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05-20 22:22:50.

358 1316 1316 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id

reported: 135549675; UID 10215; state: ENABLED
05-20 22:22:52.358 1316 1402 W PackageParsing: Ignoring duplicate uses-
permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.VIBRATE in package:
fill.up.the.frigde.organization.games at: Binary XML file line #101
05-20 22:22:52.358 1316 1402 W PackageParsing: Ignoring duplicate uses-
permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE in
package: fill.up.the.frigde.organization.games at: Binary XML file line #103
05-20 22:22:52.358 1316 1402 W PackageParsing: Ignoring duplicate uses-
permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID in
package: fill.up.the.frigde.organization.games at: Binary XML file line #105
05-20 22:22:52.358 1316 1402 W PackageParsing: Ignoring duplicate uses-
permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.INTERNET in package:
fill.up.the.frigde.organization.games at: Binary XML file line #107
05-20 22:22:52.358 1316 1402 W PackageParsing: Ignoring duplicate uses-
permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE in
package: fill.up.the.frigde.organization.games at: Binary XML file line #109
05-20 22:22:52.358 1316 1402 W PackageParsing: Ignoring duplicate uses-
permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE in
package: fill.up.the.frigde.organization.games at: Binary XML file line #111
05-20 22:22:55.309 1316 1358 I ActivityManager: Connection with lmkd established
05-20 22:23:00.358 1316 1435 I SystemServerTimingAsync:
05-20 22:23:00.358 1316 1435 I SystemServerTimingAsync:
05-20 22:23:00.358 1316 1316 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
05-20 22:23:00.358 1316 1316 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SECURE name:doze_always_on value:0 pkg:android
05-20 22:23:20.358 1316 1355 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Rollover scheduled @
2023-05-20 21:06:21(1684591581936)
05-20 22:23:21.791 1316 1357 I ActivityManager: Start proc
3589:com.google.android.marvin.talkback/u0a139 for service
05-20 22:23:22.358 1316 1330 W StorageManagerService: Reporting emulated;0
unmounted due to system locked
05-20 22:23:40.358 1316 1339 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SECURE name:enabled_notification_assistant
pkg:android userId:0
05-20 22:23:40.358 1316 1339 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SECURE
name:enabled_notification_policy_access_packages value:com.android.camera2
pkg:android userId:0
05-20 22:24:07.641 1316 1357 I ActivityManager: Start proc
6358:com.iqoo.secure:remote/u0a67 for broadcast
05-20 22:24:09.413 1316 1330 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
className:com.iqoo.secure.timemanager.view.TimeManagerForSettingActivity newState:2
userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10067 callingPid:6358
05-20 22:24:13.358 1316 4557 D _V_NotificationService:
DEBUG_OVERRIDE_NOTIFY:enqueueNotificationWithTag pkg=com.whatsapp
notification=Notification(channel=individual_chat_defaults_10 shortcut=null
contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null tick defaults=0x0 flags=0x10
color=0xff008069 category=call actions=2 vis=PRIVATE
publicVersion=Notification(channel=null shortcut=null contentView=null vibrate=null
sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x0 color=0xff008069 category=call vis=PRIVATE
internalType=0 internalPriority=0 internalGroupPriority=0 internalFlag=0)
internalType=0 internalPriority=0 internalGroupPriority=0 internalFlag=0) userId =0
05-20 22:24:23.433 1316 1356 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: broadcasting
Intent { act=vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has extras) }
from com.android.systemui (pid=1803, uid=10012) requires
com.vivo.systemui.permission.STATUS_BAR_EXPAND_OR_CLOSE due to registered receiver
BroadcastFilter{2bcd036 10067/u0 ReceiverList{23584f8 6358
com.iqoo.secure:remote/10067/u0 remote:3dcc45b}}
05-20 22:24:34.358 1316 1420 D _V_VivoObserver: notifyAppDiedForVirtualDisplay
app: ProcessRecord{309e009 4905:com.google.android.apps.wellbeing/u0a282}
05-20 22:24:41.358 1316 1357 I ActivityManager: Start proc
8127:com.google.android.apps.maps/u0a111 for broadcast
05-20 22:25:23.358 1316 1622 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
className:androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService newState:1
userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10065 callingPid:9644
05-20 22:25:24.358 1316 1356 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for:
ServiceRecord{e567954 u0
05-20 22:25:25.004 1316 1356 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: broadcasting
Intent { act=vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has extras) }
from com.android.systemui (pid=1803, uid=10012) requires
com.vivo.systemui.permission.STATUS_BAR_EXPAND_OR_CLOSE due to registered receiver
BroadcastFilter{2bcd036 10067/u0 ReceiverList{23584f8 6358
com.iqoo.secure:remote/10067/u0 remote:3dcc45b}}
05-20 22:25:26.687 1316 4560 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService
NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=74, [ Capabilities:
INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10016 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid:
10016 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox] ],
05-20 22:25:30.998 1316 1356 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: broadcasting
Intent { act=vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has extras) }
from com.android.systemui (pid=1803, uid=10012) requires
com.vivo.systemui.permission.STATUS_BAR_EXPAND_OR_CLOSE due to registered receiver
BroadcastFilter{2bcd036 10067/u0 ReceiverList{23584f8 6358
com.iqoo.secure:remote/10067/u0 remote:3dcc45b}}
05-20 23:52:42.358 421 427 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup28: Permission denied
05-20 23:53:28.433 6358 6434 E _V_SystemAppConfiguration: updateConfig failed: No
value for system_app_data_monitor
05-20 23:56:34.358 511 978 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0
type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0xb4000072a9c64020
05-20 23:56:34.358 511 978 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0
ports needed 12
05-20 23:59:36.358 24100 24100 E installd: Failed to create profile
AdsFdrDynamite.integ_231004600100000.apk.prof: Permission denied
05-21 00:23:28.967 6358 6358 D _V_DataUsageService: receiver stats update!
