Bonfiglioli RPS Inverter
Bonfiglioli RPS Inverter
Bonfiglioli RPS Inverter
Power, control
and green solutions
Multi-MPPT - 360V
* -10°C…+45°C at rated power for Vdc < 700 V, lower minimum temperatures on request Subject to change without notice.
Refer to user manual for detailed specification.
Multi-MPPT - 386V
* -10°C…+45°C at rated power for Vdc < 700 V, lower minimum temperatures on request Subject to change without notice.
Refer to user manual for detailed specification.
Multi-MPPT - 406V
* -10°C…+45°C at rated power for Vdc < 700 V, lower minimum temperatures on request Subject to change without notice.
Refer to user manual for detailed specification.
Master-Slave - 360V
* -10°C…+45°C at rated power for Vdc < 700 V, lower minimum temperatures on request Subject to change without notice.
** excluding external dc combiner Refer to user manual for detailed specification.
Master-Slave - 386V
* -10°C…+45°C at rated power for Vdc < 700 V, lower minimum temperatures on request Subject to change without notice.
** excluding external dc combiner Refer to user manual for detailed specification.
Master-Slave - 406V
* -10°C…+45°C at rated power for Vdc < 700 V, lower minimum temperatures on request Subject to change without notice.
** excluding external dc combiner Refer to user manual for detailed specification.
Master-Slave Multi-MPPT
Benefits Benefits
• The earliest morning start • The highest energy in presence of:
• The later evening stop - Non-homogeneous light exposure
• High energy conversion efficiency - Different PV modules characteristics
• Longer expected lifetime - Other plant conditions (dirt, cable length, etc.)
• The lowest failure effect • Low failure effect
The RPS TL-UL inverter includes a comprehensive set The functions of the advanced configuration include:
of grid management and protection functions with • Active power curtailment via SCADA interface.
the flexibility to meet all relevant grid codes and • Reactive power control locally or via SCADA
practices in North America. interface.
In the standard configuration, the RPS TL-UL system • Fault ride-through including high voltage, low
includes anti-islanding with grid voltage and voltage and zero voltage capability.
frequency protection according to UL1741 & IEEE • Dynamic grid support and voltage control
1547 to ensure that the inverter quickly and safely capability.
disconnects from the local utility. • Controlled power ramps to minimize disturbances
on grid.
The RPS TL-UL is also designed with a comprehensive • Compatible with FERC 661A, NERC PRC 024, WECC
suite of power management and grid support ONF Plan and CAISO IRRP.
functions for advanced utility power plants. • Other grid profiles possible.
This capability was first developed in response to
the German BDEW standards and is now offered by
Bonfiglioli to meet electrical grid standards in North
USA Brazil Spain South Africa India Singapore Vietnam Australia New Zealand
wind industrial
mobile photovoltaic
Bonfiglioli has been designing and developing innovative
and reliable power transmission and control solutions
for industry, mobile machinery and renewable energy
applications since 1956.