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1. People who spend most of their workday creating, using, and distributing information. Knowledge
2. Information systems support an organization’s business processes, operations, decision making, and
strategies for competitive advantage. Roles of IS in business
3. Using IT to reengineer business processes to support e-business operations. Support of business
processes and operations
4. Using Web-based decision support systems to support sales managers. Support of business decision
5. Using information technology for e-commerce to gain a strategic advantage over competitors.
Support of strategies for competitive advantage
6. A system that uses people, hardware, software, and network resources to collect, transform, and
disseminate information within an organization. . Information system
7. An information system that uses computers and their hardware and software. Computer-based
information system
8. Anyone who uses an information system or the information it produces. End users
9. Applications using the Internet, corporate intranets, and inter-organizational extranets for e-business
operations, e-commerce, and enterprise collaboration. E-business applications
10. The buying, selling, marketing, and servicing of products over the Internet and other networks. . E-
11. Groupware tools to support collaboration among networked teams. . Enterprise collaboration
12. A group of interrelated components with a clearly defined boundary working together toward the
attainment of a common goal. System
13. Data about a system’s performance. Feedback
14. Making adjustments to a system’s components so that it operates properly. Control
15. Facts or observations. Data
16. Data that have been placed into a meaningful context for an end user. Information
17. Converting data into information is a type of this kind of activity. Information system activities
18. An information system uses people, hardware, and software, network, and data resources to
perform input, processing, output, storage, and control activities that transform data resources into
information products. Information system model
19. Machines and media. Hardware resources
20. Computers, disk drives, video monitors, and printers are examples. Machines
21. Magnetic disks, optical disks, and paper forms are examples. Media
22. Programs and procedures. Software resources
23. A set of instructions for a computer. Programs
24. A set of instructions for people. Procedures
25. End users and information systems professionals. People resources
26. Using the keyboard of a computer to enter data. Input
27. Computing loan payments. Processing
28. Printing a letter you wrote using a computer. Output
29. Saving a copy of the letter on a magnetic disk. Storage
30. Having a sales receipt as proof of a purchase. Control
31. Information systems can be classified into operations, management, and other categories. Types of
information systems
32. Includes transaction processing, process control, and end-user collaboration systems. Operations
support systems
33. Includes management information, decision support, and executive information systems.
Management support systems
34. Information systems that perform transaction processing and provide information to managers
across the boundaries of functional business areas. Cross-functional informational systems
35. Internet-like networks and Web sites inside a company. Intranet
36. Inter-organizational Internet-like networks among trading partners. Extranet
37. Using the Internet, intranets, and extranets to empower internal business operations, e-commerce,
and enterprise collaboration. E-business
38. Information systems that focus on operational and managerial applications in support of basic
business functions such as accounting or marketing. Functional business systems
39. Data should be viewed the same way as any organizational resource that must be managed
effectively to benefit all stakeholders in an organization. Data resources
40. A major challenge for business managers and professionals today in solving business problems.
Developing successful information system solutions
41. Examples include messages, reports, forms, and graphic images, which may be provided by video
displays, audio responses, paper products, and multimedia. Information products
42. These include communications media and network infrastructure. Network resources
43. People who develop and operate information systems. IS specialists
44. The execution of a set of activities in order to convert data into information. Data or information
45. Those systems implemented in order to direct physical conversion processes, such as oil refinement.
Process control systems
46. The second stage of information systems evolution, focused on providing managerial users with
information relevant to decision making in the form of predefined reports. Management information
