Civil Engg MSCM Program Information

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CalPolyPomona College of Engineering

What can we help you find?


MSCE Program

Our practice-oriented Master of Science in Civil

Engineering (MSCE) program build upon an

undergraduate education and facilitates more

advanced study in one of the branches of civil

engineering. The program consists of 30 sernester

units of COursework (equivalent to 45 quarter units)

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Mission Statement
The MsCE program is intended to serve both full

time and part-time graduate students who have a

BSCE or closely related undergraduate degree that

Currently are, or intend to become, practicing civil

engineers. Therefore, our program aims to

strengthen knowledge of civil engineering prinociples

and practices and to apply the knowledge and skills

to real-world problems encountered by professional

Civil engineers.

Another purpose of the program is to facilitate

applied research on relevant Civil engineering

topics. Such research should 1) serve societal

needs by addresSing contemporary issues, 2)

Contribute to the professional development of both

students and faculty and 3) provide preparation for

further academic study and research for those

students who wish to pursue a Ph.D.

We excel at delivering an inclusive, practice-

oriented, world-class Civil Engineering education

that changes peoples lives.

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We excel at delivering an inclusive, practice-

oriented, world-class Civil Engineering education

that changes people's lives.

Student Learning
The Civil Engineering Department adopted and

adapted from ABET the following student learning

outcomes. Upon completing their degree graduates

of any of the MSCE program options should be

able to develop:

1. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve

complex engineering problems by applying

advanced principles of engineering, science,

and mathematics.

2. an ability to develop and conduct

appropriate experimentation, analyze, and

interpret data, and use engineering

judgment to draw conclusions.

3. an ability to acquire and apply new

knowledge as needed, using appropriate

learning strategies.
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4. an ability to apply engineering design to

produce solutions that meet specified

needs with consideration of public health,

safety, and welfare, as well as global,

cultural, social, environmental, and

economic factors.

5. an ability to communicate effectively with a

range of audiences.

6. an ability to recognize ethical and

professional responsibilities in engineering

situations and make informed judgments,

which must consider the impact of

engineering solutions in global, economic,

environmental, and societal contexts.

All the courses offered in the MSCE program

options are divided into two groups. Group A

includes a list of courses from all options mapped

to learning outcomes 1 through 3 that are related

to theory analysis. Group B consists of a list of

COurses from all five options mapped to learning

outcomes 4 through 6 related to design and

engineering applications.

The MSCE program complies with the CSU

Executive order 10/1 by requiring all graduate

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The MSCE program complies with the CSU

Executive order 1071 by requiring all graduate

students to enroll in courses mapped to learning

Outcomes 1 through 3, which constitutes more

than 50 percent of the program credit hours (16

credit hOurs out of the thirty credit hours) required

to complete a degree in MSCE. Students select the

remaining units to satisty the degree requirement

from the list of approved elective courses.

MSCE Options
Detailed curriculum requirements for each of the

MSCE prOgram options may be seen by clicking on

these links below:

Construction Engineering and Management

Environmental and Water Resources

.Geotechnical Engineering
.Structural Engineering
.Transportation Engineering

Required Time toO

Complete Degree
Students who begin the MSCE program in Fall

semester can complete their degree in two years.

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Required Time to
Complete Degree
Students who begin the MSCE program in Fall

semester can complete their degree in two years.

Students who begin in Spring semester may take

longer to complete their degree.

Program Admission
The MSCE program is intended for students who

already have a BS degree in civil engineering.

Successful applicants will be admitted to the

programs either unconditionally or with conditions

imposed on them. To receive unconditional

admission, an applicant must satisty all three of t

below criteria

The applicant must hold a baccalaureate

degree from a civil engineering program

accredited by ABET.

.The applicant must have achieved a grade

point average of at least 3.00 (out of 4.00)

in all undergraduate upper division

coursework in mathematics, science and

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engineering and, additionally, in all

coursework attempted with graduate

Additional requirements may be imposed by

individual options of the MSCE program.

Conditional admission may be granted in cases in

which the applicant's academic preparation for

graduate study is such that criteria 1) and/or 2)

above are not satisfied. In such cases, the applicant

is required to submit recent test sCores of the

Graduate Record Examinatiorns (GRE), Ietters of

recommendation, and other documents attesting

to the applicant's aptitude for graduate studies.

When an applicant is admitted conditionally, the

Conditions to be met and the time allowed for

meeting them are stated in the letter of admission.

If these Conditions are not satisfied, the student

may be disenrolled

All appliocants with a bachelor's degree from outside

of the U.S. (regardless of citizenship) must also

provide proof of English language proficiency

TOEFL:a minimum of 80 (lnternet-based exam)

IELTS: a minimum of 6.5

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In addition, all international applicants are required

to submit recent GRE test scores.

How to Apply
Applications are accepted online at the CSU

Apply web site. Use major code 09081 and be sure

to indicate the desired degree option in the

application. New students are accepted every


Applicants with an undergraduate GPA of less tharn

3.0 must also subrmit GRE scores

The application deadline for Fall semesters

admission is April 1st

Forms and Policies

MSCE Culminating Experience Policy

Comprehensive Exam Application Form

Guidelines and Policies for Master's

Projects and Theses (and request for

Graduate Academic Petition
.GraduateStudies Forms

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