 0.0:6 mm < 1<
4. Passin" 0.0:6 mm 26 46
6. /itumen content 14 1:
Table 500-33
Areate %radin= Binder Content and Appro.imate Co,erae !ate.
SieCe SiGe 0@@1 Perce:tage By @ass 8assi:g <i:is=ed t=ic;:ess o< seali:g
# @@ 3 @@ 1.# @@
B.6 100 > >
4.:6 B0>100 100 >
1.16 > <0>100 100
2.18 86>B0 :6>100 B6>100
1.1< 46>:0 66>B0 :0>B6
0.800 10>60 16>:0 66>:6
0.100 1<>10 20>46 10>60
0.160 10>21 10>26 10>10
0.0:6 6>16 6>16 6>16
Uuantit# of residual
/inder, percenta"e b#
mass of a""re"ate
:.6>11.6 10>18 12>20
-o!era"e rate)k"/m
<>16 4>8 2>4
Table 500-34
Minimum !eco,ered Binder #enetration of !ec)cled mi.ture..
S8eci<ied Grade o< Bi:der 0Pe:etratio:1 *i:i@u@ RecoCered Pe:etratio: Calue o< Bi:der
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 8:
a<ter @iFi:g
Table 500-4/
!e&uirements for 7and Asp4alt Base Coarse.
Para@eter ReAuire@e:t
%inimum stabilit# )k0 at 80
-) 2.0
%inimum flow )mm) 2
-ompaction le!el )0umber of blows) 2 9 :6
Percent air !oids 1 N 6
Percent !oids in mineral a""re"ate )+%$) J 18
Percent !oids filled with bitumen )+3/) 86>:6
Table 500-44
!e&uirements of pol)mer modified binders 1Elastomeric T4ermoplastics and !ubber -ate.2.
Desig:atio: Grade a:d ReAuire@e:t *et=od o< "est
P*B 122 P*B 32 P*B ,2
Penetration at 26
-, 0.1mm, 100". 6 sec.
Penetration at 4
-, 0.1mm, 200", 80 sec.
Softenin" Point, )&(/),
-, %inimum
3raass /reakin" Point,
-, %a9imumS
.uctilit# at 2:
-, cm, %inimum
3lash Point, -O-,
-, %inimum
;lastic &eco!er# of 'alf thread in
.uctilometer at 16
-, D, %inimum
Separation, .ifference in Softenin" Point,
-, %a9imum
+iscosit# at 160
-, Poise
B0 to 160
60 to <B
10 to 4B
*SA 1201>1B:<
*SA 1206>1B:<
*SA 1206>1B:<
*SA B1<1>1B:<
*SA 120<>1B:<
*SA 120B>1B:<
*SA 1208>1B:<
Test on Thin film (ven Test &esidue, T<(T -*+,D3/2#1D'D0
Desig:atio: Grade a:d ReAuire@e:t *et=od o< "est
P*B 122 P*B 32 P*B ,2
Penetration at 4
-, 0.1mm, 200", 80 sec.
oss in 5ei"ht, D, %a9imum
*ncrease in Softenin" Point,
-, %a9imum
&eduction in Penetration at 26
-, D,
;lastic &eco!er# of 'alf Thread in
.uctilometer at 16
-, D, %inimum
*SA 1201>1B:<
*SA B1<2>1B:B
*SA 1206>1B:<
*SA 1201>1B:<
S &elevant to snow bound cold climate areas.
SS Eatural &ubber )odified %itumen
Table 500-45
!e&uirements of pol)mer modified binders 1#lastomeric T4ermoplastics2.
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 8<
Desig:atio: Grade a:d ReAuire@e:t *et=od o< "est
P*B 122 P*B 32 P*B ,2
Penetration at 26
-, 0.1mm, 100". 6 sec.
Penetration at 4
-, 0.1mm, 200", 80 sec.
Softenin" Point, )&(/),
-, %inimum
3raass /reakin" Point,
-, %a9imumS
.uctilit# at 2:
-, cm, %inimum
3lash Point, -O-,
-, %inimum
;lastic &eco!er# of 'alf thread in
.uctilometer at 16
-, D, %inimum
Separation, .ifference in Softenin" Point,
-, %a9imum
+iscosit# at 160
-, Poise
B0 to 160
60 to <B
10 to 4B
*SA 1201>1B:<
*SA 1206>1B:<
*SA 1206>1B:<
*SA B1<1>1B:<
*SA 120<>1B:<
*SA 120B>1B:<
*SA 1208>1B:<
Test on Thin film (ven Test &esidue, T<(T -*+,D3/2#1D'D0
Desig:atio: Grade a:d ReAuire@e:t *et=od o< "est
P*B 122 P*B 32 P*B ,2
Penetration at 4
-, 0.1mm, 200", 80 sec.
oss in 5ei"ht, D, %a9imum
*ncrease in Softenin" Point,
-, %a9imum
&eduction in Penetration at 26
-, D,
;lastic &eco!er# of 'alf Thread in
.uctilometer at 16
-, D, %inimum
*SA 1201>1B:<
*SA B1<2>1B:B
*SA 1206>1B:<
*SA 1201>1B:<
S &elevant to snow bound cold climate areas.
Table 500-4"
!e&uirements of pol)mer modified binders 1Treated <it4 Modified Crumb !ubber2.
Desig:atio: Grade a:d ReAuire@e:t *et=od o< "est
&R*B /2 &R*B ## &R*B #2
Penetration at 26
-, 0.1mm, 100". 6 sec.
Softenin" Point, )&(/),
-, %inimum
;lastic &eco!er# of 'alf thread in
.uctilometer at 16
-, D, %inimum
*SA 1201>1B:<
*SA 1206>1B:<
Test on Thin 3ilm O!en Test &esidue )*SA B1<2>1B:B)
&eduction in Penetration at 26
-, D,
*ncrease in Softenin" Point, )&(/)
;lastic &eco!er# of &esidue 'alf Thread
in .uctilometer at 16
-, D, %inimum
$&)% # $rumb &ubber )odified %itumen
Table *00-+
Tolerances in 7urface -e,els.
1. Sub>7rade M 20mm
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 8B
> 26mm
2. Sub>base M 10mm
a) 3le9ible pa!ement
b) -oncrete Pa!ement
).r# lean concrete or rolled concrete)
> 20mm
M 8mm
> 10mm
1. /ase -ourse for fle9ible pa!ement.
a) /ituminous -ourse
b) Other than bituminous
i) %achine laid
ii) %anuall# laid.
M 8mm
> 8mm
M 10mm
> 10mm
M 16mm
> 16mm
4. 5earin" course fle9ible pa!ement.
i) %achine laid
ii) %anuall# laid.
M 8mm
> 8mm
M 10mm
> 10mm
6. -ement -oncrete pa!ement M 6mm
> 8mmS
S This may not e!ceed 4 /mm at 0#30 cm from the edges.
Table *00-/
Ma.imum #ermitted number of 7urface ;rreularities.
