Programme Syllabus: Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering Civilingenjörsutbildning I Elektroteknik

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Programme syllabus

Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering

Civilingenjörsutbildning i elektroteknik
300.0 credits
Valid for students admitted to the education from autumn 17 (HT - Autumn term; VT - Spring term).

This is a translation of the Swedish, legally binding, programme syllabus.

Programme objectives
The goal of the Master of Science of Engineering Degree is to create and develop the engineering
competency that is needed in order to effectively and efficiently exploit technology in the service of both
the individual as well as society in general. A Master of Science in Engineering Degree is awarded after
the educational programme has been completed. Programmes must be designed so that students, upon
receiving the degree, have fulfilled the national requirements for the degree and completed courses
totalling 300 credits. For a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering, a student must fulfill the goals that
are specified in the Swedish Higher Education degree ordinance for a Master of Science degree in
engineering (civilingenjör).

The programme’s aim

Studies in Electrical Engineering are comprised of basic mathematics, natural science and their technical
applications. The study programme offers a broad knowledge base which can be applied in widely
varying fields.

Knowledge and understanding

An engineer graduating from the Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering must

1. have knowledge of the scientific foundation of electrical engineering and proven experience.

2. be able to apply a creative and critical work approach in order to, within a given framework, formulate
and solve problems with adequate methods and tools.

3. be able to analyze electrical engineering problems through a systems perspective, with a holistic
viewpoint of technical systems and their lifecycles; from the idea and needs to specifications,
development, manufacturing, operation and decommissioning processes.

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4. exhibit the insight that problem-solving takes its point of departure in needs and functionality, with
consideration to business conditions, environment and society.

Skills and abilities

An engineer graduating from the Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering must

5. have the ability to independently apply mathematics and science within the discipline of electrical

6. have mastered and be able to independently apply significant relationships within electrical engineering
as well as to be able to formulate, analyze and solve complex electrical engineering problems.

7. be able to analyse technical problems from a systems perspective from the idea/need through its
specification, development, manufacturing and operation.

8. exhibit ample ability in engineering-related contexts to be able to communicate verbally and in writing
with different target groups in Swedish and English, and to be able to discuss the conclusions as well as
knowledgeably support the basis for such conclusions.

9. exhibit the ability to co-operate, plan, lead and organize.

10. be able to follow and utilize developments in knowledge within electrical engineering and to be aware
of the primary features of current research and development in the field of technology

Ability to make judgements and adopt a standpoint

An engineer graduating from the Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering must

11. exhibit insight into the possibilities and limitations of technology, its role in society, and the
responsibility of mankind for how it is used nationally and internationally.

12. exhibit an understanding of and respect for the significance of how electrical engineering affects
people, society in general, and the environment with respect to limited natural resources.

13. exhibit an awareness of the ethical aspects of research and development work.

All information about the degree requirements for the Master of Science in Engineering degree, student
Bachelor’s Degree, and respective masters degrees can be found in KTHs local degree ordinance.

Extent and content of the programme

The Master of Science in Engineering programme in Electrical Engineering consists of 300 credits, which
at normal study speed corresponds to five years of full time study. The programme’s first three years are in
the first cycle and can be concluded with a technology Bachelor’s Degree, if the student applies to do
so. The last two years are concluded in the second cycle and can be concluded with a technology Master’s

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The first three years of the programme are taught in Swedish. The last 2 years are mainly thaugt in

Eligibility and selection

For selection methods, see KTH’s admission policy.

A proportion of students admitted to the program will be admitted on the basis of results from a voluntary
Mathematics and Physics test.

Implementation of the education

Structure of the education
The study year for KTH's undergraduate education is divided into two semesters, each with two study
periods (four study periods in total over the year). Each study period is followed by an exam period . For
detailed information about the academic year please see the KTH student web

The program in Electrical Engineering during the first three years consists mainly of compulsory courses
in mathematics, electrical systems and physics. The fourth year, the student chooses from several available
specialisations in conjunction with a Master’s program. By following one of these programs, the student
will be eligible for both a degree in Electrical Engineering and also a Master’s degree in the chosen
specialty. The study programme is designed so that after 3 years, it is possible to accquire a Bachelor
degree in order to, if desired, continue studies in another program at KTH (other than the suggested
specializations) at another University in Sweden, abroad, or else to pursue a career.

