Career Personality Inventory
Career Personality Inventory
Career Personality Inventory
You have identified your personality type(s) and hopefully have discovered some career options
that you might be interested in. Use the spaces below to summarize information related to your
personality type and set career goals based on that information.
Based on my primary and secondary personality types, the occupations I am interested exploring
or researching further are as follows: John J. Liptak, Ed.D.
1. ________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________
Name: ________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________
Date: ________________ Age: _______ Gender: __________
4. ________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________
About the CPI
Steps I will take to pursue career interests that best match my personality type(s):
Your career personality is the pattern of attitudes, values, and behaviors that represent
1. ________________________________________________ the distinctive way that you approach career choices. Knowing your career personality can
help you to determine what kinds of work suit you best.
2. ________________________________________________
The Career Personality Inventory can help you identify your career personality type and
3. ________________________________________________ the core career and life themes associated with it. You can then use that information to
plan for greater career success.
4. ________________________________________________
The CPI is not a test, and there are no right or wrong answers. Just follow the directions
5. ________________________________________________
for each step and take your time.
When you are ready, open the booklet and begin with Step 1.
Step 1: Complete the Inventory Step 2: Total Your Scores
The CPI is designed to measure your personality type and help you apply that know-
The Career Personality Inventory contains 80 descriptive words or personality traits. Working down ledge to career choice. The four major personality types are arranged in row-coded
each column, read each word and decide whether or not it describes you and your personality. If the bands of 20 words each. Count the number of words you circled for each personality
statement does describe you, circle the word in the column. If the statement does not describe you, type and put that number in the corresponding “Total” column to the right of that
do not circle the word, simply move to the next word. In the following example, the circled words section. For example, if you only circled 7 words in the first row, you would write that
indicate that they are descriptive of the person completing the inventory. number “7” in the “Total” box for Section 1 (Optimist).
Example: When you have finished totalling your scores, open the CPI and proceed to Step 3.
1. Spontaneous` 21. Adventurous 41. Inspiring 61. Entertaining
2. Playful 22. Action-oriented 42. Intuitive 62. Adaptable
3. Artistic 23. Flexible 43. Innovative 63. Visionary
1. Spontaneous 21. Adventurous 41. Inspiring 61. Entertaining Optimist personality types are generous, fun-loving, and adventurous.
2. Playful 22. Action-oriented 42. Intuitive 62. Adaptable Section 1 They enjoy living in the present and rarely think about the future. They
3. Artistic 23. Flexible 43. Innovative 63. Visionary _______ value freedom and avoid obligations. They trust their instincts when
4. Bold 24. Creative 44. Idea-centered 64. Energetic making decisions. They live for a variety of experiences and recover easily
5. Resourceful 25. Insightful 45. Risk taker 65. Cheerful Optimist from setbacks.
6. Logical 26. Inquisitive 46. Fact-oriented 66. Scientific Section 2 Analyst personality types are innovative and inquisitive. They strive to
7. Curious 27. Disciplined 47. Investigative 67. Inventive under-stand and explain how the natural world works. They are adept at
________ synthesizing complex information, and they tend to focus on long-range
8. Accurate 28. Mathematical 48. Opinionated 68. Technical
9. Persistent 29. Thrifty 49. Analytic 69. Objective Analyst goals. They value independence and autonomy and can be argumentative
10. Rational 30. Intellectual 50. Decisive 70. Deep thinker and opinionated.
11. Dependable 31. Conscientious 51. Detailed 71. Practical Section 3 Realist personality types are practical and dependable. They like to be in
12. Organized 32. Punctual 52. Direct 72. Orderly charge and to see the immediate result of their work. They do not like
13. Thorough 33. Structured 53. Reliable ` 73. Methodical ________
change, especially if they do not understand the reason for it. They tend
14. Planner 34. Hard-working 54. Independent 74. Prepared
15. Productive 35. Consistent 55. Down-to-earth 75. Efficient
Realist to value common sense, as opposed to theories, vague information, or
abstract thinking.