05-21 00:23:28.973 6358 6434 D _V_UsageLimitCheckTask: onStatsUpdate
05-21 00:23:28.973 6358 6434 I _V_UsageLimitCheckTask: stats update and current
network is mobile!
05-21 00:23:28.975 6358 6434 D _V_MonthLimitCheckHelper: need check: false
05-21 00:23:28.977 6358 6434 D _V_DayLimitCheckHelper: need check: false
05-21 00:23:28.977 6358 6434 D _V_UsageLimitCheckTask: need update policy? false,
unlock remind is null? true
05-21 00:23:28.977 6358 6434 D _V_RemindFlowDisplayTask: onStatsUpdate, mobile
connected: true, mobile data changed: false
05-21 00:23:28.979 6358 6434 D _V_DateCalculate: getTodayStartTime current time:
1684603408978, today start time: 1684602000000
05-21 00:23:28.979 6358 6434 D _V_DateCalculate: getTodayEndTime current time:
1684603408978, today end time: 1684688399999
05-21 00:23:28.994 6358 6434 D _V_VivoNetworkStatsManager: start time:
1684602000000, end time: 1684688399999, total usage: 585761
05-21 00:23:28.994 6358 6434 D _V_DateCalculate: getCurrentMonthBeginTime
currentTime: 1684603408978, result: 1682874000000
05-21 00:23:29.003 6358 6434 D _V_VivoNetworkStatsManager: start time:
1682874000000, end time: 1684603408978, total usage: 44036557491
05-21 00:23:29.017 6358 6434 D _V_RemindFlowDisplayTask: connect sim flow is:
SIM2 Hari ini: 572,0KB Terpakai di bulan ini: 41,01GB, connected slot is: 1
05-21 00:23:29.020 6358 6434 D _V_RemindFlowDisplayTask: there is no need send
data: true, split: false, expand: false, connectionInfo: true
05-21 00:23:29.020 6358 6434 D _V_NetSpeedDisplayTask: onStatsUpdate
05-21 00:23:29.020 6358 6434 V _V_NetSpeedDisplayTask: onStatsUpdate: 0, last
stats update time: 7259544
05-21 00:23:29.020 6358 6434 D _V_BadUsageCheckTask: onStatsUpdate
05-21 00:23:29.023 6358 6434 E _V_SystemAppConfiguration: updateConfig failed: No
value for system_app_data_monitor
05-21 00:23:29.025 6358 6434 D _V_SystemServiceConfig: update config:
05-21 00:42:10.358 1316 1366 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
05-21 00:42:10.358 1316 1366 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
05-21 00:50:37.823 6358 6434 E _V_SystemAppConfiguration: updateConfig failed: No
value for system_app_data_monitor
05-21 00:50:43.144 9375 26358 E _V_ContentCatcher-PackageUtil: [getPackageInfo]
Exception in
05-21 00:50:46.447 9375 26358 E _V_ContentCatcher-PackageUtil: [getPackageInfo]
Exception in
05-21 00:50:46.457 9375 26358 E _V_ContentCatcher-PackageUtil: [getPackageInfo]
Exception in
05-21 00:50:52.678 9375 26358 E _V_ContentCatcher-PackageUtil: [getPackageInfo]
Exception in
05-21 00:50:52.693 9375 26358 E _V_ContentCatcher-PackageUtil: [getPackageInfo]
Exception in
05-21 00:50:54.291 924 26875 E pd_mgr : Calculing FullRawOffset is fail:(16,16)!
=(0,0). crop
05-21 00:51:03.391 9375 26358 E _V_ContentCatcher-PackageUtil: [getPackageInfo]
Exception in
05-21 00:51:03.402 9375 26358 E _V_ContentCatcher-PackageUtil: [getPackageInfo]
Exception in
05-21 00:51:06.214 9375 26358 E _V_ContentCatcher-PackageUtil: [getPackageInfo]
Exception in
05-21 00:51:06.226 9375 26358 E _V_ContentCatcher-PackageUtil: [getPackageInfo]
Exception in
05-21 00:52:31.459 9375 26358 E _V_ContentCatcher-PackageUtil: [getPackageInfo]
Exception in
05-21 00:52:31.469 9375 26358 E _V_ContentCatcher-PackageUtil: [getPackageInfo]
Exception in
05-21 00:52:39.505 9375 26358 E _V_ContentCatcher-PackageUtil: [getPackageInfo]
Exception in
05-21 00:52:45.822 6358 6434 E _V_SystemAppConfiguration: updateConfig failed: No
value for system_app_data_monitor
05-21 00:52:59.603 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:3358 hint:25
pid:483 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:3358
05-21 00:52:59.604 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:3358 hint:25
comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:483
05-21 00:52:59.718 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:3358, idx:0
05-21 00:52:59.718 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:3358 hint:25
comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:483
05-21 00:52:59.776 9375 26358 E _V_ContentCatcher-PackageUtil: [getPackageInfo]
Exception in
05-21 00:53:01.217 9375 26358 E _V_ContentCatcher-PackageUtil: [getPackageInfo]
Exception in
05-21 00:53:06.777 9375 26358 E _V_ContentCatcher-PackageUtil: [getPackageInfo]
Exception in
05-21 00:53:07.642 9375 26358 E _V_ContentCatcher-PackageUtil: [getPackageInfo]
Exception in
05-21 00:53:09.676 9375 26358 E _V_ContentCatcher-PackageUtil: [getPackageInfo]
Exception in
