Ventilator Lecture
Ventilator Lecture
Ventilator Lecture
Manoj Dalmia, MD
BIDMC Anesthesia Resident
The objective of this module is to develop a
solid understanding of the different modes of
ventilation utilized in the care of surgical
patients and other ventilator-related
By the end of this lesson, the learner should be
able to demonstrate and explain the difference
between the two most common modes of
controlled ventilation: volume control and
pressure control.
You have a 28 yo female patient who is
scheduled to undergo an inguinal hernia repair
under general anesthesia. She has a past
medical history significant for asthma, snoring
(no definitive dx of OSA), GERD, and a recent
URI which she said resolved over a week ago.
She is 64 inches tall and weighs 110 kg. Her
vital signs in the preoperative holding area are
as follows: BP 135/87, HR 90, RR 16, and SpO2
Given her body habitus and reflux history, you
decide intubating this patient would be the
safest way to manage her airway. Would you
choose a volume control or pressure control
ventilation strategy with this patient? Why?
Volume control
Obesity decreased compliance
Abdominal surgery further decreased
compliance/↑ airway pressures with manipulation
of the abdomen
Able to maintain constant minute ventilation
With pressure control, minute ventilation could be
extremely variable
*By far, most common mode used in adults
Volume control is most common mode of
ventilation used in adults
Tidal volume constant, pressure variable
Pressure control
Pressure constant, tidal volume variable
Specific instances where it may be preferable over volume
Eg. small children concern for barotrauma (limits peak
inflating pressure) plus setting anesthesia ventilators to
deliver accurate small tidal volumes is difficult because of
the proportionately large compression volume loss in the
ventilator and circuit
You’re now ready for the next lesson, nice job ☺
By the end of this lesson, the learner should be
able to demonstrate and explain the difference
between the two modes of controlled
ventilation most commonly utilized in ICU
settings: assist-control (A/C) ventilation and
synchronized intermittent mandatory
ventilation (SIMV).
At the end of the inguinal hernia repair, you
notice that the peak airway pressures for your
patient begin to rise significantly. In addition,
the slope of Phase 2 on the EtCO2 curve begins
to increase. You listen to the patient and notice
diffuse expiratory wheezes bilaterally. In
addition, you notice a diffuse rash and swelling
of the patient’s face. Her BP drops to 90/40, her
HR increases to 110, and her SpO2 drops to
92% with an FiO2 of 1.0.
You become concerned about an anaphylactic
reaction but are unsure of the source.
Regardless, you correctly make the decision to
immediately treat the patient with epinephrine,
steroids, and beta-2 agonists. She is transferred
to the ICU intubated till her reaction resolves.
As her condition improves, she is switched
over to assist-control ventilation but you are
curious why this is chosen over SIMV.
Both control modes of ventilation (either
volume or pressure-controlled)
Both allow for patient-triggered breaths
between minimum programmed mandatory
Ensures minimum minute ventilation achieved
Both modes have their advocates and
If the ventilator senses a spontaneous breath
(negative airway pressure), the ventilator triggers
and delivers a full tidal volume to the patient
May adjust sensitivity of trigger
Spontaneous breathing
may improve V/Q
matching (Figure 83-8)
Negative intrathoracic
pressure during
spontaneous breaths
improves venous
Effect of spontaneous ventilation and positive-pressure ventilation on gas distribution in a
supine subject. During spontaneous ventilation (A) diaphragmatic action distributes most
ventilation to the dependent zones of the lungs, where perfusion is greatest. The result is
good matching of ventilation to perfusion. During positive-pressure ventilation (B)
because the diaphragm is doing little to no contraction, ventilation is primarily distributed
to nondependent lung, increasing the level of ventilation to perfusion mismatch.
(Reprinted from Wilkens RL, Stoller JK, Scamlon CC. Egan’s Fundamentals of Respiratory
Care. 8th ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby, 2003:972, with permission from Elsevier.)
Work of breathing
excessive (see figure)
Has been shown that work
of breathing not decreased
during mandatory breaths
as originally thought
Delays extubation
compared w/ PS and SBT
Inspiratory work per unit volume (work per liter [Wp/L]) done by the
(see Lesson 3) patient during assisted cycles (open bars) and spontaneous cycles
(reverse cross-hatched bars). Wp/L increased with decreasing
Greater likelihood of synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation percentage for both
types of breath. Wp/L for spontaneous breaths tended to exceed Wp/L
dysynchrony versus A/C for machine-assisted breaths. (Marini JJ, Smith TC, Lamb VJ. External
work output and force generation during synchronized intermittent
mechanical ventilation. Am Rev Respir Dis 1988;138:1169. © American
Thoracic Society)
Both A/C and SIMV are control modes of
ventilation that allow for patient triggered
Heart disease
Electrolyte imbalance
Neuromuscular weakness
Nutritional deficits
Thyroid disease
*Anesthesiology by Longnecker, et al
There are specific criteria that have been created to
determine whether a patient is a candidate for a SBT
(though the clinical picture must still be taken into
NIF and RSBI, though still commonly used, have not been
consistently shown to be great predictors of ability to wean
“Atelectrauma” – recruitment/derecruitment
Comparison of lungs excised from rats ventilated with peak pressure of 14 cm H2O, zero positive end-expiratory
pressure (PEEP); peak pressure 45 cm H2O, 10 cm H2O PEEP; and peak pressure 45 cm H2O, zero PEEP (left to
right). The perivascular groove is distended with edema in the lungs from rats ventilated with peak pressures of 45
cm H2O, 10 cm H2O PEEP. The lung ventilated at 45 cm H2O peak pressure zero PEEP is grossly hemorrhaged.
(Webb HH, Tierney D. Experimental pulmonary edema due to intermittent positive pressure ventilation, with high
inflation pressure protection by positive end expiratory pressure. Am Rev Respir Dis 1974;110:556–565. © American
Thoracic Society.)
Congratulations! You’re done! Nice job ☺