Barrass 1961
Barrass 1961
Barrass 1961
Much of the evidence for the concepts of reaction specific energy (LORENZ
1950) and specific action potentiality (HINDE 1954b; LoRE?Tz 1956) was
based on studies of the waning in an animal's responsiveness to a constant
stimulus-situation. This response waning has been observed in insects (TIN-
BERGEi\T Ztail 1943) and in birds (TINBERGEN & PERDECK 1950; HINDE
1954b). The nervous systems of these animals are so very different however
and there is no suggestion that the resemblances are manifestations of the
same process.
The use of a model, that is of an inadequate stimulus (THORPE 1956), in
these studies, may have meant that only a part of the response could be per-
formed. The present paper reports an attempt to determine whether or not
this waning still occurs when the complete behaviour pattern is performed and
it is also concerned with changes in the responsiveness of the male M. vitri-
pennis towards two distinct stimulus-situations. One of these is the receptive
and the other the non-receptive female M. vitripennis. The behaviour
considered is the courtship.
This courtship behaviour has been described (BARRASS ig6oa) but may be
briefly summarised. The male chases the female, mounts and then moves
until its head is above and between the raised antennae of the female. In this
courtship position, movements of the male's head, antennae and wings occur
1) The work included in this paper formed part of a Ph.D. thesis (1956) at Nottingham
University. I wish to acknowledge the kindness of Professor E. J. W. BARRINGTON and
to thank Dr K. U. CLARKE, who supervised, for his encouragement and helpful criticism.
I also thank Professor E. B. EDNEYand Dr W. H. THORPEfor reading the manuscript
of the present paper and for their comments. Dr A. J. WATSONkindly allowed me to see
the proofs of his paper (1961) prior to publication. The French summary was prepared by
Professor B. H. RASMUSSEN. The work was made possible by a post-graduate award
from the Lancashire Education Committee.
and of the tarsi of the prothoracic limbs. A movement in which the male's
head is raised and then lowered in relation to the female's antennae is called
a h e a d m o v e m e n t. Several of these movements are performed in suc-
cession as a h e a d s e r i e s and a courtship usually includes a number of
head series with an interval of a few seconds between them. A receptive
female lowers its antennae as the male raises its head at the start of a head
series and this releases the copulation attempt. Following copulation the male
moves forwards again to the courtship position and courtship movements are
repeated in a p o s t - c o p u 1 a t o r y courtship. The male then dismounts.
M. vitripennis is a pupal parasite of cyclorrhaphous Diptera. The syno-
nomy of this insect has been considered by IVHITING ( y58) ; other names
include Nasonia brevicornis Ashmead and Nasonia vitripennis (Walker).
Puparia of Musca doyvcestica L. were used as host.
4. The number of head movements per head series (series cut short by
a copulation attempt are not included).
Fig. i. The behaviour of three males. Each male was observed with a non-receptive
female and the first 30 contacts are recorded. The length of the vertical line shows the
parts of the courtship behaviour observed at each contact.
Experiment One.
Each male was placed with a female and courtship was observed. Sub-
sequent observations followed at fixed time intervals until the male had been
presented with ten non-receptive females in succession. The fixed intervals
were 0 min, i min, 3 min, 10 min, and 30 min. 4o males were used at the
o min. interval and io males at each of the other time intervals.
At the half-minute interval, the male spent most time on the female, per-
formed most head movements and most head series, during the first obser-
Fig. 4. Effect of length of time between Fig. 5. The number of head movements per
courtships upon the number of head series head series in successive courtships occurring
in successive courtships. M = a minute. at different time intervals. M = a minute.
vation. There was then a progressive decrease in the amount of time spent
upon the female (Fig. 2), in the number of head movements (Fig. 3) and in
the number of head series (Fig. 4) in the later observations. These changes
were due to two factors, firstly to a decreasing tendency to court the female
in the later observations and secondly to a decrease in the duration of
courtship and the number of movements performed when courtship did occur.
At the same time, there was an increase in the mean number of head move-
ments per head series in the successive observations (Fig. 5), 4.7 in courtship
one and varying between 6.04 and 6.56 in courtships 4 to 10.