05-21 00:54:16.358 1316 4579 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.facebook.katana
05-21 00:55:33.217 6358 6434 E _V_SystemAppConfiguration: updateConfig failed: No
value for system_app_data_monitor
05-21 00:57:47.109 6358 6434 E _V_SystemAppConfiguration: updateConfig failed: No
value for system_app_data_monitor
05-21 01:19:05.358 421 427 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup27: Permission denied
05-21 01:23:20.488 6358 6434 E _V_SystemAppConfiguration: updateConfig failed: No
value for system_app_data_monitor
05-21 01:39:02.592 358 358 W logd.writer: type=1400 audit(0.0:21583): avc:
denied { getattr } for scontext=u:r:logd:s0 tcontext=u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768
tclass=process permissive=0
05-21 01:39:34.679 1316 1358 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 90001 pid 30712 in 0ms
05-21 01:39:41.358 3601 3627 I .gms.persisten: Background concurrent copying GC
freed 12571(518KB) AllocSpace objects, 34(1768KB) LOS objects, 10% free, 17MB/19MB,
paused 100us total 245.549ms
05-21 01:41:19.358 1316 1337 D _V_VivoUsbDeviceManager: useVivoUsbNotification
id=0 ,titleRes=0 ,connected=false ,force=false ,currentFunctions=0 ,mLastId=0
05-21 01:41:19.358 1316 1337 D _V_VivoUsbDeviceManager: useVivoUsbNotification
true, not connected
05-21 01:43:56.958 1316 1358 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 10108 pid 28629 in 89ms
05-21 01:43:56.981 1316 1358 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 10153 pid 28637 in 0ms
05-21 01:44:33.522 3601 3627 I .gms.persisten: Background concurrent copying GC
freed 12938(537KB) AllocSpace objects, 34(1768KB) LOS objects, 10% free, 17MB/19MB,
paused 102us total 234.358ms
05-21 01:45:11.815 3601 3627 I .gms.persisten: Background concurrent copying GC
freed 7818(358KB) AllocSpace objects, 46(2392KB) LOS objects, 10% free, 17MB/19MB,
paused 135us total 236.723ms
05-21 01:45:23.144 3601 3627 I .gms.persisten: Background concurrent copying GC
freed 7223(358KB) AllocSpace objects, 44(2288KB) LOS objects, 10% free, 17MB/19MB,
paused 202us total 233.567ms
05-21 01:46:46.192 1316 1358 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 10027 pid 28960 in 86ms
05-21 01:48:26.736 1316 1358 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 10027 pid 29128 in 87ms
05-21 01:49:08.425 3601 9507 D SharedPreferencesImpl: Time required to fsync
/data/user/0/com.google.android.gms/shared_prefs/LogDropPref.xml: [<1: 0, <2: 0,
<4: 188, <8: 3582, <16: 92, <32: 196, <64: 35, <128: 3, <256: 0, <512: 0, <1024: 0,
<2048: 0, <4096: 0, <8192: 0, <16384: 0, >=16384: 0]
05-21 01:51:35.298 6358 6434 D _V_VivoNetworkStatsManager: start time:
1684602000000, end time: 1684688399999, total usage: 56424757
05-21 01:51:35.299 6358 6434 D _V_DateCalculate: getCurrentMonthBeginTime
currentTime: 1684608695288, result: 1682874000000
05-21 01:51:35.309 6358 6434 D _V_VivoNetworkStatsManager: start time:
1682874000000, end time: 1684608695288, total usage: 44092396491
05-21 01:51:35.313 6358 6434 D _V_RemindFlowDisplayTask: connect sim flow is:
SIM2 Hari ini: 53,8MB Terpakai di bulan ini: 41,06GB, connected slot is: 1
05-21 01:51:35.314 6358 6434 D _V_RemindFlowDisplayTask: there is no need send
data: true, split: false, expand: false, connectionInfo: true
05-21 01:51:35.314 6358 6434 D _V_NetSpeedDisplayTask: onStatsUpdate
05-21 01:51:35.314 6358 6434 V _V_NetSpeedDisplayTask: onStatsUpdate: 0, last
stats update time: 12545838
05-21 01:51:35.314 6358 6434 D _V_BadUsageCheckTask: onStatsUpdate
05-21 01:51:35.316 6358 6434 E _V_SystemAppConfiguration: updateConfig failed: No
value for system_app_data_monitor
05-21 01:51:35.318 6358 6434 D _V_SystemServiceConfig: update config:
05-21 01:52:07.358 1316 1344 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL,cmd=
1074294797, lParam=0.
05-21 01:52:30.358 421 427 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup29: Permission denied
05-21 01:52:30.514 3601 3627 I .gms.persisten: Background concurrent copying GC
freed 6708(358KB) AllocSpace objects, 38(1976KB) LOS objects, 10% free, 17MB/19MB,
paused 128us total 236.796ms
05-21 01:53:21.619 3601 3627 I .gms.persisten: Background concurrent copying GC
freed 6741(337KB) AllocSpace objects, 40(2080KB) LOS objects, 10% free, 17MB/19MB,
paused 104us total 238.358ms
05-21 01:53:25.468 6358 6358 D _V_DataUsageService: receiver stats update!
05-21 01:53:25.469 6358 6434 D _V_UsageLimitCheckTask: onStatsUpdate
05-21 01:53:25.469 6358 6434 I _V_UsageLimitCheckTask: stats update and current
network is mobile!
