Chapter 6 CE 104
Chapter 6 CE 104
Chapter 6 CE 104
motorways to unclassified
Introduction: Road Roadroads
to is work that takes place on roads from
Road maintenance is work that takes place on roads from motorways to unclassified
roads to ensure they remain strong, safe and efficient. Road maintenance takes many
forms, but the overarching aim is to keep road users safe, manage traffic and maintain
Highway pavement is an essential component of the overall transportation system
providing access to various parts of the world and facilitating the movement of
people and goods. Due to its immense importance, it must be well maintained and
timely repaired. Else, several problems may arise, ultimately leading to the failure of
the pavement itself. The pavement failure may occur due to various factors such as
excessive vehicular stress, sunlight exposure, water intrusion, unequal expansion and
contraction due to seasonal changes, etc.
1. Cracking
2. Po Holes
3. Depressions
4. Corrugation and Shoving
5. Ravelling
1. Cracking
Cracking is one of the most common types of pavement failure. The nature of
the crack itself is fast spreading. Cracking is usually caused due to use of
improper material mix during construction and settling of the subgrade or base
during operation. Several cracking in the pavement are:
Alligator Cracking:
Alligator cracking is the cracking that is associated with load and structural
distresses. These cracks are extensively found at intersections where the vehicles
are stopped for a relatively long period because these cracks start to form when the
sub-grade and base compress due to the excessive imposed wheel load.
a. Alligator Cracking in Flexible Pavement
a. Determine the primary source of the problem and the best way to repair it.
b. If a problem is seen on the surface course, the crack filler is applied. If failure is due
to weakening of base or sub-base course, cut the affected pavement area into
rectangular or square shapes. Then patch it like a pothole.
The quicker this cracking is detected, the easier it becomes to repair.
The sealing method of repair can be used for cracks less than ½ inch or lesser. In
severe cracks, the deteriorated pavement must be removed and replaced by an overlay.
3. Temperature cycling
If the crack is less than 1/2 inch, flexible fillers can be used to fill the cracks.
If the crack is larger than 1/2 inch, the affected section of the road is removed and
replaced by an overlay. Sometimes, joining of the sections with metal plates also can
be done if traffic is low.
Edge cracking is the type of crack that is usually formed at the edge of highway
pavements. These cracks are typically associated with the ingress of water in
underlying layers.
Causes of Depressions
1. Uneven thickness of subsequent layers
2. Unequal compaction
3. Foundation soil settlement
Repair of Depressions
In case of severe depression, the asphalt surface has to be replaced while for smaller
depressions patching of the area may be done.
4. Rutting:
Rutting is a type of pavement failure that results in the formation of channelized
depressions particularly in the wheel track of pavement.
Two types of rutting particularly the pavement rutting and subgrade rutting may
With time, the wheel of heavy vehicles starts to compact the asphalt surface thereby
forming ruts.
Causes of Rutting
1. Lateral movement or consolidation of consecutive layers under traffic load
2. Insufficient layer thickness
3. Lack of compaction
4. Improper mix
4. Moisture infiltration
Repair of Rutting
If minor rutting has occurred, the rut can simply be filled and provided with an overlay.
In case of severe rutting, the damaged area must be lifted out and replaced by a new
5. Corrugation & Shoving:
Corrugations refer to the distresses that occur at regular intervals in the form of ridges
and valley on the surface of the pavement.
They run along the direction of the pavement itself and are usually less than 5 feet.
Similar distresses that run perpendicular to the traffic is known as shoving.
Causes of Ravelling
1. Excessively porous asphalt
2. The untimely placing of asphalt
Repair of Ravelling
A thin hot-mix overlay may be provided. Sealing of the affected areas may also be
Highway maintenance begins just after the construction, reconstruction or
rehabilitation of the roadway facilities. As defined by AASHTO; “Maintenance is
the preservation and keeping of each type of roadway, roadside, structures and
facilities as nearly as possible in its original condition as constructed or as
subsequently improved the operation of highway facilities and service to provide
satisfactory and safe transportation.”
Maintenance of Roadside
The type and kind of roadside maintenance depends upon the following conditions:
1. If the roadside is full of grass, mowing closer to the shoulder is the answer. If
necessary, grass at the roadside be fertilized or treated with lime. In some areas, re-
seeding maybe required.
2. If the roadside has dry grass considered as fire hazard, burning or plowing is the
3. If brushes cover the black-slope, trimming is necessary to maintain clearance and
sight distance.