47. A type of operation support systems geared toward the recording and processing of data captured
as a result of business transactions. Transaction processing systems
48. A type of operation support systems that enhance team and workgroup communication and
productivity. Enterprise collaboration systems
1. A business must deal with customers, suppliers, competitors, new entrants, and substitutes.
Competitive forces
2. Cost leadership, differentiation of products, and new product innovation are examples. Competitive
3. Using investments in technology to keep firms out of an industry. Raise barriers to entry
4. Making it unattractive for a firm’s customers or suppliers to switch to its competitors. Lock in
customers and suppliers
5. Strategies designed to increase the time, money, and effort needed for customers or suppliers to
change to a firm’s competitors. Create switching costs
6. Information systems that reengineer business processes or promote business innovation are
examples. Strategic information systems
7. This strategic focus recognizes that quality, rather than price, has become the primary determinant in
customers choosing a product or service. Customer value
8. Highlights how strategic information systems can be applied to a firm’s business processes and
support activities for competitive advantage. Value chain
9. A business finding strategic uses for the computing and telecommunications capabilities it has
developed to run its operations. Leverage investment in IT
10. Information technology helping a business make radical improvements in business processes. .
Business process reengineering
11. A business can prosper in rapidly changing markets while offering its customers individualized
solutions to their needs. Agile company
12. A network of business partners formed to take advantage of rapidly changing market opportunities.
Virtual company
13. Learning organizations that focus on creating, disseminating, and managing business knowledge.
Knowledge-creating company
14. Information systems that manage the creation and dissemination of organizational knowledge.
Knowledge management system
15. Using the Internet and extranets to link a company’s information systems to those of its customers
and suppliers. . Interenterprise information systems

1. A computer is a combination of components that perform input, processing, output, storage, and
control functions. Computer system
2. The main processing component of a computer system. Central processing unit
3. A measure of computer speed in terms of processor cycles. Cycles per second
4. Devices for consumers to access the Internet. Information appliance
5. The memory of a computer. Primary storage unit
6. Magnetic disks and tape and optical disks perform this function. Secondary storage
7. Input/output and secondary storage devices for a computer system. Peripherals
8. Connected to and controlled by a CPU. Online
9. Separate from and not controlled by a CPU. Off-line
10. Results from the presence or absence or change in direction of electric current, magnetic fields, or
light rays in computer circuits and media. Binary representation
11. A common computer interface using a desktop metaphor and icons. Graphical user interface
12. Can be a desktop/laptop or handheld computer. Microcomputer
13. A computer category between microcomputers and mainframes. Midrange system
14. A small, portable magnetic disk encased in a thin plastic shell. Floppy disk
15. A large-capacity disk typically found in computer systems. Hard disk
16. Low-cost microcomputers for use with the Internet and corporate intranets. Network computer
17. A redundant array of inexpensive hard drives. RAID (redundant array of independent disks)
18. A terminal that depends on network servers for its software and processing power. Network
19. A computer that manages network communications and resources. Network server
20. the most powerful type of computer. Supercomputer
21. A magnetic tape technology for credit cards. Magnetic stripe
22. One-billionth of a second. Nanosecond
23. Roughly 1 billion characters of storage. Gigabyte
24. includes electronic mice, trackballs, pointing sticks, and touch pads. Pointing devices
25. Early midrange systems used for processing intensive applications such as scientific research and
engineering analysis. Minicomputer
26. The largest of the three main types of computers. Mainframe system
27. Processor power measured in terms of number of instructions processed. MIPS (million instructions
per second)