05-21 01:53:25.469 6358 6434 D _V_MonthLimitCheckHelper: need check: false
05-21 01:53:25.469 6358 6434 D _V_DayLimitCheckHelper: need check: false
05-21 01:53:25.469 6358 6434 D _V_UsageLimitCheckTask: need update policy? false,
unlock remind is null? true
05-21 01:53:25.469 6358 6434 D _V_RemindFlowDisplayTask: onStatsUpdate, mobile
connected: true, mobile data changed: false
05-21 01:53:25.469 6358 6434 D _V_DateCalculate: getTodayStartTime current time:
1684608805469, today start time: 1684602000000
05-21 01:53:25.469 6358 6434 D _V_DateCalculate: getTodayEndTime current time:
1684608805469, today end time: 1684688399999
05-21 01:53:25.480 6358 6434 D _V_VivoNetworkStatsManager: start time:
1684602000000, end time: 1684688399999, total usage: 56428169
05-21 01:53:25.481 6358 6434 D _V_DateCalculate: getCurrentMonthBeginTime
currentTime: 1684608805469, result: 1682874000000
05-21 01:53:25.491 6358 6434 D _V_VivoNetworkStatsManager: start time:
1682874000000, end time: 1684608805469, total usage: 44092399904
05-21 01:53:25.493 6358 6434 D _V_RemindFlowDisplayTask: connect sim flow is:
SIM2 Hari ini: 53,8MB Terpakai di bulan ini: 41,06GB, connected slot is: 1
05-21 01:53:25.496 6358 6434 D _V_RemindFlowDisplayTask: there is no need send
data: true, split: false, expand: false, connectionInfo: true
05-21 01:53:25.498 6358 6434 D _V_NetSpeedDisplayTask: onStatsUpdate
05-21 01:53:25.498 6358 6434 V _V_NetSpeedDisplayTask: onStatsUpdate: 0, last
stats update time: 12656022
05-21 01:53:25.498 6358 6434 D _V_BadUsageCheckTask: onStatsUpdate
05-21 01:55:53.378 1803 1803 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: action
android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE serviceState={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE),
mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=3652, duplexMode()=1,
mCellBandwidths=[20000], mOperatorAlphaLong=Indosat Ooredoo,
mOperatorAlphaShort=INDOSAT, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic),
getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE), getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE),
mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1,
mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false,
isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0,
mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN
registrationState=NOT_REG_OR_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING
accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false
availableServices=[] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null
dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 0
isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false
LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcBearerSupport = 1
mIsUsingCarrierAggregation = false } nrState=NONE rRplmn=null},
NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME
roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0
emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO]
cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=77156358 mPci=220 mTac=30062 mEarfcn=3652
mBands=[] mBandwidth=10000 mMcc=510 mMnc=01 mAlphaLong=INDOSAT mAlphaShort=INDOSAT
mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo
{ mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0
mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn=51001},
NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME
roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0
emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:
{ mCi=77156358 mPci=220 mTac=30062 mEarfcn=3652 mBands=[] mBandwidth=10000 mMcc=510
mMnc=01 mAlphaLong=INDOSAT mAlphaShort=INDOSAT mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null}
dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls =
16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false
LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 3 mEmcBearerSupport = 2
mIsUsingCarrierAggregation = false } nrState=NONE rRplmn=51001}],
mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=INDOSAT, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=INDOSAT,
mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false} subId=9
05-21 01:55:53.384 1803 1803 D CarrierTextController: SIM ready and in service:
subId=9, ss={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE),
mChannelNumber=3652, duplexMode()=1, mCellBandwidths=[20000],
mOperatorAlphaLong=Indosat Ooredoo, mOperatorAlphaShort=INDOSAT,
isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE),
getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1,
mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1,
mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0,
mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN
registrationState=NOT_REG_OR_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING
accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false
availableServices=[] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null
dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 0
isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false
LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcBearerSupport = 1
mIsUsingCarrierAggregation = false } nrState=NONE rRplmn=null},
NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME
roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0
emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO]
cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=77156358 mPci=220 mTac=30062 mEarfcn=3652
mBands=[] mBandwidth=10000 mMcc=510 mMnc=01 mAlphaLong=INDOSAT mAlphaShort=INDOSAT
mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo
{ mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0
mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn=51001},
NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME
roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0
emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:
{ mCi=77156358 mPci=220 mTac=30062 mEarfcn=3652 mBands=[] mBandwidth=10000 mMcc=510
mMnc=01 mAlphaLong=INDOSAT mAlphaShort=INDOSAT mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null}
dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls =
16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false
LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 3 mEmcBearerSupport = 2
mIsUsingCarrierAggregation = false } nrState=NONE rRplmn=51001}],
mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=INDOSAT, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=INDOSAT,
mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false}
05-21 01:56:20.358 1316 2350 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 12956007, curTime = 12830881
05-21 01:56:20.358 1316 2350 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 12870523, curTime = 12830882
05-21 01:56:20.358 3601 19191 I AlarmManager: setExactAndAllowWhileIdle [name:
GCM_HB_ALARM type: 2 triggerAtMillis: 13070882]
05-21 01:57:03.220 421 421 W Binder:421_1: type=1400 audit(0.0:23588): avc:
denied { read } for name="wakeup28" dev="sysfs" ino=32911
scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs_fuelsummary:s0
tclass=dir permissive=0
05-21 01:57:03.228 421 421 W Binder:421_1: type=1400 audit(0.0:23589): avc:
