Man’s role in relation to plants and animals is beautifully defined in Genesis
1:28-29 of the Holy Bible when God said to Adam and Eve:
“Be fertile and multiple, fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the
fish of the sea, the birds of the air and over all the living things that move on earth”.
God also said, “See, I give you every seed-bearing plant all over the earth and every
tree that has seed-bearing fruit on it to be your food; and to all the animals of the
land, all the birds of the air and all the living creatures that crawl on the ground, I give
all the green plants for food”.
Your interest in animals and science may hold the key to an exciting future in the
animal industry - a field that includes a wide variety of career choices. As a U of A
graduate with a degree in animal science, you'll join a group that finds good jobs and
productive careers. You will be prepared for jobs in:
Feed and feed additive sales and technical services
Cooperative Extension Service
Production management
Management and promotion of commodity
Processing and marketing of livestock products
Banking for agricultural ventures
Quality control and regulatory compliance
Veterinary medicine
Equine management
And many more areas.
- From LATIN word
-“ana” “tome” “ana” – again or go back “tome” – to cut “cut again” or “go back and
The study of the structure of the animal body and the relationships of its many
Physiology is defined as the study of function of the parts or organ systems of
the body; a study of function of living matter. It attempts to explain the physical and
chemical factors that are responsible for the origin, development and progression of
life. The study of physiology will provide knowledge on the structure and function of
the body and consequently, the care of the body.
Homeostasis is a key word in modern physiology. It is used to mean the
maintenance of static or constant conditions in the internal environment.
Instructions: Analyse and comprehend the questions and write your answer
after each number item.
Enumerate 10 examples of domesticated animals and its scientific names.
Match the descriptions in the table below with the terms in the list.
Synapse Axon Myelin sheath Nerve impulse
also called neuronal the long is an insulating layer, or a signal
junction, the site of threadlike part sheath that forms transmitted along
transmission of of a nerve cell around nerves, including a nerve fiber. It
electric nerve along which those in the brain and consists of a wave
impulses between two impulses are spinal cord. It is made of electrical
nerve cells (neurons) conducted up of protein and fatty depolarization that
or between a neuron from the cell substances. This myelin reverses the
and a gland or muscle body to other sheath allows electrical potential
cell (effector). A cells. impulses to transmit difference across
synaptic connection quickly and efficiently the nerve cell
between a neuron and along the nerve cells. If membranes.
a muscle cell is called myelin is damaged,
a neuromuscular these impulses slow
junction. synapse; down
Sense receptor Response Reflex Cell body
a nerve ending that An action or an action consisting of the nucleus-
sends signals to movement comparatively simple containing central
the. central nervous due to the segments of behaviour part of a neuron
system when it is application of that usually occur as exclusive of its
stimulated. Sensory a stimulus direct and immediate axons and
Receptors. responses to particular dendrites that is
Chemoreceptors stimuli uniquely the major
respond to chemicals correlated with them structural element
in taste and smell and of the gray matter
in internal changes. of the brain and
spinal cord, the
ganglia, and the
retina — see
neuron illustration.
Dendrite Nerve Neurotransmitter Axon terminal
Term Description
are appendages that a glistening to as the body's
are designed to white cordlike chemical messengers. refers to the axon
receive bundle of They are the molecules endings that are
communications from fibres, used by the nervous somewhat
other cells surrounded by system to transmit enlarged and
a sheath, that messages often club- or
connects the button-shaped.
Animals in the Ecological System
1. Intensive management
– Environment conditions are highly controlled (i.e integrated poultry
enterprise, confinement swine operation, large dairies) Many
environmental conditions are changed to fit the animals
2. Extensive management
– Less producer control over the environmental conditions in which
animals are expected to produce. Animals are changed to fit the
a) Animal can feed on and convert plants and other material which could have
otherwise gone to waste, into rich human food, and
Pigs Meat
Asiatic Sus vittatus
European Sus scrofa
Meat and skin
Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus
Meat, eggs and amusement
Gallus gallus
G. Domesticus
Anas platyrhynchos
Anas moschata
Anser anser
Meleagris gallopavo
Columbia livia
Coturnix coturnix
Coturnix coturnix
Japanese quail
Strauthus camilos
Common terms applied to farm animals and other information
Mammary glands 4 4 2
In animal science, the challenge for us is to be able to meet our local need for
food and other essential products from animals in a most economical and
efficient systems of production without endangering our environment.
-Faidah Camal
In the first instance, Laboratory 1, which is the
"Identification of Different Parts of Farm Animals",
where we were able to draw and label the parts of
seven (7) various farm animals such as swine, cattle,
goat, horse, chicken, duck, and carabao, I have
learned that numerous of these farm animals are very
much the same in terms of some of their parts, as well
as there are some animals where they just differed in
the names of their parts but the same place as others.
Moreover, in Laboratory 2, the "Anatomy and
Physiology of Farm Animals", we were able to: draw
and label the different digestive systems of
monogastric animals, ruminant animals, and pseudo
ruminant animals as farm animals; explain and
elaborate on the functions of the digestive parts of
some farm animals; identify and differentiate the types
of muscles and skeleton of the animal body of swine
and cattle; and differentiate the various types of
muscles and bones as well as their functions. In this
I realized that the anatomy and physiology of
farm animals are not that easy to understand.
Perhaps it takes time for us to easily understand and
keep it in our minds. However, through doing the
activities that are included here by yourself, the
possibilities to easily deal with them are there. As a
result, the two (2) laboratories in our subject
Introduction to Animal Science really helped us
understand how we can easily not only understand
and differentiate but also deal with the various parts of
farm animals as well as the anatomy and physiology
of each of them — has its impact on us, as an
agriculture student.
-Amer K. Bantuan
In laboratories 1 and 2, the insights that I've
learned we're how the animal's intestines worked as
an individual to support their function with the
assistance of discrepancy parts of bones, and
As for the remainder, animals bring me the
realization of how much human seems to be similar
to them, beginning from their way of living which
was indicated by breathing through the lungs that
are what we do daily though, they were more
endangered than us because generally, their
species dies due to humans fault
-Sarina Latiban
For me learning is not limited to In laboratory 1 I have discovered that
class discussions. It could happen as a many of these farm animals are very similar in
result of self-discovery or life terms of some of their parts, and that some
experiences. It was a dream come true animals only differ in the names of their parts
for me as a student studying Animal but are located in the same place as others.
Science to learn about different types of
And in laboratory 2 Drawing and
farm animals, the differences between labeling the different digestive systems of farm
chickens, and their stomachs. animals such as monogastric animals,
Reading the notes, especially ruminant animals, and pseudo ruminant
animals; explain and elaborate on the
the stomach of Ruminant's work, was
functions of some farm animals' digestive
difficult for me to comprehend. parts;realized that the anatomy and physiology
However, I finally understood how it of farm animals are difficult to grasp.
worked after going through Laboratory
1 and 2. Perhaps it takes time for us to
understand and remember something.
The drawing guides me down However, if you carry out the activities listed
the path of comprehension. As well as here on your own, you will be able to deal with
dissecting chickens and understanding them easily. As a result, the two (2)
their anatomy and functions. laboratories in our subject Introduction to
Regardless, while it may only be a Animal Science really helped us to understand
sliver of knowledge, it was a beginning on how we can easily understand and
differentiate the various parts, but also deal
step toward fully comprehending what
with them.
Animal Science is.
- Gian Dexter S. Sabado
-Ashnawy V. Usman