Christmas tableKJ KJN
Christmas tableKJ KJN
Christmas tableKJ KJN
Prawns and oysters Six white boomers song about Santa Sing along carols b candlelight and boomerangs
Pavloa and trifle Blinky bill, a book character Play a game of cricket Elaborate christmas displays
Christmas pudding Beach day Outdoor movie nights
Carp with sachertorte The krampus-Parades and Krippenmarkt- Christmas market 24th holy evening and 25th christmas
Goose Krampuskarten New year’s concert day when they sing the silent night
Glühwein- hot wine Saint nicholas Going to see krampus and the Decorating the three the 24th
Sinck tuck of inuit
The belsnickling
The fete des quois
Deep fried food Santa Claus- Julemanden Festive decorations Candles are given away
Gingerbread cookies Julenisse- small elves who play pranks Visiting family and friends Habit of bread
Karácsony Télapo socks filled with presents 6th december- St nicholas day
Halászlé Krampusz Midnight mass 25th december- Christmas day
Beigli Angels and the christ child Familly gathering to have meals Boldog Karacsony- Merry Christmas in
Rakfisk Yule goat Candelit processions, people go Christmas markets with food and
Christmas gnome around the town with candles figures
Julebukk- sing christmas carols Church service
Winter sports
Musevisa song