Sur<ace o< carriage>ays a:d 8aCed
Sur<ace o< layBys. serCice areas a:d all
Bitu@i:ous Base course
Irregularity ,@@ 3 @@ , @@ 3@@
en"th )m) 100 :6 100 :6 100 :6 100 :6
20 B 2 1 40 1< 4 2
&oad of
40 1< 4 2 80 2: 8 1
S $ategory of each section of road as described in the contract.
The ma9imum allowable difference between the road surface and underside of a 1m strai"ht ed"e
when placed parallel with, or at ri"ht an"les to the center line of the road at points decided b# the
;n"ineer shall be A
)i) 3or Pa!ement surface )bituminous and cement concrete) 1mm
)ii) 3or /ituminous base courses. 8mm
)iii) 3or 7ranular sub>base/base courses. <mm
)i!) 3or Sub>base under concrete pa!ements 10mm
Table *00-3
Control tests and t4eir Minimum 6re&uenc) for 7ub-Bases and Bases 1E.cludin bitumen Bound
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page :0
"y8e o<
"est FreAue:cy 0*i:.1
Stablised Soil Sub>
5ater /ound
5et %i9
)i) 7radation
)ii) $tterber" imits
)iii) %oisture content prior to
)i!) .ensit# of compacted la#er
)!) .eleterious constituents
)!i) -/&
)i) Uualit# of ime/-ement
)ii) ime/-ement -ontent
)iii) .e"ree of pul!eriFation
)i!) -/& or unconfined
compressi!e stren"th test on a
set of three specimens.
)!) %oisture content prior to
)!i) .ensit# of compacted la#er
)!ii) .eleterious constituents
)i) $""re"ate impact !alue
)ii) 7radin"
)iii) 3lakiness inde9 and
;lon"ation inde9.
)i!) $tterber" limits of bindin"
)!) $tterber" limits of portion of
a""re"ate passin" 426 micron
)i) $""re"ate impact !alue
)ii) 7radin"
)iii) 3lakiness inde9 and ;lon"ation
)i!) $tterber" limits of portion of
a""re"ate passin" 426 micron
)!) .ensit# of compacted la#er
One test per 200 m
One test per 200 m
One test per 260 m
One test per 600 m
$s re4uired
$s re4uired
One test for each consi"nment
subCect to a minimum of one test
per 6 tonnes.
&e"ularl# throu"h procedural
Periodicall# as considered
$s re4uired
One test per 260 m
One test per 600 m
$s re4uired
One test Per 200 m
of a""re"ate
One test per 100 m
One test per 200 m
of a""re"ate
One test per 26m
of bindin"
One test per 100 m
of a""re"ate
One test per 200 m
of a""re"ate
One test per 100 m
of a""re"ate
One test per 200 m
of a""re"ate
One test per 100 m
of a""re"ate
One test per 600 m
Table *00-4
Control tests for Bituminous >or(s= and t4eir Minimum 6re&uenc)
S. "y8e o< "est FreAue:cy 0*i:.1
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page :1
No. &o:structio:
Primer -oat/ Tack
-oat/3or spra#
Seal coat/ surface
)i) Uualit# of binder
)ii) /inder temperature for
)iii) &ate of spread of binder
)i) Uualit# of binder
)ii) $""re"ate *mpact !alue/ os
$n"les $brasion +alue
)iii) 3lakiness *nde9 or ;lon"ation
)i!) Strippin" !alue of a""re"ates
)*mmersion Tra# Test)
)!) 5ater absorption of a""re"ate
)!i) 5ater sensiti!it# of mi9
)!ii) 7radin" of a""re"ates
)!iii) Soundness )%a"nesium and
Sodium Sulphate)
)i9) Polished stone !alue
)9) Temperature of binder at
)9i) &ate of spread of materials
0o. of samples per lot to be and
tests as per *SA:1, *SA21: and
*SA<<<: as applicable
$t re"ular close inter!als
One test per 600m
and not less
than two test per da#.
Same as mentioned under Serial
One test per 60 m
of a""re"ate
*nitiall# one set of 1
representati!e specimens for
each source of suppl#. Sub>
se4uentl# when warranted b#
chan"es in the 4ualit# of
*nitiall# one set of 1
representati!e specimens for
each source of suppl#. Sub>
se4uentl# when warranted b#
chan"es in the 4ualit# of
a""re"ates. )if re4uired)
One test per 26m
of a""re"ate.
*nitiall#, one determination b#
each method for each source of
suppl#, then as warranted b#
chan"e in the 4ualit# of the
$s re4uired
$t re"ular close inter!als.
One test per 600 m
of work, and,
not less than two tests per da#.
Table *00-4
&o:trol tests <or Bitu@i:ous Wor;s. a:d t=eir *i:i@u@ FreAue:cy.
"y8e o<
"est FreAue:cy 0*i:.1
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page :2
Premi9 Surfacin"/
Premi9 Surfacin"
)9ii) Percenta"e of fractured faces
)i) Uualit# of binder
)ii) $""re"ate *mpact +alue/ os
$n"eles $brasion +alue
)iii) 3lakiness *nde9 and ;lon"ation
)i!) Strippin" +alue
)!) 5ater absorption of a""re"ates
)!i) 5ater sensiti!it# of mi9
)!ii) 7radin" of a""re"ates
)!iii) Soundness )%a"nesium and
Sodium Sulphate)
)i9) Polished stone !alue
)9) Temperature of binder at
)9i) /inder content
)9ii) &ate of spread of mi9ed material
)9iii) Percenta"e of fractured faces
)i) Uualit# of binder
)ii) $""re"ate *mpact +alue/ os
$n"eles $brasion +alue
)iii) 3lakiness *nde9 and ;lon"ation
)i!) Strippin" +alue
)!) 5ater sensiti!it# of mi9
)!i) 7radin" of a""re"ates
)!ii) 5ater absorption of a""re"ates
5hen "ra!el is used, one test per
of a""re"ate.
Same as mentioned under Serial
Same as mentioned under Serial
Same as mentioned under Serial
Same as mentioned under Serial
Same as mentioned under Serial
Same as mentioned under Serial
Same as mentioned under Serial
$s re4uired
$t re"ular close inter!als
One test per 600m
and not less
than two tests per da#.
&e"ular control throu"h checks
of la#er thickness
Same as mentioned under Serial
Same as mentioned under Serial
Same as mentioned under Serial
Same as mentioned under Serial
Same as mentioned under Serial
Two tests per da# per plant both
on the indi!idual constituents and
mi9ed a""re"ates from the dr#er
Same as mentioned under Serial
Table *00-4
Control tests for Bituminous >or(s= and t4eir Minimum 6re&uenc).
