Heredity and Evolution 1

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LS NO: 1 Heredity and Evolution

1) Explain Transcription, Translation and Translocation.

Ans :

i. Transcription:
Information about protein is stored in DNA and synthesis of
appropriate proteins as per requirement is necessary for body. These
proteins are synthesized by DNA through the RNA. This is called as
‘Central Dogma’. mRNA is produced as per the sequence of nucleotides
on DNA. Only one of the two stands of DNA is used in this process. The
sequence of nucleotides in mRNA being produced is always
complementary to DNA stand used for synthesis. Only there is uracil in
RNA instead of thymine of DNA. This process of RNA synthesis is
called as ‘transcription’.

ii. Translation:
The mRNA formed in nucleus comes in cytoplasm. It brings in the
coded message contains the codes for amino acids. The code for each
amino acid consists of three nucleotides it is called as ‘triplet Codon’.
Each mRNA is made up of thousands of triplet codons. As message on
mRNA the amino acids are supplied by the tRNA. For this purpose
tRNA has ‘anticodon’ having complementary sequence to the codon on
mRNA. This is called as ‘translation’.

iii. Translocation:
Amino acids brought in the cytoplasm by tRNA are bonded
together peptide bonds with the help of tRNA. During this process the
ribosome keeps on moving from one end of mRNA to other by a
distance of one triplet cordon. This is celled as translocation.
2) Explain the theory of evolution and mention the proof supporting
i. Evolution is the gradual change occurring in living organisms over
a long duration. Progressive development of plants and animals
from the ancestors having different structural and functional
orgnisation is called evolution
ii. According to the theory of evolution first living material
(protoplasm) has been formed in ocean. In dew course of time
unicellular organisms were formed.
iii. Gradually changes occurred in the unicellular organisms from
which larger and more complex organisms were formed.
iv. All those changes were very slow and gradual duration of all these
changes is 300 crore years
v. Changes and development in living organism had been allround
and multi-dimensional this led to evolution of different types of
vi. This over all process is called as evolution which is organizational.
vii. There are various proofs such as morphological evidences,
anatomical evidences, presence of vestigial organs paleontological
evidences and embryological evidences which support the theory
of evolution.

3) Explain the Morphological evidence which supports the theory of

The science that deals with the study of external features of living
organisms is called morphology. morphological evidencesis
important in the theory of evolution, if we observe animals like dog,
lamb, fox,wolf etc we find various similarities like structure of mouth
position of eyes, structure of nostrils and ear pinnae and thickly
distributed hairs on the body. This similarities shows that their
origin must be same and must have common ancestors. Similarly if
we observe different plants like Mango, Banana, Neem, similarities in
characters like leaf shape, leaf veneation, leaf petiole etc are seen this
shows that their origin must be same and they must have common
4) Explain with suitable examples importance of Anatomical
evidence in evolution.
The science that deals with the study of internal structure of living
organisms is called Anatomy. Anatomical evidence have great
importance in the study of evolution of life.
Ex- if we observe human hand, cats foreleg, Patagium of bat and hipper
of whale there does’nt seen any similarity in the external structure
similarly use of these structures is different in respective animal
however there is a similarity in the structure of bones and bony joints in
organs of each of those animals. This similarity indicates that those
animals may have common ancestor. Thus anatomical evidence supports
the evolution.
5) Define vestigial organs write names of some vestigial organs in
human body write the names of those animals in whom same
organs are functional.
Degenerated or under developed useless organs of organisms are
called vestigial organs. The vestigial organs found in human body are
appendix, muscles of ear pinna, tail bone (coccyx), wisedomteeth and
body hairs.
Appendix is useless to human but is useful and fully functional organ in
ruminants. Similarity muscles of ear Pinna are useless to human but are
useless in monkey for movement of ear human but are useful in monkey
for movement of tail.
6) Define fossil? Explain importance of fossils as a proof of
Large number of organisms get buried due to disasters like flood,
earthquake, volcano etc. remnants and impressions of such organisms
remain preserved underground these are called as fossils. The study
of fossils is called paleontology evidences are important in the study
of evolution the time passed since the death of plant or animal can be
calculated by measuring the radioactivity of (c-14 and ratio of c-14 to
c-12 present in the their body) there is carbon dating method which is
used in paleontology and anthropology for determining the age of
human fossils and manuscripts according to the method vertebrates
have been slowly originated from invertebrates similarly for the study
of fossils when the land is excavated, the fossils of invertebrates are
found in the deepestlayer of the earth. The middle layer contains
fossils of amphibians and recent layears contains fossils o freptiles,
birds & mammels. This order in which fossils are found reveals the
order in which organisms came into existence thus paleontology
evidences supports the theory of evolution.

7) Explain embryological evidences of theory of evolution.

The science that deals with the study of embryos is called
embryology. Comparative study of embryonic developmental stages of
various vertebrates given in the picture shows that all embryos shows
extreme similarities during initial stages and those similarities decrease
gradually Similarities in initial stages of fish, salamander, tortoise,
chicken, pig, cow, rabbit and man indicate the common origin of all
these animal. Thus Embryological evidences is important in the study of

8) Explain the process of formation of complex proteins.

I. 3.5 billion years ago life had been non existant on the earth. At the
beginning there may have been only simple elements in the ocean on
the earth. And simple type of organic and inorganic compounds may
have been formed from there.
II. Over a ling period from those simple compounds complex
compounds like proteins and nucedic acid may have formed.

9) Note on connecting link.