denied { read } for name="wakeup26" dev="sysfs" ino=32715
scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs_fuelsummary:s0
tclass=dir permissive=0
05-21 02:23:28.740 6358 6434 E _V_SystemAppConfiguration: updateConfig failed: No
value for system_app_data_monitor
05-21 02:54:58.450 6358 6434 E _V_SystemAppConfiguration: updateConfig failed: No
value for system_app_data_monitor
05-21 03:15:36.358 499 499 E _V_VivoSensorTest: bbk_em_sensor_main finish
05-21 03:15:36.358 2253 2730 E VivoSensorTest: vivo_sensor_factory_test system
05-21 03:15:37.668 6358 6434 E _V_SystemAppConfiguration: updateConfig failed: No
value for system_app_data_monitor
05-21 03:15:39.358 23292 23451 E linker : normalize_path - invalid input: "D", the
input path should be absolute
05-21 03:15:41.358 511 929 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevices setting
same device AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE or null device, force=0, patch handle=4
05-21 03:15:41.358 511 929 V APM_AudioPolicyManager:
selectOutputForMusicEffects selected output 13
05-21 03:15:43.358 5318 5527 E bt_btm : BTM_BleObserve Observe not active
05-21 03:15:51.358 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:3577, idx:-1
05-21 03:15:51.816 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:3580 hint:25
pid:483 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:3580
05-21 03:15:51.816 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:3580 hint:25
comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:483
05-21 03:15:51.965 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:3581
hint:1157 pid:507 duration:80 => ret_hdl:3581
05-21 03:15:51.965 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:1 hdl:3581 hint:1157
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:507
05-21 03:15:51.967 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:2 hdl:3582
hint:1173 pid:507 duration:0 => ret_hdl:3582
05-21 03:15:51.967 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:2 hdl:3582 hint:1173
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:507
05-21 03:15:51.973 507 507 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:3583
05-21 03:15:51.974 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:4 hdl:3583 hint:-1
pid:507 duration:30 => ret_hdl:3583
05-21 03:15:51.974 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:4 hdl:3583
lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi pid:507 tid:507 dur:30
05-21 03:15:52.004 483 1610 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
05-21 03:15:52.004 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:3583, idx:4
05-21 03:15:52.004 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:4 hdl:3583
lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi pid:507 tid:507 dur:30
05-21 03:15:52.024 507 23810 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:3583,
05-21 03:15:52.025 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:3583, idx:-1
05-21 03:15:52.047 483 1610 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
05-21 03:15:52.047 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:3581, idx:1
05-21 03:15:52.047 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:1 hdl:3581 hint:1157
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:507
05-21 03:15:52.065 507 23809 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:3581,
05-21 03:15:52.066 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:3581, idx:-1
05-21 03:15:52.212 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:3580, idx:0
05-21 03:15:52.212 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:3580 hint:25
comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:483
05-21 03:15:52.213 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:3584
hint:1155 pid:507 duration:579 => ret_hdl:3584
05-21 03:15:52.213 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:3584 hint:1155
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:507
05-21 03:15:52.215 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:3585
hint:1157 pid:507 duration:80 => ret_hdl:3585
05-21 03:15:52.215 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:1 hdl:3585 hint:1157
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:507
05-21 03:15:52.215 507 507 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:3582, tid:507
05-21 03:15:52.216 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:3582, idx:2
05-21 03:15:52.216 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:2 hdl:3582 hint:1173
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:507
05-21 03:15:52.296 483 1610 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
05-21 03:15:52.296 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:3585, idx:1
05-21 03:15:52.296 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:1 hdl:3585 hint:1157
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:507
05-21 03:15:52.316 507 23812 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:3585,
05-21 03:15:52.317 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:3585, idx:-1
05-21 03:15:52.790 507 507 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:3583, tid:507
05-21 03:15:52.791 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:3583, idx:-1
05-21 03:15:52.792 483 1610 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
05-21 03:15:52.792 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:3584, idx:0
05-21 03:15:52.792 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:3584 hint:1155
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:507
05-21 03:15:52.813 507 23811 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:3584,
05-21 03:15:52.814 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:3584, idx:-1
05-21 03:15:57.565 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:3586 hint:25
pid:483 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:3586
05-21 03:15:57.565 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:3586 hint:25
comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:483
05-21 03:15:57.568 507 507 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:3584, tid:507
05-21 03:15:57.569 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:3584, idx:-1
05-21 03:15:57.662 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:3587
hint:1157 pid:507 duration:80 => ret_hdl:3587
05-21 03:15:57.662 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:1 hdl:3587 hint:1157
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:507
05-21 03:15:57.664 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:2 hdl:3588
hint:1173 pid:507 duration:0 => ret_hdl:3588
05-21 03:15:57.664 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:2 hdl:3588 hint:1173
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:507
05-21 03:15:57.679 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:3586, idx:0
05-21 03:15:57.680 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:3586 hint:25
comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:483
05-21 03:15:57.682 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:4 hdl:3589
hint:1155 pid:507 duration:833 => ret_hdl:3589
05-21 03:15:57.682 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:4 hdl:3589 hint:1155
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:507