Students in the Electrical engineering program have a guaranteed place in the following KTH´s master´s


•Electric Power Engineering

•Embedded Systems

•Medical Engineering

•Nano Technology

•Systems, Control and Robotics

•Engineering Physics

•Information and Network Engineering

•Machine Learning

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Students can also apply for International Programs, but admission is not guaranteed. These programs are:

•Energy Innovation: Track SENS

•ICT Innovation: Track Visual Computing and Communication, Track Embedded Systems

All these master’s programme will lead to a degree in Electrical Engineering.

The programme is course-based. Lists of courses are included in appendix 1.

The programme is composed of compulsory, conditionally elective and elective courses. The compulsory,
conditionally elective and recommended elective courses are defined for every study year and
specialization in the teaching and time schedule. The goals, prerequisites, contents and examination
requirements for each course can be found in the Course and Program Directory on the KTH student web.

Grading system
Courses in the first and the second cycle are graded on a scale from A to F. A-E are passing grades, A is
the highest grade. The grades pass (P) and fail (F) are used for courses under certain circumstances.

The grades pass (P) and fail (F) are also used for the degree project.

Since the grading systems differ between different countries, the grades from studies abroad will not be
transferred to the KTH grading system.

Conditions for participation in the programme

Registration for the term

All students accepted to a programme must register for each term they intend to actively pursue studies.
All students enters the registration for the term via their Personal Menu at for every term. The
registration is possible during a limited time period. This registration is necessary for reporting of results
and required so that student’s stipend (studiemedel) can be disbursed by CSN.

Course Selection

The student selects courses for the first time during their third semester. The selection of courses for the
coming term must then be done:

May 1-15th for the fall term

November 1-15th for the spring term

Course registration

Each student must before every study period register for all courses they are admitted. The course
registration is either done via the Personal Menu at or according to instructions from the

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course coordinator or the department giving the course. If the student decides not to take a course, then the
student should notify the course administrator.

Conditions for being promoted to the next level

For studies in study year 2:

At least 45 credits from study year 1 must be completed by August before beginning study year 2.

For studies in study year 3:

At least 90 credits from years 1-2 must be completed by August before beginnig study year 3 (of which at
least 50 credits from year 1).

For studies in study year 4 (master’s progam):

Total 150 credits from year 1, year 2 and year 3 of which 110 in year 1 and 2 and a completed Bachelor's
degree project.

Recognition of previous academic studies

According to the Swedish Higher Education Ordinance, a student who has gone through certain first-cycle
study courses and study programmes with a passing result has the right to have such credit recognised for
a corresponding course of education at another institution of higher education. The Program Director for
the Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering will make the decisions concerning recognition of entire
courses. Awards of credits for parts of courses may be decided upon by an examiner.

The application for recognition should be submitted to the programme office using the form intended for
that purpose.

For further information on recognition of previous academic studies, see KTH Regulations.

Studies abroad
KTH has agreements with over 250 universities around the entire world, providing possible opportunities
to study abroad. Exchange studies involve a student exchanging part of their study time at KTH for study
time at another university abroad, with this normally being done during the third or fourth academic year.
The last day to apply occurs in the middle of January and the selections are based upon the results of
earlier studies at KTH.

More information on studies abroad can be found on the student web.

Degree project
The degree project consists of 30 credits. A major part of the programme studies, at least 240 credits, must
have been completed, with a maximum of two first cykle courses remaining uncompleted before the
degree project is commenced. The degree project should be performed individually and the subject must

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normally be an in-depth study within the area of technology for which the degree is being prepared. The
degree project is graded according to the P-F scale, using the three bases for assessment common to all
grading at KTH: the engineering and scientific content, the process, and the presentation.

The education program is structured in such a way that the student after three school years should have the
opportunity to apply for a technical bachelor to, if desired, to continue their studies in another program at
KTH (than the proposed master's programs) or another university in Sweden or abroad, or start a working

After the educational programme has been completed the student can apply for three degrees if the
qualification requirements are fulfilled:

1) Degree of Bachelor of Science

2) Master of Engineering – Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering

3) Masters degree of Science

The student applies for their degree via the Personal Menu at

KTH's local degree ordinance can be found in its entirety in KTH Regulations.

Appendix 1 - Course list

Appendix 2 - Programme syllabus descriptions

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Appendix 1: Course list
Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering (CELTE), Programme
syllabus for studies starting in autumn 2017
General courses
Year 1
Mandatory courses (64.5 Credits)

Course name Credits Edu. level
DD1316 Programming Techniques and C 6.0 hp First cycle
EH1010 Project Course in Electrical Engineering 7.5 hp First cycle
EH1110 Global Impact of Electrical Engineering 7.5 hp First cycle
EI1110 Electrical Circuit Analysis, Extended Course 9.0 hp First cycle
EP1200 Introduction to Computing Systems Engineering 6.0 hp First cycle
IE1205 Digital Design 6.0 hp First cycle
SF1624 Algebra and Geometry 7.5 hp First cycle
SF1625 Calculus in One Variable 7.5 hp First cycle
SF1626 Calculus in Several Variables 7.5 hp First cycle

Supplementary information

Information is based upon the curriculum for academic year 2016/2017. Changes may occur.

