Autopsy Recommendations
Autopsy Recommendations
Autopsy Recommendations
Academic Pathology
Volume 5: 1–10
Report and Recommendations ª The Author(s) 2018
Article reuse guidelines:
Gregory G. Davis, MD, MSPH1 , Gayle L. Winters, MD2, Billie S. Fyfe, MD3,
Jody E. Hooper, MD4, Julia C. Iezzoni, MD5, Rebecca L. Johnson, MD6,
Priscilla S. Markwood, CAE7, Wesley Y. Naritoku, MD, PhD8,
Marcus Nashelsky, MD9, Barbara A. Sampson, MD, PhD10,
Jacob J. Steinberg, MD11, James R. Stubbs, MD12,
Charles Timmons, MD, PhD13, and Robert D. Hoffman, MD, PhD14
Autopsy has been a foundation of pathology training for many years, but hospital autopsy rates are notoriously low. At
the 2014 meeting of the Association of Pathology Chairs, some pathologists suggested removing autopsy from the
training curriculum of pathology residents to provide additional months for training in newer disciplines, such as
molecular genetics and informatics. At the same time, the American Board of Pathology received complaints that newly
hired pathologists recently certified in anatomic pathology are unable to perform an autopsy when called upon to do so.
In response to a call to abolish autopsy from pathology training on the one hand and for more rigorous autopsy training
on the other, the Association of Pathology Chairs formed the Autopsy Working Group to examine the role of autopsy
in pathology residency training. After 2 years of research and deliberation, the Autopsy Working Group recommends
the following:
1. Autopsy should remain a component of anatomic pathology training.
2. A training program must have an autopsy service director with defined responsibilities, including accountability to the
program director to record every autopsy performed by every resident.
Forensic Division, Department of Pathology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA
Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Department of Pathology, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA
Department of Pathology, University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, VA, USA
American Board of Pathology, Tampa, FL, USA
Association of Pathology Chairs, Wilmington, DE, USA
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, USC/LACþUSC Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Department of Pathology, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, USA
City of New York Office of Chief Medical Examiner, New York, NY, USA
Department of Pathology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY, USA
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas, TX, USA
Department of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, USA
Corresponding Author:
Gregory G. Davis, Forensic Division, Department of Pathology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1515 Sixth Avenue South, Room 220, Birmingham,
AL 35233, USA.
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2 Academic Pathology
3. Specific entrustable activities should be defined that a resident must master in order to be deemed competent in autopsy
practice, as well as criteria for gaining the trust to perform the tasks without direct supervision.
4. Technical standardization of autopsy performance and reporting must be improved.
5. The current minimum number of 50 autopsies should not be reduced until the changes recommended above have been
autopsy, pathology training, residency, anatomic pathology, autopsy service director, entrustable activities, rapid autopsy
Received April 30, 2018. Received revised July 11, 2018. Accepted for publication July 16, 2018.
science of medicine for centuries. Autopsy has been there no current information about how autopsy training is
similarly central to the development of pathology as a accomplished in US programs, but also there was no available
discipline and to pathology training for over a century. list of autopsy service directors who would be the parties with
2. An ABP survey indicates few practicing pathologists the most direct knowledge of how such autopsy training is
perform autopsies at a rate sufficient to maintain skills performed. To address these needs, the Autopsy Working
in autopsy practice. (Specifically, 46% perform no Group contacted 142 program directors of pathology residency
autopsies, and another 30% of all responders to the training programs in April 2016 using a SurveyMonkey poll
survey perform 1-5 autopsies per year.)3 from the APC to collect the names of persons serving the role
3. Autopsy is unsurpassed as a method of quality assur- of autopsy service director for their program. These 142
ance for assessing sensitivity and specificity of clinical requests led to 120 responses and 113 named autopsy service
diagnoses. directors. In June 2016, the named autopsy service directors
4. Autopsy is an essential component of competent med- were asked to complete a second SurveyMonkey poll about
icolegal death investigation. autopsy training in their programs. The 113 requests yielded
5. With a proper autopsy permit, an autopsy can allow 66 at least partial responses (58% of requests). Of the nonre-
training in aspects of pathology beyond autopsy alone, sponders, 4 opened the survey but did not respond, 42 did not
such as performing a bone marrow biopsy or a fine open the survey, and 1 request could not be delivered through
needle aspirate. e-mail. The autopsy service director survey was conducted with
6. After peaking in the mid-20th century at approximately the identity of the programs known, but not to be individually
50%, hospital autopsy rates have been decreasing since disclosed. Publically available statistics about the numbers of
then, in part related to the decision by The Joint Com- trainees in the programs were obtained from the web site of the
mission to remove the requirement of a minimum num- ACGME and were used to interpret the survey results. Of the
ber of autopsies for hospital accreditation.4 responding autopsy service directors, 28% also served in