"y8e o<
"est FreAue:cy 0*i:.1
)!iii) Soundness )%a"nesium and Same as mentioned under Serial
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page :1
.ense /ituminous
%acadam/ Semi
.ense /ituminous
Sodium Sulphate)
)i9) Percenta"e of fractured faces
)9) /inder content and a""re"ate
)9i) -ontrol of temperature of binder
and a""re"ate for mi9in" and of
the mi9 at the time of la#in" and
)9ii) &ate of spread of mi9ed material
)9iii) .ensit# of compacted la#er
)i) Uualit# of binder
)ii) $""re"ate *mpact +alue/ os
$n"eles $brasion +alue
)iii) 3lakiness *nde9 and ;lon"ation
)i!) Strippin" +alue
)!) 5ater absorption of a""re"ates
)!i) 5ater sensiti!it# of mi9
)!ii) $""re"ate "radin"
)!iii) Soundness )%a"nesium and
Sodium Sulphate)
)i9) Percenta"e of fractured faces
)9) Temperature of binder at
)9i) &ate of spread of mi9ed material
)i) Uualit# of binder
)ii) $""re"ate *mpact +alue/ os
$n"eles $brasion +alue
)iii) 3lakiness *nde9 and ;lon"ation
)i!) Strippin" +alue
Same as mentioned under Serial
Periodic, subCect to minimum of
two tests per da# per plant.
$t re"ular close inter!als.
&e"ular control throu"h checks
of la#er thickness.
One test per 260m
of area.
Same as mentioned under Serial
One test per 200 m
of a""re"ate
Same as mentioned under Serial
Same as Serial 0o.2
Same as Serial 0o.2
One test per 100 m
of a""re"ate
Same as mentioned under Serial
Same as mentioned under Serial
$t re"ular close inter!als
Same as mentioned under Serial
Same as mentioned under Serial
Same as mentioned under Serial
Same as mentioned under Serial
Table *00-4
Control tests for Bituminous >or(s= and t4eir Minimum 6re&uenc).
"y8e o<
"est FreAue:cy 0*i:.1
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page :4
:. %astic $sphalt
)!) Soundness )%a"nesium and
Sodium Sulphate)
)!i) 5ater absorption of a""re"ates
)!ii) Sand e4ui!alent test
)!iii) Plasticit# *nde9
)i9) Polished stone !alue
)9) Percenta"e of fractured faces
)9i) %i9 "radin"
)9ii) Stabilit# of %i9
)9iii) 5ater sensiti!it# of mi9
)&etained Tensile Stren"th)
)9i!) Swell test on the mi9
)9!) -ontrol of temperature of binder
in boiler, a""re"ate in the dr#er
and mi9 at the time of la#in" and
)9!i) -ontrol of binder content and
"radin" of the mi9
)9!ii) &ate of spread of mi9ed material
)9!iii) .ensit# of compacted la#er
)i) Uualit# of binder
)ii) $""re"ate *mpact +alue/ os
$n"eles $brasion +alue
)iii) 3lakiness *nde9 and ;lon"ation
)i!) Strippin" +alue
Same as mentioned under Serial
$s in Serial 0o.2
$s re4uired
$s re4uired
$s re4uired, for Semi .ense
/ituminous -oncrete/d
/ituminous -oncrete
Same as mentioned under Serial
One set of tests on indi!idual
constituents and mi9ed a""re"ate
from the dr#er for each 400
tonnes of mi9 subCect to
minimum of two tests per plant
per da#.
3or each 400 tonnes of mi9
produced, a set of 1 %arshall
specimens to be prepared and
tested for stabilit#, flow !alue,
densit# and !oid content subCect
to a minimum of two sets bein"
tested per plant per da#
Same as mentioned under Serial
$s re4uired for the /ituminous
$t re"ular close inter!als
One test for each 400 tones of
mi9 subCect to a minimum of two
sets per da# per plant
&e"ular control throu"h checks
on the wei"ht of mi9ed material
and la#er thickness
One test per 260 m
Same as mentioned under Serial
Same as mentioned under Serial
Table *00-4
Control tests for Bituminous >or(s= and t4eir Minimum 6re&uenc).
"y8e o<
"est FreAue:cy 0*i:.1
)!) 5ater sensiti!it# of mi9 >do>
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page :6
Slurr# seal
&ec#cled material
-old %i9
)!i) 7radin" of a""re"ates
)!ii) 5ater absorption of a""re"ates
)!iii) Soundness )%a"nesium and
Sodium Sulphate)
)i9) Percenta"e of fractured faces
)9) /inder content and a""re"ates
)9i) -ontrol of temperature of binder
in boiler, a""re"ate in the dr#er
and mi9 at the time of la#in" and
)9ii) &ate of spread of mi9ed material
)9iii) 'ardness number
)i) Uualit# of binder
)ii) 3ilm strippin" test
)i) /inder content and a""re"ate
)ii) &eco!ered binder penetration
)iii) %i9 stabilit# )&emi9/ &epa!e)
)i) Uualit# of binder
)ii) $""re"ate *mpact +alue/ os
$n"eles $brasion +alue
)iii) 3lakiness *nde9 and ;lon"ation
)i!) Strippin" +alue
Two tests per da# per plant both
on the indi!idual constituents and
mi9ed a""re"ates from the dr#er
Same as in Serial 0o.2
Same as mentioned under Serial
Same as mentioned under Serial
Periodic, subCect to minimum of
two tests per da# per plant
$t re"ular close inter!als
&e"ular control throu"h checks
of la#er thickness
One test for each 400 tonnes of
mi9 subCect to a minimum of two
tests per da#
Same as mentioned under Serial
*nitiall# one set of 1
representati!e speciments for
each source of suppl#, then as
warranted b# chan"es in the
4ualit# of a""re"ates.
%inimum of one test per 26m
rec#cled material
%inimum of one test per 60m
rec#cled material
3or each 400 tonnes of mi9
rec#cled, a set of 1 %arshall
specimens to be prepared and
tested for stabilit#, flow, densit#
and !oid content, subCect to
minimum of two sets of tests per
Same as mentioned under Serial
Same as mentioned under Serial
Table *00-4
Control tests for Bituminous >or(s= and t4eir Minimum 6re&uenc).
"y8e o<
"est FreAue:cy 0*i:.1
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page :8
11. Sand $sphalt /ase
)!) 5ater sensiti!it# of mi9
)!i) 7radin" of a""re"ates
)!ii) Percenta"e minimum coatin"
)!iii) 5ater absorption of a""re"ates
)i9) Soundness )%a"nesium and
Sodium Sulphate)
)9) Percenta"e of fractured faces
)9) /inder content and a""re"ates
)9i) %i9 stabilit#
)i) Uualit# of binder
)ii) os $n"les $brasion +alue
)iii) Sand e4ui!alent test
)i!) Plasticit# *nde9
)!) %i9 "radin"
)!i) Stabilit# of %i9
Two tests per da# per plant both
on the indi!idual constituents and
mi9ed a""re"ates from the dr#er
Two tests per da# per plant
Same as in Serial 0o.2
Same as mentioned under Serial
5hen "ra!el is used, one test per
of a""re"ate
Periodic, subCect to minimum of
two tests per da# per plant
3or each 400 tonnes of mi9
rec#cled, a set of 1 %arshall
specimens to be prepared and
tested for stabilit#, flow, densit#
and !oid content, subCect to
minimum of two sets of tests per
Same as mentioned under Serial
Same as mentioned under Serial
$s re4uired
$s re4uired
One set of test on indi!idual
constituents and mi9ed a""re"ate
from the dr#er for each 400
tonnes of mi9 subCect to a
minimum of two tests per plant
per da#
3or each 400 tonnes of mi9
rec#cled, a set of 1 %arshall
specimens to be prepared and
tested for stabilit#, flow, densit#
and !oid content, subCect to
minimum of two sets of tests per
Table *00-4
Control tests for Bituminous >or(s= and t4eir Minimum 6re&uenc).