There are some organisms which are intermediate between the two
different groups. They show some morphological characters by
which they can be related to two different groups hence they are
called as connecting links.
I. Ex-1. In Peripatus: characters like segmented body thin cutical and
parapodia like organs are presents similarly this animals show
tracheal respiration and open circulatory system similar to arthropods.
This indicates that peripatas is connecting link between Annelid &
II. 2. Duket-biled-platipus: Lays eggs like reptile shows relationship
with mammals due to presence of mammary glands and hairs.
Therefore it is a connecting link between reptiles and mammals
III. 3. lung fish: Performs respiration with lungsin inrespective of being
fish. These examples indicates that amphibians are evolved from fish.

10) Explain Darwin’s theory of natural evolution.

i. Charles Darwin had collected innumerable specimens of plants and
animals and observed theircharacteristics. Depending upon
observation he published the theory of natural selection which
preaches the survival of fittest for this purpose he had published the
book ‘origin of species’
ii. Darwin says that all the organisms reproduces prolifically all the
organisms compete with each other in a struggle for existence. In this
competition, only those organisms sustain which show modification
essential for winning the competition.
iii. Besides this, natural selection also plays important role because
nature selects only those organisms which are fit to live and the other
perished ( die )
iv. Sustaining and selected organisms can perform reproduction and give
rise to the new species with their own specific characters.
v. Darwin theory of natural selection was widely accepted for long
duration. But some objections were raised against the theory. These
objections are:-
a. Natural selection is not the only factor responsible for evolution,
b. Darwin did not mention any explanation about useful and
useless modifications.
c. There is no explanation about show changes and abrupt change.
Irrespective of all this objections darwin work on evolution has
been a milestone.

11)Note on lamrackism.
Ans :
Lamarck propose that morphological changes occurring in
living organisms are responsible for evolution and the reason behind
those morphological changes is activeness or a laziness of that
organisms. He called this concept has as principal of use or disuse of
organs Lamarck said that the neck of giraffe has become to long due
to browsing on leaves of tall plants by extending their neck for
generations. Similarly shoulders of the ironsmith have become very
strong due to frequent hammering movements. Wings of birds like
ostrich and emu have become weak due to no use. Legs of the birds
like swan and duck have become useful for swimming due to living in
water and snakes have lost their legs by modification in their body for
borrowing habits. All these are the examples are acquired characters.
The transfer of acquired characters form one generation to anther is
called as theory of inheritance of acquired character or Lamarckism.
12) Why lamarks theory was disproved.
Development of organs due to specific activities or their
degeneration due to no use at all was widely accepted but transfer of
those characters from generation to generation was rejected. Because
it had been verified many times that modification brought in us are
not transferred to next generation and thereby Lamarck’s theory was

13) Note on speciation.

Formation of new species of plants and animals is the effect of
evolution. The group of organisms that can produce fertils individuals
through natural reproduction is called species each species grows in
specific geographical condition. Their food habitat reproduction
ability and period is different. Genetic variation is responsible for
formation of new species from earlier one. Besides geographical and
reproductive changes and also responsible for speciation.

14) Write evolutionary history of modern man.

i. Last dinosaurs disappeared approximately 7 crore years ago. At that
time monkey like animals are said to be evolved from some ancestors
who were similar to modern lemurs.
ii. Tail of these monkey like animal of Africa is said to be disappeared
about 4 crore years ago.
iii. They development due to enlargement in brain their hands were also
improved and thus ape-like animals were animals were evolved.
iv. These animals reached the south and north east Asia and finally
evolved into gibbon and orangutan.
v. Remaining ape-like animals stayed in Africa and from them gorilla
and chimpanzee evolved about 2.5 years ago.
vi. Evolution of some of the two crore year old species of apes occurred
in different way. They had to use their hands more for eating food and
other work. Those apes started to live on land as the forest started to
decline due to dry environment. Their lumber bones developed in
such a way that they started to stand in erect posture and there by
their hands become available for use anytime. These first human like
animals with erect posture which were using their hands have evolved
about 2 crore years ago.
vii. First record of human like animal in is in the form of ‘ramapithecus’
ape form east Africa. This ape grown up in size become more
intelligent and thus ape of south Africa evolved about 4 lakhs years
viii. About 20 lakh years ago the morphology these human like animals
started to appear like the member of the genus homo, about 15 lakhs
years ago, and thun skilled human developed.
ix. About 15 lakhs years ago, human walking with erect posture was
evolved. It many have existed in china & Indonesia.
x. Evolution of upright man continued in the direction of developing its
brain for the period of about 1 lakhs years and mean while it
discovered as the fire.
xi. Brain of 50 thousand year old man had been sufficiently evolved so
that it would be considered as member of the class- wise men (home
sapiens).neanderthal man can and cro-magnon man evolved about 50
thousand years ago and afterwards, this evolution had been faster than
the earlier.
xii. About 10000 years ago wise man started to practice the agriculture,
started to rear the cattle-herds and established the cities. Culture
development took place. Art of writing was invented about 5000
years ago, modern sciences emerged about 400years ago and
industrial society was established about 200 years ago and now they
are reached at this stage.
15) Define heredity? Explain mechanism of hereditary changes.
The transfer of biological characters from one generation to another
through genes is called ‘heredity’
Living organisms can produce new individuals like themselves due to
genes only. And some of those genes are transmitted to the next
generation without any change. Due to this some of the characters of
parents are transmitted through their Offsprings But sometimes sudden
changes causes a minor change, this is called mutation some mutations
are minor but some may be considerable.
Ex: mutation may cause the genetic disorders like sickle- cell anemia.
Thus hereditary changes take place due to mutation.

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