16. Patient 36. Supportive 56. Cooperative 76. Emotional Section 4 Idealist personality types are warm and compassionate and have a vision
17. Loyal 37. Calm 57. Even-tempered 77. Tolerant for how the world should be. They are sensitive to others’ needs and are
18. Warm 38. Sociable 58. Attentive 78. Caring skilled at bringing out the best in the people around them. They often
19. Considerate 39. Sensitive 59. Compassionate 79. Empathetic Idealist generate new and interesting ideas. They genuinely want to better under-
20. Sincere 40. Trusting 60. Nurturing 80. Good listener stand themselves and others.
Step 3: Explore Your Career Personality If you have one score that is much higher than the rest, you will probably want to pay special
attention to the occupations listed for just that type. However, if you had high scores on two
Look back over your scores for each of the four major personality types. In general, scores from 0 to 6 are low and scales, you would want to explore career options listed for that combination of types, starting
indicate that you do not possess many of the characteristics of this personality type. Career options most closely with the scale on which you scored highest. For example, if you scored an 18 on the Realist
associated with this type may not be the best fit for you. By contrast, scores from 14 to 20 are high and indicate that you scale and a 14 on the Optimist scale, you would want to pay close attention to occupations
possess many of the characteristics of this personality type. Career options most closely associated with this type are listed under the Realist/Optimist description. Your personality is a complex mix of many
probably worth exploring. Identify the scale that you scored highest in: This is your primary personality type. In the different traits. Feel free to consider career options that match any type you scored highly in.
descriptions that follow, you should explore all of the career options listed for you primary type. Feel free to circle or ANALYST
underline any occupations that interest you. Analysts like developing, designing, or improving products and processes. They are not very
OPTIMIST interested in the day-to-day details but are more interested in the big picture and making a
Optimists like to see the tangible results of their work and will take any risks necessary to reach their goals. They respond unique contribution to their area of specialization. They are careful planners & logical
well to challenges, but they tend to take immediate action and then quickly lose interest. They avoid careers with lots of problem-solvers who work persistently to reach their goals.
rules or routines. They like working with action-oriented people and tend to thrive in fast-paced, diverse work settings. Preferred Learning Style
Preferred Learning Style *Like to have a clear objective to work toward
*Interested in looking at the big picture and developing new ideas. *Learn best by competing creative activities/projects. *Enjoy collecting and analysing data with numbers and statistics
*Prefer having the opportunity to learn through doing and taking risks. *Prefer to listen to international lectures or learn through diagrams, charts, and graphs
*Easygoing, friendly, and accepting *Enthusiastic and excitable *Energetic, confident, and dynamic *Interested in turning their visions into reality
*Adaptable and spontaneous *Quick to take action and cool under pressure *Good at motivating others to meet long-range *Full of ideas and confident in their ability to act
*Always interested in new experiences *Enjoy engaging with others goals on them
*Often good at motivating others *Eager to take on new challenges *Interested in using their intellect to solve complex *Prefer to do things their way
*Prefer work that lets them interact with others with *Prefer work that is varied and adventurous problems *Skilled at long-term planning and goal setting
very few regulations *Set high standards for themselves and others *Prefer work that allows them to be in control
Occupations of Interest: Budget analyst,
Occupations of Interest: Actor, child-care provider, *Prefer work that allows them to work in a Occupations of Interest: Anthropologist,
commercial artist, computer repair specialist,
coach, correctional worker, cosmetologist, logical, orderly manner attorney, business manager, computer
computer support services, detective, electronics