S. "y8e o< "est FreAue:cy 0*i:.1
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page ::
No. &o:structio:
%odified /inder
)!ii) -ontrol of temperature of binder
in boiler, a""re"ate in the dr#er
and mi9 at the time of la#in" and
)!iii) -ontrol of binder content and
"radin" of the mi9
)i9) &ate of spread of mi9ed material
)9) .ensit# of compacted la#er
)i) Softenin" Point
)ii) Penetration at 26
- and 4
)iii) ;lastic &eco!er#
)i!) .uctilit#
)!) 3lash Point
)!i) 3raass /reakin"
)!ii) +iscosit# at 160
)!iii) Thin film o!en test, penetration,
softenin" point, elastic reco!er#
of residue, loss on heatin"
)i) The re4uirements of -lause
:04.1.1 of the %inistr#=s
Specification for &oad and /rid"e
5orks )third re!ision) shall
$t re"ular close inter!als
One test for each 400 tonnes of
mi9 subCect to a minimum of two
tests per da# per plant
&e"ular control and throu"h
checks on the wei"ht of mi9ed
material and la#er thickness
One test per 260 m
*nitiall# on submission thereafter
dail# if site blended, weekl# if
*nitiall# on submission
*"ERI! FOR S"R(&"(RE
TAB-E +000-+
!E9?;!EMENT7 @6 C@?!7E A%%!E%ATE

SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page :<
IS SieCe SiGe
Per ce:t By Weig=t Passi:g t=e SieCe
,2 @@ 22 @@ 12.# @@
81 mm 100 > >
40 mm B6>100 100 >
20 mm 10 >:0 B6>100 100
12.6 mm > > B0>100
10 mm 10>16 26>66 40><6
4.:6 mm 0>6 0>10 0>10
TAB-E +000-/
IS SieCe SiGe
Per ce:t By Weig=t Passi:g t=e SieCe
Io:e I Io:e II Io:e III
10 mm 100 100 100
4.:6 mm B0 > 100 B0 > 100 B0 > 100
2.18 mm 80 > B6 :6 > 100 <6 > 100
1.1< mm 10 > :0 66 > B0 :6 > 100
800 micron 16 > 14 16 > 6B 80 > :B
100 micron 6 > 20 < > 10 12 > 40
160 micron 0 > 10 0 >10 0 > 10
*"ERI! FOR S"R(&"(RE
"B!E 1222$3
Grade Desig:atio:
Bar "y8e co:<or@i:g to
goCer:i:g IS
Stre:gt= <y *Pa
Elastic *odulus GPa
S 240 *S A 412 Part * %ild
Steel /ar
240 200
S 416 *SA 1:<8 'i"h Kield
Stren"th .eformed
/ars )'KS.)
416 200
)a) Patch Ep materials shall be procured in sealed containers with certificates from the a"enc# who has
supplied the fusion bonded epo9# bars.
)b) P+- coated 7.*. bindin" wires of 1<7 shall onl# be used in conCunction with fusion bonded epo9# bars.
)c) -hairs for supportin" the reinforcement shall also be of fusion bonded epo9# coated bars.
)d) The cut ends and dama"ed portions shall be touched up with repair patch up material.
)e) The bars shall be cut b# saw>cuttin" rather than flame cuttin".
)f) 5hile bendin" the bars, the pins of work benches shall be pro!ided with P+- of plastic slee!es.
)") The coated steel shall not be directl# e9posed to sun ra#s or rains and shall be protected with opa4ue
pol#eth#lene sheets or such other appro!ed materials.
)h) 5hile concretin", the workmen or trolle#s shall not directl# mo!e on coated bars but can mo!e on
wooden planks placed on the bars.
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page :B
1212 W"ER
)a) To neutraliFe 200 ml sample of water, usin" phenolphthalein as an indicator, it should not
re4uire more than 2 ml of 0.1 normal 0aO'.
)b) To neutraliFe 200 ml sample of water, usin" meth#1 oran"e as an indicator, it should not
re4uire more than 10 ml of 0.1 normal '-.
)c) The permissible limits for solids shall be as follows when tested in accordance with *S A
Permissible imits )ma9)
Or"anic 200 m"/lit
*nor"anic 1000 m"/lit
Sulphates )SO4) 600 m"/lit
-hlorides )-) 600 m"/lit S
Suspended matter 2000 m"/lit
S *n case of structures of len"ths 10m and below,, the permissible limit of chlorides ma# be
increased up to 1000 m"/lit.
$ll samples of water )includin" potable water) shall be tested and suitable
measures taken where necessar# to ensure conformit# of the water to the re4uirements
stated herein.
)d) The p' !alue shall not be les than 8.

1212. &ON&RE"E D*IX"(RES
1212.1. Ge:eral
a) 0ormal dosa"e and detrimental effects, if an#, o under dosa"e and o!er dosa"e.
b) The chemical names of the main in"redients in the admi9tures.
c) The chloride content, if an#, e9pressed as a percenta"e b# the wei"ht of the admi9ture.
d) +alues of dr# material content, ash content and relati!e densit# of the admi9ture which
wWcan be used for Eniformit# Tests.
e) 5hether or not the admi9ture leads to the entertainments of air when used as per the
manufacturer=s recommended dosa"e, and if so to what e9tent.
f) 5here two or more admi9tures are proposed to be used in an# one mi9, confirmation as
to their compatibilit#.
") There would be to increase in risk of corrosion of the reinforcement or other embedment
as a result of usin" the admi9ture.
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page <0
1212.2. P=ysical a:d &=e@ical ReAuire@e:ts
)a) 2 PlasticiFers 2 and 2Super>PlasticiFers2 shall meet the re4uirements indicated for 2 5ater
reducin" $dmi9ture2
)b) ;9cept where resistance to freeFin" and thawin" and to disrupti!e action of deicin" salts
is necessar#, the air content of freshl# mi9ed concrete in accordance with the pressure
method "i!en in *SA11BB shall not be more than 2 per cent hi"her than that of the
correspondin" control mi9 and in an# case not more then 1 per cent of the test mi9.
)c) The chloride content of the admi9ture shall not e9ceed 0.2 per cent when tested in
accordance with *SA8B26. *n addition, the ma9imum permissible limit of chloride content
of all the constituents as indicated in Section 1:00 shall also be obser!ed.