05-21 03:15:57.684 507 507 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:3588, tid:507
05-21 03:15:57.685 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:3588, idx:2
05-21 03:15:57.685 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:2 hdl:3588 hint:1173
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:507
05-21 03:15:57.744 483 1610 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
05-21 03:15:57.744 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:3587, idx:1
05-21 03:15:57.744 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:1 hdl:3587 hint:1157
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:507
05-21 03:15:57.762 507 23815 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:3587,
05-21 03:15:57.764 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:3587, idx:-1
05-21 03:15:57.865 507 507 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:3589, tid:507
05-21 03:15:57.866 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:3589, idx:4
05-21 03:15:57.866 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:4 hdl:3589 hint:1155
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:507
05-21 03:16:06.358 24179 24216 E _V_NightModeController: can't get NightModeService
05-21 03:16:18.093 23876 24355 E Finsky : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Future
was expected to be done: aohy@cee4d3b[status=PENDING,
info=[inputFuture=[amtr@2071696[status=PENDING, info=[callable=[alan@3469604],
trial=[amts@1db47ed[status=PENDING, setFuture=[aokj@8960622[status=PENDING,
setFuture=[aoin@e0b28b3[status=PENDING, info=[futures=[amtr@e990e70[status=PENDING,
info=[callable=[qdd@43175e9], trial=[amts@632626e[status=PENDING,
setFuture=[aokj@c859d0f[status=PENDING, setFuture=[aohy@358a19c[status=PENDING,
setFuture=[amtr@126377a[status=PENDING, info=[callable=[oti@488fb2b],
trial=[amts@91c3b88[status=PENDING, setFuture=[aokj@e58f921[status=PENDING,
info=[task=[running=[RUNNING ON ValueStore-1],
function=[propagating=[agfk@8505146]]]]]]]], function=[jzz@51a1f07]]]
05-21 03:17:06.358 903 1238 E libnetd_resolv: QUERY_RESOLV_NETID
command.uid:10159, nid:0
05-21 03:19:37.078 3589 3589 E libc : Access denied finding property
05-21 03:19:37.092 3589 3589 E libc : Access denied finding property
05-21 03:19:53.285 6358 6434 E _V_SystemAppConfiguration: updateConfig failed: No
value for system_app_data_monitor
05-21 03:20:59.358 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:4 hdl:4219
hint:1157 pid:507 duration:80 => ret_hdl:4219
05-21 03:20:59.358 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:4 hdl:4219 hint:1157
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:507
05-21 03:21:08.819 1316 1358 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.FORCE_STOP_PACKAGE.com.bbk.theme from system 1316:system/1000
pkg android
05-21 03:22:13.358 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:4348, idx:5
05-21 03:22:13.358 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:5 hdl:4348 hint:1159
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:507
05-21 03:22:14.255 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:4 hdl:4358
hint:1159 pid:507 duration:500 => ret_hdl:4358
05-21 03:22:14.255 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:4 hdl:4358 hint:1159
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:507
05-21 03:22:14.256 507 507 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:4358, tid:507
05-21 03:22:14.257 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:4358, idx:4
05-21 03:22:14.257 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:4 hdl:4358 hint:1159
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:507
05-21 03:22:14.358 511 13709 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getDevicesForStream()
device {type:0x2,@:}, activeDevices AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE
05-21 03:22:18.181 6358 6434 E _V_SystemAppConfiguration: updateConfig failed: No
value for system_app_data_monitor
05-21 03:22:40.358 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:2 hdl:4460
hint:1159 pid:507 duration:500 => ret_hdl:4460
05-21 03:22:40.358 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:2 hdl:4460 hint:1159
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:507
05-21 03:22:40.358 507 507 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:4460, tid:507
05-21 03:22:43.358 2253 21693 E _V_ProxCoverNoticeService: monitor view is null,
no need to update fullscreen
05-21 03:22:59.358 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:4531
hint:1157 pid:507 duration:80 => ret_hdl:4531
05-21 03:25:07.358 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:4745 hint:1157
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:507
05-21 03:27:27.358 483 1610 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:4901, idx:-1
05-21 03:28:02.358 1803 1803 E _V_KeyguardUpdateMonitor: serviceState is null in
05-21 03:55:12.118 6358 6434 E _V_SystemAppConfiguration: updateConfig failed: No
value for system_app_data_monitor
05-21 04:23:11.069 6358 6358 D _V_DataUsageService: receiver stats update!
05-21 04:23:11.070 6358 6434 D _V_UsageLimitCheckTask: onStatsUpdate
05-21 04:23:11.070 6358 6434 I _V_UsageLimitCheckTask: stats update and current
network is mobile!
05-21 04:23:11.070 6358 6434 D _V_MonthLimitCheckHelper: need check: false
05-21 04:23:11.070 6358 6434 D _V_DayLimitCheckHelper: need check: false
05-21 04:23:11.070 6358 6434 D _V_UsageLimitCheckTask: need update policy? false,
unlock remind is null? true
05-21 04:23:11.070 6358 6434 D _V_RemindFlowDisplayTask: onStatsUpdate, mobile
connected: true, mobile data changed: false
05-21 04:23:11.070 6358 6434 D _V_DateCalculate: getTodayStartTime current time:
1684617791070, today start time: 1684602000000
05-21 04:23:11.071 6358 6434 D _V_DateCalculate: getTodayEndTime current time:
1684617791070, today end time: 1684688399999
05-21 04:23:11.087 6358 6358 D _V_DataUsageService: receiver stats update!
05-21 04:23:11.093 6358 6434 D _V_VivoNetworkStatsManager: start time:
1684602000000, end time: 1684688399999, total usage: 79866667
05-21 04:23:11.093 6358 6434 D _V_DateCalculate: getCurrentMonthBeginTime
currentTime: 1684617791070, result: 1682874000000
05-21 04:23:11.102 6358 6434 D _V_VivoNetworkStatsManager: start time:
1682874000000, end time: 1684617791070, total usage: 44115838405
05-21 04:23:11.104 6358 6434 D _V_RemindFlowDisplayTask: connect sim flow is:
SIM2 Hari ini: 76,2MB Terpakai di bulan ini: 41,09GB, connected slot is: 1
05-21 04:23:11.105 6358 6434 D _V_RemindFlowDisplayTask: there is no need send
data: true, split: false, expand: false, connectionInfo: true
05-21 04:23:11.106 6358 6434 D _V_NetSpeedDisplayTask: onStatsUpdate
05-21 04:23:11.106 6358 6434 V _V_NetSpeedDisplayTask: onStatsUpdate: 0, last
stats update time: 21641630
05-21 04:23:11.106 6358 6434 D _V_BadUsageCheckTask: onStatsUpdate
05-21 04:23:11.108 6358 6434 E _V_SystemAppConfiguration: updateConfig failed: No
value for system_app_data_monitor
05-21 04:23:11.109 6358 6434 D _V_SystemServiceConfig: update config:
05-21 04:23:11.110 6358 6434 D _V_UsageLimitCheckTask: onStatsUpdate
05-21 04:23:11.110 6358 6434 I _V_UsageLimitCheckTask: stats update and current
network is mobile!