With a longer time interval between observations the time spent on the
female (Fig. 2), the total number of head movements (Fig. 3) and the num-
ber of head series (Fig. 4) are all higher than at the half-minute interval.
Whatever the time interval, however, there was an increase in the number
of head movements per head series in the later courtships (Fig. 5).
At the shorter time intervals there was a progressive restriction of the
courtship movements to the earlier parts of the behaviour pattern. There
was, first of all, a decrease in the number of courtship movements performed
and then a decreasing tendency to mount, but in all observations the male
turned towards the female and chased. When the observations were at 30
minute or io minute intervals, the male chased the female and almost always
mounted and courted.
Experiment Two.
Each male was allowed one courtship of a non-receptive female and then
four courtships at each of the time intervals: 30, 10, 3, 1, %, 1, 3, io and 30
minutes. Thirteen observations of this kind were started and from these
the results of eight observations were selected. Selection of this eight
demanded that the male involved should court the first nine females.
The mean behaviour of these eight males is summarised in table I. The 32
observations at each time interval were averaged to give the arithmetic means
shown. As the time interval between observations decreased there was a
decrease in the time spent upon the female, in the number of head movements
and in the number of head series but an increase in the number of head
movements per head series. As the time between observations increased these
changes in the male's behaviour were reversed. At the end of this experiment
the male was taking longer to perform a larger number of head movements
in approximately the same number of head series. Consideration of the
numbers of head movements per head series reveals that 'recovery' was not
complete at the end of the experiment and also that there is a time lag when
Duration of courtship (rnean of 8 6 1 : 32 obs.) and number of courtship
zuovenaents when the interval between courtships was progressively decreased
and then progressively increased.
Duration Number of Number of Head
of head head movements
courtshiP movements series per series
the results of the second half of the experiment are compared with those of
the first half.
Further information regarding the effect of courtship upon the male was
obtained by a different experimental procedure in which the male's behaviour
was studied in terms of the courtships performed and the distribution of these
courtships in time, when a non-receptive female was present throughout a
period of several hours duration.
Experiment Three.
The stimulus-situation was a non-receptive female moving about the cell.
To investigate a male's responsiveness to this situation over a long period of
time many females had to be used since a single female soon became inactive
and consequently the stimulus-situation was altered. One male was observed
with a succession of non-receptive females. It was possible to remove one
female from the cell and to replace it by another in i5 sec. but over a 3 to 5
hour period this time varied between 15 and 30 sec. In this way the
behaviour of each of six males was observed for several hours towards a
stimulus-situation which was virtually constantly present.
Some facts concerning the behaviour of these six males are shown in table
II and a more detailed record of the behaviour of two of them (Male 5 and
Male 6) is given in Figs 6 and 7. The interval between courtships was fairly
Constant but there was considerable variation in the male's response and there-
fore in the duration of an observation; the number of observations in one
hour varied as a result.
Fig. 6. A record of the behaviour of male 5 (Experiment 3; Table II) towards 201
successive non-receptive females over a period of 3 hours 42 minutes. The length of each
vertical line shows the parts of the courtship behaviour observed with each female. A
black dot on the base line shows that the male did not attempt to mount during a one
minute observation.
prothoracic limbs upon the female only to move away again without mounting.
Less often, the male mounted but then dismounted without moving to the
courtship position, resuming its turning and chasing movements almost at
Experiment Four.
The stimulus situation is a receptive female moving about the cell. Each
of six males was with a succession of receptive females. The observations
were made as in the previous experiment so that, once again, the female was
virtually constantly present.
The results in table III refer to this experiment and a more detailed
record of the behaviour of two of the males (Male 4 and Male 5) is given
in Figs 8 and 9. Copulation did not take place in every courtship; sometimes
Results of f observations of six separate males; each with a succession of non-
receptive females over a period of several hours.
Duration Time Number Number Number Number Number
of upon of of of of Head of Head
Series Female Females Courtships Copulations Series Movements
Results of observations of six separate males; each with a succession of
receptive females over a period of several hours.
Duration Time Number Number Number Number Number
upon of of of of Head of Head
Female Females Courtships Copulations Series Movements
the male did not attempt copulation although the female was receptive and in
other observations the male courted without the female adopting a receptive
attitude. This lack of response was probably due, in most cases, to the male's
courtship being too brief, (in 99 observations of a male's first courtship of
receptive females, 36% of females responded at the first head series, 73 Jo
at the first or second series and 90% by the beginning of the third head
series), but sometimes the female did not respond even when the male's
courtship was prolonged.