)d) Eniformit# tests on the admi9tures are essential to compare 4ualitati!el# the composition
of different samples taken from batch to batch or from the same batch at different times.
The tests that shall be performed alon" withA permissible !ariations in the same are
indicated belowA
> .r# %aterial -ontent A to be within 1 per cent and 6 per cent of li4uid and
solid admi9tures respecti!el# of the !alue stated b# the manufacturer.
> $sh content A to be within 1 per cent of the !alue stated b# the
&elati!e .ensit# )for li4uid admi9tures) A to be within 2 per cent of the !alue stated b#
the manufacturer.
)e) $ll tests relatin" to the concretes admi9tures shall be conducted periodicall# at and
independent laborator# and compared with the data "i!en b# the manufacturer.
TAB-E ++00-+
T;ME 6@! C?!;N% #!ECA7T #;-E7
%inimum periods from time of castin"
T#pe of cement
used in castin" the pile
Strike side>
shutters )hours)
;nd of wet curin"
ift from castin"
bed )da#s)
Ordinar# Portland 24 : 10 2<
&apid hardenin" Portland 12 : : 10
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page <1
+++" T@-E!ANCE7
111/.1. Per@issiBle "olera:ces <or Piles
i) Precast -oncrete Piles A
a) +ariation in cross>sectional dimensions A M 6 mm
b) +ariation in len"th A M 26 mm
c) Surface irre"ularities measured with 1 m strai"ht ed"e A 6 mm
d) /ow for len"th in mm A Pile en"th in mm 100
ii) .ri!en Piles
a) +ariation in cross>sectional dimensions A M 60 mm, > 10 mm
b) +ariation from !ertical or specified rake A 1 in 60
c) +ariation in the final position of the head in plan A :6 mm
d) +ariation of le!el of top of piles A M 26 mm
iii) /ored Piles
a) +ariation in cross>sectional dimensions A M 60 mm, > 10 mm
b) +ariation from !ertical or specified rake A 1 in 60
c) +ariation in the final position of the head in plan A 60 mm
d) +ariation of le!el of top of piles A M 26 mm

111/.2. Per@issiBle "olera:ces <or Pile &a8s
a) +ariation in dimensions A M 60mm, >10 mm
b) %isplacement from specified position in plan A 16 mm
c) Surface irre"ularities measured with 1 m strai"ht ed"e A 6 mm
d) +ariation of le!els at the top A M 26 mm
1#24. RE*O5! OF FOR*WOR-
The scheme for remo!al of form work )i.e. de>shutterin" and decenterin") shall be
planned in ad!ance and furnished to the ;n"ineer for scrutin# and appro!al. 0o formwork or an# part
thereof shall be remo!ed without prior appro!al of the ;n"ineer.
The 3ormwork shall be so remo!ed as not to cause an# dama"e to concrete. -enterin"
shall be "raduall# and uniforml# lowered in such a manner as to permit the concrete to take stresses due
to its own wei"ht uniforml# and "raduall# to a!oid an# shock or !ibration.
5here not specificall# appro!ed, the time of remo!al of formwork )when ordinar#
Portland -ement is used without an# admi9tures at an ambient temperatures e9ceedin" 10 de"rees
-elsius) shall be as underA
a) 5alls, piers, abutments, columns and A 12 to 4< hours as ma# be
!ertical faces of structural members decided b# the ;n"ineer
b) Soffits of Slabs )with props left under) A 1 da#s
c) Props )left under slabs) A 14 da#s
d) Soffit of 7irders )with props left under) A : da#s
e) Props )left under "irders) A 21 da#s
5here there are re>entrant an"les in the concrete sections, the formwork should be
remo!ed at these sections as soon as possible after the concrete has set, in order to a!oid crackin" due to
shrinka"e of concrete.
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page <2
+$03. %!ADE7 @6 C@NC!ETE
TAB-E +$00 - +.
7rade .esi"nation Specified characteristic -ompressi!e stren"th of
160 mm cubes at 2< da#s, in %Pa
% 16 16
% 20 20
% 26 26
% 10 10
% 16 16
% 40 40
% 46 46
% 60 60
% 66 66
"B!E 1322$2 E
6@! B!;D%E7 >;TB #!E7T!E77ED C@NC!ETE @! TB@7E >;TB ;ND;0;D?A- 7#AN
-EN%TB7 M@!E TBAN 30 M @! TB@7E TBAT A!E B?;-T >;TB ;NN@0AT;0E
01 *INI*(* &E*EN" &ON"EN" ND *XI*(* W"ER &E*EN" R"IO
Structural *e@Ber *i:. ce@e:t co:te:t <or all
eF8osure co:ditio:s
*aF. >ater ce@e:t ratio
EF8osure co:ditio:s
Nor@al SeCere
a) P-- members
b) &-- members
c) PS- members
0B1 *INI*(* S"RENG"' OF &ON&RE"E
*e@Ber &o:ditio: o< EF8osure
*oderate SeCere
a) P-- members
b) &-- members
c) PS- member
% 26
% 16
% 16
% 10
% 40
% 40
"B!E 1322$3
6@! B!;D%E7 @TBE! TBAN TB@7E MENT;@NED ;N TAB-E +$00-/ AND 6@! C?-0E!T7
01 *INI*(* &E*EN" &ON"EN" ND *XI*(* W"ER &E*EN" R"IO
*i:. ce@e:t co:te:t ;g7cu.@1 *aF. >ater ce@e:t ratio
EF8osure co:ditio: EF8osure co:ditio:
Nor@al SeCere Nor@al SeCere
a) P--
b) &--
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page <1
0&1 *INI*(* S"RENG"' OF &ON&RE"E
&o:ditio: o< EF8osure
*oderate SeCere
a) P-- members
b) &-- members
% 16
% 20
% 20
% 26
NO"ES PP!I&B!E "O "B!ES 1322$2 ND 1322$3
)i) The minimum cement content is based on 20 mm a""re"ate )nominal ma9. siFe). 3or 40 mm
and lar"er siFe a""re"ates, it ma# be reduced suitabl# but the reduction shall not be more than 10
per cent.
)ii) 3or underwater concretin", the cement content shall be increased b# 10 per cent.
)iii) Se!ere conditions of e9posure shall mean alternate wettin" and dr#in" due to sea spra#,
alternate wettin" and dr#in" combined with freeFin" and buried in soil ha!in" corrosi!e effect.
)i!) %oderate conditions of e9posure shall mean other that those mentioned in )iii) abo!e.
The cement content shall be as low as possible but not less than the 4uantities specified abo!e.
*n no case shall it e9ceed 640 k"/cu.m. of concrete.