7. Hospital autopsy has no direct method for reimburse- the capacity of residency program director.
ment from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid The Autopsy Service Director Survey addressed several key
Services or third-party payers because it is “medically features of autopsy training, including annual case volumes and
unnecessary.” distribution of special autopsy types (fetal, pediatric, or foren-
sic—not intended to be mutually exclusive) on the main ser-
vice. Case volumes were combined with numbers of residents
Residency Training in the program to estimate the number of autopsies available
per resident on the main autopsy service (4 annual autopsy
1. Pathology is becoming more complex and more volume/total number of residents in the program on the
diverse. Subspecialties within pathology may have little ACGME roster). No correction was made for the number of
or no relationship to other subspecialties with respect to residents in a clinical pathology-only track who do not have an
daily practice. autopsy requirement, for residents in an anatomic pathology-
2. Assuming combined training in anatomic and clinical only track (who may progress through training in only 3 years),
pathology, residents have 48 months to train. More diver- for residents in an anatomic–neuropathology (who may prog-
sity means fiercer competition for training time during the ress through anatomic pathology in only 2 years), or for pro-
48 months. In one study, 16 programs (21% of all survey grams covering more than 1 autopsy service. The percentage of
respondents) no longer have a dedicated autopsy rotation, cases shared by 2 residents on the main service was solicited
but combine autopsy with other rotations.5 and was then used to extend the estimated number of autopsies
3. Currently, 50 autopsies are required to qualify for available per resident, multiplying the above estimate by (1 þ
ABP certification in anatomic pathology/clinical % of autopsies shared).
pathology (AP/CP), anatomic pathology/neuropathol- The survey collected specific data about who usually per-
ogy (AP/NP), or AP only. forms evisceration procedures and the most frequent dissec-
4. Fifty autopsies can require months of assigned rotations tion method used on the main service. For autopsy service
in some institutions, limiting months spent training in directors who were not also the residency program director,
newer, developing fields. the autopsy service director was asked whether a list of
5. Forensic pathology performs a vital function in an autopsy cases completed by each resident was transmitted to
ordered society. Resident training in hospital and for- the residency program director. Autopsy service directors
ensic autopsy pathology is vital to maintain an influx of were also asked about the fraction of autopsies on their ser-
interested and qualified trainees into the currently cri- vices where they serve as the attending pathologist of record.
tically short-staffed field of forensic pathology. Autopsy service directors were asked questions about the
roles of board-certified forensic pathologists and neuropathol-
In attempting to address its charge, the Autopsy Working ogists on the main autopsy service.
Group sensed the need to better understand the present state The sharing of teaching responsibilities on the autopsy ser-
of autopsy training in US residency programs. Not only was vice among various parties (autopsy service director, other
4 Academic Pathology
Soliciting responses about autopsy training from autopsy ser-
vice directors provided the Autopsy Working Group with
important perspectives from which to make its recommenda-
tions. The 66 responding programs ranged from over 35 resi-
dents to as few as 7 residents and showed good geographic
distribution (data not shown).
There was an enormous difference in the available num-
ber of autopsies for resident education, with a range from
900 to 14 cases per year (Figure 1). Normalizing the avail-
able number of autopsies per resident, without accounting Figure 3. Available autopsies on main service per resident, extended
for sharing, showed a range from 3 to 275 cases per resi- by sharing. Resident (1 þ % shared). Each bar on x-axis represents 1
dent. Only 18 of the 59 programs responding to this ques- of the 59 programs that responded to this question.
tion attained 50 available autopsies on the main service
without sharing (Figure 2). autopsies per resident using the reported rate of sharing allowed
Sharing of autopsies at rates ranging from 1% to 100% was 24 of 59 programs to attain 50 autopsies per resident on the
reported by 42 of the 60 program respondents (data not shown). main service (Figure 3). It is clear that in order to reach the
Eighteen programs explicitly stated that there was no sharing of required 50 autopsies per resident, many programs depend
autopsies by residents. Extending the number of available upon residents sharing autopsies.
Davis et al 5
Second, in surveying autopsy service directors, we understand Because, as noted above, it is likely that residents learn to
fully that the respondents in many cases have a vested career perform autopsies in more than one setting, they may be
interest in the role of the autopsy in graduate medical education exposed to a variety of procedures and philosophies.
in particular, as well as in the practice of medicine in general.