Drainage Maintenance
1. Cleaning of ditches, culvert, drop inlets and catch basins to accommodate free flow
of water.
2. Removal of sediments, braches and other debris gathered at trash racks, culvert
and structures entrances.
3. Repair of eroded channels and dikes.
4. Riprap and bank protection to prevent recurrence.
Bridge Maintenance
1. For steel bridge structure, the routine maintenance calls for cleaning by
sandblasting, flame or means of re-painting.
2. Cleaning and re-sealing of deck joints that are extruded or filled with dirt.
3. Repair of drainage handrails.
4. Re-surfacing of rough or slicky deck surface.
5. Correct serious scour around the pier and abutments.
6. Most bridges maintenance is considered specialized work.
Traveling crews exclusively for bridges work alone is a function of the maintenance
7. Concrete bridge decks normally deteriorate due to deicing salts. The problem
starts when the sat penetrates and corrodes the reinforcing steel that spall-off the
overlaying concrete.
8. Correction is to remove the concrete, clean the steal and apply new material such as
polymer concrete.
9. Sometimes seal-out or overlay of asphalt materials are used as protective covering.
10. Check the bridge deck deterioration by:
a. Applying waterproof membranes.
b. Applying latex modified concrete.
c. Impregnating the deck with polymers.
d. Passing electric current through reinforcing steel.
11. If decks are dismantled, an epoxy coated reinforcing steel may be used.
Traffic Service
Maintenance operations of highway includes the traffic services like:
1. Stripping is a continuing function
2. Repair of road signs
3. Maintenance of street and highway light and signals. (sometimes the functions of
the government)
4. Coping up with emergencies. Personnel on patrol to keep the road open and rescue
stranded vehicles.
Maintenance Management
Before, maintenance is regarded as secondary functions of the Highway agency. The
personnel of the maintenance sections.
Often felt that they are regarded as secondary class employees of the Highway
agency. Indeed, the spoil system exist wherein the maintenance positions are used
to pay political favors or buy patronage support.
Today, maintenance and its management are considered the most intricate and ever-
changing highway and technology. Maintenance is now regarded as one of the most
important part of the Highway maintenance program.
Continuous studies have been going focused on the best management, time
utilization, productivity, methods,
and management of maintenance.
The roadway to the development in maintenance is still far. While the others
have already gone for advanced, we are just about to begin.
Resurfacing is the addition pavement layer over the existing roadway or bridge deck
surface to provide additional capacity. The additional re-surface pavement should not
be less than 20 mm in thickness.
Mud Jacking
Mud Jacking is a maintenance method adopted to restore the sub-grade support
under pumping pavement and to level uneven slabs. The liquid filler is injected under
the slab through drilled holes. The mud-or slurry, filled all the voids that if
continuously injected applying hydraulic pressure will force the slab upward. Slurry
for mud jacking consists of a mixture of fine grain aggregate, portland cement and
water or an addition of small amount of asphalt. A mixture of one part cement, and
three to four parts of ground limestone, could be used as slurry for mud jacking.
The mixture must pass through the pump without gumming. It must flow readily
under the pavement to the smallest voids. The mixture must harden rapidly
without excessive shrinkage and not becoming hard and brittle.
Take note that the spacing of the holes through the concrete should be palnned
carefully when the slab is to be lifted by pumping slurry into several holes. Frequent
movement of the nozzle is necessary so that the lifting will be in small increment.
Under Sealing
Under sealing is an alternative for mud jacking. Heated asphalt is sometimes used.
The advantage of under sealing is the formation of the asphalt as seal against the
penetration of surface water into the subgrade.
Highway and its Environment
Early road was patterned after the railroad of the same period. The principle behind
the construction of early road is to construct the cheapest roadway that would
serve the traffic under all conditions of weather without regard to its environment.
Roadside development was not included in the program. Shoulders and the right of
way are narrow or no- existing at all. Side slopes were too steep, drainage and
ditches, channels and structures were designed to protect the roadbed without
regard to erosion outside the roadway limit.
These crude practices in road building have brought unslightly conditions and high
maintenance cost until such time that the design standard were gradually modified.
And improved. The later development and improvement of roadways has
incorporated the following features:
1. Pleasing views and surroundings were developed sacrificing a little costs or
distances to enhance driving pleasure.
2. Long sweeping horizontal curves are acceptable than short curve connected by long
3. Choppy or broken back grade line were not only flattened but smoothened.
4. In rough areas, the depth of cuts and fill heights were lowered to reduce scare and
slope erosion to a minimum level.