05-21 04:23:11.110 6358 6434 D _V_MonthLimitCheckHelper: need check: false
05-21 04:23:11.110 6358 6434 D _V_DayLimitCheckHelper: need check: false
05-21 04:23:11.110 6358 6434 D _V_UsageLimitCheckTask: need update policy? false,
unlock remind is null? true
05-21 04:23:11.110 6358 6434 D _V_RemindFlowDisplayTask: onStatsUpdate, mobile
connected: true, mobile data changed: false
05-21 04:23:11.110 6358 6434 D _V_DateCalculate: getTodayStartTime current time:
1684617791110, today start time: 1684602000000
05-21 04:23:11.111 6358 6434 D _V_DateCalculate: getTodayEndTime current time:
1684617791110, today end time: 1684688399999
05-21 04:23:11.145 6358 6434 D _V_VivoNetworkStatsManager: start time:
1684602000000, end time: 1684688399999, total usage: 79866667
05-21 04:23:11.148 6358 6434 D _V_DateCalculate: getCurrentMonthBeginTime
currentTime: 1684617791110, result: 1682874000000
05-21 04:23:11.155 6358 6434 D _V_VivoNetworkStatsManager: start time:
1682874000000, end time: 1684617791110, total usage: 44115838405
05-21 04:23:11.158 6358 6434 D _V_RemindFlowDisplayTask: connect sim flow is:
SIM2 Hari ini: 76,2MB Terpakai di bulan ini: 41,09GB, connected slot is: 1
05-21 04:23:11.159 6358 6434 D _V_RemindFlowDisplayTask: there is no need send
data: true, split: false, expand: false, connectionInfo: true
05-21 04:23:11.160 6358 6434 D _V_NetSpeedDisplayTask: onStatsUpdate
05-21 04:23:11.160 6358 6434 V _V_NetSpeedDisplayTask: onStatsUpdate: 0, last
stats update time: 21641684
05-21 04:23:11.160 6358 6434 D _V_BadUsageCheckTask: onStatsUpdate
05-21 04:23:11.216 1316 1358 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 90007 pid 30633 in 0ms
05-21 04:27:45.358 421 427 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup29: Permission denied
05-21 04:28:20.358 421 427 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup30: Permission denied
05-21 04:59:12.055 6358 6434 E _V_SystemAppConfiguration: updateConfig failed: No
value for system_app_data_monitor
05-21 05:07:11.465 6358 6434 E _V_SystemAppConfiguration: updateConfig failed: No
value for system_app_data_monitor
05-21 05:09:14.414 1316 1358 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 10111 pid 31237 in 89ms
05-21 05:10:47.593 1316 1358 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 10027 pid 30722 in 43ms
05-21 05:13:56.358 1316 4579 I BatteryStatsService: In wakeup_callback: resumed
from suspend
05-21 05:19:51.156 421 421 W Binder:421_1: type=1400 audit(0.0:49358): avc:
denied { read } for name="wakeup30" dev="sysfs" ino=32985
scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs_fuelsummary:s0
tclass=dir permissive=0
05-21 05:24:46.358 421 421 W Binder:421_1: type=1400 audit(0.0:49554): avc:
denied { read } for name="wakeup30" dev="sysfs" ino=32985
scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs_fuelsummary:s0
tclass=dir permissive=0
05-21 05:25:09.854 3601 3627 I .gms.persisten: Background concurrent copying GC
freed 12358(532KB) AllocSpace objects, 32(1664KB) LOS objects, 10% free, 17MB/19MB,
paused 103us total 238.798ms
05-21 05:26:54.358 3601 3627 I .gms.persisten: Background concurrent copying GC
freed 12087(518KB) AllocSpace objects, 34(1768KB) LOS objects, 10% free, 17MB/19MB,
paused 134us total 244.244ms
05-21 05:27:10.279 6358 6358 D _V_DataUsageService: receiver stats update!
05-21 05:27:10.280 6358 6434 D _V_UsageLimitCheckTask: onStatsUpdate
05-21 05:27:10.280 6358 6434 I _V_UsageLimitCheckTask: stats update and current
network is mobile!