In this experiment each male courted many females and spent a consider-
able part of the total observation period actually upon the female. With the
exception of male six, more courtships occurred in the first hour of each
observation than in the next hours. The most striking point is that one male
is capable of so great a number of copulations in quite a short time, for
example, male four (Fig. 8) courted 157 females in a period of four hours
twenty-four minutes and copulated with 154 of them.
All males turned and chased the females throughout these observations
although in some cases mounting and courtship did not follow. The courtship
Fig. 8. A record of the behaviour of male 4 (Experiment 4; Table III) towards 208
successive receptive females over a period of 4 hours 24 minutes. The length of the
vertical line shows the parts of the courtship behaviour observed with each female and a
horizontal line through it shows at what point mating occurred. A dot above the
horizontal line shows a courtship which did not include a post-copulatory courtship. A
dot on the base line shows that the male did not attempt to mount during a one minute
observation. A cross below the base line shows a courtship in which the female became
receptive without the male attempting to mate.
of each male was typical at first but after many copulations had occurred
some of the later courtships terminated with copulation (there was no post-
copulatory courtship). These courtships are indicated in Figs 8 and 9 by
means of a dot immediately above the observations concerned. When, how-
ever, a post-copulatory courtship did occur, a second copulation followed on
Fig. 9. A record of the behaviour of male 5 (Experiment 4; § "Fable III) towards 214
successive receptive females over a period of 4 hours 52 minutes. Diagrammatic
representation as in figure 8.
y occasions and two males copulated three times in a single courtship (male
i with the seventh female and male 4 with the i85th female). A second
copulation has never been observed in a male's first courtship.
In the later observations a male sometimes evoked a response in the female
but then remained in the courtship position (x below line in Figs 8 and 9).
When eventually the female raised its antennae, courtship was resumed and
if the female was again receptive copulation invariably followed.
Many more courtships occurred in these observations with receptive fema-
les than with non-receptive females and, apart from the types of behaviour
mentioned above, there was no restriction of courtship to the earlier parts of
the pattern. Two exceptions to this statement were males 3 and 6 which did
not court during long periods although the first parts of the pattern were
observed. Both of these males courted "non-receptive" females just before
the periods without courtship and this perhaps explains the change of be-
Experiment Five.
Each male courted a non-receptive female and then after a certain time
(;/z min., i min., 3 min., IO min., 20 min., 30 min., or 6o min.) it was pre-
sented with a second non-receptive female. The results are shown in Fig. io
as the mean number of head series in the second courtships of each group
of males. The line in this figure, at the level of 6.95, is the mean number of
head series obtained in a study of the male's first courtship (s = 2.09) on
the first day of its life and it represents the 'expected' behaviour of any such
group of males (BARRASS ig6ob). Comparison of the actual behaviour in the
second courtship with the expected behaviour in the first gives some idea of
the extent of the effects of this first courtship and the rate of 'recovery' from
these effects. The second courtship was most affected when it closely fol-
lowed the first. The rate of 'recovery' was rapid at first and then more
Experiment Six.
Each male courted a receptive female and afterwards was observed with
a non-receptive female. The intervals between these observations were the
Fig. io. The relation between the number of Fig. I The relation between the
head series in the male's second courtship number of head series in the male's
(non-receptive female) and the time which second courtship (non-receptive fema-
has elapsed since its first courtship (n o n - le) and the time which has elapsed
receptive female). The number of since its first courtship (r e c e p t -
males used at each time interval was 45 i v female). The dots show the
(V:, M), 10 (I M), 10 (3 M), 21 (10 M), mean behaviour of the 12 males used
35 (30 M) and io (6o M). The regression at each time interval. The regression
line was calculated from the original data line was calculated from the original
(b = 1.63) ; the crosses show the mean data (b = 1.20).
behaviour of each group of males.
Fig. 12. The number of head series in successive courtships of non-receptive females.