The Autopsy Working Group itself shares the same bias Resident Education in Autopsy is Not Conducted in a
because of its members. Any recommendations that are put
Standardized Fashion
forward should consider carefully the needs of other stake-
holders, including those of our trainees, the body of employers One predicate of a number-based criterion for assessing com-
of newly trained pathologists, clinical colleagues who from petency in autopsy is that each counted autopsy should have a
time to time request autopsy services with a reasonable expec- similar instructive value from resident to resident and from
tation that a satisfactory examination will be conducted, and program to program. In addition to the previously noted dif-
the public, who ultimately benefit from understanding ferences in available cases and in the mixture of specialized
advances in medicine through postmortem surveillance. Third, cases on different services, the very act of sharing cases
for the sake of simplicity, it was assumed in performing calcu- fundamentally changes the unit value of every case for an
lations and making comparisons based on the total numbers of individual resident. Sharing of cases has allowed for the
residents that all residents were in 4-year anatomic and clinical number-based criterion of 50 cases to last for a few
pathology programs. Even though the great majority of resi- more years on the basis that all residents are required to par-
dents do train in both anatomic and clinical pathology, the ticipate in 8 broadly defined component parts of the autopsy.6
residents in straight clinical pathology, who are not required The reality is that cases cannot be completely shared at the
to train in autopsy, have the effect of making more autopsies most basic level. Only one person in a team will remove the
available for their colleagues. Residents in straight anatomic brain, only one will run the bowel, and only one person will
pathology programs or in anatomic–neuropathology programs, draft the report for the first time. On the other hand, as noted
who are exposed to the incoming volume of autopsies for 3 or 2 above, sharing autopsies does permit for a positive social
years, respectively, rather than 4, have a slight opposite effect interaction among residents, who might otherwise be left
on the availability of cases for their colleagues. alone to complete the complex task.
With the limitations of the survey understood, the Autopsy Perhaps more importantly, our results show great variation
Working Group was able to draw several important conclusions: in the technical aspects of autopsy training among programs. It
is true that there is more than one way to perform an autopsy,
but familiarity with in situ examination only will ill serve a
There is Great Variation Among Programs in the resident hired by a pathology group that practices en bloc dis-
Availability of Autopsies for Training Residents sections. A number-based criterion that admits as equivalents
Our results indicate that not only do total numbers of autop- en bloc dissection as the standard protocol in one program,
sies on the main service under the direction of an autopsy organ-by-organ dissection as the standard protocol in a second
service director vary by orders of magnitude, there is also program, and in situ examination as the standard protocol in a
considerable variation in the mix of cases available for this third program seems to have missed its mark.
training. Both of these factors may affect the training of res-
idents on service. Even extending the numbers of autopsies There is Need for Accountability for Autopsy Training to
available per resident by the reported rates of sharing autop- the Residency Program Director
sies, most responding programs could not achieve the
required 50 autopsy quota on their main services alone. In A relative minority of autopsy service directors are also
many cases, residents are sent offsite to perform forensic residency program directors (28%). As a part of the present
autopsies, which do complement the hospital autopsy experi- application to sit for credentialing by the ABP, the resident
ence, but should not replace it. must represent, and the program director must attest to the
Board, that a stated number-based training requirement has
been met. It is concerning that the majority of autopsy ser-
Autopsy Training is a Team Sport vice directors who are not concurrently the residency pro-
In learning to perform autopsies, pathology residents should gram director do not provide a list of cases completed by
learn to master many component entrustable activities. Although each resident to the program director. More concerning still
much of the teaching comes from faculty (whether a service is that in trying to collect the list of autopsy service direc-
director and others), very significant teaching contributions are tors, it became apparent that no such person existed in some
made by other trainees, as well as by participating support staff. programs.
The sharing of responsibility for autopsy, instituted to
prolong the number-based criterion, has created a dialogue
between residents working together to complete their com-
plex task, which is a valuable team experience to be gained On the basis of the foregoing, the Autopsy Working Group
in residency. makes the following recommendations:
8 Academic Pathology
1. Autopsy Should Remain a Component of Anatomic Demonstrate an ability to resolve disputes fairly with
Pathology Training diplomacy and tact.