28. Prediction that computer power will double approximately every 18 to 24 months. Moore’s law
29. Promises to be the easiest, most natural way to communicate with computers. Speech recognition
30. Capturing data by processing light reflected from images. Optical scanning
31. The speed of a computer. Processing speed
32. one one-thousandth of a second. Millisecond
33. 1,024 bytes. Kilobyte
34. A device with a keyboard and a video display networked to a computer is a typical example.
Computer terminal
35. The amount of data a storage device can hold. Storage capacity
36. A personal computer used as a technical workstation. Workstation computer
37. The smallest unit of data storage. Bit
38. One trillion bytes. Terabyte
39. You cannot erase the contents of these storage circuits. ROM (read-only memory)
40. The memory of most computers consists of these storage circuits. RAM (random-access memory)
41. The property that determines whether data are lost or retained when power fails. Volatility
42. Each position of storage can be accessed in approximately the same time. Direct access
43. Each position of storage can be accessed according to a predetermined order. Sequential access
44. Microelectronic storage circuits on silicon chips. Semiconductor memory
45. Uses magnetic spots on metal or plastic disks. Magnetic disks
46. Uses magnetic spots on plastic tape. Magnetic tape
47. Uses a laser to read microscopic points on plastic disks. Optical disks
48. A millionth of a second. Microsecond
49. A trillionth of a second. Picosecond
50. A grouping of eight bits that represents one alphabetic or special character. Byte
51. A short-range wireless technology most commonly used to tag, track, and identify objects. RFID
(radio frequency identification)
52. Around a million bytes; more precisely, 2 to the 20th power. Megabyte
53. A unit of information or computer storage equal to one quadrillion bytes, or 1,024 terabytes.

1. An approach to computing where tasks are assigned to a combination of connections, software, and
services accessed over a network. Cloud computing
2. Programs that direct the performance of a specific use of computers. Application software
3. A system of programs that manages the operations of a computer system. System software
4. Companies that own, operate, and maintain application software for a fee as a service over the
Internet. Application service provider (ASP)
5. Integrated software tool that supports the development of software applications. CASE tools
6. Software designed in-house for use by a specific organization or set of users. Custom software
7. The function that provides a means of communication between end users and an operating system.
User interface
8. Acronym meaning commercial off-the-shelf. COTS software
9. Provides a greater memory capability than a computer’s actual memory capacity. Virtual memory
10. The ability to do several computing tasks concurrently. Multitasking
11. Converts numeric data into graphic displays. Presentation graphics software
12. Translates high-level instructions into machine language instructions. Language translator
13. Performs housekeeping chores for a computer system. Utilities
14. A category of application software that performs common information processing tasks for end
users. General-purpose application programs
15. Software available for the specific applications of end users in business, science, and other fields.
Function-specific application software
16. Helps you surf the Web. Web browser
17. Uses your networked computer to send and receive messages. E-mail
18. Creates and displays a worksheet for analysis. Spreadsheet package
19. Allows you to create and edit documents. Word processing software
20. Enables you to produce your own brochures and newsletters. Desktop publishing (DTP)
21. Helps you keep track of appointments and tasks. Personal information manager (PIM)
22. A program that performs several general-purpose applications. Integrated package
23. A combination of individual general-purpose application packages that work easily together.
Software suites
24. Software to support the collaboration of teams and workgroups. Groupware
25. Uses instructions in the form of coded strings of ones and zeros. Machine language
26. Uses instructions consisting of symbols representing operation codes and storage locations.
Assembler language
27. Uses instructions in the form of brief statements or the standard notation of mathematics. High-
level language
28. Might take the form of query languages and report generators. Fourth-generation language
29. Languages that tie together data and the actions that will be performed on the data. Object-
oriented language
30. As easy to use as one’s native tongue. Natural language
31. Includes programming editors, debuggers, and code generators. Programming language
32. Produces hyperlinked multimedia documents for the Web. HTML
33. A Web document content description language. XML
34. A popular object-oriented language for Web-based applications. Java
35. Windows, Linux, and Mac OS are common examples. Operating system
36. Software that helps diverse applications work together. Middleware
37. Enables you to communicate and collaborate in real time with the online associates in your
workgroup. Instant messaging
38. Links business functions within applications for the exchange of data between companies via the
Web. Web services

1. The use of integrated collections of data records and files for data storage and processing. Database
management approach
2. Data in independent files made it difficult to provide answers to ad hoc requests and required special
computer programs to be written to perform this task. Data integration
3. A specialist in charge of the databases of an organization. Database administrator (DBA)
4. A nonprocedural computer language used to interrogate a database. Structured Query Language
5. Defines and catalogs the data elements and data relationships in an organization’s database. Data
6. A feature of database systems that uses queries or report generators to extract information.
Database interrogation
7. The main software package that supports a database management approach. Database management
system (DBMS)
8. Databases that are dispersed over the Internet and corporate intranets and extranets. Distributed
9. Databases that organize and store data as objects. Object-oriented model
10. Databases of hyperlinked multimedia documents on the Web. Hypermedia
11. The management of all the data resources of an organization. Data resource management
12. Processing data in a data warehouse to discover key business factors and trends. Data mining
13. Developing conceptual views of the relationships among data in a database. Data modeling
14. A customer’s name. Field
15. A customer’s name, address, and account balance. Record
16. The names, addresses, and account balances of all of your customers. File
17. An integrated collection of all of the data about your customers. Database
18. Business application programs that use specialized data files. File processing
19. A treelike structure of records in a database. Hierarchical structure
20. A tabular structure of records in a database. Relational model
21. Records organized as cubes within cubes in a database. Multidimensional model
22. Databases that support the major business processes of an organization. Operational
23. A centralized and integrated database of current and historical data about an organization. Data
24. Databases available on the Internet or provided by commercial information services. External
25. A problem in the file processing approach where major components of a system are dependent on
each other to a large degree. Data dependence
26. Different approaches to the logical organization of individual data elements stored in a database.
Database structures
27. The most basic logical data element corresponding to a single letter or number. Character
28. A feature of distributed databases that identifies changes in one database and then makes
appropriate changes in the others. Replication
29. A characteristic of data that refers to their accuracy and completeness. Data integrity
30. Data that describe the structure and characteristics of databases. Metadata
31. A characteristic or quality of some entity used to describe that entity. Attribute
32. Includes, among others, operational, distributed, and hypermedia databases. Types of databases
33. The existence of duplicate data among different files in an organization. Data redundancy
34. An approach to distributed databases that copies the complete content of a master database to
others at a prescribed time of the day. Duplication
35. An object, person, place, event, and so on that is of interest to an organization and thus included in a
database. Entity
36. An approach to database structure that improves on the hierarchical model by allowing many-to
many relationships. Network structure
37. Different levels of data groupings that exist in a database. Logical data elements

1. Technique for making telephone calls over the Internet. VoIP
2. The ability for all networks to connect to one another. Network interoperability
3. An interconnected or interrelated chain, group, or system. Network
4. Software that serves to “glue together” separate programs. Middleware
5. The usefulness, or utility, of a network equals the square of the number of users. Metcalfe’s law
6. Internet-like networks that improve communications and collaboration, publish and share
information, and develop applications to support business operations and decision making within an
organization. Intranets
7. Provide Internet-like access to a company’s operational databases and legacy systems by its
customers and suppliers. Extranets
8. Company that provides individuals and organizations access to the Internet. Internet service provider
9. A communications network covering a large geographic area. Wide area networks (WAN)
10. A communications network in an office, a building, or other worksite. Local area networks (LAN)
11. Representation of an electrical signal using binary numbers. Digital
12. Coaxial cable, microwave, and fiber optics are examples. Telecommunications media
13. A communications medium that uses pulses of laser light in glass fibers. Fiber optics
14. A short range cable replacement technology for digital devices. Bluetooth
15. Includes modems, multiplexers, and inter-network processors. Telecommunications processors
16. Includes programs such as network operating systems and Web browsers. Telecommunications
17. A common communications processor for microcomputers. Modems
18. Helps a communications channel carry simultaneous data transmissions from many terminals.
19. Star, ring, and bus networks are examples. Network topologies
20. Representation of an electrical signal that is analogous to the signal itself. Analog
21. The communications speed and capacity of telecommunications networks. Bandwidth
22. Intranets and extranets can use their network firewalls and other security features to establish
secure Internet links within an enterprise or its trading partners. Virtual private network (VPN)
23. Sturdy cable that provides high bandwidth on a single conductor. Coaxial cable
24. Standard rules or procedures for control of communications in a network. Protocol
25. An international standard, multilevel set of protocols to promote compatibility among
telecommunications networks. Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
26. The standard suite of protocols used by the Internet, intranets, extranets, and some other networks.
27. Information systems with common hardware, software, and network standards that provide easy
access for end users and their networked computer systems. Open systems
28. Interconnected networks need communications processors such as switches, routers, hubs, and
gateways. Inter-network processors
29. Web sites, Web browsers, HTML documents, hypermedia databases, and TCP/IP networks are
examples. Internet networking technologies
30. Networks in which end-user PCs are tied to network servers to share resources and application
processing. Client/server networks
31. Network computers provide a browser-based interface for software and databases provided by
servers. Network computing
32. End-user computers connect directly with each other to exchange files. Peer-to-peer networks
33. Orbiting devices that provide multiple communication channels over a large geographical area.
Communications satellites
34. Older, traditional mainframe-based business information systems. Legacy systems
35. Any arrangement in which a sender transmits a message to a receiver over a channel consisting of
some type of medium. Telecommunications
36. Provides wireless network access for laptop PCs in business settings. Wireless LAN
37. Their goal is to improve the telecommunications environment by fostering standardized protocols,
communications hardware and software, and the design of standard interfaces, among other things.
Network architectures
38. A type of communications network consisting of terminals, processors, channels, computers, and
control software. Telecommunications network
39. Telecommunications technologies that do not rely on physical media such as cables or fiber optics.
Wireless technologies

1. Using the Internet and other networks for e-commerce, enterprise collaboration, and Web-enabled
business processes. E-business
2. Information systems that cross the boundaries of the functional areas of a business in order to
integrate and automate business processes. Cross-functional enterprise systems
3. Information systems that support marketing, production, accounting, finance, and human resource
management. Functional business systems
4. E-business applications fit into a framework of interrelated cross-functional enterprise applications.
Enterprise application architecture
5. Software that interconnects enterprise application systems. Enterprise application integration
6. Information systems for customer relationship management, sales management, and promotion
management. Marketing information systems
7. Collaborating interactively with customers in creating, purchasing, servicing, and improving products
and services. Interactive marketing
8. Using mobile computing networks to support salespeople in the field. Sales force automation
9. Information systems that support manufacturing operations and management. Manufacturing
information systems
10. A conceptual framework for simplifying and integrating all aspects of manufacturing automation.
Computer-integrated manufacturing
11. Using computers in a variety of ways to help manufacture products. Computer-aided manufacturing
12. Use electronic communications, conferencing, and collaborative work tools to support and enhance
collaboration among teams and workgroups. Enterprise collaboration systems
13. Using computers to operate a petroleum refinery. Process control
14. Using computers to help operate machine tools. Machine control
15. Information systems to support staffing, training and development, and compensation
administration. Human resource information systems
16. Using the Internet for recruitment and job hunting is an example. Online HRM systems
17. Accomplishes legal and historical record-keeping and gathers information for the planning and
control of business operations. Accounting information systems
18. An example is using the Internet and extranets to do accounts receivable and accounts payable
activities. Online accounting systems
19. Handles sales orders from customers. Order processing
20. Keeps track of items in stock. Inventory control
21. Keeps track of amounts owed by customers. Accounts receivable
22. Keeps track of purchases from suppliers. Accounts payable
23. Produces employee paychecks. Payroll
24. Produces the financial statements of a firm. General ledger
25. Information systems for cash management, investment management, capital budgeting, and
financial forecasting. Financial management systems
26. Performance monitoring and control systems for factory floor operations. Manufacturing execution
27. Customizing advertising and promotion methods to fit their intended audience. Targeted marketing
28. Data entry, transaction processing, database maintenance, document and report generation, and
inquiry processing. Transaction processing cycle
29. Collecting and periodically processing transaction data. Batch processing
30. Processing transaction data immediately after they are captured. Real-time processing
31. Systems that immediately capture and process transaction data and update corporate databases.
Online transaction processing systems

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