Year 2
Mandatory courses (54.0 Credits)

Course name Credits Edu. level
ED1110 Vector Analysis 4.5 hp First cycle
EH1110 Global Impact of Electrical Engineering 7.5 hp First cycle
EI1220 Electromagnetic Theory E 10.5 hp First cycle
EN1020 Project Course in Electrical Engineering, part II 6.0 hp First cycle

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EQ1110 Continuous Time Signals and Systems 6.0 hp First cycle
EQ1120 Discrete Time Signals and Systems 6.0 hp First cycle
Probability Theory and Statistics
SF1920 6.0 hp First cycle
replaces SF1901
SK1108 Classical physics, mechanics and waves 7.5 hp First cycle

Conditionally elective courses

Course name Credits Edu. level
DD1320 Applied Computer Science 6.0 hp First cycle
DD1388 Program System Construction Using C++ 7.5 hp First cycle
EI1222 Electromagnetic Theory, Continuation Course 6.0 hp First cycle
EP1100 Data Communications and Computer Networks 7.5 hp First cycle
IH1611 Semiconductor Devices 7.5 hp First cycle
Practical Gender Equality and Diversity Work in Scientific,
MH1023 6.0 hp First cycle
Technical and Industrial Environments
SF1546 Numerical Methods, Basic Course 6.0 hp First cycle
SF1662 Discrete Mathematics 7.5 hp First cycle
Complex Analysis
SF1691 7.5 hp First cycle
replaces SF1628
SF1861 Optimization 6.0 hp First cycle
SH1012 Modern Physics 8.0 hp First cycle
SK1119 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics 7.5 hp First cycle

Supplementary information

Based on the school year plan for 2016/2017 . Changes can be made for the coming academic year .

The program consists of compulsory courses , conditionally elective courses and elective courses.

When you apply for your bachelor's degree, you should have read 3 conditionally elective courses and one
elective course. There is room in the schedule to read two of the courses in the spring in the second year
and two in the spring of third year (to be a for full-time student and eligible for student aid, you need to be
registered on courses equivalent to 30 credits per semester).

Regarding scheduling conflicts: Only compulsory courses is guaranteed not to collide with other
compulsory courses.
Conditionally Elective courses are scheduled collision-free when possible. If you take a course which is
not listed as a compulsory course in your academic plan, you must yourself (when selecting courses) make
sure that it does not clash with other courses that you plan to read.

SF1628 The course is replaced with a new course in Complex Analysis 7.5 credits (SF1691), starting in
spring semester 2019.

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Year 3
Mandatory courses (52.5 Credits)

Course name Credits Edu. level
Degree Project in Electrical Engineering, First Cycle
EF112X 15.0 hp First cycle
Replaces EF111X
EH1110 Global Impact of Electrical Engineering 7.5 hp First cycle
EJ1200 Electric Power Systems 6.0 hp First cycle
EK1191 Measurement Technology 6.0 hp First cycle
EL1000 Automatic Control, General Course 6.0 hp First cycle
EQ1270 Stochastic Signals and Systems 6.0 hp First cycle
IE1207 Analog Electronics 6.0 hp First cycle

Conditionally elective courses

Course name Credits Edu. level
DD1320 Applied Computer Science 6.0 hp First cycle
DD1388 Program System Construction Using C++ 7.5 hp First cycle
EI1222 Electromagnetic Theory, Continuation Course 6.0 hp First cycle
EP1100 Data Communications and Computer Networks 7.5 hp First cycle
IH1611 Semiconductor Devices 7.5 hp First cycle
Practical Gender Equality and Diversity Work in Scientific,
MH1023 6.0 hp First cycle
Technical and Industrial Environments
SF1547 Numerical Methods, Basic Course 6.0 hp First cycle
SF1662 Discrete Mathematics 7.5 hp First cycle
Complex Analysis
SF1691 7.5 hp First cycle
replaces SF1628
SF1861 Optimization 6.0 hp First cycle
SH1012 Modern Physics 8.0 hp First cycle
SK1119 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics 7.5 hp First cycle

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Appendix 2: Specialisations
Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering (CELTE), Programme
syllabus for studies starting in autumn 2017
This programme has no specialisations.

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