+$04.+. !e&uirements of Consistenc)
Table +$00-4.
t#pe Slump)mm)
1 )a) Structures with e9posed inclined surface re4uirin" low slump concrete
to allow proper compaction
)b) Plain cement concrete 26
2. &-- structures with widel# spaced reinforcementsP e.". solid columns,
piers, abutments, footin"s, well steinin"
40 > 60
1. &-- structures with fair de"ree of con"estion of reinforcementP e.". pier
and abutment caps, bo9 cul!erts well curb, well cap, walls with thickness
"reater than 100 mm
60 > :6
4. &-- and PS- structures with hi"hl# con"ested reinforcements e.". deck
slab "irders, bo9 "irders, walls with thickness less than 100 mm
:6 > 126
6. Enderwater concretin" throu"h tremie e.". bottom plu", cast>in>situ
100 > 200
132,.2 ReAuire@e:ts <or Desig:ed *iFes
132,.2.1 "arget @ea: Stre:gt=

)i) The -urrent mar"in for a concrete mi9 shall be determined b# the -ontractor and shall be
taken as 1.84 times the standard de!iation of sample test results taken from at least 40
separate batches of concrete of nominall# similar proportions produced at site b# the same
plant under smilar super!ision, o!er a period e9ceedin" 6 da#s, but not e9ceedin" 8 months.

)ii) 5here there is insufficient data to satisf# the abo!e, the current mar"in for the initial desi"n
mi9 shall be taken as "i!en in Table 1:00>6 A
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page <4
13,.2.3 &o:trol o< Stre:gt= o< desig: @iFes
a) $dCustment to %i9 Proportions.
$dCustment to mi9 proportions arri!ed at in the trial mi9es shall be made subCect to the
;n"ineer=s appro!al, n order to minimiFe the !ariabilit# of stren"th and to maintain the tar"et
mean stren"th. Such adCustments shall not be taken to impl# an# chan"e in the current mar"in.
b) -han"e of -urrent %ar"in
5hen re4uired b# the ;n"ineer, the -ontractor shall recalculate the current mar"in in accordance
with -lause 1:04.2.1 The recalculated !alue shall be adopted as directed b# the ;n"ineer, and it
shall become the current mar"in for concrete produced subse4uentl#.
c) $dditional Trial %i9es
.urin" production, the -ontractor shall carr# out trial mi9es and tests, if re4uired b# the
;n"ineer, before substantial chan"es are made in the material or in the proportions of the
materials to be used, e9cept when adCustments to the mi9 proportions are carried out in
accordance wit sub>clause )a) abo!e.
TAB-E +$00-"
#!@#@!T;@N 6@! N@M;NA- M;C C@NC!ETE
Total Uuantit# of dr# a""re"ate b# mass per 60
k" of cement to be taken as the sum of indi!idual
masses of fine and coarse a""re"ates )k")
Proportion of fine to -oarse
a""re"ate )b# mass)
% 16 160 7enerall# 1A2, subCect to
upper limit 1A1A6 and lower
limit of 1A2A6
% 20 260 XXXXX do XXXX
Table +$00- $.
+$0". 7i:e on Coarse Areate
-omponents %a9imum 0ominal SiFe of -oarse $""re"ate
i) &-- well curb 20
ii) &--/P-- well steinin" 40
iii) 5ell cap or Pile -ap Solid t#pe piers and
i!) &-- 5ork in "irders, slabs, wearin" coat,
kerb, approach slab, hollow piers and
abutments, pier/abutment caps, piles
!) PS- work 20
!i) $n# other item $s specified b# ;n"ineer
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page <6
TAB-E +$00 - 8
M;N;M?M 6!E9?ENCD @6 7AM#-;N% @6 C@NC!ETE @6 EACB %!ADE
Uuantit# of -oncrete in work, m
0o. of Samples
1 > 6 1
8 > 16 2
18 > 10 1
11 > 60 4
61 and abo!e 4 plus one additional sample for each
additional 60 m
or part thereof
2,2#$ BORING
2,23 $ *E"'ODS OF S*P!ING
There are two types of sample vi?. -a0 >isturbed sample -b0 Fndisturbed sample. The usual
methods for sampling conforming to *+ , 1/D2 and *+,2132 are given below ,#
Nature o< Grou:d "y8e o< Sa@8le *et=od o< Sa@8li:g
'and Samples
$u"er Samples
Shell Samples
'and Samples
Tube Samples
5ash Samples from percussion
or rotar# drillin"
TAB-E /400-+ 7;EE @6 7@;- 7AM#-E !E9?;!ED
Soil identification,
natural moisture
content tests,
mechanical anal#sis
and inde9 properties,
chemical tests
-ompression tests
-omprehensi!e e9amination of
construction material an# borrow
area soil includin" soil stablisation
-ohesi!e soils
Sands and
-ohesi!e soils
and sand
-ohesi!e soils
and sands
7ra!ell# soil
26 > 60
60 > 100
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page <8
"B!E 2,22$2 S'ER S"RENG"' "ES"S FOR S"BI!I") N!)SIS
Stage i: !i<e o<
S=ear "est "y8e o<
)a) .urin" construction
or immediate
)b) >> do >>
)c) .urin" construction of
immediate post>
on" term stabilit#
- 2Z2
- 2Z2
Enconsolidated undrained
tria9ial shear test on
undisturbed samples and on
compacted embankment
Enconfined compression test
in laborator# or !ane shear
-onsolidated undrained test
with pore>pressure
measurement on as
compacted soil samples of
embankment materials and on
undisturbed samples
>> do >>
>> do >>
>> do N
2,12., $ !BOR"OR) IN5ES"IG"ION OF E*BN-*EN" *"ERI!
S.NO. "ES" "ES" *E"'OD
7radation Test )Sie!e $nal#sis)
$tterber" imit Test
Standard Proctor Test
0atural %oisture -ontent
*SA 2:20 )Part 4)
*SA 2:20 )Part 6)
*SA 2:20 )Part :)
*SA 2:20 )Part 2)
(SEF(! D"
1. reas 6 Weig=ts o< Steel
a) %ild Steel &ound /ars
Dia i: @@ rea SA. c@. Weig=t -g7* Peri@eter &@s.
8 0.2<1 0.222 1.<<:
< 0.601 0.1B6 2.614
10 0.:<6 0.81: 1.141
12 1.111 0.<<< 1.::1
18 2.011 1.6:< 6.02<
1< 2.646 2.000 6.86:
20 1.142 2.488 8.2<8
22 1.<01 2.B<4 8.B14
26 4.B0B 1.<61 :.<6:
2< 8.16: 4.<10 <.<00
12 <.042 8.111 10.06:
40 12.688 B.8<4 12.6:1
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page <:
b) 'i"h Tensile Steel
Dia i: @@ rea SA. c@. Weig=t -g7* Peri@eter &@s.
1 0.0:0 0.068 0.B41
6 0.1B8 0.164 1.6:1
: 0.1<6 0.102 2.200
< 0.601 0.1B6 2.614
c) '.T. -ables each containin" 12 wires
Dia o< >ire i: @@ "otal area o< '.". SA. &@. Weig=t -g7*
1 2.162 1.<4<
6 4.820 1.824
< 8.018 4.:40
d) Structural steel )Sections which are normall# re4uired in brid"e works)
"y8es Sectio: SiGe i: *.*. Weig=t -g.7*.