Occupations of Interest: Architect, attorney, bank programmer, economist, educational consultant,
counsellor, dental hygienist, emergency medical specialist, emergency medical technician, fire
manager, business manager, computer programmer, engineer, environmental planner, investment
technician, film producer, floral designer, fund raiser, fighter, fitness instructor, insurance fraud
computer specialist, credit investigator, curriculum analyst, judge, labor relations coordinator,
human resources specialist, musician, nurse, investigator, intelligence agent, land developer,
designer, dentist, economist, engineer, environmental mathematician, media planner, network
occupational therapist, photographer, public logistic and supply manager, marketing manager, specialist, physician, politician, program designer,
planner, financial planner, judge, mathematician, news
relations specialist, retail salesperson, social worker, pilot, police officer, real estate agent, retail psychiatrist, school administrator, scientist,
analyst, physician, psychologist, research &
special events coordinator, teacher, travel agent. salesperson developmental, sales manager, scientist, stockbroker, software developer
systems analyst
*Highly energetic and driven *Upbeat, friendly, and carefree *Enthusiastic and independent ANALYST/IDEALIST
*Excellent trouble shooters *Loyal and committed to their values *Innovative and creative in finding new ways to do things *Quiet, reserved, and introspective
*Like to see immediate results of actions *Focused on the present moment or task *Skilled at solving theoretical problems *Self-reliant and independent in the workplace
*Often have excellent technical or mechanical skills *Often have an interest in creative enterprises *Like variety and change in the workplace *Precise and efficient in their work
*Prefer work where they solve problems *Prefer work that requires attention to detail and *Prefer work that acknowledges and encourages *Have an unusual ability to focus on and solve
benefits of others competency, creatively, and innovation problems in areas of interest
Occupations of Interest: Artist, computer analyst, *Prefer work that allows them to create a plan
Occupations of Interest: Airline mechanic, athlete, Occupations of Interests: Artist, audio-visual
computer network specialist, engineer, entrepreneur, and then delegate the implementation to others
automobile technician, carpenter, computer production specialist, botanist, carpenter, chief,
financial planner, graphic designer, industrial designer, Occupations of Interest: Archeologist, architect,
programmer, correctional worker, construction child welfare worker, dietitian, fashion designer,
inventor, investment banker, journalist, literary agent, artist, computer programmer, economist,
worker, dancer, electrician, emergency medical forester, geologist, graphic designer, illustrator, engineer, forensic scientist, historian, investment
interior designer, jewelry maker, mechanic, painter, market researcher, marketing manager, medical
technician, engineer, fire fighter, fitness instructor, banker, legal mediator, mathematician, medical
researcher, mortgage broker, political analyst, politician,
journals, marine biologist, pharmaceutical sales, physical therapist, retail salesperson, set decorator, researcher, pharmacist, philosopher, physicist,
PR specialist, real estate developer, social scientist.
pilot, police officer, securities analyst, software social worker, stage director, teacher, writer psychiatrist, scientist, software developer,
developer, sportscaster, survey, tour guide strategic planner, systems analyst.
Realists want to be valuable, contributing members of a group and will often take on additional assign- Idealists enjoy work that allows them to use their creativity, individuality, and helpful nature
ments. They have a strong work ethic and bring tremendous stability to any organization. They prefer to benefit others. They prefer friendly, conflict-free work environments where personal
to be evaluated on a specific set of job responsibilities. Realists are very respectful of authority, rules, growth and development are encouraged. They put a great deal of energy into projects and
roles, and policies. are easily disappointed when those projects don’t turn out as expected. Skilled communi-
Preferred Learning Style cators, idealists often play the role of peacemaker in groups and make excellent team players.
*Like to have step-by-step instructions to follow Preferred Learning Style
*Often engage in repetition and review *Like to learn in groups
*Prefer to learn by looking at concrete examples of how something is done *Enjoy listening to others and sharing ideas, but seek to find personal meaning in what is
being taught
REALIST REALIST/ANALYST *Learn easily when cooperating with others to accomplish a task or solve a problem
*Prefer to be in control *Very dependable and objective IDEALIST IDEALIST/ANALYST
Excellent decision makers and supervisors *Precise, punctual, and organized *Gentle, calm, and nurturing *Prefer to work “behind the scenes”
*Able to organize projects and resources *Concerned with following the rules and doing *Committed to their beliefs *Caring and sensitive, they prefer work that
efficiently what’s right *Interested in pursuing their inner values involves helping others
*Work well in structured environments *Decide logically what should be done and work *Often lean toward imaginative or artistic *Excellent interpersonal communicators
*Prefer work with clear guidelines steadily toward it regardless of distractions enterprises *Deeply committed to their work and their beliefs
*Prefer work tasks with tangible, measurable results *Prefer work that allows them to express *Prefer work that allows them to create a product
Occupations of Interest: Accountant, auditor, their originality or provide a service they believe in and are proud
bank officer, business administrator, construction Occupations of Interest: Accountant, actuary, of
worker, credit analyst, dentist, editor, electrician, attorney, auditor, bank officer, chief information Occupations of Interest: Actor, architect,
engineer, factory supervisor, funeral director, officer, corrections officer, detective, economist, artist, counsellor, editor, fashion designer, Occupations of Interest: Art therapist, artist,
general manager, government employee, educational administrator, engineer, estate planner, graphic designer, holistic health practitioner, chiropractor, editor, educational coordinator,
insurance agent, librarian, mechanic, network insurance agent, judge, lab technician, librarian, human resource specialist, interpreter, fashion designer, interior designer, job analyst,
system administrator, paralegal, police officer, medical technician, optometrist, paralegal, journalist, librarian, massage therapist, librarian, mediator, mental health counsellor,
real estate agent, teacher pharmacist, physician, police officer, supply musician, occupational therapist, philosopher, physician, playwright, program
manager, tax examiner, technical writer psychologist, religious worker, researcher, designer, psychiatrist, religious worker, researcher,
social scientist, social worker, speech school psychologist, social scientist, social worker,
pathologist, teacher, therapist, writer speech pathologist, substance abuse counsellor,
REALIST/OPTIMIST REALIST/IDEALIST teacher, technical writer, translator, writer
*Sociable and highly attuned to the needs of *Loyal and committed to their work and the people IDEALIST/OPTIMIST IDEALIST/REALIST
others they serve *Spontaneous, outgoing and enthusiastic *Nurturing and supportive
*Always follow through on tasks and assignments *Like to be of service to others *Introspective and imaginative *Often selfless and altruistic
*Like to be appreciated for who they are and *Practical, thorough, and persistent *Assertive, charismatic, and passionate— *Good at persuading and motivating others
what they accomplish *Thrive in orderly and cooperative environments capable of convincing others to support a *Interested in helping others reach their full
*Prefer work environments where there is clear *Prefer to work behind the scenes or one-on-one cause potential
chain of command *Tend to avoid detailed, repetitive tasks *Prefer work environments where coworkers
Occupations of Interest: Administrative assistant, *Prefer diversity and freedom in the support each other
Occupations of Interest: Administrative assistant, archivist, banker, correctional worker, counsellor, workplace
athletic coach, bookkeeper, caterer, child care curator, dental hygienist, dietician, editor, Occupations of Interest: Administrative assistant,
provider, counsellor, dental assistant, flight educational administrator, electrician, health care Occupations of Interest: Actor, advertising banker, career counsellor, college professor,
attendant, home health aide, human resources administrator, human resources manager, interior agent, art director, child welfare counsellor, educational administrator, employee assistance
trainer, interior decorator, medical assistant, designer, librarian, medical technician, nurse, office communications specialist, corporate counsellor, librarian, non-profit director, nurse,
nurse, nutritionist, office manager, optometrist, manager, personnel administrator, physical trainer, counsellor, event planner, graphic occupational therapist, organizational
physical therapist, real estate agent, recreational therapist, probation officer, psychologist, designer, human resource specialist, interior development consultant, politician, psychologist,
therapist, retail salesperson, social worker, radiological technician, secretary, social worker, decorator, journalist, marketing manager, public relations specialist, recreational therapist,
speech pathologist, teacher, telemarketer teacher, veterinarian media specialist, motivational speaker, recruiter, sales representative, social worker,
psychologist, public relations worker, retail teacher, travel agent
salesperson, social worker, teacher, writer