5. Retaining walls are sometimes helpful and improve the attractiveness of the
6. Modem highway now provides wide roadbeds, shallow wide gutter and ditches, flat
back slope and cuts, and flat side slope on fill.
7. Top of the cut banks and toes of fills are rounded to blend with the original ground.
These features of the roadway give safer roadbed and a pleasing approach.
Erosion occurs more slowly or prevented on flatter slopes. The result is less expense
for cleaning gutters and ditches. Mowing could be done using power equipment that
substantially reduces maintenance costs. Wider right of way has become a necessity in
roadside development by the following reasons:
1. It allows blending of the road into the natural landscape.
2. It provides space to plant screening in front of unsightly and objectionable
areas and other undesirable objects.
3. It isolated the highway visually from its surroundings and freeing the roadside of
Roadside is the entire right of way except the travelled way. In planning roadside
development, planners were conscious of the cost maintenance including the cost of
mowing, trimming and cleaning. Roadside development is sometimes referred to as
roadside beautification made after the road construction is completed. Roadside
development without question provides a more pleasing environment for
travelers, less maintenance cost and safer highways. The roadside development
is under the carc of the Highway agency, although there re-adjacent property
home-owners who sometimes contribute to the beautification of their surroundings
including the roadside itself for aesthetic consideration that they themselves enjoyed.
Highway Beautification
Highway beautification is a broad term that includes activities like:
1. Landscaping and roadside development within the rights of way.
2. Improvement of strips and land adjacent to the highway for restoration,
preservation and enhancement of natural beauty.
3. Acquisition and development of publicly owned and controlled rest area, recreation
areas and sanitary areas including other facilities.
Environmental Laws
The government had passed enough laws to protect the environment. The
Environmental Laws has the following intent:
1. The government recognizes the impact of man9s activities in relation to all
components of the natural environment more particularly:
a) The influence of population growth
b) The high density urbanization
c) Industrial expansion
d) Resource exploration:
e) The expanding technological advances
f) Restoration and maintenance of environmental quality to the welfare and
development of man.
2. The present generation must fulfill the responsibility as trustees of the
environment for the succeeding generations.
3, To assure all Filipino people of a safe, healthful, productive and aesthetically and
culturally pleasing surroundings.
4. To provide the widest beneficial use of the environment 8without degradation and
risk to health or other undesirable consequences.
5. To preserve some important pre historic, cultural and natural aspect of our
natural heritage and whenever possible an environment which uphold diversity and
variety of individual choice.
6. To maintain a balanced distribution of population and use of resources that will give
high standard of living and wide sharing of life's amenities
7. To impart that all person has the responsibility to contribute to the preservation and
enhancement of the environment.
Various approaches to reduce area pollutants were planned and employed including
future approaches
such as:
1. By Land Use Control. One example is the limitation and control of industrial-
commercial development where their construction and land use would contribute to
2. To Lower the Emission. This is by lowering the emission of pollutant from existing
3. Modification of the fixed existing facilities such as substituting low sulfur coal to
reduce the release of sulfur di-oxide.
4. Lowering pollution coming from motor vehicles that falls under the following
a) Reducing the output of pollutants by making them fuel efficient and controlling
pollutant output.
b) Limiting vehicle travel by shifting travelers to other mode using electric current.
c) Cutting fuel consumption and pollutant output by improving traffic flow.
d) A set of standard to be met by new vehicles.
Noise Control
Noise is defined as unwanted sound. Noise is measured in decibels with a
common unit dBA. This single unit combine sound intensities from all frequencies
above 100 per second and strongly react in the human ear. Sound at 1dBA level could
be hardly detected by human ears, but an increase of 10 on the decibel scale
means tenfold increase in intensity. In a quite residential area at night, the
ambient noise is measured from 32 to 43 dBA. The urban residential district at
daytime limit is about 41 to 53 dBA. In industrial areas the range is 48 to 66 dBA,
and in downtown commercial areas with heavy traffic is 62 to 73 dBA.
In terms of conversation or communication. these sound level means that at 65 dBA a
conversation is difficult at a distance of 1.00 meter and at 75 dBA an ear has to be
plugged by a finger in order to hear a telephone conversation.
Transportation noises are complex, studies showed that:
1. Complaints are focused on interference with speech. TV viewing or sleep
related to increase of sound above ambient noise level.
2. Increase up to 9 dBA | complaints would be widespread and there would be
community reactions.
3. Highway noises near residences at peak noise of about 70dBA bring few
complaints, at 75 dBA, complaints are likely and 80 dBA will invite letter of petition
and protest.