Believe in and advocate for value of the hospital autopsy
Although the numbers of autopsies have decreased in hospital to medical practice and public health.
settings, and many new-in-practice pathologists perform few
autopsies, if any, the ability to review a medical record, inter- A competent autopsy service director will provide hands-on
view clinical colleagues, perform a thorough examination, and teaching of residents in autopsy performance, from gathering
make a meaningful report add value to the education of resi- information prior to autopsy, to examination and evisceration
dents. This is their main contact with common entities in car- of the body, to the interpretation of findings, autopsy reporting,
diovascular pathology, neuropathology, and renal pathology including composition of the report, and communication of
that are less frequently seen in surgical pathology. The autopsy findings to treating physicians and at conferences. The director
provides excellent opportunity to review anatomy and gain will encourage research by the residents in training; manage
skills handling tissues of every type. quality assurance, staff, and supplies (ultimately); participate in
The Autopsy Working Group endorses the practice of maintaining laboratory and residency training accreditation;
autopsy as relevant to the practice of medicine and as an and keep abreast of the future direction of the autopsy, both
essential component of pathology training, now and in the scientifically and socially. A more complete description of the
future. Autopsy integrates medical knowledge with clinical ideal autopsy service director is presented in Supplemental
history, scientific observation, and pathological test results Appendix 1. Some of the qualities listed in Supplemental
more thoroughly than any other procedure in pathology. A Appendix 1 are aspirational—it is unlikely than any one person
solid foundation in autopsy practice catalyzes the transforma- would embody all these traits as an autopsy service director,
tion of a medical student into a practicing pathologist able to but these are the traits that a pathologist appointed as autopsy
assess data in a given case and synthesize this information so service director should work to embody.
that the appropriate analyses are performed to provide the To the extent that any number-based criterion exists in the
correct diagnosis. Autopsy remains essential for pathology future, the numbers of cases performed by each resident on
training because autopsy practice makes one a better pathol- each service where residents rotate should be independently
ogist in any aspect of anatomical pathology practice and verifiable by the program director.
informs clinical pathology practice too, for those pathologists The residency program director is accountable to the ABP
with combined training in AP and CP. For those individuals for resident training in autopsy pathology, including perfor-
focused on molecular genetics, remember that rapid autopsy mance of at least 50 autopsies currently and ensuring that the
allows pathologists to procure tumor samples for research in resident has appropriately participated in all aspects of the
molecular genetics. Without autopsy training and an active autopsy. Because the residency program director (unless also
autopsy service, this important component of molecular the autopsy director) may not have first-hand knowledge of
genetic research becomes impossible. residents’ autopsy experiences, enhanced communication
between an attending pathologist who has been involved with
the resident on the autopsy service and the program director is
2. A Training Program Must Have an Autopsy Service necessary. Ideally, this role should fall to the director of the
Director With Defined Responsibilities, Including autopsy service. It is in this specific way that the Autopsy
Accountability to the Program Director to Record Every Working Group recommends that an autopsy service director
Autopsy Performed by Every Resident be accountable to the program director.
The Autopsy Working Group recommends the form in Sup-
Proper autopsy training requires the participation of a team, and
plemental Appendix 2 as a means of enhancing communication
setting standards for the performance of autopsies and the edu-
between the residency program director and the autopsy direc-
cation of residents requires oversight to prevent progressive
tor or the director’s designee. This form was derived from
cutting of corners.
program requirements of the ABP and ACGME and is taken
An autopsy service director manages the autopsy service in a
from a program that has been using it successfully to succinctly
teaching hospital with a residency training program. The success-
document resident competence in autopsy performance.
ful autopsy service director is active in teaching, service work,
and research and is also the primary liaison for internal and exter-
nal questions and problems that must be resolved for the continu- 3. Specific Entrustable Activities Should be Defined That a
ing function of the autopsy service. The successful autopsy Resident Must Master in Order to be Deemed Competent
service director recognizes and acts upon appropriate opportuni- in Autopsy Practice, as Well as Criteria for Gaining the
ties for improvement in the autopsy service. At a minimum, an Trust to Perform the Activities Without Direct Supervision
autopsy service director should have the following qualifications:
Entrustable Professional Activities in pathology training have
Be certified by the ABP in anatomic pathology recently been put forward as a more acceptable model for
Possess experience in practicing anatomic pathology, defining and evaluating the progress of residents in pathology
preferably with recent experience in autopsy practice. residencies. Unlike many other clinical residencies, pathology
Davis et al 9
training comprises a number of mini-residencies with knowl- from one training program is equivalent to assertion of compe-
edge, skills, and attitudes that residents acquire in different tence from another training program.
orders based upon their program and rotation schedule. The
autopsy experience is only one of those areas where residents
gain the trust of their teachers. We have broadly defined several Future Developments
such skills in conducting and interpreting our survey (Figures
Any change as basic as altering the role of autopsy in pathology
5-9). Other sets of entrustable Professional Activities have been
training will require discussion among stakeholders, including
proposed (McCloskey et al and Supplemental Appendix 3.)7
some or all of the following: