VOC Navidad
VOC Navidad
VOC Navidad
el Día de Reyes 6th January (the day when presents are tra-
ditionally given in Spanish-speaking coun-
el Día de los Santos Inocentes 28th December (similar to April Fool's Day)
los Reyes Magos the Three Kings, the Three Wise Men
tomar las uvas To see the New Year in. (in Spain a grape is
eaten for each stroke of the clock at 12pm on
December 31st. Each grape is supposed to
represent one month of the new year)
¡Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo! Merry Christmas and a Prosperous / Happy
New Year!
¿Qué te regalaron para Navidad? What did you get for Christmas?
Los preparativos de la Navidad empiezan en no- The buildup to Christmas starts in November
Una rosca de Reyes/ un roscón de Reyes a large, round bun baked for 6th January
with candied fruits and things hidden (coins,
etc.) inside
The principle difference between a Spanish Christmas and the Anglo Saxon version is the importance of
the 6th January. In Spain this is when presents are given and the three "magic" kings give the presents
not Father Christmas (Santa Claus). In recent years many families have started to give their children their
presents on Chistmas Eve because children have to go to school on the 7th and they don't have time to
play with their presents. Most families have a "belén" (nativity scene) on display in their house. Christ-
mas is less commercial in Spain and the buildup does not start until much later.