$n"le 40 9 40 9 8 1.600
60 9 60 9 8 4.600
:6 9 :6 9 8 8.<00
:6 9 :6 9 10 11.000
100 9 100 9 8 11.000
100 9 100 9 10 14.B00
110 9 110 9 10 1B.:00
110 9 110 9 12 21.400
Tee 100 9 100 9 10 16.00
-hannel :6 9 40 9 8 6.:00
e) Structural 3lats )Sections which are normall# re4uired in brid"e works)
"=ic;:ess o< Plate Weig=ts -g.7*.
1 %.%. 0.000:<
2 %.%. 0.00168
1 %.%. 0.00216
8 %.%. 0.004:0
10 %.%. 0.00:<1
12 %.%. 0.00B40
20 %.%. 0.01688
26 %.%. 0.01B6:
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page <<
2. Weig=t o< *aterials <or co:structio: 0as 8er ISE43# 0Part I1 1%431
S.0o. %aterial Enit %etric 5ei"hts in I".
1. -ement -um. 1440
2. Steel
a) %ild Steel -u.-m. 0.00:<
b) -ast Steel -u.-m. 0.00:<
c) '.T. Steel -u.-m. 0.00:<
1. Stainless Stel -u.-m. 0.00:<
4. ead -u.-m. 0.0111
6. -opper -u.-m. <.:B to <.B4
8. Plain -ement -oncrete -um. 1800 to 2400
:. PS- -um. 2400
<. &-- -um. 2110 to 2:00
B. Stones
a) ime -um. 2400 to 2840
b) Sand -um. 2240 to 2400
10. Stone %asonr# &ubble -um. 2100
11. /ricks -um. 1800 to 1B20
12. /rick %asonr# -um. 1B20 to 2240
11. Timber -um. 860 to :20
3. &o:Cersio: Factors.
"o8 &o:Cert I:to *ulti8ly By
S4uare *nch
S4uare 3oot
-ubic *nch
-ubic 3oot
7allon )*mp.)
bs. Per S4. *nch
Ton Per S4. 3oot
S4. -entimeter
S4uare %eter
S4. Iilometer
-u. -entimeter
-ubic %eter
I". Per S4. -m.
Tonne Per S4. %.
"o oBtai: Fro@ *ulti8ly By
,. Kua:tities o< *aterials <or Fi:is=ed Ite@s o< Wor;s
S.No Ite@s *aterials Kua:tities
a1 (:it 8er &uBic @eter o< <i:is=ed ite@
1. -ement %ortar )1A1) -ement
0.11 -um.
1.00 -um.
2. -ement %ortar )1A4) -ement
0.26 -um.
1.00 -um.
1. -ement %ortar )1A8) -ement
0.18 -um.
1.00 -um.
4. -ourse &ubble %asonr# Stones
1.00 -um
0.11 -um
6. -ut Stone %asonr# Stone
1.00 -um.
0.18 -um.
8. 3ine $shlars Stone %asonr#
Stone 1.0 -um.
0.12 -um.
B1 (:it 8er SA. *eter o< <i:is=ed ite@
:. 3lush pointin" to stone work %ortar 0.004 -um.
<. Truck Pointin" of stone work %ortar 0.00< -um.
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page <B
The t#pe of defects in bituminous surfacin" are "rouped under four cate"ories.
a) Surface defects which include fatt# surfaces smooth surfaces, streakin" and hun"r#/dr#
b) -racks which co!er hairline cracks, alli"ator cracks, lon"itudinal cracks, ed"e cracks,
shrinka"e cracks and reflection cracks.
c) .eformation defects, which comprise of slippa"e ruttin", corru"ation, sho!in", shallow
depressions and settlements.
d) $ disinte"ration defect, which consists of strippin", loss of a""re"ates, re!elin", pot>holes
and ed"e breakin".
The "eneral cause and remedies for these defects are "i!en as below A
a2 7urface Defects
Natural Defect Cause !emed)
<atty surfaces !cess bitumen, soft grad of
bitumen, non#uniform spraying and
loss of cover aggregates as in
surface dressing, heavy a!le loads.
1pply hot dry cover aggregates
or sand and roll gently for
removal of e!cess binderG burn
it, if necessary or relay area
+mooth surfaces .olishing of aggregates by traffic,
e!cess binder.
&esurface with premi! carpet
using hard aggregates or with
slurry seal.
+treaking -alternate lean and
rich lines of bitumen in surface
dressing0 in longitudinalC
transverse direction. 6ungry C
>ry surfaces.
Eon#uniform application of binder,
low temperature of binder, manual
spraying, mechanical faults during
Fse of insufficient binder, use of
absorptive aggregates, loss of
aggregates from surface.
1pply new surface dressing
with proper care in spraying of
1pply slurry seal, or for
emergency repair apply for
b2 Crac(s
6air#line cracks -fine cracks at
close intervals0
*nsufficient bitumen, e!cess filler,
compacting when too hot, over
1pply fog#seal with bitumen,
cutback bitumen or bitumen
1lligator cracks
-intercorrected cracks forming
a series of blocks0
!cessive movement of base or sub#
base layer, base saturation,
e!cessive leads over weathered
surfacing, inade"uate pavement
<ill crack with bitumen
emulsion or cutback bitumen
and apply slurry seal or sand#
bitumen mi!, install drainage.
5ongitudinal cracks -at the
=oint between pavement and
shoulder or at the =oint between
two paving lanes0
$ontraction or movement of sub#
grade beneath shoulder, lane =oint
crack due to weak =oint or
differential frost heave along
<ill and seal cracks with
cutback bitumen or bitumen
emulsion, apply sand#bitumen
mi!, if cracks are wider than
dge cracks -parallel to outer
edge of pavement 0.3 to 0.5m.
5ack of lateral support from
shoulder, poor surface drainage,
base saturation shrinkage, frost
heave inade"uate pavement width.
&ectify drainage system,
provide hard and paved
shoulders, fill cracks and lay
premi! carpe with seal#coat, if
edge of the pavement has
settled, bring it upto the desired
grade with plant mi! patching
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page B0
+hrinkage cracks -transverse
direction or inter#connected
cracks in large blocks0
+hrinkage of bituminous layer
caused by volume change of
bituminous mi! with high content of
hard bitumen, lack of traffic.
1pply slurry seal or sand#
bitumen mi! for filling such
&eflection cracks -usually in
over lays over cement concrete
or badly cracked bituminous
>ue to =oints and cracks in the
pavement layer underneath.
<ill cracks and seal suitably
depending on si?e of crack.
1pply a crack relief layer for
prevention of such cracks.
c2 Deformation defects
+lippage -between top layer and
layer below accompanied by
crescent#shaped. $racks in
direction of the thrust of wheels0.