The interval between courtship was 30 seconds; except that following observation 20 it
was 3o seconds, 6o minutes or 24 hours. Means of 10 males in each case.
shown in Fig. 11. The line at the level of 6.95 again represents the number
of head series 'expected' in a male's first courtship of a non-receptive female.
The second courtship was affected most when it occurred immediately after
the first. 'Recovery' was most rapid during the first few minutes following
courtship and was then more gradual.
The points shown in Figs io and 11are the means of the observations at
each time interval. The regression lines, however, were calculated from the
original data. The regression coefficients are b = 1.63 (Fig. io) and b =
1.20 (Fig. ii). Comparison of the slopes of the two regressions revealed
that the difference was not statistically significant (t = 1.5). Comparison
of the values of Y at a specified value of X ( X = 5.6 min.) also showed
that the difference was not statistically significant (t = 0.087). These
statistical methods and symbols are those given by SNEDECOR (1956).
Experiment Seven.
The behaviour of a male towards a succession of 20 non-receptive females
was observed (Part One). The interval between successive presentations of
the female was / min. After observation 20 a time interval was allowed
(Yí min. 6o min. or 24 hr) before the start of Part Two in which the male
was observed with successive non-receptive females as in Part One. Plan of
A. i. 20 Non-receptive - Time - A. 2 20 Non-receptive
females Interval females
Ten males were used at each time interval and their behaviour is shown in
Fig. 12 as the mean number of head series occurring in successive observa-
tions. Part One of the experiment was performed in the same way with each
group of males so that comparable results are to be expected. Part Two was
also performed in the same way with each group of males and any dif-
ferences in the three cases must be attributed to the difference in time inter-
val between Parts One and Two (see table IV).
When the interval between observations 20 and 21 was % min. the male
courted few of the second 20 females and only performed a few head
movements and head series in these courtships, but there were a large number
of head movements in each head series. At the 60 min. interval, if the first
observation of Parts One and Two are compared, both the number of head
series (a.9) and the number of head movements per head series (5.12) in
observation 21 indicate considerable recovery. When, however, the whole of
Parts One and Two are compared, it is apparent that this partial recovery
is not continued throughout Part Two. This indicates that after one hour
the male was still considerably affected by its behaviour in Part One. When
the interval between Parts One and Two was 24 hours the male performed
more courtships, more head movements and more head series than it did in
Part One, but about the same number of head movements per head series:
recovery in this case was complete.
The numbers represent means of 10 wcales, each of which was observed with
20 females in succession (Part i) and then 20 non-receptive females (Part 2).
A. i 2o non-receptive females - A. 2 2o non-receptive females
B. I 2o receptive females -- B. 2 2o non-receptive females
The variable factors are i. the time interval between parts one and two and 2. the type
of female used in part one.
Number of Number Number of head Nos, of head mvts
Courtships of head series in per head series
Movements observations in observations
interval in observations in observations
Experiment Eight.
This experiment differs from the previous one in that the first 20 females
were receptive, otherwise the plan of the experiment is the same. Plan of
B. 1. 2o Receptive - Time - B. 2. 2o Non-receptive
females Interval females
The behaviour of each of the three groups of ten males is shown in Fig. 13
which refers to the mean number of head series occurring in successive
observations and in table IV. Parts One are comparable since each group of
males was treated in the same way, Parts Two differ from each other only
Fig. 13. The number of head series in successive courtships of receptive females (Obser-
vations i to 20) and then non-receptive females (Observations 21 to 40). The interval
between courtships was 30 seconds; except that following observation 20 it was 30
seconds, 6o minutes or 24 hours. Means of 10 males in each case.
in the length of the time which elapsed since the end of Part One. The
number of courtships in Part Two cannot be compared directly with the
number in Part One since the stimulus-situations in the two cases were dif-
ferent. The previous experiment provides figures which can be taken as the
expected behaviour of a group of males towards non-receptive females in
Part One. In the present experiment the differences between this expected
behaviour and the observed behaviour in Part Two can be related to the
courtship of receptive females in Part One and to the duration of the interval
between Parts One and Two (table IV).
A male which has courted 20 receptive females shows a reduced tendency
to perform courtship movements when it is presented with 2o non-receptive
females immediately afterwards. After an hour has elapsed this tendency is
still apparent though it is not so marked and after 24 hours more courtship
movements are performed than would be expected of a male in the first part
of experiment seven (A. 1.).