05-21 05:27:10.280 6358 6434 D _V_MonthLimitCheckHelper: need check: false
05-21 05:27:10.280 6358 6434 D _V_DayLimitCheckHelper: need check: false
05-21 05:27:10.280 6358 6434 D _V_UsageLimitCheckTask: need update policy? false,
unlock remind is null? true
05-21 05:27:10.280 6358 6434 D _V_RemindFlowDisplayTask: onStatsUpdate, mobile
connected: true, mobile data changed: false
05-21 05:27:10.281 6358 6434 D _V_DateCalculate: getTodayStartTime current time:
1684621630280, today start time: 1684602000000
05-21 05:27:10.281 6358 6434 D _V_DateCalculate: getTodayEndTime current time:
1684621630280, today end time: 1684688399999
05-21 05:27:10.292 6358 6434 D _V_VivoNetworkStatsManager: start time:
1684602000000, end time: 1684688399999, total usage: 80705430
05-21 05:27:10.292 6358 6434 D _V_DateCalculate: getCurrentMonthBeginTime
currentTime: 1684621630280, result: 1682874000000
05-21 05:27:10.301 6358 6434 D _V_VivoNetworkStatsManager: start time:
1682874000000, end time: 1684621630280, total usage: 44116677164
05-21 05:27:10.302 6358 6434 D _V_RemindFlowDisplayTask: connect sim flow is:
SIM2 Hari ini: 77,0MB Terpakai di bulan ini: 41,09GB, connected slot is: 1
05-21 05:27:10.303 6358 6434 D _V_RemindFlowDisplayTask: there is no need send
data: true, split: false, expand: false, connectionInfo: true
05-21 05:27:10.304 6358 6434 D _V_NetSpeedDisplayTask: onStatsUpdate
05-21 05:27:10.304 6358 6434 V _V_NetSpeedDisplayTask: onStatsUpdate: 0, last
stats update time: 25480828
05-21 05:27:10.304 6358 6434 D _V_BadUsageCheckTask: onStatsUpdate
05-21 05:27:10.310 6358 6434 E _V_SystemAppConfiguration: updateConfig failed: No
value for system_app_data_monitor
05-21 05:27:10.311 6358 6434 D _V_SystemServiceConfig: update config:
05-21 05:27:10.482 1316 1358 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 10023 pid 32625 in 47ms
05-21 05:27:20.682 421 421 W Binder:421_1: type=1400 audit(0.0:50358): avc:
denied { read } for name="wakeup28" dev="sysfs" ino=32911
scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs_fuelsummary:s0
tclass=dir permissive=0
05-21 05:28:47.358 421 421 W Binder:421_1: type=1400 audit(0.0:50526): avc:
denied { read } for name="wakeup22" dev="sysfs" ino=31149
scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_batteryinfo:s0 tclass=dir
05-21 05:32:23.059 1316 1442 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= -111, curTime = 25793583
05-21 05:32:23.059 1316 1442 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 55960918, curTime = 25793583
05-21 05:32:23.358 1696 6636 I _V_MultiWindowCompat: sMultiWindowCompat31
isSplitMode : false
05-21 05:32:23.358 1696 6636 I _V_ABE : isNeedKill = true package =
com.facebook.services isSplitMode = false screenstatus = false
05-21 05:32:23.358 1696 6636 I _V_MultiWindowCompat: sMultiWindowCompat31
isSplitMode : false
05-21 05:32:23.358 1696 6636 I _V_ABE : isNeedKill = true package =
com.facebook.services ispip = false
05-21 05:32:23.358 1696 6636 I _V_ABE : com.facebook.services isNeedKill = true
05-21 05:32:23.358 1696 6636 I _V_ABE : defaultInputMethod =
05-21 05:33:29.608 2204 2217 I com.vivo.pem: Background concurrent copying GC
freed 53583(2664KB) AllocSpace objects, 15(3676KB) LOS objects, 16% free,
10145KB/11MB, paused 122us total 197.774ms
05-21 05:40:53.056 3601 3456 I AlarmManager: setExactAndAllowWhileIdle [name:
GCM_HB_ALARM type: 2 triggerAtMillis: 26543580]
05-21 05:40:53.058 1316 2352 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= -111, curTime = 26303581
05-21 05:40:53.058 1316 2352 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= -111, curTime = 26303581
05-21 05:40:53.061 1316 2352 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= -111, curTime = 26303584
05-21 05:40:53.061 1316 2352 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= -111, curTime = 26303584
05-21 05:40:53.061 3601 3456 I AlarmManager: setExactAndAllowWhileIdle [name:
GCM_HB_ALARM type: 2 triggerAtMillis: 26543585]
05-21 05:40:53.062 1316 2352 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= -111, curTime = 26303586
05-21 05:40:53.062 1316 2352 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= -111, curTime = 26303586
05-21 05:51:27.837 358 358 W logd.writer: type=1400 audit(0.0:50992): avc:
denied { getattr } for scontext=u:r:logd:s0 tcontext=u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768
tclass=process permissive=0
05-21 05:53:56.178 1316 1358 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 90013 pid 9890 in 0ms
05-21 05:54:01.358 421 427 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup29: Permission denied
05-21 05:56:11.719 6358 6434 E _V_SystemAppConfiguration: updateConfig failed: No
value for system_app_data_monitor
05-21 05:59:17.358 421 421 W Binder:421_1: type=1400 audit(0.0:51635): avc:
denied { read } for name="wakeup26" dev="sysfs" ino=32715
scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs_fuelsummary:s0
tclass=dir permissive=0
05-21 05:59:44.418 3601 3627 I .gms.persisten: Background concurrent copying GC
freed 7053(358KB) AllocSpace objects, 40(2080KB) LOS objects, 10% free, 17MB/19MB,
paused 98us total 236.735ms
05-21 06:00:09.508 2371 6711 I _V_RMS-Reclaim: available=1358824KB, current
watermark=819200KB, last watermark=819200KB, current stopline=800, last
stopline=1000 curlevel=4
05-21 06:24:26.144 6358 6434 E _V_SystemAppConfiguration: updateConfig failed: No
value for system_app_data_monitor
05-21 06:45:38.358 421 427 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup29: Permission denied
05-21 06:51:21.358 3601 16172 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
rAdapter@73ad6b0sensor=NULL num: 1
05-21 06:53:35.422 6358 6434 E _V_SystemAppConfiguration: updateConfig failed: No
value for system_app_data_monitor
05-21 07:08:10.358 421 427 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup26: Permission denied

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