5ack of bond between layers due
to omission or inade"uacy of tack
coat or prime coat, dust or
moisture in between layers, heavy
thrust by traffic.
&emove affected area, apply
tack coat and punch with
&utting -5ongitudinal depressions
or grooves in wheel tracks0
6eavy $hanneli?ed traffic, low
stability of mi! due to inade"uate
compaction, weak pavement, high
intensity of load stress as from
bullock carts, plastic deformation.
<ull ruts with premi! carpet
and compact. &elay affected
portion with bituminous mi!
of good stability if necessary.
$orrugations -&egular
undulations causing shallow wavy
5ack of stability in mi!, e!cess
binderCfines, soft bitumen, poor
aggregate interlock, oscillations
set up by vehicles, fre"uent
braking of vehicles, faulty laying
of mi!.
+carify and relay the surface,
cut high spots and fill low
spots. Fse heater#planner to
rectify defects.
+hoving -plastic movement within
surface resulting in locali?ed
bulging of surface, occurring
commonly at bus stops,
intersections, sharp curves, steep
5ack of stability of mi!, e!cess
binderCfines, softer grade of
bitumen, lack of bond between
layers, heavy traffic with
fre"uency braking, sharp
negotiation of curves and
&emove affected portion and
relay with#premi! carpet and
+hallow depressions -locali?ed
and limited in si?e0 dipping about
25mm or more below desired
6eavier traffic, settlement of
lower pavement layers, poor
construction method.
<ill with premi! carpet and
compact to desired grade and
+ettlement -large locali?ed
deformation which may or may
not be generally followed by
e!tensive cracks0
.oor compaction of fill, poor
drainage ion lower layer,
inade"uate pavement thickness,
frost heave or swelling effect of
moisture on e!pansive soil.
!cavate defective fill,
reconstruct under controlled
conditions to re"uired
thickness, provide ade"uate
drainage, strengthen the
pavement if re"uired.
d2 Disinteration defects
+tripping -loss of adhesion
between binder and aggregates in
presence of water0
+ofter grade bitumen, siliceous
type of aggregates, rain, soon
after laying of surface.
Fse anti# stripping agent in
suitable doses in case of
siliceous aggregates, use of
proper grade of bitumen for
coating, and provide ade"uate
surface drainage.
5oss aggregates -as in surface#
Eon uniform spraying of binder,
delayed spreading of aggregates,
traffic soon after laying,
insufficient binder, ageing of
1pply li"uid seal, fog#seal or
slurry#seal. &elay, if
necessary with li"uid seal
with proper "uality control.
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page B1
&aveling -progressive
disintegration of premi! carpet by
loss of aggregates0
*nsufficient binder, ageing of
binder, overheated bituminous
mi!, improper coating, inferior
aggregates, lack of compaction
while laying, construction during
cold weather.
*f raveling if not e!tensive
provide surface dressing, sand
bitumen mi! or slurry seal.
<or e!tensive raveling, apply
renewal coat of premi!
carpet. -bowl shaped holes of
varying si?es on surface and
e!tending to base course resulting
from locali?ed disintegration0
.oor surface drainage, locali?ed
defects in bituminous mi!,
insufficient binder, insufficient
layer thickness.
<ill pot holes with premi!
carpet, after cutting these to
regular si?e and applying tack
coat. <ill deep pot holes with
bituminous penetration
macadam or storable mi!.
dge breaking -frayed edges0 *nfiltration of water, softening of
foundation, worn#out shoulders
with insufficient side support,
inade"uate thickness at edge.
&elay shoulders with good
materials and compact
provide ade"uate drainage.
1 broken line shall be used for centre line on two and three lane road, and for traffic lane lines. These
line are for guidance of the drivers and may be crossed at their discretion.
5ongitudinal solid lines are used as guiding of regulating lines and are not meant to be crossed by the
5ine to be provided on 2 or more lanes.
a0 &oad with restricted visibility Ahite centre line to be solid.
b0 7 lane undivided road Ahite centre line to be solid.
c0 dges of road Hellow line to be solid 20#30 cm.h wide 15 cm. from
edge in respect of 2 lane road.
Hellow line to be solid 15 cm. wide 15 cm. from edge for
edge for multi lane road with central verge.
$arriageway width transition Ahite centre line solid 10 cm. thick with converging
5ines solid 10cm. thick for a length of 20 times the
offset distance yellow edge line 30 cm. wide.
+top +top line indicates where vehicles should stop when
>irected by a traffic officer or a traffic controlled
device on urban and sub urban roads.
2.0 to 3.0 m. from 20 cm. wide located from pedestrian
crossing on rural roads. +olid 30.00 cm. wide.
1.25 to D.0 m. from nearest carriageway of the
intersecting road.
.edestrian crossing Aidth pedestrian crossing I2.0 m. J 7.0 m.
Ahite 10 cm. wide lines 20 cm. cCc.
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page B2

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SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page B6
ROD *P OF &''""ISGR'
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 1-04-2013
J A N J G I R - C H A M P A
Gaurel a
Aca !a"#ar
Gu!+ ar+e$
Ba l,+
Ka)( ,ra
Wa+ra-!a (ar
Ta#, r P$! (la
Ra#a!u* Ga!*
Pra) a.&ur
S$ )a&ur
Lu!+ra Ba+al ",l
Na'a( ar
Bal ,+a
T$l +a
B$!+ ra
S$)a! +$
De,. ,(
A#.a(a r C,'"$
Ba!u&ra)a&&ur Na(r$
0all e1
I!+ra'a) $
K,!) a
Ka! a r
R$ ar
Maa! a+$
N$.r a
Tel $ ,r
Kal a.
Ta l&er u
Ja(+al &ur
Mar a#%$ll$
S)a)e B,u!+ar1
D$%)r$c) B,u!+ar1
Na)$,!al H$('a1
S)a)e H$('a1
C$ )r a",)
Ja$ !a(ar
Ra#a!u* !a(ar
C$r#$ r$
Ra*!a!+(a,! C$ c,la
Da #) ar$
G$ +a#
B$ la$
B$ la%&ur
Ba+e Bacel $
Ka#ar$ a
Na 'a(ar
Paral ",)
Rl1 C,l
T$ ra)(ar
C,l ,!1
Ma*,r D$%)r$c) R,a+%
Ka$ ra(a r
99 9
3 97
SH- 9A
SH -9 B
SH- 3 A
SH-3 B
SH- 3B
SH-5 SH-5
SH- 5
SH- ;
SH-2 SH-2
SH- 7
SH- 7
SH -8
SH - 8
SH -<
SH- 93
SH-9 6
M$ !eral Re%,urce Area% = De&,%$)% $! M$ll$,! T,!!e% >
Grea)er )a! ;44 MT
944 MT - ;44 MT
Le%% )a! 944 MT
Ma$!&ur Kuru+
844 K# Pr$,r$)1 Ca!+$+a)e R,a+%
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 1
SOR for Road Works, C.G,. P.W.D. w.e.f 15-05-2013 Page 2

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