Comparison of the effects of courtship of receptive and non-receptive
females upon the male's subsequent behaviour towards non-receptive females
is facilitated in table IV by the grouping together of the means relating to
each time interval. Considering any of the measures shown in table IV it is
readily apparent that courtship of 2o non-receptive females reduces a male's
response to further females more than does courtship of 20 receptive females.
(ig5g) states that the importance of feed-back stimuli and of excitatory and
inhibitory stimulation of systems in the animal must be realised.
In M. vitripennis evidence for an endogenous central nervous influence
on the male's readiness to respond may be summarised:
a) BARRASS (ig6ob) noted characteristic variations in the number of head
movements in the successive head series of a courtship. Males were
grouped according to the number of head series in their first courtship.
In each group most head movements were performed in the first head
series and fewer in the second or third, there was then an increase fol-
lowed by a decrease in the last series prior to dismounting. Also, the
number of head series performed was found to be related to the number
of head movements in the first head series of a courtship. For example,
the courtships of males which performed most head movements in the
first head series included fewest head series and fewest head movements
in the last head series (and vice versa). In addition to these characteristic
variations, the mean number of head movements per head series was the
same in every group of males.
b) The waning in a male's responsiveness to successive non-receptive females
always involves a decrease in the duration of courtship and in the number
of head movements and head series but an increase in the number of
head movements in each head series. Recovery is the exactly opposite
In view of these regular variations, both within a single courtship and in
successive courtships, an endogenous central nervous influence on the male's
readiness to perform courtship movements is postulated.
A short-term response-specific effect has been demonstrated in the male's
courtship of a receptive female but the same behaviour may be repeated
immediately. Courtship of a non-receptive female has also been shown to
have an apparently similar response-specific effect on the male. A waning
in responsiveness to successive non-receptive females is attributed, however,
to an inhibitory stimulus-specific effect and in this case further courtship
is less likely. The male's courtship of successive receptive females indicates
that in this stimulus-situation the inhibitory effect is absent andlor mating
has an excitatory effect.
In interpreting these experiments on the courtship of M. vitripennis it is
not possible to think of a stimulus as allowing the discharge of a limited
amount of 'energy' from a functionally characterised 'centre' in the nervous
system. The experiments reveal an almost unlimited ability to perform
courtship movements providing the receptive female is always available. The
stimuli provided by a receptive female must direct nervous activity rather
1. The method of dual quantification was used to study the effect of courtship of both
receptive and non-receptive females on the subsequent behaviour of the male Mormoniella
2. The male's responsiveness to successive non-receptive females waned when the time
between presentations was short. The extent of this waning was less with longer time
3. When many females were presented to a male one after another the male courted
almost all of them if they were receptive females but only a few if they were non-
receptive females.
4. A single courtship of either a receptive or a non-receptive female had a similar
effect on the male's subsequent behaviour and recovery occurred in a similar way.
5. Courtship of 20 non-receptive females reduced the male's response to further
females more than did courtship of 20 receptive females.
6. The significance of these observations is discussed with reference to the use of
dummy animals and to the recent ethological concepts of reaction specific energy,
motivational impulses, specific action potentiality and consummatory act.
7. An endogenous central nervous influence on the male's readiness to respond is
postulated. Courtship has a short-term response-specific effect (receptive or non-
receptive females) and an inhibitory stimulus-specific effect (non-receptive females).
With receptive females the inhibitory effect is absent and/or mating has an excitatory
effect. The stimuli provided by a receptive female must direct nervous activity rather
than release a limited amount of stored energy.
I.La méthode de la quantification double fut employée pour étudier l'effet sur la
conduite postérieure du mâle de la Mormoniella vitripennis d'avoir courtisé des femelles
tant réceptives que non-réceptives.
2. La réaction du mâle à une série de femelles non-réceptives diminuait quand l'inter-
valle entre les confrontations était court. Cette diminution s'amoindrissait à mesure que
les intervalles se faisaient plus longs.
3. Quand de nombreuses femelles furent offertes au mâle l'une après l'autre, le
mâle les courtisait presque toutes si elles étaient réceptives; il n'en courtisait que quel-
ques-unes si elles étaient non-réceptives.